Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on law enf & criminal justice and related issues. Law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Use Of Force, Excessive Force, Investigations, Deadly Force, Officer Involved Shootings, Police Misconduct, Civil Rights, Crowd Control, Internal Affairs, Law Enforcement, Police, Swat, Active Shooter, Community Policing, and De Escalation.

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Mickey Williams, Esq., J.D., MPA

Police Chief and Attorney-Police Practices Expert

M.L. Williams Consulting, LLC

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Training, Officer Involved Shooting, Canine , Internal Affairs, Police Discipline, Crisis Negotiations, Undercover , Evidence Handling, Pursuit Incidents, De-escalation, Incident Management, Homeless, Promotional/Hiring Processes, Investigations, Tactics, Policy, FTO, SWAT, Accident
Mickey Williams is a retired Police Chief with 29 years of municipal law enforcement experience. Mickey is a licensed California attorney who has extensive experience as a law enforcement trainer and college professor. Mickey offers expert witness services and consultation regarding case evaluation and strategy, incident evaluation, personnel issues, risk management concerns, and policing best practices. Mickey also conducts all types of investigations. Mickey's areas of expertise include the following: Use of Force Review/Policy/Best Practices, Officer Involved Shootings, K-9 Deployment/Management/Policy, Internal Affairs Investigations, Police Discipline, Hostage/Crisis Negotiations, Criminal Investigation Best Practices, Undercover Investigations, Evidence Handling Practices, Media Relations, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Field Training Officer/Program Management, and De-Escalation and Crisis Management. Mickey worked at all levels of municipal policing to include patrol, inv...

Dan Busken

Chief Dan Busken

Athens, Alabama
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force & Deadly Force, Law Enforcement & Civil Rights, Law Enforcement Policies & Procedures, Police Vehicle Emergency Response. Police Vehicle Pursuits, Police Use of Force and Arrest, Police Shootings, Police Internal Affairs, Police Misconduct, Case Evaluation, Expert Witness Testimony
Chief Dan Busken served as a municipal police officer for 35 years including 25 years as a chief of police. This service included responsibility for development of and compliance with progressive law enforcement policies and procedures. Chief Busken served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Police Chiefs Recognition Program. This program sets the standards for progressive and professional law enforcement practices throughout the State of Texas. While serving as a municipal police chief in three different States (Missouri, Alabama, Texas), Chief Busken directed research, development, and implementation of many police department policies including: Use of Force, De-Escalation and Alternatives, Taser, Pursuit, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Crime Prevention, Recruitment, Canine Operations, Narcotics Enforcement, Tactical, Emergency Response and Negotiations, Domestic and Family Violence, Jails, Housing of Prisoners, Arrest, Detention, Search and Seizure. Chief Busken has a MBA wi...

Darriell J Bone

Independent Workplace Solutions LLC

Queen Creek, Arizona
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Excessive Force, Civil Rights, Police, Misconduct, Consulting, Internal Affairs, Harassment, Policy, Constitutional Policing, Compliance
Darriell Bone is a retired 20-year law enforcement professional with extensive experience in internal investigations, having investigated or managed more than 3,000 internal investigations. He served as a commander for the Professional Standards Bureau at a large law enforcement agency, where he managed high-volume complex investigations and provided innovative guidance and supervision to internal investigators. After Mr. Bone’s retirement with law enforcement, Mr. Bone worked on the executive team as the External Force Investigation Team Lead Supervisor for DLG Consulting & Advisory Services, providing constitutional policing/police reform services to the Albuquerque Police Department. Mr. Bone has received various certifications and training in areas such as use of force, deadly force, OIS investigations, force encounters analysis, advanced interview and interrogation, internal affairs, general instruction, firearms instruction and detective certification. Mr. Bone's exper...

Jennifer Steel, Ph.D.

Interviewing/LE practice Expert-Agent/Psychologist

San Tan Valley, Arizona
Forensic Psychology, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - investigative interviewing, false confessions, memory, biases, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, police procedures, power dynamics, abuse, trauma, wrongful conviction
As a 24-year federal agent (still active) and licensed clinical psychologist, my areas of expertise include science-based investigative interviewing, coerced or false confessions, the dynamics of interpersonal crimes and police/investigative practices. As 1 of 7 worldwide forensic science consultants, having completed a fellowship in forensic medicine, I consulted on cases of child abuse, equivocal death, sexual and aggravated assault and arson. My combined experience as a special agent and licensed clinical psychologist provides a unique perspective and I am available to serve as an expert witness in cases involving potentially coerced or false confessions, sufficiency of the investigative interview, establishing consent (or lack thereof), understanding power dynamics in sexual assault and/or intimate partner violence investigations, memory, cognitive biases, and best practices for investigations. I have been teaching science-based investigative interviewing for the past 5 years ...

Karen R Laser

Laser Consulting, Inc.

Temecula, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Investigations, Security, Use of Force, Policy and Procedure, Internal Affairs, Administrative Complaint Process
Karen is recently retired from law enforcement, having been employed as a police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department and Oceanside Police Department for a total of 30 years, retiring as a Lieutenant with the Oceanside Police Department. Karen brings experience from a multifaceted career, having been assigned to or responsible for units such as K9, Crisis Negotiation Team, SWAT, Crisis Response Team, Homeless Outreach Team, Harbor Operations, Psychological Evaluation Response Team, Internal Affairs, Community Resource Team, and Investigations. Karen was a Detective Sergeant, supervising the Robbery-Homicide Unit, Crimes of Violence Unit, and Property Crimes Unit. She investigated hundreds of criminal cases ranging from low-level thefts to homicide. The City of Oceanside brings tourists from around the globe, offering a variety of destination activities. Karen planned and organized large-scale special events such as the City of Oceanside’s July 4th celebrations, music ...

Glenn A. Marin

GAM Consulting

Whittier, California
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Communications - 911 Center Ops, Computer Aided Dispatch, Public Safety Project Management, 911 Technologies, Mobile Radio Operations & Design
Glenn A. Marin, a semi-retired consultant in the field of public safety emergency service call processing and dispatching systems ranging from facilities to technical system to operations. He has over 50 years' experience in the application of automated systems to public safety organizations and their operational impacts with specific emphasis on computer, telephone and mobile radio communications systems. Collectively, these technologies support what is commonly known as the 9-1-1 emergency telephone system operated from facilities known as Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). This experience includes all the technologies associated with the design of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management (RMS), Jail Information Systems (JIS), Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) systems and two-way radio systems, both trunked and conventional. Mr. Marin has extensive experience with operational policies, procedures and practices of public safety dispatch centers with both personal superviso...

Daniel McLain

DHM Crash Consulting & Accident Reconstruction Services, LLC.

Norco, California
Accident Reconstruction, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Seat Belts, Airbags, Restraint Systems, Collision Analysis, Accident Causation, Crash Data Retrieval, Black Box, EDR, CDR Report Analysis, Tesla, Vehicle Inspection, Motorcycle, Pedestrian, Drone, Collision Reconstruction, Traffic Accident Reconstruction, Traffic Enforcement Strategy, Traffic Safety
A traffic collision reconstructionist accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Traffic Accident Reconstruction (ACTAR), a sUAV (drone) pilot licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration, and have completed the accident reconstruction certificate program by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). With over 27 years in law enforcement, I have extensive experience with on-scene collision investigations ranging from minor fender-benders to multi-fatal collisions. I have investigated and assisted in the prosecution of hit-and-run collisions, DUI collisions, insurance fraud, vehicular manslaughter, and vehicular murder cases. Recognized as a subject matter expert in both criminal and civil courts for my knowledge of accident reconstruction, accident investigation, and general traffic enforcement. I have over a thousand hours of training in accident reconstruction including but not limited to forensic mapping, pedestrian collisions, motorcycle collisions, emergency vehicle c...

Dr. Travis Norton

Norton Police Consulting

Sacramento, California
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Officer Involved Shootings, Tactical Operations, Crowd Control, Crowd Management, In-Custody Death, Excessive Use of Force, SWAT, Patrol Operations, Chemical Agents, Less Lethal, and Active Shooter
Travis Norton is a retired 25-year law enforcement professional. He is an accomplished police lieutenant and SWAT Commander and has trained officers in police practices nationwide. Travis was the training division and professional standards unit lieutenant for a mid-size police agency and was responsible for the academy, field training program, officer misconduct investigations, and use of force reviews and investigations. Travis has been an instructor for over 15 years in de-escalation, less-lethal weapons, tactical science, active shooter response, SWAT, critical incident response, chemical agents, and crowd management. He currently instructs for the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and the California Association of Tactical Officers (CATO). Since 2020, he has been a guest lecturer in police practices and use of force at the University of Southern California (USC). Travis also serves as a fellow at the National Policing Institute (NPI) and the Future Policing Institut...

Dr. Chuck J. Rylant

Arroyo Grande, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - use of force, police use of force, law enforcement use of force, self defense, arrest and control, police excessive force, excessive force, defensive tactics, martial arts, strangulation, choke hold, jiu jitsu, fight or flight, stress response, officer involved shooting, police shooting, OIS, taser
Dr. Chuck J. Rylant has 25 years of industry experience and is a Federal and State Court qualified expert witness in use-of-force, de-escalation, self-defense, strangulation, memory, fight or flight, decision making, and other human performance factors. He has a Doctor of Clinical Psychology–dissertation: Decisions Under Pressure: Psychological and Physiological Aspects of Police Use of Force. Dr. Rylant is a retired police officer/detective, S.W.A.T. member, and P.O.S.T. certified department firearms, baton, chemical agents, use of force, and arrest and control (ARCON) trainer. Dr. Rylant was an instructor at a California police academy for 15 years where he taught arrest and control (ARCON), use-of-force, and de-escalation, and he is also a Certified Force Science Analyst and Advanced Force Science Specialist. Dr. Rylant is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt instructor for law enforcement and civilians, as well as author of Shots Fired: The Psychology Behind Officer Involved ...

Tony Turnbull

Police & Investigative Practices Expert-Nationwide

Turnbull Consulting

Cameron Park, California
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Civil Rights, Interrogations, Police Practices, Search & Seizure, Laws of Arrest, Wrongful Conviction, Wrongful Arrest, Officer Involved Shootings, Homicide, Crime Scenes, In-Custody Deaths, Criminal Investigations, Jails & Prisons, Admin Investigations, Cell Phone Analysis, RICO, Violent Crimes
I am a retired Sergeant with the Sacramento County Sheriff's Office. I have over 30 years of law enforcement experience. I am a Police Practices Expert with a wide range of expertise, including but not limited to, Major Crime Scene Management, Homicide Investigations, Criminal Investigative Practices, Cellular Phone Forensic Analysis, Officer Involved Shooting Investigations, In-Custody Deaths, Interview & Interrogation Techniques (both Reid and Science Based), and other in-depth investigations, including Conspiracy, Robbery, Missing Persons, Kidnapping, Murder for Hire, Gang Related Crimes, and Narcotics. I provide consulting and expert witness services specializing in extensive and in-depth case reviews, analysis, and independent and objective opinion development for thorough Rule 26 reports and testimony. I am an instructor with California POST Robert Presley's Institute of Criminal Investigations including Investigators Core, Homicide Investigations, Officer Involved Shooting ...

Mickey Williams, Esq., J.D., MPA

Police Chief and Attorney-Police Practices Expert

M.L. Williams Consulting, LLC

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Training, Officer Involved Shooting, Canine , Internal Affairs, Police Discipline, Crisis Negotiations, Undercover , Evidence Handling, Pursuit Incidents, De-escalation, Incident Management, Homeless, Promotional/Hiring Processes, Investigations, Tactics, Policy, FTO, SWAT, Accident
Mickey Williams is a retired Police Chief with 29 years of municipal law enforcement experience. Mickey is a licensed California attorney who has extensive experience as a law enforcement trainer and college professor. Mickey offers expert witness services and consultation regarding case evaluation and strategy, incident evaluation, personnel issues, risk management concerns, and policing best practices. Mickey also conducts all types of investigations. Mickey's areas of expertise include the following: Use of Force Review/Policy/Best Practices, Officer Involved Shootings, K-9 Deployment/Management/Policy, Internal Affairs Investigations, Police Discipline, Hostage/Crisis Negotiations, Criminal Investigation Best Practices, Undercover Investigations, Evidence Handling Practices, Media Relations, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Field Training Officer/Program Management, and De-Escalation and Crisis Management. Mickey worked at all levels of municipal policing to include patrol, inv...

Alan C. Youngs, Esq.

Police Practice Expert,Lawyer, Retired Chief

The Youngs Group

Denver, Colorado
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Law Enforcement & Criminal Justice, Police Practice & Procedure, Legal, Use of Force, Police Training, Police Academies, Crisis Intervention, Field Training Program, Police Use of Firearms, Baton, Taser Discipline, Internal Affairs, Jail Operations, Gangs
Chief Alan C. Youngs retired after 33 years with the Lakewood Colorado Police Department, a suburb of Denver. He held command positions within every division of the department. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, 166th Session. He is currently a technical compliance adviser to the Department of Justice consent decree in Puerto Rico. Chief Youngs is a practicing attorney, and is a law enforcement expert witness in police policies, procedures and police academies. Mr. Youngs is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Investigative Operations Committee and the IACP Professional Standards Committee. He is a certified instructor for the recognition of Excited Delirium and Agitated Chaotic episodes, by the Institute for the Prevention of In-Custody Deaths, Inc. He is also certified in Fraud Prevention. He is an Americans for Effective Law Enforcement (AELE) certified Litigation Specialist and a member of the Board of Directors for AELE.

John A Campanella, SHRM-SCP

Campanella Consulting Group, Inc.

Newark, Delaware
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Police policy, police procedure, police standards, police practices, policy compliance, police misconduct, police, investigations, human resources, neglect of duty, fail to train, negligent retention, negligent hiring, law enforcement, private sector workplace investigation, workplace investigations
I worked in Law Enforcement for over 32-years retiring from the Delaware State Police in September 2017 at the rank of Captain, serving the last four years as the Director of Human Resources. My law enforcement experience includes increasingly responsible roles and achievement in the areas of: Policy/Procedure Development; Human Resource Management; Compliance Monitoring; Internal and External Investigations; & Training/Development. I served as the Accreditation Manager for the Delaware State Police responsible for two meritorious re-accreditation awards with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and supervised a third meritorious re-accreditation as a commander. I have been a part-time assessor for the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) since September 2014 where I travel the country evaluating the policies and procedures of law enforcement agencies to be sure they meet the best practice standards set forth by CALEA. ...

Timothy M. Dixon, J.D., M.P.S.

Washington, District Of Columbia
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police, Policing, Civil Rights, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Constitutional Law, Police Misconduct, Search, Seizure, Arrest, False Arrest, Deadly Force, Wrongful Death, Law Enforcement, Policing Policy and Training
More than 30 years of legal and law enforcement experience combined (22 years practicing law and 8.5 years as a sworn police officer and 4 years as a law enforcement trainer/instructor) Supervisor Legal Education Unit-Baltimore Police Department-2021-Present Policing Practices Consultant 2023-Present Legal Education Instructor-Baltimore Police Department-2020-2021 Criminal Defense/Police Disciplinary Hearings Representing Officers/Police Misconduct Representing Officers/Civil Rights Attorney Representing Plaintiffs-2001-2019 Former Assistant State's Attorney-2001-2003-Prosecuted persons charged with misdemeanor and felony violations of State and local criminal statute. Baltimore Police Department 1993-2001-Former Police Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant in Baltimore Police Department and Associate Legal Counsel Member of the District of Columbia Bar-2004 Member of the Maryland Bar-2001 Adjunct Faculty, Criminal Justice Department 2000-2003


Chief of Police (Ret.)

Miami Police (Retired)

Miami, Florida
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Security - Police Practices & Procedures, use of force, vehicular pursuits, vulnerabilities, business security, personal security, residential security
Richard Blom is law enforcement professional with over 39 years of experience. His last position was as the Chief of Police of the City of Doral, Florida. The policing philosophy and operational strategies that he introduced coupled with the partnerships that he created with the community and media contributed to a significant reduction in crime every single month during his tenure as chief. During his tenure as chief the department received several prestigious awards and recognitions for community policing practices. Prior to his appointment as chief, he was the Assistant Chief of the Miami Police Department where he started his career in 1975. During his career with the Miami Police Department, he held command level positions in all three of the department’s divisions. In addition, he has held a number of high-profile assignments such as Commander of the Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Bomb Squad Commander, as well as the Commander of the Crime Prevention an...

John D. Dale

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Criminal Investigations, Police Misconduct, Internal Affairs, Employee Investigations, Civil Rights Violations, Excessive Force, Police Tactics, Officer Involved Shootings, Mass Shootings, School Security, Vehicle Pursuits, Police Policy, Arrests, Police Training
A subject matter expert conducting external police use of force reviews as part of a court approved settlement agreement (CASA) between the Department of Justice and the Albuquerque Police Department. These reviews include police uses of force connected to officer involved shootings, tactical activations, less-lethal munitions, Conductive Energy Weapons, chemical munitions/agents, impact weapons and physical control. A law enforcement professional since 1989 with experience as an Assistant Chief of Police (Boynton Beach Police Department), a Colonel (Broward Sheriff's Office), and a Captain, Sergeant, Detective, Officer (Fort Lauderdale Police Department). Experienced in the areas of Investigations (Criminal, Strategic, Internal Affairs), Professional Standards (Public Corruption, Training, Policy/Accreditation, Human Resources). Former Law Enforcement Training Center Director for the Broward Sheriff's Office. Experienced in the areas of police training, SWAT, criminal investi...

Andrew J Scott, D.C.J.


Boca Raton, Florida
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Security - Excessive Force, Civil Rights, 1983 Violations, Police Pursuits, Negligent Hiring, Negligent Retention, Premises Liability, Private Security, Deadly Force, Police Practics, Wrongful Convictions, Security Assessments, Police Training, Crime Scene, Homicide Investigations, Human Resources
Dr. Andrew Scott brings to his clients over 30 years of law enforcement experience as well as 16 years of expert witness experience which began after he retired from law enforcement in 2006. Mr. Scott’s law enforcement career began in 1976 as an Auxiliary Police Officer and, over the years, progressively advanced to the position of Chief of Police. Please review Mr. Scott’s Curriculum Vitae for information about his stellar career and bona fide credentials. Dr. Andrew Scott consults frequently with attorneys, municipalities, county governments, and the United States Attorney’s Office on legal disputes involving police practices, policies, and procedures. Much of Mr. Scott’s experience has dealt with 1983 civil rights claims filed in federal courts. Mr. Scott has been qualified as an expert in both state and federal courts on police practices and procedures throughout the country. Dr. Scott will provide an honest and supportable opinion for those cases he accepts. Mr. Scott will no...

R.W. "Rick" Simpson


Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Investigation - Case Review, Corruption, FCPA, Crypto currency, Elder Abuse, Money Laundering, Violent Crime, CPA, Ponzi Scheme, Health Care Fraud, Financial Crime, Anti-Trust, Securities Fraud, Bank Fraud, Criminal Defense, Organized Crime, White Collar Crime, Asset Tracing, Whistelblower, Litigation Support
R.W. “Rick” Simpson is a retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent who spent the final three years of his career leading the Miami International Corruption Squad which investigated FCPA, Kleptocracy, and Anti-Trust matters reaching to the highest levels of country and corporate governance. In this role, Mr. Simpson developed excellent working relationships with top prosecutors and law enforcement officials in multiple countries and gained substantial experience navigating the complexities of multi-jurisdictional investigations. His 26-year FBI career included significant time serving in Los Angeles, FBI Headquarters, Washington DC, and Miami. He joined the FBI with a CPA background, having worked as a Controller for a group of structured finance corporations. Throughout his FBI career, Mr. Simpson made extensive use of sophisticated investigative techniques while conducting numerous high profile organized crime, financial crime, and money laundering investigations. He has testified as ...


Triad Psych, pc

Atlanta, Georgia
Mental Health, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Autism, Disability, Police, Workplace Violence, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Special Education, Police Practices Expert-Former DEA Clinician, Police Practices Expert-Former Faculty Police Academy, Police Practices Expert-Current On Call Clinician FBI, Disability Services & Evaluation
Triad Psych is an independent group clinical, counseling and consulting practice since 2003. Feedback about our work emphasizes the ability to take complex abstractions and break it down into simpler, concrete, jargon free and understandable terms enabling juries and judges to fully grasp the concept at hand and make a clear decision. Triad's unique approach to complexity enables it's clients to be able to impose a context on and over almost any situation, provide guidance and be able to make tangible progress; the Triad system makes the invisible visible, clearing a viable and concrete path forward to achieve goals. Dave Glick and Elizabeth Snelgrove-Arauz, have been providing litigation and expert support since 1999. Dave has specializations in mental health, police psychology, special education, disability services(ADA & Section 504). Both have expertise in Autism Spectrum Disorders and all areas of neurodiversity. Elizabeth has specialization in the intersectionality of Neurodi...

James (Jim) McMahon, CPP, CISSP, Director Certified

Board certified in Physical & Info Sys Security

McMahon & Associates

Eagle, Idaho
Security, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Intellectual Property protection, Physical /Personal/ Information/Network Security, Criminal Investigations, POLICE, CCTV, Computer Forensics, evidence collection, Standard of Care, Training, Fraud, Premises liability, Use of Force, premise security, truth
Multiple professional certifications. Accomplished professional with comprehensive international investigative skills, information security, and regulatory compliance background and success in achieving and exceeding organizational goals and objectives. Set goals, priorities, manage resources and develop safety plans. Accepted in state and federal courts as an expert witness. Wide spread work in risk management, premises liability, duty of care, production, manufacturing, customer safety, executive protection global travel, employee training, fraud investigations, pre-employment background, drug testing, innovative regulatory compliance and loss prevention activities within local, state and federal guidelines. Frequent corporate advisor. Significant international experience and operations. Successful multiple international projects. Research & evaluate industry trends, using findings to design & execute strategies. Excels at interacting with broad populations, including C-le...

Mark E Bridges

Use of Force Expert Witness


Virden , Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - use of force, duty to intervene, grounding/grounded, deescalation, deadly force, excessive force, striking, pressure points, firearms, handcuffing, takedowns
Mark Bridges is the Training Lieutenant at the Southern View Police Department and retired as a Lieutenant from the Springfield Police Department (Illinois) after 26 years of distinguished service. During his tenure, he held various leadership roles, including Commander of the Gang Enforcement Unit, Team Leader of the Emergency Response Team, and Commander of the Mobile Field Force Unit. He also served as Assistant Homeland Security Director, a member of the Illinois Incident Management Team, and Director of the Springfield Police Academy, among other key assignments. Mark’s instructional credentials are extensive. He holds certifications in firearms, defensive tactics, Perceived Unusual Behavior Events instruction, de-escalation, advanced hostage rescue, ground escape and control, edged weapons defense, and prone restraint. He also serves as a Staff Instructor for PPCT Management Systems. Mark’s academic achievements include graduating from the FBI National Academy, the Northweste...

Chief Chet Epperson (Ret.), M.B.A.

Police/Jail Practices Expert - Former Police Chief

AGR Police Practice Group, LLC

Rockford, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Police Shootings, Officer-Involved Shooting, Excessive Force, Wrongful Conviction, Risk Management, Police Complaint Investigation, Deadly Force, Internal Investigation, Police Policy Practices, Police Tactics, Arrest, Police Pursuits, Brady Issues, Mentoring, Author, Mental Health, T
Experienced 44-year police professional in areas of use of force, internal affairs, officer-involved shootings, supervision, wrongful convictions, practice, policy, discipline, mental health, auditing, staffing analysis, organizational assessments, investigations, and training. 34 years as an active law enforcement officer and ten of those years as chief of police of a 340 sworn/ non-sworn municipal police department. On-going experience for the past 9-years as a police practice consultant providing Federal Court-Appointed expertise in police Consent Decrees and a United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Police Consultant regarding police use of force. Expert in applying constitutional standards, state law, policy, practice, and training to police incidents. Retained in plaintiff and defense litigation incidents. Court approved expert in state and federal civil/ criminal trials. Court approved in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Louisiana, New Mexico, Illinois, Iowa, and...

Robert T Johnson, Lt. Colonel (R) - Ill State Police

Law Enforcemnt Policy & Practices Consultant

Palos Heights, Illinois
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Police Policy Practices, Police Pursuits, Excessive Force, Police Vehicle Pursuits, Police Internal Investigation, Deadly Force, Police Internal Affairs, Police Complaint Investigation, Police Vehicle Emergency Response, Police Shooting, Police Tactics, Police Use of Force and Arrest
Robert T. Johnson is a law enforcement veteran with thirty-two (32) years of active service. He is a retired Lieutenant Colonel from the Illinois State Police. He continues to serve as a private consultant and expert witness regarding law enforcement policies and practices as well as conducting sensitive internal investigations as an independent investigator for municipalities regarding allegations of police misconduct. He also serves as an Assessor (Team Leader) for the Commission for the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and has reviewed the operations of over thirty (30) law enforcement agencies nationwide seeking accreditation. He has also conducted Operational, Organization and/or Policy reviews for several agencies, most recently the Kane County Sheriff, the Armenian National Police (for the World Bank) and the Kankakee (IL) Police Department. Johnson began his career as a patrolman for the Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, DC. Two years later he join...

Leroy K. James, MS

L. K. James & Associates

Cheltenham, Maryland
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, School Safety - School Security, Clery Act Compliance, Campus Security Operations, Investigations, Emergency Management, Special Events Management, Policies and Procedures, Community Policing, Consortium Building, Patrol Operations, Local Law Enforcement Collaboration, Training & Education
Mr. James has served as a University Chief of Police, as well as an Executive Director for Campus Safety and Security at two (2) four-year higher education research institutions, and at a community college in the Washington DC and Baltimore metropolitan region. In those positions he served as the chief architect for the safety and security infrastructure for several different campuses and over 50,000 students. He also served as an adjunct professor in criminal justice at a community college. He serves as the founder of a campus security consulting firm that specializes in assisting university leaders comply with their federal responsibilities under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Mr. James has served as the Training and Education Coordinator for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators (HBCU-LEEA) organization whic...

Steven J Spring

Huntingtown, Maryland
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Investigation - Sexual Assaults in a Military Environment, Military Sexual Trauma, How the Military Handles Sexual Assaults, Criminal Investigations by Military Investigators
Retired Federal Agent who ended his 35-year law enforcement career supervising investigations of physical and sexual assaults of vulnerable citizens with the District of Columbia’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). Investigated high-profile sexual assault investigations including the 1991 U.S. Navy Tailhook scandal as a Special Agent with the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS), which led to a career of investigating sexual assaults and child pornography crimes. Experienced in testifying in federal and state trials. Unwanted sexual contact in the military is rising, according to a recent survey of military personnel. Steve is a Subject Matter Expert in how the military conducts sexual assault complaints, and what policies and procedures military investigators follow. More incidents and fewer reports of sexual abuse are the takeaways from DOD’s 2022 annual sexual assault prevention and response report. Military criminal investigations are complex in nature and involve ...

Frank A. Mancini, DCJ

Prezza Consulting LLC

Middleton, Massachusetts
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police accountability, police internal affairs, police misconduct, early intervention systems, police mediation, police use of force, police supervision, law enforcement administration/operations, community policing, law enforcement auditing, excessive force, police/public corruption, investigations
Law enforcement operational, administrative, and policy expertise, criminal justice doctoral academic degree, use of force, criminal justice university teaching experience, subject matter expert in areas of law enforcement operations, police accountability, application of discipline, internal affairs processes, police officer administrative and criminal investigations, organizational risk analysis, Early Intervention Systems, police/community mediation, law enforcement auditing and inspections, community outreach, and police oversight mechanisms, internal affairs. Expert witness in depositions, court testimony, administrative hearings, MA Civil Service Hearings, labor arbitration testimony. Doctoral Research Portfolio: Dissertation Title “Technology and Police Accountability: Body-Worn Cameras, Effects on Complaints and Use of Force”. Experienced in Public Sector Investigations; Workplace Misconduct, Law Enforcement Training and Consulting Police Superintendent, Chief (ret.), Prof...

Russell E Lockard, JD

Police Training and Procedure Expert


Gulfport, Mississippi
Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Training, False arrest, Best Practices Law Enforcement, False imprisonment, Use of force, Wrongful conviction, Driving, SWAT, Deadly force, Illegal search, Interview and interrogation, In custody death, Corrections, Security
Sgt. Russell Lockard has over thirty years of law enforcement experience and is a twenty-five-year veteran of the Franklin, Tennessee Police Department. He has been assigned as a Tennessee Certified Instructor in vehicle operations, use of force, firearms, defensive tactics and served as a General Departmental Instructor for the City of Franklin Police Department Sgt. Lockard has extensive expertise in the management of police training and documentation. Sgt Lockard has been called an expert in court as per rule 702FRE in police emergency vehicle operations. Sgt. Lockard has received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Management (Williamson College). Sgt. Lockard obtained his Juris Doctorate from Nashville School of Law in 2018. Sgt. Lockard continues his career in law enforcement in southern Mississippi.

Harold C Heitman

Expert Law Enforcement Witness with Experience

Heitman Justice Services LLC

Jefferson City , Missouri
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Scuba, Firearms, Evidence, Less Lethal, Self Defense, Photo Lineup, PADI, Interrogation, Investigations, Jail, Dive Team, Prisoners, Drug Investigations, Pepper Spray, Narcotics, Taser, K-9, Bean Bag, Canine
Sheriff Heitman has a robust 27-year career in law enforcement, during which he has cultivated a wealth of knowledge and expertise that positions him as an expert witness in criminal cases. He holds a degree in Criminal Justice and brings extensive experience across various law enforcement roles, including: Park Ranger Jailer Police Officer Deputy Sheriff Detective Corporal Sergeant Police Chief Elected Sheriff These diverse roles provide him with a comprehensive understanding of law enforcement operations, community engagement, and legal proceedings, making him a well-rounded authority in the field. Professional Background: As an elected sheriff for 16 years, Sheriff Heitman was instrumental in shaping law enforcement policies and operational strategies to ensure the safety and security of the community. His leadership was characterized by a proactive approach to crime prevention, community outreach, and the establishment of collaborative relationships with various stakeholders,...

Brent E Morgan

American Priority Project

Hickory , North Carolina
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force, Chase, Traffic, Collision Investigation, School Safety, Active Shooter, Commercial Motor Vehicle, CVSA, Speed Measuring Instruments, Radar, Lidar
I have more than 27 years experience in law enforcement serving in both local city police and state law enforcement. I retired in April of 2024 as a Lieutenant with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol. I have been a certified law enforcement instructor for more than 17 years and continue to teach Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) classes at local police academies. I also have specialized law enforcement instructor certification for speed measuring instruments (Radar/Lidar) and continue to teach, certify and re-certify NC law enforcement officers for their certification to operate these instruments. I have previously been certified to conduct commercial motor vehicle inspections under the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and served as a Trooper as well a supervisor in the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) with additional certifications to inspect hazardous materials loads, cargo tanks, hazardous materials bulk packages, and motor coaches (bus...

Wayne S. Promisel

Compass Investigative Services

Leland, North Carolina
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Investigations, Child Abuse, School Safety, Sexual Assault/Exploitation, Domestic Assault, Death/Cold Cases, Victimology, Investigation Procedures, Multi-agency Investigations, Crisis Management, Police Ethics, Training and Education, Community Policing, Police Supervision, Title IX investigations
Twice retired law enforcement professional spanning forty-years with proven track record of investigating the most serious criminal offenses resulting in a foundation of legal knowledge and extensive courtroom testimony experience. Reputation and character led to specialty assignments in several investigation units following a promotion to rank of Sergeant. One previous certification as expert surrounding sexual abuse allegation within non-profit organization in Florida. Recipient of recognition and awards for accomplishments associated with networking, collaboration, and policy development within multi-disciplinary team and agency environments to implement law enforcement best practices for local, state, and federal initiatives. Provider of numerous trainings applying investigative practices as related to topics including victimology, child abuse/exploitation of children, sexual/domestic assaults, violent crimes and death, evidence collection/preservation, and courtroom testimo...

Chief Roy G. Taylor, Ph.D.

Police Practices Expert - Current Chief of Police

Taylor Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Raleigh, North Carolina
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force & Deadly Force, Electronic Control Devices, Standards of Conduct, High-Speed Vehicle Pursuits & Chases, Law Enforcement Policies and Procedures, Failure to Train, Violations of §1983 Civil Rights, Police K-9, Firearms, Security (Private & Public), Security Training, Security at Events
Dr. Roy Taylor is a highly respected law enforcement professional with over 45 years of experience across federal, state, local, and private criminal justice agencies. His distinguished career includes serving as Chief of Police for multiple agencies, instructor, and policy expert. He provides expert consultation, training, and testimony in a wide range of law enforcement matters, including use of force, police pursuits, civil rights violations, K-9 utilization, and security operations. Expertise & Specializations • Use of Force & Deadly Force – Policy development, training, and expert testimony on applying force, officer decision-making, and legal standards. • Firearms & Electronic Control Devices – Certified firearms instructor with extensive experience in less-than-lethal weaponry, defensive tactics, and electronic control devices. • High-Speed Vehicle Pursuits & Chases – Development and evaluation of pursuit policies, training officers in risk management, and expert analysis of ...

Gleb Tsipursky, PhD

Discrimination expert in employment & fair housing

Disaster Avoidance Experts

Columbus, Ohio
Employment, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - employment law, termination, law enforcement, jury selection, police procedures, criminal justice, bias, decision making, algorithmic bias, generative ai, discrimination, implicit bias, unconscious bias, remote work, recruitment, use of force, promotion, racism, sexism, public procurement
Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a world-renowned expert in bias and discrimination, focusing on employment law, fair housing, criminal justice, police procedures and use of force, law enforcement, jury selection, public procurement, hybrid and remote work, and Generative AI. He serves as the CEO of the boutique legal consultancy Disaster Avoidance Experts. His globally-renowned expertise has been featured in over 650 articles and more than 550 interviews in prominent venues, including Harvard Business Review, USA Today, Fortune, Fast Company, CBS News, Time, Scientific American, Psychology Today, Business Insider, Inc. Magazine, NPR, and The New York Times. He is the author of global best-sellers, "Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters" and "The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships." His writings have been translated into Chinese, Korean, German, Russian, Polish, and oth...

Daniel Brown

Law Enforcement Expert - Former Police Chief

Evidence Solutions, Inc.

Burns, Oregon
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Police Use of Force, Police Failure to Protect, Community Policing, Negligent Security, Inadequate Security, Evidence Preservation, Law Enforcement, Deadly/Excessive Force, Evidence Handling, Officer Involved Shootings, Law Enforcement Risk Management
Daniel Brown is a Law Enforcement expert with close to 28 years of combined policing and military service. He is a seasoned professional specializing in Police Policy and Procedure, Excessive/Deadly Force, Negligent/Inadequate Security, Evidence Analysis, Handling & Preservation, Failure to Protect, Community Policing, and more. His experience in law enforcement ranges from municipal, county, tribal, and military branches. With a proven track record in leadership, Dan has helped establish a municipal police department from inception and used this knowledge to rebuild two different fledgling police departments as a police chief. He is a decorated military veteran of two branches of service and a graduate of the 267th Session of the FBI National Academy.

Jeffrey Bonner

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Criminal Justice, Police Policies, Domestic Violence, Crowd Control, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Surveillance, School Safety, Crisis Intervention, Baton, Taser, Firearm, Electronic Control Device
Award-Winning Police Officer. 25+ Years Experience including undercover operations, SWAT Team, and School Resource Officer. Certified Firearms Trainer. Graduate of the FBI National Academy, 272th Session. Law Enforcement Highlights • Trained and deployed multiple times in "Mobile Field Force / Civil Disturbances" • Undercover operations, drug buys, surveillance and preparation of over 400 search warrants • Specialized training in Barricaded gunman situation resolution • Member of D.P.D. Pistol Team • Executive Protection, and advanced driving techniques. • Served on Multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team • Patrol Rifle Operator / Designated Marksman Certification • Certified Firearms Trainer • Field Training Officer and Supervisor • Police Honor Guard 2004 through 2015 • Additional command capacities: • New World Reporting System Build Team / Training of supervisors and Officers, Mobile Field Force Unit Commander Career Accolades With Sterling Heights Police Department • (6) Merit Ci...

Timothy M. Dixon, J.D., M.P.S.

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police, Policing, Civil Rights, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Constitutional Law, Police Misconduct, Search, Seizure, Arrest, False Arrest, Deadly Force, Wrongful Death, Law Enforcement, Policing Policy and Training
More than 30 years of legal and law enforcement experience combined (22 years practicing law and 8.5 years as a sworn police officer and 4 years as a law enforcement trainer/instructor) Supervisor Legal Education Unit-Baltimore Police Department-2021-Present Policing Practices Consultant 2023-Present Legal Education Instructor-Baltimore Police Department-2020-2021 Criminal Defense/Police Disciplinary Hearings Representing Officers/Police Misconduct Representing Officers/Civil Rights Attorney Representing Plaintiffs-2001-2019 Former Assistant State's Attorney-2001-2003-Prosecuted persons charged with misdemeanor and felony violations of State and local criminal statute. Baltimore Police Department 1993-2001-Former Police Officer, Sergeant, and Lieutenant in Baltimore Police Department and Associate Legal Counsel Member of the District of Columbia Bar-2004 Member of the Maryland Bar-2001 Adjunct Faculty, Criminal Justice Department 2000-2003


Campus Safety Subject Mater Expert


Philadelphia PA 19103, Pennsylvania
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Campus Safety, Public Safety, Policing, Event Management, Security, Threat Assessment, Physical Security, Emergency Communications, Clery Act, Title IX, Incident Command, Intercollegiate Sports, Collective Bargaining, Labor & Employee Relations, Accreditation, Shared Services, CCTV
Michael J. Rein is the Director of Organizational Assessment Services at COSECURE (formerly a part of The Healy+ Group and Margolis Healy and Associates), an ancillary business of Cozen O’Connor. Well-versed in law enforcement, emergency medical services, and fire service, Mike assists clients in assessing their public safety needs and developing and implementing improvement programs to increase the effectiveness of initiatives and achieve organizational goals. Mike is experienced in leadership and management with a demonstrated record of concern for the public and delivering exceptional public safety services. He is a forward-thinking leader who ensures leading-edge knowledge through a commitment to continual training and examination of contemporary best practices. Before joining COSECURE, Mike was a Rutgers University Department of Public Safety member, retiring in 2022 as the Deputy Chief of University Police. In this role, he served as the executive officer, primarily responsib...


Daniel Medical and Legal Consulting

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police officer policy, Body/vehicle cameras, 911 Dispatch for officers, Restraint asphyxiation, Serving process, Patrol policy and procedures, SWAT tactics, Use of Force, Internal Policy and supervision issues, Corrections policy and procedures, Correctional Medicine. EMT, Nursing, Physician, APN
Dr. Daniel was employed as a full-time deputy when he was a nurse. He served in corrections for 3 years as a booking and Senior Officer supervising 13 corrections officers. Dr. Daniel went to corrections school in 1992 and police academy in 1996. Dr. Daniel served as a full time SWAT officer, Patrol deputy, bailiff and supervised 6 LPNs in jail medical. Jail medical was only one of two programs across the state that had National Accreditation in Correctional medicine. Dr. Daniel had the highest DUI arrests and process served while making arrests and answering calls in his zone. Even when Dr. Daniel was not full-time, he has served in multiple departments as a reserve officer. Dr. Daniel was elected full time Constable of his county district in 2018 and was reelected to that position in August of 2020. Dr. Daniel has twenty years of experience in Law Enforcement. Dr. Daniel is a wound care physician who has done Hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBO) and is one of the few physicians tha...

Dr. Ken Lang

Criminal Investigation - Detective (retired)


Milligan, Tennessee
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - criminal investigation, crime scene analysis, crime scene reconstruction, use of force, death scene, homicide, murder, shootings, self defense, USCCA, NRA, rape, sex crimes, sex offense, sexual assault, violent crime, robbery, police practices, composite sketch
Dr. Ken Lang is a retired 25-year law enforcement veteran with extensive criminal investigation experience who holds a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and teaches various criminal justice and investigative courses. Lang’s career began with the Havre de Grace Police Department in 1989. He served as a patrol officer for two years until he became employed by the Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD) in 1991, where he served for the next 23 years. Lang’s police career centered on criminal investigations, dedicating 15 years to investigating violent crimes of rapes, robberies, and murders, and 5 years investigating property crimes. In addition to his primary detective assignment, Lang also served as a certified Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission adjunct police instructor at the BCoPD Academy for 16 years, teaching recruit classes and in-service training sessions. Courses taught included Sex Crimes Investigations, Investigative Resources, Basic Investigator’s Courses...

Marcus Sprague

Police Practices Expert

FC2 Consulting

Nashville, Tennessee
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Police Procedures, Use of Force, Officer Involved Shootings, Tactical Operations, Crowd Control, Crowd Management, SWAT, Patrol Operations, Investigations, Active Shooter, Training, De-Escalation, Incident Command
Marcus has over 25 years of law enforcement experience in a wide variety of assignments, including over a decade with the SWAT team, where he served as an operator, sniper, team leader, and commander. He also served as a supervisor on his mobile field force team. Marcus worked various assignments, including uniformed crime suppression, homicide, property crimes, narcotics, and an auto theft task force. Marcus served as a police officer in a city of 200,000 people in the north bay of California. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the California Association of Tactical Officers and was an original plank holder of CATO's Strategic Leadership Program. Prior to that position, Marcus served as the Vice President. He currently serves as the Conference Director and member of the training cadre, where he developed the curriculum and teaches Critical Incident Leadership for supervisors, SWAT Team Leaders, SWAT Commanders, Demonstration Response, and Tactical Strategies for mid...

Mickey Williams, Esq., J.D., MPA

Police Chief and Attorney-Police Practices Expert

M.L. Williams Consulting, LLC

Vonore, Tennessee
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Training, Officer Involved Shooting, Canine , Internal Affairs, Police Discipline, Crisis Negotiations, Undercover , Evidence Handling, Pursuit Incidents, De-escalation, Incident Management, Homeless, Promotional/Hiring Processes, Investigations, Tactics, Policy, FTO, SWAT, Accident
Mickey Williams is a retired Police Chief with 29 years of municipal law enforcement experience. Mickey is a licensed California attorney who has extensive experience as a law enforcement trainer and college professor. Mickey offers expert witness services and consultation regarding case evaluation and strategy, incident evaluation, personnel issues, risk management concerns, and policing best practices. Mickey also conducts all types of investigations. Mickey's areas of expertise include the following: Use of Force Review/Policy/Best Practices, Officer Involved Shootings, K-9 Deployment/Management/Policy, Internal Affairs Investigations, Police Discipline, Hostage/Crisis Negotiations, Criminal Investigation Best Practices, Undercover Investigations, Evidence Handling Practices, Media Relations, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Field Training Officer/Program Management, and De-Escalation and Crisis Management. Mickey worked at all levels of municipal policing to include patrol, inv...

Spencer Fomby

Police Practices and Use of Force Expert Witness

Law Enforcement Tactical Consultants Inc

Austin, Texas
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of force, officer involved shootings, crowd control, crowd management, public order, less-lethal weapons, SWAT, patrol operations, tactical operations, chemical agents, police policy, firearms, de-escalation, in-custody death, arrest procedures, defensive tactics, impact weapons, Active Shooter
Captain (Ret.) Spencer Fomby is the former director of the Boise Police Department Training, Education, and Development Division. He was previously employed by the Berkeley Police Department for 20 years. He has held primary assignments in patrol, narcotics, and crime prevention. He was assigned to SWAT for 18 years as an entry team member, team leader, and tactical commander. Captain (Ret.) Fomby has been a certified instructor in the following disciplines: firearms (pistol, shotgun, and carbine), weaponless defense, impact weapons, Peacekeeper RCB, Gracie Survival Tactics Level 1, active shooter response, ALICE, chemical agents, NFDD, sting balls, 40 mm launcher, FN 303, shoot house and tactical de-escalation. He has created two CA POST approved de-escalation courses. He was also a tactical instructor for the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA), where he taught Police Counter Ambush and Advanced Response Police Officer (ARPO). Captain (Ret.) Fomby was the lead Berkeley ...

Craig D McLaren

Police Practices Expert – Retired 32 Years LAPD

First Response Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Granger, Texas
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Crowd Control, Use of Force/Excessive Force Inadequate/Negligent Security, Informants, Evidence Preservation, Chain of Custody, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Gangs, Surveillance, Vice, Prostitution, Gambling, Vehicle Pursuits, School Shootings, Workplace Violence
Vastly Experienced Police Expert, working for plaintiffs as well as the defense. Over 31 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer. Trained / Taught new officers, in the field, for 24 years in all facets of Police work. Including Use of Force and Use of Deadly Force. Personally involved in over 40 Uses of Force as well as being present at approximately 100 more. Certified Force Science Analyst, by Force Science Institute, which is a leader in law enforcement study. The Institute has conducted many research projects uncovering the scientific realities surrounding officer performance under stress, action/reaction time, memory, decision-making and more in complex, rapidly unfolding encounters. Worked celebrity security for the late Dean Martin for approximately two years, providing personal security as well as residential security. Expert in Vehicle Pursuits, having been involved in and receiving yearly training in pursuits. As well as training new officers in Vehicle Pursuit Tactics. E...

Donald L. Leach, II

Jail and Prison Expert Only

Donald L. Leach & Associates, Ltd.

Sandy, Utah
Jails & Prisons, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Jail, Prison, In-custody Death, Operations, Suicide, Medical, Use of Force, Training, Policy & Procedures, Assault, Strip Searches, Unlawful Detention, Over-detention, Immigration, Media Contact
• Began corrections work as a Deputy Jailer in 1984 • Retired Administrative Officer, Senior (Deputy Director) for Division of Community Corrections, Lexington, Kentucky-2008 • Served in the Marine Corps • Bachelors-University of Kentucky (Psychology, Sociology & Political Science Majors) • Masters(A)-University of Kentucky (Theory of Geography) • Doctorate-Kennedy-Western University (Public Administration) • Designed, developed, and supervised the pre-service and in-service training programs, management information systems, and offender classification systems • Certified FBI firearms instructions, BOP defensive tactics instructor, NIC instructor on jail multiple jail management topics (staffing analysis, classification, operations) • Developed contracts for a variety of privatized jail services • Served as a jail management consultant for various agencies such as the National Institute of Corrections (NIC); American Jail Association (AJA): Voorhis-Robertson Justice Services; U.S. D...

David T. Sweeney

DT Sweeney Consulting, LLC

Seattle, Washington
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Law Enforcement, Police pursuits, Use of force, Less lethal weapons, De-escalation, Crisis intervention, Rapid intervention, Police supervision, Early intervention, Police training, Civil rights, US 1983, Legal standards for police, Best practices for police, EEO, EVOC, Discrimination, Harassment
Seattle Police Lieutenant (ret.) with 34 years of experience. I am easy to reach, and I return calls and email promptly. I will provide you with an unbiased review of the evidence and then we can determine how I can best help you with your case. I enjoy helping both defense and plaintiff attorneys. Currently, I have assisted attorneys 41 times, (16 defense, 25 plaintiff). This mix comes from my ability to examine the evidence and provide you with an honest assessment so that I can help you with your needs, whether it be an evaluation, a report, testimony, advice, etc.

Greg H. Bristol

Financial fraud and human trafficking SME

Points, West Virginia
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, School Safety - Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, Sex Trafficking at Hotels, Sexual Abuse by Educators and School Staff, Sexual Abuse by Police Officers, Human Trafficking Awareness Trg for the Hospitality Industry, Civil Rights Violations - Hate Crimes, Financial Fraud, Motor Vehicle Code
Direct email: Human trafficking thought leader. Award-winning retired FBI Special Agent. Investigated numerous human trafficking crimes. Has trained more than 1,500 law enforcement officers to effectively identify human traffickers and sex offenders. Extensive speaking and writing experience in human trafficking. Additional FBI experience includes foreign counterintelligence, public corruption, financial frauds, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, civil rights (hate crimes and human trafficking), and investigating the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Member of the Enron Task Force for over four years, formed in the weeks following Enron’s bankruptcy in December 2001 to investigate the company’s collapse. Mr. Bristol's career as a Michigan State Police Trooper, a Special Agent with the FBI, and a Special Agent with the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in Kandahar, Afghanistan, has give...

Patrick Mays

Excessive use of Force Expert Witness


Richwood, West Virginia
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Excessive Use of Force, Excessive use of Deadly Force, Case Analysis, In Custody Excessive Force, Civil Rights Violations by Law Enforcement & Corrections, Death or Serious Injury While in Custody, Police Misconduct, Police Practices & Procedures
Retired Law Enforcement Detective, Task Force Assistant Director and Field Commander, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Specialized Defensive Tactics Instructor, Department of Justice State of North Carolina, Sheriff’s Education Training and Standards Commission, 12 NCAC 10B .0909 Full Limited Lecturer Instructor – Specialized Subject Control Techniques Certification. 1993 to 1989, taught the Limited Lecturer block of instruction on Positional asphyxia, also known as postural asphyxia. Henderson North Carolina The Vance County N.C. Sheriff’s Department only in-service Instructor. Also, during that period, Patrick taught in many Community Colleges In-Service and Academy Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement, and Jailers, along with many specialized defensive tactics classes. Developed and implemented self-defense techniques for the undercover officer.

Kevin Burke

Oak Creek, Wisconsin
Law Enf & Criminal Justice - OWI, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, Drug Recognition Expert, Intoxicated Driving, Impaired driving, Drunk driving, DUI, drugged driving
Kevin Burke, a dedicated expert in detecting and arresting drug-impaired drivers, spent 25 years as a deputy sheriff with the Racine County Sheriff's Office, Wisconsin. His involvement in hundreds of intoxicated and impaired driving cases and drug influence evaluations and classifications, along with several testimonies as a deputy sheriff and expert witness, showcase his unwavering commitment to his profession. He is a Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and Drug Recognition Expert instructor. His innovative approach to his work is evident in his creation of The Burke Test, a unique divided attention test he developed. He has presented at multiple national and international conferences and received numerous awards. Kevin Burke is currently writing a book on detecting, arresting, and convicting drug-impaired drivers from a biological standpoint. The book Intoxication vs. Impairment: The Anatomy and Physiology of the Impair Driver is a testament to his ongoing commitment to the field.
You can also find Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin