Community Policing Expert Witnesses
Community policing expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on community policing. The community policing expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures, and School Safety.
Leroy K. James, MS
L. K. James & Associates
Cheltenham, Maryland
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, School Safety
School Security, Clery Act Compliance, Campus Security Operations, Investigations, Emergency Management, Special Events Management, Policies and Procedures, Community Policing, Consortium Building, Patrol Operations, Local Law Enforcement Collaboration, Training & Education
Mr. James has served as a University Chief of Police, as well as an Executive Director for Campus Safety and Security at two (2) four-year higher education research institutions, and at a community college in the Washington DC and Baltimore metropolitan region. In those positions he served as the chief architect for the safety and security infrastructure for several different campuses and over 50,000 students. He also served as an adjunct professor in criminal justice at a community college. He serves as the founder of a campus security consulting firm that specializes in assisting university leaders comply with their federal responsibilities under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act.
Mr. James has served as the Training and Education Coordinator for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators (HBCU-LEEA) organization whic...
Frank A. Mancini, DCJ
Prezza Consulting LLC
Middleton, Massachusetts
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures
Police accountability, police internal affairs, police misconduct, early intervention systems, police mediation, police use of force, police supervision, law enforcement administration/operations, community policing, law enforcement auditing, excessive force, police/public corruption, investigations
Law enforcement operational, administrative, and policy expertise, criminal justice doctoral academic degree, use of force, criminal justice university teaching experience, subject matter expert in areas of law enforcement operations, police accountability, application of discipline, internal affairs processes, police officer administrative and criminal investigations, organizational risk analysis, Early Intervention Systems, police/community mediation, law enforcement auditing and inspections, community outreach, and police oversight mechanisms, internal affairs. Expert witness in depositions, court testimony, administrative hearings, MA Civil Service Hearings, labor arbitration testimony.
Doctoral Research Portfolio:
Dissertation Title “Technology and Police Accountability: Body-Worn Cameras, Effects on Complaints and Use of Force”.
Experienced in Public Sector Investigations; Workplace Misconduct, Law Enforcement Training and Consulting
Police Superintendent, Chief (ret.), Prof...
Daniel Brown
Law Enforcement Expert - Former Police Chief
Evidence Solutions, Inc.
Burns, Oregon
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Police Use of Force, Police Failure to Protect, Community Policing, Negligent Security, Inadequate Security, Evidence Preservation, Law Enforcement, Deadly/Excessive Force, Evidence Handling, Officer Involved Shootings, Law Enforcement Risk Management
Daniel Brown is a Law Enforcement expert with close to 28 years of combined policing and military service. He is a seasoned professional specializing in Police Policy and Procedure, Excessive/Deadly Force, Negligent/Inadequate Security, Evidence Analysis, Handling & Preservation, Failure to Protect, Community Policing, and more. His experience in law enforcement ranges from municipal, county, tribal, and military branches.
With a proven track record in leadership, Dan has helped establish a municipal police department from inception and used this knowledge to rebuild two different fledgling police departments as a police chief. He is a decorated military veteran of two branches of service and a graduate of the 267th Session of the FBI National Academy.