Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in Alabama

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on law enf & criminal justice and related issues. Law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Case Evaluation, Law Enforcement & Civil Rights, Law Enforcement Policies & Procedures, Police Internal Affairs, Police Misconduct, Police Shootings, Police Use Of Force And Arrest, Police Vehicle Emergency Response, Police Vehicle Pursuits, and Use Of Force & Deadly Force.

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Mickey Williams, Esq., J.D., MPA

Police Chief and Attorney-Police Practices Expert

M.L. Williams Consulting, LLC

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Training, Officer Involved Shooting, Canine , Internal Affairs, Police Discipline, Crisis Negotiations, Undercover , Evidence Handling, Pursuit Incidents, De-escalation, Incident Management, Homeless, Promotional/Hiring Processes, Investigations, Tactics, Policy, FTO, SWAT, Accident
Mickey Williams is a retired Police Chief with 29 years of municipal law enforcement experience. Mickey is a licensed California attorney who has extensive experience as a law enforcement trainer and college professor. Mickey offers expert witness services and consultation regarding case evaluation and strategy, incident evaluation, personnel issues, risk management concerns, and policing best practices. Mickey also conducts all types of investigations. Mickey's areas of expertise include the following: Use of Force Review/Policy/Best Practices, Officer Involved Shootings, K-9 Deployment/Management/Policy, Internal Affairs Investigations, Police Discipline, Hostage/Crisis Negotiations, Criminal Investigation Best Practices, Undercover Investigations, Evidence Handling Practices, Media Relations, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Field Training Officer/Program Management, and De-Escalation and Crisis Management. Mickey worked at all levels of municipal policing to include patrol, inv...

Dan Busken

Chief Dan Busken

Athens, Alabama
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Use of Force & Deadly Force, Law Enforcement & Civil Rights, Law Enforcement Policies & Procedures, Police Vehicle Emergency Response. Police Vehicle Pursuits, Police Use of Force and Arrest, Police Shootings, Police Internal Affairs, Police Misconduct, Case Evaluation, Expert Witness Testimony
Chief Dan Busken served as a municipal police officer for 35 years including 25 years as a chief of police. This service included responsibility for development of and compliance with progressive law enforcement policies and procedures. Chief Busken served on the Board of Directors for the Texas Police Chiefs Recognition Program. This program sets the standards for progressive and professional law enforcement practices throughout the State of Texas. While serving as a municipal police chief in three different States (Missouri, Alabama, Texas), Chief Busken directed research, development, and implementation of many police department policies including: Use of Force, De-Escalation and Alternatives, Taser, Pursuit, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Crime Prevention, Recruitment, Canine Operations, Narcotics Enforcement, Tactical, Emergency Response and Negotiations, Domestic and Family Violence, Jails, Housing of Prisoners, Arrest, Detention, Search and Seizure. Chief Busken has a MBA wi...
You can also find Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin