Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in Maryland

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on law enf & criminal justice and related issues. Law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these law enf & criminal justice expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Campus Security Operations, Clery Act Compliance, Community Policing, Consortium Building, Criminal Investigations By Military Investigators, Emergency Management, How The Military Handles Sexual Assaults, Investigations, Local Law Enforcement Collaboration, Military Sexual Trauma, Patrol Operations, Policies And Procedures, School Security, Sexual Assaults In A Military Environment, and Special Events Management.

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Mickey Williams, Esq., J.D., MPA

Police Chief and Attorney-Police Practices Expert

M.L. Williams Consulting, LLC

Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Police Practices & Procedures - Use of Force, Training, Officer Involved Shooting, Canine , Internal Affairs, Police Discipline, Crisis Negotiations, Undercover , Evidence Handling, Pursuit Incidents, De-escalation, Incident Management, Homeless, Promotional/Hiring Processes, Investigations, Tactics, Policy, FTO, SWAT, Accident
Mickey Williams is a retired Police Chief with 29 years of municipal law enforcement experience. Mickey is a licensed California attorney who has extensive experience as a law enforcement trainer and college professor. Mickey offers expert witness services and consultation regarding case evaluation and strategy, incident evaluation, personnel issues, risk management concerns, and policing best practices. Mickey also conducts all types of investigations. Mickey's areas of expertise include the following: Use of Force Review/Policy/Best Practices, Officer Involved Shootings, K-9 Deployment/Management/Policy, Internal Affairs Investigations, Police Discipline, Hostage/Crisis Negotiations, Criminal Investigation Best Practices, Undercover Investigations, Evidence Handling Practices, Media Relations, Emergency Vehicle Operations, Field Training Officer/Program Management, and De-Escalation and Crisis Management. Mickey worked at all levels of municipal policing to include patrol, inv...

Leroy K. James, MS

L. K. James & Associates

Cheltenham, Maryland
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, School Safety - School Security, Clery Act Compliance, Campus Security Operations, Investigations, Emergency Management, Special Events Management, Policies and Procedures, Community Policing, Consortium Building, Patrol Operations, Local Law Enforcement Collaboration, Training & Education
Mr. James has served as a University Chief of Police, as well as an Executive Director for Campus Safety and Security at two (2) four-year higher education research institutions, and at a community college in the Washington DC and Baltimore metropolitan region. In those positions he served as the chief architect for the safety and security infrastructure for several different campuses and over 50,000 students. He also served as an adjunct professor in criminal justice at a community college. He serves as the founder of a campus security consulting firm that specializes in assisting university leaders comply with their federal responsibilities under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Mr. James has served as the Training and Education Coordinator for the Historically Black Colleges and Universities - Law Enforcement Executives and Administrators (HBCU-LEEA) organization whic...

Steven J Spring

Huntingtown, Maryland
Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Investigation - Sexual Assaults in a Military Environment, Military Sexual Trauma, How the Military Handles Sexual Assaults, Criminal Investigations by Military Investigators
Retired Federal Agent who ended his 35-year law enforcement career supervising investigations of physical and sexual assaults of vulnerable citizens with the District of Columbia’s Office of Inspector General (OIG). Investigated high-profile sexual assault investigations including the 1991 U.S. Navy Tailhook scandal as a Special Agent with the U.S. Naval Criminal Investigation Service (NCIS), which led to a career of investigating sexual assaults and child pornography crimes. Experienced in testifying in federal and state trials. Unwanted sexual contact in the military is rising, according to a recent survey of military personnel. Steve is a Subject Matter Expert in how the military conducts sexual assault complaints, and what policies and procedures military investigators follow. More incidents and fewer reports of sexual abuse are the takeaways from DOD’s 2022 annual sexual assault prevention and response report. Military criminal investigations are complex in nature and involve ...
You can also find Law Enf & Criminal Justice Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin