Police, Corrections, EMS, Nursing, Medicine

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: Daniel Medical and Legal Consulting
  • Phone: (423) 765-3142
  • Website: drjohndaniel.com

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Law Enf & Criminal Justice and Police Practices & Procedures

Keywords/Search Terms:

Police officer policy, Body/vehicle cameras, 911 Dispatch for officers, Restraint asphyxiation, Serving process, Patrol policy and procedures, SWAT tactics, Use of Force, Internal Policy and supervision issues, Corrections policy and procedures, Correctional Medicine. EMT, Nursing, Physician, APN


Doctor of Osteopathy, VCOM; Family Nurse Practitioner, ETSU; Registered Nurse, ETSU; Emergency Medical Technician, N/a

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Dr. Daniel was employed as a full-time deputy when he was a nurse. He served in corrections for 3 years as a booking and Senior Officer supervising 13 corrections officers. Dr. Daniel went to corrections school in 1992 and police academy in 1996. Dr. Daniel served as a full time SWAT officer, Patrol deputy, bailiff and supervised 6 LPNs in jail medical. Jail medical was only one of two programs across the state that had National Accreditation in Correctional medicine. Dr. Daniel had the highest DUI arrests and process served while making arrests and answering calls in his zone. Even when Dr. Daniel was not full-time, he has served in multiple departments as a reserve officer. Dr. Daniel was elected full time Constable of his county district in 2018 and was reelected to that position in August of 2020. Dr. Daniel has twenty years of experience in Law Enforcement. Dr. Daniel is a wound care physician who has done Hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBO) and is one of the few physicians that have treated patients in the tank while they were having a seizure. Dr. Daniel also works as a hospitalist and in the primary care setting. Dr. Daniel is currently retired as of April 2023 with 42 years of military service and returned from his last deployment as an Internal Medicine physician in 2021 from Guantanamo Cuba. While in-service he was given an additional skill identifier in military Corrections as well as Border and law enforcement by the JFK School of Special Operations. Dr. Daniel continues to hold an EMT, Registered Nurse and Family Nurse Practitioner license. He currently supervises eight Nurse Practitioners and has assisted in cases with regards to EMS, Nursing and Advanced Practice providers standards of medical care. *Cases include, in custody death, elder abuse, SWAT, K-9 use of force, Jail policies and procedures, EMS dropped patient, Primary care standards, Homicide investigation, Police policies and procedures, Nursing care in psychiatric hospital and jails, In hospital death COVID 19, Hospitalist medical standards, Use of deadly force, Wound care. *See CV for current cases and training.