Financial fraud and human trafficking SME

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Phone: (304) 492-5855
  • Cell: (703) 303-8841

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Law Enf & Criminal Justice and School Safety

Keywords/Search Terms:

Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Labor Trafficking, Sex Trafficking at Hotels, Sexual Abuse by Educators and School Staff, Sexual Abuse by Police Officers, Human Trafficking Awareness Trg for the Hospitality Industry, Civil Rights Violations - Hate Crimes, Financial Fraud, Motor Vehicle Code


BA, Michigan State University

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Direct email: Human trafficking thought leader. Award-winning retired FBI Special Agent. Investigated numerous human trafficking crimes. Has trained more than 1,500 law enforcement officers to effectively identify human traffickers and sex offenders. Extensive speaking and writing experience in human trafficking. Additional FBI experience includes foreign counterintelligence, public corruption, financial frauds, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, civil rights (hate crimes and human trafficking), and investigating the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Member of the Enron Task Force for over four years, formed in the weeks following Enron’s bankruptcy in December 2001 to investigate the company’s collapse. Mr. Bristol's career as a Michigan State Police Trooper, a Special Agent with the FBI, and a Special Agent with the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in Kandahar, Afghanistan, has given him hands-on experience investigating crimes and collecting evidence. Those jobs included testifying at grand juries and trials. In addition to his law enforcement positions, he built a successful training company that taught law enforcement officers enhanced human trafficking investigative skills. Mr. Bristol is the President and CEO of Greg Bristol Consulting in Points, West Virginia. The company offers financial fraud, public corruption, and human trafficking investigation services, with a focus on human trafficking awareness training courses, empowering businesses, law enforcement, and community groups with the knowledge and expertise to work cohesively to recognize community human trafficking issues and bring human traffickers to justice. He also helps groups identify child sexual exploitation in schools and youth groups. Mr. Bristol's financial fraud investigation services for the private sector include reviewing large amounts of documents and helping to analyze evidence to identify fraudulent activity to assist victims wanting to report financial crimes to law enforcement. To view a one-minute UNICEF PSA on child sex trafficking narrated by Mr. Bristol for UNICEF USA, please visit