Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on vocational rehabilitation and related issues. Vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Personal Injury, Job Analysis, Employability, Wrongful Termination, Divorce, Vocational, Employment, Life Care Planner, Vocational Assessment, Wage Earning Capacity, Ada, Transferable Skills Analysis, and Vocational Testing.

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David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.

Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.

Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology - Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters. American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker Current practice includes: •Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams. •Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury. •Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...


Taft Vocational Experts LLC

Scottsdale, Arizona
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - Human Resources, Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Labor Market, Employability, Wrongful Termination, Divorce, Job Search Effectiveness, Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Workers' Compensation
Brad Taft has over 35 years experience in the recruiting, outplacement, career transition, and organizational development fields. He has provided expert consulting, reports, and/or testimony in over 200 cases involving wrongful termination, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, and workers compensation. Brad is also the Chief Career Strategist of Taft Career Group, a career management consulting firm that supports individuals in planning and implementing effective job search campaigns. Prior experience includes recruiting and consulting with firms such as Korn/Ferry International, Lee Hecht Harrison, Right Management Consultants, and Spherion. He has provided recruitment, talent management, and organizational development services for companies in a large number of service and manufacturing industries; and he has provided career consulting to individuals in all functions and all levels of organizations. Brad holds certifications in the human resources, career consulting, and lit...


ADA Accommodation Specialist

HRM Consulting, Inc.

Murphys, California
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - FMLA, CFRA, ADA, Sexual Harassment Retaliation, Discrimination Policies, FEHA, Labor Market Workers Comp, Job Analysis, Mediation, Human Resources
Ms. De Lima is a nationally certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, with California State specific certification, and was appointed to the International Employee Health, Safety and Security Special Expertise Panel. Areas of expertise include ADA/FEHA, FMLA/CFRA and PDL compliance, sexual harassment, matching performance to standards and reasonable accommodation. She has done extensive work on Wrongful Termination, Workers' Compensation, Vocational Assessment and Rehabilitation, and Retaliation cases. Ms. De Lima has experience in both plaintiff and defense cases.

Howard J. Goldfarb, MA, CRC

Goldfarb & Assoc.

S. Pasadena, California
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Forensic Employability Evaluations, Long Term Disability, Long Term Disability Denials, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Termination, Earning Capacity Evaluations, ERISA, FEHA, Divorce, Job Placement, Job Analysis, Human Resources, Marriage Dissolution
Owner of vocational rehabilitation consulting firm. Interviews and evaluates clients to determine feasibility of services. Performs One-on-One Vocational Counseling and Planning utilizing transferable skills. Performs Direct Job Seeking Skills as well as Vocational Placement. Administers and interprets vocational aptitude, interest and achievement testing. Provides Job Analyses, Labor Market Surveys and Job Seeking Skills Training. Independent Vocational Evaluator State of CA Rehab Unit, Division of Industrial Accidents. Provides Testimony as a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employability Consultant in Personal Injury, Third Party Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Abuse, ERISA as well as Federal Railroad matters. Performs Earning Capacity Evaluations. Vocational Consultant involved in Employability Assessments for Marriage Dissolution matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

DeAndrea Williams

Aurora, Colorado
Disability Evaluation, Vocational Rehabilitation - vocational evaluation, employment, FMLA, Medical Review, life care planning, Leave of Absence, Employability Analysis, life care planner, developmental disabilities, Short Term Disability, ADA Accommodations, Labor, Psychometric, rehabilitation, Long Term Disability, Rehabilitation Counseling
DeAndrea T. Williams is an esteemed expert in vocational evaluation, rehabilitation counseling, and life care planning, holding certifications as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), International Psychometric Evaluator (IPEC), and Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE). She is the President and CEO of Land of Goods Vocational Consulting, where she excels in conducting comprehensive vocational evaluations, labor market analysis, and transferable skills analysis, alongside overseeing medical and psychological reviews and job skills training. She has office locations in Florida and Colorado but practices Nationwide. With a Master of Science in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Kentucky and a Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Services from Florida State University, DeAndrea has a strong educational foundation complemented by advanced training from Sarlas’s Forensics Services and SEAK’s expert witness practice programs. Her pr...

Julie Jansen

Julie Jansen, LLC

Stamford, Connecticut
Vocational Rehabilitation - Vocational Evaluation and Expert Testimony for Marital Dissolution/Divorce, Family Law, Employment - Vocational Expert, Vocational Evaluation, Job Analysis, Labor Market Surveys, Earning Capacity, Employability, Career Change, Job Search Effectiveness, Wrongful Termination, Discrimination Dismissal
Julie Jansen has over 20 years of experience in career transition, outplacement, recruiting, and human resources consulting. She has provided consulting, reports, and expert testimony on the capacity to work, transferable skills, physical and mental demands of jobs, earning capacity, and the existence of jobs in the labor market in divorce and wrongful termination cases. As an executive and career coach, motivational speaker, and resume and LinkedIn profile writer Julie empowers professionals to find success, satisfaction, and fulfillment at work. She works with clients of every age, across all functional areas and industries, to develop and enhance skills and competencies. Julie has written numerous articles and has delivered 500+ keynote speeches and workshops on employment, workforce, and career issues. Julie's book I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying Work (Penguin; second revised edition) has been published in the U.S...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Windsor, Connecticut
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Leah P Greenwood, Ph.D., ABPP/D, ABVE/D

Neuropsychologist/Vocational Expert

Greenwood Vocational Consulting

Vocational Rehabilitation, Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological IME, Psychological IME, Earning Capacity Evaluations, Vocational Capacity Evaluations, Vocational Rehabilitation Plans, Wage Loss Claims
Licenses: Pennsylvania Psychology License Delaware Psychology License Certifications: American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), Diplomate, 2004 American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), Diplomate, 2020 International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC), 2016 University of Florida, Certificate in Forensic Vocational Rehabilitation, 2017 Cornell University, Certificate in Financial Management, 2019 Licensure: Licensed Psychologist, Pennsylvania Licensed Psychologist, Delaware Memberships: International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP), Penn-Ohio Chapter, Treasurer of the Executive Board American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE) American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA) American Psychological Association (APA) (APA), Division 22, Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology (APA), Division 40, Society of Clinical Neuropsychology (APA), Division 41, American Psychology-Law Society Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Delaware Psycho...

Julianne Frain, PhD, CRC, CLCP, ABVE/D

Rehab Pro Assessment and Consultation

Jacksonville, Florida
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Cost Projection, Vocational Evaluation, Vocational Assessment, Life Care Planner, Labor Market Survey, Economic Damages, Disability, Career Counselor
Dr. Julianne Frain is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, and Diplomate with the American Board of Vocational Experts. Having testified in both state and federal venues in multiple states, this expert has over 200 appearances in combined deposition and trial testimony. Dr. Frain is typically hired in the areas of vocational rehabilitation, life care planning, or both concentrations combined. She possesses 15 years of experience handling claims within varying forms of injury and family law matters and rendering opinions on vocational assessment, disability, pre-and-post incident earning capacity, re-employment, rehabilitation and life care planning, and usual and customary costs of medical care. She is commonly retained by both plaintiff and defense firms. Her company manages a high volume of claims spread primarily throughout the entire state of Florida as well as the mid-west. Rehab Pro Assessment and Consultation has Florida offices in Jacksonville, ...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Randy J Salmons, PhD, CRC-CVE

Orlando, Florida
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Personal Injury/Voc Rehab, Loss of Earnings Capacity, Family Law, Workers' Compensation/Voc Rehab, Employment Discrimination, Career Counseling
Dr. Salmons has practiced in Central Florida for over 20 years. Dr. Salmons is able to use standard, approved methodology to establish earning capacities in a wide range of impairments in workers' compensation and personal injury. Also Dr. Salmons offers his expertise in the family law area. Professionally licensed as a Mental Health Counselor with the state of Florida Dr. Salmons is able to consider the mental as well as the physical dynamics of returning to work. A national certified Vocationally Evaluator and Rehabilitation Counselor , member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Dr. Salmons Ph.D. in counseling assures clients of the highest possible standard in creditable research and testimony. Located near Orlando, Dr. Salmons does not charge travel fees to Tampa , Jacksonville or other close by cities.

Christopher T. Skerritt, CRC, ABVE/F, IPEC, CVE, CLCP, MSCC, CEAS

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Services

Economics, Vocational Rehabilitation - Economic analysis, economic impacts, labor economics, employment, earnings, labor market, job market analysis, occupational outlook, vocational assessment, transferable skills analysis, labor force participation, human capital, productivity, wages, economic policy
Christopher Skerritt is a highly skilled and accomplished expert in the fields of vocational rehabilitation, life care planning, employability assessment, and economic analysis. With a strong educational background, including a Bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences, a Master's degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling from Springfield College, and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bryant University, he has earned an extensive range of certifications. These credentials include Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), Certified Medicare Set-Aside Consultant, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Certified Remote Ergonomic Assessment Specialist. Additionally, Mr. Skerritt is a distinguished Fellow of the American Board of Vocational Experts, highlighting his dedication to professional excellence and expertise in the field. At Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Se...

Robert Wegman, MRC, CRC, CEAS

Vocational Loss of Earnings Expert


Lakeland, Florida
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Vocational evaluation, loss of earning capacity, personal injury, employability, vocational testing, wage earning capacity, economic damages, job analysis, vocational, transferable skills, amputation, traumatic brain injury, catastrophic, non-catastrophic, vocational forensics, wage loss
Mr. Wegman serves as a vocational rehabilitation subject matter expert, providing opinions to attorneys working on cases including but not limited to personal injury, medical malpractice, and workers’ compensation. Using evidence-based practices and methodologies, he can determine if a loss of earnings occurred due to injury. With a sound understanding of the impact disability has on earning capacity, Mr. Wegman utilizes his expertise to provide vocational counseling and guidance and conduct vocational assessments and transferrable skills analyses. Additionally, he performs labor market analyses, with wage loss assessments, and provides court testimony. As a Bowling Green State University Rehabilitation Counseling Program graduate with a medical background, Mr. Wegman has worked for over 20 years as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He has extensive experience providing vocational rehabilitation counseling services in the public and private sectors within multiple states. This...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...


Highly Experienced and Credentialed

Kourtney Layton & Associates

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Personal injury, divorce, family law, worker's compensation, life care planner, vocational analysis, employment, disability, Social Security, ADA, self-employment, duty of care for persons with disabilities, historical billing review/reasonableness of billing, prelitigation assessments
Kourtney Layton holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. She is a Certified Life Care Planner and a Diplomate with the American Board of Vocational Experts. She is also a Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE). In addition to her private vocational rehabilitation and job placement practice, Ms. Layton teaches in the graduate program at Utah State University and is the Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of LCP Builder, a cloud-based Life Care Planning software solution. In addition, Ms. Layton performs vocational analysis, life care planning and earning capacity assessment services in family law, Social Security, worker’s compensation, employment and personal injury settings. She also provides testimony as a Vocational Expert in administrative hearings for the Social Security Administration’s Office of Disability Adjudication and Review and for the Utah Department of Health Medicaid Division. Ms. Layton has provided direct voc...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Sabrina Taylor, PhD, LGPC, CRC, CWIP

Benefits Understood Counseling Services LLC

Columbia, Maryland
Vocational Rehabilitation, Disability Evaluation - Career Counseling, Employment Readiness, Workers Compensation, Labor Market Analysis, SSI and SSDI Benefits Counseling, Case Management, Vocational Evaluation, Individual Unemployability Case Review, Wage Earning Capacity, Ticket to Work, Veteran Employability, Vocational Expert Testimony
Dr. Taylor is a distinguished scholar and practitioner who earned her PhD and Masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and Rehabilitation Counselor Education from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University with a primary focus on Trauma Informed Care. Her academic journey also includes a bachelor's degree in Human Services from Elon University. She is licensed as a Graduate Professional Counselor in Washington D.C. and possesses several national certifications, including Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and Work Incentives Practitioner, Her extensive qualifications extend to certifications in Vocational Evaluation, Work Adjustment, Work Incentives Counseling, Behavioral Addictions, and online teaching. Dr. Taylor owns Benefits Understood Counseling Services. Benefits Understood Counseling Services is an approved vocational rehabilitation provider by the Maryland Workers Compensation Commission. Benefits Understood is also an approved vendor of the Maryland Di...

Timothy R. Andenmatten, MEd, CRC, CVE, IPEC

Greylock Placement Services LLC

Williamstown, Massachusetts
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Long Term / Own Occupation Disability Insurance Appeals & Litigation, Social Security, Employment, Veteran TDIU, ADA, IDEA IEP-504-Transition, Marital Dissolution, Personal Injury, Wage Earning Capacity, Transferable Skills Analysis, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Evaluation, Psychometric Testing
Mr. Andenmatten earned a Master of Education degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Springfield College and is credentialed nationally by the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) and as a Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE); Mr. Andenmatten was awarded an International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC) by the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE). Mr. Andenmatten possesses 16 years of experience as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor/Consultant providing a wide array of vocational rehabilitation services to people with disabilities in the areas of long-term disability insurance, individual disability insurance, short term disability insurance, state agency vocational rehabilitation, and workers compensation. Mr. Andenmatten provides vocational expert witness services for litigants in the areas of Disability Insurance, Veteran TDIU, Worker Compensation, Personal injury, Medical Mal...

Christopher T. Skerritt, CRC, ABVE/F, IPEC, CVE, CLCP, MSCC, CEAS

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Services

Economics, Vocational Rehabilitation - Economic analysis, economic impacts, labor economics, employment, earnings, labor market, job market analysis, occupational outlook, vocational assessment, transferable skills analysis, labor force participation, human capital, productivity, wages, economic policy
Christopher Skerritt is a highly skilled and accomplished expert in the fields of vocational rehabilitation, life care planning, employability assessment, and economic analysis. With a strong educational background, including a Bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences, a Master's degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling from Springfield College, and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bryant University, he has earned an extensive range of certifications. These credentials include Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), Certified Medicare Set-Aside Consultant, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Certified Remote Ergonomic Assessment Specialist. Additionally, Mr. Skerritt is a distinguished Fellow of the American Board of Vocational Experts, highlighting his dedication to professional excellence and expertise in the field. At Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Se...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Kirsten Durling, MA, CRC

Vocational Loss of Earnings Expert


Linden, Michigan
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Vocational evaluation, loss of earning capacity, personal injury, employability, vocational testing, wage earning capacity, economic damages, job analysis, vocational expert, pediatric wage loss, amputation, traumatic brain injury, burns, catastrophic, non-catastrophic injury, vocational forensics
In her work with LCPMD, Ms. Durling serves as a vocational expert providing an array of vocational services to attorneys for litigation support, including loss of earnings assessments, vocational evaluations, and employability/placeability assessments. Ms. Durling graduated from Michigan State University’s rehabilitation counseling program that is ranked #1 among programs within the United States by the US News and World Report. She has extensive experience in both the public and private sector working with individuals on a wide spectrum in terms of disability and injury. She has also worked with some of the largest long-term disability carriers in the country to determine employability and earnings potential in relation to continued benefits. Ms. Durling is well-versed in vocational assessments including loss of earnings capacity, transferable skills analysis, labor market surveys, and employability opinions. LCPMD is sought by both plaintiff and defense attorneys nationwide ...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


St. Louis, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Matthew Putts, PhD

Vocational Evaluation & Life Care Planning Expert


Hackensack, New Jersey
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Life Care Planning, Employability Evaluation, Lost Earnings, Lost Wages, Personal Injury, Employment Law, Divorce, Matrimonial, Cost Projections
Dr. Putts serves as a Director at Large the American Board of Vocational Experts. He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). Dr. Putts provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administration and Analysis - Life Care Plans - Medical Cost Projections - Loss of Household Services - DVOD/ATUS Methodology - Rehabilitation Expert Witness - Experienced in Court/Deposition Principal, Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Services...

Michael J Ramer, M.A., C.P.C., C.S.P.

Ramer Group

Livingston , New Jersey
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - vocational, employability, earning capacity, economic loss, wrongful termination, discrimination, personal injury, divorce, career assessment, executive compensation, labor market studies, job search best practices
Dually qualified as a vocational/employability and economic/damages expert. Experienced in employment-related matters involving; earning capacity, economic loss, personal injury, matrimonial/divorce, whistleblowing, wrongful termination, discrimination, executive compensation. Retained on more than 130 matters nationwide for plaintiffs and defendants. Testified in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Background includes over 25 years' experience in corporate and staffing industries. Certified Personnel Consultant (C.P.C.) and Certified Staffing Professional (C.S.P.). Founder and owner of executive recruitment and staffing firm. Professional speaker, job search consultant, and recruiting industry trainer. Excellent research, case analysis, and testimonial skills. Full C.V. and expedite service upon request.



New Jersey
Neuropsychology, Vocational Rehabilitation - Cognitive, Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion, Head Trauma, neurocognitive disorders, seizure disorders, psychological, learning disabilities, emotional distress, job assessment, vocational assessment, psychological testing, psychological assessment, neuropsychological assessment, memory impairment
I am licensed as a psychologist in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and board certified as both a clinical neuropsychologist and vocational expert with the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology and the American Board of Vocational Experts. I provide for comprehensive neuropsychological and vocational evaluations for individuals (children, adolescents, adults) presenting with various forms of learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, memory loss, cognitive impairment, concussions, attention problems, acquired brain injuries, competency issues and dementia. when performing a neuropsychological evaluation, these evaluations are focused on identifying areas of neurocognitive strength and weakness. Focus is not only on the degree or nature of the impairment that the individual presents with, but also how this impacts the individual’s activities of daily living. This includes the ability to return to school or work; and also the individu...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Hackensack, New Jersey
Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Frank J Carr

Centnennial Advisory Group

Tarrytown, New York
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - Executive Compensation, Financial Services Employment, Financial Services Compensation, Hedge Fund Employment, Hedge Fund Compensation, Private Equity Compensation, Investment Employment, Investment Management Compensation, Wall Street Compensation, Employment Litigation, Wrongful Termination
Frank Carr has extensive background and experience as a Compensation and Employment Expert Witness with particular expertise in the Financial Services and Investment Industries. He has represented both employers and employees at Investment Management Firms, Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds, Private Equity Firms, Wealth Managers, Investment & Commercial Banks and Broker Dealers. Mr. Carr has provided expert reports and testimony for matters before the American Arbitration Association, JAMS, FINRA, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Superior Court and the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. Additional case jurisdictions have included New Jersey, Connecticut, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, California, Florida and Singapore. Mr. Carr is a former corporate banker, investment firm Chief Financial Officer and a 22 year veteran of executive search for the Financial Services industry. Frank is the founder of Cent...

Julie Jansen

Julie Jansen, LLC

New York
Vocational Rehabilitation - Vocational Evaluation and Expert Testimony for Marital Dissolution/Divorce, Family Law, Employment - Vocational Expert, Vocational Evaluation, Job Analysis, Labor Market Surveys, Earning Capacity, Employability, Career Change, Job Search Effectiveness, Wrongful Termination, Discrimination Dismissal
Julie Jansen has over 20 years of experience in career transition, outplacement, recruiting, and human resources consulting. She has provided consulting, reports, and expert testimony on the capacity to work, transferable skills, physical and mental demands of jobs, earning capacity, and the existence of jobs in the labor market in divorce and wrongful termination cases. As an executive and career coach, motivational speaker, and resume and LinkedIn profile writer Julie empowers professionals to find success, satisfaction, and fulfillment at work. She works with clients of every age, across all functional areas and industries, to develop and enhance skills and competencies. Julie has written numerous articles and has delivered 500+ keynote speeches and workshops on employment, workforce, and career issues. Julie's book I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying Work (Penguin; second revised edition) has been published in the U.S...

David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

New York
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

New York
Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

John Maier, MA, CRC, CCM, CLCP

Vocational & CLCP Expertise for PL and DEF Cases

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Raleigh, North Carolina
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Case Manager, Certified Life Care Planner, CLCP, Life Care Plan Analysis, Long Term Care, Expert Witness, Plaintiff, Defense, Vocational Expert, Vocational Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Analysis
John Maier is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Case Manager, and Certified Life Care Planner with over 26 years of rehabilitation experience. John's expertise encompasses vocational testing, transferable skills analysis, job assessment, labor market research, rehabilitation planning, and the identification of reasonable accommodations in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since July 2020, John has testified as a contracted vocational expert witness in over 500 hearings throughout the U.S. with the Social Security Administration. He has determined the pre-injury and post-injury earning capacity of individuals in both state and federal court. He is an active member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals both locally and nationally.

Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.

Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.

Cincinnati, Ohio
Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology - Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters. American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker Current practice includes: •Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams. •Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury. •Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...

Maria A. Babinetz, MS, CRC, CDMS, CCM, ABVE / D, IPEC, LPC-PA, LRC-NJ

Signature Rehabilitation Services, LLC

Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Vocational Evaluation, Disability Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Wage Loss Analysis, Testing, Personal Injury, Employment Law, Wrongful Death, Divorce, ADA, Long Term Disability, Labor Market Research, Transferable Skills Analysis, Job Analysis, Vocational Opinions, Vocational Expert Testimony
Maria A. Babinetz is a self-employed vocational rehabilitation and employment expert from suburban Philadelphia who also works in various jurisdictions across the United States. Ms. Babinetz holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Individual and Family Studies from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Scranton. Ms. Babinetz is presently a doctoral candidate at Grand Canyon University where she is pursuing a PhD in General Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology. Ms. Babinetz has completed all her doctoral level coursework and is in the process of completing the last two chapters of her dissertation. Ms. Babinetz is a Board-Certified Vocational Expert (ABVE / D), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania, and a Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC) in New Jersey. Ms. Babinetz hold other national certifications in areas to include Certified Rehabilitation Co...

Leah P Greenwood, Ph.D., ABPP/D, ABVE/D

Neuropsychologist/Vocational Expert

Greenwood Vocational Consulting

Exton, Pennsylvania
Vocational Rehabilitation, Neuropsychology - Neuropsychological IME, Psychological IME, Earning Capacity Evaluations, Vocational Capacity Evaluations, Vocational Rehabilitation Plans, Wage Loss Claims
Licenses: Pennsylvania Psychology License Delaware Psychology License Certifications: American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), Diplomate, 2004 American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), Diplomate, 2020 International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC), 2016 University of Florida, Certificate in Forensic Vocational Rehabilitation, 2017 Cornell University, Certificate in Financial Management, 2019 Licensure: Licensed Psychologist, Pennsylvania Licensed Psychologist, Delaware Memberships: International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP), Penn-Ohio Chapter, Treasurer of the Executive Board American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE) American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA) American Psychological Association (APA) (APA), Division 22, Academy of Rehabilitation Psychology (APA), Division 40, Society of Clinical Neuropsychology (APA), Division 41, American Psychology-Law Society Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA) Delaware Psycho...



JENKINTOWN, Pennsylvania
Neuropsychology, Vocational Rehabilitation - Cognitive, Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion, Head Trauma, neurocognitive disorders, seizure disorders, psychological, learning disabilities, emotional distress, job assessment, vocational assessment, psychological testing, psychological assessment, neuropsychological assessment, memory impairment
I am licensed as a psychologist in both Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and board certified as both a clinical neuropsychologist and vocational expert with the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology and the American Board of Vocational Experts. I provide for comprehensive neuropsychological and vocational evaluations for individuals (children, adolescents, adults) presenting with various forms of learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, memory loss, cognitive impairment, concussions, attention problems, acquired brain injuries, competency issues and dementia. when performing a neuropsychological evaluation, these evaluations are focused on identifying areas of neurocognitive strength and weakness. Focus is not only on the degree or nature of the impairment that the individual presents with, but also how this impacts the individual’s activities of daily living. This includes the ability to return to school or work; and also the individu...

Christopher T. Skerritt, CRC, ABVE/F, IPEC, CVE, CLCP, MSCC, CEAS

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Services

Smithfield , Rhode Island
Economics, Vocational Rehabilitation - Economic analysis, economic impacts, labor economics, employment, earnings, labor market, job market analysis, occupational outlook, vocational assessment, transferable skills analysis, labor force participation, human capital, productivity, wages, economic policy
Christopher Skerritt is a highly skilled and accomplished expert in the fields of vocational rehabilitation, life care planning, employability assessment, and economic analysis. With a strong educational background, including a Bachelor's degree in Communication Disorders and Sciences, a Master's degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling from Springfield College, and a Master's degree in Business Administration from Bryant University, he has earned an extensive range of certifications. These credentials include Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), Certified Medicare Set-Aside Consultant, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Certified Remote Ergonomic Assessment Specialist. Additionally, Mr. Skerritt is a distinguished Fellow of the American Board of Vocational Experts, highlighting his dedication to professional excellence and expertise in the field. At Kincaid Wolstein Vocational and Rehabilitation Se...

Michelle Aliff, Ph.D, CRC, CVE

Keller, Texas
Vocational Rehabilitation, Disability Evaluation - Loss of earning capacity, vocational evaluation, worker's compensation, disability, family law, wrongful termination, employment, discrimination, disability access
Dr. Aliff is a certified rehabilitation counselor with experience in personal injury, discrimination, special education services Social Security disability, workers compensation, and divorce cases. She provides vocational evaluation, earning capacity evaluation, vocational rehabilitation, labor market research, job analysis, job placement, workplace accommodation assessment, and consultation, and vocational expert testimony in state and federal systems. She is also a regional district manager for two Department of Veteran's Administration contracts that provide services to veterans and their families seeking employment and independent living services. Dr. Aliff has participated in numerous cases and has 1000's of hours in case preparation. Her experiences include 16 years in teaching future rehabilitation counselors as a professor in a CORE accredited Masters Program, providing vocational evaluations, and providing testimony. She has published several articles on minimum qualifica...

R. Brad Coffey, M.Ed, MBA, CVE, CRC, CDMS, FVE

Re-Employment Resources, LC

San Antonio, Texas
Vocational Rehabilitation - Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity
Vocational rehabilitation counselor and consultant, providing comprehensive evaluations of employability and loss of earning capacity. Areas of practice: Personal injury, medical malpractice, workers' compensation, disability insurance, and pediatric personal injury. National certifications: Vocational Evaluation Specialist, Rehabilitation Counselor, Disability Management Specialist. Registered Forensic Vocational Expert. Vocational evaluation is a process of gathering data and personal information that are synthesized into a profile of a person, that can be used both to describe functioning and to determine potential for working in specific jobs.

Tiffany Fischer-Blowers, EdS, MBA, CLCP, CDMS, CBIS

Vocational Life Care Planner Expert


Temple, Texas
Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - vocational evaluation, loss of earnings, loss of earnings capacity, vocational testing, clcp, personal injury, vocational expert, life care planning expert, wage earning capacity, employability, vocational consultant, amputation, traumatic brain injury, burns, catastrophic, vocational forensics
Tiffany Fischer-Blowers is a Certified Specialist in Disability Management with extensive experience in vocational evaluation, life care planning, and brain injury assessment. Having collaborated with one of the nation’s largest disability-focused law firms, she has honed her skills in assessing the workplace impact of disabilities and ensuring compliance with industry standards, including California Workers’ Compensation. Tiffany’s advanced training in disability and rehabilitation science from Utah State University, combined with her doctoral studies in adult development, has strengthened her expertise in assessment, planning, and placement for individuals with complex challenges. Tiffany is adept at conducting vocational assessments and evaluations, including wage-loss assessments, transferable skills analysis, labor market surveys, and employability opinions. She continues to be a passionate advocate for invisible disability awareness, focusing on fostering community integratio...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

San Antonio, Texas
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Kacy Turner, MS, CRC, CVE, CLCP

CLCP & Vocational Expertise for Your Cases

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Tyler, Texas
Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Certified Life Care Planner, CLCP, Life Care Planning, Vocational Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Analysis, Vocational Review, Cost Estimate, Case Manager, Long-Term Care, Medical, Plaintiff, Defense, Federal Court, State Court, Life Care Plan Review
Kacy Turner is a Certified Life Care Planner and vocational consultant. She has over 25 years of experience in rehabilitation. She has experience as a rehabilitation consultant in three states and has been qualified as a testifying expert in state and federal courts. Kacy has worked on cases in several states as well as the country of Trinidad. To determine the pre-injury and post-injury employability in personal injury cases, Kacy provides vocational testing, transferable skills analysis, job analyses, rehabilitation plans, and determines reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act. She is a member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, the Texas Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, and Providers of Services, and Vocational Evaluation and Career Assessment Professionals. She has served as secretary, president and board member for the Texas Association of Rehabilitation Professionals.

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Scott D. Sevart, M.A., CRP, CRC, ABVE/D, CLCP

Vocational Expert

Sevart Vocational and Forensic Services

Merrifield, Virginia
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Earning capacity, loss of earning capacity, employability in spousal/child support, employment law, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation cases, life care plans, catastrophic injuries, chronic health care needs
Scott Sevart has over 26 years of experience as a vocational rehabilitation consultant in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. He is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), a nationally Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), a member of the American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate (ABVE), the International Association of Life Care Planners (IALCP) and a member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP). He has provided testimony in over 32 hearings, depositions, and trials. He is bilingual in English/Spanish. Earning capacity/loss of earning capacity and employability in spousal/child support, employment law, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation cases, and life care plans for those who have experienced catastrophic injury or who have chronic health care needs.

Julian Shields, PhD, CRC

Blue Ridge Vocational Associates

Winchester, Virginia
Vocational Rehabilitation, Legal - Personal Injury, Vocational Assessment, Earning Loss, Earning Capacity, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Evaluations, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Vocational Maximum Medical Improvement Assessments, Job Analysis
Blue Ridge Vocational Associates, LLC (BRVA) is a vocational expert practice that provides vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiffs / defense attorneys, and insurance companies on vocational issues pertaining to employability, earning capacity, and expert testimony. BRVA uses holistic approaches, rigorous techniques, and reliable methodologies to illustrate if the vocational impact of injury has affected individuals' vocational capacity. Attorneys use BRVA to document if damages have occurred as a result of injury.

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...
You can also find Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia