Vocational Expert Witnesses

Vocational expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on vocational. The vocational expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Disability Evaluation, Employment, Human Resources, Life Care Planning, Medical Billing, and Vocational Rehabilitation.

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Robert Wegman, MRC, CRC, CEAS

Vocational Loss of Earnings Expert


Lakeland, Florida
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Vocational evaluation, loss of earning capacity, personal injury, employability, vocational testing, wage earning capacity, economic damages, job analysis, vocational, transferable skills, amputation, traumatic brain injury, catastrophic, non-catastrophic, vocational forensics, wage loss
Mr. Wegman serves as a vocational rehabilitation subject matter expert, providing opinions to attorneys working on cases including but not limited to personal injury, medical malpractice, and workers’ compensation. Using evidence-based practices and methodologies, he can determine if a loss of earnings occurred due to injury. With a sound understanding of the impact disability has on earning capacity, Mr. Wegman utilizes his expertise to provide vocational counseling and guidance and conduct vocational assessments and transferrable skills analyses. Additionally, he performs labor market analyses, with wage loss assessments, and provides court testimony. As a Bowling Green State University Rehabilitation Counseling Program graduate with a medical background, Mr. Wegman has worked for over 20 years as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. He has extensive experience providing vocational rehabilitation counseling services in the public and private sectors within multiple states. This...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Sabrina Taylor, PhD, LGPC, CRC, CWIP

Benefits Understood Counseling Services LLC

Columbia, Maryland
Vocational Rehabilitation, Disability Evaluation - Career Counseling, Employment Readiness, Workers Compensation, Labor Market Analysis, SSI and SSDI Benefits Counseling, Case Management, Vocational Evaluation, Individual Unemployability Case Review, Wage Earning Capacity, Ticket to Work, Veteran Employability, Vocational Expert Testimony
Dr. Taylor is a distinguished scholar and practitioner who earned her PhD and Masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and Rehabilitation Counselor Education from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University with a primary focus on Trauma Informed Care. Her academic journey also includes a bachelor's degree in Human Services from Elon University. She is licensed as a Graduate Professional Counselor in Washington D.C. and possesses several national certifications, including Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, and Work Incentives Practitioner, Her extensive qualifications extend to certifications in Vocational Evaluation, Work Adjustment, Work Incentives Counseling, Behavioral Addictions, and online teaching. Dr. Taylor owns Benefits Understood Counseling Services. Benefits Understood Counseling Services is an approved vocational rehabilitation provider by the Maryland Workers Compensation Commission. Benefits Understood is also an approved vendor of the Maryland Di...

Jeffrey R. Ketchum, CRA

Executive Recruiting & Compensation

Lordstone Corporation

Gladstone, Michigan
Employment, Human Resources - executive recruiter, executive compensation, recruiter, recruitment, executive recruiting, executive search consulting, headhunter, compensation, executive earning capacity, wage loss, executive employability, executive marketability, job search analysis, executive assessment, vocational
Jeffrey Ketchum is an executive recruiting and executive compensation expert witness with 30 years of executive level (C-level, VP & Director) experience with small businesses, middle market and Fortune 500 companies. Mr. Ketchum has personally completed over 200 engagements focused on executive recruiting, executive compensation, executive marketability, management appraisal and executive assessment. He is the President of several executive search & executive compensation consulting firms, including Lordstone Corporation and Dieck Executive Search, Inc. Mr. Ketchum is a graduate of Cornell University's Advanced Program for Executive Search & Leadership Consulting and Wharton's Executive Compensation: Strategies & Frameworks program. He is an AESC Certified Researcher/Associate (CRA) through the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants, the official representative of the industry to the US Government and European Commission. Mr. Ketchum has global experience i...

Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC

Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning


St. Louis, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field. With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...

Michael J Ramer, M.A., C.P.C., C.S.P.

Ramer Group

Livingston , New Jersey
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - vocational, employability, earning capacity, economic loss, wrongful termination, discrimination, personal injury, divorce, career assessment, executive compensation, labor market studies, job search best practices
Dually qualified as a vocational/employability and economic/damages expert. Experienced in employment-related matters involving; earning capacity, economic loss, personal injury, matrimonial/divorce, whistleblowing, wrongful termination, discrimination, executive compensation. Retained on more than 130 matters nationwide for plaintiffs and defendants. Testified in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Background includes over 25 years' experience in corporate and staffing industries. Certified Personnel Consultant (C.P.C.) and Certified Staffing Professional (C.S.P.). Founder and owner of executive recruitment and staffing firm. Professional speaker, job search consultant, and recruiting industry trainer. Excellent research, case analysis, and testimonial skills. Full C.V. and expedite service upon request.

John Maier, MA, CRC, CCM, CLCP

Vocational & CLCP Expertise for PL and DEF Cases

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Raleigh, North Carolina
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Case Manager, Certified Life Care Planner, CLCP, Life Care Plan Analysis, Long Term Care, Expert Witness, Plaintiff, Defense, Vocational Expert, Vocational Counselor, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Analysis
John Maier is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Case Manager, and Certified Life Care Planner with over 26 years of rehabilitation experience. John's expertise encompasses vocational testing, transferable skills analysis, job assessment, labor market research, rehabilitation planning, and the identification of reasonable accommodations in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Since July 2020, John has testified as a contracted vocational expert witness in over 500 hearings throughout the U.S. with the Social Security Administration. He has determined the pre-injury and post-injury earning capacity of individuals in both state and federal court. He is an active member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals both locally and nationally.

Dawn Espinoza, RN, MSN, CCM, CDMS, CNLCP, LNCC

Life Care Planner, Medical Billing, Vocational

Dawn Espinoza Consulting, PLLC

Arlington, Texas
Life Care Planning, Medical Billing - Case Management, Medical Cost Projection, Vocational Expert, Employability Expert, Nursing, Personal Injury, Property Liability, Workers Compensation
A licensed Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience. I have provided care for and developed treatment plans for a multitude of patients, including those patients experiencing orthopedic conditions that require inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation, patients with burn injuries, patients with spinal cord injuries, patients who have experienced with amputations, patients with visual impairments, and patients with acquired brain injuries. I trained as and began working as a medical and vocational case manager in 2006, becoming certified in 2007. As a case manager, I perform assessment, planning, implementation, coordination of care, monitoring, evaluation, and outcomes management in a variety of practice settings. My work as a case manager included medical billing audit, utilization review, as well as appeals and denials of hospital services which included medical and procedural coding, medical necessity, and cost review. In 2011, I became a certified disability management sp...

Tiffany Fischer-Blowers, EdS, MBA, CLCP, CDMS, CBIS

Vocational Life Care Planner Expert


Temple, Texas
Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - vocational evaluation, loss of earnings, loss of earnings capacity, vocational testing, clcp, personal injury, vocational expert, life care planning expert, wage earning capacity, employability, vocational consultant, amputation, traumatic brain injury, burns, catastrophic, vocational forensics
Tiffany Fischer-Blowers is a Certified Specialist in Disability Management with extensive experience in vocational evaluation, life care planning, and brain injury assessment. Having collaborated with one of the nation’s largest disability-focused law firms, she has honed her skills in assessing the workplace impact of disabilities and ensuring compliance with industry standards, including California Workers’ Compensation. Tiffany’s advanced training in disability and rehabilitation science from Utah State University, combined with her doctoral studies in adult development, has strengthened her expertise in assessment, planning, and placement for individuals with complex challenges. Tiffany is adept at conducting vocational assessments and evaluations, including wage-loss assessments, transferable skills analysis, labor market surveys, and employability opinions. She continues to be a passionate advocate for invisible disability awareness, focusing on fostering community integratio...

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

San Antonio, Texas
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...