Earning Capacity Expert Witnesses
Earning capacity expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on earning capacity. The earning capacity expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accounting, Business Valuation, Employment, Forensic Psychology, Legal, Life Care Planning, and Vocational Rehabilitation.
Bryan L. Parker, CPA, FCPA
Bryan L. Parker, CPA, LLC
Pelham, Alabama
Accounting, Business Valuation
Divorce, Financial, Business Damages, Forensic CPA, Earning Capacity
Areas of Expertise:
Accounting: personal and corporate
Valuation: personal and corporate
Business Interruption/lost earnings/lost profit
Analysis: earnings, lost profit, and businesses
Forensic Accounting
Financial Statements
Mergers & Acquisitions
Appraisals: business and personal net worth
Personal and Corporate Tax
Matrimonial Business Valuation
Bryan Parker CPA is an expert in accounting with over 35 years in corporate and private practice. His specialty is Forensics Accounting and is certified as a Forensic CPA (FCPA). He has assisted clients with consultation, mediation, or testimony in divorce cases concerning but not limited to business or retirement valuation and pre-nuptial agreements. He has experience in all aspects of accounting and finance pertaining to Federal and state income taxes. He is also certified as a Financial Planner (CFP, PFS, and ChFC) and in this capacity, he advises clients regarding their personal and business finances. During his ...
Taft Vocational Experts LLC
Scottsdale, Arizona
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation
Human Resources, Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Labor Market, Employability, Wrongful Termination, Divorce, Job Search Effectiveness, Discrimination, Harassment, Retaliation, Workers' Compensation
Brad Taft has over 35 years experience in the recruiting, outplacement, career transition, and organizational development fields. He has provided expert consulting, reports, and/or testimony in over 200 cases involving wrongful termination, divorce, personal injury, wrongful death, and workers compensation. Brad is also the Chief Career Strategist of Taft Career Group, a career management consulting firm that supports individuals in planning and implementing effective job search campaigns. Prior experience includes recruiting and consulting with firms such as Korn/Ferry International, Lee Hecht Harrison, Right Management Consultants, and Spherion. He has provided recruitment, talent management, and organizational development services for companies in a large number of service and manufacturing industries; and he has provided career consulting to individuals in all functions and all levels of organizations.
Brad holds certifications in the human resources, career consulting, and lit...
Howard J. Goldfarb, MA, CRC
Goldfarb & Assoc.
S. Pasadena, California
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment
Forensic Employability Evaluations, Long Term Disability, Long Term Disability Denials, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Termination, Earning Capacity Evaluations, ERISA, FEHA, Divorce, Job Placement, Job Analysis, Human Resources, Marriage Dissolution
Owner of vocational rehabilitation consulting firm. Interviews and evaluates clients to determine feasibility of services. Performs One-on-One Vocational Counseling and Planning utilizing transferable skills. Performs Direct Job Seeking Skills as well as Vocational Placement. Administers and interprets vocational aptitude, interest and achievement testing. Provides Job Analyses, Labor Market Surveys and Job Seeking Skills Training. Independent Vocational Evaluator State of CA Rehab Unit, Division of Industrial Accidents. Provides Testimony as a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employability Consultant in Personal Injury, Third Party Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Abuse, ERISA as well as Federal Railroad matters. Performs Earning Capacity Evaluations. Vocational Consultant involved in Employability Assessments for Marriage Dissolution matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Julie Jansen
Julie Jansen, LLC
Stamford, Connecticut
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Evaluation and Expert Testimony for Marital Dissolution/Divorce, Family Law, Employment - Vocational Expert, Vocational Evaluation, Job Analysis, Labor Market Surveys, Earning Capacity, Employability, Career Change, Job Search Effectiveness, Wrongful Termination, Discrimination Dismissal
Julie Jansen has over 20 years of experience in career transition, outplacement, recruiting, and human resources consulting. She has provided consulting, reports, and expert testimony on the capacity to work, transferable skills, physical and mental demands of jobs, earning capacity, and the existence of jobs in the labor market in divorce and wrongful termination cases.
As an executive and career coach, motivational speaker, and resume and LinkedIn profile writer Julie empowers professionals to find success, satisfaction, and fulfillment at work. She works with clients of every age, across all functional areas and industries, to develop and enhance skills and competencies. Julie has written numerous articles and has delivered 500+ keynote speeches and workshops on employment, workforce, and career issues.
Julie's book I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying Work (Penguin; second revised edition) has been published in the U.S...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Jason C. Purinton, LPC, CRC, CVE, ABVE/F, IPEC
Vocational Expert & Life Care Planning
St. Louis, Missouri
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Vocational Assessment, Vocational Evaluation, Wage Loss, Employability, Placeability, Vocational Expert, Life Care Planner, Psychometric Testing, Vocational Testing, Earning Capacity, Present Value, Future Value, Occupational Assessment, Job Analysis, Work Evaluation, Job Placement, Employment
Serving Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, Major Cities in Canada, and Nationwide
I am a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Certified Vocational Evaluation Specialist (CVE), and Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC - Missouri) specializing in vocational expert witness services, life care planning, and case management. I am also a Fellow at The American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE), a Certified International Psychometric Evaluator (CIPE) through ABVE, and a Forensic Vocational Expert with the American Rehabilitation Economics Association (AREA)—a rare combination of credentials that reflects my depth of expertise and commitment to the field.
With extensive experience as a damages expert, I provide comprehensive vocational evaluations and expert testimony for civil litigation cases across the United States and Canada. My areas of expertise include wage loss analysis, employability evaluations, economic loss quantification for both catastrophic and non-catastrophic...
Michael J Ramer, M.A., C.P.C., C.S.P.
Ramer Group
Livingston , New Jersey
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation
vocational, employability, earning capacity, economic loss, wrongful termination, discrimination, personal injury, divorce, career assessment, executive compensation, labor market studies, job search best practices
Dually qualified as a vocational/employability and economic/damages expert.
Experienced in employment-related matters involving; earning capacity, economic loss, personal injury, matrimonial/divorce, whistleblowing, wrongful termination, discrimination, executive compensation. Retained on more than 130 matters nationwide for plaintiffs and defendants. Testified in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, and the District of Columbia.
Background includes over 25 years' experience in corporate and staffing industries. Certified Personnel Consultant (C.P.C.) and Certified Staffing Professional (C.S.P.). Founder and owner of executive recruitment and staffing firm. Professional speaker, job search consultant, and recruiting industry trainer. Excellent research, case analysis, and testimonial skills. Full C.V. and expedite service upon request.
Julie Jansen
Julie Jansen, LLC
New York
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Evaluation and Expert Testimony for Marital Dissolution/Divorce, Family Law, Employment - Vocational Expert, Vocational Evaluation, Job Analysis, Labor Market Surveys, Earning Capacity, Employability, Career Change, Job Search Effectiveness, Wrongful Termination, Discrimination Dismissal
Julie Jansen has over 20 years of experience in career transition, outplacement, recruiting, and human resources consulting. She has provided consulting, reports, and expert testimony on the capacity to work, transferable skills, physical and mental demands of jobs, earning capacity, and the existence of jobs in the labor market in divorce and wrongful termination cases.
As an executive and career coach, motivational speaker, and resume and LinkedIn profile writer Julie empowers professionals to find success, satisfaction, and fulfillment at work. She works with clients of every age, across all functional areas and industries, to develop and enhance skills and competencies. Julie has written numerous articles and has delivered 500+ keynote speeches and workshops on employment, workforce, and career issues.
Julie's book I Don’t Know What I Want, But I Know It’s Not This: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Gratifying Work (Penguin; second revised edition) has been published in the U.S...
Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.
Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology
Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters.
American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker
Current practice includes:
•Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams.
•Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury.
•Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...
Maria A. Babinetz, MS, CRC, CDMS, CCM, ABVE / D, IPEC, LPC-PA, LRC-NJ
Signature Rehabilitation Services, LLC
Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment
Vocational Evaluation, Disability Evaluation, Earning Capacity, Wage Loss Analysis, Testing, Personal Injury, Employment Law, Wrongful Death, Divorce, ADA, Long Term Disability, Labor Market Research, Transferable Skills Analysis, Job Analysis, Vocational Opinions, Vocational Expert Testimony
Maria A. Babinetz is a self-employed vocational rehabilitation and employment expert from suburban Philadelphia who also works in various jurisdictions across the United States. Ms. Babinetz holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Individual and Family Studies from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Scranton. Ms. Babinetz is presently a doctoral candidate at Grand Canyon University where she is pursuing a PhD in General Psychology with an emphasis in Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology. Ms. Babinetz has completed all her doctoral level coursework and is in the process of completing the last two chapters of her dissertation.
Ms. Babinetz is a Board-Certified Vocational Expert (ABVE / D), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania, and a Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC) in New Jersey. Ms. Babinetz hold other national certifications in areas to include Certified Rehabilitation Co...
R. Brad Coffey, M.Ed, MBA, CVE, CRC, CDMS, FVE
Re-Employment Resources, LC
San Antonio, Texas
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Evaluation, Earning Capacity
Vocational rehabilitation counselor and consultant, providing comprehensive evaluations of employability and loss of earning capacity. Areas of practice:
Personal injury, medical malpractice, workers' compensation, disability insurance, and pediatric personal injury.
National certifications: Vocational Evaluation Specialist, Rehabilitation Counselor, Disability Management Specialist. Registered Forensic Vocational Expert.
Vocational evaluation is a process of gathering data and personal information that are synthesized into a profile of a person, that can be used both to describe functioning and to determine potential for working in specific jobs.
Scott D. Sevart, M.A., CRP, CRC, ABVE/D, CLCP
Vocational Expert
Sevart Vocational and Forensic Services
Merrifield, Virginia
Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning
Earning capacity, loss of earning capacity, employability in spousal/child support, employment law, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation cases, life care plans, catastrophic injuries, chronic health care needs
Scott Sevart has over 26 years of experience as a vocational rehabilitation consultant in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. He is a nationally Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), a nationally Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), a member of the American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate (ABVE), the International Association of Life Care Planners (IALCP) and a member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP). He has provided testimony in over 32 hearings, depositions, and trials. He is bilingual in English/Spanish.
Earning capacity/loss of earning capacity and employability in spousal/child support, employment law, personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, worker's compensation cases, and life care plans for those who have experienced catastrophic injury or who have chronic health care needs.
Julian Shields, PhD, CRC
Blue Ridge Vocational Associates
Winchester, Virginia
Vocational Rehabilitation, Legal
Personal Injury, Vocational Assessment, Earning Loss, Earning Capacity, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Evaluations, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Vocational Maximum Medical Improvement Assessments, Job Analysis
Blue Ridge Vocational Associates, LLC (BRVA) is a vocational expert practice that provides vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiffs / defense attorneys, and insurance companies on vocational issues pertaining to employability, earning capacity, and expert testimony. BRVA uses holistic approaches, rigorous techniques, and reliable methodologies to illustrate if the vocational impact of injury has affected individuals' vocational capacity. Attorneys use BRVA to document if damages have occurred as a result of injury.