Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on vocational rehabilitation and related issues. Vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these vocational rehabilitation expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Earnings Capacity, FEHA, Human Resources, Job Analysis, Life Care Planner, Loss Of Future Earnings, Ada, Amputations, Cfra, Discrimination Policies, Divorce, Earning Capacity, Earnings Loss, Employability Evaluation, and Employment Law.

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David M. Soja, CRC, LPC, ABVE/D, IPEC

CRC Services, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - ADA,Career Counseling,Diminution,Defamation,Disability Reviews (SSA/ERISA),Divorce,Employability,Job Analysis,Job Placement,Labor Market Survey, P-Injury,Transition Assessments,Vocational Life Care Plans, Memory Testing,Wage Earning Capacity,Workers-Comp,Wrongful Termination,Veteran TDIU CampLejeune
CRC Services, LLC is a vocational expert firm specializing in a wide array of vocational consulting, vocational rehabilitation and vocational expert advising services to governmental agencies, private business, insurance companies, the legal community and the general public, Nationwide. CRC Services, LLC was founded in Longmeadow, Massachusetts in 1981 by David M. Soja. CRC Services opened offices in Windsor, Connecticut in 1998 and recently added offices in New Rochelle serving the greater New York City metropolitan area and San Francisco serving the Bay Area. As a vocational expert firm, we understand the importance of teamwork, timely communication and the challenge of unlocking disability in various venues. We are committed to our clients and ensure we are accessible and responsive to their needs. CRC Services is available across the USA - providing vocational expert witness services to litigants, plaintiff and defense attorneys and insurance companies on complex vocational...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...

Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.

Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.

Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology - Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters. American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker Current practice includes: •Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams. •Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury. •Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...


ADA Accommodation Specialist

HRM Consulting, Inc.

Murphys, California
Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation - FMLA, CFRA, ADA, Sexual Harassment Retaliation, Discrimination Policies, FEHA, Labor Market Workers Comp, Job Analysis, Mediation, Human Resources
Ms. De Lima is a nationally certified Senior Professional in Human Resources, with California State specific certification, and was appointed to the International Employee Health, Safety and Security Special Expertise Panel. Areas of expertise include ADA/FEHA, FMLA/CFRA and PDL compliance, sexual harassment, matching performance to standards and reasonable accommodation. She has done extensive work on Wrongful Termination, Workers' Compensation, Vocational Assessment and Rehabilitation, and Retaliation cases. Ms. De Lima has experience in both plaintiff and defense cases.

Howard J. Goldfarb, MA, CRC

Goldfarb & Assoc.

S. Pasadena, California
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment - Forensic Employability Evaluations, Long Term Disability, Long Term Disability Denials, Employment Law, Workers’ Compensation, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Termination, Earning Capacity Evaluations, ERISA, FEHA, Divorce, Job Placement, Job Analysis, Human Resources, Marriage Dissolution
Owner of vocational rehabilitation consulting firm. Interviews and evaluates clients to determine feasibility of services. Performs One-on-One Vocational Counseling and Planning utilizing transferable skills. Performs Direct Job Seeking Skills as well as Vocational Placement. Administers and interprets vocational aptitude, interest and achievement testing. Provides Job Analyses, Labor Market Surveys and Job Seeking Skills Training. Independent Vocational Evaluator State of CA Rehab Unit, Division of Industrial Accidents. Provides Testimony as a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employability Consultant in Personal Injury, Third Party Litigation, Wrongful Termination, Harassment, Abuse, ERISA as well as Federal Railroad matters. Performs Earning Capacity Evaluations. Vocational Consultant involved in Employability Assessments for Marriage Dissolution matters. Testifies as Vocational Expert for the Social Security Administration, Office of Disability Adjudication and Review.

Jeffrey T. Kiel, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, FVE, CCM, CEAS, CLCP, ABVE/D

Vocational Solutions, LLC

Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning - Board Certified Vocational Expert, Board Certified Life Care Planner, Loss of Future Earnings, Earnings Capacity, Life Care Planner, Life Care Plan Reviews, Self-Employment Earnings Capacity, Pediatric Wage Loss, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Oil and Gas Injuries, amputations
Dr. Jeffrey Kiel is the Managing Partner at Vocational Solutions, LLC, headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. He has been retained as a Forensic Expert witness and a Life Care Planner across several states and for the United States Attorney's Office. Dr, Kiel is a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Life Care Planner, Certified Vocational Evaluator, Certified Ergonomic Assessment Specialist, and Registered Forensic Vocational Expert Witness with 20 years of experience. Additionally, Dr. Kiel has been retained as an Expert Witness in matters including ADA, Personal Injury, Employment Discrimination, Medical Malpractice, Worker's Compensation, Long-Term Disability, and Divorce/Family Law cases. He enjoys complex cases and teaching. Dr. Kiel's work involves a split between Judicial and non-Judicial work. His work experience involves many facets of Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and Life Care Planning including working with individ...

Dan Wolstein, PhD

Vocational and Life Care Planning Expert Services

Kincaid Wolstein Vocational & Rehabilitation Services

Life Care Planning, Vocational Rehabilitation - Matrimonial, Personal Injury, Life Care Plans, Vocational Assessment, Earnings Loss, Earnings Capacity, Loss of Future Earnings, Labor Market Surveys, Vocational Testing, Loss of Household Services, Transferable Skills Analysis, Employability Evaluation
Dr. Wolstein is the President of the American Board of Vocational Experts (2023-2025). He is a Certified Life Care Planner (CLCP), Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC), Licensed Rehabilitation Counselor (LRC), Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE), and Forensic Vocational Expert (FVE). He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Vocational Experts (ABVE/D) and holds the International Psychometric Evaluation Certification (IPEC). He previously served as Conference Chair (2022 and 2023). Dr. Wolstein provides vocational evaluations/earning capacity evaluations and life care planning in personal injury, marital, and employment matters, among other services. Specialty Areas Include: - Rehabilitation Needs - Wage Data Knowledge - Vocational Evaluation - National/State Wage Research - Labor Market Analysis - Vocational Rehabilitation - Employability Assessments - Assistive Technologies - Social Security Vocational Expert - Career Counseling - Job Search Activities - Test Administrat...
You can also find Vocational Rehabilitation Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, and Virginia