Nurse Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of nurse expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on nurse and related issues. Nurse expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these nurse expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Nurse, Trauma, Stroke, Critical Care, Sepsis, Emergency Medicine, Legal Nurse Consultant, Assisted Living, Falls, Icu, Nursing, Pediatrics, Medication Errors, Nurse Practitioner, and Nursing Administration.

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Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS

Psychology, Nurse - Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available. Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California. Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.

Stacey Kelland, MSN, BA, RN, BC-MS, BC-CV, CRNI

Award Winning Nurse Expert in Active Practice

Burgess Experts INC

Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Registered Nurse, Medical/Surgical nursing, Cardiovascular nursing, Infusion nurse, IV, Falls
• 13+ years of hands-on expertise in nursing. • Inpatient staff nurse and educator in Long Island, New York. INS certified in Infusion Nursing ANCC Board Certified in Medical/Surgical and Cardiovascular Nursing. • 2022-Present ANCC Chair of the Cardiovascular Content Expert Panel creating content and setting the standards for the national nursing certification exam. • 2019- 2021 ANCC Medical-Surgical standard setting board for the national nursing certification exam. • 2020 Award Winner of the Florence Nightingale Honor for Advancing the Profession of Nursing. • 2022 team DAISY Award winner for Nursing Excellence. • Active Registered Nurse licenses to practice in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Florida and Texas. • Nurse Expert experienced in consultation, report writing, deposition and trial testimony. • Master of Science in Nursing Education with experience in leadership and teaching nursing clinical.

Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS

Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology - labor and delivery, labor and delivery nurse, obstetrics, high risk obstetrics, fetal monitoring, birth injury, antepartum, nursing license defense
Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS Certified in Inpatient Obstetrics, External Fetal Monitoring, Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety and Inpatient Antepartum Nursing. Currently working as a bedside labor and delivery nurse. As well as bedside practice worked as an adjunct faculty member teaching Women's Health at Ohlone Nursing College, Science Team Member for AWHONN, and Expert Practice Consultant for the Board of Registered Nursing. Published co-author of two Association of Women's Health and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Evidenced Based Guidelines. Published position statement that was printed in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing in March of 2020. Podium presentation at national AWHONN conference 2020. Synovia panelist speaker for the Joint Commission; meeting the measures symposium April 2021. Expert practice consultant and expert witness for the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the Board of Registered Nursing. Experienced...

Denise Atwood, RN, JD, CPHRM, CLCP

CLCP Expert for Complex Medical Cases

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Scottsdale, Arizona
Nurse, Life Care Planning - Certified Life Care Planner, Life Care Planning, CLCP, Cost Estimate, Life Care Plan Analysis, Registered Nurse, Healthcare Risk Management, Plaintiff, Defense, Expert Witness, State, Federal, Long Term Care, Injury Medical Witness
Denise Atwood, a Certified Life Care Planner with over three decades in nursing, brings expertise across Adult and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Trauma, Burn injury, Emergency Room, Surgical Nursing, Employee Health, Infection Control, Compliance, and Risk Management. She holds a Certified Professional Health Care Risk Management (CPHRM) certification and has previously taught health law, ethics, and legal issues in business as an adjunct professor at Ottawa University, the University of Phoenix and Grand Canyon University. Denise also conducts nurse ethics evaluations for the Arizona State Board of Nursing. BAR License, Arizona #027677 (Active Status). Nursing License, Arizona #096824 (Active Status). California, #495552 (Inactive Status).

Gaylene F Chartier, MSN, RN, CNOR, LNC

Cave Creek, Arizona
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Surgeries: General Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Spine Surgery, Urology Surgery, URO/GYN Surgery, GYN Surgery, Plastic Surgery, da Vinci Robotic Surgery. Operating Room Nurse. I have experience with Standard of Care, infection prevention/sterile technique, injury prevention and positioning
I have been an RN since 1999 in the operating room, both as a circulator, a scrub, and Perioperative Clinical Educator. My experience ranges from Level 1 trauma to outpatient surgery center. I have experience in the surgical specialties of cardiac, general, gynecology, orthopedic (spine), plastics, and urology. I also have assisted with the implementation of the DaVinci Robotic program in the specialties of cardiac, gynecology, and urology. I have been employed in Scottsdale, AZ since August 2009, where I perform the duties of scrub and circulator. I was promoted to Clinical Nurse Educator in April 2015 for Shea and Piper Perioperative Department (OR, pre-op, PACU, Endoscopy, and CSPD). In this position I educated staff in the newest technologies and remain current with policies and procedures. I also reviewed and updated policies for the hospital system. I was also the Laser Safety Officer for the Scottsdale campus. I have also successfully concluded several AORN: 101 Perioperativ...

Karen F Wilkinson, MN, ARNP, LNCC, CNLCP

Legal Nurse Consulting

Wilkinson Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc.

Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - Emergency, Urgent Care, Medical Bill Review, Orthopedics, GYN, Pediatrics, Acute Care, Personal Injury, Longterm care, Labor/delivery, Neonatal, Outpatient Care, CR35 exams, Oncology, Nursing standards, ICU, Life Care Planning, PACU/recovery room, Medical-surgical, home health care
Karen Wilkinson is a nurse practitioner who offers broad expertise in many types of nursing. She has 30+ years of clinical nursing experience and 20 years of nursing and paralegal faculty experience. She has authored many nursing/legal publications and has presented at national conferences. Over those 30 years of clinical work and nursing faculty roles, she has worked in various settings, including acute care hospitals, emergency departments, urgent care, outpatient clinics, pediatrics, orthopedics, pain management, PACU, anesthesia, intensive care, medical/surgical, oncology, GYN, infant and pediatric ICU, special care nursery, OB/post-partum, community health/home care, and long term care. As a nurse practitioner, Karen is uniquely qualified to assess a case's medical and nursing issues. Her years of nursing and faculty experience make her an expert in critiquing nursing, medical, and ancillary care. She has been trained and certified in medical bill review and life care pla...

Amber J. Ban, MSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, AFN-C

Advanced Forensic Nursing Services, PLLC

Bentonville, Arkansas
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Strangulation, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Forensic Nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Medical Forensic Exam, Rape Kit, Evidence Collection, Genital Injury, Assault injury
Forensic Nurse Clinician, Instructor and Expert Witness I am a master's prepared RN of 20 years, with 11 years of specialty practice as a Forensic Nurse Examiner. I am Board Certified as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Adult/Adolescent, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Pediatric, and an Advanced Forensic Nurse. I routinely provide, and have provided over 700 comprehensive medical-forensic examinations related to survived strangulation of the neck in domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, elder abuse, suspect exams and child abuse injury documentation. I have extensive education and experience in every component of the medical and evidentiary care of the assault/abuse patient. I am an expert on the background and lethality of non fatal strangulation of the neck, mechanisms of strangulation, signs and symptoms of strangulation injury, & medical protocols and interventions. I am an expert on sexual abuse and assault, including anogenital finding...

Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS

Benicia, California
Psychology, Nurse - Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available. Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California. Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.

Margaret "Lisa" A Browne, BSN OB-RNC


valencia, California
Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology - Labor and Delivery, fetal monitoring, high risk Antenatal, Triage, postpartum, birth injury, standards of care, shoulder dystocia, obstetrical hemorrhage
I have been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years providing inpatient care for laboring patients, many with high-risk pregnancies. I am currently employed full time in labor and delivery, managing patients during vaginal deliveries or cesareans. As needed, I fill in as a relief charge nurse. I am familiar with standards of care for my specialty. Current in certifications: Advanced Fetal Monitoring ACLS - Advanced Life Support NRP - Neonatal Resuscitation Program BLS - Basic Life Support AWHONN member

Tyla DiMaria, RN, MSN, CCM, CNLCP

Nurse Life Care Planner

Best Life Care Solutions

Carlsbad, California
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Home Care Agency Owner/Expert, Nursing Administration, Long Term Care, Standard of Care Expert, Medical Surgical, Trauma, Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Pain Management, Burn Injury, Catastrophic Injury, Amputation Injury, Case Management, Plaintiff, Defense, Insurance, Medical Bill Review
Registered Nurse with over 26 years of experience. Home Care Agency Owner since 2008. Broad range of nursing experience including medical surgical, trauma/ICU, telemetry, orthopedics, rehab, workers comp, mother/baby, and more. Serving both plaintiffs and defense with life care planning services, life care plan rebuttals, medical record review, standard of care reports, medical bill review, and more. Looking forward to working with you!

Gail P Fisher, BSN, RN, CNOR, LNC

Perioperative Education Specialist, LNC

GG Legal Nurse Consulting

Los Angeles, California
Nurse, Nursing Administration - Surgery, Nurse Educator, Cardiac/Vascular/Trauma/ Plastic Surgery, Total Joints, Fractures, Colon/Rectal Surgery, General Surgery, Fire Safety, Retained Foreign Objects/Sponges/Instruments, Operating Room Patient Positioning, Injury Prevention, Documentation/Chart Review
Gail has over 40 years of experience in nursing, with the main focus on perioperative services. Significant roles include scrub, circulating nurse, charge nurse, coordinator, and informaticist. Strong surgical expertise spans cardiac surgery, orthopedics, plastic surgery, and trauma procedures. As an LNC, her extensive nursing expertise allows her to meticulously analyze medical records to pinpoint crucial details and identify gaps. She ensures that only strictly relevant information is included in the chronologies and reports generated, along with critical educational and appropriate research material that will strengthen each case. Gail also supports clients attending Independent Medical Exams, from conducting pre-examination interviews to managing expectations and compiling comprehensive post-exam reports. Additionally, she writes demand letters and summary reports for merit and provides expert witness identification. This comprehensive approach increases the value of case settl...

Tamara Hayes, RN, BSN, CIC

Infectious Disease & Clinical Documentation RN

San Diego, California
Nurse, Infectious Diseases - Certification in Infection Control (CIC), Infection Surveillance, Hospital Acquired Infections, Clinical Documentation Specialist, Medical Records Review, Critical Care/Emergency RN, Data Management, Regulatory Compliance, Document Examination, Sterile Processing, High Level Disinfection
Registered Nurse with 20+ years experience in critical/intensive care, medical records analysis, nursing education, data management, and infection prevention. Former Director of Epidemiology/Infection Prevention Program for two hospitals housing diverse and complex patient populations with multiple infectious diseases including tuberculosis, COVID-19, and multi-drug resistant bacterial and fungal organisms (MDRO/CRO/Candida auris). Experience with outbreak prevention and management; oversight of safe sterile instrument processing and high-level disinfection procedures; and prevention of hospital-acquired infections (CAUTI, CLABSI, C-diff, MRSA bacteremia, and surgical site infections [SSIs]). Strong background in comprehensive medical records review and document examination to promote accuracy and clarity of the patient medical record. Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) - Summa cum laude; Certification in Infection Control (CIC); American Heart Association BLS Provider

April Hernandez, BSN, RN, CEN

Expert Nurse Consulting, Inc.

FONTANA, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse Expert, Medical Chronology, Wrongful Death, Medical Records Review, Medication Errors, Trauma, Stroke, STEMI, Pediatric Emergency Nursing, COVID-19, Standards of Care, HIPPA, Sepsis, GSW, Festivals, Cosmetic, Aesthetic
April Hernandez is a Board Certified Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Chamberlain University. Ms. Hernandez completed the Legal Nurse Consultant Training Certificate program at California State University Long Beach, and serves as a Nurse Expert for both plaintiff and defense cases. Ms. Hernandez has 24 years of diverse experience in direct patient care, staff supervision and department operations. She is skilled at multitasking, prioritizing patient needs and daily assignments. Ms. Hernandez has expertise in adult and pediatric emergency nursing, medical aesthetics and special event/festival nursing. She is a seasoned nursing professional with excellent communication skills, both written and oral. She is efficient in navigating and analyzing the Electronic Medical Record. Nurse April utilizes her experience as a bedside and charge nurse to review medical records and create chronologies for ease of medical record review. Meticulous and detail ori...

Carol A Ingalls, BSN, RN, CEN, CCRN

Ingalls and Associates, LLC

REDLANDS, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Emergency Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting. ED Nurse, ER Nurse, Medical Records Review, Medication Errors, MI, Covid-19, CPR, Ectopic, Psychiatric, 5150, Hemorrhage, Overdose, Sepsis, Shock, Stroke, STEMI, Transfers
Carol Ingalls has 39+ years of continuous experience and expertise in Emergency Nursing and remains clinically active at the bedside. She is a Certified in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing. Carol is a member of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, Emergency Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, Association of Critical Care Nurses, and the Bay Area Chapter of Northern California Legal Nurse Consultants. Nurse Ingalls has decades of experience in adult and pediatric emergency nursing in various settings including large community hospitals and Level 1 and 2 Trauma Centers/Academic institutions. She is well versed in current standards of care, policies, procedures and protocols related to nursing care in the ED. Carol also regularly functions as a preceptor/mentor for EMTs, paramedics, and nursing students in the clinical setting. Carol has excellent communication skills and the ability to effectively interpret and convey complex issues. She is detail-o...


McAdam Healthcare Consulting

San Marcos, California
Nurse, Critical Care Surgery - Registered Nurse, PACU, post anesthesia, critical care, general surgery, plastic surgery, urology, OB-GYN, orthopedics, robotic, medications, laparoscopic, spinal surgery, pain procedures, eye surgery, ambulatory surgery, colorectal, education, competencies
Anne McAdam has been a California registered nurse for 18 years and has served in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Post Anesthesia Care Unit and Ambulatory Post Anesthesia Care Unit. She also worked as a Nurse Educator in a women’s acute care unit and recovery room, where she trained nurses and contributed to the development and revision of nursing competencies and policies and procedures. In the recovery room, she worked in various capacities including bedside clinician, charge nurse and preceptor to students, new graduates and transferring nurses. In 2008, she worked as an adjunct faculty member at National University where she was a lecture professor for Medical Surgical Nursing III. She currently cares for a variety of inpatient and outpatient postoperative patients in an ambulatory care center recovery room.

Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS

Alamo, California
Nurse, Obstetrics & Gynecology - labor and delivery, labor and delivery nurse, obstetrics, high risk obstetrics, fetal monitoring, birth injury, antepartum, nursing license defense
Nicole McCaughin, MSN, RNC, C-EFM, C-ONQS Certified in Inpatient Obstetrics, External Fetal Monitoring, Obstetric and Neonatal Quality and Safety and Inpatient Antepartum Nursing. Currently working as a bedside labor and delivery nurse. As well as bedside practice worked as an adjunct faculty member teaching Women's Health at Ohlone Nursing College, Science Team Member for AWHONN, and Expert Practice Consultant for the Board of Registered Nursing. Published co-author of two Association of Women's Health and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) Evidenced Based Guidelines. Published position statement that was printed in the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal Nursing in March of 2020. Podium presentation at national AWHONN conference 2020. Synovia panelist speaker for the Joint Commission; meeting the measures symposium April 2021. Expert practice consultant and expert witness for the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the Board of Registered Nursing. Experienced...

Marilyn E McCullum, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN TCRN

Triple Board-Certified Emergency Nurse

McCullum Legal Nurse Consulting

SANTA ROSA, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - ER Nurse, er nursing, critical care, trauma, travel, emergency nurse, triage, ultrasound IV, Spanish, sepsis, pediatrics, stroke, cardiac, geriatric, psychiatric, orthopedic, COVID, fall, mask, catheter
I am a published, double board-certified emergency nurse expert with testifying experience who still works clinically in California. I have published articles on Triage, ESI, documentation bias, and stroke management. I have won an award for my publication on fall prevention. I speak at CEU/CME/CLE conferences on topics such as documentation and failure to report. As an expert, I work for both plaintiff and defense.

Cheryl R. Mead, DNP, MSN, BSN, ADN, RN, CEN

Mead Legal Nurse Consulting

Murrieta, California
Nurse, Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Emergency Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting, Expert Witness, ED Nurse, ER Nurse, Medical Record Review, Medication Errors, MI (Myocardial Infarction), CPR, Code Blue, Psychiatric, 5150, Overdose, Sepsis, Stroke, STEMI, Ectopic, Hemorrhage
Cheryl has been a registered nurse for 20 years, specializing in Emergency Nursing, while remaining clinically active at the bedside. She is board certified in Emergency Nursing. She is a dedicated member of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) and the American Nurses Association (ANA). With extensive experience in both adult and pediatric emergency care, Cheryl has worked in diverse settings, including a Level 1 Trauma Center and academic institution. She also regularly serves as a preceptor and mentor to nursing students in the clinical setting, supporting their growth and transition into professional practice. In addition to her clinical expertise, Cheryl is passionate about nursing education and leadership. She serves as a assistant professor at a private university, where she teaches first-semester nursing students, helping to build their foundational knowledge and clinical skills. She is also the President of the university’s Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society,...

Carol Moreali, RN, MSN

Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Management Expert


Carmel, California
Nurse, Medical Management - Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Coordination, Assessment of Inpatient Hospital Practices, Nurse Practice, Nursing Assessment, Medical Chart Documentation and Chart Review, Medical Billing, Benefit Administration, Benefit Application, and Medical Claim Review and Appeals
Ms Moreali has enjoyed 50 years of medical experience in Nursing providing patient care covering areas in critical care, case management, education and coordination of services, medical consulting, quality and regulatory management. Expertise in chart review/ analysis and documentation. She also had over 40 years expertise in independent consulting, development of disease management programs, and with inpatient care coordination teams consisting of Hospitalists, RN, RN Case Manager, and Social Services. Working with large Integrated Healthcare Systems and singular hospital organizations.

Julie E. Myers, RN, PHN, FNP-BC

Nurse and Nurse Practitioner in Infectious Disease

CaNPA Solutions

San Diego, California
Nurse, Nurse Practitioner - Nurse Practitioner, Nurse, Internal Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Cardiovascular Diseases, MRSA, MDRO, bacteremia, sepsis, endocarditis, fungal disease, UTI, pneumonia, orthopedic infections, hardware associated infections, wound infection, abdominal infection, epidural abscess
Actively working in the hospital setting focused on infectious diseases for the last eight years with a strong understanding of internal medicine and ICU medicine. Greater than 10 years experience as both a RN and nurse practitioner working both inpatient and outpatient with complex cardiovascular disease patients in pursuit of medical, interventional, and surgical care. I am well versed in explaining what is happening in the body and can give understandable analogies to patients and their families. I can also help explain these processes to you as a medical record consultant and provide an opinion regarding causation of injury or death with comprehensive medical record analysis or as an expert witness.

Vera Juris - Provider of Nurse Expert Witnesses

Nurse Expert Witnesses

San Diego, California
Nurse, Nurse Practitioner - Cardiology, Cardiovascular, Nursing, Nursing Malpractice, General Nursing Practices, Emergency Nursing, Board Certified, ANP, NP, RN, CRNA, CNM, Standard of Care, Expert Witness, LNC, Legal Nurse Consultant, Medical Record Review, Medical Records, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death
Vera Juris is a national medical-legal consulting firm that provides nurse expert witnesses and legal nurse consultants to medical malpractice, personal injury and medical product liability attorneys. We help both plaintiff and defense lawyers develop an informed understanding of the facts of healthcare delivery in medical cases and the resulting outcomes. Our team provides a complete array of medical-legal services related to medical record analysis and case reviews. We help attorneys cost-effectively achieve the best outcome for their clients by providing objective opinions on the quality of healthcare delivery. Unlike most solo medical-legal practices, the Vera Juris team includes seasoned nurse expert witnesses and legal nurse consultants with clinical experience in every medical specialty so that we can provide efficient expertise on every case. Vera Juris delivers compelling value to attorneys involved in medically-related litigation by: - Helping you develop the strongest ...

Nathalie Quan, BSN, RN

Emergency & Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) RN

Oakland, California
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Recovery Room, Pediatric Recovery Room, PACU, Emergency Department, ER, Trauma, Pediatric PACU, Stroke, STEMI, EMTALA, Burn, Triage, Sepsis, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia
SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Emergency Department/ Trauma Care: Advanced management of life-threatening conditions, including acute stroke intervention, ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), severe burns, and multi-system trauma cases. Qualified to provide detailed assessments of injury patterns, treatment timelines, and standard of care practices. Post-Operative [PACU] Care: Extensive experience monitoring post-surgical complications, managing acute pain interventions, and coordinating complex recovery protocols. Specialized focus on airway management, hemodynamic monitoring, and early recognition of post-operative complications in adult and pediatric patients. Leadership & Systems Implementation: Served as Charge Nurse in Emergency and PACU settings, developing and implementing evidence-based protocols that significantly improved patient outcomes. Direct experience with hospital policy development, including creating standardized protocols for sepsis management, cardiac emerg...

Christina A Sanders, MSN, RN, ANP-BC

Cardiology Nurse Practitioner Expert

Vera Juris

San Diego, California
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - Cardiology, Cardiovascular, Nursing, Nursing Malpractice, General Nursing Practices, Emergency Nursing, ANP, NP, RN, ARNP, CRNP, Standard of Care, Wrongful Death, LNC, Legal Nurse Consultant, Medical Record Review, Medical Records, Personal Injury
Christina Sanders is a board certified Nurse Practitioner with bachelors and masters degrees from the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She serves as a nurse practitioner expert witness for both plaintiff and defense cases. During nursing school, Ms. Sanders received multiple awards for clinical expertise and academic excellence. She is board certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center as an adult nurse practitioner. She also received a bachelor’s degree in government with a concentration in public policy from the University of Notre Dame before starting nursing school. In 2003, she enrolled at the Vickie Milazzo Institute and completed the course work and examination to become a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant. Christina Sanders has been a registered nurse since 1998 and nurse practitioner since 2000. She started her nursing career in the emergency department at Johns Hopkins Hospital. After completing her Masters in 2000, she began practicing as an adult nurse practiti...


Spoz Enterprises & Productions Llc

Marina Del Rey, California
Nurse - Nurse, Nursing, Intensive Care, ICU, Emergency Room, ER, Trauma, Medical-Surgical, Med-Surg, MEDSURG
I have been caring for in-hospital patients at the bedside for over years. I am current on policy, procedure, practice, clinical expertise, standards of care, and evidence-based practice. I am an expert in caring for medical-surgical, intensive care, and emergency room patients. I currently work at the bedside and care for almost all types of inpatient and ER patients. I also serve as a clinical instructor and preceptor for new graduates, baccalaureate students, and new staff and am employed at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in the Emergency Department.

Claire M Young, BSN, RN, PHN, CEN

Emergency Nursing Expert Witness

Young Legal Nurse Consultant, LLC

Hemet, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Room Nurse, Emergency Department, ED Nurse, ER Nurse, Pediatric ER Nursing, Legal Nurse Consultant, Trauma, Critical Care Transport, Emergency Department Standards of Care, ED Medical Records, Sepsis, Overdose, Hemorrhage, Stroke, STEMI, Triage CPR, standards of care
Claire Young has 26 years of experience in Nursing, over 23 years in the Emergency (ED, Trauma, Critical Care) setting, and continues to work in the Emergency Department. She is a member of the Emergency Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, Society of Trauma Nurses, and American Association of Critical Care Nurses. She has acquired vast experience and expertise in adult and pediatric emergency nursing from various Emergency Department settings ranging from small to large community hospitals and a level II trauma center. She has over 10 years as a trauma team member at a level II trauma center and over 14 years as a Mobile Intensive Care Nurse, MICN RN. Nurse Young has provided interfacility transport for critical and high-risk patients for over 10 years as a Critical Care Transport, CCT RN, for a large ambulance company. A skilled emergency nurse dedicated to the highest standards of excellence and an advocate for patie...

Yolanda Anderson, RN, BSN, CEN, CPEN, CLNC

Emergency Dept. Nurse (RN) Defense or Plaintiff

Colorado Care Consultants

Lakewood, Colorado
Nurse, Emergency Medicine - Consulting, Nurse, Emergency Department, Triage, Hospital care, EMTALA, Health Care, stroke, Cardiac, Medical Record, medical malpractice, pediatric and adult
Emergency Department RN for 35+ years. Knowledgeable about all aspects of Hospital Care and Standards of Care for Nurses and ancillary personnel. Clinically active in Emergency Department care for 35+ years for infants, pediatrics, adults and geriatrics; Trauma, Cardiac, Neurology, Surgical, EMTALA and general Emergency Care. Able to review charts for merit, do chronologies, research medical care, document Independent Medical Exams, and more. Experienced in Depositions and Trials. Conscientious and detail-oriented. My cases - depositions - trials have included care related to strokes, cardiac, triage, pediatrics, meningitis, sepsis, sub-arachnoid hemorrhage, abdominal aortic aneurysm, falls, motor vehicle or motorcycle accidents, wounds and bandaging, wrongful death, missed diagnosis, failure of RN to report to MD regarding patient condition, medication errors, EMTALA, nursing errors plus more, with more than 150 case reviews, more than 25 depositions and 2 trials - able to...

Susan Campbell, APRN

APRN with cardiac and primary care experience

South Windsor, Connecticut
Nurse Practitioner - APRN, Geriatrics, Cardiology, Cardiovascular, Nurse, Internal medicine, primary care, neurology, home care
Certified APRN by AANP as a Family Nurse Practitioner. APRN for 5 years with experience in both primary care (geriatrics mainly) and cardiovascular medicine. Additional experience as an RN since 2012 with experience in neuro/neurosurgery/trauma and ENT. Currently working in outpatient cardiology, with some inpatient consults. Frequently participate in peer-to-peer reviews with various insurance companies to help have different diagnostic testing/procedures approved for patients as appropriate. Licensed as an APRN and RN in Connecticut. Certified in ACLS and BLS. Published professional article in ADVANCE for Nurses in 2012 co-authored with colleague. "Primary prevention for adoptees"

Richard Giguere, RN

Med Legal Pro, LLC

Niantic, Connecticut
Nursing Homes, Long Term Care - skilled nursing facility, nursing administration, assisted living, behavioral health facility, case management, bed sores, pressure ulcers, wounds, falls, restraints, medication errors, dementia care, hospice, documentation, geriatrics, neglect, nurse, risk management, policies and procedures
Experienced Director of Nursing covering at multi-facility Skilled Nursing Group which specializes in high-risk patients including formally incarcerated residents. Daily contact with residents. Former Vice President of the Infection Control Nurses of CT.


Legal Nurse Consultant - ER/Trauma Adult & Peds

AEMartinez Consulting INC

District Of Columbia
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Pediatric Emergency Room, Emergency Room, Critical Care Transport, School Nursing, Trauma Nurse, Infusion Therapy, IV Therapy, Independent Medical Examinations, Research, Insurance Assessment, Insurance Underwriting, Nurse, Chronic Care Management
I am a Legal Nurse Consultant with 10 years of experience in the nursing field. My primary area of specialty is Emergency Room & Trauma (Level 1) for both adult and pediatric populations. I am a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN) and an experienced critical care transport nurse, managing primarily Cardiac ICU (CICU) patients. Throughout my career I have worked in dynamic, high-acuity settings, where critical thinking, rapid decision-making, and attention to detail are paramount. While I have a strong background in critical care nursing, I also have experience in the following nursing specialties: school nursing, research & clinical trials, chronic care management, IV therapy, sedation nursing, insurance underwriting benefits assessments, and independent/defense medical exams (IME/DME). My diverse background and experience allow me to offer a comprehensive and holistic understanding of complex medical cases. In addition to my clinical experience, I work in several teaching c...

Dr. Erin Rose, DNP, MSN, ACNP-BC

Erin Rose & Associates, Inc.

Naples, Florida
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine - surgical site infections, critical care, trauma, stroke, cardiac arrest, nurse practitioner, acute care, medication errors, legal consulting, urgent care, cardiovascular, sepsis, record tampering, spinal injuries, sexual assault, abuse and neglect, ICU, personal injury, nurse, standard of care
Dr. Rose is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner experienced in critical care and emergency medicine. She has her doctorate degree and a subspecialty in cardiovascular. Her experience includes over 19 years of emergency, intensive care, flight nursing, and trauma (Level I & II). In addition to her clinical experience, she also holds an academic appointment as a professor at the University of South Alabama instructing both master's and doctorate courses. Dr. Rose has occupied the role of testifying expert and legal consultant on many cases with both plaintiff & defense including medical malpractice, mass tort, personal injury, worker’s compensation, product liability, and criminal cases across the United States. Legal consulting services include but are not limited to: screening cases for merit, medical record assessment, and case analysis, researching and qualifying the validity of studies relied upon by all parties, interviewing plaintiff and defense clients/key witnesses/experts,...

Maria Casement, MSN, RN, CNOR

Experienced Operating Room Nurse Expert

Cumming, Georgia
Nurse - Surgical Nurse, Operating Room Nurse, Certified Operating Room Nurse, CNOR, Circulator, Circulating Nurse, OR Nurse, Perioperative Nurse, RN Circulator, Ambulatory Surgery Nurse, Clinical Educator
With over 17 years of experience in the operating room, I have worked in a variety of settings, from Level 1 Trauma Centers to Outpatient Surgery Centers. - Certified Operating Room Nurse (CNOR) since 2011 - Member of the Association of PeriOperative Nurses (AORN) for over 15 years I possess extensive circulating experience across a wide range of surgical specialties, including: - General Surgery - Laparoscopic Surgery - Orthopedic Surgery - Urology Surgery - Gynecological Surgery - Plastic Surgery - Robotic Surgery - Vascular Surgery - Kidney Transplant Surgery - Surgical Oncology Currently, I care for patients undergoing surgical procedures in an Ambulatory Surgery Center, ensuring the highest standard of care and adherence to protocols for registered nurses in the perioperative setting. I hold a compact nursing license (NLC), which grants me the ability to practice in the following states: Alabama, Arizo...

Donna S Jones, RN,

DSJ & Associates,

Brunswick, Georgia
Nurse - Medical Critical Care, Ventilator Patients, Cardiac ICU, Respiratory ICU, Medical Surgical Nursing, Progressive Care Unit, Pediatrics, emergency room, ACLS, PACU, Nursing Negligence & Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Medical Record Review, Adherence to Standard of Care, Pain Management
• Developed a CD in PDF format of a Medical Data Kit to help individuals document and maintain their Individualized Medical Records. • Interviewed twice on the radio program “Nurse View”, a program for Nurses by Nurses regarding issues and opportunities in the nursing field. • Guest Speaker on an hour-long web seminar for the Institute for Paralegal Education (IPE) in regard to obtaining and reviewing medical records. • Seminar speaker at Alive Expo at the World Congress Center focusing on “Maintaining Your Health Care”. • Guest Lecturer for the National Business Institute on “Anatomy & Physiology for Attorneys”. • Guest Speaker 2019 JERK conference for LNCs.

Cynthia Savor, BSN, RN

Operating room nurse, outpatient orthopedics

Savor Nurse Consulting LLC

Cumming, Georgia
Nurse, Orthopedic Surgery - Outpatient orthopedics, ACLs, Knees, Shoulders, Foot and Ankle, Hand/ Upper extremity, Orthopedic oncology, Spine
I have been an operating room nurse for 24 years, the last 15 of those in outpatient orthopedics/ sports medicine. I have a background in level 1 and level 2 trauma procedures including spine, orthopedics, general surgery and neuro. I spent 7 years as a travel nurse at various hospitals in the southeast before settling on a staff nurse position in Atlanta at Emory Musculoskeletal Institute. We are a busy 6 OR outpatient facility, working with top physicians in their respective fields. I train perioperative nurses, who come through the program and have spent years utilizing my experience with fellows, residents and athletic trainers. I have had experience with expert witness reviews, and have demonstrated to my attorneys that I am reliable and knowledgeable in my field of practice to carry out the standards of care to which we adhere to.

Mary B. Gloeckner, RN,MS,WOCN,APN

Expert in Wound Care and Pressure Injuries

Moline, Illinois
Wound Care, Nurse - Pressure Injuries, Wounds due to Pressure, Decubitus, Wounds, Wound healing, Wounds in Nursing Homes, Wound Management, Wound Care Management
Mary Gloeckner has an extensive background in Pressure ulcer/injury prevention and treatment in both Acute and Long term care areas. She has been board certified by the Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nurse Society (WOCN) for 44 years. She has also been a member of WOCN, Sigma Theta Tau, United Ostomy Association of America (UOAA), and WCET for 44 years. She served on the WOCN Certification Board from 2010 to 2014 and the International Wound Board ISTAP from 2011 through 2021. In 2016 Mary was awarded the Top Wound/Ostomy Nurse of the Year.

Dr Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM

Dr. Linda L. Morris, Inc.

Darien, Illinois
Critical Care Medicine, Nurse - tracheostomy specialist, critical care, respiratory nursing, adult nursing, airway obstruction, cardiac arrest, nurse, acute care, medical malpractice, nursing standard of care, tracheostomy care, personal injury
Linda Morris is a certified clinical nurse specialist in critical care, who provides consultation and expert testimony in medical-legal cases. Over 30 years experience in health care, including positions in the clinical environment, education, and academia. Advanced practice nurse for respiratory care and tracheostomy specialist. Professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation and Anesthesiology with the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Fellow of the American College of Critical Care Medicine. Tracheostomy specialist and co-editor / author of the new book, Tracheostomies: The Complete Guide, 2nd Ed. (Morris & Afifi, 2021, Benchmark Health Publishing). Speaker who has developed and presented hundreds of formal and informal programs to numerous professional, civic, and community groups. Clinical consulting for tracheostomy patients (improving care; developing policies, protocols, teaching, etc.)

Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS

Psychology, Nurse - Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available. Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California. Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.

Pia Spitzer, MSN/MSHCA, PHN, RN, FN-CSp

Wise Alliance Consulting

Overland Park, Kansas
Nursing Homes, Nursing Administration - Elder abuse, Elder neglect, Nursing Home abuse, Nursing professional malpractice, hospital, Home Health, Assisted Living, Nursing administration, Medication Errors, Nurse, Rehabilitation nurse, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse Life Care planning, Skilled Nursing Facility, Rehabilitation
Ms. Spitzer is a Legal Nurse Consultant. She is an Experienced Chief Nurse Executive, Hospital Director, and Corporate Consultant to multiple Skilled Nursing Facilities in the past, Director of Quality and Risk in a Rehabilitation hospital and experienced in all aspects of Administrative and internal clinical operations. Ms. Spitzer has 21 years of healthcare experience in various settings and has opined on multiple nursing issues as a Consulting Expert and as an Expert Witness. Ms. Spitzer has extensive knowledge of State and Federal Regulations as they apply to Long Term Care, acute care, and rehabilitation. As a Corporate Consultant, she was heavily involved in all aspects of clinical operations including survey preparations, plans of correction write ups, writing and updating policies and procedures, staffing issues, educating nursing staff on clinical skills, elder abuse allegations investigations and reporting, standards of care, and all other aspects of clinical care. Ms...


Northeast Life Care Planning, Inc.

Holden, Maine
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Nurse Case Manager, Medical Cost Projections, Nurse Life Care Planning, Nurse Life Care Planner, Life Care Plans, Life Care Planner, Life Care Planning, Medicare Set-Asides, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Pediatrics, Amputations, Birth Injuries
Barbara Bate is Principal of Northeast Life Care Planning, Inc. (NLCP®), a nurse consulting company, providing a variety of services nationwide, including medical case management, medical file reviews/chronologies, medical cost projections, Medicare set-aside allocations/conditional payment review, as well as life care plan development/review. Barbara has over 40 years of experience as a registered nurse and holds certifications in Rehabilitation Nursing (CRRN), Legal Nurse Consulting (LNCC), Case Management (CCM, CMGT-BC), Life Care Planning (CNLCP®, CHLCP™), and Brain Injury (CBIS). She has provided medical case management services for patients with severe injuries such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, and orthopedic injuries since 1994 in addition to clinical work experience in the Operating Room, Recovery Room, Pediatrics and Obstetrics. Her life care planning experience includes working with individuals diagnosed with multiple trauma, chronic pain, ...

Maria P Balatzis, MSN, RN-BC, CNE-cl

Medical Surgical Nursing Inpatient

Nurse Expert Consulting Services

Perry Hall, Maryland
Nurse, General Surgery - Acute Care Inpatient Nursing, Certified Medical-Surgical Nurse, Surgical-Oncological Nurse, Gastrointestinal Surgical Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting
ANCC Board Certified in Medical Surgical Nursing ANCC Board Certified Academic Clinical Nurse Educator


Legal Nurse Consultant - ER/Trauma Adult & Peds

AEMartinez Consulting INC

Silver Spring, Maryland
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Pediatric Emergency Room, Emergency Room, Critical Care Transport, School Nursing, Trauma Nurse, Infusion Therapy, IV Therapy, Independent Medical Examinations, Research, Insurance Assessment, Insurance Underwriting, Nurse, Chronic Care Management
I am a Legal Nurse Consultant with 10 years of experience in the nursing field. My primary area of specialty is Emergency Room & Trauma (Level 1) for both adult and pediatric populations. I am a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse (TCRN) and an experienced critical care transport nurse, managing primarily Cardiac ICU (CICU) patients. Throughout my career I have worked in dynamic, high-acuity settings, where critical thinking, rapid decision-making, and attention to detail are paramount. While I have a strong background in critical care nursing, I also have experience in the following nursing specialties: school nursing, research & clinical trials, chronic care management, IV therapy, sedation nursing, insurance underwriting benefits assessments, and independent/defense medical exams (IME/DME). My diverse background and experience allow me to offer a comprehensive and holistic understanding of complex medical cases. In addition to my clinical experience, I work in several teaching c...

Patricia J Bartzak, DNP, RN, CMSRN, TCRN, CNRN

Staff Nurse - Direct Patient Care

Clinical Nurse

Natick, Massachusetts
Nurse - Medical-Surgical Nursing, Trauma, Infectious Disease, Clinical Nursing Care, Critical Care Nursing, Wound Care, Patient Safety, Patient Falls
Skilled hospital nurse clinician with 22 years of direct nursing care of patients with infectious diseases and trauma patients, including injuries and diseases related to neurologic, cardiac, renal, renal transplant, spinal, orthopedic and acute and chronic pain and oncologic diagnoses. Reviewed more than 85 cases in 9 years, written several reports, and been deposed about 10 times in person and video, both plaintiff and defense. Currently working as a staff nurse in a hospital designated as a level 1 trauma center. Direct care experience with complex airways, cervical instability, multi-drain management, epidural abscesses, orthopedic hardware infections, invasive monitoring, complex wounds, pain management and surgical interventions from multiple services: orthopedics, neurology, general surgery, thoracic, infectious disease and gastrointestinal medicine. Co-chaired the American Nurse's Association (ANA) Scope & Standards of Practice, the nursing standards that guides nu...

Cynthia M. Bourbeau, RN, CRRN, CCM, CNLCP

Medical and Life Care Consulting Services, Inc.

Belchertown, Massachusetts
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Rehabilitation Nurse Case Manager, Catastrophic Nurse Case Manager, Legal Nurse Consultant, Life Care Planning, Life Care Plan Projections, Life Care Plan Critiques for injuries including Spinal Cord, Amputations, Burns, Brain, Birth & Cerebral Palsy
Mrs. Bourbeau is a Massachusetts Registered Nurse and certified as a Rehabilitation Nurse, Case Manager, Nurse Life Care Planner, and Legal Nurse Consultant. She has worked as a nursing professional for 40 years and currently leads Medical and Life Care Consulting Services, a practice of professional nurse consultants and case managers who provide Medical Case Management, Medico-legal services, including life care planning, and ancillary professional nurse consulting services. Services include, but are not limited to, consulting and being an expert witness of individuals with the following: • Orthopedic and Neurological Injury and Illness, • Traumatic Brain Injury, • Spinal Cord Injury, • Amputations, • Burns, • Catastrophic Injuries/Multiple Trauma, • Chronic Pain, • CRPS, • Traumatic and Anoxic Brain Injury, • Birth and Pediatric Injuries • and Cerebral Palsy. As a Nurse Life Care Planner, Cynthia Bourbeau has completed hundreds of Life Care Plans, Life Care P...

Mary Ellen Bouve, RN, BSN, CCRN-N

NICU/Neonatal Nurse Expert (birth to 6 months)

Boston Children's Hospital

Boston , Massachusetts
Nurse, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - NICU Nurse Expert, Neonatal Nurse Expert, Infant Nurse, Newborn Nurse, Prematurity, Birth Injury, HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Injury), NEC (necrotizing enterocolitis), BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), Pre-Op and Post-op Care, Sepsis, Tracheostomies, Ventilators, Central Lines, IV complications, Surgery
17 years as a Neonatal ICU (NICU) nurse in a Level IV NICU (birth to 8 months) at a Harvard Medical teaching hospital. Actively at the bedside. Neonatal critical care certification. Experience with most medical and surgical diagnoses, including (but not limited to): birth injury, prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), chronic lung disease (CLD), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), IV infiltration/extravasation, wound care, abdominal wall defects, esophageal atresia, cardiac defects, neurologic disorders, metabolic disorders, rare genetic disorders, and multi system failure. Routinely care for patients on multiple modes of ventilation, and/or with tracheostomies, chest tubes, gastric tubes, and central lines. Post anesthesia care (PACU). Discharge planning and education. NRP and PALS certification. Cell #774.284.0244.

Donald J. LeBlanc, BSN, RN, CEN, CFRN, NREMT

Delden Nurse Consulting

Paxton, Massachusetts
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine - Critical Care, Emergency Medical Services, Flight Nursing, Transport Medicine, Medical/Surgical, Telemetry, Cardiac, Trauma, Nurse, Stroke, Standards of Care, Pediatrics, Pulmonary
I have 24 years of clinical experience as a Registered Nurse and have worked in a variety of settings. After proudly earning an Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps I attended Fitchburg State College and graduated with my BSN. I started my career as a medical/surgical nurse and gained experience in orthopedics and telemetry. I was then fortunate to participate in a Critical Care Internship at Mount Auburn Hospital and worked in the Medical/Cardiac and Surgical Intensive Care Units as well as the Emergency Department. My career progressed by gaining employment in the Emergency Department at UMass Medical Center, the only Level 1 Emergency/Trauma Center in Central Massachusetts. Working as a Staff Nurse, I cared for a wide variety of conditions in the adult and pediatric emergency/trauma departments. My responsibility increased as I assumed the role of a Resource/Charge Nurse. After 5 years, in 2010, I was honored to accept a position as a Critical Care Flig...

Jenna Nowlin, N.P.

Wrentham, Massachusetts
Obstetrics & Gynecology, Nurse - Nurse Practitioner, Antepartum, Postpartum, Intrapartum, Prenatal
I am a 34 year old certified Family Nurse Practitioner with a strong affinity for obstetrics. While I have been a certified Nurse Practitioner for the past year, I have over a decade of Labor and Delivery experience. Having worked in a high risk obstetrical unit for both antepartum and postpartum patients I also work full time in Labor and Delivery. I have mastery of antenatal care and intrapartum care. I am certified in fetal monitoring assessment, neonatal resuscitation programs, routine CPR, and have taken courses to improve the bedside care and all encompassing care of the obstetric patient. I have worked at Newton Wellesley Hospital since 2012 and we have maintained the title of top 100 best maternity hospitals in the country for the last decade, a fact I am proud of. In addition to bedside nursing and the attainment of my NP degree, I am also a clinical instructor for Boston College and worked as a lab skills instructor in general nursing skills for Quincy College in Quincy MA.

Dr. Shawn M. Stanghellini, RN, DNP, CCRN

Plymouth, Massachusetts
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Bedside practicing nurse, medical record review, review of medical records, nursing standards of care, patient safety, patient falls, acute care nursing, medication administration, and nursing-related issues
Dr. Stanghellini RN has been a bedside practicing nurse since 1994. He also has experience as a charge nurse, nurse educator, and visiting scholar. He is available to review medical records for nursing standards of care.

Amanda Sedlik, MSHI, BSN, RN, CSA, CDS, CLNC

RN Expert - Clinical & Information Technology

Sedlik Legal Consulting

White Lake, Michigan
Health Informatics, Nurse - EHR, Medical Record, Health Record, EMR, Health Information Technology, Assisted Living, Non-Skilled Home Care, Legal Nurse, Senior Care, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Malpractice, Hospitals, Healthcare, Nursing, Record Review, Standards of Care, Investigation, Analysis, Evaluation
I am a Registered Nurse with over 18 years of healthcare informatics/technology (2006) & over 25 years of healthcare experience (1999). I held healthcare roles as a bedside RN, in clinical management, as an electronic health record (EHR) analyst & project manager, and in executive-level positions within the health information technology profession. I have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master of Science in Health Informatics. I am extremely versed in overall healthcare and can look at cases with various healthcare lenses because of my strong, diverse background. As a leader, I was asked to review multiple cases to assist with standards of care, defendant identification, EHR standards, documentation, and much more. I have reviewed multiple cases related to clinical standards of care, screening for merit, defendant identification, locating experts, organization & summarization of the medical record, and relevant document recommendations. I have also reviewed over 40 cases rela...

Kim E. Stonecypher, MSN, BSN, CLNC

Flowood, Mississippi
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Nursing Administration, Nursing Standard of Care, Hospital Nursing Care, Medical Record Review, Fall and Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Medical Surgical Nursing, Psychiatric Nursing, Restraints, Joint Commission, Defense, Plaintiff, Suicide Prevention and Ligature Resistant Consulting
Kim Stonecypher is a Master’s prepared nurse with over 33 years of leadership and clinical experience. As a Nursing Administrator, she has provided leadership and oversight for numerous medical-surgical, critical care and behavioral health departments. Additionally, she has served as the Nursing Administration representative for various quality and performance improvement committees and task forces. Kim’s experience also includes an in-depth knowledge base and preparation for Joint Commission surveys. She will provide a comprehensive medical record review as well as an expert opinion and summary utilizing an in-depth literature review. She has both recent deposition and trial experience. Kim remains in active practice.

Jessica J Fink, RN, BSN, CMSRN

Medical Perspective LLC

Herculaneum, Missouri
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Medical-Surgical, General Surgery, Falls, Medical Record Review, Nursing Standard of Care, Chronologies, Nursing Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Hospital Nursing Care, Assisted Living, Patient Safety, Sepsis, IV Complications, Legal Nurse Consulting, Medication Safety, Pressure Ulcer Prevention
I am a Legal Nurse Consultant and Nurse Expert Witness with more than 16 years of experience providing care to patients with diverse medical conditions. Throughout my career, I have cultivated extensive expertise across various nursing domains, ensuring I remain well-informed about current policies, procedures, and best practices. My knowledge encompasses clinical skills, standards of care, and the most recent evidence-based practices that contribute to optimal patient outcomes. I hold a Board Certification in Medical-Surgical Nursing, reflecting my commitment to maintaining high standards of professional competence. In my current position, I deliver patient care and collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to formulate individualized care plans that address each patient's specific needs. In my direct patient care responsibilities, I am a clinical instructor and preceptor, mentoring new graduates, nursing students, and newly hired staff members. I am employed at St. Clare Hospit...

Allison Thorn, MHA, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC

Thorn Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC

Nurse Practitioner, Family Medicine - retail health, acute care, telemedicine, telehealth, administration, virtual, nurse practitioner, nurse, leadership, legal nurse consultant, advanced practice provider, Family Nurse Practitioner
Allison Thorn is a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner through the American Nurses Credentialing Center with over 20 years of diverse nursing and nurse practitioner experience. She is currently practicing in acute care (in-person and telemedicine) and administration in a large multi-regional health system. Her nursing and NP background includes labor and delivery, orthopedics and sports medicine, family medicine, acute care, chronic care management, rural health, retail health, leadership, administration, and telemedicine. She was most recently part of a team that built a new telemedicine service for the hospital system and is now the Director of the department. She has active licenses in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, New York, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin. She has earned a Masters of Science in Nursing as well as a Masters in Health Administration degrees and has successfully completed all of the American Associate...

Dona Geron, R.N., VWCN, CCRP, VWCN,

Missoula, Montana
Nursing Homes, Wound Care - Pressure ulcer, Pressure ulcer prevention, Arterial ulcer, Diabetic ulcer, Wound care, bed sores, pressure sores, nursing home falls, fall prevention, care plans, choking, nurse, nursing home administration, nursing administration, clinical research coordinator, infection, skilled nursing facility
Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Nurse Leader. Clinical experience as Skilled Nursing Facility Director of Nursing, Assistant Director of Nursing and Floor Nurse. Wound care certified.

Christy Smith, RN, CCRN, CLNC

Med-Surg and Cardiovascular Critical Care Nursing

Northwest Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC

Lakeside, MT, Montana
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Critical Care, Cardiology, Cardiovascular ICU, Medical-Surgical ICU, Progressive Care, Emergency, Medical-Surgical, Mental Health, Pediatrics, Pediatric ICU, Post Anesthesia Recovery, Brain Injury, Pulmonology, Nephrology, Gastro-Intestinal, Urology, Geriatrics, Pressure Injuries, Falls, Neurology
I have been a critical care nurse for over 29 years. I was trained in Memphis and have practiced nursing in Tennessee, Mississippi, Washington, and currently have a multi-state license in Montana. I am presently a Shift Unit Supervisor in the Progressive Care Unit in an area hospital and certified in Critical Care. I also have been a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant since 2010. I am current in bedside nursing and lower management. I am very familiar with Standards of Nursing Care, Joint Commision, and CMS standards.

Cheramie Thompson, MHA, BSN, RN, VWCN

Las Vegas, Nevada
Nurse, Medical Management - geriatrics, pediatrics, nursing homes, long term care, home health, home care, fall prevention, ICU, intensive care unit, psychiatric care, correctional healthcare, pressure sores & ulcers, wound care, skilled nursing facility, director of nursing, tracheostomy, hemodialysis
Award-winning nurse leader. Broadly experienced including: director of nursing at skilled nursing facility, wound care certified, pediatric homecare, director of nursing at an acute care hospital, acute care travel nurse, correctional nurse, and ICU nurse. Experience in psychiatric-geriatric care, ICU, medical-surgical, neurology, psychiatric and post-operative units.


RN, Nursing Home, Administration, Fall, pressure u

piscataway, New Jersey
Nurse, Nursing Homes - Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Pressure Ulcers, Falls, Resident Rights, Neglect, Quality Care, Bed Sores, Wounds, Fractures, Affidavit of Merit, Injury, Legal Nurse Consulting, Deviation, Medical Record Review, Negligence, RN
Rebecca is a board-certified geriatric nurse with over 29 years experience working in NURSING HOMES/Skilled Rehabilitation/Long Term Care Facilities. Rebecca served in positions as Vice President of Nursing, Director of Nursing, Educator, Unit Manager, Charge Nurse, and staff nurse. She is intimately familiar with nursing standards of practice and state and federal codes. Rebecca is actively involved in ensuring quality of care in Nursing Homes. She has expert knowledge with FALLS and PRESSURE ULCERS. Additionally, Rebecca is a clinical professor who provides hands on clinical instructions to RN students. Rebecca is available to review medical records, provide affidavit of merit, write expert reports and served as expert witness at deposition and trial. Rebecca provides expert services to both plaintiff and defendant attorneys. Areas of Expertise Pressure Sore/Ulcer/Injury, Falls/Fracture, Medical Records Review, Nursing Home State and Federal Code, Residents Quality of Life, Resi...

Nancy Radoslovich, RN, MA

Mahwah, New Jersey
Nurse, Plastic Surgery - Operating Room, preop admission nurse, Scrub and circulating nurse, PACU nurse, Ambulatory Surgery, Perioperative Nursing, Nursing Administration, Legal Nurse Consultant, OR Manager
With 40 years of perioperative experience in a variety of clinical units, I possess unique qualifications as a clinically active nurse while serving as the clinical and administrative manager of the unit. My role requires knowledge of the standards of nursing care, as well as maintenance of ambulatory certification. I am a published author on both clinical and managerial topics. My legal experience includes reviewing cases for merit, developing chronologies, writing expert reports, and giving deposition testimony. I have worked for both the plaintiff and defense, I look forward to discussing your case with you.

Stacey Kelland, MSN, BA, RN, BC-MS, BC-CV, CRNI

Award Winning Nurse Expert in Active Practice

Burgess Experts INC

Farmingdale, New York
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Registered Nurse, Medical/Surgical nursing, Cardiovascular nursing, Infusion nurse, IV, Falls
• 13+ years of hands-on expertise in nursing. • Inpatient staff nurse and educator in Long Island, New York. INS certified in Infusion Nursing ANCC Board Certified in Medical/Surgical and Cardiovascular Nursing. • 2022-Present ANCC Chair of the Cardiovascular Content Expert Panel creating content and setting the standards for the national nursing certification exam. • 2019- 2021 ANCC Medical-Surgical standard setting board for the national nursing certification exam. • 2020 Award Winner of the Florence Nightingale Honor for Advancing the Profession of Nursing. • 2022 team DAISY Award winner for Nursing Excellence. • Active Registered Nurse licenses to practice in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Florida and Texas. • Nurse Expert experienced in consultation, report writing, deposition and trial testimony. • Master of Science in Nursing Education with experience in leadership and teaching nursing clinical.


North Bellmore, New York
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Arrhythmia, Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Nurse Practitioner, NP, Primary Care, Nursing, RN, Critical Care, CCRN, Legal Nurse Consultant, CLNC, Nursing Standards of Care, Medical Malpractice, Nursing Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Pressure Ulcer
Nurse Practitioner in Adult Health. Independent and Certified Legal Nurse Consultant (CLNC) / Nurse Practitioner Consultant to The Legal Profession. Provides informed professional opinions, including an array of services and strategy to attorneys as an Expert Witness and Consulting Expert. Currently serves as Nurse Practitioner in Electrophysiology / Cardiology at one of Long Island’s most recognized Hospitals. Advanced knowledge of cardiac rhythms and intra-cardiac rhythm devices, including the analysis of pacemakers and defibrillators in the inpatient and outpatient settings. Serves within the operating room / Electrophysiology Lab suite during intra-cardiac device implantation, comprehensive rhythm studies and ablation procedures. Performs surgical skin closure of device implant sites. Extensive experience in Critical Care, Telemetry, and Medical Surgical Nursing with 10+ years of direct patient care. Served as Assistant Nurse Manager and Rapid Response Nurse while in Criti...

Georgia J Persky, RN, MBA, PhD, CLNC

Georgia Persky Consulting

Harrison, New York
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Nursing Standard of Care, Nursing Administration, Ambulatory Surgery, Surgical and Perioperative Nursing, Traumatic Brain Injury, Hospital Risk Management, Fall and Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Wound Care, Medication Safety, Nursing Home, Home Healthcare, Hospital Policy, Regulatory Compliance
Georgia J. Persky RN, MBA, PhD, CLNC, is a experienced nurse with over 40 years of broad adult care experience and 25 years of Senior Leadership in Healthcare Organizations. Dr. Persky served most recently as Vice-President of Nursing and Patient Care Services for New York Presbyterian Hospital at Columbia University Medical Center. For nine years, she was responsible for Patient Care Leadership and Risk and Quality Management for this 750 bed academic hospital. Currently, Dr. Persky serves hospitals in an interim management and consulting capacity and as a Certified Legal Nurse Consultant and Expert Witness for medical malpractice and personal injury cases serving plaintiff and defense attorneys. Areas of Expertise: Nursing Standards of Care  Hospital Nursing Care  Nursing Home Care  Home Health Care  Wound Care  Extravasation of Intravenous Line  Brachial Plexus Injury  Traumatic Brain Injury  Assault patient and staff •Surgical and Perioperative Nursing •Quality and ...

Nancy Radoslovich, RN, MA

New York
Nurse, Plastic Surgery - Operating Room, preop admission nurse, Scrub and circulating nurse, PACU nurse, Ambulatory Surgery, Perioperative Nursing, Nursing Administration, Legal Nurse Consultant, OR Manager
With 40 years of perioperative experience in a variety of clinical units, I possess unique qualifications as a clinically active nurse while serving as the clinical and administrative manager of the unit. My role requires knowledge of the standards of nursing care, as well as maintenance of ambulatory certification. I am a published author on both clinical and managerial topics. My legal experience includes reviewing cases for merit, developing chronologies, writing expert reports, and giving deposition testimony. I have worked for both the plaintiff and defense, I look forward to discussing your case with you.

Sharlene Rojas, RN, BSN, MPH, CEN, CCRN, LNCC

Altrium Consulting Services

Yonkers, New York
Legal Nurse Consulting, Emergency Medicine - Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse, Chart Review Analysis, Medical Records Review, Medication Errors, Critical Care, ICU, CCU, Cardiac Arrest, Cardiac Care, Emergency Nursing, Emergency Department Standards, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Room, Triage, Trauma, Sepsis, ACLS, PALS, TNCC
Sharlene Rojas brings over a quarter-century of nursing experience as the founder and chief executive officer of Altrium Consulting Services, LLC. Coupled with her background as a professional liability investigator, she brings an invaluable skill set allowing the firm to offer a myriad of services to both plaintiff and defense attorneys, as well as hospitals and other healthcare organizations, including: • Expert witness testimony (emergency nursing, trauma, acute cardiac, and critical care) • Chart Review – Organize, summarize, and decipher the medical record (written or electronic), including chronologies, discrepancies, etc. • Case Analysis – Standard of care, potential proximate cause, hospital policies, screening cases for merit, etc. • Research and summarization of the relevant medical literature • Preparation for deposition and/or trial – research, exhibits, documents • Independent/Defense Medical Examination Her experience as a professional liability investigator for char...

Cynthia Cross, MSN, RN, CCRN, CNSc

Nursing Practice Expert- All Inpatient Specialties

Franklinton, North Carolina
Nurse, Neurology - Critical Care, Stroke, Brain Injury, Spine Surgery, Neurologic Surgery, Medical-Surgical Conditions, Pharmacology, Patient Safety, Clinical Documentation, Care Planning, Scope of Nursing Practice
Neuroscience Clinical Nurse Specialist with certification in Adult Critical Care practicing in a large health care system. Current practice includes providing direct patient care and being a neurologic expert for nursing staff and liaison for the medical team members. Ensure evidence based practice for neuroscience population and nursing practice within scope of licensure. Investigate patient safety risk with implementation of quality improvement as needed. Extensive experience with Stroke, Spine Surgery, Brain Surgery, Critical Care, Medical-Surgical & Ambulatory Care populations. Clinical focus and experience incorporating and ensuring standards of care, evidence based practice, scope of practice, quality improvement, electronic medical record documentation, patient safety, policy and guideline implementation, and expectations of interprofessional clinical practice. Experience as legal nursing expert for over 6 years.

Misty Faavesi, RN

Rockwell, North Carolina
Emergency Medical Services, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, helicopter nurse, medevac nurse, transport nurse, air ambulance, trauma, emergency transport, stroke, intubation, cardiac arrest, ventilator, Left Ventricular Assist Device, LVAD, intensive care, ICU, resuscitation, Critical Care Medicine, airway management, heart attack
Emergency Medical Helicopter Nurse in active clinical practice. Former critical care transport nurse. Additional nursing experience to include ICU and emergency room. Certified as both a Flight Registered Nurse and Emergency Nurse.


Hospitalist Nurse Practitioner/Emergency Dept RN

Angel Rayne APRN, LLC

Mars Hill, North Carolina
Nurse, Nurse Practitioner - acute care, primary care, acute rehabilitation, spinal cord injury, registered nurse, emergency department, nurse manager, supervisor, assisted living, gerontology, veteran's, hospitalist nurse practitioner
With 21 years of extensive experience in the acute care setting, I am a seasoned registered nurse and nurse practitioner dedicated to enhancing the synergy between healthcare and legal fields. Over the last three years, I have excelled as a hospitalist nurse practitioner, building on a decade of specialized nursing in the emergency department. This robust background is complemented by significant roles in nursing management and supervision, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of clinical and administrative aspects of healthcare. Known for my professional diligence and unwavering integrity, I am committed to delivering meticulous and insightful analysis to support legal cases involving medical issues. My unique ability to view cases from both the medical and nursing models allows for a comprehensive perspective, ensuring accurate interpretation of medical records, identification of standards of care, and clarification of complex medical information for legal professionals. My m...

Lynn D Long, Ph.D., APRN-CNP, CRNI

RML and Associates, LLC

Dublin, Ohio
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - PMHNP-BC, CNOR, Procedural Sedation Nurse, CRNI, CCRN, EMT-P paramedic, Stroke ASLS, APRN PhD, PharmD, Interventional Radiology, Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP, Oncology Nursing, Surgical & Perioperative RN, Infectious Disease, Emergency Nursing, Clinical Educator, EMT, EMS expert
Dr. Long's academic qualifications include a Ph.D. in Nursing from Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia, a master's degree in Health Services Administration from Central Michigan University, and a master's degree in nursing education from Chamberlain University, with preparation as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner. Dr. Long is ANCC board certified in this specialty and maintains licensure in both OH and CT. Additionally, Dr. Long maintains national certification in infusion therapy (CRNI). With over 40 years of experience in clinical practice, research, and education. Dr. Long is dedicated to advancing patient care through innovative practices and evidence-based approaches. In her role as a Nurse Practitioner at Psych on Demand, she provides comprehensive healthcare services, including diagnosis, treatment, and management of patient care, while collaborating with multidisciplinary teams to optimize health outcomes. Dr. Long also teaches nursing students in pre-licensu...


Spoz Enterprises & Productions Llc

Nurse - Nurse, Nursing, Intensive Care, ICU, Emergency Room, ER, Trauma, Medical-Surgical, Med-Surg, MEDSURG
I have been caring for in-hospital patients at the bedside for over years. I am current on policy, procedure, practice, clinical expertise, standards of care, and evidence-based practice. I am an expert in caring for medical-surgical, intensive care, and emergency room patients. I currently work at the bedside and care for almost all types of inpatient and ER patients. I also serve as a clinical instructor and preceptor for new graduates, baccalaureate students, and new staff and am employed at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in the Emergency Department.

Stacy L. Donnelly, RN, BSN

DJS Associates, Inc.

Abington, Pennsylvania
Long Term Care, Nurse - Medical Records Review, Standards of Care, Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Elder Abuse and Neglect, Patient Transfers, Pressure Injuries, Patient Falls, Short-Term Rehabilitation, Personal Care, Merit Screening/Review, Patient Specific Medical Conditions/Diagnoses, Merit Consultation, Adverse Events
Ms. Donnelly is a licensed Registered Nurse with over 25 years of experience working in Nursing Homes, Skilled Rehabilitation Facilities and Continuing Care Retirement Communities as a nursing assistant, charge nurse, and director of nursing. Her involvement in these settings has contributed to her strong knowledge base regarding standards of care, facility operations, and Federal, State, and Local Regulations. Ms. Donnelly has acquired extensive experience in developing policies and procedures, investigating incidents and unusual occurrences, auditing patient care, monitoring adherence to policies and procedures, providing education/training to staff, and ensuring regulatory compliance. Ms. Donnelly actively practices as a nurse within long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, and school settings. She continues to assist long-term care and short-term rehabilitation facilities with auditing and ensuing compliance with Federal, State, and Local Regulations, along with standards of ...

The RN Consultant, RN, BSN, CLNC

Critical Care ICU

Medical Case Consultants, LLC

Ladson, South Carolina
Critical Care Surgery, Nurse - COVID-19 crisis standard of care, COVID-19 impact on delivery of care spectrum, CVICU, ECMO Specialist, IABP, Impella, Heartmate, Centrimag, Cardiac Tamponade, Critical Care Registered Nurse, Stroke, NIHSS, Legal Nurse Consultant, Nurse Expert Witness, Medical Record Review, Medical Case Review
I am a Legal Nurse Consultant and Nurse Expert Witness with 21 years of experience caring for patients in a variety of Surgical Intensive Critical Care (ICU) specialty areas. My experience in nursing includes Cardiovascular Surgery, Coronary Care, Neuro-Surgical, Trauma and Surgical Intensive Critical Care and Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Specialist. As a travel nurse for 7 years, I have a wide variety of exposure to different hospital system policies and operations as well as different platforms for documentation in the EHR. I have been reviewing medical records as an expert witness since 2017 and have consulted on over 30 cases. I have been deposed twice. I have been retained as an expert in critical care standards for matters involving nursing board disciplinary hearings. As an excellent communicator, I leverage my logic and analytical skills to delve deep into the records, identifying any strengths or potential deviations from the standard of care. I communica...

Ashley Smith Kisiel

Med Surg Nurse-12 Years Experience

West Union, South Carolina
Nurse - FALLS, Med Surg, Safe Medication Administration, COVID, Documentation, Trauma, Spinal Surgery, NIHSS, CAUDI, CLABSI, General Surgery, Nursing Standard of Care, ACLS, Fall Precautions, Restraints, Blood Transfusion Reactions
EDUCATION: ADN, Tri-County Technical College, Pendleton, SC 29670, 2012 BSN, University of South Carolina Upstate, Spartanburg, SC 29303, 2014 MSN, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, 2016 WORK HISTORY: 3/2025 - Present AnMed Cannon Memorial- Pickens, SC Med Surg Telemetry 01/2021 - 01/2025 Travel Nurse- Medical Surgical Telemetry Wake Forest Baptist Health- High Point, NC Ascension Via Christi St. Francis- Wichita, KS Baptist Health Medical Center- Little Rock,AR Ascension St. John Medical Center- Tulsa, OK Providence Regional Medical Center- Everett, WA Mission Hospital- Asheville, NC 10/2014 - 01/2021 Prisma Health Seneca, SC ICU Medical ICU Intermediate Staff Nurse and Assistant Nurse Manager of ICU 10/2012 -10/2014 Ty Cobb Regional Medical Center Lavonia, GA Critical Care Staff Nurse 02/2012 – 10/2012 Oconee Medical Center Seneca, SC Critical Care Unit Progressive Care Unit Staff Nurse Certifications: Advanced ...

Yvette M. Twum-Danso, PhD

Cardiac Nursing Expert Witness

T-D Legal Nurse Consultant

Columbia, South Carolina
Nurse, Cardiovascular Disease - Falls, Telemetry, Cardiology, Cardiac procedures, Catheterization Lab, EKGs, Case Management, Coronary Artery Bypass
Yvette Twum-Danso, PhD, RN, CCRN With 28 years of nursing experience, Dr. Yvette Twum-Danso is a CCRN-certified cardiac nurse and an expert in falls, cardiac procedures, heart catheterization, and telemetry nursing. She holds a PhD in Nursing and has served in diverse roles, including adjunct nursing instructor, preceptor, and charge nurse. A proud former captain in the US Army, Dr. Twum-Danso brings leadership and precision to her work. She has been retained as a nurse expert in 27 cases, provided deposition testimony twice, and testified in one trial.

Kate Wise, DNP

Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - pediatrics, family medicine, inpatient, outpatient, critical care, urology, nephrology, child abuse, developmental disabilities, surgery, general practice, medical management, genetics, nutrition, obesity, pain management, radiology, physician assistant, spine surgery, pediatric urology, wounds
I am a board certified Family medicine nurse practitioner with over 16 years of experience in the nursing field. My background encompasses critical care, inpatient and outpatient nursing, family medicine, and extensive pediatric specialty experience. I have been requested as a guest speaker for both doctoral level students and various specialty conferences over the years. I am proficient in medical chart reviewing, and my work as both an RN and as a medical provider gives me a unique perspective to bring as an expert witness. My exceptional oral and written skills as well as outstanding time management serve as a significant benefit to the attorney and case at hand. I am enthusiastic to save the attorney both time and money while providing excellent expert witness services.


Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Medical, Surgical, Med/Surg, Medical/Surgical, Fall, Pressure Ulcer, Bed Sores, Critical Care, ICU, Nursing, Hospital, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU, Trauma ICU, Neuro ICU, Trauma, Neuro, Registered Nurse, RN, Nurse
Experience: Independently Contracted Clinical Nurse Expert, Fort Worth, TX (05/2020-Present) Nursing Instructor, Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX (01/2020-Present) PRN Surgical ICU RN, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (06/2018-02/2021) Float Pool ICU RN, Texas Health Resources, DFW, TX (04/2018-01/2020) House Supervisor/Staffing RN, Baylor Scott & White Grapevine, Grapveine, TX (01/2018-04/2018) Travel ICU RN, Sutter Memorial Medical Center, Modesto, CA (07/2017-12/2017) Surgical/Trauma ICU RN/Relief Charge, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center, Temple, TX (06/2015-07/2017) Legal Nurse Consultant: Conducted comprehensive medical record reviews for legal cases Provided expert opinions on medical and nursing practices Collaborated with attorneys in case preparation Maintained confidentiality and adhered to ethical standards Nursing Clinical Educator: Educates students in Standards of Care across nursing spect...

Yannique Mack, RN, BSN, MBA, NEA-BC

Yannique Nurse Expert Consultant

Liberty Hill, Texas
Nurse, Critical Care Medicine - Stroke certified, PALS, ACLS, BLS, Medical record review, patient safety, safe patient handling, Falls, nursing policy, medication safety, process improvement, Lean Greenbelt, servant leader
Utilizing my M.B.A and B.S.N, I have progressively advanced in my career. In all the positions in which I have served, I have been recognized for my clinical skills and capabilities as a leader. I am a seasoned healthcare leader and bedside nurse that have dedicated myself to ensuring safety and quality. I have had oversight for hospital daily operations including Critical Care, Cardiac/Tele Service line, Surgical Services, Peri-operative area, Emergency Service including Trauma Service, Cardiac Rehab and multiple in-patient units. I have been responsible for assuring effective supervision of over 172 FTE’s and managed $200 million dollar budgets successfully. I have maintained hospital compliance with all local and state codes, regulations and have over 14 years’ experience of Joint Commission standards. I have participated and lead both Pathways to Excellence and Magnet accreditations. I have managed and written policies and procedures at a system level. As the principle owner, ...

Amy MacKenzie, PhD, RN, CLCP, CCM

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Tyler, Texas
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Certified Life Care Planner, CLCP, Life Care Planning, Life Care Plan Analysis, Traumatic Brain Injury Specialist, TBI, Expert Witness, Medical, Long-Term Care, Injury Medical Witness, Plaintiff, Defense, Federal Court, State Court
Amy MacKenzie is a Certified Life Care Planner with an expertise in traumatic brain injury. She is a doctorally prepared nurse who has written over 400 life care plans across a wide spectrum of injuries for plaintiff attorneys, defense attorneys and financial planning professionals. Dr. MacKenzie is an experienced witness in both state and federal courts. A registered nurse for over twenty years, she has experience in critical care, administration, and nursing education.

Kerri Martin, MSN, RN, FNP-C, CLCP

CLCP Expert for Plaintiff & Defense Cases

MacKenzie Life Care Planning

Tyler, Texas
Life Care Planning, Nurse - Certified Life Care Planner, CLCP, Life Care Planning, Cost Estimate, Long Term Care, Medical, Nurse Practitioner, Expert Witness, Plaintiff, Defense, Federal Court, State Court, Injury Medical Witness, Life Care Plan Review, Life Care Plan Analysis
Kerri Martin is a Certified Life Care Planner with a family nurse practitioner background. She has 9 years of experience in primary care and surgery. Prior to practicing as a nurse practitioner, she worked as a registered nurse in the clinical areas of infectious disease, critical care, and surgery. She graduated from The University of Texas at Tyler in 2014 with a master’s degree in nursing and from Tarleton State University in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in nursing. She works with both defense and plaintiff firms in creating and reviewing life care plans, as well as cost estimates. Kerri is a member of the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals, Texas Nurse Practitioner’s Association and East Texas Nurse Practitioner’s Association.

Avery Voigt, MSN, RN, ONC

Nurse Expert in Active Practice

Dallas, Texas
Orthopedic Surgery, Nurse - Orthopedics Surgical/Non-surgical, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing related issues, Clinical Care, Medical Record Review, Nursing Standards of Care, Patient Safety/Falls, Medication Safety/Administration, Hip/Knee Revisions, Hospital Risk Management, Total Joint Replacement, Wound healing
With nine years of experience as a registered nurse, I have developed expertise in orthopedic nursing while also gaining broad experience across all areas of medical-surgical nursing. Holding a master's degree in nursing administration, I have a strong background in both clinical care and healthcare management. In addition to my bedside administrative experience, I have served as an expert witness and participated in depositions over the past few years, lending my clinical knowledge to legal proceedings. My passion lies in improving patient outcomes, optimizing healthcare operations, and upholding the highest standards of nursing practice.

Elizabeth Gray Uzzle, MS, RN, CNM, NP

Certified Nurse-Midwife and OB RN Expert

Uzzle Consulting Inc

Virginia Beach, Virginia
Midwife, Nurse - Nurse-Midwife, Nurse-Midwifery, Midwife, Obstetrical Nursing, Breastfeeding, Fetal Monitoring, Lactation, Contraception, Birth Injury, HIE, L&D Nurse, Labor and Delivery, Perineal Lacerations, Shoulder Dystocia, Obstetric Triage, Infant feeding, Postpartum, Midwifery, Nursing, NEC
Georgetown University Trained RN and Nurse-Midwife/Nurse Practitioner After my last deposition, the senior attorney said, "you knocked it out of the park!" If you are seeking an expert witness who makes your case a priority, respects your deadlines and responds to your questions day or night look no further. Having attended hundreds of births as a CNM, (and raised 3 strong-willed children) I am unshakable on the witness stand, yet juries find me relatable. Strong experience with deposition and testimony on subjects including: Shoulder Dystocia, Fetal Monitoring, Birth Center Complications, HIE, and Labor Management. Currently employed as hospitalist CNM for large regional health system. Additionally I have: Practiced in a free-standing birth center Been an AWHONN instructor in fetal monitoring Taught Neonatal Resuscitation Served as a Clinical Nurse Specialist for OB Served on Maternal Mortality Committee for State of Maryland Served as lead for obstetric policy and proced...

Daniel S Dalgardno, RN, BSN, LNC

Emergency Department Nurse, Robust Experience

Maple Valley, Washington
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - ER, ED, ICU, Intensive, Medical, Surgical, PACU, Post-Anesthesia, Expert, EPIC, EMR
With a robust background in nursing, spanning over a decade in critical care and emergency settings, I am eager to leverage my clinical expertise and comprehensive medical knowledge in the legal field. My career has endowed me with a profound understanding of medical procedures, documentation and patient care, making me a uniquely qualified candidate for this role. Throughout my tenure in various healthcare environments, from high-stress emergency departments to critical care units, I have honed my ability to analyze and interpret complex medical information, a skill crucial for effective legal consulting. My experience includes managing intricate medical cases, documenting patient interactions meticulously, precepting new nurses and ensuring adherence to healthcare protocols and national patient safety goals, all of which are essential in providing accurate and reliable consultation in legal cases. In addition to my clinical skills, my educational background with a Bachelor of Sc...

Karen F Wilkinson, MN, ARNP, LNCC, CNLCP

Legal Nurse Consulting

Wilkinson Legal Nurse Consulting, Inc.

Seattle, Washington
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - Emergency, Urgent Care, Medical Bill Review, Orthopedics, GYN, Pediatrics, Acute Care, Personal Injury, Longterm care, Labor/delivery, Neonatal, Outpatient Care, CR35 exams, Oncology, Nursing standards, ICU, Life Care Planning, PACU/recovery room, Medical-surgical, home health care
Karen Wilkinson is a nurse practitioner who offers broad expertise in many types of nursing. She has 30+ years of clinical nursing experience and 20 years of nursing and paralegal faculty experience. She has authored many nursing/legal publications and has presented at national conferences. Over those 30 years of clinical work and nursing faculty roles, she has worked in various settings, including acute care hospitals, emergency departments, urgent care, outpatient clinics, pediatrics, orthopedics, pain management, PACU, anesthesia, intensive care, medical/surgical, oncology, GYN, infant and pediatric ICU, special care nursery, OB/post-partum, community health/home care, and long term care. As a nurse practitioner, Karen is uniquely qualified to assess a case's medical and nursing issues. Her years of nursing and faculty experience make her an expert in critiquing nursing, medical, and ancillary care. She has been trained and certified in medical bill review and life care pla...

Jeffrey G. Nicholson, PA-C, PhD, M.Ed, MPAS, DFAAPA

PA Experts Network

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Physician Assistant, General Practice - Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Occupational Medicine, Pain Management, Orthopedic Surgery, Neurology, Nurse Practitioner, Expert Witness Referrals, PA, NP, RN, nurse, sitter, nursing home, long term care, assisted living, memory care, EMT, CRNA
Dr. Nicholson is a recently retired 30 plus years practicing PA, PA Educator and experienced legal consultant. He can provide experienced PA, NP and RN experts in all medical specialties nationwide. Malpractice case merit review, expert witness, deposition and testimony for all medical specialties. Dr. Nicholson is a recognized leader in the PA profession and recognized expert on PA malpractice. He can either help you personally or provide the right expert, usually within 24 hours. Current CV Highlights: Distinguished Fellow, American Academy of Physician Assistants; President, American Academy of Physician Assistants in Legal Medicine; Membership Commission, AAPA; Delegate, Wisconsin Academy of Physician Assistants; Board of Directors, Hillside Health Care International Mission Clinic; Adjunct Clinical Faculty, University of Wisconsin – Madison PA Program Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor, Marquette University PA Program Fellow, Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistan...
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Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas , Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin