Public Health Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of public health expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on public health and related issues. Public health expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these public health expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Public Health, Epidemiology, Toxicology, Air Quality, Urgent Care, Wound Care, Asbestos, Asthma, Covid, Covid 19, Disability, Fitness For Duty, Food Safety , Foodborne Illness, and Health Policy.

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Lucy H Fraiser, PhD, DABT

Lucy Fraiser Toxicology

Fayetteville, Arkansas
Toxicology, Environmental - risk assessment, public health, air quality, NAAQS, risk-based corrective action, ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), particulate matter (PM), chemicals
Dr. Lucy Fraiser is a board-certified toxicologist with over 25 years of experience in the areas of exposure and risk assessment, health effects and toxicology evaluations, development of quantitative toxicity criteria, development of risk-based air quality guidelines and soil cleanup criteria, and risk communication. Dr. Fraiser has conducted hundreds of exposure assessments for chemicals used in pharmaceutical laboratories and industrial processes, chemicals applied to control pests and unwanted vegetation, and chemicals released as unwanted by-products of chemical and product manufacturing, combustion of fossil and waste-derived fuels, generation of electricity, petroleum refining, smelting, rock crushing, and activities at military installations. Dr. Fraiser has been qualified as an expert, deposed, and has provided expert testimony in contested case hearings, criminal case hearings, Federal Civil suits, and toxic tort litigation on numerous occasions.

Anthony C Chang, MD, MBA, MPH, MS

Seasoned witness/ pediatric cardiac intensive care

Children's Hospital of Orange County

Irvine , California
Pediatric Cardiology, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine - Congenital Heart Disease, Cardiac Surgery, Sudden Death, Cardiac Intensive Care, Heart Failure, Postoperative Care, Pulmonary Hypertension, Adult with Congenital Heart Disease, Public Health, Sports Medicine, Artificial Intelligence
Seasoned expert witness with over 200 cases over period of 35 years. Training and attending services at the three top pediatric heart programs. Editor of textbooks Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care and Heart Failure in Children and Young Adults with expertise in congenital heart disease and perioperative care as well as cardiomyopathy and sudden death in pediatric patients. Background in artificial intelligence in medicine.

Laura G Cooke, MD, MPH, FACP

LSG Consulting

San Diego, California
Internal Medicine, Preventive Medicine - Urgent Care, Concierge Medicine, Direct Patient Care, Clinical Epidemiology, Public Health, Decision Analysis, Simulation Training, Curriculum Design, Virtual Environments
Laura Cooke, MD, MPH, FACP is board certified in Internal Medicine as well as Preventive Medicine and General Public Health. She is an Associate Professor of Medicine at University of California, San Diego. She currently runs a private concierge practice and teaches health science students. She has worked in both rural and urban health systems as well as private and academic and Veteran Health Administration systems. She has worked as an inpatient hospitalist, emergency department physician, urgent care physician, and primary care outpatient practice. She has co-authored a textbook on clinical epidemiology and done research in disaster planning, training and teaching in virtual environments. She is especially skilled at reviewing records (both paper and electronic) for completeness and appropriate and timely referrals, as well as identifying correct site of care (e.g. emergency department, urgent care, outpatient office) for a particular medical problem. She has been doing medicole...

Jerry A. Formisano, Jr., PhD, CIH

Exposure analysis by math modeling per the AIHA

GKO Environmental Health Services, LLC

Industrial Hygiene, Public Health - mathematical modeling, asbestos, pesticides, carbon composite fibers, reproductive agents, solvents, aerosol movement, exposure reconstruction, dose reconstruction
Asbestos and Man-Made Fibers: - Ten years’ experience in counting and identification of asbestos fibers, 1987 -1997. - Designed and documented clean-up and sampling procedures of USMC Harrier AV-8B mishap, Havelock, NC. Among the first scientists to collect data on damaged composite fiber materials, 1988. - Designed, supervised, and assisted with cleanup of major asbestos removal project, saving more than $150,000 in contract costs, Naval Air Rework Facility, MCAS Cherry Point, NC, 1988. - Provided industrial hygiene support from Naval Base Subic, Philippines, for asbestos removal and remediation after major steam pipe explosion on board USS MIDWAY, 1990. - Identified over 500 samples of asbestos containing material aboard USS INDEPENDENCE, saving more than $25,000 in contracted costs. Designed, supervised, and performed asbestos rip- outs while at sea. Performed all clearance sampling. Coordinated local national (Japan) asbestos removal procedures, 1992-1994...

Daniel T. Halperin, PhD

Covid-19/Public Health experienced expert witness

Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

San Francisco, California
Infectious Diseases, Public Health - Covid-19, Covid vaccines, Epidemiology, HIV, AIDS, Masks, Prevention, Pandemics
Daniel Halperin is an internationally recognized expert in public health and infectious diseases, specializing in HIV-AIDS and Covid-19. Dr. Halperin has served as an expert witness in a wide variety of litigation, involving masking and other restrictions as well as COVID-19 vaccines, including for example vaccine-related injuries and regarding the lack of scientific evidence to justify mandating that children be vaccinated against Covid-19. He has taught and conducted research on the faculties of Harvard University and the University of California, San Francisco. He has published 15 articles on Covid-19, including in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Cambridge University Press, the Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Time magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, and is author of the highly regarded book, "Facing Covid Without Panic." Reviews: “Dr. Halperin supported our legal team by providing great testimony and giving invaluable help in preparing to question the opposing exp...

Mason D. Harrell, III, MD, MPH, FACOEM

San Diego, California
Occupational Medicine, Public Health - Chemical Exposures, Heat Injuries, Asbestos, Dust, Mold, Air Quality, Heavy Metals, Radiation, Toxicology, Fitness for Duty, Return to Work, Malingering, Stress, Violence, PTSD, Personal Injury, Disability, Chronic Pain, Telemedicine, Primary Care
Harvard Instructor of Physicians, Harvard-trained (Residency & MPH), double board-certified, full-time practicing physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Public Health, and General Preventive Medicine. Medical expert work with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the World Health Organization (WHO), American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), and MDGuidelines®. Published original research on Long Term and Short Term Disability in ACOEM’s Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and chapter author of Psychological Factors and Workforce Health in ACOEM’s Occupational Health Guide. Published with the World Health Organization in the Journal of Infectious Disease on Ebola infections in health care workers. His involvement in the coronavirus (COVID-19) response includes instructing medical, health, and safety professionals, creating policies and procedures, directing preventive medicine and public health, mitigating transmiss...

Bhaskar Kura, PhD, PE

i2Care, Inc.

Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene - Air Quality Modeling, Indoor Air Quality, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Public Health, Cancer Risk, Worker Health, Worker Injury, Workplace Injury, Pollution, Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Medical Waste, Exposure Assessment, Emissions Modeling, Water Pollution, GHG Emissions
Dr. Bhaskar Kura is a higher education leader and has 35 years of professional experience as a professor, researcher, and scientist in the filed of environmental engineering. Over the years, he worked in industry, consulting, and academia. He is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer in the State of Louisiana. He published more than 100 technical articles and supervised graduate students for their MS and PhD degrees. His core areas of expertise include, but not limited to: (1) Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (2) Indoor Air Quality (3) Exposure Assessment (Public and Worker Health Risk Evaluation) (4) Water and Air Pollution Assessment (5) Waste Management (6) Pollution Prevention (7) Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Assessment (8) Evaluation of Toxicity and Hazard of Materials and Wastes (9) Green House Gas Emissions Assessment / Management (10) Compliance Evaluation with Federal, State, and Local Regulations (11) Inverse Dispersion Modeling to Evaluate Source Str...

Steven Madhavan, M.D., M.P.H.

Johns Hopkins Trained M.P.H. and Occ Med Expert

Expedient Medicolegal Services

Burbank, California
Occupational Medicine, Public Health - Standard of Care, Policy Consultation and Implementation, Fitness for Duty, IME, Disability Evaluation and Rating, Disaster Protocals, Military Medical Officer, Workplace Safety, Functional Capacity, Post-Exposure Policy, Drug Testing policies within clinical care settings, Medical Surveillance
Dr. Steven Madhavan, M.D., M.P.H., is a highly accomplished physician specializing in occupational and environmental medicine, preventive medicine, and family medicine. He holds board certifications in Occupational and Environmental Medicine as well as Family Practice. Dr. Madhavan completed his fellowship in Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health while simultaneously earning a Master’s degree in Public Health. He completed his first residency in Family Medicine at Genesys Regional Medical Center and earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Dr. Madhavan has dedicated his career to advancing public health and patient care through clinical leadership, education, and innovative programs. He is known for his expertise in lifestyle medicine, chronic disease management, and preventive care, along with his extensive contributions to disaster preparedness and occupationa...

Lawrence S Mayer, MD, MS, PhD

Lawrence Mayer, MD, MS, PhD

Laguna Beach, California
Epidemiology, Public Health - Biostatistics, Statistics, Causality, Study Design, Model Evaluation, Malpractice, Toxic Torts, Patent Disputes, Covid-19, Statistical Models, Data Analysis

Sande O Okelo, MD, PhD


Culver City, California
Pediatric Pulmonology, Public Health - asthma, congenital lung diseases, pneumonia, lung disease of prematurity/infancy, chronic lung disease, respiratory distress/emergencies/failure, tracheostomy, tracheo/broncho-malacia, airway bleeding, toxic tort, smoke exposure
I am a clinically active Pediatric Pulmonologist with over 20 years of clinical experience. I am board certified in Pediatric Pulmonology (fellowship at Johns Hopkins) and a PhD in Clinical Investigation (Johns Hopkins), so I am well-versed in epidemiology and its applications to medical care, public health, best practices and causality. My qualifications and breadth of experience make me highly qualified to serve as your medical consultant for most pediatric cases. I am an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at UCLA, where I am also the Division Chief (10+ years) and Director of the Pediatric Asthma Center of Excellence. I am also an active researcher, studying quality of asthma care and methods to optimize care and outcomes, with 50 published research papers. Given that I actively teach medical students and pediatric residents, I stay abreast of the current literature in the field, I am intimately knowledgeable with the standards of care in treating pediatric respiratory disease ...

Josh Shoemaker

Experienced Urban & Public Health Entomologist

Carlsbad, California
Entomology, Public Health - Cockroaches, Bed bug, Mites, Pest Control, Infestation, IPM, Fly, Moth, Insect, Kissing bugs, Pest Management, Vermin, Rodent, Rats, Mice, Pesticide, Tick, Spider, Bedbug, Bite
With over 30 years of experience in pest management, I offer expert witness services that bring a depth of scientific knowledge and practical expertise to the courtroom. I hold a Master’s Degree in Entomology from the University of Nebraska, a Graduate Certificate in Public Health from the University of Missouri, and several professional licenses. I spent many years working in various roles for a pesticide manufacturer, where I introduced new products, helped solve pest challenges in the field, and tested materials. I also developed continuing education training courses and performed training on the biology of urban pests, integrated pest management, and the proper use of materials for many of the top pest management companies. As an independent consultant, I have provided entomological services to industry associations, property managers, landlords, public housing authorities, and more. My qualifications equip me to provide reliable testimony on many vermin issues, including pest i...

Jenifer S. Heath, Ph.D.

Denver, Colorado
Toxicology, Environmental - Public Health, Chemical Products Liability, Mining, Toxic Chemical Exposure, Lead Poisoning, Hydrogen Sulfide, Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Consumer Chemical Product Safety, Health Risk Assessment, Environmental Regulatory Agency Negotiations, Contaminated Properties, Superfund (CERCLA)
Toxicologist who helps attorneys understand potential health impacts or human health risks of chemical exposures. Deposed and testified at bench and jury trials. Lead paint, blood lead levels, environmental contamination, pesticides, animal health products, mammalian toxicology. Over 50 publications. Metals, solvents, organic chemicals, petroleum products, industrial chemical release. Superfund / CERCLA, RCRA, state voluntary closure. Registered Nurse (R.N.) licensed to practice in over a dozen states.

Delcina Augustin Doreus, DrPh, MPA, RN-BSN

Tampa, Florida
Long Term Care, Legal Nurse Consulting - Public Health, Dementia, Urgent Care, Hospice, Palliative, Policy & Procedure, Documentation, Intravenous access, Prison RN, Nurse Manager, Spinal Cord, Nurse Educator, Hospital Protocol, Evidence Base Care, Diabetes prevention Educator, Veteran's Health, Infection Control, wound Care
Relevant Information about my experiences: Dr. Augustin ensures administrative support and guidance while providing oversight for care delivery by enforcing public safety. She is an expert in developing policies and procedures. Dr. Augustin collaborates with executive leadership to contribute to strategic planning, innovation, recruitment, and staff retention. She is responsible for assuring compliance with Joint Commission and other internal/external regulatory agencies implementing actions to meet established performance measures. Dr. Augustin creates competency-based programs for nursing staff. She develops educational activities such as remediation, certification, mentoring, life support, Joint Commission requirements, product rollouts, etc. Dr. Augustin served as the VA facility's clinical instructor supervisor for several years. She covered all areas, including telephone care lines, care coordination, ambulatory care (outpatient clinics, specialty clinics, dialysis, bar...

Aaron L Hilliard, PhD

Health Matters EMPT

Jacksonville, Florida
Pharmacology- Clinical, Toxicology - Health & Safety, Medication Adverse Effects, Chemicals, Hazardous Materials, Public Health, Toxic Exposure, Medication Errors, Environmental Exposure, Sanitation, Litigation Support, Pesticides, Wrongful Death
Experienced forensic toxicologist with degree in pharmacology and toxicology. Areas of expertise include medical matters involving pharmaceuticals, alcohol, adverse drug reactions, medication errors, and recreational drugs. Environmental expertise includes: certification in sanitation, Health & Safety, Lead exposure, toxic chemical exposure, hazardous waste, groundwater contamination, superfund cleanup, and risk analysis.

Aaron L Hilliard, PhD

Health Matters EMPT

Pharmacology- Clinical, Toxicology - Health & Safety, Medication Adverse Effects, Chemicals, Hazardous Materials, Public Health, Toxic Exposure, Medication Errors, Environmental Exposure, Sanitation, Litigation Support, Pesticides, Wrongful Death
Experienced forensic toxicologist with degree in pharmacology and toxicology. Areas of expertise include medical matters involving pharmaceuticals, alcohol, adverse drug reactions, medication errors, and recreational drugs. Environmental expertise includes: certification in sanitation, Health & Safety, Lead exposure, toxic chemical exposure, hazardous waste, groundwater contamination, superfund cleanup, and risk analysis.

Jerry A. Formisano, Jr., PhD, CIH

Exposure analysis by math modeling per the AIHA

GKO Environmental Health Services, LLC

Kailua, Hawaii
Industrial Hygiene, Public Health - mathematical modeling, asbestos, pesticides, carbon composite fibers, reproductive agents, solvents, aerosol movement, exposure reconstruction, dose reconstruction
Asbestos and Man-Made Fibers: - Ten years’ experience in counting and identification of asbestos fibers, 1987 -1997. - Designed and documented clean-up and sampling procedures of USMC Harrier AV-8B mishap, Havelock, NC. Among the first scientists to collect data on damaged composite fiber materials, 1988. - Designed, supervised, and assisted with cleanup of major asbestos removal project, saving more than $150,000 in contract costs, Naval Air Rework Facility, MCAS Cherry Point, NC, 1988. - Provided industrial hygiene support from Naval Base Subic, Philippines, for asbestos removal and remediation after major steam pipe explosion on board USS MIDWAY, 1990. - Identified over 500 samples of asbestos containing material aboard USS INDEPENDENCE, saving more than $25,000 in contracted costs. Designed, supervised, and performed asbestos rip- outs while at sea. Performed all clearance sampling. Coordinated local national (Japan) asbestos removal procedures, 1992-1994...

Thomas J. Esposito, MD, MPH

OSF Healthcare

Brimfield, Illinois
Critical Care Medicine, Trauma Surgery - Critical Care Surgery, Emergency Medical Services, General Surgery, Public Health, Telemedicine, Wound Care

Kory Gernhofer, DDS, MBA

Experienced General Dentist and Recognized Veteran

Chicago, Illinois
Dentist - Crown and Bridge, Oral Pathology, Public Health, Removable Prosthodontics, Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Surgery, Preventative Care, Pre-authorization Reviews, Root Canal Therapy, Occlusion, Medicare Advantage, Dental Consulting, Dental Radiology, Business acumen, Dental Appeals and Grievances, TMD
I have over 17 years of clinical experience as a general dentist. Immediately after graduating dental school, I served five years of active duty with the U.S. Navy, treating active duty service members and gaining valuable experience and insight from multiple specialist providers along the way. I completed a one year Advanced Education in General Dentistry program during my first year of service. I received numerous awards for my hard work and dedication to the oral health of our troops, including a Navy Achievement Medal. During my service, I produced millions of dollars worth of dental work for the military, and also played an integral role in getting service members ready for deployment during the pre-deployment Mojave Viper mission in the California desert, using mobile dental units. During my three year service with the U.S. Navy Reserves, I completed an integrated care humanitarian mission as a dental provider to the remote villages of Alaska, in an effort to help address...

Sarita M Massey, MD, MPH, FACOG

Catalyst Health and Equity Solutions LLC

Chicago, Illinois
Public Health, Hospital Administration - medical necessity, utilization management, Insurance clinical policy reviews, managed care, obstetrics, gynecology
Board Certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist with more than 3 decades of experience in healthcare. Experience with peer review including 10 years on State Medical Disciplinary Board. More than a decade of experience as Medical Director on provider and payor side, authoring policies and procedures, performing medical necessity review with specialization in prior authorization.

Thomas J. Dawson, III

TD&P Consulting Inc.

Silver Spring, Maryland
Medical Management, Public Health - Health Insurance, Health Policy, Healthcare Pricing, Healthcare Delivery & Financing, Reasonable Value Analysis, Medicaid & Medicare, Affordable Care Act
Thomas (Tom) J. Dawson III, ESQ., MPH, MA is the founder and CEO of TD&P Consulting, Inc., a health policy firm focused on health reform and its impact on private and public health insurance markets. With over 23 years in healthcare policy, Mr. Dawson has served on Capitol Hill, at the Department of Labor, and with for-profits and non-profits in the private sector. Before entering the private sector, Mr. Dawson served as the Health Care Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business. In this role, he provided guidance on healthcare reform, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement policy and commercial health insurance markets. Mr. Dawson also provided policy guidance to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Health Care Task Force and drafted legislation relevant to the health science industry and small businesses. From 2001 to 2007, Mr. Dawson served as a pension law specialist with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EB...

Carmela Mancini, DO, MPH, FACP

Distinguished Physician, Epidemiology & Nutrition

Expert Consulting Services

Marblehead, Massachusetts
Nutrition, Geriatrics - Direct Primary Care Physician, Epidemiology, Assisted Living, Memory Care Unit Specialist, Dementia Management, End-of-Life Care, Hospitalist Expert, Weight Loss, Infectious Disease Epidemiologist, Public Health, Clinical Teaching Expert, Health Policy Analyst, Medical Researcher, Nutrition
Dr. Mancini is a distinguished medical professional with extensive experience and expertise in various domains of healthcare. Holding a DO and MPH degree, as well as being a Fellow of the American College of Physicians (FACP), Dr. Mancini is a sought-after expert in Direct Primary Care, Longitudinal Care, Dementia Management, Hospital Medicine, Epidemiology, and Public Health. As a Direct Primary Care Physician and owner of a private membership-based practice in Salem, MA, Dr. Mancini specializes in providing personalized and comprehensive medical care to elderly patients in Assisted and Independent Living Facilities and Memory Care Units. With a focus on managing complex medical problems and behavioral changes in dementia/Memory Care patients, Dr. Mancini excels in assessing patients for appropriate care settings and delivering in-home care to individuals with terminal illnesses. Dr. Mancini also serves as a Medical Director at the Weight Loss Center of the North Shore, offering ...

Remington Nevin, MD, MPH, DrPH

Physician Epidemiologist - Former Military

Remington Nevin Medicolegal, PLLC

Port Huron, Michigan
Preventive Medicine, Occupational Medicine - public health, travel medicine, epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, drug safety, preventive medicine, occupational medicine, malaria, antimalarials, mefloquine, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, primaquine, tafenoquine, quinoline, quinine
Remington Nevin, MD, MPH, DrPH, a former U.S. Army medical officer, is a physician epidemiologist and experienced expert witness in the fields of occupational medicine, preventive medicine, epidemiology, and public health. Trained in epidemiology at Johns Hopkins, board certified in Public Health and General Preventive Medicine and in Occupational Medicine by the American Board of Preventive Medicine, and licensed to practice medicine in five states (IL, MD, MI, NY, VT), Dr. Nevin is an active researcher, primarily in the adverse effects of quinoline antimalarials. Dr. Nevin taught for 10 years at Johns Hopkins and has over 80 scientific publications with over 1,600 citations, primarily on topics related to antimalarial adverse effects, malaria, military mental health, and military-civilian health policy.

Mitchel Holliday, EdD, RDN, CDCES, FAND

Nutrition Expert/Chief Dietitian 2x Fed. Agencies

Holliday Consulting, LLC

St. Charles, Minnesota
Nutrition, Food - Food Allergy, Obesity, Diabetes, Malnutrition, Foodborne Illness, Dietitian, Wound Care, Menu Analysis, Jails, Hunger Strike, Food Safety, Dysphagia, Clinical Nutrition, Long Term Care, Correctional Healthcare, Nursing Homes, Public Health, Pressure Ulcer, Dietician, Prisons
Dr. Holliday has been a registered dietitian nutritionist for 18 years. For the past 15 of those years Dr. Holliday has helped to enhance the nutrition care of the United States largest correctional system and has served as the Chief of Nutrition and Dietetics for the Federal Bureau of Prisons since 2013. In 2021, he was selected by the U.S. Surgeon General to serve as the Chief Dietitian Officer for the United States Public Health Service (USPHS). Dr. Holliday has extensive experience and knowledge working with government senior executive staff and attorneys on in-depth nutrition and dietetic matters and providing foreign and domestic intergovernmental legal and budgetary communications including, Senatorial, Congressional, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorneys’ Offices, and Office of the President responses. Dr. Holliday has numerous peer-reviewed publications, extensive international and national public speaking experience, and experience consulting with private law fir...

Andrea Nelsen

Prior Lake, Minnesota
Psychiatry, Aviation & Aerospace - Public health, Occupational psychiatry, Preventive medicine, Public safety, Forensic psychiatry, FAA, Aerospace medicine, Malpractice, Occupational medicine

Eric Cioe Pena, MD MPH

ECP Medical Consulting

Clifton, New Jersey
Emergency Medicine, Public Health - Global Health, Travel health
Dr. Cioe Peña is a board-certified, ivy-league educated physician with over a decade of experience providing emergency care in urban high volume emergency departments. He currently serves as the vice president of global health for his health system and has consulted and lectured on emergency medicine topics internationally for many years. He has a masters of public health from the prestigious Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and earned his MD degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2023, he was honored for Excellence in Healthcare by the United Hospital Fund. Dr. Cioe Peña has had over 400 media appearances because of his ability to explain complex emergency medicine and public health topics to the lay public.

Eric Cioe Pena, MD MPH

ECP Medical Consulting

New York
Emergency Medicine, Public Health - Global Health, Travel health
Dr. Cioe Peña is a board-certified, ivy-league educated physician with over a decade of experience providing emergency care in urban high volume emergency departments. He currently serves as the vice president of global health for his health system and has consulted and lectured on emergency medicine topics internationally for many years. He has a masters of public health from the prestigious Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University and earned his MD degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2023, he was honored for Excellence in Healthcare by the United Hospital Fund. Dr. Cioe Peña has had over 400 media appearances because of his ability to explain complex emergency medicine and public health topics to the lay public.

Rebecca Florsheim, MD, MPH

Cold Spring, New York
Internal Medicine, Public Health - asthma, air pollution, climate change, toxicology, toxins, endocrine disruptors, environmental hazards, microplastics, PFAS, phthalates, superfunds, carcinogens
I am a physician with an academic and research interest in environmental health. As such, my clinical focus is almost exclusively comprehensive outpatient asthma management. My main research and teaching interest is environmental air pollutants, but I also have an expert-level of understanding of other environmental toxins and endocrine disruptors. I am very interested in being contacted with any cases related to these topics.

Mark G Shrime, MD, MPH, PhD

Head and neck tumors / ENT - Harvard faculty

New York, New York
Public Health, Otolaryngology - Head and neck surgery, Public health, Parotid, Thyroid, Surgery, Head and neck cancer, Endoscopy, Sinus surgery, Neck mass, Vocal cord paralysis, Larynx cancer, Tongue cancer, Oral cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer
Professor Mark G. Shrime, MD, MPH, PhD, FACS, is a Lecturer in Global Health and Social Medicine at the Harvard Medical School. He previously served as the O’Brien Chair of Global Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, as the founder and Director of the Center for Global Surgery Evaluation at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, and as Research Director for the Program in Global Surgery and Social Change at Harvard. He is the author of seminal papers on the global burden of surgical disease, the financial burden facing surgical patients, and the number of people who cannot access safe surgery worldwide. He served as a co-author on the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. Dr. Shrime graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University in 1996 with a BA in molecular biology. He received his MD from the University of Texas in 2001, after taking a year to teach organic chemistry in Singapore. Medical school was followed by a residency in otolaryngology at the joint ...

Paul M. Lantos, MD, MS

Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Duke University

Duke University School of Medicine

Durham, North Carolina
Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Public Health - Lyme disease, COVID, malaria, typhoid, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, tick-borne diseases, parasites, measles, pertussis, fever, cytomegalovirus, infected animal bites, vaccines, travel medicine, epidemiology, institutional review board (IRB), worker's compensation, custody
• Triple-boarded specialist in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Pediatrics, and Internal Medicine • Fellowship trained at Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, and the Harvard School of Public Health • COVID-19 experience, including case management, test interpretation, isolation and public health recommendations, personal and occupational protective measures, risk assessments for adults and children at risk of severe COVID-19, and return to work determinations for infected employees. • Clinical and academic expertise in vector-borne infectious diseases (e.g. infections carried by ticks and mosquitoes), zoonotic infections (transmitted from animals, e.g. rabies, bartonella, cat scratch and cat bite fever), and environmental infectious diseases. • Clinical and academic expertise in geographic and travel medicine, including clinical malaria and malaria prevention, travel vaccines, pre-travel counseling and risk assessments, post-travel evaluation, prevention and treat...


High Environmental Health & Safety Consulting Ltd.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Slip Trip & Fall, Industrial Hygiene - Certified Industrial Hygienist, CIH, Workplace Safety, Occupational Safety, Chemical Exposure, Public Health, Trenching, Construction Safety, Rigging, Accident Investigation, Coefficient of Friction, Slip Resistance, Lockout, Electrical Safety, NFPA 70E, Air Quality, Noise, Safety Culture, OSHA, CSP
Over 30 years in Safety & Health. Authorized Trainer and Instructor-Trainer for the OSHA Training Institute Outreach Education Center in Construction and General Industry. Masters Public Health (MPH) (Hopkins), Masters in Safety Sciences (MS) (IUP) Post-baccalaureate Certificates in Environmental Health & Industrial Hygiene (Johns Hopkins) / Epidemiology & Bio-statistics (Drexel). Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) Construction Health & Safety Technician (CHST) Emergency Medical Technician - PA (EMT) Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Certified XL Tribometrist (CXLT)(slip-resistance) Frequent Public Speaker on Safety and Health Issues. Creative approaches and perspectives to cases. Defense and Plaintiff work. Organization Participation and Memberships: Lancaster County Industrial Safety Council (officer positions); American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP); American Industrial Hygiene Association (AHIA): Full Member; Member of the Occ...

Eileen E. Ming, MPH, ScD, FISPE

Epi Excellence LLC

Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania
Public Health, Pharmaceutical Research - epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology, outcomes research, observational research, real world evidence
Eileen E. Ming, MPH, ScD, FISPE, is an epidemiologist, pharmacoepidemiologist, outcomes researcher, and leader in the pharmaceutical industry. She served as an outcomes researcher at Merck, an epidemiologist at AstraZeneca, and the head of global epidemiology and pharmacoepidemiology at Shire Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Ming founded Epi Excellence, an epidemiology consulting practice, in 2014. She has worked across a variety of therapeutic areas, from pre-clinical through post-marketing phases, providing epidemiologic strategic and tactical expertise to commercial, clinical development, market access, medical affairs, regulatory, and pharmacovigilance activities. Dr. Ming is an Adjunct Scholar of the Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and an Adjunct Investigator of the Center for Pharmacoepidemiology Research and Training, at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She is a Fellow of the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. Dr. Ming r...

Catherine E Adams Hutt, PhD, RD, CFS

RdR Solutions Consulting, LLC

Aubrey, Texas
Food, Public Health - Food Safety, Food Manufacturing, Nutrition, Foodborne Illness, Food Fraud, Food Forensics, Food Poisoning, Food Adulteration, Dietary Supplements, Food Labeling, Quality Management, Health Claims
I have high-level training and senior experience in a variety of food related fields, including food manufacturing, food service, food regulations, and nutrition. My diverse background makes me ideally suited for challenging cases where it is important or helpful to be able to integrate information from a number of different disciplines. My professional experience is truly unique and my credentials make me unimpeachable. Most of my cases are settled before going to trial on the strength of my expert opinion. I enjoy deposition and trial, understanding the art of the exercise; and I work to deliver the optimal results for my clients.

Marco Britton, MD, MPH

Occupational & Disability Injury Expert Witness

Insight Expert Solutions

Arlington, Texas
Occupational Medicine, Public Health - work comp, workers' compensation, workers' comp, workman's comp, workman's compensation, work injury, injury, accident, disability, impairment rating, designated doctor, IME, expert witness, independent medical evaluation, medical opinion, records review, peer review, deposition, physician expert
Marco Britton, MD, MPH is an expert physician who is board-certified in Occupational & Environmental medicine. He has evaluated and opined numerous workers' compensation, disability and other types of cases. He provides precise yet thorough reports in a quick and timely manner. He has been praised by attorneys, adjusters, case managers, etc. for the quality of his work. Below are testimonials from a few of his clients. “The adjusters that we work with adore Dr. Britton for his thorough reports and expert opinions.” Nurse Case Manager H.L. (Dallas, Texas) “This is a good report.” “Seen some really good DD reports from you!” Attorney W.M.M. (Fort Worth, Texas) “You handled his questions very well” [In reference to the opposing counsel]. Attorney K.J. (Austin, Texas)

Lucy H Fraiser, PhD, DABT

Lucy Fraiser Toxicology

Toxicology, Environmental - risk assessment, public health, air quality, NAAQS, risk-based corrective action, ozone (O3), nitrogen oxides (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), particulate matter (PM), chemicals
Dr. Lucy Fraiser is a board-certified toxicologist with over 25 years of experience in the areas of exposure and risk assessment, health effects and toxicology evaluations, development of quantitative toxicity criteria, development of risk-based air quality guidelines and soil cleanup criteria, and risk communication. Dr. Fraiser has conducted hundreds of exposure assessments for chemicals used in pharmaceutical laboratories and industrial processes, chemicals applied to control pests and unwanted vegetation, and chemicals released as unwanted by-products of chemical and product manufacturing, combustion of fossil and waste-derived fuels, generation of electricity, petroleum refining, smelting, rock crushing, and activities at military installations. Dr. Fraiser has been qualified as an expert, deposed, and has provided expert testimony in contested case hearings, criminal case hearings, Federal Civil suits, and toxic tort litigation on numerous occasions.

Bhaskar Kura, PhD, PE

i2Care, Inc.

San Antonio, Texas
Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene - Air Quality Modeling, Indoor Air Quality, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Public Health, Cancer Risk, Worker Health, Worker Injury, Workplace Injury, Pollution, Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Medical Waste, Exposure Assessment, Emissions Modeling, Water Pollution, GHG Emissions
Dr. Bhaskar Kura is a higher education leader and has 35 years of professional experience as a professor, researcher, and scientist in the filed of environmental engineering. Over the years, he worked in industry, consulting, and academia. He is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer in the State of Louisiana. He published more than 100 technical articles and supervised graduate students for their MS and PhD degrees. His core areas of expertise include, but not limited to: (1) Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (2) Indoor Air Quality (3) Exposure Assessment (Public and Worker Health Risk Evaluation) (4) Water and Air Pollution Assessment (5) Waste Management (6) Pollution Prevention (7) Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Assessment (8) Evaluation of Toxicity and Hazard of Materials and Wastes (9) Green House Gas Emissions Assessment / Management (10) Compliance Evaluation with Federal, State, and Local Regulations (11) Inverse Dispersion Modeling to Evaluate Source Str...

Anisha Malhotra, MD

Austin, Texas
Emergency Medicine - Chief administrative officer, Partner, Leadership, Free-standing, Rural, Locums, Orthopedic, Cardiology, Resuscitation, Pediatric, Trauma, Sepsis, Health Policy, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Radiology, Psychiatry, Critical Care, Public Health, Toxicology
- Chief Administrative Officer and founding partner of a new EM physician group - Experience in hospital-based rural and urban EDs, Free-Standing EDs, Academic EDs, and Locums - Experience with health policy - International experience working at a rural ED in New Zealand - EM Residency at Parkland Hospital (UT Southwestern) - B.S. Nutritional Sciences, Minors in Spanish and Health Policy & Administration

Catherine E Adams Hutt, PhD, RD, CFS

RdR Solutions Consulting, LLC

Food, Public Health - Food Safety, Food Manufacturing, Nutrition, Foodborne Illness, Food Fraud, Food Forensics, Food Poisoning, Food Adulteration, Dietary Supplements, Food Labeling, Quality Management, Health Claims
I have high-level training and senior experience in a variety of food related fields, including food manufacturing, food service, food regulations, and nutrition. My diverse background makes me ideally suited for challenging cases where it is important or helpful to be able to integrate information from a number of different disciplines. My professional experience is truly unique and my credentials make me unimpeachable. Most of my cases are settled before going to trial on the strength of my expert opinion. I enjoy deposition and trial, understanding the art of the exercise; and I work to deliver the optimal results for my clients.

Jonathan Meiman, MD

Fitchburg, Wisconsin
Public Health, Family Medicine - Environmental health, Occupational health, Healthcare preparedness, Public health, Primary/urgent care, Coronavirus, Toxicology, Pandemic preparedness and response, Cancer epidemiology, Epidemiology, PFAS, Plaintiff’s attorneys
Jonathan Meiman, MD graduated from the UAB Heersink School of Medicine and completed his residency in family medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He then completed a two-year Epidemic Intelligence Service fellowship with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He has over 10 years of experience in public health, academic medicine, occupational health, and primary care. Dr. Meiman previously served as a State Epidemiologist and Chief Medical Officer with the Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services, focusing on pandemic preparedness, environmental health, and occupational health. He is a former member of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Board of Scientific Counselors and Wisconsin’s Homeland Security Council. Dr. Meiman is an author of over 40 peer-reviewed publications covering infectious disease outbreaks (e.g., COVID-19, MERS-CoV, Ebola), occupational health, toxic substance exposures, and biomonitoring of environmental pollutants. His expertise includes human ...

Aaron R. Billin, MD, MS, DABFM, FAAFP, MFAWM

Aaron R. Billin, MD, PC

Cody, Wyoming
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services - Rural Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care, Public Health, Wilderness Medicine, Environmental Medicine, Indian Health Services, Search & Rescue
Aaron Billin, MD is a physician board certified in Family Medicine with 25 years of experience in rural emergency medicine and urgent care; especially with farmers, ranchers, and Native American populations. As a past president of the Wilderness Medical Society, he has many years of experience in wilderness medicine and search & rescue. Dr. Billin is interested in both plaintiff and defendant perspectives.
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