Covid 19 Expert Witnesses

Covid 19 expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on covid 19. The covid 19 expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Allergy & Immunology, Correctional Healthcare, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Epidemiology, Family Medicine, General Practice, Hospital Administration, Hospitalist, Industrial Hygiene, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Legal Medicine, and Long Term Care.

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Daniel T. Halperin, PhD

Covid-19/Public Health experienced expert witness

Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

San Francisco, California
Infectious Diseases, Public Health - Covid-19, Covid vaccines, Epidemiology, HIV, AIDS, Masks, Prevention, Pandemics
Daniel Halperin is an internationally recognized expert in public health and infectious diseases, specializing in HIV-AIDS and Covid-19. Dr. Halperin has served as an expert witness in a wide variety of litigation, involving masking and other restrictions as well as COVID-19 vaccines, including for example vaccine-related injuries and regarding the lack of scientific evidence to justify mandating that children be vaccinated against Covid-19. He has taught and conducted research on the faculties of Harvard University and the University of California, San Francisco. He has published 15 articles on Covid-19, including in the Annals of Internal Medicine, Cambridge University Press, the Washington Post, San Francisco Chronicle, Time magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, and is author of the highly regarded book, "Facing Covid Without Panic." Reviews: “Dr. Halperin supported our legal team by providing great testimony and giving invaluable help in preparing to question the opposing exp...

April Hernandez, BSN, RN, CEN

Expert Nurse Consulting, Inc.

FONTANA, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse Expert, Medical Chronology, Wrongful Death, Medical Records Review, Medication Errors, Trauma, Stroke, STEMI, Pediatric Emergency Nursing, COVID-19, Standards of Care, HIPPA, Sepsis, GSW, Festivals, Cosmetic, Aesthetic
April Hernandez is a Board Certified Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from Chamberlain University. Ms. Hernandez completed the Legal Nurse Consultant Training Certificate program at California State University Long Beach, and serves as a Nurse Expert for both plaintiff and defense cases. Ms. Hernandez has 24 years of diverse experience in direct patient care, staff supervision and department operations. She is skilled at multitasking, prioritizing patient needs and daily assignments. Ms. Hernandez has expertise in adult and pediatric emergency nursing, medical aesthetics and special event/festival nursing. She is a seasoned nursing professional with excellent communication skills, both written and oral. She is efficient in navigating and analyzing the Electronic Medical Record. Nurse April utilizes her experience as a bedside and charge nurse to review medical records and create chronologies for ease of medical record review. Meticulous and detail ori...

Carol A Ingalls, BSN, RN, CEN, CCRN

Ingalls and Associates, LLC

REDLANDS, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Emergency Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting. ED Nurse, ER Nurse, Medical Records Review, Medication Errors, MI, Covid-19, CPR, Ectopic, Psychiatric, 5150, Hemorrhage, Overdose, Sepsis, Shock, Stroke, STEMI, Transfers
Carol Ingalls has 39+ years of continuous experience and expertise in Emergency Nursing and remains clinically active at the bedside. She is a Certified in Emergency and Critical Care Nursing. Carol is a member of the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants, Emergency Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, Association of Critical Care Nurses, and the Bay Area Chapter of Northern California Legal Nurse Consultants. Nurse Ingalls has decades of experience in adult and pediatric emergency nursing in various settings including large community hospitals and Level 1 and 2 Trauma Centers/Academic institutions. She is well versed in current standards of care, policies, procedures and protocols related to nursing care in the ED. Carol also regularly functions as a preceptor/mentor for EMTs, paramedics, and nursing students in the clinical setting. Carol has excellent communication skills and the ability to effectively interpret and convey complex issues. She is detail-o...

Peter Jaramillo, CIH

Delta Bay Consultants, LLC

Antioch, California
Industrial Hygiene, OSHA - Industrial Hygiene, Health & Safety, Occupational Health, Indoor Air Quality, Biological Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Construction Safety, Valley Fever, COVID-19, Noise, Environmental, Laboratory Safety, Emergency Preparedness, OSHA, Certified Industrial Hygienist, Workers Compensation
Peter Jaramillo, CIH has 35+ years of experience in the fields of Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety. As co-owner and Principal Industrial Hygienist of Delta Bay Consultants, LLC, Peter provides the following services: (1) air & noise monitoring; (2) indoor air quality investigations; (3) health & safety programs; (4) hazard/risk assessments; (5) ergonomics surveys; (6) assessments of work practices, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and emergency preparedness; (7) confined space and ventilation evaluations; (8) employee training/mentoring; (9) acting as a technical resource, subject matter expert, and regulatory liaison; and (10) Expert Witness Testimony and other Litigation Support on legal claims related to occupational health & safety. Peter has provided expert witness services for numerous cases involving exposures to Coccidioides immitis (the "Valley Fever" pathogen) in the Central Valley of California. He has also supported various cases invol...

Steven W Kohler, MD, FAAEM

Lodestar Emergency Medicine Consulting, LLC

San Diego, California
Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine, Stroke, Sepsis, Myocardial Infarction, Cardiac Dysrhythmias, Pulmonary Embolus, Respiratory Failure, Advanced Airway Management, Ectopic Pregnancy, Pediatric Emergencies, DKA, Closed Head Injury, COVID-19, Procedural Sedation, ED/Hospital Operations, Medical Education
Dr. Kohler is a residency trained, board certified emergency physician currently in his 26th year of clinical practice at a high volume, high acuity tertiary care medical center in San Diego, CA. He was appointed and has served as both Assistant Chief and Chief of his emergency department as well as serving as the hospital Emergency Management Chair and ED delegate to the hospital Bioethics Committee. After many years of reviewing cases for the Emergency Department, Hospital Peer Review and Quality Improvement committees, he was appointed as founding core faculty to establish an Emergency Medicine Residency Program at his medical center. Among other duties, he was tasked with creating the Quality Improvement, Patient Satisfaction and Risk Management curricula for the residency program, which included a novel collaboration with University of San Diego School of Law to integrate medical malpractice didactics between emergency medicine residents and law students. He is listed as an exp...

Pramod Krishnamurthy, MD

Praxis Med Experts

Fremont, California
Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine - Pulmonary, Pulmonary Critical Care, Interventional Pulmonology, Critical Care, Sepsis, Interstitial Lung Disease, Pneumonia, Complicated Chest Infections, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Emphysema, Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory Failure, Severe Infections, Covid-19, Pulmonary Edema, Embolism
Pramod Krishnamurthy, MD, MPH is board-certified in Pulmonology Critical Care and Interventional Pulmonology and is an Associate Medical Director at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation in the Bay Area, California. Dr. Krishnamurthy has a busy outpatient pulmonology practice and in addition practices critical care medicine at El Camino Hospital and Sutter Eden Medical Center. He has clinical privileges at four Bay Area hospitals ( El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, Sutter Eden Medical Center in Castro Valley, Washington Hospital in Fremont, and San Ramon Regional Hospital). His special interests include lung nodules, lung cancer, COPD, advanced diagnostic bronchoscopy, critical care medicine including sepsis and respiratory failure. Fellowships: -Pulmonary Medicine Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York July 2009 – June 2011 -Critical Care Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York, New York July 2007 – June 2008 -Interventional Pulmonology Hen...

James F Lineback, MD, FCCP

Newport Longevity Medical Group

Newport Beach, California
Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine - Cause of Death, Life Expectancy, Catastrophic Injury, Covid 19
SPECIFIC AREA of EXPERTISE: Causation and Life Expectancy in Wrongful Death and Catastrophic Injury cases Board Certification: --Internal Medicine --Pulmonary Medicine --recertification, 2016 Academic Appointment: Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, Riverside School of Medicine. Lecture Series: Practicum for second year medical students; Pathophysiology and Mechanisms of Disease, 1997-present. Medical Practice: --Pulmonary and Chest Medicine --Emergency Medicine Pathology Experience: Hektoen Institute, Chicago, Illinois Laboratory assistant

David M Mathis, MD CCHP-P FAAFP

Napa, California
Correctional Healthcare, Family Medicine - Prison Medicine, Prison Hospice, Chronic Disease in Prisons, Inmate Access to Care, Deliberate Indifference, Cruel/Unusual Punishment in Prisons, Mental Health in Jails, Prison Standard of Care Violations, COVID-19, Formulary Complaints, Delayed Diagnosis/Treatment in Jails, Inmate Medical Care
David M. Mathis, M.D., Board Certified in Family Medicine for 30+ years. He has spent 20 years in prison medicine, most recently as a Physician and Surgeon at the California Medical Facility (CMF), a state prison for inmates with medium to high acuity medical issues. Designated a Certified Correctional Health Care Professional-Physician, he has also achieved Board Certification in Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine. Dr. Mathis spent four years as medical director of Eastern Correctional Institution (ECI), Maryland's largest prison (3500 inmates) and co-authored a published study, “Point-of-care INR Determination, Coumadin Dosage Changes, and Use of a Historical, Self-updating Database in a Prison.” During his time in private practice, he taught medical students from George Washington University School of Medicine and the University of Virginia Medical School as an Associate Professor of Health Care Sciences. Dr. Mathis is an experienced expert witness in Correctional Healthca...

Lawrence S Mayer, MD, MS, PhD

Lawrence Mayer, MD, MS, PhD

Laguna Beach, California
Epidemiology, Public Health - Biostatistics, Statistics, Causality, Study Design, Model Evaluation, Malpractice, Toxic Torts, Patent Disputes, Covid-19, Statistical Models, Data Analysis

Kimberly McGranahan

McGranahan Consulting

Riverside, California
Emergency Medicine, Nursing Administration - Clinical Nurse Manager, Regulatory Guidelines, Nursing Standards of Care, Medication Safety, Fall Prevention/Management, Hospital Policy and Procedure, Triage, CMS Standards, Emergency Medicine, Emergency Department Nurse, Emergency Room Nurse, Legal Nurse Consultant, ED Nurse Expert, COVID-19
Kimberly McGranahan has been an Emergency Room nurse for 15 years. She has expertise in caring for patients of all ages and levels of care. Nurse McGranahan has extensive experience caring for patients with Stroke, Heart Attacks (STEMI), Trauma, Psychiatric and other sub-specialty emergencies. In addition, Ms. McGranahan is a Clinical Nurse Manager and frequently performs investigations regarding breaches in policy and/or standards of care. She has extensive knowledge of Emergency Department regulatory guidelines related to CMS and Joint Commission standards including nurse staffing ratios and nationally recognized clinical practice guidelines. Ms. McGranahan is meticulous and detail oriented, she will provide a comprehensive analysis to aid in your success. Kimberly utilizes her experience as a bedside nurse and clinical manager to review medical records for merit and create chronologies/summaries for ease of medical record review. In addition, she will analyze and identify br...

Georgine Nanos, MD, MPH

Experienced Family Medicine Expert

Encinitas, California
Family Medicine, General Practice - Women's Health, Depression, Back Pain, Failure to Diagnose, Failure to Refer, Cancer Screening, Cancer Detection, Heart attack, Stroke, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, Supervision of Physician Assistants, Trauma, Pneumonia, Wound Care, Diabetes, Hypertension, Covid-19 Expert, Telemedicine Expert, Med Spa
Currently board certified in Family Medicine, family physician in clinical practice with excellent oral and written communication skills. Experience treating a pediatric, adult and geriatric patient population with a wide range of conditions and presentations including: high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, infections, influenza, chest pain, pneumonia, headaches, back pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, pain management, gynecologic issues, early pregnancy complications, alcohol dependency, tobacco abuse, skin rashes, abdominal pain, cough, and sinus and ear issues. Regularly perform screening for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension. Experienced in aesthetic and cosmetic medicine, medical spa ownership, medical spa medical director, cosmetic lasers, dermal fillers, neurotoxins, body contouring procedures, vaginal laser treatments. Committed to delivering thorough, high-quality and timely reports along with rock solid testimony ...

David Joel Witt, MD, FIDSA, CIC

Praxis Med Experts

San Rafael, California
Infectious Diseases, Emergency Medicine - Internal Medicine, Tropical Medicine, Infection Control, Clinical, COVID-19, Vaccines, Transplant
Dr. Witt is an Infectious Disease Specialist and the former regional hospital epidemiologist with Kaiser Permanente in Northern California. He attended medical school at the University of Michigan and residency and fellowship at The Boston City Hospital in Boston, MA. He is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. He has been board certified in Emergency Medicine and is board certified in Tropical Medicine and Infection Control. He has also been board certified in Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases. He has been on the faculty of the Schools of Medicine and Nursing at the University of California at San Francisco.

John P Lieberman, MD, CPHQ

Infectious Diseases Expert

Expert Infectious Diseases Consulting Services

Denver , Colorado
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - Sepsis, Postoperative Infections, Nursing Homes, Hospital Acquired Infections, Medical Device Associated Infections, COVID-19, C. Diff, Bacteremia, MRSA, VRE, Diabetic Infections, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia, Meningitis, Necrotizing Fasciitis, Spinal Infections, Catheter Related Infections, ICU
*Over 20 years practicing Infectious Diseases; experience as a clinician, a leader, educator and small business owner *Routine management of a diverse and complex patient population *Double Board Certified ** Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases ** *Educator-oversaw bedside clinical teaching rounds of medical students and residents, as well as provided didactic lectures *Medical Director of Infection Control and Prevention-led evidence based efforts to reduce incidence of hospital acquired infections *Chair of antibiotic stewardship committees-collaborated with hospital pharmacies, administration and medical staff on best practices for appropriate use of antimicrobials *Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality from the National Association on Healthcare Quality-committed to improving healthcare quality and safety

Larry S. Wasser, M.D.

Pulmonary/Critical Care expert, in active practice

West Hartford, Connecticut
Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease - Pulmonary Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Hospitalist Medicine, Medical Malpractice, Urgent Care, Pulmonary Embolism, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Asthma, COPD, Respiratory failure, Lung Cancer, Interstitial lung disease, Asbestosis, Post-operative management, Covid-19, Occupational lung disease, Mold
I am board-certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine and Critical Care and am a Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, as well a member of the American Thoracic Society. I am formerly an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. I have 35 years of clinical experience specializing in Asthma, COPD, Pulmonary Embolism, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Lung Cancer, Asbestosis, Occupational Lung Disease, Respiratory failure, Sepsis, mechanical ventilation, Critical Care, Postoperative management, COVID-related pulmonary disease, Mold and environmental exposures I have been "hands-on", providing direct pulmonary patient care since 1986 and have had the opportunity to work in both an urban and rural settings, allowing me to gain an expansive clinical expertise. I am currently licensed in CT, NY, FL, PA, IN, OH, GA, CA, MI, NJ, VA, WI, ME, RI I attended the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City and did all of my residenc...

Curtis J Coley II, MD, MHA, FCCP

Atlanta, Georgia
Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine - Sepsis, Shock, Pulmonary Embolus, Hemorrhage, ARDS, COVID-19, Asthma, COPD, Occupational Exposure, Airway Management, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia, Intubation, EMR, AI, Process Improvement, Healthcare Disparities, RCA, Aspiration, Code Blue
I have maintained Board Certification in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and have been in practice for more than 19 years. I have been involved with Medical Legal Review for over a decade. I have worked in multiple health systems across the country, and understand the impact of subtle regional differences in practice. I have held numerous leadership positions at the local and at the system level. In addition to participation on many Medical Executive Committees, I have served as the Medical Director of Critical Care Medicine at two facilities (Piedmont Atlanta and Piedmont Fayette), served as Chairman of Internal Medicine (Piedmont Atlanta) and I served as the Chairman of the Sepsis Taskforce for Piedmont Healthcare. I have vast experience with Key Performance Indicators/Quality Metrics related to Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. I have a deep understanding of Electronic Medical Records, and how the providers interface with them.

William L. Conte, MD, MS

Board Certified Neurologist

Neurology - Multiple Sclerosis, Neuromyelitis Optica, neurosarcoidosis, other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, headaches, migraines, spasticity management, trigeminal neuralgia, baclofen pumps, neurorehabilitation, cognitive impairment, dementia, stroke, COVID-19
Fellowship-trained Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) expert. National MS Society recognized “Partner in MS care.” Dozens of recent peer reviewed articles and posters, including several presentations at national and international medical conferences. Active in research and clinical trials. Active clinical neurology practice with large comprehensive MS center. Board certified in neurology. Medical-legal matters addressed include: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO, NMOSD), neurosarcoidosis, other neuroimmunological and autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, neurologic complications of COVID-19, headaches and migraines, spasticity management, trigeminal neuralgia, baclofen pumps, neurorehabilitation, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, concussion, brain injury, and other general areas of neurology. Able to travel to other states.

Narendra K Garg, MD

Experienced Internal Medicine Physician

Narendra K. Garg MD PC

Internal Medicine, Phlebotomy - Internal Medicine, COVID 19, Phlebology, Varicose veins, Vein disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Venous Ulcers, Decubitus Ulcers, Hypertension, Back pain, Botox, Fillers, Falls
Experienced in broad Internal Medicine, Stroke , Diabetes ,Venous disorders, Phlebology

William L. Conte, MD, MS

Board Certified Neurologist

Merrillville, Indiana
Neurology - Multiple Sclerosis, Neuromyelitis Optica, neurosarcoidosis, other autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, headaches, migraines, spasticity management, trigeminal neuralgia, baclofen pumps, neurorehabilitation, cognitive impairment, dementia, stroke, COVID-19
Fellowship-trained Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) expert. National MS Society recognized “Partner in MS care.” Dozens of recent peer reviewed articles and posters, including several presentations at national and international medical conferences. Active in research and clinical trials. Active clinical neurology practice with large comprehensive MS center. Board certified in neurology. Medical-legal matters addressed include: Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO, NMOSD), neurosarcoidosis, other neuroimmunological and autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system, neurologic complications of COVID-19, headaches and migraines, spasticity management, trigeminal neuralgia, baclofen pumps, neurorehabilitation, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's, dementia, stroke, concussion, brain injury, and other general areas of neurology. Able to travel to other states.

Ali Tabatabai, MD

Critical Care for Medical and Surgical Diseases

Baltimore, Maryland
Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery - Shock, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Respiratory Failure, Trauma Critical Care, Surgical Critical Care, Cardiac Surgical Critical Care, Physician Education, Resident Education, Resident Supervision, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO), COVID 19, Documentation, Billing/Coding
I am certified in Internal Medicine, Neurocritical Care, and Medical Critical Care by the American Board of Internal Medicine. My training includes successful completion of a residency in Internal Medicine, a fellowship in Trauma & Surgical Critical Care, and a fellowship in Critical Care Medicine. I am an adjunct associate professor at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine. I am Medical Director of the Medical Group at the University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center. My current clinical practice focuses on Medical, Surgical, and Cardiac Surgical Critical Care patients. I also have expertise regarding Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) support and Trauma Critical Care patients. I have taken care of critical care patients at a variety of academic ICU, community ICU, and tele-ICU settings.

Jared Bane, LNHA, MBA, CDP

Experienced Nursing Home Administrator

Expert Consulting Services

Marblehead, Massachusetts
Nursing Homes, Nursing Home Administration - Nursing Home, Nursing Homes, Dementia, Abuse, Pressure Wounds, Bed Sores, Neglect, Nursing Home Staffing, Wrongful Death, Fall and Fall Prevention, Failure to Prevent Accidents, Safety Hazards, COVID 19, Infection Control, Wound Care, Nutrition, Dehydration, Sepsis, Affidavits of Merit
Jared Bane, Founder and Principal at ECS stands as a distinguished healthcare expert and third-generation Licensed Nursing Home Administrator. With a rich heritage in healthcare administration spanning over 15 years, Jared has honed his skills in strategic leadership and operational excellence within the industry. As an award winning and seasoned healthcare professional, Jared possesses a deep understanding of regulatory compliance and a steadfast commitment to person-centered care outcomes. Throughout his career, he has led successful organizational restructuring efforts, yielding tangible improvements in performance key metrics and service delivery. Jared's legacy as a third-generation Licensed Nursing Home Administrator underscores his innate understanding of the industry's nuances and challenges. His ability to cultivate high-performing leadership teams aligned with the company's vision and values ensures sustained success and growth in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape. ...

Stefanos N. Kales, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM

Occ Med, Toxicology, Mold, Transport Accidents

Cambridge Occupational Medicine

Newton, Massachusetts
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology - Truck & Transport Accidents, Aerotoxicity (Aerotoxic Syndrome), Covid-19, Firefighters, Police, Cardiovascular, Sleep Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Sleep medicine, Chemical Sensitivities, Environmental Intolerances, Mold, Latex Allergy, Record Review, Causation Analyses, Heavy Metals, Toxicology
Dr. Kales is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is Professor & Director of the Occupational Medicine Residency at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (HSPH) and has produced over 250 publications. He is the Chief of Occupational Medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance. Dr. Kales has conducted numerous IMEs, chart reviews and has served as an expert for various Governmental Agencies, Insurance Companies, Corporations and Attorneys. He is Board-certified in both Occupational Medicine and was previously trained and certified in Internal Medicine. Dr. Kales' reports are timely, objective and yield scientific, objective, consistent, convincing opinions. He also has significant experience with deposition and trial testimony.

Alon Neidich, MD

Boston, Massachusetts
Wound Care, Long Term Care - Pressure injuries, nursing home, trauma, post-acute care, COVID-19, diabetic ulcers, burns, lymphedema, non-healing wounds, venous ulcer, decubitus ulcers
Dr. Neidich is board certified in Internal Medicine and completed three years of General Surgery residency as well. He works as an active clinician in diverse practice settings including acute hospital, long term acute care, skilled nursing, nursing home and emergency room. Expertise in pressure injuries / sores and wound care. He maintains an active wound care clinical practice. He is published in peer reviewed medical journals. Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He has experience reviewing a wide range of cases including facility acquired pressure injuries, wound management and post-acute care infection and wound protocols and best practices.

Ramzi Asfour, MD

Praxis Infectious Diseases

Henderson, Nevada
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, nursing homes, long term care, sepsis, necrotizing fasciitis, infections, surgical site infections, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, consulting, insurance, case review, medical malpractice, standards of care, bacterial or viral infections, outbreak management
Ramzi Asfour, MD, is board certified in Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine and is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine (Volunteer) at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). In addition to his 20+ years of extensive private practice, Dr. Asfour has privileges at five California hospitals (Alameda County Medical Center, Alameda Hospital, Sutter Lakeside Hospital, Sutter Eden Medical Center, and Mammoth Hospital). Dr. Asfour has worked for the World Health Organization in Geneva in the HIV / AIDS department, developing training programs for doctors in HIV. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Asfour also advises hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, schools, and businesses on infection control, including outbreak control and COVID-19, and antimicrobial stewardship. Dr. Asfour has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys to provide clear, independent opinions on matters involving: Medical malpractice, standards of care, sepsis,...

Harry F Hull, MD

HF Hull & Associates, LLC

Reno, Nevada
Infectious Diseases, Legal Medicine - Coronnavirus, COVID-19, Food Poisoning, E. coli, Salmonella, Norovirus, Campylobacter, Hepatitis, Listeria, Influenza, MRSA, Legionnaires, Forensic Epidemiology
40 years experience in infectious disease control including Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, state epidemiologist for 2 states. Expertise - infectious diseases, foodborne illness, disease transmission, outbreak investigation, epidemiology. Board certified in pediatrics. 15 years experience as an expert witness. Retained in nearly 300 cases with more than 50 depositions and trials. Cases include Listeria from Cantaloupe; Salmonella from peanut butter, peanut paste, white pepper and chain restaurants; E. Coli from chain restaurants; Campylobacter from peas; Yersinia from pasteurized milk; occupational MRSA; Hepatitis C transmitted in medical settings, Legionnaire's Disease. Former member of the ACIP, the CDC committee that sets vaccination policy in the US. In depth knowledge of current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak. Managed SARS and anthrax responses and bioterrorism planning for the State of Minnesota. Served as WHO consultant for 2009 influenza pa...

Ira A Gurland, MD

East Brunswick, New Jersey
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID 19, HIV, AIDS, surgical infections, necrotizing fasciitis, prosthetic joint infection, diabetic foot infection, bacteremia, endocarditis, urinary tract infection, prostatitis, cellulitis, wound, vaccine, Lyme disease, antibiotics, fungal infections, bacterial infections, travel medicine
I am a board certified infectious diseases physician and internist in active clinical practice in central New Jersey for 24 years. I have had the privilege of being retained for independent medical evaluations in a variety of cases. The goals of these examinations have included evaluating the merits of a case for trial, evaluating insurer’s liability, workman’s compensation and medical malpractice. Diagnoses involved in these matters have included COVID-19 infection, diabetic foot infection leading to limb loss, surgical site infections, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, foodborne infections, HIV and many others. I have the ability to break down complex medical jargon and make it understandable. I am willing to provide redacted reports.

Richard Snepar, MD, FACP, FIDSA

East Brunswick, New Jersey
Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine - COVID-19, sepsis, endocarditis, bacteremia, bacterial infections, virus, MRSA, urinary tract infections, surgical infections, sexually transmitted infections, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, spine infections, device-related infections, nursing home infections
I am a board-certified infectious disease physician and internist. I am active in a busy clinical practice in New Jersey. I am an attending at three hospitals and a Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. I have been doing expert medical reviews for over 10 years. I am comfortable evaluating the merits of a case both for plaintiff and defense. I am comfortable with deposition and trial testimony. Clinically I consult and manage infectious diseases in outpatients and hospitalized patients including the emergency room and ICU. I also consult and manage patients in long-term care facilities and nursing homes. These reviews have included but are not limited to: COVID-19, sepsis, septic shock, endocarditis, bacteremia, bacterial infections including MRSA, diabetic foot infections, urinary tract infections, surgical infections and complications of surgery, viral infections, necrotizing fasciitis, osteomyelitis, spine infections, prostheti...

Narendra K Garg, MD

Experienced Internal Medicine Physician

Narendra K. Garg MD PC

New York
Internal Medicine, Phlebotomy - Internal Medicine, COVID 19, Phlebology, Varicose veins, Vein disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Venous Ulcers, Decubitus Ulcers, Hypertension, Back pain, Botox, Fillers, Falls
Experienced in broad Internal Medicine, Stroke , Diabetes ,Venous disorders, Phlebology

Mark Winther, MD, FACEP

Emergency Physician and ER Administrator

New York Physicians Medical Legal Consulting, LLC.

Albany, New York
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration - Sepsis, septic shock, alcohol related injuries, telemedicine, nurse practitioner and physician assistant supervision, decubitus ulcers, COVID-19, heart attack, TIA, stroke, airway management, necrotizing fasciitis, appendicitis, testicular torsion, ectopic pregnancy, pulmonary embolism, suicide
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine. Experienced Clinician and Expert Witness, Prior Department Chair and Hospital Medical Director, ED Director, Urgent Care Medical Director. Experience in over 80 cases Emergency Medicine Residency Trained; Columbia Medical School Faculty Developed physician assistant and nurse practitioner emergency medicine fellowship. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified X-License DEA Certification Trained EMT, EMS Medical Director Experience in Level II Trauma Center & Stroke Center, rural and critical access hospitals and urgent care centers. Interests: Sepsis/Septic Shock, necrotizing fasciitis, alcohol related injuries, Heart attack/MI care, resuscitation, airway management, telemedicine, quality oversite and training of physician assistants (PA-C), and nurse practitioners (NP) in emergency care. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. *Responsive and Easily...

Igor Melnychuk, MD

Asheville, North Carolina
Wound Care, Infectious Diseases - Sepsis, septic shock, surgical infections, prosthetic joint infections, necrotizing fasciitis, COVID-19, lymphedema, osteomyelitis, pressure ulcer, bedsore, decubitus, diabetic foot ulcer, leg amputation, retained wound dressings, wound vac, burns, nursing homes, assisted living, cause of death
I am actively practicing Wound Care and Infectious Diseases and have nearly two decades of experience in both areas. I have worked in various practice settings and am knowledgeable about corresponding standards of care. I provide expertise and have testified in both Wound Care and Infectious Disease-related cases. I teach medical and nursing students and perform peer reviews for one of the leading national wound care journals, "Advances in Skin & Wound Care." Besides being Board Certified in Infectious Diseases and CMET-certified in Wound Care, I am also Board Certified in Internal Medicine. In addition, I hold certifications in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and Lymphedema Therapy. I ranked in the top 10% of doctors in training nationally and have stayed current with general medical topics throughout my career as a subspecialist. In 2022, I received a national award for Outstanding Contributions to Wound Care. I am also an NPIAP group member for the development of the 2025 edition of "P...

James McNicholas Jr., D.O.

Expedient Medicolegal Services

Cleveland, Ohio
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - Workplace Standards and Procedures, Traumatic Accidents, Covid-19, Environmental Illness, Exacerbation of Underlying Conditions, Fitness for Duty, IME, Standard of Care, Organizational Protocols, Preventative Screenings, Personal Injury, Disability Evaluation
Dr. McNicholas is Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He completed medical school at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and residencies in Internal Medicine at the Naval Medical Center San Diego and in Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UCSF. He is a US Navy Veteran who served as the sole Naval Flight Surgeon at Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory. Following training, Dr. McNicholas served as Staff Internist at the Naval Aerospace Medical Institute in Pensacola, FL where he was also a core faculty member of the Residency in Aerospace Medicine, receiving the Jay Phelan Faculty Instructor of the Year Award shortly before matriculating to UCSF. He received a National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health Targeted Research Training in Occupational Health grant in 2021 and was recently awarded the M. Donald Whorton Writing award by the Northern California Center for Occupational and Environmental ...

Scott E. Singer, MD, MPH

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Physician

Experts In Medicine, LLC

Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Occupational Medicine, Sports Medicine - Covid 19, Causation, Concussion, Industrial accident, Rehabilitation, MRO, Workers Compensation, Football, Environmental, Exposure Assessment, Toxic Exposure, TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury, Manganese, Benzene
Dr. Singer, President of MEDSource One, is one of the nations' leading causation experts. He has been practicing Occupational Medicine and Sports Medicine in Northeast Ohio for almost 30 years. He has provided service in all aspects of occupational health and safety and has served as the Team Physician for the Cleveland Monsters (American Hockey League) since 2007 and the Cleveland Gladiators (Arena Football League) since 2008. With the 2020 pandemic, Dr. Singer became one of the national experts on workplace Covid exposures. As a graduate of Northwestern University and The Ohio State University College of Medicine, Dr. Singer completed residency training in Internal Medicine at Northwestern University Memorial Hospital and in Occupational Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania. He has also received a Masters Degree in Public Health / Occupational Medicine from the University of Michigan. Dr. Singer is Board Certified in Occupational Medicine and has served as Medical Dire...

Elaine Goldhammer, MD

ELG Expert MD, LLC

West Chester , Pennsylvania
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine - Pneumonia, COVID-19, diabetes, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, stroke, COPD, Infection, End of Life care, internal medicine, hospitalist specialization, pressure sores, heart failure
Elaine Goldhammer, MD, attended Jefferson Medical College for her Medical Degree and Tulane School of Medicine for her Residency. She has over 20 years of experience and knowledge and provides excellent medical care to her patients. She has worked at a top hospital near the Philadelphia area for over ten years, where she held leadership positions. Dr. Goldhammer continues to live in Pennsylvania, in the suburbs of Philadelphia. After taking a brief break from working full-time, she is now working again, full-time as a hospitalist, and enjoys practicing medicine again. Her medical and leadership experience has granted her the expertise and wisdom to care for people, and Dr. Goldhammer has a natural ease in having difficult conversations which will translate well to legal work. As a member of the Society of Hospitalist Medicine and an avid reader, she stays on top of best practices. Elaine is an excellent communicator, deeply respected by her colleagues, has an excellent reputa...

Hernando R Perez, PhD, MPH, CIH, CSP

Perez IH Consulting LLC

Cheltenham, Pennsylvania
Industrial Hygiene, Mold - Certified Industrial Hygienist, Industrial Hygiene, Exposure Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Exposure, Exposure Reconstruction, Historical Exposure, FELA, Railroad, COVID-19, Bioaerosols, Indoor Air Quality, Diesel Exhaust, Chemical, Sick Building
Dr. Perez has served as an expert witness in over 100 cases and has extensive experience in writing expert reports as well as in providing oral deposition and trial testimony. He served as faculty at the Drexel University School of Public Health for 10 years. In this role he taught industrial hygiene and exposure assessment methods to public health graduate students. He also lectured on airborne contaminant exposure and environmental health to graduate engineering and medical students. He has conducted research in the fields of industrial hygiene and environmental health, published his results in the peer reviewed literature and presented his findings at various national and international environmental and occupational health conferences. He has been involved in international industrial hygiene work, lecturing and consulting in India and serving as an advisor to the government of Sri Lanka on issues of occupational health and worker exposure control. Based on his qualification...

Michael A. Sulzinski, Ph.D., L.L.C.

Michael A. Sulzinski, Ph.D., L.L.C.

Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania
Infectious Diseases, Allergy & Immunology - COVID-19, Vaccines, Vaccine Injury, SARS-CoV-2, Coronavirus, mRNA, Virology, Virus, Immunology, Microbiology, Bacteriology, Food Poisoning, Patent Law, Workplace Infections, HIV, AIDS, Bacteria, Vaccine Mandate


Infectious Diseases Physician

Memphis, Tennessee
Infectious Diseases - Osteomyelitis, necrotizing fasciitis, cellulitis, surgical infections, blood stream infections, infections in immunocompromised hosts, COVID-19, urinary tract infections, transplant infectious disease, HIV, brain abscess, pneumonia, sepsis, staphylococcal infections, streptococcal infections, fungi
Dr. Mazumder holds active board certifications in infectious disease and internal medicine and is in active clinical practice for over a decade. She is a tenured associate professor of medicine at a large academic teaching hospital and also serves as the program director of the infectious disease fellowship training program. She received her medical degree from Rush Medical College, completed internal medicine residency at Rush and infectious disease fellowship at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Dr. Mazumder has extensive experience with a various infectious diseases including osteomyelitis, prosthetic joint infections, diabetic foot ulcers, sepsis, COVID-19, pneumonia, HIV, surgical site infections, urinary tract infections, central nervous system infections, fungal infections, staphylococcal infections, blood stream infections, endocarditis, infectious due to multi-drug resistant organisms and infection control. She has published over 30 articles in various med...

Chad Paxson, D.O.

Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine - sleep disorders, sleep apnea, sleepwalking, parasomnia, CPAP, INSPIRE, intubation, central line, tracheostomy, airway management, ventilator management, sepsis, COVID-19, critical care, pulmonary disease, asbestos, asthma, COPD
Board certified in pulmonary medicine, critical care, sleep medicine and internal medicine through the ABIM. Fellowship trained at Louisiana State University and have been in both private and employed practice settings since 2012. Experienced and practiced in multiple states and various practice/hospital sizes from community settings to large tertiary referral centers in large cities. Currently sit on multiple hospital leadership committees including medical executive committee, pharmacy and therapeutics committee as well as take an active role in changes effecting our sleep medicine program to include sleep lab accreditation procedures, participating in the installation of an INSPIRE program and actively teach and hold the role of supervisor for our sleep nurse practitioner for the state medical board. Have been featured in Chattanooga’s Healthscope and interviewed on local area news on topics as they pertain to sleep medicine as well. Incorporating medical expert witnessing i...

Narendra K Garg, MD

Experienced Internal Medicine Physician

Narendra K. Garg MD PC

Internal Medicine, Phlebotomy - Internal Medicine, COVID 19, Phlebology, Varicose veins, Vein disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Venous Ulcers, Decubitus Ulcers, Hypertension, Back pain, Botox, Fillers, Falls
Experienced in broad Internal Medicine, Stroke , Diabetes ,Venous disorders, Phlebology

Jeffrey Lofgran, MD, FACP

Jeffrey Lofgran, MD PLLC

Highland, Utah
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine - sepsis, COVID-19, pneumonia, blood clots, gastrointestinal bleeding, cirrhosis, hospital transfers, decubitus ulcers, diabetic ketoacidosis, falls, heart failure, heart attack, atrial fibrillation, urinary tract infection
I am a board-certified, actively practicing full-time internal medicine hospitalist physician and medical expert witness. I also have experience doing independent medical exams (IME). I am licensed to practice medicine in Utah. I am a recent Fellow of the American College of Physicians and am an active member of the American Medical Association and the Society of Hospital Medicine. I also have extensive teaching experience both formerly as an undergraduate teaching assistant as well as currently as an adjunct faculty member at two medical schools, frequently teaching medical students and/or residents on the inpatient wards and supervising their interactions and learning with patients. I have published multiple chapters in two different textbooks written for medical students and given several presentations as detailed in my CV. I enjoy talking with patients and teaching them about their diagnoses and treatment plans, as well as helping them to navigate the healthcare system. Making a...

Ayman S Elbatanony, MD/DO/MBA

Sussex, Wisconsin
Hospitalist, Urgent Care Medicine - Internal Medicine, Community acquired pneumonia, Atrial flutter/fibrillation, COPD/Asthma, Rural Medicine, COVID 19, Skin Laceration, SGLT2, Critical Access Hospital, Myocardial Infarction, Epistaxis, Alcohol withdrawals, Pneumothorax, Unstable angina, Stroke in Emergency Medicine, Diabetes
Board-certified internal medicine physician with expertise in emergency care and hospital medicine. He holds an MD from Ain Shams University of Egypt, a DO/MBA from the New York Institute of Technology. With extensive experience in critical access and rural healthcare settings, Dr. Elbatanony has managed acute and complex medical cases, focusing on patient stabilization, triage, and multidisciplinary care coordination. Completed his residency in internal medicine at Sky Ridge Medical Center in Colorado (2020–2023) and is board-certified by the American Osteopathic Board of Internal Medicine. Certified in ACLS, BLS, and ATLS. His clinical experience includes working as a Hospitalist at Advocate Aurora Health in Wisconsin, where he provides comprehensive inpatient care, and as an ED Physician at Julesburg Medical Center in Colorado, specializing in emergency care in rural settings. Contributed to medical research and presented at national conferences, with publications on topics like ...