Industrial Hygiene Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of industrial hygiene expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on industrial hygiene and related issues. Industrial hygiene expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these industrial hygiene expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Indoor Air Quality, Industrial Hygiene, Mold, OSHA, Asbestos, Noise, Environmental, Lead, Occupational Health, Safety, Certified Industrial Hygienist, Chemical Exposure, Cih, Construction Safety, and Exposure.

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Certified Industrial Hygiene or Hygienist (CIH)

Scopus Consultants, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Safety - Warnings & Labels, IAQ, Products Liability, Covid, Indoor Air Quality, Toxicology, Asbestos, Environmental, Mold, Legionella, Pesticides, Dermal Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Hygiene, COPD, Forensic Science, Environmental Engineering, Job Hazard Assessment, OSHA, Safety
Summary of Experience I am a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), Safety Management Specialist (SMS), EPA Nationally Qualified Asbestos Consultant, Licensed Asbestos Consultant, and Hazmat Expert. I help clients with a whole range of health, safety, and environmental challenges, and I have a specialty in industrial hygiene including forensic analysis and testimony associated with current and past exposures to chemical, biological, and safety related injuries and illnesses. My experience encompasses the leadership and management of teams of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) experts including industrial hygienists, safety professionals, environmental engineers, medical doctors, nurses, and technicians in workplace incidents and exposures to industrial chemicals and substances such as asbestos, benzene, welding fumes, lead, mold, pesticides, among others. My accomplishments include participation ...


Resource EHS America, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Products Liability - Exposure, Legionnaires, Asbestos, Occupational Disease, Infection Control, COVID, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Respirators, Carbon Monoxide, Chemical Product Liability, Pesticides
Adjunct Professor - Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Toronto Member, American College of Epidemiology Member, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Certified Industrial Hygienist (American Board of Industrial Hygiene) Registered Occupational Hygienist (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists) Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Asbestos Project Supervisor

Hernando R Perez, PhD, MPH, CIH, CSP

Perez IH Consulting LLC

Industrial Hygiene, Mold - Certified Industrial Hygienist, Industrial Hygiene, Exposure Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Exposure, Exposure Reconstruction, Historical Exposure, FELA, Railroad, COVID-19, Bioaerosols, Indoor Air Quality, Diesel Exhaust, Chemical, Sick Building
Dr. Perez has served as an expert witness in over 100 cases and has extensive experience in writing expert reports as well as in providing oral deposition and trial testimony. He served as faculty at the Drexel University School of Public Health for 10 years. In this role he taught industrial hygiene and exposure assessment methods to public health graduate students. He also lectured on airborne contaminant exposure and environmental health to graduate engineering and medical students. He has conducted research in the fields of industrial hygiene and environmental health, published his results in the peer reviewed literature and presented his findings at various national and international environmental and occupational health conferences. He has been involved in international industrial hygiene work, lecturing and consulting in India and serving as an advisor to the government of Sri Lanka on issues of occupational health and worker exposure control. Based on his qualification...

Stanley C Haimes, MD, MPH, CIH, CSP, CIME, FACOEM

Physician and Certified Industrial Hygienist

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene - Toxicology, Mold, Indoor Air, OSHA, metals, chromium, lead, mercury, ethylene oxide, ethylene dibromide, chemical exposure, CIH, Workers Compensation, Firefighter, arsenic, Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Disability Evaluation, toxic tort, CDL
I bring the medical background of being both a board certified occupational medicine physician as well as being a Certified Industrial Hygienist to your issue. I have experience in large chemical exposure (toxic tort) cases involving multiple claimants as well as indoor air quality litigation. I have evaluated indoor air quality issues from the perspectives of both an occupational medicine physician regarding symptoms and medical testing, as well as a Certified Industrial Hygienist regarding air quality sampling of occupied structures. My attributes include the following: Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine of the University of Central Florida. Board Certified Physician in Occupational Medicine, Residency Trained at Johns Hopkins, and a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM) and the International Academy of Independent Medical Examiners (FIAIME). Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP)....

Dr. Eric N Brown, CIH, CSP

Industrial Hygiene and Mold Expert

Indoor Environments

Los Angeles , California
Mold, Industrial Hygiene - Asbestos, Bad Faith, Construction Safety, Environmental, Ergonomics, Hazardous Materials, Human Factors Engineering, Industrial Hygiene & Mold, Landlord / Tenant, Lead Poisoning, Occupational / Environmental Health, OSHA, Safety, Wrongful Death
Dr. Eric N. Brown, CIH, CSP, is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), with both certifications in good standing with the issuing boards. Dr. Brown holds a Doctorate in Public Health with an Industrial Hygiene specialization from the University of California at Los Angeles, and a Master’s degree in Public Health with an Occupational Health specialization from the Medical College of Ohio. He has over 20 years of experience in: Health and Safety Industrial Hygiene Indoor Air Quality Exposure Assessments Heat Stress Litigation Support Dr. Brown has been a designated expert in thousands of cases, been deposed over one hundred times, and has testified in both trials and arbitrations. His services are available to attorneys representing both plaintiff and defendant.

Jerry A. Formisano, Jr., PhD, CIH

Exposure analysis by math modeling per the AIHA

GKO Environmental Health Services, LLC

Industrial Hygiene, Public Health - mathematical modeling, asbestos, pesticides, carbon composite fibers, reproductive agents, solvents, aerosol movement, exposure reconstruction, dose reconstruction
Asbestos and Man-Made Fibers: - Ten years’ experience in counting and identification of asbestos fibers, 1987 -1997. - Designed and documented clean-up and sampling procedures of USMC Harrier AV-8B mishap, Havelock, NC. Among the first scientists to collect data on damaged composite fiber materials, 1988. - Designed, supervised, and assisted with cleanup of major asbestos removal project, saving more than $150,000 in contract costs, Naval Air Rework Facility, MCAS Cherry Point, NC, 1988. - Provided industrial hygiene support from Naval Base Subic, Philippines, for asbestos removal and remediation after major steam pipe explosion on board USS MIDWAY, 1990. - Identified over 500 samples of asbestos containing material aboard USS INDEPENDENCE, saving more than $25,000 in contracted costs. Designed, supervised, and performed asbestos rip- outs while at sea. Performed all clearance sampling. Coordinated local national (Japan) asbestos removal procedures, 1992-1994...

Peter Jaramillo, CIH

Delta Bay Consultants, LLC

Antioch, California
Industrial Hygiene, OSHA - Industrial Hygiene, Health & Safety, Occupational Health, Indoor Air Quality, Biological Hazards, Chemical Hazards, Construction Safety, Valley Fever, COVID-19, Noise, Environmental, Laboratory Safety, Emergency Preparedness, OSHA, Certified Industrial Hygienist, Workers Compensation
Peter Jaramillo, CIH has 35+ years of experience in the fields of Occupational and Environmental Health & Safety. As co-owner and Principal Industrial Hygienist of Delta Bay Consultants, LLC, Peter provides the following services: (1) air & noise monitoring; (2) indoor air quality investigations; (3) health & safety programs; (4) hazard/risk assessments; (5) ergonomics surveys; (6) assessments of work practices, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, and emergency preparedness; (7) confined space and ventilation evaluations; (8) employee training/mentoring; (9) acting as a technical resource, subject matter expert, and regulatory liaison; and (10) Expert Witness Testimony and other Litigation Support on legal claims related to occupational health & safety. Peter has provided expert witness services for numerous cases involving exposures to Coccidioides immitis (the "Valley Fever" pathogen) in the Central Valley of California. He has also supported various cases invol...

Bhaskar Kura, PhD, PE

i2Care, Inc.

Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene - Air Quality Modeling, Indoor Air Quality, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Public Health, Cancer Risk, Worker Health, Worker Injury, Workplace Injury, Pollution, Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Medical Waste, Exposure Assessment, Emissions Modeling, Water Pollution, GHG Emissions
Dr. Bhaskar Kura is a higher education leader and has 35 years of professional experience as a professor, researcher, and scientist in the filed of environmental engineering. Over the years, he worked in industry, consulting, and academia. He is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer in the State of Louisiana. He published more than 100 technical articles and supervised graduate students for their MS and PhD degrees. His core areas of expertise include, but not limited to: (1) Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (2) Indoor Air Quality (3) Exposure Assessment (Public and Worker Health Risk Evaluation) (4) Water and Air Pollution Assessment (5) Waste Management (6) Pollution Prevention (7) Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Assessment (8) Evaluation of Toxicity and Hazard of Materials and Wastes (9) Green House Gas Emissions Assessment / Management (10) Compliance Evaluation with Federal, State, and Local Regulations (11) Inverse Dispersion Modeling to Evaluate Source Str...


Resource EHS America, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Products Liability - Exposure, Legionnaires, Asbestos, Occupational Disease, Infection Control, COVID, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Respirators, Carbon Monoxide, Chemical Product Liability, Pesticides
Adjunct Professor - Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Toronto Member, American College of Epidemiology Member, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Certified Industrial Hygienist (American Board of Industrial Hygiene) Registered Occupational Hygienist (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists) Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Asbestos Project Supervisor

Christopher J. Tennant, PhD., CIH

Department of Public Health, California State University, Fresno

Fresno/Coarsegold, California
Indoor Air Quality, Industrial Hygiene - Asbestos, Lead, Heavy metals, Environmental Contamination, Indoor Air Quality, Occupational Health, Workers Compensation, Workplace Wrongful Death, Chemical Exposures, Drug Labs, Nicotine, Methamphetamine, Solvents, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), Mold, Microbiological Contamination, Real Estate
Professor, Environmental Health/Industrial Hygiene, Department of Public Health, California State University Fresno, for 35 years. 40 years' experience providing consultations services in numerous US States to Local, State and Federal Government Agencies (IRS, US Post Office, US Navy, US Airforce, US Army, National Parks Service, and many others), Insurance companies, Law Firms, building owners (public, commercial and private), and private industry including many top 500 fortune companies. Extensive experience testifying in Federal Court, State Superior Courts, Workers Compensation Appeals Boards with an exceptionally high success rate. Extensive experience in depositions, trial preparation, jury selection and other matters to ensure a successful outcome at trial.

William H Chapman

Air by CCSquared Inc

Deerfield Beach, Florida
Chemistry & Chemicals, Safety - Expert Witness Chemist, Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality, Analytical Chemistry, Vapor Exposure Simulation, Air Testing Laboratory, Air Quality Testing, Serivice Laboratory, Air by CCSquared, William H. Chapman, PhD, Hazardous Environment Simulation, Scientific Argument, Literature Review
William is a practicing chemist with extensive experience working for numerous analytical service and device manufacturers as a director, liaison, and key contributor, holds extensive practical knowledge in chemistry, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality, and point-of-care clinical chemistry. He is the Founder of Air by CCSquared, a highly advanced air testing laboratory focused on solving problems in industrial hygiene and indoor air quality and has full access to this laboratory and its advanced instrumentation for casework. He has a proven record of developing strategies and solutions that yield positive, measurable results for clients, including the design of simulations of harmful environments (e.g. chemical vapor exposure). For example, he simulated the exposure of a client to a dry-cleaning fluid that was used to clean a carpet in the client’s home, exposure to which caused our client health effects serious enough to require hospitalization and follow-up treatment for over...

Ernest P Chiodo, MD, JD, MPH, MS, MBA, CIH

South Florida Mold & Toxicology Center

West Palm Beach, Florida
Toxicology, Mold - Mold, Drug Toxicology, Alcohol Toxicology, Lead, Chinese Drywall, Hydrogen Sulfide, Industrial Hygiene, Benzene, Mercury, Formaldehyde, Sick Building Syndrome, Fracking, Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology
He has served as the Medical Director and Manager of Medical and Public Health Services for the City of Detroit and was the chief physician responsible for measures designed to protect the public health of over one million persons living or working in the City of Detroit. Dr. Chiodo served as an assistant professor of internal medicine, family medicine, and public health at Wayne State University School of Medicine. He also served as an adjunct professor of industrial hygiene and toxicology at Wayne State University as well as an adjunct professor of law at John Marshall Law School and Loyola University Law School in Chicago where he taught toxic tort law. He is board certified in the medical specialties of internal medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, and public health and general preventive medicine. He is also certified in the public health discipline of industrial hygiene as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (C.I.H.). He is also a certified medical review officer w...

Stanley C Haimes, MD, MPH, CIH, CSP, CIME, FACOEM

Physician and Certified Industrial Hygienist

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

Orlando, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene - Toxicology, Mold, Indoor Air, OSHA, metals, chromium, lead, mercury, ethylene oxide, ethylene dibromide, chemical exposure, CIH, Workers Compensation, Firefighter, arsenic, Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Disability Evaluation, toxic tort, CDL
I bring the medical background of being both a board certified occupational medicine physician as well as being a Certified Industrial Hygienist to your issue. I have experience in large chemical exposure (toxic tort) cases involving multiple claimants as well as indoor air quality litigation. I have evaluated indoor air quality issues from the perspectives of both an occupational medicine physician regarding symptoms and medical testing, as well as a Certified Industrial Hygienist regarding air quality sampling of occupied structures. My attributes include the following: Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine of the University of Central Florida. Board Certified Physician in Occupational Medicine, Residency Trained at Johns Hopkins, and a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM) and the International Academy of Independent Medical Examiners (FIAIME). Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP)....

Daniel J. Hartwig, CSP, CIH

General Health & Safety Services Corp.

Punta Gorda, Florida
Safety, Premises Liability - Slip Trip & Fall, Personal Injury, Sidewalks and Speed Bumps, Stairs, Chemical Exposure, Noise, Product Liability, Machine Safety, Human Factors, Indoor Air Quality, Industrial Hygiene, Mold
Daniel Hartwig, CSP, CIH is President of General Health & Safety Services Corp. and has provided safety counsel and expert witness testimony throughout the United States for over 40 years from offices in Wisconsin and Florida. Because of the wide variety of clients served, he has experience in many environments including retail stores, hotels, homes, restaurants, manufacturing facilities, construction sites, hospitals and nursing homes, auto dealerships and many more. Being a premises safety expert, Mr. Hartwig performs investigations related to construction, operation, and maintenance of commercial premises, residential structures, and industrial facilities. The investigations involve site inspections and review of applicable standards. Based on the above information and review of the discovery material, he performs a root cause analysis of the accident, enabling him to provide a strong basis for his opinions. For product liability cases, he provides analysis of possible defects...

Alex LeBeau, PhD, MPH, CIH

Experienced Exposure and Dose Assessment Expert

Exposure Assessment Consulting, LLC

Orlando, Florida
Industrial Hygiene, Toxicology - Indoor Air Quality, Exposure risk, Risk Assessment, Legionella, Legionnaires disease, PFAS, Environmental Science, Building science, Mold, Bacteria, Dose Assessment, Heavy Metal, Risk, Pesticide, PCB, Food, Waterborne Pathogens, Product Safety, OSHA, Antimicrobial
Problem solving Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) with over 16 years of experience evaluating environmental and occupational exposures to chemicals and biological agents (e.g., bacteria) from the industrial hygiene and toxicology perspective. History of performing human health risk assessments at contaminated sites using U.S. EPA and state regulatory guidelines and monitoring remediation activities at those sites enabling me to analyze risk and determine if any workers or residents would be impacted by residual contamination and/or remediation activities. I perform indoor environmental quality assessments to evaluate exposure impacts on building occupants - including Legionella and water quality assessments - at healthcare, residential, commercial, and industrial facilities as part of the comprehensive overall building science aspect of indoor environmental quality. Experience co-authoring industry guidance on COVID-19 and presented on COVID-19 at a number of conferences as an...

Shannon Luce, MS, CIH, CSP, FLAC

Property Damage Inspection & Restoration Expert

SafetySHE Consulting, Inc.

Jacksonville, Florida
Mold, Indoor Air Quality - Mold Assessment, Mold Remediation, Post Remediation Verification, Asbestos Survey, Asbestos Abatement, Water Damage Mitigation & Restoration, Indoor Air Quality, Fire Damage Assessment, Fire Restoration, Exposure Monitoring, Industrial Hygiene, Insurance Documentation, Peer Review
I am a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), FL Licensed Asbestos Consultant, FL Licensed Mold Assessor, FL Licensed Mold Remediator, and a Certified Safety Professional (CSP). I bring a unique dual perspective as both a restoration professional and an inspector/consultant, ensuring comprehensive and practical solutions for property damage and indoor environmental challenges. Since 2016, I have owned and operated LAQ Environmental Health and Safety (LAQ-EHS), an industrial hygiene consulting firm based in Jacksonville, FL. My daily work involves boots-on-the-ground inspections, addressing complex mold, asbestos, fire, and indoor air quality issues across diverse building environments. Prior to founding LAQ-EHS, I successfully owned and operated a restoration company, giving me firsthand insight into the challenges and best practices of restoration work. My expertise also includes worker safety, indoor environmental contamination, and exposure control. I am known for my ability to...


Resource EHS America, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Products Liability - Exposure, Legionnaires, Asbestos, Occupational Disease, Infection Control, COVID, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Respirators, Carbon Monoxide, Chemical Product Liability, Pesticides
Adjunct Professor - Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Toronto Member, American College of Epidemiology Member, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Certified Industrial Hygienist (American Board of Industrial Hygiene) Registered Occupational Hygienist (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists) Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Asbestos Project Supervisor

Jerry A. Formisano, Jr., PhD, CIH

Exposure analysis by math modeling per the AIHA

GKO Environmental Health Services, LLC

Kailua, Hawaii
Industrial Hygiene, Public Health - mathematical modeling, asbestos, pesticides, carbon composite fibers, reproductive agents, solvents, aerosol movement, exposure reconstruction, dose reconstruction
Asbestos and Man-Made Fibers: - Ten years’ experience in counting and identification of asbestos fibers, 1987 -1997. - Designed and documented clean-up and sampling procedures of USMC Harrier AV-8B mishap, Havelock, NC. Among the first scientists to collect data on damaged composite fiber materials, 1988. - Designed, supervised, and assisted with cleanup of major asbestos removal project, saving more than $150,000 in contract costs, Naval Air Rework Facility, MCAS Cherry Point, NC, 1988. - Provided industrial hygiene support from Naval Base Subic, Philippines, for asbestos removal and remediation after major steam pipe explosion on board USS MIDWAY, 1990. - Identified over 500 samples of asbestos containing material aboard USS INDEPENDENCE, saving more than $25,000 in contracted costs. Designed, supervised, and performed asbestos rip- outs while at sea. Performed all clearance sampling. Coordinated local national (Japan) asbestos removal procedures, 1992-1994...

Theodore J. Hogan, PhD, CIH

Expert analyses of safety & health hazards

Theodore J. Hogan & Associates. Inc.

Lemont, Illinois
Industrial Hygiene, Safety - Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), chemical exposures, workplace injuries, workplace fatalities, safety management practices, safety warnings, safety communication, OSHA compliance, laboratory safety, infection prevention
Dr. Hogan’s practical work experience and communication skills are effective in explaining complex issues. Dr. Hogan has consulted with defense and plaintiff firms on over 100 litigation matters, prepared over 40 expert reports, and testified in over 35 cases regarding worker injuries and illnesses, acute and chronic chemical injuries/illnesses, biohazards (including SARS-CoV-2), and other matters. Certified Industrial Hygienist. Evaluate chemical exposures, workplace injuries and safety management practices. Consulted on 100+ cases on behalf of defendants and plaintiffs since 2000. Testified on: chemical exposures, safety warnings, infection prevention, safety management, workplace injuries and fatalities. Consultant (since 1990) with over 400 clients, providing industrial hygiene, safety, and environmental health services. Business sectors includes: manufacturing, utilities, food production, petrochemical, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, waste management, universities, and ...


Grayhawk Advantage, Inc., dba. Grayhawk Safety & Health Consulting Company

Benton, Kentucky
OSHA, Safety - OSHA, Industrial Accidents, Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Loss Control, Risk Management, Slip Trip & Fall, Construction Accidents, Manufacturing Accidents, Insurance, Investigations
Mr. Gray provides expert witness services in defense and plaintiff litigation matters, safety and health on-site audits, customized OSHA safety and health training, OSHA 10 and 30-hour construction and general industry training, and assistance for employers who have been issued citations that they need assistance with obtaining better citation settlement agreements and working in conjunction with legal counsel with litigation assistance contesting OSHA citations. Highly-experienced OSHA Forensic Expert Witness with 75 separate fatality and more than 150 non-fatal work-related accidents. 25+ years of OSHA compliance with 29 CFR regulations related to construction and general industry. 8 years of private Safety and Health Consulting specializing in Defense and Plaintiff's occupational injuries, conducting safety and health audits, Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer for construction and general industry, and employer assistance with settlement of OSHA citations, and testifying in O...


Certified Industrial Hygiene or Hygienist (CIH)

Scopus Consultants, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Safety - Warnings & Labels, IAQ, Products Liability, Covid, Indoor Air Quality, Toxicology, Asbestos, Environmental, Mold, Legionella, Pesticides, Dermal Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Hygiene, COPD, Forensic Science, Environmental Engineering, Job Hazard Assessment, OSHA, Safety
Summary of Experience I am a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), Safety Management Specialist (SMS), EPA Nationally Qualified Asbestos Consultant, Licensed Asbestos Consultant, and Hazmat Expert. I help clients with a whole range of health, safety, and environmental challenges, and I have a specialty in industrial hygiene including forensic analysis and testimony associated with current and past exposures to chemical, biological, and safety related injuries and illnesses. My experience encompasses the leadership and management of teams of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) experts including industrial hygienists, safety professionals, environmental engineers, medical doctors, nurses, and technicians in workplace incidents and exposures to industrial chemicals and substances such as asbestos, benzene, welding fumes, lead, mold, pesticides, among others. My accomplishments include participation ...


Resource EHS America, Inc.

Boston, Massachusetts
Industrial Hygiene, Products Liability - Exposure, Legionnaires, Asbestos, Occupational Disease, Infection Control, COVID, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Respirators, Carbon Monoxide, Chemical Product Liability, Pesticides
Adjunct Professor - Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Toronto Member, American College of Epidemiology Member, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Certified Industrial Hygienist (American Board of Industrial Hygiene) Registered Occupational Hygienist (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists) Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Asbestos Project Supervisor

Nancy M McClellan, M.P.H., CIH, CHMM

Chemical and Biological Exposure Risk Assessment

Occupational Health Management, PLLC

Utica, Michigan
Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality - Chemical & Biological Hazard Assessment, Pharmaceutical Containment, Covid Pandemic Risk Assessment, Bioaerosols, Air Disinfection Technologies, Ergonomic Musculoskeletal Disorders, Noise, Respiratory Protection, Indoor Air Quality, Dermal & Inhalation Exposure Modeling, Statistical Analysis, OSHA
Award winning, industrial hygiene and safety expert with over 25 years of broad international experience practicing, teaching and authoring to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, control and prevent workplace health and safety hazards in high hazard industries. As an expert witness for both plaintiff and defense (50/50) I have provided consultation for both airborne and dermal exposure cases for chemical and biological agents. I have evaluated and modeled exposures, reconstructed exposure events, quantified dose following standardized practices for exposure assessment, and applied best practice statistical methods and science in forming my opinions. Throughout the pandemic, I reviewed and prioritized over 100 air disinfection devices for the nation's largest facilities maintenance organization, and as a result I have extensive expertise in pandemic response management including chemical and non-chemical disinfectant exposure evaluation and controls and best practice indoor air qua...

George B Page, BSE, MSE, CPE

Page Engineering, Inc.

Jackson, Michigan
Human Factors, Safety - Ergonomics, Health and Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Physical Demands Assessments, Usability Testing, Accident Reconstruction, Biomechanical Modeling, Vibration Measurement, Compliance, Occupational Risk Management, Return to Work, Regulatory and Consensus Standard Initiatives
Page Engineering is a professional consulting firm that combines Ergonomics, Industrial Engineering, and Health and Safety expertise. We have served industry leaders in the areas of Transportation, Shipping, Manufacturing, and Health Care throughout North America. Our approach is bolstered by years of litigation scrutiny and backed by extensive application of ergonomics, human factors, epidemiologic, and occupational medical scientific literature. We specialize in human factors and ergonomics assessments, including both acute and cumulative exposures. George Page is a Certified Professional Ergonomist. He earned his MSE in Industrial and Operations Engineering (Ergonomics) from the University of Michigan. George is also a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan in Industrial and Operations Engineering (Ergonomics). The topic of his dissertation is: “Functional grip strength: conceptual and empirical models of biomechanical, perceptual, and tribological factors.” In the 1980s...

Gregory G. Zigulis, BSCE, MBA, CIH, CSP

Sixth Sense Safety Solutions

Rogers City, Michigan
Safety, OSHA - Multiple industry safety experience, OSHA, safety & health, serious injury and fatal injury prevention, occupational fatalities, falls, machine guarding, ladder, multi-employer worksite, construction, training, silica, industrial hygiene, respiratory protection, safety management systems, auditing
38 years of occupational safety, health (including industrial hygiene), and environmental management experience within several industries. This includes roles as an Air Force Bioenvironmental Engineering officer (final rank of Captain, with industrial hygiene and environmental responsibilities), regional Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management for a hazardous waste cleanup company, OHS management for a Prime Contractor to the Department of Energy (Oak Ridge, TN), construction safety and construction fatality research for the University of Tennessee under contract to the Department of Labor/Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), OHS management for a consumable dental supplies and metals related manufacturing/machining company, OHS management for an international gas engine manufacturer within a global automotive manufacturer, regional environmental, health and safety (EHS) management and global safety team member for a Tier 1 auto parts manufacturer, regulatory...

Ralph V Collipi Jr, CIH CHMM CPEA

Oracle Safety Consulting LLC

Londonderry, New Hampshire
Industrial Hygiene, Safety - Occupational health, emergency planning and response, job hazard assessment, personal protective equipment, fall protection, respiratory protection, chemical safety, air sampling, workplace surveys, disaster recovery, pandemic planning, hazard communication, confined space
OSHA safety and Industrial hygiene expert witness for more than twelve years. Director of Environment, Health, and Safety for Western Electric Company and AT&T with over 300,000 employees worldwide. Extensive experience in compliance management, training, and assessment in manufacturing, utility, and retail services. Co-ordinated joint hazmat training exercises with the Department of Homeland Security, EPA, and state and local emergency organizations. Mr. Collipi has more than 40 years of experience in industrial hygiene field, specializing in occupational health & safety, hazardous materials management, indoor air quality, chemical hygiene and hazardous waste management. He served as the designated company witness for AT&T in asbestos litigation since 2009 and designated by the company as a witness in investigations by regulatory agencies in a variety of matters related to environment, health and safety compliance. He is experienced serving as an expert witness, developing proc...

Michael Menz, CIH, CHMM

Asbestos and Indoor Air Quality Expert

Indoor Environmental Concepts, LLC

Runnemede, New Jersey
Industrial Hygiene, Indoor Air Quality - asbestos, mold, fungal, legionella, silica, water damage, lead based paint
Over 30 years experience in asbestos and indoor air quality. Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Hazardous Materials Manager. NYS and Pennsylvania approved asbestos trainer. Florida and NYS Certified Mold Professionals Trainer. EPA approved lead-based paint trainer. Former presenter for IAQ and IH classes in US and Canada. Former Certified Environmental Trainer. AIHA appointed representative to ASTM Committee D22.08- Assessment, Sampling and Analysis of Microorganisms. Technical Contact for ASTM Revision f D7338-14(2023): Revision of Standard Guide for Assessment of Fungal Growth in Buildings.

Marianne Santarelli

Marianne Santarelli, Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Consulting Services LLC

Basking Ridge, New Jersey
Safety, Industrial Hygiene - Construction, Research and Development, Environmental, Occupational Health, Noise, Accident Investigations, Risk Management, Fatality Investigations, ISO Management Systems, Insurance, Emergency Management, Drug/Alcohol Use Management, Behavioral Management, Training, Contractor Safety, Owners Rep
A highly experienced, Environmental, Health and Safety professional, Certified Industrial Hygienist and Certified Safety Professional, with applied comprehensive skills, a strong commitment to excellence and progressive functional managerial experience with a specialization in the arena of Global EH&S Management Systems. Technical proficiencies in industrial hygiene, safety and environmental disciplines, regulatory compliance analyses, product EH&S program development, permitting, training, ergonomics, EH&S audit and gap analysis, corrective action development, risk management analysis, workers compensation claims management and wellness programs and construction EH&S within a multitude of manufacturing, construction, research and development, governmental and administrative environments. Owner/President – 2021-present- Marianne Santarelli Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Environmental Consulting Services, LLC • A full-service Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Consultin...

C.J. Abraham, PhD, P.E., DPE, JD, FRSC, FTI, DEE, IH

Great Neck, New York
Products Liability, Slip Trip & Fall - Athletics & Recreation, Safety, Safety Engineering, Warnings & Labels, Industrial Hygiene, OSHA, Risk Analysis, Biomechanics, Engineering, Fires, Explosions, Human Factors, Brain Injuries, Personal Injury, Trampolines, Amusement Parks, Water Parks, Playground Accidents
Dr. Abraham is a licensed P.E. and a Senior Member and a Diplomat in The National Academy of Forensic Engineers. Over the last 45 years, C. J. Abraham has created warnings and instructions for many products and protocols applied and used worldwide. He has consulted to major news channels, NHTSA, OSHA, NIOSH, State of California (CaITrans), Microsoft, New York Transit, Queensborough Bridge Authority, Department of Agriculture, the Federal Government, State Attorney General's Offices, and municipalities throughout the United States, Canada and Europe in a variety of technical areas. His interests include head and brain protection in sports and recreation and personal injury accidents and litigations. In addition, he is also involved in the reconstruction of all types of sports injuries in a large variety of recreational and sports activities, amusement and trampoline facilities, as well as accidents involving a variety of products and vehicles. His background may be found at www...


Resource EHS America, Inc.

Industrial Hygiene, Products Liability - Exposure, Legionnaires, Asbestos, Occupational Disease, Infection Control, COVID, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Respirators, Carbon Monoxide, Chemical Product Liability, Pesticides
Adjunct Professor - Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, University of Toronto Member, American College of Epidemiology Member, Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology Certified Industrial Hygienist (American Board of Industrial Hygiene) Registered Occupational Hygienist (Canadian Registration Board of Occupational Hygienists) Licensed Pesticide Applicator Licensed Asbestos Project Supervisor


High Environmental Health & Safety Consulting Ltd.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Slip Trip & Fall, Industrial Hygiene - Certified Industrial Hygienist, CIH, Workplace Safety, Occupational Safety, Chemical Exposure, Public Health, Trenching, Construction Safety, Rigging, Accident Investigation, Coefficient of Friction, Slip Resistance, Lockout, Electrical Safety, NFPA 70E, Air Quality, Noise, Safety Culture, OSHA, CSP
Over 30 years in Safety & Health. Authorized Trainer and Instructor-Trainer for the OSHA Training Institute Outreach Education Center in Construction and General Industry. Masters Public Health (MPH) (Hopkins), Masters in Safety Sciences (MS) (IUP) Post-baccalaureate Certificates in Environmental Health & Industrial Hygiene (Johns Hopkins) / Epidemiology & Bio-statistics (Drexel). Certified Safety Professional (CSP) Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) Construction Health & Safety Technician (CHST) Emergency Medical Technician - PA (EMT) Associate in Risk Management (ARM) Certified XL Tribometrist (CXLT)(slip-resistance) Frequent Public Speaker on Safety and Health Issues. Creative approaches and perspectives to cases. Defense and Plaintiff work. Organization Participation and Memberships: Lancaster County Industrial Safety Council (officer positions); American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP); American Industrial Hygiene Association (AHIA): Full Member; Member of the Occ...

Hernando R Perez, PhD, MPH, CIH, CSP

Perez IH Consulting LLC

Cheltenham, Pennsylvania
Industrial Hygiene, Mold - Certified Industrial Hygienist, Industrial Hygiene, Exposure Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Exposure, Exposure Reconstruction, Historical Exposure, FELA, Railroad, COVID-19, Bioaerosols, Indoor Air Quality, Diesel Exhaust, Chemical, Sick Building
Dr. Perez has served as an expert witness in over 100 cases and has extensive experience in writing expert reports as well as in providing oral deposition and trial testimony. He served as faculty at the Drexel University School of Public Health for 10 years. In this role he taught industrial hygiene and exposure assessment methods to public health graduate students. He also lectured on airborne contaminant exposure and environmental health to graduate engineering and medical students. He has conducted research in the fields of industrial hygiene and environmental health, published his results in the peer reviewed literature and presented his findings at various national and international environmental and occupational health conferences. He has been involved in international industrial hygiene work, lecturing and consulting in India and serving as an advisor to the government of Sri Lanka on issues of occupational health and worker exposure control. Based on his qualification...

Robin D. Franks, MS, PG, CHMM, RSO

TGE Resources, Inc.

Houston, Texas
Environmental, Industrial Hygiene - asbestos, mold, soil, groundwater, remediation, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, chemical spills, fire, hazardous, waste, lead, vapor, industrial, hygiene, disaster response, oil & gas, storage tanks, radiation, geology
35+ yrs. diverse experience, education, credentials & licensing in geology, biology, remediation, & hazardous materials management. For the built environment, I hold multiple credentials in asbestos, lead, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, mold & bioaerosols, sick buildings, vapor intrusion, OSHA worker & evaluation of operational compliance & occupant hazards. I lecture & teach for UT Systems, JLL, Wal-Mart, major lenders & underwriters. I practice environmental & industrial hygiene at TGE Resources, Inc., (Houston, TX), the firm I founded 30+ years ago. I am routinely retained across my diverse field - over 70 times with near equal defense & plaintiff representation. I have large case experience, I've served in class action litigation, & public and private sector suits. I am an expert in environmental geoscience & hazardous materials releases & spills within the transportation, bulk fuel, lube, and chemical industries. I plan remediation strategies, actively cleanup & ove...

Stanley C Haimes, MD, MPH, CIH, CSP, CIME, FACOEM

Physician and Certified Industrial Hygienist

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

Occupational Medicine, Industrial Hygiene - Toxicology, Mold, Indoor Air, OSHA, metals, chromium, lead, mercury, ethylene oxide, ethylene dibromide, chemical exposure, CIH, Workers Compensation, Firefighter, arsenic, Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Disability Evaluation, toxic tort, CDL
I bring the medical background of being both a board certified occupational medicine physician as well as being a Certified Industrial Hygienist to your issue. I have experience in large chemical exposure (toxic tort) cases involving multiple claimants as well as indoor air quality litigation. I have evaluated indoor air quality issues from the perspectives of both an occupational medicine physician regarding symptoms and medical testing, as well as a Certified Industrial Hygienist regarding air quality sampling of occupied structures. My attributes include the following: Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine of the University of Central Florida. Board Certified Physician in Occupational Medicine, Residency Trained at Johns Hopkins, and a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM) and the International Academy of Independent Medical Examiners (FIAIME). Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP)....

Bhaskar Kura, PhD, PE

i2Care, Inc.

San Antonio, Texas
Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene - Air Quality Modeling, Indoor Air Quality, Hazardous Air Pollutants, Public Health, Cancer Risk, Worker Health, Worker Injury, Workplace Injury, Pollution, Pollution Prevention, Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Medical Waste, Exposure Assessment, Emissions Modeling, Water Pollution, GHG Emissions
Dr. Bhaskar Kura is a higher education leader and has 35 years of professional experience as a professor, researcher, and scientist in the filed of environmental engineering. Over the years, he worked in industry, consulting, and academia. He is a registered Professional Environmental Engineer in the State of Louisiana. He published more than 100 technical articles and supervised graduate students for their MS and PhD degrees. His core areas of expertise include, but not limited to: (1) Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling (2) Indoor Air Quality (3) Exposure Assessment (Public and Worker Health Risk Evaluation) (4) Water and Air Pollution Assessment (5) Waste Management (6) Pollution Prevention (7) Life Cycle Costing and Life Cycle Assessment (8) Evaluation of Toxicity and Hazard of Materials and Wastes (9) Green House Gas Emissions Assessment / Management (10) Compliance Evaluation with Federal, State, and Local Regulations (11) Inverse Dispersion Modeling to Evaluate Source Str...


Certified Industrial Hygiene or Hygienist (CIH)

Scopus Consultants, Inc.

Cypress, Texas
Industrial Hygiene, Safety - Warnings & Labels, IAQ, Products Liability, Covid, Indoor Air Quality, Toxicology, Asbestos, Environmental, Mold, Legionella, Pesticides, Dermal Assessment, Exposure, Occupational Hygiene, COPD, Forensic Science, Environmental Engineering, Job Hazard Assessment, OSHA, Safety
Summary of Experience I am a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM), Safety Management Specialist (SMS), EPA Nationally Qualified Asbestos Consultant, Licensed Asbestos Consultant, and Hazmat Expert. I help clients with a whole range of health, safety, and environmental challenges, and I have a specialty in industrial hygiene including forensic analysis and testimony associated with current and past exposures to chemical, biological, and safety related injuries and illnesses. My experience encompasses the leadership and management of teams of Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) experts including industrial hygienists, safety professionals, environmental engineers, medical doctors, nurses, and technicians in workplace incidents and exposures to industrial chemicals and substances such as asbestos, benzene, welding fumes, lead, mold, pesticides, among others. My accomplishments include participation ...

Ed vonDran, PE

Alpha Terra Engineering

San Antonio, Texas
Environmental Engineering, Industrial Hygiene - Geophysics, HazMat, Environmental Studies, Enviromental Design, OSHA compliance

Pascal Jean-Baptiste, IICRC, WRT, AMRT

Certified Mold Inspector-Expert Witness

Mold Witness

Seattle, Washington
Mold, Indoor Air Quality - mold, black mold, mold indoor air quality, mold inspector, mold witness, mold expert, mold remediation, water damage, industrial hygiene, Asbestos
I am a certified mold inspector with over six years of experience. I perform approximately 1000 annual mold inspections for residential and commercial clients, including homeowners, property managers, real estate agents, restoration and remediation companies, renters, schools, and local governments. I hold IICRC certifications for WRT, ASD, and AMRT, InterNACHI Certified Mold Inspector, and Florida Mold Assessor & Remediator certifications. I have written over 300 blog articles on the subject of mold.
You can also find Industrial Hygiene Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, Hawaii , Illinois, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington