Sexual Assault Expert Witnesses

Sexual assault expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on sexual assault. The sexual assault expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anatomic Pathology, Anesthesiology, Child Abuse, Chiropractic, Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, Hospital Administration, Human Resources, Independent Medical Examinations, Internal Medicine, and Investigation.

Adel Shaker, MD, LLB, FCAP

Board Certified Anatomic & Forensic Pathologist

International Medical Legal Forensic Experts, LLC

Huntsville, Alabama
Forensic Pathology, Anatomic Pathology - Autopsy, independent medical examiner, autopsy review, cause of death, manner of death, wrongful death, nursing home death, medical malpractice, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, body assault, motor vehicle accident, work accident, toxicology, suicide, homicide, custody police death, jail
The area of expertise in which Dr. Shaker will be tendered is pathology, including but not limited to general pathology, Anatomic pathology, Clinical pathology, & Forensic Pathology. Over 30 years of experience as practicing, fully licensed pathologist with extensive training in forensic pathology & testifying as an expert witness in many cases. Earned his law degree and was involved in national and international high profile cases. He's fluent multilingual. Cases review include but not limited to autopsy review, cause and manner of death, wrongful death, police intervention and custody death, nursing home death and elder abuse/ neglect, wounds evaluation, occupational and industrial accidents, suicide, domestic violence, child/elder abuse, toxicology,drug overdose, sexual crime, firearm injuries, variable injuries/trauma and self inflicted wounds. I am available for a no-charge initial consultation (free screening of case).

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

Jennifer Steel, Ph.D.

Interviewing/LE practice Expert-Agent/Psychologist

San Tan Valley, Arizona
Forensic Psychology, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - investigative interviewing, false confessions, memory, biases, sexual assault, intimate partner violence, police procedures, power dynamics, abuse, trauma, wrongful conviction
As a 24-year federal agent (still active) and licensed clinical psychologist, my areas of expertise include science-based investigative interviewing, coerced or false confessions, the dynamics of interpersonal crimes and police/investigative practices. As 1 of 7 worldwide forensic science consultants, having completed a fellowship in forensic medicine, I consulted on cases of child abuse, equivocal death, sexual and aggravated assault and arson. My combined experience as a special agent and licensed clinical psychologist provides a unique perspective and I am available to serve as an expert witness in cases involving potentially coerced or false confessions, sufficiency of the investigative interview, establishing consent (or lack thereof), understanding power dynamics in sexual assault and/or intimate partner violence investigations, memory, cognitive biases, and best practices for investigations. I have been teaching science-based investigative interviewing for the past 5 years ...

Amber J. Ban, MSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, AFN-C

Advanced Forensic Nursing Services, PLLC

Bentonville, Arkansas
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Strangulation, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Forensic Nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Medical Forensic Exam, Rape Kit, Evidence Collection, Genital Injury, Assault injury
Forensic Nurse Clinician, Instructor and Expert Witness I am a master's prepared RN of 20 years, with 11 years of specialty practice as a Forensic Nurse Examiner. I am Board Certified as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Adult/Adolescent, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Pediatric, and an Advanced Forensic Nurse. I routinely provide, and have provided over 700 comprehensive medical-forensic examinations related to survived strangulation of the neck in domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, elder abuse, suspect exams and child abuse injury documentation. I have extensive education and experience in every component of the medical and evidentiary care of the assault/abuse patient. I am an expert on the background and lethality of non fatal strangulation of the neck, mechanisms of strangulation, signs and symptoms of strangulation injury, & medical protocols and interventions. I am an expert on sexual abuse and assault, including anogenital finding...

Dr. Charla C Watkins, DNP, APRN

Trauma, sexual assault, child abuse, psychiatry

Watkins Family Health & Counseling

Fayetteville, Arkansas
Psychiatry, Child Abuse - Child sexual abuse, medical malpractice psychiatry, depression, urgent care cases, sexual assault, forensic consultant, bipolar, family practice, Trauma, Sexual assault nurse examiner, betrayal trauma, university sexual assault cases, Psychotherapy, medication management, EMDR, physical abuse
Dr. Charla Watkins is a Doctor of Nursing Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health. She is also a Family Nurse Practitioner and a Forensic Nurse Examiner who has conducted approximately 2,000 sexual assault exams of children, adolescents and adults and conducted 1,500 forensic interviews. Dr. Watkins is an experienced clinician and expert witness. She earned her doctorate at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis, Tennessee and her doctoral research is in human sex trafficking. Dr. Watkins is passionate about patient care, forensic case work. She has a private practice in Fayetteville, Arkansas where she specializes in trauma therapy, depression, anxiety, abuse cases, bipolar illness, grief, betrayal trauma and medication management for psychiatry patients across the lifespan. Dr. Watkins has experience in working medical malpractice cases, case consultation and expert testimony. She focuses on being a neutral objective fact finder and keys in on truth and facts i...

Diane Cranley

Diane Cranley Consulting

Laguna Niguel, California
Child Abuse, School Safety - child sexual abuse, sexual assault, molestation, grooming, sexual misconduct, educator misconduct, Title IX sexual harassment, child sexual abuse prevention, best practices, boundary violations, boundary policies, mandated reporter, failure to report, school, after school, sports, reporting
I am an expert in child sexual abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations. While organizations may not be able to stop every case of child sexual abuse within their programs, there are best practices that when followed, significantly lower the risk of abuse occurring and minimize delays in reporting. I can help by: • Identifying and evaluating valuable discovery materials including an organization’s policies, practices, documentation, and training • Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of your case by comparing those organizational materials to best practices to identify the gaps • Differentiating the failure of individual mandated reporters versus organizational failures based on that gap analysis and case materials • Identifying grooming behaviors that are cause for reasonable suspicion and reporting • Supplying best practices and relevant research to substantiate my opinion as it relates to your case • Educating the judge and jurors on grooming behaviors and boundaries ...

Suzanne M Dupee, MD

Manhattan Beach, California
Forensic Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Emotional Damages, IME. Independent Medical Examination, Child Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, Sexual Harassment, Employment Discrimination, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse, Female, Psychiatrist
Dr. Dupee is a triple board certified adult, child & adolescent, forensic psychiatrist. She has been retained in thousands of legal cases for civil (personal injury & employment), family (child custody evaluations, psychiatric evaluations of family law litigants, consultation), criminal, dependency (child abuse), courts as well as conducting insurance disability independent medical examinations & evaluations for the Medical, Dental & Veterinary Boards of California. Dr. Dupee has testified in hundreds of legal cases. She has been retained by plaintiffs and defense. She has extensive experience with evaluating PTSD.

Pamela J Hall, PhD

Forensic MED Experts

Fontana, California
Forensic Psychology, Legal Medicine - PTSD, Forensic Psychology, Trauma, Sexual Assault, Discrimination, Warzone, Harassment, Standard of Care, Product Liability, Co-Occurring disorders
Dr. Pamela Hall is a licensed psychologist in the State of California with 40 years of clinical expertise and 15 years of forensic expertise regarding the impact of psychological injury on social and occupational functioning. Because consultees and examinees deserve to return to their highest abilities after a psychological injury, a restorative justice narrative infuses her forensic work. As a psychotherapist, Dr. Hall became trauma-informed from 1981 to 2013 through listening to people with lived experience and following trauma-related research. Dr. Hall has been committed to consultation in the workplace as a requested speaker and employee assistance provider to improve occupational mental health. While operating her own private practice from 1997-2013, Dr. Hall collaborated with community providers and law enforcement in family violence cases, conducting a diversion education program for convicted offenders. Dr. Hall was a member of the Domestic Violence Intervention Consorti...

Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC

Psychology Expert

Lifetime Counseling and Consulting

Fair Oaks, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Domestic violence, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, correctional mental health, wrongful death, PTSD, sex abuse, sex offender, criminal offense, malingering, stalking, mental health, murder, mental health, victimization, trauma, shooting, sexual assault, discrimination, psych testing
Experience in criminal and civil proceedings. Private practice since 2014.Retained by both defense and plaintiffs. Experience in evaluations and testimony for adults. 16 years of combined field as a counselor, trainer, interviewer, report writer working with victims of abuse, sexual assault, and with perpetrators of violence, and Dept of Corrections. Licensed as licensed professional clinical counselor in California since 2014. Doctorate in clinical psychology in 2016. Became certified as a National Domestic Violence Counselor in 2010. Published dissertation study in 2016 that evaluated and summarized the effects of being psychologically abused by parents in childhood. 1) Domestic violence / coercive control /emotional abuse 2) Psych / Forensic evaluations 3) Mental health assessment 4) Sexual abuse / sexual assault evaluations 5) PTSD *CV available upon request

Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc

Long Beach, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998. In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.

Diana D Price, MA

Travel and Tourism Expert Nationwide

Diana Price & Associates, Forensic Travel Expert & Litigation Consultant

Los Angeles , California
Travel & Tourism - Tourism & Travel, travel advisors, tour operators, duty to warn, standard of care, personal injury, terms & conditions, airlines, hotels & resorts, travel safety, transportation, motorcoach, tours, cruises, online travel, wrongful death, sexual assault, adventure travel experiences, travel agencies
Travel and Tourism Experience and Qualifications Diana Price is President and CEO of Diana Price and Associates, forensic travel consulting and litigation support firm. Ms. Price serves as a forensic travel expert witness, travel investigator, travel litigation consultant and expert travel consultant in cases involving international and domestic tourism and travel agency operations. Diana Price is past president of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the Forensic Expert Witness Association (FEWA) and former National Vice President of Education and Programs for FEWA. An expert in tourism and travel agency operations, Ms. Price has developed a reputation as a problem solver. As a senior leader at Automobile Club of Southern California, (AAA, American Automobile Association), Ms. Price led 14 international retail travel agencies. She has worked as a front line travel advisor and wholesale tour operator, and understands travel advisor and tour operator responsibility for their work ...

Theresa M Tarcha, DC

Chiropractic Expert Witness

Redondo Beach, California
Chiropractic, Independent Medical Examinations - Standard of Care, Negligence, Stroke, Vertebral Artery Dissection, Carotid Artery Dissection, Herniated Disc caused by Chiropractic Manipulation, Spinal Cord Injury, Sexual Assault, Chiropractor malpractice, Excessive force, Personal injury, Failure to Diagnose
Dr. Tarcha has been in practice for 38 years. She has trial and deposition experience in Standard of Care, Causation, Negligence, Stroke, Wrongful death, Vertebral Artery Dissection, Carotid Artery Dissection, Herniated Discs from Spinal Manipulation, Spinal Cord Injury, Excessive Force, Failure to Diagnose, Medical Battery, Sexual Battery, and Sexual Assault. Dr, Tarcha served as President of the California Chiropractic Association, Los Angeles Southwest District, and was on the Board of Directors for the CCA. She was a supervising doctor for the internship program at the Southern California University of Health Sciences. She has been certified as a Qualified Medical Examiner, by the State of California, and also licensed as a X-Ray Supervisor. She continues to treat patients in private practice and conducts Independent Medical Evaluations.

Felicia Brown, LMBT, LMT

Spalutions, Inc

Orlando, Florida
Massage - Massage Therapy, Massage Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Inappropriate Touch, Draping Issues, Massage Therapy Business, Spa/Day Spa Business, Professional Ethics, Scope of Practice, Standard of Care, Hiring Practices, Client Care
Expert Witness & Consultative Services in Massage & Spa Legal Cases Felicia Brown, LMBT, LMT has been a massage therapist since 1994. Her expertise, experience and opinions come from nearly 30 years as a practitioner, owner, coach, consultant, educator and client in the spa and massage industries. Since 2015, she has served as an expert witness or consultant over eighty legal cases involving the massage and spa industries, with more than seventy of those cases being related to Inappropriate Touch, Sexual Abuse or Sexual Misconduct. Working on both Plaintiff and Defense cases, Ms. Brown has provided detailed reviews of deposition, case materials and testimony; consultations on standard business practices and standards of care; and conducted research related to the cases. An advocate for the massage and spa industries, Ms. Brown approaches each case by being curious and thorough in her analysis. She strives to provide direct and thoughtful consultation, opinions and/or testimony fo...

Robert E Capwell, RIMS-CRMP

Background Checks and Negligent Hiring Expert

Capwell Consulting Group LLC

St. Augustine, Florida
Human Resources, Investigation - Background Checks, Employment Screening, Negligent Hiring, Negligent Retention, FCRA, Fair Credit Reporting Act, Workplace Violence, Elder Abuse, Employment Due Diligence, Negligent Supervision, Risk Management, Workplace Safety, Wrongful Termination, Sexual Assault, Criminal Background Checks
Robert Capwell is a nationally recognized background check expert witness leveraging more than three decades of pre-employment background screening expertise and executive leadership experience. He is the founder and principal consultant of Capwell Consulting Group LLC, which provides employment screening expert witness and litigation support in the areas of employment screening litigation, background checks, criminal background check expertise, litigation support for background check cases, due diligence background screening litigation, and fraud prevention background screening, HR compliance investigations and workplace violence. Mr. Capwell is widely recognized for his deep subject matter background check industry expertise in the employment screening field, Mr. Capwell specializes in providing his expertise as a background check expert witness involving the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), background check dispute resolution claims, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EE...

Dr. Erin Rose, DNP, MSN, ACNP-BC

Erin Rose & Associates, Inc.

Naples, Florida
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine - surgical site infections, critical care, trauma, stroke, cardiac arrest, nurse practitioner, acute care, medication errors, legal consulting, urgent care, cardiovascular, sepsis, record tampering, spinal injuries, sexual assault, abuse and neglect, ICU, personal injury, nurse, standard of care
Dr. Rose is an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner experienced in critical care and emergency medicine. She has her doctorate degree and a subspecialty in cardiovascular. Her experience includes over 19 years of emergency, intensive care, flight nursing, and trauma (Level I & II). In addition to her clinical experience, she also holds an academic appointment as a professor at the University of South Alabama instructing both master's and doctorate courses. Dr. Rose has occupied the role of testifying expert and legal consultant on many cases with both plaintiff & defense including medical malpractice, mass tort, personal injury, worker’s compensation, product liability, and criminal cases across the United States. Legal consulting services include but are not limited to: screening cases for merit, medical record assessment, and case analysis, researching and qualifying the validity of studies relied upon by all parties, interviewing plaintiff and defense clients/key witnesses/experts,...

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

LaKesha Legree, MD

General Anesthesiologist - Ivy League Trained

Dr. Legree Medical Expert Witness Consulting

Anesthesiology - Fentanyl, Anesthesia Peri-operative Management, Gastroenterolgy, Ortho trauma/Regional Blocks, Ketamine, Cannabis, difficult airway, wrongful death, Child Neglect/Abuse, Sexual Assault
Duke Fellowship Regional Anesthesia recipient. Over 12 years in active clinical practice. University of Notre Dame graduate in South Bend, IN. Weill Cornell- New York Presbyterian Hospital trained in General Anesthesiology. Extensive ultrasound guided regional anesthesia and block placement at the infamous orthopedic focused Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Intense Anesthesia and critical care training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in New York. Teaching and mentoring experience. Completed SEAK expert witness training program. Trial (testifying) and deposition experience. Medical chart review, consultation and written reporting experience. Consultations with legal teams to assist with the interpretation of medically related case information. Former Ketamine Clinic owner and expert in off label Ketamine use for depression, suicidal ideations and chronic pain. She contributes her success as an expert witness to her committment to excellence, voracio...

Pamela J Hall, PhD

Forensic MED Experts

Forensic Psychology, Legal Medicine - PTSD, Forensic Psychology, Trauma, Sexual Assault, Discrimination, Warzone, Harassment, Standard of Care, Product Liability, Co-Occurring disorders
Dr. Pamela Hall is a licensed psychologist in the State of California with 40 years of clinical expertise and 15 years of forensic expertise regarding the impact of psychological injury on social and occupational functioning. Because consultees and examinees deserve to return to their highest abilities after a psychological injury, a restorative justice narrative infuses her forensic work. As a psychotherapist, Dr. Hall became trauma-informed from 1981 to 2013 through listening to people with lived experience and following trauma-related research. Dr. Hall has been committed to consultation in the workplace as a requested speaker and employee assistance provider to improve occupational mental health. While operating her own private practice from 1997-2013, Dr. Hall collaborated with community providers and law enforcement in family violence cases, conducting a diversion education program for convicted offenders. Dr. Hall was a member of the Domestic Violence Intervention Consorti...

Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.

Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc

Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998. In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.

Karla M Felske, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Board Certified Forensic Neuropsychologist

Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology - Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, Toxic Exposure, Neurological, Competency, Post-traumatic Stress, PTSD, Sexual Assault, Neuropsychiatric, Insanity, Dementia, IME, Concussion, Neuropsychological, ADHD, Chronic Pain, INE, Head Injury, Psychological, Memory Disorder
Dr. Karla Felske, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPP-CN is a board certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, who specializes in the areas of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-traumatic Stress with additional areas of expertise in sexual assault/ harassment and trauma, neurobehavioral toxicology/ neurotoxic exposure, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, chronic pain and suffering, and functional neurological disorders. She conducts medical file reviews and comprehensive forensic neuropsychological examinations, including independent medical evaluations, workers’ compensation, and disability determinations. She provides medical opinions and expert testimony for both civil and criminal proceedings regarding brain-behavior relationships and her psychological methods, test results, and conclusions. She often consults on 1) personal injury and medical malpractice claims, including psychological, emotional, and neurological injury; 2) work and labor examinations (fitness for duty, wo...

Amelia Swanson, PhD

Health Psychology Associates of Illinois PLLC

Skokie, Illinois
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - PTSD, depression, anxiety, retaliation, employment, discrimination, termination, sexual harassment, medical malpractice, mental health, trauma, evaluation, fertility, embryo, IVF, sexual assault, wrongful death, whistleblower, foreseeability
Dr. Amelia Swanson is a forensic and licensed clinical psychologist who provides forensic evaluations, consultations to attorneys and expert testimony in civil cases, primarily in medical malpractice, sexual harassment, and wrongful death cases. Dr. Swanson also has a specialty in health psychology and impacts of trauma and has previously worked as faculty at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and University of Massachusetts, Chan Medical School. She has experience working in many medical and mental health settings including fertility, primary care, OB/GYN, transplant, oncology, diabetes in both inpatient and outpatient settings. She has published in peer-reviewed journals and been invited to speak at national conferences on the psychological aspects of coping with medical issues including fertility, trauma-informed care, and other topics. She is licensed in Illinois, Massachusetts and Iowa and is psypact certified to practice in 39 states (see website for current l...

Kristin Samuelson

Forensic Psychologist - Trauma/PTSD Specialist

New Orleans, Louisiana
Forensic Psychology, Neuropsychology - PTSD, Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, TBI, Traumatic brain injury, Memory, Neuropsychology, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Immigrants, Veterans, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Assessment, Malingering, Personal Injury
Kristin Samuelson, Ph.D. is a clinical and forensic psychologist living in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a former professor who brings over 20 years of experience as an expert witness and forensic evaluator in litigation related to traumatic stress. Dr. Samuelson received her PhD in clinical psychology in 1998 from the University of Virginia and completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Since 2001, her research and clinical practice have been devoted to understanding and treating trauma. From 2001 to 2015 she was a Research Psychologist and Director of Assessment for the Stress and Health Research Program at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, a research program dedicated to the neurobiology of PTSD and trauma treatment. She served as the neuropsychologist for that research program and was responsible for diagnostic and neuropsychological assessment of trauma survivors with PTSD, traumat...

Vipul M Kella, MD, MBA FACEP

Emergency and Hospital Administration Expert

Vipul Kella

Potomac, Maryland
Emergency Medicine, Hospital Administration - COVID, overdose, anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fraud, hospital administration, mental health, aortic dissection, sexual assault, myocardial infarction, fractures, negligence, sepsis, wound care, trauma, cardiac arrest, brain hemorrhage, stroke, medical devices, aneurysm
Background: Dr. Kella is a board-certified emergency medicine physician who practices in the Washington D.C. area. In his twenty years of practice, he has worked both clinically and as a hospital executive in large hospital systems and has received awards for hospital safety and quality initiatives. He currently practices in the Washington, D.C. area and has been retained in high-profile civil and federal matters by firms across the country. Dr. Kella has both a clinical and executive background, with an MBA in hospital administration and 15 years of experience in hospital administrative and consulting roles. He is frequently retained for his expertise in corporate negligence matters. He is also a chief medical officer and experienced health tech expert retained for his experience with medical devices and products. Board-certified in Emergency Medicine, and highly experienced expert witness, having reviewed over 400 cases and having testified 15 times in the past 2 years. R...

Susan A Abookire, BSEE, MD, MPH

Boston, Massachusetts
Medical Management, Internal Medicine - Hospital Liability, Hospital Negligence, Hospital Administration, Peer Review, Delayed Diagnosis, Missed Diagnosis, EMTALA, Sepsis, Falls, Sexual Assault, Infection Prevention, Credentialing, Privileging, Anticoagulation, Wrong Site Surgery, Medication Error, Safe Discharge
Award winning and highly experienced patient safety physician executive. 20+ years of Hospital and Health System Administration Experience including Chief Quality Officer for 1,900 bed and 4,000 physician healthcare system. Founder and Former President of Society of Physician Quality Officers. Co-Founder and Senior Advisor: Harvard Medical School Quality and Patient Safety Fellowship. 20+ Years’ experience overseeing quality, patient safety, and developing procedures, policies, clinical guidelines and protocols. National and international teaching experience. Harvard educate and trained. Harvard Faculty. Past Vice-President, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Error. Extensive experience in developing programs for hospital quality, patient safety, and peer review and addressing issues such as Joint Commission Standards, Regulatory Quality Requirements, DNV Standards, Credentialing and Privileging, Medical Ethics, Infection Prevent...

Ben E. Benjamin, PhD

The Benjamin Institute

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Massage - Massage Therapy, Sexual Abuse in a Spa Setting, Inappropriate Touch, Inappropriate Conduct, Massage Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Misconduct, Inappropriate Draping, Poor Draping, Draping Issues
Dr. Benjamin has served as an expert witness since 2004 on cases involving allegations of sexual assault by massage therapists. He has worked with both plaintiff and defense attorneys, testifying both at trials and depositions, consulting on standards of care, conducting research, and writing reports. He owned a massage therapy school, called the Muscular Therapy Institute (MTI), for 31 years and has served on the Massage Therapy Board of Registration as well as the Board of Podiatry in the state of Massachusetts. Dr. Benjamin has also maintained a private practice working directly with clients since 1963. One of his specialties is working with individuals who have suffered a trauma-whether it be physical, emotional, or sexual. Sexual Abuse In the early 1990s, as allegations of sexual assault in the field began to surface, Dr. Benjamin chaired the first Professional and Sexual Ethics Task Force of American Massage Therapy Associations Council of Schools. For more than 55 years, D...

Thomas Bojko, MD, MS, JD, FCLM

Senior executive with strong testifying experience

Hospital Experts

Port Monmouth, New Jersey
Hospital Administration, Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Negligence, Joint Commission Standards, Negligent Credentialing, Physician Contracting, Informed Consent, Standards of Care, Patient Transfer, Patient Safety, Pediatric Critical Care, Birth Injury, Hyperbilirubinemia, Sexual Assault, Negligent discharge
Thomas Bojko, MD, MS, JD, FCLM has spent over two decades in healthcare where he has held executive leadership positions in both hospital and medical administration. He is an expert in hospital operations, policies and procedures. Dr. Bojko has made many contributions to the administrative, clinical and educational aspects of healthcare and has received numerous awards and recognition for his efforts. He gained national prominence serving as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Critical Care Executive Committee and as a member of the NACHRI (National Association of Children’s Hospitals) Board of Trustees. In addition, he has authored numerous articles, policy statements and editorials in peer-reviewed journals. He also participated in authoring the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy on Hyperbilirubinemia.

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

Glen Rock , New Jersey
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

New York
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

LaKesha Legree, MD

General Anesthesiologist - Ivy League Trained

Dr. Legree Medical Expert Witness Consulting

Charlotte, North Carolina
Anesthesiology - Fentanyl, Anesthesia Peri-operative Management, Gastroenterolgy, Ortho trauma/Regional Blocks, Ketamine, Cannabis, difficult airway, wrongful death, Child Neglect/Abuse, Sexual Assault
Duke Fellowship Regional Anesthesia recipient. Over 12 years in active clinical practice. University of Notre Dame graduate in South Bend, IN. Weill Cornell- New York Presbyterian Hospital trained in General Anesthesiology. Extensive ultrasound guided regional anesthesia and block placement at the infamous orthopedic focused Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. Intense Anesthesia and critical care training at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in New York. Teaching and mentoring experience. Completed SEAK expert witness training program. Trial (testifying) and deposition experience. Medical chart review, consultation and written reporting experience. Consultations with legal teams to assist with the interpretation of medically related case information. Former Ketamine Clinic owner and expert in off label Ketamine use for depression, suicidal ideations and chronic pain. She contributes her success as an expert witness to her committment to excellence, voracio...

Karen D Serrano

Karen D. Serrano, MD Emergency Medicine Physician

University of North Carolina Department of Emergency Medicine

Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine - Sexual assault, Stroke, Necrotizing fasciitis, Angioedema, Orthopedic injuries, Critical care, Sepsis, Pulmonary embolism, Intubation, Head trauma, Trauma, Cardiovascular disease, Aortic dissection, Ectopic pregnancy, Myocardial infarction, Meningitis, Anaphylaxis, Seizures
Dr. Karen Serrano, MD, is a board-certified, actively practicing emergency medicine physician with 15 years clinical experience in a broad range of practice settings. She is a Clinical Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospital, a Level 1 trauma and tertiary care referral center in Chapel Hill, NC. Her experience spans high-acuity academic centers as well as community and rural hospitals, giving her a broad perspective on emergency care in diverse medical settings. She is an experienced educator, playing a vital role in training emergency medicine residents and medical students. Her areas of expertise include emergency medicine malpractice, failure to diagnose, treatment delays, trauma and critical care, toxicology, cardiovascular disease/myocardial infarction, stroke, and sepsis. She also has specialized knowledge in sexual assault evaluations and forensic medicine. Dr. Serrano is a published author in Tintinalli’s Emergency Medi...

Samuel L Kleinman, PhD F-ABFT TC-NRCC

Board Certified Forensic Toxicologist

Cincinnati, Ohio
Forensic Science, Laboratories & Testing - impaired driving, sexual assault, drugs, alcohol, prescription medicine, overdose, DUI, DWI, OWI, accident, crash, toxicology, forensics, dram shop, testing, insurance, injury, workplace drug testing, retrograde extrapolation, dram shop
Dr Samuel Kleinman is a double board certified forensic toxicologist; he is a Fellow of the American Board of Forensic Toxicology and a Toxicological Chemist certified by the National Registry of Certified Chemists. Dr Kleinman served as both the Deputy Bureau Chief and the Bureau Chief for the central forensic toxicology lab for the state of New Mexico. In this role he participated in more than 40 trials including state district court as well as federal court in New Mexico. He is an expert in laboratory accreditation and piloted the transition of the New Mexico lab towards ISO 17025 compliance. Dr Kleinman has expertise in pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, impaired driving, sexual assault and blood alcohol interpretation. He offers consultation and education on interpreting laboratory results, chain of custody, workplace drug testing; and if appropriate, participates in depositions and trials. Dr Kleinman is based in Cincinnati, Ohio but consults nationwide.

Jeffrey Bonner

Scranton, Pennsylvania
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Criminal Justice, Police Policies, Domestic Violence, Crowd Control, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Surveillance, School Safety, Crisis Intervention, Baton, Taser, Firearm, Electronic Control Device
Award-Winning Police Officer. 25+ Years Experience including undercover operations, SWAT Team, and School Resource Officer. Certified Firearms Trainer. Graduate of the FBI National Academy, 272th Session. Law Enforcement Highlights • Trained and deployed multiple times in "Mobile Field Force / Civil Disturbances" • Undercover operations, drug buys, surveillance and preparation of over 400 search warrants • Specialized training in Barricaded gunman situation resolution • Member of D.P.D. Pistol Team • Executive Protection, and advanced driving techniques. • Served on Multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team • Patrol Rifle Operator / Designated Marksman Certification • Certified Firearms Trainer • Field Training Officer and Supervisor • Police Honor Guard 2004 through 2015 • Additional command capacities: • New World Reporting System Build Team / Training of supervisors and Officers, Mobile Field Force Unit Commander Career Accolades With Sterling Heights Police Department • (6) Merit Ci...

Dr. Ken Lang

Criminal Investigation - Detective (retired)


Milligan, Tennessee
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - criminal investigation, crime scene analysis, crime scene reconstruction, use of force, death scene, homicide, murder, shootings, self defense, USCCA, NRA, rape, sex crimes, sex offense, sexual assault, violent crime, robbery, police practices, composite sketch
Dr. Ken Lang is a retired 25-year law enforcement veteran with extensive criminal investigation experience who holds a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice and teaches various criminal justice and investigative courses. Lang’s career began with the Havre de Grace Police Department in 1989. He served as a patrol officer for two years until he became employed by the Baltimore County Police Department (BCoPD) in 1991, where he served for the next 23 years. Lang’s police career centered on criminal investigations, dedicating 15 years to investigating violent crimes of rapes, robberies, and murders, and 5 years investigating property crimes. In addition to his primary detective assignment, Lang also served as a certified Maryland Police and Correctional Training Commission adjunct police instructor at the BCoPD Academy for 16 years, teaching recruit classes and in-service training sessions. Courses taught included Sex Crimes Investigations, Investigative Resources, Basic Investigator’s Courses...

Joanna L Collins, MFS, F-AAFS

LINUS Investigations and Consulting

San Antonio, Texas
Forensic Science, Investigation - Medicolegal death investigations, sexual assault, child sexual & physical abuse, crime scene investigation, evidence integrity, child forensic interviewing, investigative case review, law enforcement & criminal justice, crime scene analysis, int'l training & course development
Former supervisory special agent with expertise in forensic sciences, forensics program management, criminal investigations, crime scene management & processing, expert testimony, training course development/instruction, medicolegal death investigations, sexual assault investigations, child physical & sexual abuse investigations, & child forensic interviewing. Adjunct professor; George Washington University, Dept of Forensic Sciences: graduate-level medicolegal death investigations, and child physical / sexual abuse investigations. Fellow & Board of Directors with the American Academy of Forensic Science. TS/SCI w/ polygraph.

Craig D McLaren

Police Practices Expert – Retired 32 Years LAPD

First Response Law Enforcement Consulting Group

Granger, Texas
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Crowd Control, Use of Force/Excessive Force Inadequate/Negligent Security, Informants, Evidence Preservation, Chain of Custody, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Gangs, Surveillance, Vice, Prostitution, Gambling, Vehicle Pursuits, School Shootings, Workplace Violence
Vastly Experienced Police Expert, working for plaintiffs as well as the defense. Over 31 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer. Trained / Taught new officers, in the field, for 24 years in all facets of Police work. Including Use of Force and Use of Deadly Force. Personally involved in over 40 Uses of Force as well as being present at approximately 100 more. Certified Force Science Analyst, by Force Science Institute, which is a leader in law enforcement study. The Institute has conducted many research projects uncovering the scientific realities surrounding officer performance under stress, action/reaction time, memory, decision-making and more in complex, rapidly unfolding encounters. Worked celebrity security for the late Dean Martin for approximately two years, providing personal security as well as residential security. Expert in Vehicle Pursuits, having been involved in and receiving yearly training in pursuits. As well as training new officers in Vehicle Pursuit Tactics. E...

Adel Shaker, MD, LLB, FCAP

Board Certified Anatomic & Forensic Pathologist

International Medical Legal Forensic Experts, LLC

Forensic Pathology, Anatomic Pathology - Autopsy, independent medical examiner, autopsy review, cause of death, manner of death, wrongful death, nursing home death, medical malpractice, child abuse, elder abuse, sexual assault, body assault, motor vehicle accident, work accident, toxicology, suicide, homicide, custody police death, jail
The area of expertise in which Dr. Shaker will be tendered is pathology, including but not limited to general pathology, Anatomic pathology, Clinical pathology, & Forensic Pathology. Over 30 years of experience as practicing, fully licensed pathologist with extensive training in forensic pathology & testifying as an expert witness in many cases. Earned his law degree and was involved in national and international high profile cases. He's fluent multilingual. Cases review include but not limited to autopsy review, cause and manner of death, wrongful death, police intervention and custody death, nursing home death and elder abuse/ neglect, wounds evaluation, occupational and industrial accidents, suicide, domestic violence, child/elder abuse, toxicology,drug overdose, sexual crime, firearm injuries, variable injuries/trauma and self inflicted wounds. I am available for a no-charge initial consultation (free screening of case).

Jeff Temple, PhD

Licensed Psychologist - IPV/DV Expert

Galveston, Texas
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health, Sleep, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Violence Prevention, Memory, Risky Sexual Behavior, Sexual Assault, Sexual Coercion, Substance Use, Alcohol, Online Sexual Communication
Dr. Jeff Temple (Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, University of North Texas, Postdoctoral Internship, Brown University) is a Professor, Licensed Psychologist, and Founding Director of the Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He is a leading expert in intimate partner violence, risky sexual behavior, substance use, and mental health, and his work has been funded through the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to numerous book chapters, he has co-edited two and authored one book on preventing, treating, and screening for partner violence. Dr. Temple recently co-chaired a Texas Task Force on Domestic Violence, served on the Board of Directors of the Texas Psychological Association, was an advisor to Governor Abbott on mass shootings, and, for seven years, was the Vice President of the Galveston Independent School District Board of Trustees. Dr. Temple’s areas of profes...

Karla M Felske, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Board Certified Forensic Neuropsychologist

Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology - Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, Toxic Exposure, Neurological, Competency, Post-traumatic Stress, PTSD, Sexual Assault, Neuropsychiatric, Insanity, Dementia, IME, Concussion, Neuropsychological, ADHD, Chronic Pain, INE, Head Injury, Psychological, Memory Disorder
Dr. Karla Felske, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPP-CN is a board certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, who specializes in the areas of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-traumatic Stress with additional areas of expertise in sexual assault/ harassment and trauma, neurobehavioral toxicology/ neurotoxic exposure, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, chronic pain and suffering, and functional neurological disorders. She conducts medical file reviews and comprehensive forensic neuropsychological examinations, including independent medical evaluations, workers’ compensation, and disability determinations. She provides medical opinions and expert testimony for both civil and criminal proceedings regarding brain-behavior relationships and her psychological methods, test results, and conclusions. She often consults on 1) personal injury and medical malpractice claims, including psychological, emotional, and neurological injury; 2) work and labor examinations (fitness for duty, wo...

Karla M Felske, Ph.D., ABPP-CN

Board Certified Forensic Neuropsychologist

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology - Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, Toxic Exposure, Neurological, Competency, Post-traumatic Stress, PTSD, Sexual Assault, Neuropsychiatric, Insanity, Dementia, IME, Concussion, Neuropsychological, ADHD, Chronic Pain, INE, Head Injury, Psychological, Memory Disorder
Dr. Karla Felske, Ph. D., ABPP, ABPP-CN is a board certified clinical and forensic neuropsychologist, who specializes in the areas of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-traumatic Stress with additional areas of expertise in sexual assault/ harassment and trauma, neurobehavioral toxicology/ neurotoxic exposure, neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders, chronic pain and suffering, and functional neurological disorders. She conducts medical file reviews and comprehensive forensic neuropsychological examinations, including independent medical evaluations, workers’ compensation, and disability determinations. She provides medical opinions and expert testimony for both civil and criminal proceedings regarding brain-behavior relationships and her psychological methods, test results, and conclusions. She often consults on 1) personal injury and medical malpractice claims, including psychological, emotional, and neurological injury; 2) work and labor examinations (fitness for duty, wo...