Pacu Expert Witnesses

Pacu expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on pacu. The pacu expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse, Nurse Anesthetist, Obstetrical Anesthesiology, Oral Surgery, and Pediatric Anesthesiology.

Andreas Plackis, MD


Little Rock, Arkansas
Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiac Surgery, ACLS Code Blue, Airway ETT LMA, Arterial Line, Central Line, Awareness, Difficult Intubation, Drug Error, ECMO, Heart Transplant, Hypotension, Hypoxia, Sedation, Nerve Block, Spinal Epidural, Preoperative, PACU, Positioning, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
BOOK A FREE LITIGATION CONSULT TO DISCUSS YOUR SURGICAL CASE: SAME-DAY RESPONSE: Text/Call: (501) 570-6687. Email: **I provide anesthesia medical expert witness services and complimentary 15-minute litigation consults to advise medical malpractice attorneys on surgical cases.** My portfolio: • Award-winning, Vanderbilt-trained, triple board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist in full-time clinical practice. • Specialty Certification in Anesthesiology (ABA), Subspecialty Certification in Adult Cardiac Anesthesiology (ABA), Certification in Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (NBE) • Robust cardiac anesthesia practice at the only heart transplant center in Arkansas. • Experienced public speaker and presenter with numerous local and national presentations. • Substantial education experience. Multiple case reports and publications. • Top 1-3%ile national ranking compared to peers in nearly every ABA licensing/tra...

Divya Chander, MD, PhD

D. Chander LLC

San Francisco, California
Anesthesiology - difficult airway, intubation, brain injury / brain damage, hypoxia, hypotension, residual paralysis, narcotics, oversedation, aspiration, PACU, neurosurgical anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, awareness under anesthesia, brain monitoring, ENT anesthesia, Intraoperative visual loss, drug errors
Dr. Chander is a board certified anesthesiologist and neuroscientist (PhD). She served on the Stanford Anesthesiology faculty for 8 years. At Stanford, her areas of expertise and teaching included general surgery, neurosurgical, ENT/head & neck, orthopedic, and obstetric anesthesia. She has extensive experience with propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia, +/- brain monitoring, and difficult airway. She has trained residents in the OR, on labor & delivery, and through didactic teaching. Over the past several years, Dr. Chander continues to practice anesthesia at several Bay Area hospitals (including a level 1 trauma center). Dr. Chander has also co-founded 2 companies in the healthcare space, in neuro-ICU diagnostics, and creating a platform for integration for public health data. She served on a NASA task force for COVID19, and a global pandemic resilience task force, which she co-chaired and directed. In 2020, she was appointed a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council. Dr. Chan...

Charlene D Gozony, MSN, RN, CCRN, LNC

Gozony Legal Nurse Expert Consulting

Santa Ana, California
Critical Care Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting - Critical Care, Trauma, Neuro Trauma ICU, Pre-op, Post-op, PACU. Post Anesthesia Recovery Room Nurse, Pulmonary Critical Care, Pressure Injuries, Urology, Vascular, Nurse Manager, Telemetry, Medical - Surgical, Neurology, Neuro Trauma, Brain Injury, Clinical Educator, Wound Care, Falls w/injury
Since time is a finite resource for Attorneys, we ensure our end product is intellectual and actionable, ensuring an unbiased approach in all cases reviewed.   Healthcare is a rapidly changing science; evidence-based practices should support clinical decisions. In healthcare there is a continuous rapid influx of new information, we work hard to ensure you are provided with the most up to date information to keep our clients clinically current on healthcare. Charlene Gozony of Gozony Legal Nurse Expert Consultants has over 25 years of experience working as a Registered Nurse within various specialties and disciplines, from Hospital Administration and management of in-patient units in acute care hospitals to patient care at the bedside. Charlene is clinically current and has specialty certification in Critical Care. Nurse Charlene is experienced in Trauma, Neuro Trauma, Cardiac, Pre and Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Medical-Surgical, Telemetry, Progressive Care Unit, Float pool Units...


McAdam Healthcare Consulting

San Marcos, California
Nurse, Critical Care Surgery - Registered Nurse, PACU, post anesthesia, critical care, general surgery, plastic surgery, urology, OB-GYN, orthopedics, robotic, medications, laparoscopic, spinal surgery, pain procedures, eye surgery, ambulatory surgery, colorectal, education, competencies
Anne McAdam has been a California registered nurse for 18 years and has served in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Post Anesthesia Care Unit and Ambulatory Post Anesthesia Care Unit. She also worked as a Nurse Educator in a women’s acute care unit and recovery room, where she trained nurses and contributed to the development and revision of nursing competencies and policies and procedures. In the recovery room, she worked in various capacities including bedside clinician, charge nurse and preceptor to students, new graduates and transferring nurses. In 2008, she worked as an adjunct faculty member at National University where she was a lecture professor for Medical Surgical Nursing III. She currently cares for a variety of inpatient and outpatient postoperative patients in an ambulatory care center recovery room.

Nathalie Quan, BSN, RN

Emergency & Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) RN

Oakland, California
Nurse, Legal Nurse Consulting - Recovery Room, Pediatric Recovery Room, PACU, Emergency Department, ER, Trauma, Pediatric PACU, Stroke, STEMI, EMTALA, Burn, Triage, Sepsis, Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia
SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE: Emergency Department/ Trauma Care: Advanced management of life-threatening conditions, including acute stroke intervention, ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), severe burns, and multi-system trauma cases. Qualified to provide detailed assessments of injury patterns, treatment timelines, and standard of care practices. Post-Operative [PACU] Care: Extensive experience monitoring post-surgical complications, managing acute pain interventions, and coordinating complex recovery protocols. Specialized focus on airway management, hemodynamic monitoring, and early recognition of post-operative complications in adult and pediatric patients. Leadership & Systems Implementation: Served as Charge Nurse in Emergency and PACU settings, developing and implementing evidence-based protocols that significantly improved patient outcomes. Direct experience with hospital policy development, including creating standardized protocols for sepsis management, cardiac emerg...

Steve C. Yun, MD

Orange, California
Anesthesiology, Oral Surgery - Anesthesia, Anesthesia malpractice, Anesthesiology malpractice, dental anesthesia, surgery, wrongful death, preoperative preparation, regional anesthesia, ambulatory anesthesia, office anethesia, PACU, airway management, propofol/diprivan, intubation injuries, oral surgery
Board-certified anesthesiologist with full-time clinical practice. Physician of Excellence Award. AAAASF Surveyor. Dental Board of CA Examiner. National High School Debate and Forensics champion.


K. Waite Legal Nurse Consulting

Littleton , Colorado
Critical Care Surgery, Critical Care Medicine - Critical care, brain, spine, stroke, sepsis, wrongful death, falls, med records review, vascular, neurosurgery, post-op care, trauma, Cardiac Cath, pressure injury, abdominal, pain, overdose, respiratory, PACU, IR
Forty (43) three years of professional experience in critical care nursing that includes 17 years of leadership and management responsibility in a variety of specialties, including Surgical/Trauma ICU, Burn Trauma ICU, MICU/CCU, CVICU, Cardiothoracic ICU, Neuro ICU – affiliated with major university teaching and research hospitals. During my tenure as a nurse manager, I was entrusted with significant responsibilities. These included program development, strategic planning, fiscal resources and budget allocation, personnel management, and care-delivery outcomes for the Neurosurgical ICU. I successfully fulfilled these duties for a decade, demonstrating my leadership and management skills. Since establishing my legal nurse consulting business in 2017, I have been actively involved in reviewing and providing expert opinions on a wide range of cases. This includes both plaintiff and defense cases spanning 15 states. Clinical Experience Clinical Charge nurse in an 18-bed ICU, level ...

Susan M. Thibeault, DNAP, CRNA

Branford, Connecticut
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology - CRNA, hospital liability, airway, fire, aspiration, awareness, EMR/EHR Audit trails, capnography, dental, endoscopy, colonoscopy, intubation, non-OR anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), overdose, oversedation, positioning, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line
Yale-trained nurse anesthetist leader in active clinical practice. Clinical experience includes both operating room and non-operating room procedures. Head of CRNA quality and safety for Yale New Haven Hospital – a 1,500+ bed level 1 trauma center. Has reviewed numerous adverse events for deviations from standard of care. Extensive public speaking experience.

Rayna A. Clay, MD

Harvard-Trained Obstetric Anesthesiologist

Wesley Chapel, Florida
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology - Acute Pain, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Neuraxial Anesthesia, Patient Safety, Quality, Ambulatory Surgery, Sedation, Airway Management, Regional Anesthesia, Out-of-OR Anesthesia (NORA), OSA, PACU, Medication Errors, OR Management, Hypoxia
Dr. Clay, a Harvard-trained board-certified Obstetric Anesthesiologist, brings over 15 years of clinical and leadership experience to the expert witness field. With a distinguished career spanning prestigious institutions, Dr. Clay has served as Chief of the Department of Anesthesia and currently serves as Medical Director of Women's Centers, demonstrating exceptional expertise in perinatal and general anesthesia clinical practice. Her influence further extends as a member of Florida’s PROMPT Advisory Committee, whose goal is to improve maternal health across the state. As a former Department Chair and Division Chief, Dr. Clay has a proven track record in healthcare leadership and management. Her extensive experience includes active participation in peer review processes, quality improvement initiatives, and medical executive committees. This comprehensive background provides a unique perspective on standard of care issues and medical-legal matters related to obstetric and general ...

Donna S Jones, RN,

DSJ & Associates,

Brunswick, Georgia
Nurse - Medical Critical Care, Ventilator Patients, Cardiac ICU, Respiratory ICU, Medical Surgical Nursing, Progressive Care Unit, Pediatrics, emergency room, ACLS, PACU, Nursing Negligence & Malpractice, Wrongful Death, Medical Record Review, Adherence to Standard of Care, Pain Management
• Developed a CD in PDF format of a Medical Data Kit to help individuals document and maintain their Individualized Medical Records. • Interviewed twice on the radio program “Nurse View”, a program for Nurses by Nurses regarding issues and opportunities in the nursing field. • Guest Speaker on an hour-long web seminar for the Institute for Paralegal Education (IPE) in regard to obtaining and reviewing medical records. • Seminar speaker at Alive Expo at the World Congress Center focusing on “Maintaining Your Health Care”. • Guest Lecturer for the National Business Institute on “Anatomy & Physiology for Attorneys”. • Guest Speaker 2019 JERK conference for LNCs.

Joshua T Korte, MD

Cardiothoracic and Perioperative Anesthesiologist

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Anesthesiology - Anesthesia, Trauma, Preoperative Care, Obstetrics (OB), Cardiac, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), Thoracic, Clearance, Vascular, Orthopedic, Ambulatory, Neurosurgery, Endoscopy, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Cath Lab, Sedation, Code Blue and CPR, Regional and Nerve Injury, PACU, Airway
Available for plaintiff or defense work reviewing cases, writing reports, and/or testifying at deposition or trial. Dr. Joshua Korte is a board certified and fellowship trained anesthesiologist. He provides comprehensive pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care. His current anesthesia practice environment requires expertise in multiple clinical settings including a small community hospital, ambulatory surgery centers and an advanced tertiary care hospital. Dr. Korte specializes in anesthesia for cardiac and thoracic surgery with fellowship training from the University of Cincinnati in 2018-19. He also has diplomate certification in advanced perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) evaluation from 2019 onward. In his current clinical setting, he helps with pre-operative evaluation and management. He provides pre-operative clearance for patients prior to undergoing surgery and anesthesia. Dr. Korte’s practice has a relationship with Indiana University S...

Ilan Mizrahi, MD

Harvard Faculty: Anesthesiology & Critical Care

Massachusetts General Hospital

Brookline, Massachusetts
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - General Anesthesia, Postoperative complications, Critical Care, ICU, Difficult Airway, ACLS, Shock, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Perioperative medicine, PACU, Orthopedic anesthesia, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Airway Management, Spinal Anesthesia, Informed Consent, Central Line, Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Ilan Mizrahi is a Harvard-trained, double board-certified anesthesiologist and critical care physician, currently practicing at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Mizrahi specializes in all aspects of anesthesia care, including pre-surgical evaluation, anesthesia management during surgery, and post-surgical recovery. He is highly experienced in assessing whether the standard of care was met during anesthesia and in addressing complications that arise after surgery, whether in the recovery room, during a hospital stay, or in the ICU. In addition to his work in the operating room, Dr. Mizrahi is a senior physician in the ICU, where he cares for critically ill patients, both surgical and medical. He provides expert insight into the standard of care for hospitalized patients, including those experiencing emergencies such as cardiac arrest, "code-blue" events, the need for CPR, or urgent intubation. He has particular expertise in "failure-to-rescue" cases, which involve delays in r...

Tara L MacLaren-Gibson, CRNA

Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Outpatient surgery, anesthesia for office dental procedures, endoscopy, plastic surgery, airway management, orthopedic surgery, neuro surgery, General anesthesia, TIVA, pre-op evaluation, PACU, positioning, standard of care, patient safety, sedation management, CRNA practice, anesthetic techniques
I am an actively practicing CRNA with over 18 years of clinical experience including anesthesia management for inpatient and outpatient surgery, endoscopy centers, and dental offices. I worked primarily at a 400 bed community hospital for 15 years before switching completely to an outpatient practice in 2020. I was a lead CRNA for 6 years and I have been the CRNA staffing manager for a small 1099 practice for 9 years. I facilitate all onboarding of CRNAs, as well as handle staffing, payroll, and other duties necessary. I have assisted in the development of an outpatient total joint program and worked on numerous QA projects and updated and reviewed anesthesia policies. I have served as a clinical preceptor for nurse anesthetist training programs, as well as some education for medical students. I also mentor nurses as they prepare for entrance into anesthesia programs. As a clinician and expert I will provide a thorough and detail oriented review of records, case preparation a...

Attila Kerner, MD, MS

Saint Louis, Missouri
Anesthesiology, Ambulatory Surgery Centers - Intubation, Positioning, Preoperative Assessment, Airway Trauma, Regional Anesthesia, PACU, General Anesthesia, Operating Room Fire, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Epidural Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia, Operating Room Safety
Board certified anesthesiologist with over 15 years of experience. Trained at Washington University in Saint Louis. Abundant experience in all subspecialty areas. Abundant teaching and working / clinical experience at Saint Louis University Hospital, a large level one trauma center where I oversee the preoperative anesthesia clinic, as well as teach resident physicians, and provide subspecialty anesthetic care in areas including but not limited to: trauma, transplant, cardiac, and neuro anesthesia. I am also well versed with regional ultrasound guided anesthesia, as well as epidural and spinal anesthesia. Abundant experience in multiple clinical settings including private practice, teaching hospitals, and surgery centers. Well versed with supervising and medically directing CRNAs and AAs.

Neil Buettner, BSN, CRNA

Cordova, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Anesthesiology, CRNA, Nurse Anesthetist, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, PACU, Surgery, Airway Management, Epidural Block, Endoscopy Anesthesia, GI Anesthesia, Obstetrical Anesthesia
I am an actively practicing CRNA with over 30 years of clinical experience including anesthesia management for inpatient or outpatient surgery including endoscopy. Additionally, I have significant experience in obstetrical anesthesia. My practice has been in a variety of institutional sizes with mostly CRNA-only models. I have served as a clinical preceptor for nurse anesthetist training programs. My experience as a clinician and expert will serve you well as an authoritative voice providing thorough records review, case preparation and expert witness services for plaintiff or defense that are based solely on merit. You can expect a speedy turn around as I provide you with a thorough analysis and a detailed report of my findings.

Janet Graham, MSN, CRNA

Anesthesia CRNA Standards of Care Expert Witness

Prefer a text msg as contact method!

Lakeland, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Anesthesia, Airway Management, Trauma, GI, Dentistry, Office Based Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Orthopedics, ENT, Ambulatory Surgery Center, PACU, Informed Consent, Medication Errors, Paralytics, Propofol, Patient Safety, Endoscopic, CRNA
I am a dedicated full time practicing anesthesia provider with 12 years clinical experience and cardiovascular ICU nursing experience dating back to 2005. Prior to my nursing degree in 2005, I joined the nursing internship program working in the same CV ICU unit for 2 years, in total 20+ years experience in the critcal care setting. My anesthesia practice has been in various institutional hospital-based sizes, including in a level 1 trauma center, rural hospital, and outpatient settings across multiple states. I have served as a clinical preceptor for student nurse anesthetist training programs throughout my career. I have worked in numerous facilities with varying surgeons, patient populations, and techniques involving different anesthesia modalities. As an anesthesia provider, my various work histories have allowed me to have a broader skill set, cultural awareness of many ethnic groups, and the ability to adapt to managing diverse clinical scenarios when presented with them...

Chad R Greene, D.O.

Physician Anesthesiologist - Vanderbilt Faculty

Nashville, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - General Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesia, Ambulatory Surgery, Spine Surgery, Dental Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Sedation, Airway Management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Eye Blocks, Epidural & Spinal Anesthesia, Medication Errors, PACU, Nerve Injury, Positioning, OSA
Board-certified, Vanderbilt-trained Anesthesiologist with academic, private practice and military medical experience. Past-President of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Resident Component and Member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Board of Directors. In full-time clinical practice with hands-on patient care and direction/supervision of CRNAs, residents, and medical students. • General anesthesia including: Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, ventilator management, intra-operative monitoring, management of emergence from anesthesia, and transportation to and from the operating room. • Airway management including endotracheal tubes, single-lung ventilation, and non-invasive techniques. • Epidural and spinal anesthesia. • Regional anesthesia. • Invasive Monitoring including central Lines, arterial Lines, and pulmonary arterial catheters. • Pre-operative assessment and post-operative patient management. • Echocardiography and ultrasound assessment...

Daniel S Dalgardno, RN, BSN, LNC

Emergency Department Nurse, Robust Experience

Maple Valley, Washington
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - ER, ED, ICU, Intensive, Medical, Surgical, PACU, Post-Anesthesia, Expert, EPIC, EMR
With a robust background in nursing, spanning over a decade in critical care and emergency settings, I am eager to leverage my clinical expertise and comprehensive medical knowledge in the legal field. My career has endowed me with a profound understanding of medical procedures, documentation and patient care, making me a uniquely qualified candidate for this role. Throughout my tenure in various healthcare environments, from high-stress emergency departments to critical care units, I have honed my ability to analyze and interpret complex medical information, a skill crucial for effective legal consulting. My experience includes managing intricate medical cases, documenting patient interactions meticulously, precepting new nurses and ensuring adherence to healthcare protocols and national patient safety goals, all of which are essential in providing accurate and reliable consultation in legal cases. In addition to my clinical skills, my educational background with a Bachelor of Sc...

John Caputo, CRNA, MHS, BSN

J & L Anesthesia Services

Bridgeport, West Virginia
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - CRNA, anesthesia, airway management, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line placement, needle placement, tube placement, falls, IV infiltration, awareness, epidurals, sp drug effects, hypoxia, propofol, intubation, extubation, aspiration, airway trauma, surgical positioning
CRNA leader. Clinical experience includes anesthesia techniques consisting of: inhalation, total IV anesthesia and balanced techniques (adult and pediatric), epidural & spinal anesthesia as well as peripheral nerve blocks for acute post-op pain. Proficient in OB, Pediatric, Cardiac, Orthopedic, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Neurosurgery, Dental, Off-site (CT, MRI and Cath Lab) and Office Based Anesthesia. Adept with a wide range of practice settings including rural critical access hospitals, office-based anesthesia, medium sized hospitals, large hospitals, and university practices. Extensive experience with chart review / auditing for quality assurance and adverse outcomes. History of presenting lectures on topics ranging from complications of epidural anesthesia, malignant hyperthermia to quality assurance / quality improvement. Currently a clinical preceptor for Excela Health School of Anesthesia for Nurses and the West Virginia University School of Nursing DNP Nurse Anesthesia ...