Cardiothoracic Surgery Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of cardiothoracic surgery expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on cardiothoracic surgery and related issues. Cardiothoracic surgery expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these cardiothoracic surgery expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Ecmo, Cardiac Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Tavr, Thoracic Surgery, Aortic Aneurysm, Aortic Dissection, Cabg, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Lung Cancer, Adult Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular, Central Line, Critical Care, and Endocarditis.

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Alexander Marmureanu, MD

Cardiothoracic Surgeon - Faculty - Top Doctor 2024


Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease, Pulmonary Critical Care, VATS, Lung Cancer, Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Medical Devices, Hospital Administration
Current Positions: President Elect, Chief of Staff – Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Cardiothoracic Surgeon – Board Certified in Thoracic, Cardiovascular & General Surgery President & CEO – California Heart & Lung Surgery Center 2024 Top Doctors, LA Magazine & Angeleno Magazine Assistant Professor of Surgery – School of Medicine at California University of Science & Medicine Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery – Centinela Hospital Medical Center Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery – Southern California Hospital at Culver City I currently practice Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Los Angeles, CA. I am Board Certified in Cardiothoracic Surgery and General Surgery and licensed to practice in the states of California and New York. I am also an Assistant Professor of Surgery and Member of the Bylaws Committee at the School of Medicine at California University of Science and Medicine. I have a very busy practice, performing over 300 procedures per year among 6 hospitals ...

Francis Herrbold, M.D.

Cardiac and Aortic Surgery - UCF Faculty

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, coronary artery disease, carotid stenosis, lung cancer, mitral regurgitation, endocarditis, sternal wound infection, stroke, ischemia, peripheral arterial disease
20 years of experience in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery. I am Board Certified in General and Thoracic Surgery. I am well versed in complex cardiac operations including redo operations, valve surgery, aortic surgery (including aneurysm and dissections). General Thoracic experience includes thoracotomies, lobectomies, pneumonectomies, symptathectomies, decortications. Vascular experience includes carotid endarterectomy, carotid stunting, peripheral intervention, peripheral bypass, amputation, AAA repair. I have a bachelors degree in Chemistry from Marquette, a Masters in Cardiovascular Physiology, and and M.D. from the University of Florida. I graduated at the top of my General Surgery Residency class, receiving the Golden Scalpel award. My Cardiothoracic and Vascular experience as a Fellow at the University of Florida was intensive with one of the highest aortic surgery volumes in the country. My practice experience in Albany, GA was diverse as there were no V...

Andreas Plackis, MD


Little Rock, Arkansas
Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiac Surgery, ACLS Code Blue, Airway ETT LMA, Arterial Line, Central Line, Awareness, Difficult Intubation, Drug Error, ECMO, Heart Transplant, Hypotension, Hypoxia, Sedation, Nerve Block, Spinal Epidural, Preoperative, PACU, Positioning, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
BOOK A FREE LITIGATION CONSULT TO DISCUSS YOUR SURGICAL CASE: SAME-DAY RESPONSE: Text/Call: (501) 570-6687. Email: **I provide anesthesia medical expert witness services and complimentary 15-minute litigation consults to advise medical malpractice attorneys on surgical cases.** My portfolio: • Award-winning, Vanderbilt-trained, triple board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist in full-time clinical practice. • Specialty Certification in Anesthesiology (ABA), Subspecialty Certification in Adult Cardiac Anesthesiology (ABA), Certification in Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (NBE) • Robust cardiac anesthesia practice at the only heart transplant center in Arkansas. • Experienced public speaker and presenter with numerous local and national presentations. • Substantial education experience. Multiple case reports and publications. • Top 1-3%ile national ranking compared to peers in nearly every ABA licensing/tra...

Jory Adam, PA-C, MPAS, MBA

CaNPA Solutions

San Diego, California
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine - heart, lung, thoracotomy, ICU, intensive care, minimally invasive, robotic surgery, vascular, esophagus, IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump, sternotomy, sternal closure, wound infection, ECMO, extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, pulmonary catheter, wound, central line, heart rhythm
I am an experienced (nearly 15 years), detail-oriented physician assistant well versed in managing patients with cardiac, lung, vascular and esophageal disorders. I manage patients from consultation, through the operating room and intensive care, all the way to the outpatient setting, and have exclusively worked in the specialty of adult cardiovascular and thoracic surgery. Skilled as an operative first assistant, managing pre- and post-operative issues in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and hospital, I can explain what should happen if all goes well during a patient's hospital course and manage any untoward outcome. I have harvested over 1300 greater saphenous veins, first-assisted in thousands of cases, and hundreds of radial artery harvests and sternal closures. Cardiothoracic surgical cases are quite complex, with several different sub-procedures within the procedure. I can help make sense of this so that interested parties can have an accurate picture of what likely took pl...

Raymond H. Chen, MD, DPhil

Expedient Medicolegal Services

Los Angeles, California
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease - Standard of Care, Adverse Outcomes, Traumatic Injury, Personal Injury, Complications, Informed Consent, Device-Related Injury, Diagnostic Errors, Myocardial Infarctions, Medication Errors, Post-Surgical Issues, Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, Valve Surgery, Aortic Aneurysm, Infections, Angioplasty
Dr. Raymond H. Chen, MD, DPhil, is a distinguished senior cardiac surgeon with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG), where he has been serving since 2004. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Chief of the Regional Department of Cardiac Surgery. Dr. Chen earned his BA in Biochemical Sciences from Harvard University, followed by his MD from Stanford University, and a DPhil in Immunology from Oxford University. His extensive training includes a residency in General Surgery and a Residency in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, affiliated with Harvard Medical School where he served as chief resident in both specialties. Dr. Chen's clinical practice focuses on adult cardiac surgery, and he is certified by the Thoracic Surgery Board. He has performed over 3000 heart operations in the last 20 years. Throughout his career, Dr. Chen has been actively involved in clinical teaching, training medical students, physician assistants, and new cardi...

Alexander Marmureanu, MD

Cardiothoracic Surgeon - Faculty - Top Doctor 2024


Los Angeles, California
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - Cardiac Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Minimally Invasive Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease, Pulmonary Critical Care, VATS, Lung Cancer, Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery, Robotic Surgery, Medical Devices, Hospital Administration
Current Positions: President Elect, Chief of Staff – Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center Cardiothoracic Surgeon – Board Certified in Thoracic, Cardiovascular & General Surgery President & CEO – California Heart & Lung Surgery Center 2024 Top Doctors, LA Magazine & Angeleno Magazine Assistant Professor of Surgery – School of Medicine at California University of Science & Medicine Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery – Centinela Hospital Medical Center Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery – Southern California Hospital at Culver City I currently practice Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery in Los Angeles, CA. I am Board Certified in Cardiothoracic Surgery and General Surgery and licensed to practice in the states of California and New York. I am also an Assistant Professor of Surgery and Member of the Bylaws Committee at the School of Medicine at California University of Science and Medicine. I have a very busy practice, performing over 300 procedures per year among 6 hospitals ...

Robert L. Shuman, M.D.

42 years Expert Witness Experience

Coronado, California
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - CardioThoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Lung & Esophageal, VATS, HIT
He is currently retired as of February 2024. He practiced thoracic and vascular surgery for 45 years in Long Beach, CA. His boards in General Surgery were 1977-1987. His Thoracic Surgery boards are current through 2030. He has active licenses in CA, IL, UT, AZ, NC and CO. He is currently certified and has been certified as an Expert Witness in FL since 2011. He has done medical Expert work since 1983. He has reviewed over 1,700 cases. He has given 450 Depositions and testified at trial or arbitration 130 times. He has testified in 38 states. Until joining SEAK in 2025, he has never advertised. All referrals were word of mouth via attorneys. CONTACT INFORMATION: Office phone (562) 595-8646 Cell phone (562) 310-6547 email:

Keith Pelletier, PhD, MBA, MHS, CCP, LP

Healthcare Consulting Firm

Bristol, Connecticut
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical Management - Wrongful death, healthcare administration, policies, cardiovascular, surgery, perfusion
My name is Dr. Keith J. Pelletier PhD, MBA, MHS, CCP, LP. I have been working in the healthcare industry for about 15 years in both clinical and administration roles. I have developed and led educational and simulation programs to educate and train new employees and students. I was awarded the “Top 100 Healthcare Leaders” award for the work and research that I do in healthcare. I have written many articles in medical journals and contributed writing chapters for medical textbooks too. I have consulted many companies and organizations regarding a wide variety of healthcare fields, and I have also served as an Expert Witness for court cases as well. I also am an educator and have been involved in teaching for over 20 years, and I am a Professor at a university where I teach courses, develop courses, serve on dissertation committees, mentor students, and serve on the social media marketing committee. I am available to serve as a consultant or Expert Witness in such fields as healthcare...


Delray Beach, Florida
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - Vascular Trauma
RESIDENCY GENERAL SURGERY, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI (FLORIDA) FELLOWSHIP CARDIOTHORACIC SURGERY UNIV OF MIAMI US AIR FORCE MEDICAL SERVICE 1968-1970 Am. Board of Thoracic & Cardiac Surgery #3089, 3-77 original certification Professional Society Memberships: Florida Medical Association The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Palm Beach County Medical Association American Heart Association American College of Cardiology American College of Chest Physicians American College of Surgeons American College of Thoracic Surgery Cardiac, Vascular and Thoracic Trauma: During my residency in General Surgery and then fellowship in Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular surgery in Miami my clinical experience included a Level I trauma center. My practice years at Broward County General Hospital were intimately involved with Trauma in a Level I Center and in Palm Beach County at Delray Medical Center this is also a Level I center in which I have been very active in all of these in addition to usual surgic...

Francis Herrbold, M.D.

Cardiac and Aortic Surgery - UCF Faculty

Pensacola Beach, Florida
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, coronary artery disease, carotid stenosis, lung cancer, mitral regurgitation, endocarditis, sternal wound infection, stroke, ischemia, peripheral arterial disease
20 years of experience in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery. I am Board Certified in General and Thoracic Surgery. I am well versed in complex cardiac operations including redo operations, valve surgery, aortic surgery (including aneurysm and dissections). General Thoracic experience includes thoracotomies, lobectomies, pneumonectomies, symptathectomies, decortications. Vascular experience includes carotid endarterectomy, carotid stunting, peripheral intervention, peripheral bypass, amputation, AAA repair. I have a bachelors degree in Chemistry from Marquette, a Masters in Cardiovascular Physiology, and and M.D. from the University of Florida. I graduated at the top of my General Surgery Residency class, receiving the Golden Scalpel award. My Cardiothoracic and Vascular experience as a Fellow at the University of Florida was intensive with one of the highest aortic surgery volumes in the country. My practice experience in Albany, GA was diverse as there were no V...

Lauren Kane, MD

Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital

St. Petersburg, Florida
Cardiothoracic Surgery - Congenital cardiac surgery, Congenital heart surgery, Pediatric cardiac surgery, Pediatric heart surgery, Adult congenital cardiac surgery, Adult cardiac surgery, transplant heart and lung, donor organ management technology
Dr. Kane graduated cum laude from the University of Texas Arlington and received her medical degree from the University of Texas Houston School of Medicine. Completed her general surgery residency at the University of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, TX. She completed her Thoracic Surgery Residency at Emory University, Atlanta, GA. She finished her Congenital Cardiac Surgery fellowship at the University of Southern California, Children’ Hospital of Los Angeles. She is triple board certified in all of the noted specialties. Dr. Kane joined the faculty at the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio as Assistant professor and was recruited to Texas Children’s Hospital, Baylor College of Medicine. She was promoted to Associate Professor subsequently and is currently at John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital. Dr. Kane took a break from congenital cardiac clinical care to pursue an executive role in a medical device company. In 2021, Dr. Kane was recruited to TransMedics for th...

Jenna Kazil, MD, FSVS, FACS, RPVI

Chief of surgery, Vascular and General Surgeon

Bradenton, Florida
General Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Bowel obstruction, Dialysis access, Vascular surgery , Steal syndrome, Anastomosis, Delay, Stroke, Delay in care, Bleeding , Vascular specialist , Venous thrombosis
I am a community surgeon who specializes in general and vascular surgery. I have won multiple awards and have a strong community presence. I specialize in endovascular dialysis access as well as carotid surgery/stenting. I do many general surgery cases such as skin cancer, breast cancer, and hernias. I am chief of surgery at a local hospital. I pride myself on doing what is right for my patients and their families. I am easy to contact and work well with others. I have been told I am a likable and knowledgeable witness.


Tallahassee, Florida
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease - Aortic dissection, ECMO, mechanical circulatory support, ventricular assist device, TAVR (traanscatheter aortic valve replacement), CABG, surgery, shock, heart failure, aortic, mitral, tricuspid, aneurysm, cardiac, cardiothoracic, cardiovascular, heart
I am a very experienced, well published, well-versed cardiac surgeon who performs the full spectrum of cardiac surgery. My results are excellent. I have held many academic positions. I am well published in cardiac surgery, with over 80 national and international publications in the field of cardiothoracic surgery. I serve at the editorial board of the Aorta journal and I am reviewer of many prestigious cardiothoracic surgery journals. I frequently present at National and International meetings and I am asked to provide expert opinion in the field of cardiothoracic surgery.

Chigozirim N Ekeke, MD

Thoracic Surgeon-University of Michigan Faculty

Thoracic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Lung surgery, Esophagus surgery, Chest Wall Disease, Lung Transplantation, Paraesophageal hernia, Esophagus cancer, Thoracotomy pain, Lung Cancer (all stages), Robotic thoracic surgery, Extracorporeal Mechanical support, Mediastinal disease, Diaphragm disease, Thoracic Trauma, Rib injury, EGD
Dr. Ekeke is an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Section of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Michigan. He completed his collegiate and medical school degrees at the Ohio State University. He started in General Surgery and transferred to the Integrated Thoracic Surgery program at the University of Pittsburgh/UPMC. His clinical interests include all facets of general thoracic surgery including complex chest wall, airway, esophageal and lung-based disease, lung transplantation. He treats malignant and benign disease with advanced endoscopic, laparoscopic, and robotic surgical techniques. Dr. Ekeke is highly published and is a member of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. When he's not in the operating room, he's spending time with family, friends, and enjoying live sports. He's an avid reader, loves food and enjoys traveling. My why? I am committed to ensuring that the highest standard of excellence is consistently upheld and applied across all aspects of thoracic surgery, ...

Francis Herrbold, M.D.

Cardiac and Aortic Surgery - UCF Faculty

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - aortic dissection, aortic aneurysm, bicuspid aortic valve, aortic stenosis, coronary artery disease, carotid stenosis, lung cancer, mitral regurgitation, endocarditis, sternal wound infection, stroke, ischemia, peripheral arterial disease
20 years of experience in Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery. I am Board Certified in General and Thoracic Surgery. I am well versed in complex cardiac operations including redo operations, valve surgery, aortic surgery (including aneurysm and dissections). General Thoracic experience includes thoracotomies, lobectomies, pneumonectomies, symptathectomies, decortications. Vascular experience includes carotid endarterectomy, carotid stunting, peripheral intervention, peripheral bypass, amputation, AAA repair. I have a bachelors degree in Chemistry from Marquette, a Masters in Cardiovascular Physiology, and and M.D. from the University of Florida. I graduated at the top of my General Surgery Residency class, receiving the Golden Scalpel award. My Cardiothoracic and Vascular experience as a Fellow at the University of Florida was intensive with one of the highest aortic surgery volumes in the country. My practice experience in Albany, GA was diverse as there were no V...

Hannah Copeland, MD, MBA, FACS, FACC

Cardiac Surgeon, MCS/ECMO Director, Well Published

Cardiothoracic Surgery - mechanical circulatory support, ECMO, advanced heart failure, donor heart management, heart transplant, adult cardiac surgery, adult heart surgery, coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections)
Dr. Hannah Copeland graduate from the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine and completed her general surgery training at the University of California San Diego. She completed her Thoracic Surgery Residency at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. She went on to complete an advanced heart and lung transplant fellowship at Indiana University. She is board certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. She also graduated with a Master of Business Administration from University of Arizona Eller College of Management. Dr. Copeland is currently the Director of Mechanical Circulatory Support and ECMO. She has also been the surgical director of a heart transplant program and led programs to produce excellent survival outcomes. Dr. Copeland practices the full extent of adult cardiac surgery - including coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections), VAD surgery, heart transplantation and redo operations. She has publish...

Hannah Copeland, MD, MBA, FACS, FACC

Cardiac Surgeon, MCS/ECMO Director, Well Published

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Cardiothoracic Surgery - mechanical circulatory support, ECMO, advanced heart failure, donor heart management, heart transplant, adult cardiac surgery, adult heart surgery, coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections)
Dr. Hannah Copeland graduate from the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine and completed her general surgery training at the University of California San Diego. She completed her Thoracic Surgery Residency at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. She went on to complete an advanced heart and lung transplant fellowship at Indiana University. She is board certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. She also graduated with a Master of Business Administration from University of Arizona Eller College of Management. Dr. Copeland is currently the Director of Mechanical Circulatory Support and ECMO. She has also been the surgical director of a heart transplant program and led programs to produce excellent survival outcomes. Dr. Copeland practices the full extent of adult cardiac surgery - including coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections), VAD surgery, heart transplantation and redo operations. She has publish...

Christina Vassileva, MD

Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease - mitral valve repair, mitral valve replacement, mitral valve surgery, valve repair, valve replacement, transcatheter aortic valve replacement, TAVR, TAVI, coronary artery bypass, CABG, aortic aneurysm, atrial fibrillation
I completed medical school and general surgery at Johns Hopkins and subsequently finished my training in cardiothoracic surgery, cardiac track at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in 2009. Throughout my training I have received multiple awards that distinguish my scholastic achievement. I am well versed in all aspects of cardiac surgery. I have special expertise in mitral valve repair. I also have experience with transcatherter aortic valve replacement. I have been involved on a national level in a number of professional organizations, including the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) as a member of the Quality Management Task Force as one of the participants in the development of the updated risk model in cardiac surgery, on which the STS risk calculator is based. In the American College of Cardiology (ACC), I have participated in a number of initiatives on patient-centered care and shared decision-making. In addition, I am one of two surgeons nationally t...

Chigozirim N Ekeke, MD

Thoracic Surgeon-University of Michigan Faculty

Ann Arbor, Michigan
Thoracic Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Lung surgery, Esophagus surgery, Chest Wall Disease, Lung Transplantation, Paraesophageal hernia, Esophagus cancer, Thoracotomy pain, Lung Cancer (all stages), Robotic thoracic surgery, Extracorporeal Mechanical support, Mediastinal disease, Diaphragm disease, Thoracic Trauma, Rib injury, EGD
Dr. Ekeke is an Assistant Professor of Surgery in the Section of Thoracic Surgery at the University of Michigan. He completed his collegiate and medical school degrees at the Ohio State University. He started in General Surgery and transferred to the Integrated Thoracic Surgery program at the University of Pittsburgh/UPMC. His clinical interests include all facets of general thoracic surgery including complex chest wall, airway, esophageal and lung-based disease, lung transplantation. He treats malignant and benign disease with advanced endoscopic, laparoscopic, and robotic surgical techniques. Dr. Ekeke is highly published and is a member of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. When he's not in the operating room, he's spending time with family, friends, and enjoying live sports. He's an avid reader, loves food and enjoys traveling. My why? I am committed to ensuring that the highest standard of excellence is consistently upheld and applied across all aspects of thoracic surgery, ...

Patricia A Penkoske, MD

Washington University School of Medicine

St. Louis, Missouri
Critical Care Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery - pediatric cardiac surgery, pediatric critical care, trauma, burns, sepsis, shock, peripheral vascular disease, aortic aneurysms, surgical infections, surgical complications, ecmo, ventricular assist devices, transplantation, surgical ethics, pulmonary embolism, deep venous thrombosis
After completing Washington University School of Medicine, and training in general, cardiothoracic, and pediatric cardiac surgery, I embarked upon an academic career in cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and critical care. I am the author of many peer reviewed journal articles and abstracts and have presented at national and international meetings. I have participated in teaching and research in the medical school environment. My expert witness experience has been in the fields of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery, both adult and pediatric, and also in the area of critical care.

Jessica Blum, NP

Cortlandt Manor, New York
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine - Heart transplant Coordinator, lung transplant, robotic surgery, TAVR, ECMO, LVADs, CABG, Valvular disease, endocarditis, dissections, discharge Nurse practitioner, thoracic nurse practitioner, Cardiothoracic NP, Cardiothoracic Nurse practitioner
I have been an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner for 10 years, I received my Masters degree from New York University in 2008. I started my career in nursing in 2005, when I worked in a Trauma Level One emergency room in New York City. Since graduating with my masters I have predominantly worked as a Cardiothoracic ICU Nurse Practitioner. I have managed patients both in the hospital and outpatient setting, specifically as a Heart Transplant Coordinator. I am trained to manage patients throughout there hospital course, pre/post surgery and the vast complications that arise. Spending time in the intensive care unit, step-down unit, consult service and discharge planning. I am also trained in ECMO/mechanical support management and have my FCCS and ACLS certifications. I also am part time faculty at Pace University where I am developing there Acute Care NP program and adjunct clinical faculty at New York University.

Hannah Copeland, MD, MBA, FACS, FACC

Cardiac Surgeon, MCS/ECMO Director, Well Published

New York
Cardiothoracic Surgery - mechanical circulatory support, ECMO, advanced heart failure, donor heart management, heart transplant, adult cardiac surgery, adult heart surgery, coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections)
Dr. Hannah Copeland graduate from the University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine and completed her general surgery training at the University of California San Diego. She completed her Thoracic Surgery Residency at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California. She went on to complete an advanced heart and lung transplant fellowship at Indiana University. She is board certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. She also graduated with a Master of Business Administration from University of Arizona Eller College of Management. Dr. Copeland is currently the Director of Mechanical Circulatory Support and ECMO. She has also been the surgical director of a heart transplant program and led programs to produce excellent survival outcomes. Dr. Copeland practices the full extent of adult cardiac surgery - including coronary bypass surgery, valve surgery, aortic surgery (aneurysms and dissections), VAD surgery, heart transplantation and redo operations. She has publish...

Stephanie Manheim, DNP

New York, New York
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease - critical care, heart surgery, intensive care unit, lung surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, cardiovascular surgery, cardiac surgery, thoracic surgery, postoperative care, cardiovascular intensive care unit, TAVR, transfemoral aortic valve replacement, mitral clip, cardiothoracic nurse practioner
Certification in Cardiac Surgery-CSC- since 2008 I have over 20 years of clinical expertise in Cardiothoracic Surgery/Critical Care. I am an expert practitioner at my institution. I have been a clinical adjunct instructor for 5 years in the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program at Rory Meyers School of Nursing. I have a wealth of knowledge in critical care/intensive care.

Craig A Nachbauer, MD, RPVI, MBA

North Country Thoracic and Vascular

Plattsburgh, New York
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vascular Surgery - Thoracic Surgery, Wound Care, Phlebology, Non-invasive Vascular Testing, Lung Cancer
Dr. Craig Nachbauer is certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery and has practiced thoracic and vascular surgery since 1991. He is experienced in medical record review, determinations of standard of care, and deposition and testimony in medical malpractice cases. Dr. Nachbauer received his thoracic surgery residency at the Ohio State University Hospitals. After a fellowship in pediatric cardiothoracic surgery at Emory University, he completed his training as Clinical Associate in Cardiothoracic Surgery at The Cleveland Clinic. Currently, Dr. Nachbauer is in private practice, specializing in thoracic and vascular surgery. He was former medical director of the University of Vermont Health Network-Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Wound Center.


Allentown, Pennsylvania
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease - Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG), Heart valve repair/replacement, TAVR, TEVAR, MitraClip, thoracic aortic aneurysm, septal myectomy, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Impella, lung cancer surgery, chest wall surgery, empyema, aortic dissection, lead extraction, chest trauma
I am a cardiothoracic surgeon currently practicing at Lehigh Valley Health Network. I obtained my BA degree in Chemistry at the University of Chicago. After college, I then continued at the University of Chicago for medical school. I am currently the Chief of the Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery since 2017. My practice includes coronary artery bypass surgery, valve repair and replacements, aortic and aneurysm surgery, reoperations, TAVR, MitraClip, septal myectomy for HCM, ECMO, mechanical circulatory support, lead extraction, procedures for atrial fibrillation, and lung cancer surgery. I have been in practice since 2001.

Kurt A Fichtner, MD

Cardiothoracic surgery and robotic surgery.

Trenton, South Carolina
Cardiothoracic Surgery, General Surgery - Robotic Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Government and Civil Health Care, Lung Disease, Foregut, Surgical ICU, Aerospace Medicine, Esophageal Disease , Ion Robot, Aeromedical Evacuation, Mediastinal Mass, General Surgery, Team building, Chest Surgery, Critical care, Robotic program development
Experienced physician, surgeon, and educator in areas of government and civil healthcare systems. Have served DOD, Veterans Affairs, and Civil hospitals and facilities. Knowledgeable, trained, and practicing in areas of Cardiothoracic and General Surgery. Capable team builder bringing expertise necessary to lead and develop robotic surgical teams. Actively practicing robotic surgery. Experience as Chief of Staff, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Chairman of Robotic Steering Committees. Educator for medical schools and their students, as well as surgical residency and fellowship programs. Mentor and proctor in surgery and robotic surgery. Extensive experience in domestic and foreign environments, military and civilian experience working and developing individuals as well as teams. Experienced in occurrence investigation, adverse outcomes investigation, investigation of deviations from established policies and procedures in civil and government systems. Experienced in Aerospac...

David Tyler Greenfield, MD

Kingsport, Tennessee
Wound Care, Thoracic Surgery - General Thoracic Surgery, lung cancer surgery, esophageal cancer surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, Certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, Wound Care, Hyperbaric Medicine
29 years of General Thoracic Surgery practice until 7/31/2022 (lung cancer surgery, esophageal cancer surgery, general cardiothoracic surgical cases), 20 years of Cardiac Surgery practice until 12/31/2013. Certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, Ongoing Wound Care practice since 1/2013. Experienced in medicolegal review since 2008. I hold active medical licenses in the states of AL, AZ, CT, DE, KY, LA, MD, MN, MS, MT, ND, NH, NV, OK, TN, TX, VA, WA, WI. Medical expert certificate in FL. Inactive IL license.

Joseph E Tonna, MD, MS, FCCM, FACEP, FAAEM

Salt Lake City, Utah
Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) / ECLS, Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS), intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), physical therapy, ventricular assist device (LVAD), cardiothoracic surgery, ventilation
HIGHLIGHTS: --Full Time Clinically active in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care --Tenured Associate Professor at high volume referral Tertiary Academic Medical Center --NIH Funded Researcher (>100 peer reviewed journal articles) --International Leader in ECMO/Critical Care --Authored Multiple Guidelines in ECMO/Critical Care --ICU Medical Director --Section Head of Critical Care --Medical Director of ECMO --Expert Witness since 2014 --Authored multiple reports/depositions. Effective reports, honest/direct assessments, rapid turn around, repeat clients. Dr. Joseph E Tonna, MD, MS, FCCM, FACEP, FAAEM, is a clinically active attending physician with dual board certification in both Emergency Medicine and in Critical Care Medicine, and is a leading international expert in the use and management of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), cardiogenic shock, cardiac arrest, and life support, with 90+ peer reviewed publications on PubMed. He has particular expertise in emergency me...


RICHMOND, Virginia
Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Cardiac Anesthesiology, Thoracic Anesthesiology, Vascular Anesthesiology, Difficult Airway, TEE, Billing, General Anesthesiology
Dr. Ianchulev has graduated medical school from Germany and residency in the US. He completed Fellowship in Cardiovascular and Thoracic anesthesiology at Washington University Barnes-Jewish Hospital and has been since practicing with focus on cardiovascular and thoracic anesthesia. He dedicated his career on quality improvement and led many initiatives while at Tufts Medical Center. His recent appointment to Chief of Anesthesia department at the Veterans Administration hospital and Professor of Anesthesiology at VCU have paved the way for innovation and leadership toward safer and patient centered practice. Dr. Ianchulev has always put safety, knowledge and self-development for the benefit of the patient and healthcare first. He has shown excellent patient management skills and has fostered the bedside manners in the following generations. Actively involved in resident education, Dr. Ianchulev has leveraged innovation and technology to the betterment of skills and knowledge amon...
You can also find Cardiothoracic Surgery Expert Witnesses in:
Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia