Central Line Expert Witnesses
Central line expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on central line. The central line expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Medical Management, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Nurse Anesthetist, Nurse Practitioner, Pulmonary Disease, and Sleep Medicine.
Cidney Scott Hulett, MD, MPH
Critical Care Medicine
Little Rock, Arkansas
Critical Care Medicine, Pulmonary Disease
Interventional Pulmonology, mechanical ventilation, sepsis, septic shock, respiratory failure, ECMO, central line, intubation, chest tube, bronchoscopy, EBUS, lung biopsy, echocardiography, neurocritical care, rigid bronchosocpy, airway stent, tracheostomy, thoracentesis, pleural effusion, LTAC
Andreas Plackis, MD
Little Rock, Arkansas
Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery
Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiac Surgery, ACLS Code Blue, Airway ETT LMA, Arterial Line, Central Line, Awareness, Difficult Intubation, Drug Error, ECMO, Heart Transplant, Hypotension, Hypoxia, Sedation, Nerve Block, Spinal Epidural, Preoperative, PACU, Positioning, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
SAME-DAY RESPONSE: Text/Call: (501) 570-6687. Email: plackismd@gmail.com
**I provide anesthesia medical expert witness services and complimentary 15-minute litigation consults to advise medical malpractice attorneys on surgical cases.**
My portfolio:
• Award-winning, Vanderbilt-trained, triple board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist in full-time clinical practice.
• Specialty Certification in Anesthesiology (ABA), Subspecialty Certification in Adult Cardiac Anesthesiology (ABA), Certification in Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (NBE)
• Robust cardiac anesthesia practice at the only heart transplant center in Arkansas.
• Experienced public speaker and presenter with numerous local and national presentations.
• Substantial education experience. Multiple case reports and publications.
• Top 1-3%ile national ranking compared to peers in nearly every ABA licensing/tra...
Jory Adam, PA-C, MPAS, MBA
CaNPA Solutions
San Diego, California
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Critical Care Medicine
heart, lung, thoracotomy, ICU, intensive care, minimally invasive, robotic surgery, vascular, esophagus, IABP, intra-aortic balloon pump, sternotomy, sternal closure, wound infection, ECMO, extra-corporeal membrane oxygenation, pulmonary catheter, wound, central line, heart rhythm
I am an experienced (nearly 15 years), detail-oriented physician assistant well versed in managing patients with cardiac, lung, vascular and esophageal disorders. I manage patients from consultation, through the operating room and intensive care, all the way to the outpatient setting, and have exclusively worked in the specialty of adult cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.
Skilled as an operative first assistant, managing pre- and post-operative issues in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and hospital, I can explain what should happen if all goes well during a patient's hospital course and manage any untoward outcome.
I have harvested over 1300 greater saphenous veins, first-assisted in thousands of cases, and hundreds of radial artery harvests and sternal closures. Cardiothoracic surgical cases are quite complex, with several different sub-procedures within the procedure. I can help make sense of this so that interested parties can have an accurate picture of what likely took pl...
Joseph J Barrows, MD
Joseph J. Barrows, MD Inc.
Newport Beach, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management
intubation, hematoma, informed consent, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, VTE, PE, capnography, brain damage, hypoxia, paralysis, narcotics, laryngospasm, ambulatory surgical center, ASC, medication error, propofol, central line, ventilation
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice. 15+ years experience. Over 4,000 spinal surgical procedures performed. Anesthesiologist for U.S. Olympic and Red Bull athletes, the Los Angeles Kings, and U.S. Navy SEALs. Extensive teaching experience. 10+ years experience as Medical Director of an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with duties including peer review and performance enhancement. Experienced expert witness. First person in family to attend college - worked way through college working construction and bartending. Excellent verbal communication skills.
Aisha Shaheen, MD, MHA
AWS Surgical, Inc.
Rolling Hills Estates, California
Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery
Surgical Critical Care, ICU Medicine, Shock, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Cardiac arrest, Emergency airway, Intubation, Respiratory failure, COVID, Pneumonia, Pulmonary embolism (PE), Central line, Procedural complications, Infections, Tele-ICU, Medical records review
Dual board certified in General Surgery and Surgical Critical Care by the American Board of Surgery with additional certification obtained in Bariatrics Surgery. In active clinical practice focusing on Surgical Critical Care and ICU Medicine. Experienced as an ICU Medical Director as well as with quality improvement metrics and clinical optimization. I take care of general Medical and Surgical Critical Care patients in a variety of settings including academic, community, rural and tele-ICU. Able to provide objective expert opinions on medical malpractice cases. CV available upon request.
Susan M. Thibeault, DNAP, CRNA
Branford, Connecticut
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology
CRNA, hospital liability, airway, fire, aspiration, awareness, EMR/EHR Audit trails, capnography, dental, endoscopy, colonoscopy, intubation, non-OR anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), overdose, oversedation, positioning, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line
Yale-trained nurse anesthetist leader in active clinical practice. Clinical experience includes both operating room and non-operating room procedures. Head of CRNA quality and safety for Yale New Haven Hospital – a 1,500+ bed level 1 trauma center. Has reviewed numerous adverse events for deviations from standard of care. Extensive public speaking experience.
Ilan Mizrahi, MD
Harvard Faculty: Anesthesiology & Critical Care
Massachusetts General Hospital
Brookline, Massachusetts
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine
General Anesthesia, Postoperative complications, Critical Care, ICU, Difficult Airway, ACLS, Shock, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Perioperative medicine, PACU, Orthopedic anesthesia, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Airway Management, Spinal Anesthesia, Informed Consent, Central Line, Cardiac Arrest
Dr. Ilan Mizrahi is a Harvard-trained, double board-certified anesthesiologist and critical care physician, currently practicing at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Mizrahi specializes in all aspects of anesthesia care, including pre-surgical evaluation, anesthesia management during surgery, and post-surgical recovery. He is highly experienced in assessing whether the standard of care was met during anesthesia and in addressing complications that arise after surgery, whether in the recovery room, during a hospital stay, or in the ICU.
In addition to his work in the operating room, Dr. Mizrahi is a senior physician in the ICU, where he cares for critically ill patients, both surgical and medical. He provides expert insight into the standard of care for hospitalized patients, including those experiencing emergencies such as cardiac arrest, "code-blue" events, the need for CPR, or urgent intubation. He has particular expertise in "failure-to-rescue" cases, which involve delays in r...
Alan C. Heffner, MD, FCCM
Charlotte, North Carolina
Critical Care Medicine, Emergency Medicine
Critical care, Infection, Sepsis, Shock, Toxic shock, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), Hemorrhage, Cardiac arrest, Airway, Intubation, Respiratory failure, Pulmonary embolus (PE), Brain injury, Brain death, Stroke, Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), Central line, Procedure complication
Board certified adult critical care and emergency medicine physician with active clinical practice. ICU Medical Director, Co-Director of Adult Critical Care and Medical Director of ECMO Services. Professor and Faculty in the Departments of Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, and Fellow in the American Academy of Critical Care Medicine (FCCM). Extensive experience in hospital clinical leadership, quality review and improvement, and clinical care optimization. Authorship in UpToDate and leading emergency medicine and critical care journals and textbooks. Guideline writer and reviewer. Numerous teaching awards as Instructor and Speaker. Healthcare system sepsis leader and awardee of the 2015 Sepsis Heroes Award. Experience as an expert medical reviewer since 2010. Special areas of expertise: severe infection, sepsis, shock, pulmonary embolus (PE), cardiac arrest, cardiovascular emergencies, ECMO, respiratory failure, emergency airway management and intubation, and proced...
Ajay Kohli, MD, JD, FAAEM
Emergency Medicine Physician - Duke Faculty
Durham, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine
MI, heart attack, myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, cellulitis, infection, abdominal pain, chest pain, appendicitis, necrotizing fasciitis, shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, small bowel obstruction, kidney stone, airway, airway management, central line
I am currently practicing as a board-certified emergency medicine physician at Duke University Hospital, where I have worked for 9 years, as well as the Durham VA Hospital. I completed my residency training at Emory Healthcare/Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA. I am an experienced educator and have taught medical students, PA students, nursing students and resident physicians. I am a former attorney, having previously worked as a corporate lawyer at a large international firm in New York City, and currently teach various medicolegal topics. I have served as an expert reviewer for numerous medical malpractice cases.
Karen L Lefler, MSN/Ed, APRN, NNP-BC, LNC
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner/NICU RN Expert Witness
ACP Legal Nurse Consulting, LLC
Sneads Ferry, North Carolina
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Nurse Practitioner
Newborn, HIE, brain inury, Birth Injury, bowel perforation, central line, Prematurity, low birth weight, umbilical catheter, PICC, sepsis, hypoglycemia, bilirubin, resuscitation, chest tube, intubation, arterial line, body cooling, home birth, respiratory failure
39 years of experience in the field of Neonatology/Newborn Care of which the past 29 years as a Board-Certified Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, primarily functioning in the maximum level of Neonatal Intensive Care Units (Level IV). Actively working in NICU.
Areas of expertise include EPI (Extremely Premature Infant), brain injury (therapeutic hypothermia/total body cooling), infants with respiratory failure, ECMO (heart/lung bypass), congenital heart defects, high risk neonatal deliveries, meconium aspiration of the newborn, care of medically complicated infants (infants with tracheostomies and feeding tubes), pediatric cardio-thoracic surgical infants, Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN), routine newborn care and neonatal resuscitation.
Services provided:
*Review medical records and provide expert witness verbal or written report
*Identify standards of care and deviations from those standards
*Analysis of opposition expert's depositions
*Aid in the identificati...
Ernest B Foster, II, MD, PhD
Newcastle, Oklahoma
Emergency Medicine
Stroke, Sepsis, Cardiac arrest, Pulmonary embolism, fracture reduction, fracture, cardiopulmonary arrest, code, coding, neurologic deficits, CPR, ATLS, trauma, MVC, arthrocentesis, chest tube, central venous line, lumbar puncture, central line, intubation
I obtained my PhD in human physiology from Auburn University in 2008. While there I performed and published research regarding control and regulation of growth hormone and IGF-1 as well as regulation of the HPA axis. I obtained my medical degree from the University of Alabama at Birmingham in 2012 and subsequently completed Emergency Medicine residency there in 2015. I am Board Certified with the American Board of Emergency Medicine as of 2018. I have been a practicing emergency medicine attending physician since 2012. I am employed by a physician group in Norman, Oklahoma and am a member of the core faculty for the Emergency Medicine residency program affiliated with Oklahoma State University. I serve as the Research Director for the residency program. I opened a private medical spa in 2017 that I own and oversee that performs noninvasive cosmetic procedures, hormone replacement, medical weight loss, etc.
Zev N Kornfield, MD
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine
Merion Station, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine
Cardiac Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Cardiac Critical Care, Transesophageal Echo, Critical Care Anesthesiology, Surgical Critical Care, intubation, General Anesthesia, shock, difficult airway, cardiac arrest, Resucitation, heart failure, central line, pulmonary artery catheter
Dr. Kornfield is a board-certified, actively practicing Cardiac Anesthesiologist and Critical Care Physician at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center in Philadelphia.
In his roles as Medical Director of the Heart and Vascular Intensive Care Unit and Co-lead of the Cardiac Surgery Performance Improvement Initiative at a large quaternary care teaching hospital of the University of Pennsylvania he oversees quality improvement and safety metrics for patients.
Dr. Kornfield is Ivy League Educated, completing his B.S. at Columbia University and his M.D. and Anesthesia Residency training at the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Kornfield completed double fellowship training in Critical Care Medicine and Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Barnes Jewish Hospital and Washington University in St Louis. He is Triple board certified in Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine and Advanced Perioperative Echocardiography.
Dr. Kornfield is an expert...
Chad Paxson, D.O.
Signal Mountain, Tennessee
Critical Care Medicine, Sleep Medicine
sleep disorders, sleep apnea, sleepwalking, parasomnia, CPAP, INSPIRE, intubation, central line, tracheostomy, airway management, ventilator management, sepsis, COVID-19, critical care, pulmonary disease, asbestos, asthma, COPD
Board certified in pulmonary medicine, critical care, sleep medicine and internal medicine through the ABIM. Fellowship trained at Louisiana State University and have been in both private and employed practice settings since 2012. Experienced and practiced in multiple states and various practice/hospital sizes from community settings to large tertiary referral centers in large cities. Currently sit on multiple hospital leadership committees including medical executive committee, pharmacy and therapeutics committee as well as take an active role in changes effecting our sleep medicine program to include sleep lab accreditation procedures, participating in the installation of an INSPIRE program and actively teach and hold the role of supervisor for our sleep nurse practitioner for the state medical board. Have been featured in Chattanooga’s Healthscope and interviewed on local area news on topics as they pertain to sleep medicine as well. Incorporating medical expert witnessing i...