Medical Management Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of medical management expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on medical management and related issues. Medical management expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these medical management expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Medical Management, Pulmonary Embolism, Sepsis, Stroke, Trauma, Airway Management, Aortic Dissection, Hospital Administration, Myocardial Infarction, Pediatrics, Critical Care, Ectopic Pregnancy, Ems, Emtala, and Heart Attack.

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Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

Los Angeles, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Joseph J Barrows, MD

Joseph J. Barrows, MD Inc.

Newport Beach, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - intubation, hematoma, informed consent, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, VTE, PE, capnography, brain damage, hypoxia, paralysis, narcotics, laryngospasm, ambulatory surgical center, ASC, medication error, propofol, central line, ventilation
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice. 15+ years experience. Over 4,000 spinal surgical procedures performed. Anesthesiologist for U.S. Olympic and Red Bull athletes, the Los Angeles Kings, and U.S. Navy SEALs. Extensive teaching experience. 10+ years experience as Medical Director of an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with duties including peer review and performance enhancement. Experienced expert witness. First person in family to attend college - worked way through college working construction and bartending. Excellent verbal communication skills.


Hospital, Managed Care, Compliance, Safety Expert

Resolve Healthcare Consulting

Napa, California
Medical Management, Risk Management - Medical Quality, Hospital and Medical Management, Hospital Compliance, Medical Compliance, HIPAA, Grievance and Appeals, Managed Care, Joint Commission, CMS, Utilization Review, Patient Safety, Hospital Governance
Dr. Geni Bennetts is an experienced physician executive in healthcare and is a Certified Physician Executive. She has been a hospital subspecialist and Chair of that division. She has chaired hospital care management and managed care compliance. She served as a hospital risk management chair. She is a founder and principal of Resolve Healthcare Consulting. She was Vice Chair, Chair of the Asset/Liability Committee and then Chair of a Bank Board, the latter position held for 5 years. She has been an examiner for the California Department of Managed Health Care and has reviewed over 40 health plans for Quality, Utilization, Grievance and Appeals, and Access and Availability. She has consulted for a number of health plans and held positions for health plans, hospitals and IPAs as consulting interim CMOs, Medical Directors, and Advisors. For the past 14 years Dr. Bennetts has consulted in the following areas of expertise: Patient safety and hospital responsibility and compliance...

Joan D Boomsma, MD, MBA

Rancho Mirage, California
Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Corporate Negligence, Medical Staff Affairs, Credentialing/Privileging, Hospital Policies and Procedures, Medical Staff Bylaws, Quality and Patient Safety
Dr. Boomsma has had a distinguished clinical and academic career in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital followed by successful executive positions in community hospitals, medical group practices, academic medical centers and large integrated health systems. With 20 years of experience as a Chief Medical Officer, her expertise includes hospital operations, physician practice management, hospital/medical staff relations, patient safety and quality improvement, value-based care, population health and outcomes management.

Roberto Contreras II, MD, CLCP

California Life Care Planning Association

Seal Beach, California
Life Care Planning, Internal Medicine - medical billing, life care planner, hospitalist, medical devices, medical management, medical coding, legal medicine, legal nurse consulting, nurse practitioner, obstetrics and gynecology, addiction medicine, family medicine, general practice, gynecology, consultative examinations
The California Life Care Planning Association was created by experts in the field of Life Care Planning, with more than 30 years of experience working in the health care industry. All of our professionals are Certified Life Care Planners, as well as active medical practitioners dedicated to assessing lifetime cost of care for individuals with catastrophic injuries/illness. What sets us apart from many other Life Care Planning organizations and individuals is that all of our Life Care Planners have active direct experience with patient care. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and hold all of our affiliates to that same higher standard. Whether it be plaintiff, defense , or any other client, our methodology is transparent and consistent. Given the healthcare backgrounds of our founders, all Life Care Plans and services are overseen by a Physician. Similar to a hospital setting, many of our services go through "rounding" with senior partners and physicians to make sure we are keep...

Paul B Hofmann, DrPH

Hofmann Healthcare Group

Moraga, California
Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Policies and Procedures, Medical Staff Credentialing, Joint Commission Standards, Ethics, Hospital Governance, Sexual Abuse & Harassment, Healthcare Consulting
Began career at Massachusetts General Hospital after administrative residency, became a senior executive at community hospital, CEO of Stanford University Hospital & Clinics and Emory University Hospital, EVP & COO of nonprofit healthcare system, faculty appointments at Harvard, UCLA, Stanford, Emory, Seton Hall and University of California, Berkeley, co-editor of three books published by Health Administration Press and one book published by Cambridge University Press, author of over 200 articles, consultant to numerous hospitals to assist them in accelerating their clinical and financial improvement efforts, recipient of multiple awards (including Young Administrator of the Year by American College of Healthcare Executives, Award of Honor by American Hospital Association, one of eight national recipients of Albert Schweitzer Leadership Award), member of American Hospital Association's Quest for Quality Prize Committee since 2004

Carol Moreali, RN, MSN

Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Management Expert


Carmel, California
Nurse, Medical Management - Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Coordination, Assessment of Inpatient Hospital Practices, Nurse Practice, Nursing Assessment, Medical Chart Documentation and Chart Review, Medical Billing, Benefit Administration, Benefit Application, and Medical Claim Review and Appeals
Ms Moreali has enjoyed 50 years of medical experience in Nursing providing patient care covering areas in critical care, case management, education and coordination of services, medical consulting, quality and regulatory management. Expertise in chart review/ analysis and documentation. She also had over 40 years expertise in independent consulting, development of disease management programs, and with inpatient care coordination teams consisting of Hospitalists, RN, RN Case Manager, and Social Services. Working with large Integrated Healthcare Systems and singular hospital organizations.

Tracy Page

Emergency Department Nurse Expert Witness

Turn the Page Innovations LLC

Santee, California
Emergency Medicine, Nursing Administration - ESI, Overcrowding, Triage, Transfer Process, Critical Care, Discharge, Standard of Care, Against Medical Advice, EMTALA, California, Psych, Eloped, EMS, Medical management, Offload Delay, ED boarding, Out of Network, NEDOCS, Capacity Management, Policy and Procedure
I am a Doctorate-prepared Emergency Nurse. I attended National University in San Diego, California and graduated in 2011. I attended Regis University in Colorado and received a Master’s of Science in Nursing in 2014. I attended Grand Canyon University in Arizona and received a Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2020. I’ve worked in the emergency department since 2007 in the roles of emergency department technician, new graduate nurse, staff nurse, advanced clinician, charge nurse, clinical lead, assistant nurse manager, nurse manager and director. I also have certifications and experience as a Mobile Intensive Care Nurse (MICN) and Trauma Nurse (TNCC). I also have nine years of university level teaching experience at two highly esteemed universities where I was both a theory and clinical instructor for adult health and physical assessment and diagnosis for nurses.


Mark A. Smith, MD Healthcare Consulting

Palm Springs, California
Medical Management, Vascular Surgery - Physician Credentialing, Physician Peer Review, Negligent Credentialing, Negligent Peer Review, Patient Safety, Healthcare Quality, Performance Improvement, Fair/Judicial hearings, Medical Staff Affairs, Conflicts of Interest, Physician Integration and Alignment, Physician conduct
Dr. Smith is an independent senior healthcare consultant and a practicing vascular surgeon as a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. He has provided expert medical testimony in cases involving medical staff affairs, peer review and credentialing/privileging. He previously served as the Chief Medical Officer with Morrisey Associates Inc/ Morcare LLC for six years and for The Hardenbergh Group0 for 2 years.. He brings 40+ years of clinical practice and hospital management experiences to his work with physicians and hospitals across the United States. He is Board Certified in Vascular Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Healthcare Executives. He is a member of the American College of Physician Executives, the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Southern California Vascular Surgical Society. Dr. Smith has an expertise in system quality and performance improvement, peer review, ongoing and focused pro...

Sean M Serell, MD

Serell Consulting Services LLC

Fort Collins, Colorado
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, Anesthesiologist, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Spinal Blocks, Epidural Blocks, Peri-operative management, Post-operative Pain Management, Peri-operative Pain Management, Medical Director, Appropriate Patient Selection, Ambulatory Surgery, Orthopedic Anesthesia
SUMMARY OF EXPERTISE • Board-certified anesthesiologist in active clinical and educational practice for the past 17+ years. Specialty areas of focus include orthopedic and ambulatory surgery with extensive experience performing peripheral nerve blocks and managing post- operative pain. • Director of Anesthesia and peri-operative services for 10 years at a high volume orthopedic surgery and recovery center including drafting policies and procedures for assessment of appropriate patient selection for outpatient surgical services. • Founder of Secure Medication Systems LLC, a company that developed and manufactures locking prescription vials to restrict access to medications of potential abuse. Holder of multiple patents and product awards for innovation in this field. • Educator for the University of Colorado School of Medicine including medical student, resident, EMT, and physician instruction and certification. • Board governance experience over a 9 year period of service on the Nor...

Keith Pelletier, PhD, MBA, MHS, CCP, LP

Healthcare Consulting Firm

Bristol, Connecticut
Cardiothoracic Surgery, Medical Management - Wrongful death, healthcare administration, policies, cardiovascular, surgery, perfusion
My name is Dr. Keith J. Pelletier PhD, MBA, MHS, CCP, LP. I have been working in the healthcare industry for about 15 years in both clinical and administration roles. I have developed and led educational and simulation programs to educate and train new employees and students. I was awarded the “Top 100 Healthcare Leaders” award for the work and research that I do in healthcare. I have written many articles in medical journals and contributed writing chapters for medical textbooks too. I have consulted many companies and organizations regarding a wide variety of healthcare fields, and I have also served as an Expert Witness for court cases as well. I also am an educator and have been involved in teaching for over 20 years, and I am a Professor at a university where I teach courses, develop courses, serve on dissertation committees, mentor students, and serve on the social media marketing committee. I am available to serve as a consultant or Expert Witness in such fields as healthcare...


MEDCON Medical Consulting, LLC

Southbury, Connecticut
Psychiatry, Medical Management - Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Medical Quality Management (Utilization, Quality and Risk Management), National Medical and Mental Health Standards of Care, Psychiatric Disability, Medical Disease Management
1. 48 years experience in psychiatric services, standards, and systems; extensive experience in testifying under oath 2. In-depth understanding of national mental health standards of care 3. Extensive consulting experiences with governmental, non-profit, and legal organizations 4. National and state leadership in health care services 5. Led development of national medical and mental health standards for Department of Defense, Blue Cross and Blue Shield National Accounts, Institute of Medicine, NCQA, URAC, National Quality Forum, and Disease Management Association of America 6. Skilled board-certified psychiatrist who has been continuously credentialed by the U.S. Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs since 1973, is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, has several published book chapters and professional journal articles, has served on medical college faculties, is a former president of the American College of Medical Quality, and has served on ...

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Timothy Hawkins, FACHE

Experienced direct facility negligence expert

Hospital Experts

Cape Coral , Florida
Medical Management, Medical Devices - Hospital Administration, Hospital Liability, Joint Commission Standards, IRB, Medical Devices, daVinci Robot Credentialing, Operating Room, Informed Consent, Negligent Credentialing, Patient Safety, Environment of Care, Hospital Negligence, Sexual assault and abuse, Policies and procedures
Mr. Hawkins is an accomplished Hospital Executive with experience in hospital departmental operations and regional healthcare systems. He held the positions of Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice President, and Chief Operating Officer. He is Board Certified in Healthcare Administration, and a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.

Charles F Lorbeer, PhD, LCSW, LICSW, DABFC

National Child Abuse Expert - On CBS & NBC News

Jacksonville, Florida
Child Abuse, Social Work - Child custody, child abuse & neglect, suicide, medical management, social work malpractice, child protective services, mandated reporters, abuse investigations, addictions counseling, substance abuse services, foster care, adoption, academic management, guardianships
● Call me now! (904) 287-8400! I am available to assist you immediately. You will love my genuine and empathetic style. I am able to present complex cases in a manner that is easy to understand and profound in their application to your case. ● NATIONAL EXPERT- Interviewed on CBS and NBC News. See: Work in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, WV, and WI. Child removals, adoption, foster care, suicide, child abuse, sex abuse, social work malpractice, psychotherapy, guardianships, elder abuse, psychiatric management, psych hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical administration and custody related cases. ●Additional Information Dr. Lorbeer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Counselors. He has been with The UF Health Academic Medical Center for 25 years; one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in the nation, where he evaluated 1000s of psychiatric cases in the eme...

Deborah Watkins, EMHL, MSN, RN, CCM, CRRN, CLCP, MSCC

Medical-Legal Solutions

Sarasota, Florida
Life Care Planning, Medical Management - Rehabilitation, Orthopedic, Catastrophic /Complex/Chronic Disease, Developmental Disability, Adult, Pediatric, Workers Comp, Liability, Data Analysis, Medical File Review, Bill Review, Medical Cost Projections, Medicare Secondary Payer, Case Management, Disputes, Denials, Appeals, Nurse Consulting
Seasoned, results-oriented, and versatile clinician and former insurance executive; offering extensive experience in Life Care Planning, Expert Testimony, leadership and all facets of complex medical claims integrating technology, evidenced-based clinical and technical processes, quality assurance, and case management, Possesses articulate communication skills, both verbal and written. Entrepreneur/ Innovator at the Intersection of Healthcare, Insurance and Technology, InsurTech/ HealthTech REGISTERED NURSE (RN) – STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFIED REHABILITATION REGISTERED NURSE (CRRN) CERTIFIED CASE MANAGER (CCM) CERTIFIED LIFE CARE PLANNER (CLCP) MEDICARE SET ASIDE CONSULTANT CERTIFIED (MSCC) Sigma Theta Tau International Nurses Honor Society (STTI) International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals (IARP) Case Management Society of America (CMSA) Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN), Health Policy Committee Member National Association of Professional Women—2013 Profess...

W Clark Connell, MD, FACEP

Thomasville, Georgia
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - emergency medicine, trauma, ATLS, medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations, EMTALA, sepsis, stroke, heart attack, myocardial infarction, aortic dissection, policies and protocols, ectopic pregnancy, testicular torsion, seizures, burns, pediatrics, ovarian torsion, fractures, urgent care director
Board certified emergency medicine physician with over 16 years of clinical experience. Currently practicing full time in Georgia. Prior experience as an expert witness. Extensive knowledge in medical staff leadership as a medical director, chief of emergency services, medical executive committee member, hospital board member, and former chief-of-staff. Additional training in medical staff rules, regulations, and bylaws as well as EMTALA compliance. Knowledgeable in the application of hospital policies and procedures. Currently overseeing approximately 25 physicians and 20 midlevel providers at three emergency department locations and one urgent care location. Experience includes both adult and pediatric patients, emergency department and urgent care patients, and work in a designated trauma center facility.

Glenda E Flemister, MD, FACP, FCCP

Medical Health

Frankfort, Illinois
Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Medicine - Medical Management, Medical Utilization & Location of Care, Fraud & Abuse, Compliance, Medical Necessity, Medical Devices, Pharmacy Management, Genomics & Personalized Health, Insurance Reviews of Plan Benefits, Insurance Clinical Policy Reviews, Long Term Acute Care & Long Term Care
Triple Board Certified physician executive/consultant, (Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine), with vast experience in medical necessity and utilization review. Over 12 years of experience in national insurance and payer companies. Has served as Medical Director for Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, and interim CEO for Next Level Health Partners. Consultation services to companies and manufactures in various areas, (pharmacy, genomics, medical devices, medical management, utilization, etc.), regarding healthcare medical necessity, compliance and educational issues. Fraud and Abuse. Government plans: Medicare & Medicaid. Private insurers all plans: HMO, PPO, Specialty networks. Expert reviews and medical litigation support performed. Sub-specialty medical reviews in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. Current license: Illinois; New Mexico; Oklahoma; Kentucky; New Mexico ...


Wheaton, Illinois
Family Medicine - Urgent Care, Family Medicine, Family Doctor, Internal Medicine, PCP, Primary Care Physician, Preventative Health, Acute Conditions, Immediate Care, Medical Management
Board Certified Family Medicine Physician specializing in Primary Care and Urgent Care. Currently practicing as a PCP in a stand alone clinic managing preventative medicine as well as acute and chronic management of medical conditions of all types. The practice is at the 99th percentile in volume seeing about 40-45 patients per day between myself and my NP.

Taher Sobhy, MD

Thirty years Primary care expert physician

Gurnee, Illinois
General Practice, Family Medicine - Cancer Screening, Abdominal Pain, Chest Pain, Pulmonary Embolism, Preventive Medicine, Botox, Cosmetic Medicine, Medical Management, Nursing Homes, DOT Exams
Taher Sobhy, MD, is a Board Certified Family Physician, with over 30 years of clinical experience in Primary Care Medicine. He was a clinical assistant professor of family medicine at Chicago Medical School in Illinois 2007-2017. As the past president of the medical staff, he has extensive experience in Health Management. Dr. Sobhy is a Family Physician in clinical practice with more than 90% of his practice in direct patient care. Fluent in English,and Arabic, he has excellent oral and written communication skills. He has experience treating a pediatric, adult, and geriatric patient population with a wide range of conditions and presentations including: high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, infections, influenza, chest pain, pneumonia, headaches, back pain, depression, anxiety, ADHD, pain management, gynecologic issues, alcohol dependency, tobacco abuse, skin rashes, abdominal pain, cough, and sinus and ear issues. He regularly perform screening for c...

Seth P Womack, MD, FAAEM

Emergency Medicine Physician - Highly Experienced

Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway Management, Central Line Placement, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, epidural abscess, aortic dissection, Pulmonary Embolism, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, pediatric emergency, head trauma, billing, cost analysis, emergency trauma, trauma
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Active Practitioner of Emergency Medicine. Has work experience at a level 1 trauma center and its associated freestanding emergency room. Recognized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine as having expertise in pediatric, trauma, neurological, and cardiac resuscitation. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified. ATLS course instructor. Completion of The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™. Undergraduate Degree, Magna Cum Laude, in biomedical engineering. Licensed in Louisiana and Texas. Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. Experienced flight physician. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management and in bedside ultrasound procedures.

Eric J Beauvois, MD

Five Eagles Consulting, LLC

Owings Mills, Maryland
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Failure to diagnose, Failure to treat, Cancer, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Pulmonary embolism, Aortic dissection, Appendicitis, Ectopic pregnancy, Trauma, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Ischemia, Diabetes, Shock, DVT, Acute coronary syndrome, Testicular torsion, Airway management, Intracranial hemorrhage
I am residency trained and board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. I am a full-time practitioner licensed in Maryland. With 17 years of clinical practice, I am an experienced clinician and medical group president and serve as the peer review coordinator for my group. I am experienced in litigation and provide credible, understandable testimony that educates the judge and jury about the facts in a case with relation to negligence, causation, and damages. I diligently review the medical records, identify relevant issues, and provide clear, consistent, and honest analysis of the matter including angles of rebuttal of opposing expert witnesses. I have a sincere and professional demeanor, keen attention to detail, and excellent verbal and written communication skills. I am prompt and professional, understand the importance of making deadlines, and am easily accessible via cell phone. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Thomas J. Dawson, III

TD&P Consulting Inc.

Silver Spring, Maryland
Medical Management, Public Health - Health Insurance, Health Policy, Healthcare Pricing, Healthcare Delivery & Financing, Reasonable Value Analysis, Medicaid & Medicare, Affordable Care Act
Thomas (Tom) J. Dawson III, ESQ., MPH, MA is the founder and CEO of TD&P Consulting, Inc., a health policy firm focused on health reform and its impact on private and public health insurance markets. With over 23 years in healthcare policy, Mr. Dawson has served on Capitol Hill, at the Department of Labor, and with for-profits and non-profits in the private sector. Before entering the private sector, Mr. Dawson served as the Health Care Counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business. In this role, he provided guidance on healthcare reform, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement policy and commercial health insurance markets. Mr. Dawson also provided policy guidance to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) Health Care Task Force and drafted legislation relevant to the health science industry and small businesses. From 2001 to 2007, Mr. Dawson served as a pension law specialist with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration (EB...

Vera Dvorak, MD

TD&P Consulting Inc.

Silver Spring, Maryland
Medical Management, Long Term Care - Home Healthcare, Managed Care, Transitional Care Management, Medical Necessity Determination, Long-Term Care Planning, Evidence-Based Care Guidelines Expert, Patient-Centered Care Expert, Geriatric Services, Utilization Review, Medical Valuation, Infectious Disease
Vera Dvorak, MD, has broad and extensive experience in a continuum of care, with over 40 years working in diverse healthcare settings including home health services, palliative care, and hospice. She has also served as medical director in all of these areas. Dr. Dvorak has been a practicing physician, a managed care executive, a strategic member of corporate leadership, and vice president and medical director of hospital-based care coordination. She has been in charge of the appeals department in various managed care organizations; and is the founder of transitional care management for one of the largest healthcare systems in Northern Virginia. Dr. Dvorak’s focus has been on medical necessity determination, appropriate discharge disposition with defined short and long-term care needs. She has been a proponent of consistently applying evidence-based care guidelines to support clinical decision-making on a case-by-case basis and across the continuum of care to maximize the potenti...

Charlotte L. Kohler, [RN], CPA, CVA, CRCE-l, CPC, CHBC, CPCO

Kohler Healthcare Consulting, Inc.

Woodstock, Maryland
Investigation, Medical Management - Acute Care, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Medical Devices, Medical Management, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Medicine Management, Physical Medicine & Rehab, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Healthcare Compliance
Healthcare Consultant, Litigation Support, Certified Valuator, CPA [RN] Retired RN. ACS Advanced Coding Specialist -Board of Medical Specialty (BMSC) CPA Certified Public Accountant -State of Maryland CVA Certified Valuation Analyst - National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts CRCE Certified Revenue Cycle Executive -American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) CPC Certified Professional Coder -American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) CHBC Certified Healthcare Business Consultant -National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants CPCO Certified Professional Compliance Officer

Susan A Abookire, BSEE, MD, MPH

Boston, Massachusetts
Medical Management, Internal Medicine - Hospital Liability, Hospital Negligence, Hospital Administration, Peer Review, Delayed Diagnosis, Missed Diagnosis, EMTALA, Sepsis, Falls, Sexual Assault, Infection Prevention, Credentialing, Privileging, Anticoagulation, Wrong Site Surgery, Medication Error, Safe Discharge
Award winning and highly experienced patient safety physician executive. 20+ years of Hospital and Health System Administration Experience including Chief Quality Officer for 1,900 bed and 4,000 physician healthcare system. Founder and Former President of Society of Physician Quality Officers. Co-Founder and Senior Advisor: Harvard Medical School Quality and Patient Safety Fellowship. 20+ Years’ experience overseeing quality, patient safety, and developing procedures, policies, clinical guidelines and protocols. National and international teaching experience. Harvard educate and trained. Harvard Faculty. Past Vice-President, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Error. Extensive experience in developing programs for hospital quality, patient safety, and peer review and addressing issues such as Joint Commission Standards, Regulatory Quality Requirements, DNV Standards, Credentialing and Privileging, Medical Ethics, Infection Prevent...

Charles F Lorbeer, PhD, LCSW, LICSW, DABFC

National Child Abuse Expert - On CBS & NBC News

Child Abuse, Social Work - Child custody, child abuse & neglect, suicide, medical management, social work malpractice, child protective services, mandated reporters, abuse investigations, addictions counseling, substance abuse services, foster care, adoption, academic management, guardianships
● Call me now! (904) 287-8400! I am available to assist you immediately. You will love my genuine and empathetic style. I am able to present complex cases in a manner that is easy to understand and profound in their application to your case. ● NATIONAL EXPERT- Interviewed on CBS and NBC News. See: Work in Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Texas, WV, and WI. Child removals, adoption, foster care, suicide, child abuse, sex abuse, social work malpractice, psychotherapy, guardianships, elder abuse, psychiatric management, psych hospitals, assisted living facilities, medical administration and custody related cases. ●Additional Information Dr. Lorbeer is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Counselors. He has been with The UF Health Academic Medical Center for 25 years; one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in the nation, where he evaluated 1000s of psychiatric cases in the eme...

Michael J Calice, MD, FACEP

MJC Medical Consulting, PLLC

South Lyon, Michigan
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - emergency medical services, EMS, Cardiovascular Disease, Myocardial Infarction, MI, pulmonary embolism, PE, heart attack, epidural abscess, Aortic Dissection, Angina, Cardiac arrest, Airway obstruction, airway management, stroke, credentialing, overdose, sepsis, infection, head trauma
Board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician with 29+ years active clinical experience. Served as Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Trinity Health-Livonia Hospital for 17 years. Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine-Michigan State University Emergency Medicine Residency. Six Sigma Black Belt Trained-ED Operations Specialist. Former Medical Director for EMS Regional Western Wayne HEMS.

James B Robertson, MD, FACS, CPE, AME

Montana Medical Solutions, PLLC dba Gallatin Urology & Aviation Medicine

Bozeman, Montana
Urology & Urological Surgery, Medical Management - Diagnosis and treatment of kidney/bladder/prostate/ureteral cancer, sarcoma, complications of surgery, stones, bladder injury, trauma, general urology, general pediatric urology, health insurance, health policy, guidelines, credentialing & privileging, regulatory & legislative affairs
Dr. Robertson is a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology, and a licensed urologist with 30 years of clinical and surgical experience in a community setting. He is well-versed in all aspects, surgical and non-surgical, of general urology and brings the unique perspective of the community surgeon to the medical-legal arena. Dr. Robertson received a BA degree from the University of Houston and an MD degree from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He completed urology training at Vanderbilt University Hospitals and has practiced in Bozeman, MT and central Virginia since. He is a published author and has written booklets for the layman on prostate cancer and prostate brachytherapy. Dr. Robertson is a clinical instructor in the WWAMI program of the University of Washington Medical School. He is a Certified Physician Executive with the American Association for Physician Leadership and an aviation medical examiner for the FAA. He has held numerous positions in leaders...

Cheramie Thompson, MHA, BSN, RN, VWCN

Las Vegas, Nevada
Nurse, Medical Management - geriatrics, pediatrics, nursing homes, long term care, home health, home care, fall prevention, ICU, intensive care unit, psychiatric care, correctional healthcare, pressure sores & ulcers, wound care, skilled nursing facility, director of nursing, tracheostomy, hemodialysis
Award-winning nurse leader. Broadly experienced including: director of nursing at skilled nursing facility, wound care certified, pediatric homecare, director of nursing at an acute care hospital, acute care travel nurse, correctional nurse, and ICU nurse. Experience in psychiatric-geriatric care, ICU, medical-surgical, neurology, psychiatric and post-operative units.

Thomas Bojko, MD, MS, JD, FCLM

Senior executive with strong testifying experience

Hospital Experts

Port Monmouth, New Jersey
Hospital Administration, Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Negligence, Joint Commission Standards, Negligent Credentialing, Physician Contracting, Informed Consent, Standards of Care, Patient Transfer, Patient Safety, Pediatric Critical Care, Birth Injury, Hyperbilirubinemia, Sexual Assault, Negligent discharge
Thomas Bojko, MD, MS, JD, FCLM has spent over two decades in healthcare where he has held executive leadership positions in both hospital and medical administration. He is an expert in hospital operations, policies and procedures. Dr. Bojko has made many contributions to the administrative, clinical and educational aspects of healthcare and has received numerous awards and recognition for his efforts. He gained national prominence serving as a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Critical Care Executive Committee and as a member of the NACHRI (National Association of Children’s Hospitals) Board of Trustees. In addition, he has authored numerous articles, policy statements and editorials in peer-reviewed journals. He also participated in authoring the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy on Hyperbilirubinemia.

Harpreet Pall

Princeton, New Jersey
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Medical Management - Endoscopy, hepatology, nutrition, liver, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac, gastrointestinal, health systems, motility, milk protein allergy, pancreatitis, childhood digestive disease, abdominal pain, intestine, failure to thrive, gastritis, functional pain
Dr. Harpreet Pall is a board certified Pediatric Gastroenterologist. He is an award winning physician and is currently Associate Chair of Pediatrics, President-Elect of the Medical Staff, Associate Professor and Chief of Gastroenterology at St. Christopher's Hospital for Children and Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, PA. Dr. Pall has formal management and leadership training including an MBA, year-long leadership fellowship, medical management coursework at Harvard, and most recently a Dean's internship at Drexel University College of Medicine. As a highly effective physician executive versed in medical management, his expertise is in clinical program development, medical education, and academic mentorship. Dr. Pall is a collaborative team leader who encourages creative problem-solving and practices meta-leadership. He has been nationally recognized for his scholarship in clinical efficiency, patient experience, and health disparities as related to the field o...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Kelly Chen, MD

Scarsdale, New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - General Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Out of OR Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia/Nerve blocks, Airway Emergency/Management, Postoperative anesthesia care complications, Preoperative asessements, Perioperative management, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Epidural, obstructive sleep apnea, aspiration
Dr. Kelly Chen is a Board-Certified, full-time practicing Anesthesiologist. She completed her anesthesia training at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is an affiliated hospital of Harvard University. She draws her medical experience from previously working at large academic institutions to smaller community hospitals. She is currently working at an outpatient surgical center in New York. Dr. Chen has expertise in multiple aspect of anesthesia including: ambulatory procedures, general surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, obstetrics, neurosurgery, thoracic, plastic surgery, podiatry, urology, gynecology and vascular surgery. She also have extensive experience working with nurse anesthetists and residents. Dr. Chen received her undergraduate degree in Biology at Emory University. She attended medical school at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed her anesthesiology residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Chen is fully licensed to practice in New Yo...

Jeanine M Frumenti, BSN, MPA, DNP, RN

Nursing and Hospital Administration Expert Witness

Jeanine Frumenti Consulting

Bayside, New York
Nursing Administration, Medical Management - Nursing Standard of Care, Nursing & Hospital Administration, Emergency Room, Critical Care Nursing, Root Cause Analysis, Risk Management, Fall and Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Wound Care, Medication Safety, Home Healthcare, Hospital Policy, State & Federal Regulatory Compliance
Dr. Frumenti, is an experienced nurse with over 45+ years of Nursing experience, and 20+ years of Senior Leadership in Healthcare Organizations. Dr. Frumenti has held several positions as Sr. Vice-President of Nursing and Patient Care Services in Large Acute Academic University Medical Centers in the NYC area. In addition, other responsibilities included Risk / Regulatory Services. Currently, Dr. Frumenti consults in hospitals as an interim leader, provides regulatory consulting to organizations, and is an Expert Witness for medical malpractice, personal injury, civil cases, serving both plaintiff and defense attorneys. Areas of Expertise: *Nursing Standards of Care *Hospital Administration Standards *State, Federal, Joint Commission Regulatory Compliance *Wound Management, Prevention & Care *Quality and Risk Management *Fall Prevention/ Management *Nursing Contracts *Nursing Home & Home Health Care Standards of Care

Dinesh John, MD, MMM, FACP

Jamesville, New York
Hospitalist, Medical Management - hospital negligence, hospital liability, sepsis, infection, internal medicine, medication errors, pneumonia, hypertension, stroke, medical necessity, diabetes, cardiac arrest, chest pain, congestive heart failure, pulmonary embolism, PE, patient handoff, respiratory failure, pressure sores, falls
Award-winning, Board-certified hospitalist in active clinical practice. Former Chief Quality Officer and Assistant Vice-President of Quality at SUNY-Upstate University Healthcare System, with responsibility for overall quality of care and patient safety for a large healthcare organization serving over 1.8 million people in Upstate New York. Former Medical Staff President of an academic tertiary care hospital. SUNY Faculty. Experienced public speaker. Holds a Master of Medical Management (MMM) degree from Carnegie Mellon University. Certified Physician Advisor (CHCQM-PHYADV), and Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). Have taken multiple SEAK courses on expert witness practice management.

Daniel J. Lantos, MSN, RN, CNML

Expert in Nursing Practice and Standards of Care

Concord, North Carolina
Nursing Administration, Medical Management - Medication errors, patient falls, restraints, restrictive interventions, central lines, infection prevention, infection control, CLABSI, CAUTI, pressure ulcers, bedsores, informed consent, HIPAA, staffing, delegation, scope of care, sedation, endoscopy, radiology, critical care
I am a Registered Nurse leader with a Master’s Degree and professional certification in Nursing Leadership. With strong bedside and management experience in Critical Care and procedural departments, I have dedicated many years to ensuring quality and compliance in high-performing patient care areas. This includes addressing patient care issues such as patient falls, pressure ulcer prevention, physical restraints, infection prevention, and procedural sedation; regulatory issues such as HIPAA, scope of care, delegation, and informed consent; and evaluating the circumstances around adverse events such as medication errors, patient misidentification, and incorrect execution of orders. I have precepted new hires, developed onboarding programs, and been extensively involved with hiring, performance evaluations, disciplinary steps, and maintaining a Just Culture. I am comfortable and experienced with documentation audits and medical record chart review. I have been a Registered Nurse in B...

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Kevin Joseph, MD, MBA, CPE, FACHE

Healthcare Executive: Hospital CEO, CMO, CCO

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hospital Administration, Medical Management - Healthcare Administration, Safety, Quality, Reliability, Executive Leadership, Credentialing, Medical Staff, EMS, Performance Improvement, Emergency Medicine, Management, EMTALA, Peer Review
Dr. Kevin Joseph is a physician executive with experience in academic and community hospital settings as both a physician and a healthcare executive. His unique and diverse background combines operational and clinical experience with degrees in business and engineering to solve problems, develop efficient operations, and lead complex organizations. Dr. Joseph currently serves as a Market Chief Clinical Officer of one of the largest healthcare systems in the country and has served as a system Chief Medical Officer where he created the Insitute for Safety, Reliability, and Performance Improvement. For more than 15 years, he has been intimately involved in safety, quality, physician credentialing, and hospital accreditation. Previously, he served as a senior vice-president of a system responsible for the operations and clinical outcomes of its three hospitals. This was preceded by a tenure as a hospital President & CEO, where he led the executive team in driving the hospital to top...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Theo Leriotis, DO, FACEP

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Trauma, MI, Cardiac Emergency, Pulmonary Embolism, Appendiciits, Stroke, Sepsis, Airway Management, Aortic Dissection, Aortic Aneurysm, Subarachnoid, Failure to Diagnose, Standard of Care, Mass Gathering, Crowd Medicine, Event Medicine, Media Consulting
Board-certified emergency medicine physician and fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians. With 10 years of clinical experience as an emergency physician at inner city high volume/high medical acuity receiving trauma hospital as well as a community trauma emergency department. Additional experience in mass gathering medicine. Will provide a meticulous review of the matter at hand and provide clear explanations of complex medical issues. Prompt responses and timely review of all matters. I typically return messages same day.

Patricia A Maisano, RN, DHs, CCM, FAACM, PCGM, NCG, ABDA

Nationally known expert - Geriatrics

Varna LLC.

Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
Geriatrics, Guardianship/Conservatorship - Standard of Care, Elder Financial Abuse, Medical management, Elder abuse/predatory behavior, Undue Influence, Nursing home standards, Memory impairment treatment, Hospice, Responsibility as a Guardian/ Conservator, Financial Guardianship, Guardian of the Person
I have a history of more than 50 years in nursing, and more than 23 years of those years has been as an expert witness, in numerous states throughout the country. I have done every aspect of case work, between meditations, arbitration, closed hearings and hearings / trials with and without a jury. The nature of these cases has been med malpractice, standards of care (both medical and psychological), abuse of the elderly (financial and physical) and the life needs of these groups. I have done both plaintiff and defense I am also a board-certified National Guardian (NCG). I have been made guardian of person and Finance of Adults and Children for 20+ years. These cases have been very basic to very ligated, with and without family members I was on the forefront of case management development in the very early 80's and one of the first providers of advocacy for the elderly and disabled. I have been recognized as a matter expert in nursing, life care, and issues of disability. I creat...

Gina McCabe, RN, MSN, VWCN, CFPS

South Abington, Pennsylvania
Nursing Homes, Medical Management - long term care, skilled nursing facility, director of nursing, wound care, pressure sores, ulcers, fall prevention, care plans, nursing administration, infection control, nutrition, staffing, electronic health records, EHR, emergency services, intensive care unit, ICU
GinaLynne McCabe, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNRN, CNML, CPPS, RAC-CT, VWCN, has been a nurse since 1987, in both the acute and post-acute / long term environment. Her experience includes acute critical care as a floor RN and charge nurse, to trauma care nursing management, moving into emergency care as Clinical Director to hospital-wide Director of Clinical Operations / Patient Safety. She helped initiate the Stroke Program at Community Medical Center, specializing in neurological nursing. She moved into post-acute /long term care with 7 years as Director of Nursing and Clinical Operations, leading policy development and ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations. She is currently the Clinical Operations Executive / Director of Nursing for a 145-bed skilled nursing and rehab facility in Pennsylvania. Mrs. McCabe has extensive experience in working in skilled nursing facilities where she deals with pressure ulcers, wound care, and nursing home falls. She reviews cases for attorneys...

Frank L Brown, Jr, MD, MBA, FACP

HMO, Managed Care, Credentialing, Defamation


Bluffton, South Carolina
HMO, Medical Management - HMO & Managed Care, Appeals & Grievances, Hospital & Provider Creden, Privileging, Utilization/Medical Necessity, Healthcare Fraud/Abuse, Physician Contracting, Physician Defamation, Physician Sanctions, Physician Sanctions, Medical Management, Disease Management, Quality & Patient Safety, Qui Tam
AMERICLIN® MEDICAL EXPERTS (AME) is a physician-led collaborative of skilled consulting clinical expert witnesses. There are currently over 50 clinicians in the AF network who seek to provide case-winning strategies for lawyers nationwide. Upon contacting us, we provide a no-charge consultation to discuss the case. Our full suite of services includes: • Free initial phone consultations with expert clinicians • Flat fee initial case reviews • Dynamic clinical case theory analysis and development Phone: (843) 949-0927 Email: AREAS OF EXPERTISE: Accountable Care Organizations Appeals & Grievances Case Management Correctional Healthcare Defamation Disease Management Disruptive Physicians Elder Abuse Emergency Medicine Geriatrics Healthcare Fraud/Abuse HMO & Managed Care Hospital & Provider Credentialing Internal Medicine Medical Insurance Medical Necessity Patient Grievances and Appeals Patient Safety Pharmacy Pharmacology Physician Burnout Physician Cred...

Kate Wise, DNP

Mt Pleasant, South Carolina
Nurse Practitioner, Nurse - pediatrics, family medicine, inpatient, outpatient, critical care, urology, nephrology, child abuse, developmental disabilities, surgery, general practice, medical management, genetics, nutrition, obesity, pain management, radiology, physician assistant, spine surgery, pediatric urology, wounds
I am a board certified Family medicine nurse practitioner with over 16 years of experience in the nursing field. My background encompasses critical care, inpatient and outpatient nursing, family medicine, and extensive pediatric specialty experience. I have been requested as a guest speaker for both doctoral level students and various specialty conferences over the years. I am proficient in medical chart reviewing, and my work as both an RN and as a medical provider gives me a unique perspective to bring as an expert witness. My exceptional oral and written skills as well as outstanding time management serve as a significant benefit to the attorney and case at hand. I am enthusiastic to save the attorney both time and money while providing excellent expert witness services.

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Sugar Land, Texas
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Eileen M. Toloza-Larson, MD

Ingram, Texas
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Rural, Community, Level IV Trauma, Medical Director, Supervision, Quality, Utilization, Risk Managment, Operations, Staffing, Meditech, Geriatrics, Sepsis, Stroke, Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath, Abdominal Pain, Head Injury, Fracture, Assault
Dr. Toloza-Larson has been actively practicing as a residency-trained/Board-certified Emergency Medicine physician in Texas for 20+ years. Her work experience has primarily been at a community Emergency Department in central Texas with a high geriatric population. She served as Medical Director for her Emergency Department for almost 17 years and was responsible for overseeing departmental operations including HIPAA compliance, performing quality and utilization reviews, and providing leadership to staff physicians and supervision to Advanced Practice Providers. She also served as her site's Quality Director for 18+ years and continues to be involved with medical record reviews for quality assurance and process improvement. She has been retained as a medical expert in one medical malpractice case and three criminal law cases.

Seth P Womack, MD, FAAEM

Emergency Medicine Physician - Highly Experienced

Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Tyler, Texas
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway Management, Central Line Placement, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, epidural abscess, aortic dissection, Pulmonary Embolism, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, pediatric emergency, head trauma, billing, cost analysis, emergency trauma, trauma
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Active Practitioner of Emergency Medicine. Has work experience at a level 1 trauma center and its associated freestanding emergency room. Recognized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine as having expertise in pediatric, trauma, neurological, and cardiac resuscitation. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified. ATLS course instructor. Completion of The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™. Undergraduate Degree, Magna Cum Laude, in biomedical engineering. Licensed in Louisiana and Texas. Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. Experienced flight physician. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management and in bedside ultrasound procedures.

Paul Trinquero, MD, FACEP

Emergency Medicine Physician- Experienced

Riverside Regional Medical Center

Newport News, Virginia
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Emergency Medicine, Trauma, Motor Vehicle Accident, Fracture, Critical Care, Emergencies, Emergency, General Medicine, Pulmonary Embolism, Stroke, Myocardial Infarction, Ectopic Pregnancy, Sepsis, Pediatrics, Ultrasound, Evacuation, EMS, Injury, Minor emergencies, Psych
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians (FACEP). Works full time in Emergency Medicine 15+ shifts per month. Emergency Physician at Riverside Regional Medical Center, a Trauma Center and Comprehensive Stroke Center (2021-Present). Operational Medical Director for Legacy EMS. USAF Vet- Prior Medical Director for the Emergency Department at USAF Hospital Langley (2021-2023). Extensive experience with Critical Care Air Transport (CCATT) and Tactical Critical Care Evacuation Team (TCCET). Deployed as Critical Care Evacuation Physician, Special Operations Task Force North & West Africa and Lead MEDEVAC Physician and Medical Advisor for Senior Leadership Summit for Special Operations Command Africa, Flintlock Exercise, Mauritania. Educational experience as Physician Assistant Rotation Coordinator, USAF Hospital Langley (2021-Present) as well as Instructor & Evaluator: Tactical Combat Casualty...

Seth P Womack, MD, FAAEM

Emergency Medicine Physician - Highly Experienced

Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway Management, Central Line Placement, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, epidural abscess, aortic dissection, Pulmonary Embolism, Testicular Torsion, Ectopic Pregnancy, Medical Necessity, pediatric emergency, head trauma, billing, cost analysis, emergency trauma, trauma
Board Certified in Emergency Medicine by the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Clinical Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Active Practitioner of Emergency Medicine. Has work experience at a level 1 trauma center and its associated freestanding emergency room. Recognized by the American Academy of Emergency Medicine as having expertise in pediatric, trauma, neurological, and cardiac resuscitation. ATLS, ACLS, BLS, and PALS certified. ATLS course instructor. Completion of The Difficult Airway Course: Emergency™. Undergraduate Degree, Magna Cum Laude, in biomedical engineering. Licensed in Louisiana and Texas. Completed multiple SEAK expert witness training courses. Experienced flight physician. Skilled in utilization of video laryngoscopy for emergency airway management and in bedside ultrasound procedures.
You can also find Medical Management Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia