Medical Management Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of medical management expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on medical management and related issues. Medical management expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these medical management expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Hospital Administration, Hospital Governance, Hospital Policies And Procedures, Medical Billing, Medical Management, Medical Staff Affairs, Patient Safety, Addiction Medicine, Against Medical Advice, Airway Management, Ambulatory Surgery, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Anesthesiology, Asc, and Assessment Of Inpatient Hospital Practices.

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Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

Los Angeles, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Joseph J Barrows, MD

Joseph J. Barrows, MD Inc.

Newport Beach, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - intubation, hematoma, informed consent, Deep Vein Thrombosis, Pulmonary Embolism, DVT, VTE, PE, capnography, brain damage, hypoxia, paralysis, narcotics, laryngospasm, ambulatory surgical center, ASC, medication error, propofol, central line, ventilation
Board-Certified Anesthesiologist in active clinical practice. 15+ years experience. Over 4,000 spinal surgical procedures performed. Anesthesiologist for U.S. Olympic and Red Bull athletes, the Los Angeles Kings, and U.S. Navy SEALs. Extensive teaching experience. 10+ years experience as Medical Director of an Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) with duties including peer review and performance enhancement. Experienced expert witness. First person in family to attend college - worked way through college working construction and bartending. Excellent verbal communication skills.


Hospital, Managed Care, Compliance, Safety Expert

Resolve Healthcare Consulting

Napa, California
Medical Management, Risk Management - Medical Quality, Hospital and Medical Management, Hospital Compliance, Medical Compliance, HIPAA, Grievance and Appeals, Managed Care, Joint Commission, CMS, Utilization Review, Patient Safety, Hospital Governance
Dr. Geni Bennetts is an experienced physician executive in healthcare and is a Certified Physician Executive. She has been a hospital subspecialist and Chair of that division. She has chaired hospital care management and managed care compliance. She served as a hospital risk management chair. She is a founder and principal of Resolve Healthcare Consulting. She was Vice Chair, Chair of the Asset/Liability Committee and then Chair of a Bank Board, the latter position held for 5 years. She has been an examiner for the California Department of Managed Health Care and has reviewed over 40 health plans for Quality, Utilization, Grievance and Appeals, and Access and Availability. She has consulted for a number of health plans and held positions for health plans, hospitals and IPAs as consulting interim CMOs, Medical Directors, and Advisors. For the past 14 years Dr. Bennetts has consulted in the following areas of expertise: Patient safety and hospital responsibility and compliance...

Joan D Boomsma, MD, MBA

Rancho Mirage, California
Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Corporate Negligence, Medical Staff Affairs, Credentialing/Privileging, Hospital Policies and Procedures, Medical Staff Bylaws, Quality and Patient Safety
Dr. Boomsma has had a distinguished clinical and academic career in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Northwestern Memorial Hospital followed by successful executive positions in community hospitals, medical group practices, academic medical centers and large integrated health systems. With 20 years of experience as a Chief Medical Officer, her expertise includes hospital operations, physician practice management, hospital/medical staff relations, patient safety and quality improvement, value-based care, population health and outcomes management.

Roberto Contreras II, MD, CLCP

California Life Care Planning Association

Seal Beach, California
Life Care Planning, Internal Medicine - medical billing, life care planner, hospitalist, medical devices, medical management, medical coding, legal medicine, legal nurse consulting, nurse practitioner, obstetrics and gynecology, addiction medicine, family medicine, general practice, gynecology, consultative examinations
The California Life Care Planning Association was created by experts in the field of Life Care Planning, with more than 30 years of experience working in the health care industry. All of our professionals are Certified Life Care Planners, as well as active medical practitioners dedicated to assessing lifetime cost of care for individuals with catastrophic injuries/illness. What sets us apart from many other Life Care Planning organizations and individuals is that all of our Life Care Planners have active direct experience with patient care. We hold ourselves to a higher standard and hold all of our affiliates to that same higher standard. Whether it be plaintiff, defense , or any other client, our methodology is transparent and consistent. Given the healthcare backgrounds of our founders, all Life Care Plans and services are overseen by a Physician. Similar to a hospital setting, many of our services go through "rounding" with senior partners and physicians to make sure we are keep...

Paul B Hofmann, DrPH

Hofmann Healthcare Group

Moraga, California
Medical Management - Hospital Administration, Hospital Policies and Procedures, Medical Staff Credentialing, Joint Commission Standards, Ethics, Hospital Governance, Sexual Abuse & Harassment, Healthcare Consulting
Began career at Massachusetts General Hospital after administrative residency, became a senior executive at community hospital, CEO of Stanford University Hospital & Clinics and Emory University Hospital, EVP & COO of nonprofit healthcare system, faculty appointments at Harvard, UCLA, Stanford, Emory, Seton Hall and University of California, Berkeley, co-editor of three books published by Health Administration Press and one book published by Cambridge University Press, author of over 200 articles, consultant to numerous hospitals to assist them in accelerating their clinical and financial improvement efforts, recipient of multiple awards (including Young Administrator of the Year by American College of Healthcare Executives, Award of Honor by American Hospital Association, one of eight national recipients of Albert Schweitzer Leadership Award), member of American Hospital Association's Quest for Quality Prize Committee since 2004

Carol Moreali, RN, MSN

Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Management Expert


Carmel, California
Nurse, Medical Management - Inpatient and Post Hospital Care Coordination, Assessment of Inpatient Hospital Practices, Nurse Practice, Nursing Assessment, Medical Chart Documentation and Chart Review, Medical Billing, Benefit Administration, Benefit Application, and Medical Claim Review and Appeals
Ms Moreali has enjoyed 50 years of medical experience in Nursing providing patient care covering areas in critical care, case management, education and coordination of services, medical consulting, quality and regulatory management. Expertise in chart review/ analysis and documentation. She also had over 40 years expertise in independent consulting, development of disease management programs, and with inpatient care coordination teams consisting of Hospitalists, RN, RN Case Manager, and Social Services. Working with large Integrated Healthcare Systems and singular hospital organizations.

Tracy Page

Emergency Department Nurse Expert Witness

Turn the Page Innovations LLC

Santee, California
Emergency Medicine, Nursing Administration - ESI, Overcrowding, Triage, Transfer Process, Critical Care, Discharge, Standard of Care, Against Medical Advice, EMTALA, California, Psych, Eloped, EMS, Medical management, Offload Delay, ED boarding, Out of Network, NEDOCS, Capacity Management, Policy and Procedure
I am a Doctorate-prepared Emergency Nurse. I attended National University in San Diego, California and graduated in 2011. I attended Regis University in Colorado and received a Master’s of Science in Nursing in 2014. I attended Grand Canyon University in Arizona and received a Doctor of Nursing Practice in 2020. I’ve worked in the emergency department since 2007 in the roles of emergency department technician, new graduate nurse, staff nurse, advanced clinician, charge nurse, clinical lead, assistant nurse manager, nurse manager and director. I also have certifications and experience as a Mobile Intensive Care Nurse (MICN) and Trauma Nurse (TNCC). I also have nine years of university level teaching experience at two highly esteemed universities where I was both a theory and clinical instructor for adult health and physical assessment and diagnosis for nurses.


Mark A. Smith, MD Healthcare Consulting

Palm Springs, California
Medical Management, Vascular Surgery - Physician Credentialing, Physician Peer Review, Negligent Credentialing, Negligent Peer Review, Patient Safety, Healthcare Quality, Performance Improvement, Fair/Judicial hearings, Medical Staff Affairs, Conflicts of Interest, Physician Integration and Alignment, Physician conduct
Dr. Smith is an independent senior healthcare consultant and a practicing vascular surgeon as a Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California, Irvine. He has provided expert medical testimony in cases involving medical staff affairs, peer review and credentialing/privileging. He previously served as the Chief Medical Officer with Morrisey Associates Inc/ Morcare LLC for six years and for The Hardenbergh Group0 for 2 years.. He brings 40+ years of clinical practice and hospital management experiences to his work with physicians and hospitals across the United States. He is Board Certified in Vascular Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Healthcare Executives. He is a member of the American College of Physician Executives, the Society for Vascular Surgery and the Southern California Vascular Surgical Society. Dr. Smith has an expertise in system quality and performance improvement, peer review, ongoing and focused pro...
You can also find Medical Management Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia