Harvard-Trained Obstetric Anesthesiologist

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Anesthesiology and Obstetrical Anesthesiology

Keywords/Search Terms:

Acute Pain, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Neuraxial Anesthesia, Patient Safety, Quality, Ambulatory Surgery, Sedation, Airway Management, Regional Anesthesia, Out-of-OR Anesthesia (NORA), OSA, PACU, Medication Errors, OR Management, Hypoxia


MD, University of Utah School of Medicine; BS, Brigham Young University

Years in Practice:


Additional Information

Dr. Clay, a Harvard-trained board-certified Obstetric Anesthesiologist, brings over 15 years of clinical and leadership experience to the expert witness field. With a distinguished career spanning prestigious institutions, Dr. Clay has served as Chief of the Department of Anesthesia and currently serves as Medical Director of Women's Centers, demonstrating exceptional expertise in perinatal and general anesthesia clinical practice. Her influence further extends as a member of Florida’s PROMPT Advisory Committee, whose goal is to improve maternal health across the state. As a former Department Chair and Division Chief, Dr. Clay has a proven track record in healthcare leadership and management. Her extensive experience includes active participation in peer review processes, quality improvement initiatives, and medical executive committees. This comprehensive background provides a unique perspective on standard of care issues and medical-legal matters related to obstetric and general anesthesiology. Dr. Clay has medical chart review, consultation and written reporting experience. She is an experienced consultant with legal teams in assisting with the interpretation of medically related case information. Dr. Clay's academic contributions include serving as an Associate Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School and presenting at national conferences. Her commitment to advancing the field is evident through involvement in research, publications, and leadership roles in professional organizations such as the Society of Obstetric & Perinatal Anesthesia. With this wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Clay is exceptionally qualified to provide expert witness services in obstetric and general anesthesiology cases. Available for work with plaintiff or defense cases, providing analysis of standard of care and causation. Presentations: • The Importance of the TEAM Approach • The Occasional Obstetric Anesthetist’s Guide • Managing Anesthesia in the Current Age of Obesity • Perioperative Hemorrhage Management • Pain Management in Labor • Prevention & Management of Accidental Dural Puncture • Navigating the Unexpected in Obstetric Anesthesia • Understanding & Addressing Racial Bias in Healthcare