Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses in New York

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of anesthesiology expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on anesthesiology and related issues. Anesthesiology expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these anesthesiology expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Airway Management, General Anesthesia, Hypoxia, Regional Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Ambulatory Surgery, Anesthesiology, Aspiration, Epidural, Nerve Injury, Opioids, Sedation, Accreditation, Acls, and Acute Pain Management.

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Omeed Khodaparast, MD FASA

Anesthesiology - Regional anesthesia, airway management, difficult intubation, hypotension, positioning, nerve injury, recovery room, nerve blocks, hypoxia, sedation, propofol, postoperative care, code, obstructive sleep apnea, fire
Dr. Omeed Khodaparast is a distinguished, board-certified anesthesiologist in Dallas, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Khodaparast is an expert in multiple facets of general anesthesia. His proficiency extends to advanced techniques such as ultrasound regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for acute pain management, as well as propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia. In addition to his clinical devotion, Dr. Khodaparast holds pivotal leadership positions as the medical director and anesthesia chairman at a prestigious community hospital in Dallas. His influence further extends as an esteemed expert panelist for the Texas Medical Board, where he demonstrates his commitment to clinical standards and best practices. Recognized for his integrity and comprehensive knowledge, Dr. Khodaparast offers his services for both plaintiff and defense cases.

Victor L. Mandoff, MD, FASA


Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Acute Pain, Regional, Airway injuries, Difficult Airways, Critical Care, ACLS, BLS, Codes, Trauma Emergencies, Drug errors, Narcotics, Neuromuscular Blockers, Propofol Pharma, Invasive-catheters, OR fires, Simulation, Position/Nerve injuries, Sedation, Recall, Vents
I am a Board-Certified fully practicing Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Since this is a teaching hospital, training residents helps me keep up-to-date and stay current in knowledge and practice evidence-based medicine. I have over 17 years of clinical experience and have won many teaching awards like "Golden Apple Award" or "Red Sash Award" and "Educational Excellence Award" presented to me by residents, students, and the College of Medicine. Last year I became a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA). The FASA designation is the "highest acknowledgment that recognizes years of dedication to exceptional education, leadership and commitment to the specialty" as per American Society of Anesthesiologists website. I am also Critical Care Fellowship trained at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Foundation and was Critical Care Board Certified and practiced Critical Care Medicine 2006 to about 2016. UAMS provides care...

Joseph (Jay) H McIsaac, III, MD, MS, MBA, CPE, NACD.DC, FASA

McIsaac Consulting, LLC

Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - Patient Safety, Trauma, Coagulopathy, BioEngineering, Cardiovascular, Monitoring, CBRN, Airway, Disasters, Quality, Hemorrhage, Massive Transfusion, Technology, Risk and Crisis Management, Temperature and Hypothermia Reduction, Resuscitation, Non-OR Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Risk Reduction
Experienced expert witness in both plaintiff and defense work. Licensed in FL, NJ, CT, and PA. Presently a Clinical Professor at 2 medical schools: University of Connecticut and Quinnipiac University. Senior Attending Anesthesiologist at Hartford Hospital, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, and the University of Connecticut Health Center. Pediatric, cardiovascular, trauma anesthesia expert. Board Certified in Anesthesiology from the American Board of Anesthesiology (lifetime certification) and also from the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons. Masters in biomedical engineering; MBA; Certified Physician Executive; Certified Corporate Director; Author, Educator, Inventor, and Disaster preparedness expert. Able to cross multiple domains and explain complex topics in plain language to a layman. Two books, 67 chapters, articles, editorials, and other publications. A well-known speaker at national and international professional meetings. He has presented and done si...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Adam J Carinci, MD, JD, MBA

CRPS Thought Leader and Expert Witness (MD, JD)

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Rochester, New York
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, RSD, Life Care Plan, Nerve Injury, Nerve Pain, Causalgia, CRPS Type II, CRPS Type I, Opioids, Neuropathic Pain, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Disability, IME, Independent Medical Examinations, Nerve Damage, Budapest Criteria
Dr. Adam J Carinci MD, JD, MBA is a nationally recognized CRPS thought leader and leading CRPS expert witness with over a fifteen years of pain medicine experience. With his dual training as both a physician and a lawyer Dr. Carinci is a sought-after expert witness in medico-legal matters on a national stage where he combines distinct acumen and expertise at the intersection of medicine and law. He is double-board certified in both Anesthesiology and in Pain Medicine and maintains an active, full time medical practice. Dr. Carinci is Chief of Pain Management and Director of the Interventional Spine and Pain Treatment Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center and an Associate Professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. Prior to his current position, Dr. Carinci was the Director of the Pain Medicine Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Carinci trained at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Har...

Kelly Chen, MD

Scarsdale, New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - General Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Out of OR Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia/Nerve blocks, Airway Emergency/Management, Postoperative anesthesia care complications, Preoperative asessements, Perioperative management, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Epidural, obstructive sleep apnea, aspiration
Dr. Kelly Chen is a Board-Certified, full-time practicing Anesthesiologist. She completed her anesthesia training at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is an affiliated hospital of Harvard University. She draws her medical experience from previously working at large academic institutions to smaller community hospitals. She is currently working at an outpatient surgical center in New York. Dr. Chen has expertise in multiple aspect of anesthesia including: ambulatory procedures, general surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, obstetrics, neurosurgery, thoracic, plastic surgery, podiatry, urology, gynecology and vascular surgery. She also have extensive experience working with nurse anesthetists and residents. Dr. Chen received her undergraduate degree in Biology at Emory University. She attended medical school at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed her anesthesiology residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Chen is fully licensed to practice in New Yo...

Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA

Academic Clinical Research Board Certified

CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC

New York
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
KNOWLEDGE, IMPARTIALITY, OBJECTIVITY, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND ETHICAL STANDARDS CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist. A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues. 1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia. 2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification). 3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia. 4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations. 5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas; ...

Danielle B Ludwin, MD

Highly Experienced Professor of Anesthesiology

Columbia University, New York Presbyterian Hospital

New York, New York
Anesthesiology - Anesthesiology, Regional Anesthesia, Orthopedic Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Nerve Blocks, Spinals/Epidurals, Acute Pain Management, Ambulatory Surgery, Preoperative Assessment, Intraoperative and Postoperative Complications, Airway Management
Dr. Ludwin is a board certified anesthesiologist specializing in regional, orthopedic, general and ambulatory anesthesia. She is a professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and an attending anesthesiologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital.


New York, New York
Obstetrical Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology - obstetric anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, nerve block, regional anesthesia, outpatient anesthesiology, preoperative evaluation, postoperative care, general anesthesia, office based anesthesia, peripheral nerve injury, hypoxia, intubation, airway management, critical care, intensive care, monitoring
Dr. John Seitz is a New York City based anesthesiologist with over 16 years of experience as an actively practicing anesthesiologist in Manhattan. Dr Seitz received his bachelors degree at The University of Pennsylvania in Chemical Engineering with a minor in psychology. He did his anesthesiology training at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City. He continued his career in New York and has been an attending anesthesiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital for the past 15 years on the upper east side of Manhattan. Dr Seitz is known for his communication skills and ability to quickly develop a rapport with his patients. His background in engineering, physics and psychology allows him to maintain a unique perspective on perioperative anesthesia care. Dr. Seitz while at Lenox Hill was known for his clinical acumen in obstetric anesthesia, anesthesia for ENT surgery, bariatric surgery, gynecologic surgery, endoscopy, plastic surgery, and orthopedic surgery. His ability to make qui...

Anne Shapiro, DO, MAS

New York
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology - General, Main OR, Anesthesia, Spinal, Obstetric, Epidural, L&D, Neuraxial, Labor and Delivery
Dr. Shapiro is a board certified and licensed Attending Anesthesiologist with a Fellowship in High-Risk Obstetric Anesthesia.  She has been in practice for over 14 years and has placed her professional focus on Main OR Anesthesia and Labor & Delivery Anesthesia. She is sought for her opinion by Anesthesiologists, Surgeons and Obstetricians alike, as she is a realist who demonstrates good clinical judgement with a unique expertise within the field of Obstetric Anesthesia. 

Stephen A Vitkun, MD, AM, MBA, PhD

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Stony Brook, New York
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology- Clinical - Clinical Research, Institutional Review Board, IRB, Business, Administration, Anesthesia Technology, Accreditation, ACLS, BLS, Paramedic Education, Dental Anesthesia, Quality Assurance, Airway Management/Intubation, Pre-Operative Evaluation, Difficult Airway, Sedation, Opioids, Hypoxia, General Anes
Clinical Research Institutional Review Board, IRB Business, Administration Anesthesia Technology Accreditation ACLS, BLS Paramedic Education Dental Anesthesia Airway Management/Intubation Pre-Operative Evaluation Quality Assurance Difficult Airway Sedation Opioids Hypoxia General Anesthesia
You can also find Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia