Aspiration Expert Witnesses
Aspiration expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on aspiration. The aspiration expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Disease, Critical Care Medicine, Family Medicine, Geriatrics, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Legal Medicine, Long Term Care, Medical Management, Nurse Anesthetist, Nursing Homes, Pediatric Pulmonology, Pulmonary Disease, and Speech-Language Pathology.
Divya Chander, MD, PhD
D. Chander LLC
San Francisco, California
difficult airway, intubation, brain injury / brain damage, hypoxia, hypotension, residual paralysis, narcotics, oversedation, aspiration, PACU, neurosurgical anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, awareness under anesthesia, brain monitoring, ENT anesthesia, Intraoperative visual loss, drug errors
Dr. Chander is a board certified anesthesiologist and neuroscientist (PhD). She served on the Stanford Anesthesiology faculty for 8 years. At Stanford, her areas of expertise and teaching included general surgery, neurosurgical, ENT/head & neck, orthopedic, and obstetric anesthesia. She has extensive experience with propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia, +/- brain monitoring, and difficult airway. She has trained residents in the OR, on labor & delivery, and through didactic teaching. Over the past several years, Dr. Chander continues to practice anesthesia at several Bay Area hospitals (including a level 1 trauma center). Dr. Chander has also co-founded 2 companies in the healthcare space, in neuro-ICU diagnostics, and creating a platform for integration for public health data. She served on a NASA task force for COVID19, and a global pandemic resilience task force, which she co-chaired and directed. In 2020, she was appointed a Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council.
Dr. Chan...
Pejman Golpanian, MD
Beverly Hills, California
Anesthesiology, Legal Medicine
airway, difficult intubation, brain damage, low oxygen, hypoxia, hypotension, blood pressure, paralysis, narcotics, aspiration, allergic reaction, pregnancy, epidural, awareness, drug interaction, positioning, numbness, ultrasound, nerve injury, nerve block
Dr. Pejman Golpanian is a highly experienced, board-certified Anesthesiologist actively practicing in California. He currently practices and holds privileges at 40+ outpatient ambulatory surgical centers, dental offices, and multiple Hospitals in the Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, and Thousand Oaks areas. He has performed well over 15,000 successful anesthetic procedures and is highly trained in all aspects of anesthesiology including general anesthesia, dental anesthesia (with a current dental anesthesia license), regional anesthesia with ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks, neuro-axial spinal and epidural anesthesia, and sedation with monitored anesthesia care.
Dr. Golpanian is an active expert consultant for the Medical Board of California assisting investigators, prosecutors, and administrative law judges in understanding the medical aspects of a medical-legal case. He provides clinical expertise and testimony regarding the practice of medicine and can e...
Wolfgang Steudel, MD
Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Disease
Airway Management, Failed Intubation, Extubation, Aspiration, Endotracheal Tube, Laryngeal Mask, bypass, valve, Muscle Relaxants, Narcotics, Opoids, Hypoxia, Drug Effects, Heart Attack, Death, Brain Damage, Stroke, Respiratory Suppression, Ventilation, Coma
Dr. Steudel is a cardiovascular anesthesiologist with a background in lung research, and trained at Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Steudel clinically active and specialized in cardiovascular anesthesia and difficult airway management, and will provide expert opinion and testimony on those, and other, anesthesia-related topics.
Dr. Steudel is board-certified by the American Board of Anesthesiologists, and he was a long-standing member of the Editorial Board of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Steudel is clinically active and he is licensed to practice Medicine in the states of California, Illinois, New York and Tennessee, as well as in Germany.
Susan M. Thibeault, DNAP, CRNA
Branford, Connecticut
Nurse Anesthetist, Anesthesiology
CRNA, hospital liability, airway, fire, aspiration, awareness, EMR/EHR Audit trails, capnography, dental, endoscopy, colonoscopy, intubation, non-OR anesthesia, monitored anesthesia care (MAC), overdose, oversedation, positioning, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line
Yale-trained nurse anesthetist leader in active clinical practice. Clinical experience includes both operating room and non-operating room procedures. Head of CRNA quality and safety for Yale New Haven Hospital – a 1,500+ bed level 1 trauma center. Has reviewed numerous adverse events for deviations from standard of care. Extensive public speaking experience.
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Curtis J Coley II, MD, MHA, FCCP
Atlanta, Georgia
Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine
Sepsis, Shock, Pulmonary Embolus, Hemorrhage, ARDS, COVID-19, Asthma, COPD, Occupational Exposure, Airway Management, Hypercarbia, Hypoxia, Intubation, EMR, AI, Process Improvement, Healthcare Disparities, RCA, Aspiration, Code Blue
I have maintained Board Certification in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, and have been in practice for more than 19 years. I have been involved with Medical Legal Review for over a decade. I have worked in multiple health systems across the country, and understand the impact of subtle regional differences in practice. I have held numerous leadership positions at the local and at the system level. In addition to participation on many Medical Executive Committees, I have served as the Medical Director of Critical Care Medicine at two facilities (Piedmont Atlanta and Piedmont Fayette), served as Chairman of Internal Medicine (Piedmont Atlanta) and I served as the Chairman of the Sepsis Taskforce for Piedmont Healthcare. I have vast experience with Key Performance Indicators/Quality Metrics related to Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. I have a deep understanding of Electronic Medical Records, and how the providers interface with them.
Gregg E Davis, MD, MBA
Nursing Home Physican Expert - 30 years
Gregg Davis MD MBA Ltd.
Princeton, Illinois
Family Medicine, Nursing Homes
Nursing home falls, nursing home death, nursing home abuse, nursing home decubitus ulcers, pneumonia, nursing home fractures, skin ulcers, sepsis, pressure ulcers, aspiration, geriatrics, dehydration, dementia, cellulitis, office practice, hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, urinary infection
I am a practicing, board-certified family physician with thirty-nine years of clinical experience caring for patients in offices, hospitals, emergency rooms, and nursing homes. My experience includes serving thirty years as the medical director at three skilled care and one assisted care nursing facility. I have provided direct care to thousands of patients at five skilled care facilities and one assisted care nursing faculty. Additionally, I have had more than 150,000 out-patient and 50,000 inpatient encounters. I can provide expert consultation if your firm needs an experienced family physician to review a case, give a certificate of merit, and testify. In addition, I provide service to plaintiff firms, defense firms, and insurance companies.
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Justin Black, MD
Silver Spring, Maryland
General anesthesia, Regional anesthesia, Airway management, Difficult airway, Nerve block / injury, Opiate, Acute pain, Recovery room, Awareness, Ultrasound, Aspiration, Blood pressure, Monitored Anesthesia Care - MA, Conscious sedation, Epidural, Spinal, Obstetric anesthesia, Death, Pregnancy, CPR
Dr. Justin Black is a board-certified, award-winning anesthesiologist working full-time in active clinical practice throughout Maryland and Washington, D.C. With greater than 15 years of clinical experience, Dr. Black is an expert in many areas of general anesthesia. His expertise includes advanced techniques such as ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for operative and post-operative acute pain control. He has extensive experience with solo practice and medical direction, supervising certified registered nurse anesthetists. In addition to his clinical commitment, Dr. Black has effectively performed in critical leadership positions, including successfully serving as interim chairman of the Department of Anesthesia at a renowned community hospital in Baltimore, MD throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Experienced as a public speaker, he can clearly and effectively articulate his analysis and findings of compliance or deviation from standard of care an...
Karen M Sheffler, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S
Speech-Language Pathologist / Dysphagia & Choking
SwallowStudy & Associates, LLC;
Boston, Massachusetts
Speech-Language Pathology, Geriatrics
swallowing, swallowing disorders, dysphagia, oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, oropharyngeal dysphagia, vocal cords, vocal folds, larynx, aspiration, aspiration pneumonia, aspiration precautions, safety, stroke, choke, choking, asphyxiation, hypoxia, anoxia
I am a medical Speech-Language Pathologist and a Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders/Dysphagia (BCS-S). I achieved this BCS-S specialty certification in 2012. I have been a certified, licensed and practicing SLP since 1996, with licensure in Massachusetts from 1998 to current. I have enjoyed working as a dysphagia expert witness in litigation since 2016. I have reviewed over 55 cases, equally covering defendants and plaintiffs. I started SwallowStudy & Associates, LLC in January 2024 and now have an associate who is also a board certified specialist in swallowing and swallowing disorders: George Barnes, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S. Please see his listing as well. We both take cases nationally.
I have worked with the adult and geriatric populations, specializing in dysphagia evaluation and management in long-term care, rehabilitation centers, and acute care with inpatients and outpatients. I have also been invited to nursing conferences to speak for nursing and ...
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Speech-Language Pathologist / Dysphagia & Choking
SwallowStudy & Associates, LLC
Maplewood, New Jersey
Speech-Language Pathology, Nursing Homes
swallowing, swallowing disorder, dysphagia, aspiration, pneumonia, choking, asphyxiation, medically complex, frail, elderly, geriatric, physical medicine, rehabilitation, skilled nursing, slp, medical complexity, oral, pharyngeal, esophageal, choke
George Barnes, MS, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, has been a certified speech-language pathologist (SLP) with his Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language & Hearing Association (ASHA) since 2013 after completing his Clinical Fellowship Year in 2012-2013. He obtained his Board Certification as a Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (BCS-S) from the American Board of Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (AB-SSD) in 2022. He has earned 7 ASHA ACE awards for far exceeding the required hours for continuing education through presenting and attending conferences/webinars.
George is the founder/CEO of an SLP company that provides mobile endoscopic swallowing tests in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. He specializes in dysphagia evaluation and management in various clinical settings, collaborating with a team of medical professionals to provide comprehensive care for people with dysphagia and their caregivers.
George authors research-based articles via ASHA a...
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
New Jersey
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
New Mexico
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Mark R Caryl, DO
Hospitalist- Internal Medicine Expert
Syracuse, New York
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine
IME experience, medication overdose, sepsis, aspiration, diabetic ketoacidosis, polypharmacy, decubitus ulcers, respiratory failure, renal failure, pancreatitis, catheter associated UTI, central line associated blood stream infection, stroke, congestive heart failure, Post-COVID conditions
Board certified, internal medicine trained hospitalist. I have worked for 13 years as a full-time hospitalist in a comprehensive stroke center which is affiliated with a University Hospital. I have experience as an expert medical witness and have provided deposition as an expert witness in the past. Other experiences I have that may be pertinent to legal cases include performing independent medical examinations and peer reviews. I participate in activities with the American College of Physicians and the Society of Hospital Medicine. Attorney recommendations available upon request.
Kelly Chen, MD
Scarsdale, New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management
General Anesthesia, Ambulatory Anesthesia, Out of OR Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia/Nerve blocks, Airway Emergency/Management, Postoperative anesthesia care complications, Preoperative asessements, Perioperative management, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Epidural, obstructive sleep apnea, aspiration
Dr. Kelly Chen is a Board-Certified, full-time practicing Anesthesiologist. She completed her anesthesia training at Massachusetts General Hospital, which is an affiliated hospital of Harvard University. She draws her medical experience from previously working at large academic institutions to smaller community hospitals. She is currently working at an outpatient surgical center in New York.
Dr. Chen has expertise in multiple aspect of anesthesia including: ambulatory procedures, general surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, obstetrics, neurosurgery, thoracic, plastic surgery, podiatry, urology, gynecology and vascular surgery. She also have extensive experience working with nurse anesthetists and residents.
Dr. Chen received her undergraduate degree in Biology at Emory University. She attended medical school at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She completed her anesthesiology residency at Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Chen is fully licensed to practice in New Yo...
Robert W. Irwin, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care Services
Troy, New York
Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine
Pulmonary, respiratory therapy, critical care, Intensive care, Sleep medicine, Lung cancer diagnosis, Pulmonary embolism, Pneumonia, sepsis, Aspiration
Over 60 testimonies- trial and depositions. All aspects of pulmonary and critical care medicine. Both plaintiff and defense. 5 federal case testimonies.
Clinical experience - Pulmonary and Critical Care Services providing in patient and out patient diagnosis and care in Albany, Troy and Saratoga NY.
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
New York
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Erik B Hysinger, MD MSCE
Cincinnati, Ohio
Pediatric Pulmonology
asthma, pneumonia, premature lung disease, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, chronic lung disease, hypoxemia, hypercarbia, tracheostomy, mechanical ventilation, tracheomalacia, bronchomalacia, pulmonary hemorrhage, hemoptysis, laryngomalacia, subglottic stenosis, aspiration, bronchoscopy
Dr. Hysinger is a board certified Pediatrician and Pediatric Pulmonologist and Associate Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Pulmonary Medicine at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (ranked #2 by US News) with more than 10 years of clinical experience in Pediatrics. He completed his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with a triple major in chemistry, math and biology. He remained at Vanderbilt for medical school and Pediatrics training. Following residency, Dr. Hysinger completed his Pediatric Pulmonology training at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia where he also obtained a Master's of Clinical Epidemiology from the University of Pennsylvania.
Dr. Hysinger joined the faculty at Cincinnati Children's Hospital in 2016 where he founded and serves as the Co-Director of the Cincinnati Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Center. While he has expertise in a general pulmonology such as asthma, pneumonia, bronchopulmonary dyspl...
Shuja Hassan, MD
Nursing Home and Medical Care of Elderly expert
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
Geriatrics, Long Term Care
nursing homes, assisted living, falls, fractures, pressure ulcers, bed sores, wound care, dehydration, delirium, pneumonia, sepsis, aspiration, functional decline, neglect, dementia, infection, elder abuse, urinary tract infection, UTI, restraints
Award-winning geriatrician in active clinical practice. Fellowship trained. Sees patients in the office, hospital, and nursing home. 25 years of nursing home experience. Extensive teaching experience. Pitt faculty. Former President of Pennsylvania Geriatrics Society -Western Division.
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
Doylestown, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Wolfgang Steudel, MD
Cookeville, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Disease
Airway Management, Failed Intubation, Extubation, Aspiration, Endotracheal Tube, Laryngeal Mask, bypass, valve, Muscle Relaxants, Narcotics, Opoids, Hypoxia, Drug Effects, Heart Attack, Death, Brain Damage, Stroke, Respiratory Suppression, Ventilation, Coma
Dr. Steudel is a cardiovascular anesthesiologist with a background in lung research, and trained at Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Steudel clinically active and specialized in cardiovascular anesthesia and difficult airway management, and will provide expert opinion and testimony on those, and other, anesthesia-related topics.
Dr. Steudel is board-certified by the American Board of Anesthesiologists, and he was a long-standing member of the Editorial Board of the Society of Critical Care Medicine. Dr. Steudel is clinically active and he is licensed to practice Medicine in the states of California, Illinois, New York and Tennessee, as well as in Germany.
Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA
Academic Clinical Research Board Certified
CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist.
A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues.
1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia.
2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification).
3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia.
4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations.
5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas;
Speech-Language Pathology
Casey Lewis is a medical Speech-Language Pathologist, Board Certified Specialist- Swallowing & Swallowing Disorders, Certified Neonatal Therapist, Certified Lactation Counselor, & Endoscopist. She owns and operates TexScope LLC, a Texas based mobile swallowing diagnostic company that specializes in Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing. TexScope partners with critical access hospitals, acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities and private practices, serving as their swallowing diagnostic expert. TexScope is the first mobile swallow study company in Texas that is operated by a Board Certified Specialist in Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders.
She is a respected expert in the field of Speech-Language Pathology and specializes in swallowing disorders across the lifespan. She is an active expert witness and is a sought-out speaker and educator both in the US and across the world. She is the creator of NICU Oral Feeding Algorithm, which...
Kristine Carlson
Charlottesville, Virginia
Speech-Language Pathology
dysphagia, aphasia, cognitive-linguistic deficits, swallowing, swallowing disorders, stroke, aspiration, aspiration pneumonia, choking, swallow strategies, aspiration precautions
I am an ASHA-certified and Virginia-licensed medical Speech-Language Pathologist currently working in the acute care setting at University of Virginia with 20 years of experience. Over the course of my career, I have also worked in the skilled nursing, sub-acute, long-term acute care, acute rehab, and outpatient settings w/ adults 18+ with primary focus on dysphagia, aphasia, cognitive-linguistic disorders, and dysarthria.
Please see my CV for further details about my career.
Michael S Schechter, MD, MPH
Children Hospital of Richmond at Virginia Commonwealth University
Midlothian, Virginia
Pediatric Pulmonology
Cystic Fibrosis, asthma, respiratory failure, pneumonia, empyema, hemoptysis, ventilator, airway obstruction, bronchomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hypoxemia, aspiration, tracheostomy, interstitial lung disease, respiratory arrest, bronchiectasis, obstructive sleep apnea, ciliary dyskinesia
Professor of Pediatrics and Chief of the Division of Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine and Sleep, Children's Hospital of Richmond (CHOR) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU); Director of the VCU Cystic Fibrosis Center; Director of the CHOR Community Asthma Program; Past Chair of the Section of Pediatric Pulmonology of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); Associate Editor, AAP Handbook on Pediatric Pulmonology; Past Chair of the Pediatric Program Committee of the American Thoracic Society.
Active Clinical Researcher with over 100 publications
Knowledgeable in all kinds of neonatal and pediatric respiratory disease.
Previous experience in general pediatrics
John Caputo, CRNA, MHS, BSN
J & L Anesthesia Services
Bridgeport, West Virginia
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist
CRNA, anesthesia, airway management, post anesthesia care unit, PACU, central line placement, needle placement, tube placement, falls, IV infiltration, awareness, epidurals, sp drug effects, hypoxia, propofol, intubation, extubation, aspiration, airway trauma, surgical positioning
CRNA leader. Clinical experience includes anesthesia techniques consisting of: inhalation, total IV anesthesia and balanced techniques (adult and pediatric), epidural & spinal anesthesia as well as peripheral nerve blocks for acute post-op pain. Proficient in OB, Pediatric, Cardiac, Orthopedic, General Surgery, Endoscopy, Neurosurgery, Dental, Off-site (CT, MRI and Cath Lab) and Office Based Anesthesia. Adept with a wide range of practice settings including rural critical access hospitals, office-based anesthesia, medium sized hospitals, large hospitals, and university practices.
Extensive experience with chart review / auditing for quality assurance and adverse outcomes. History of presenting lectures on topics ranging from complications of epidural anesthesia, malignant hyperthermia to quality assurance / quality improvement.
Currently a clinical preceptor for Excela Health School of Anesthesia for Nurses and the West Virginia University School of Nursing DNP Nurse Anesthesia ...