Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses in Texas

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of anesthesiology expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on anesthesiology and related issues. Anesthesiology expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these anesthesiology expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Nerve Blocks, Nerve Injury, Airway Management, Crps, Regional Anesthesia, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome , Epidural, Epidural Injections, Epidurals, Fire, General Anesthesia, Hypoxia, Interventional Pain Management, and Neck Pain.

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Omeed Khodaparast, MD FASA

Anesthesiology - Regional anesthesia, airway management, difficult intubation, hypotension, positioning, nerve injury, recovery room, nerve blocks, hypoxia, sedation, propofol, postoperative care, code, obstructive sleep apnea, fire
Dr. Omeed Khodaparast is a distinguished, board-certified anesthesiologist in Dallas, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Khodaparast is an expert in multiple facets of general anesthesia. His proficiency extends to advanced techniques such as ultrasound regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for acute pain management, as well as propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia. In addition to his clinical devotion, Dr. Khodaparast holds pivotal leadership positions as the medical director and anesthesia chairman at a prestigious community hospital in Dallas. His influence further extends as an esteemed expert panelist for the Texas Medical Board, where he demonstrates his commitment to clinical standards and best practices. Recognized for his integrity and comprehensive knowledge, Dr. Khodaparast offers his services for both plaintiff and defense cases.

Victor L. Mandoff, MD, FASA


Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Acute Pain, Regional, Airway injuries, Difficult Airways, Critical Care, ACLS, BLS, Codes, Trauma Emergencies, Drug errors, Narcotics, Neuromuscular Blockers, Propofol Pharma, Invasive-catheters, OR fires, Simulation, Position/Nerve injuries, Sedation, Recall, Vents
I am a Board-Certified fully practicing Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Since this is a teaching hospital, training residents helps me keep up-to-date and stay current in knowledge and practice evidence-based medicine. I have over 17 years of clinical experience and have won many teaching awards like "Golden Apple Award" or "Red Sash Award" and "Educational Excellence Award" presented to me by residents, students, and the College of Medicine. Last year I became a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA). The FASA designation is the "highest acknowledgment that recognizes years of dedication to exceptional education, leadership and commitment to the specialty" as per American Society of Anesthesiologists website. I am also Critical Care Fellowship trained at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Foundation and was Critical Care Board Certified and practiced Critical Care Medicine 2006 to about 2016. UAMS provides care...

Joseph (Jay) H McIsaac, III, MD, MS, MBA, CPE, NACD.DC, FASA

McIsaac Consulting, LLC

Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - Patient Safety, Trauma, Coagulopathy, BioEngineering, Cardiovascular, Monitoring, CBRN, Airway, Disasters, Quality, Hemorrhage, Massive Transfusion, Technology, Risk and Crisis Management, Temperature and Hypothermia Reduction, Resuscitation, Non-OR Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Risk Reduction
Experienced expert witness in both plaintiff and defense work. Licensed in FL, NJ, CT, and PA. Presently a Clinical Professor at 2 medical schools: University of Connecticut and Quinnipiac University. Senior Attending Anesthesiologist at Hartford Hospital, Connecticut Children's Medical Center, and the University of Connecticut Health Center. Pediatric, cardiovascular, trauma anesthesia expert. Board Certified in Anesthesiology from the American Board of Anesthesiology (lifetime certification) and also from the National Board of Physicians and Surgeons. Masters in biomedical engineering; MBA; Certified Physician Executive; Certified Corporate Director; Author, Educator, Inventor, and Disaster preparedness expert. Able to cross multiple domains and explain complex topics in plain language to a layman. Two books, 67 chapters, articles, editorials, and other publications. A well-known speaker at national and international professional meetings. He has presented and done si...

Adam C Adler, MD, MS, FAAP, FASE

Texas Children’s Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine

Houston , Texas
Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - Pediatric anesthesiology, pediatric cardiovascular anesthesiology, Ambulatory anesthesiology, regional anesthesiology, difficult airway management, airway management, pediatric cardiac anesthesia, liver transplantation, renal transplantation, neonatal anesthesiology
I am an Associate Professor of Anesthesiology at Baylor College of Medicine and practicing clinically at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston, Texas, In addition to my clinical practice, I have authored more than 100 peer reviewed publications and serve as a reviewer and editorial staff for some of the top anesthesiology journals. I have extensive experience in reviewing cases as well as providing depositions and testimony.

Adam J Carinci, MD, JD, MBA

CRPS Thought Leader and Expert Witness (MD, JD)

University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, RSD, Life Care Plan, Nerve Injury, Nerve Pain, Causalgia, CRPS Type II, CRPS Type I, Opioids, Neuropathic Pain, Spinal Cord Stimulation, Disability, IME, Independent Medical Examinations, Nerve Damage, Budapest Criteria
Dr. Adam J Carinci MD, JD, MBA is a nationally recognized CRPS thought leader and leading CRPS expert witness with over a fifteen years of pain medicine experience. With his dual training as both a physician and a lawyer Dr. Carinci is a sought-after expert witness in medico-legal matters on a national stage where he combines distinct acumen and expertise at the intersection of medicine and law. He is double-board certified in both Anesthesiology and in Pain Medicine and maintains an active, full time medical practice. Dr. Carinci is Chief of Pain Management and Director of the Interventional Spine and Pain Treatment Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center and an Associate Professor at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. Prior to his current position, Dr. Carinci was the Director of the Pain Medicine Center at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Instructor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Carinci trained at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Har...

Simon Dardashti, MD, MS

Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Pain Expert

Expert Medical Services LLC

Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Pain Management, Breach of Care, Motor Vehicle Accident, Medical Malpractice, Epidurals, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Spinal Cord Stimulator, Personal Injury, Paralysis, Spinal injury, Opiates, Nerve Injury, Slip Trip Fall, Facet Injection, Radiofrequency, Tort Law, Back & Neck Pain
Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Case Reviews for Plaintiff & Defense Attorneys. Fast communication and timely report turnaround. Board Certified & in Active Practice. With extensive experience in medical record review (MRR), assessment of merit for medical malpractice cases, depositions, and trial testimony. I specialize in reviewing cases to establish causation of injuries, determine future medical care, appropriateness and BREACH of care, and draft disclosure statements and medical necessity determinations. My medical areas of expertise encompass a wide range of conditions and treatments, including: Complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic dystrophy (CRPS/RSD), motor vehicle accidents, spinal cord stimulation (SCS), spinal injury, epidurals, whiplash, disability, neck and back pain, spinal cord injury, sciatica, nerve blocks, radiculopathy neuropathy, spondylosis, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, non-surgical orthopedic care, opioid and non-opioid medication managem...

Mark Ettinger, MD

Anesthesiologist- Very Experienced Expert Witness

Dallas, Texas
Anesthesiology - Regional Anesthesia, General anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, critical care, anesthesiology, epidural anesthesia, nerve blocks, spinal anesthesia
I am a board-certified anesthesiologist and senior partner in a large anestheesia practice in Dallas, Texas. I have vast experience as a medical expert witness, having reviewed over 150 cases, many of which have advanced to both the deposition and trail phases. I currently serve as the Vice-Chair of the Anesthesia Department at a large, Level 2 trauma hospital in Dallas. I perform over 1200 anesthetics per year and am experienced in all types of anesthesia. I am the primary anesthesiologist for the team physicians for both the Texas Rangers and the Dallas Stars. In this role, I am charged with routinely performing regional anesthesia and commonly am the treating anesthesiologist for high-level professional athletes. I am also the Chair of both the medical ethics and peer review committees at my hospital, and therefore have extensive experience evaluating the practice of other physicians and dealing with complex medical ethics issues. I also serve as the director of our Preoperative ...

Michelle M. Gaines, CRNA

CRNA Standards Expert

Gaines Medical Consulting

Austin, Texas
Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, CRNA, Anesthetist
Michelle Gaines, owner of Gaines Medical Consulting, provides expert consultation in reviewing medical records and testifying expert services in anesthesia-related cases. She is a practicing certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA)> She started her career as an ICU nurse in a thirty-two-bed medical/surgical ICU. Within two years of beginning her career, she obtained her certification in critical care nursing (CCRN) and had preceptor and charge nurse duties. She attended graduate school at the University of Kansas where she obtained her Master of Science in Nurse Anesthesia. She presented her thesis, Narcotic Sparing Effects of Ketorolac in Cesarean Patients, at the annual national meeting of the AANA that year. Michelle started her career with an anesthesia group in central Texas. At that time she also taught paramedics at the associate degree level at Blinn College in Bryan, Texas. She also taught Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) to healthcare practitioners. During her...

G. Matthew Garcia, DO

Detail Oriented Private Practice Anesthesiologist

Lucas, Texas
Anesthesiology - Medical Expert, Detail Oriented, Defense, Prosecution, Standard of Care

Robert Groysman, MD

Southwest Pain Management, PLLC

Irving, Texas
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - epidurals, facet joint blocks, intubation, nerve blocks, fluoroscopy, ultrasound
I am a diplomate of the American Board of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine. I do an impartial review of the medical records and imaging for anyone injured after an interventional procedure or anesthesia. I am an expert in standard of care for both interventional pain procedures as well as anesthesia. Prompt delivery of reports.

Omeed Khodaparast, MD FASA

Dallas, Texas
Anesthesiology - Regional anesthesia, airway management, difficult intubation, hypotension, positioning, nerve injury, recovery room, nerve blocks, hypoxia, sedation, propofol, postoperative care, code, obstructive sleep apnea, fire
Dr. Omeed Khodaparast is a distinguished, board-certified anesthesiologist in Dallas, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Khodaparast is an expert in multiple facets of general anesthesia. His proficiency extends to advanced techniques such as ultrasound regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for acute pain management, as well as propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia. In addition to his clinical devotion, Dr. Khodaparast holds pivotal leadership positions as the medical director and anesthesia chairman at a prestigious community hospital in Dallas. His influence further extends as an esteemed expert panelist for the Texas Medical Board, where he demonstrates his commitment to clinical standards and best practices. Recognized for his integrity and comprehensive knowledge, Dr. Khodaparast offers his services for both plaintiff and defense cases.

Jill M Krystofinski Mantell, DNAPc, CRNA

Academic Clinical Research Board Certified

CRNA Expert Consultation Services LLC

Anesthesiology, Nurse Anesthetist - Anesthesia Awareness, Aspiration, Bariatric Surgery, Burn Surgery, Fire, Forensic Timeline Analysis, Gender Affirming Surgery, Hypoxia, Insider Knowledge, Lasers, Medical Direction/Supervision, Overdose, Pre & Post Surgery, Positioning Injury, Robotic Surgery, Transplant Surgery, Urologic Surgery
KNOWLEDGE, IMPARTIALITY, OBJECTIVITY, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION AND ETHICAL STANDARDS CRNA Expert Consultation Services is a consulting and testifying expert witness service specializing in the standards of care of the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA)/Nurse Anesthesiologist. A graduate level education with forty one years of healthcare experience allows the expert to explain the issues and facts relevant to your case and through testimony assist the court with understanding complex technical or scientific issues. 1) 23 years as a board-certified CRNA active in all anesthesia areas, specializing in burn anesthesia. 2) 19 years of intensive care unit (ICU) critical care RN experience (CCRN certification). 3) Adjunct faculty member for three schools of nurse anesthesia. 4) Lecturer for anesthesia conference companies with national and international destinations. 5) Licenses ( Alphabetical Order): Arizona; Arkansas; California; Florida; New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Texas; ...

William R. Leighton, Jr., M.D., MBA

Houston, Texas
Anesthesiology - General anesthesia, regional anesthesia, local anesthesia, neuraxial anesthesia, obstetrical anesthesia, airway management, Post Anesthesia Care Unit emergencies, peri-operative medicine, monitored anesthesia care, IV sedation, acute pain management, positioning, CRNAs, medication errors, Propofol
With anesthesiology training completed at Harvard Medical School, including Brigham and Women's and Boston Children's Hospitals, I hold board certification from the American Board of Anesthesiology, actively engaging in maintenance of certification. Over two decades, I've gained extensive experience in anesthesiology and peri-operative medicine, working in various settings, including community and tertiary care hospitals, and ambulatory surgery centers. Formerly serving as a clinical assistant professor of anesthesiology at Weill Cornell Medicine – Cornell University, I've had the privilege of contributing to patient care and education. Throughout my career, I've fulfilled roles as both a primary provider of patient care and a supervisor for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and residents, emphasizing mentorship and leadership. My expertise includes general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, local anesthesia, neuraxial anesthesia, obstetrical anesthesia, airway/...

Venkat R Mantha, MD

Over 30 years in Anesthesiology practice.

Richmond, Texas
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology
Have obtained Anesthesiology training in the U.K., got board certified in U.K. (1988) and Ireland (1991). Did Residency training in Anesthesiology in USA and became Board Certified in 1994. Have worked in multiple states in USA in academic and non-academic centers. Special expertise is in Obstetric Anesthesia, in which I practised at high-risk, high-volume obstetric anesthesia centers. Have taught and trained medical students, anesthesia residents, obstetric anesthesia fellows, EMTs, and student nurse anesthetists. Have supervised them, and also certified nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). Am licensed in multiple states (Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Texas). Currently practicing in Texas.

Robert John Nocerini, MD, MHSA

Northstar Joint and Spine

Plano, Texas
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS, Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, RSD, Life Care Planning, Nerve Injury & Pain, Nerve Blocks, Epidural Injections, Cervical Injections, Spinal Injections, Chronic pain, Opioids, Pill Mill, Overprescribing, Addiction, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Spinal Cord Stimulation
Triple Board-Certified Pain Physician in active clinical practice. Boarded in Pain Medicine, Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine. Highly experienced expert witness and life care planner – has testified at over 50 depositions and multiple trials.

Robert H. Odell, Jr., MD, PhD

Neuropathy & Pain Center of Las Vegas

Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Low back pain, neck pain, personal injury, facet syndrome, discogenic disease, radiculopathy, CRPS, electromedicine, neuropathic pain, interventional pain management, medication management, including malpractice & DEA defense, over billing in pain management, over utilization in pain management
Dr. Odell is a Stanford and UCLA trained practicing anesthesiologist and pain management physician. A fellow of the Medical Scientist Training Program at Stanford, he received a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (1974) and his MD (1976). He completed an anesthesia residency at UCLA in 1982. He is a diplomat of the American Board of Anesthesiology, the American Board of Pain Medicine and a Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice (FIPP). Dr. Odell is the Founder of the Neuropathy & Pain Centers of Las Vegas and Owner of Associated Pain Specialists, located in east TN. A well-established pain management expert, he uses a wide variety of pain management techniques to treat patients in his private practices. Patients from around the country seek out the acclaimed Neuropathy and Pain Centers of Las Vegas. Dr. Odell uses Sanexas, an advanced electromedical device that can produce favorable outcomes for treating neuropathic pain by healing the nerves. A broad spectrum of debilitating co...

Josemaria Paterno, MD

Austin, Texas
Pain Management - Medicine, Anesthesiology - Spinal Cord Stimulation Trials and Implants, Intrathecal Pumps, Epidural Injections, Nerve blocks, Radiofrequency Ablation, Spinal Injection Complications, Opioid Overdose, Management of High Opioid Legacy Patients, Methadone/Fentanyl/Oxycodone/Benzos, Urine Drug Testing, NP/PA Midlevel Supervision
Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine physician specializing in comprehensive chronic pain care including interventional pain procedures as well as medication management including opioid therapy. I perform the full range of procedural therapies with a focus on neuromodulation/spinal cord stimulator implants, intrathecal pump management, spinal injections, epidurals, facet injections, nerve blocks, and radiofrequency ablations. I also have experience managing medications for legacy and higher risk pain patients. These are patients who may be on higher doses of opioids, are on a concurrent benzodiazepine, or may have a history of opioid misuse/aberrancies. Our practice is large, and I also supervise multiple physician assistant and nurse practitioners. I am double board certified in Pain Management and Anesthesiology. I completed my undergraduate and medical school degrees at Stanford University and then graduated from the Harvard hospitals, Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigh...

Maria Sheikh, MD, MPH

Obstetric Anesthesiologist

Houston, Texas
Obstetrical Anesthesiology, Anesthesiology - obstetric anesthesia, hysterectomy, deep sedation, spinal headache, postpartum hemorrhage, peripheral nerve blocks, neuraxial anesthesia, TAP block, local anesthetic systemic toxicity, failed intubation, central line complications, spinal, epidural, placenta accreta, egg retrievals, ultrasound
Dr. Maria Sheikh is a fellowship-trained obstetric anesthesiologist who specializes in the care of patients with high-risk pregnancies and those undergoing major and minor obstetric and gynecologic procedures (Cesarean section, cerclage, hysterectomy, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy, egg retrieval, etc). She is skilled in placing labor epidurals, spinals, and regional blocks for pain management, and invasive lines for monitoring high-risk patients. Dr. Sheikh is a passionate educator. She won Best Teacher of the Year in Obstetric Anesthesia two years in a row during her appointment as Assistant Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology at Columbia University. She also has extensive training in point-of-care ultrasound and has served as faculty instructor at several ultrasound workshops organized by the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. In addition, she has traveled internationally to teach modern obste...

Ramesh Singa, MD


Austin, Texas
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine - Interventional pain management, intrathecal targeted drug delivery, pump, injection, epidural, facet, radiofrequency ablation, rhizotomy, neck, back, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sciatica, radiculopathy, neuropathy, spinal cord stimulation, nerve injury, herniated disc, degeneration
Ramesh Singa, MD, is a pain management physician board certified in Pain Management and Anesthesiology. He is part of the Republic Spine and Pain team in Leander and Austin, TX. With over 15yrs experience, Dr. Singa’s top areas of expertise are Invertebral Disc Disease, Sacroiliac Joint Disease, Cervical Spondylosis, and Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Training Medical Rusha Medical College Residency St. Barnabas Health Care System Fellowship Rush University Medical Center Board Certifications American Board of Anesthesiology American Board of Anesthesiology Pain Medicine
You can also find Anesthesiology Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia