Sedation Expert Witnesses

Sedation expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on sedation. The sedation expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular Disease, Critical Care Medicine, Critical Care Surgery, Dentist, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Medical Management, Nurse Practitioner, Nursing Administration, Obstetrical Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine, and Pediatric Anesthesiology.

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Victor L. Mandoff, MD, FASA


Little Rock, Arkansas
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Acute Pain, Regional, Airway injuries, Difficult Airways, Critical Care, ACLS, BLS, Codes, Trauma Emergencies, Drug errors, Narcotics, Neuromuscular Blockers, Propofol Pharma, Invasive-catheters, OR fires, Simulation, Position/Nerve injuries, Sedation, Recall, Vents
I am a Board-Certified fully practicing Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Since this is a teaching hospital, training residents helps me keep up-to-date and stay current in knowledge and practice evidence-based medicine. I have over 17 years of clinical experience and have won many teaching awards like "Golden Apple Award" or "Red Sash Award" and "Educational Excellence Award" presented to me by residents, students, and the College of Medicine. Last year I became a Fellow of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (FASA). The FASA designation is the "highest acknowledgment that recognizes years of dedication to exceptional education, leadership and commitment to the specialty" as per American Society of Anesthesiologists website. I am also Critical Care Fellowship trained at the Cleveland Clinic Medical Foundation and was Critical Care Board Certified and practiced Critical Care Medicine 2006 to about 2016. UAMS provides care...

Andreas Plackis, MD


Little Rock, Arkansas
Anesthesiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery - Cardiac Anesthesia, Cardiac Surgery, ACLS Code Blue, Airway ETT LMA, Arterial Line, Central Line, Awareness, Difficult Intubation, Drug Error, ECMO, Heart Transplant, Hypotension, Hypoxia, Sedation, Nerve Block, Spinal Epidural, Preoperative, PACU, Positioning, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE)
BOOK A FREE LITIGATION CONSULT TO DISCUSS YOUR SURGICAL CASE: SAME-DAY RESPONSE: Text/Call: (501) 570-6687. Email: **I provide anesthesia medical expert witness services and complimentary 15-minute litigation consults to advise medical malpractice attorneys on surgical cases.** My portfolio: • Award-winning, Vanderbilt-trained, triple board-certified cardiac anesthesiologist in full-time clinical practice. • Specialty Certification in Anesthesiology (ABA), Subspecialty Certification in Adult Cardiac Anesthesiology (ABA), Certification in Advanced Perioperative Transesophageal Echocardiography (NBE) • Robust cardiac anesthesia practice at the only heart transplant center in Arkansas. • Experienced public speaker and presenter with numerous local and national presentations. • Substantial education experience. Multiple case reports and publications. • Top 1-3%ile national ranking compared to peers in nearly every ABA licensing/tra...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

Los Angeles, California
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Rishi Bhargava, MD FAAP FACEP

Rolling Hills Estates, California
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Pediatrics, Airway management, Appendicitis, Trauma, Transport Medicine, Sedation, Febrile illness, Sepsis, Asthma, Newborn Care, Allergic Reaction, Tele-medicine, Meningitis, Dehydration, Abdominal pain, Fractures, Head Injury, Chest pain, Pain management, Resident Supervision

Ariel Cohen, DO

Leira Physician Services

Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Airway, Appendicitis, Asthma, Child Abuse, Febrile Illness, Fractures, Elder Neglect, Vascular access, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Simulation, Stroke, Wounds, Psychiatric Emergencies, Sedation, Trauma, Ultrasound, Non-accidental trauma, Newborn Care, Video laryngoscopy
I am dual board certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine. I have 10 years of clinical experience and have worked in most emergency department settings including Academic/Level 1 trauma centers, community hospitals, rural critical access hospitals and hybrid settings. I also have 4 years of administrative experience. A few highlights from my CV include reviewer for multiple state boards, expert for public defenders in criminal cases for the indigent, interim Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Quality Director, peer reviewer for private company, peer review committee member at academic center, pediatric child abuse liaison at academic center. In addition to chart review, I am an experienced writer and have authored a book chapter, case studies and research articles.

Mike Farag, DO

Mountain Center, California
Emergency Medicine - Aneurysm, Abdominal Pain, Chest Pain, Intubation, Allergic Reaction, Appendicitis, Sedation, DKA, Dissection, Ectopic Pregnancy, Foreign Body, Fracture, Cardiac, Renal Gastrointestinal, Obstetric Emergency, Psychiatric Emergency, Hemorrhage, Sepsis, Torsion, Stroke
Additional search/index terms: Heart Failure, Infection, Intracranial, Ischemia, Myocardial Infarction/Heart Attack, Pulmonary Embolism, COVID 19, Accident and Central Line. Dr. Mike Farag is: - Trained at a Level 1 trauma hospital in Charleston WV. - Board-certified in Emergency Medicine. - Practicing as a Full-Time EM physician in a high volume ER. - Licensed in the state of California. - A teaching Physician who trains ER/IM/FP residents and medical students. - Residency trained in bedside ultrasound. - Director of the scribe program in a community hospital ED training scribes on accurate documentations and appropriate and thorough charting. - Works at a stroke and vascular Medical Center. Dr. Mike Farag has: - Oversight/supervision of Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner mid-level providers. - Provided medical care for numerous VIPs and famous individuals and their family members. - Completed a SEAK expert-witness training course. - Been certified in ACLS, PA...

Jeremy Laney, MD

Playa del Rey, California
Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Disease - Liver transplant, Cardiac Surgery, Pain management, Airway management, Sedation, Awareness under anesthesia, Echocardiography, Epidural, Intubation, ECMO, Heart Transplant, General Surgery, Life Support, Ventilaltion, Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, Lung Transplant, Surgery, ACLS, Ventilator
Board-certified, fellowship-trained anesthesiologist at Keck Medical Center of University of Southern California (USC). Received my Medical Doctorate from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2016. Completed my residency in Anesthesiology at Los Angeles County + USC program. Completed fellowship in Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology at Keck Medical Center of USC. Currently working full-time at Keck Medical Center of USC as a full time clinician and assistant professor. This is a high-volume surgical center with complex cases and requires teaching fellows, residents and medical students in anesthesiology. Well-educated on current literature in my field. Board certified in perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (heart imaging). Provide anesthesia services for many types of surgical cases but specialize in cardiac and liver transplant. Ample clinical experience in other surgical cases (including outpatient). Expert witness experience since 2021 to clients all ...

Carli McGee, MD, FAAP

University of Colorado

Denver, Colorado
Pediatrics, Urgent Care Medicine - Pediatric Emergency, telehealth, pneumonia, respiratory infection, gastrointestinal illness, head and neck infection, headache, fracture, skin/soft tissue infection, musculoskeletal infection, sepsis, diabetic emergency, cancer, head and neck injury, motor vehicle accident, appendicitis, sedation
Dr. McGee is a pediatrician who has spent the last 10 years working in the Pediatric Urgent Care and Pediatric Emergency settings. She has experience in the diagnosis and urgent/emergent management of common pediatric conditions including respiratory illnesses, gastrointestinal illnesses, head and neck infections, headaches, fractures, skin/soft tissue infections, musculoskeletal infections, sepsis, diabetic emergencies, new cancer diagnoses, head and neck injuries, appendicitis, and many others. She is experienced in multiple procedures including: procedural sedation, laceration repair, splinting, lumbar puncture, foreign body removal, incision and drainage, non-invasive airway management, and reduction of simple joint dislocations. She has worked in large academic institutions as well as in small satellite locations with limited resources.

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Rayna A. Clay, MD

Harvard-Trained Obstetric Anesthesiologist

Wesley Chapel, Florida
Anesthesiology, Obstetrical Anesthesiology - Acute Pain, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Neuraxial Anesthesia, Patient Safety, Quality, Ambulatory Surgery, Sedation, Airway Management, Regional Anesthesia, Out-of-OR Anesthesia (NORA), OSA, PACU, Medication Errors, OR Management, Hypoxia
Dr. Clay, a Harvard-trained board-certified Obstetric Anesthesiologist, brings over 15 years of clinical and leadership experience to the expert witness field. With a distinguished career spanning prestigious institutions, Dr. Clay has served as Chief of the Department of Anesthesia and currently serves as Medical Director of Women's Centers, demonstrating exceptional expertise in perinatal and general anesthesia clinical practice. Her influence further extends as a member of Florida’s PROMPT Advisory Committee, whose goal is to improve maternal health across the state. As a former Department Chair and Division Chief, Dr. Clay has a proven track record in healthcare leadership and management. Her extensive experience includes active participation in peer review processes, quality improvement initiatives, and medical executive committees. This comprehensive background provides a unique perspective on standard of care issues and medical-legal matters related to obstetric and general ...

Eric A Harris, MD, MBA

University of Miami / Miller School of Medicine

Weston, Florida
Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - alternate site anesthesiology, sedation, obstetric anesthesiology, non-operating room anesthesia, neuroanesthesia
I have been in academic practice for over 26 years and currently serve at the rank of Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology. I have been the director of the alternate site anesthesiology service at our institution for 23 years. My primary areas of expertise are pediatric anesthesiology, obstetric anesthesiology, and sedation and anesthesia for cases performed outside of the operating room (radiology suites, GI station, etc.) However, I have extensive experience in all areas of anesthesiology with the exception of cardiac anesthesiology and chronic pain management. I am board certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology, as well as sub-specialty boarded in pediatric anesthesiology. I am fluent in English and conversational in Spanish and French, and have excellent writing skills and numerous publications. I have over 15 years of deposition and trial experience. Due to a contractual obligation, I am unable to serve as an expert witness for plaintiffs in the state ...

Alex Zajac, MD

A to Z Expert Witness Services

Wellington, Florida
Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - General Anesthesia, Pediatric Anesthesia, Neonatal Anesthesia, Regional Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Hypoxic Brain Injury, Cardiac Arrest, Difficult Airway, Lost Airway, Hypoxia, Spine Surgery, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Medication Errors, Nerve Injury, Positioning
Award-winning dual board-certified anesthesiologist and pediatric anesthesiologist who trained at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago. Licensed in the state of Florida and works full-time as an anesthesiologist/pediatric anesthesiologist at St. Mary’s Medical Center and Palm Beach International Surgery Center in West Palm Beach, Florida. Extensive experience with medical direction; supervising certified registered nurse anesthetists and certified anesthesiologist assistants as well as solo practice. Multiple publications and grand rounds presentations. Dr. Zajac serves as a medical expert witness in the fields of anesthesiology and pediatric anesthesiology. Dr. Zajac can opine on standard of care and medical malpractice for either plaintiff or defense counsel and is adept in providing his expert opinion on events that occur during the perioperative time period. Unblemished record and highly responsive to emails and phone cal...

Joshua T Korte, MD

Cardiothoracic and Perioperative Anesthesiologist

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Anesthesiology - Anesthesia, Trauma, Preoperative Care, Obstetrics (OB), Cardiac, Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), Thoracic, Clearance, Vascular, Orthopedic, Ambulatory, Neurosurgery, Endoscopy, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Cath Lab, Sedation, Code Blue and CPR, Regional and Nerve Injury, PACU, Airway
Available for plaintiff or defense work reviewing cases, writing reports, and/or testifying at deposition or trial. Dr. Joshua Korte is a board certified and fellowship trained anesthesiologist. He provides comprehensive pre-operative, intra-operative and post-operative care. His current anesthesia practice environment requires expertise in multiple clinical settings including a small community hospital, ambulatory surgery centers and an advanced tertiary care hospital. Dr. Korte specializes in anesthesia for cardiac and thoracic surgery with fellowship training from the University of Cincinnati in 2018-19. He also has diplomate certification in advanced perioperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) evaluation from 2019 onward. In his current clinical setting, he helps with pre-operative evaluation and management. He provides pre-operative clearance for patients prior to undergoing surgery and anesthesia. Dr. Korte’s practice has a relationship with Indiana University S...

Paola Vietoris, RN, BSN

DUNKIRK, Maryland
Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, Pediatrics - Pediatric Critical Care, Sedation, Cardiac Arrest, Respiratory Failure, Sepsis, child abuse, Liver, Kidney, Pancreatic and Intestinal Transplantation, Peds Gastroenterology, Peds Hematology/Oncology, Seizures, Procedural Sedation, Pre-op and post-op surgical care
I am a full-time practicing RN with over 30 years' experience working in a pediatric ICU at a major medical institution in Washington, DC. My work primarily is with critically ill newborns and young adults. Skills and experience include caring for patients in multisystem organ failure, respiratory distress, respiratory failure, liver, small bowel, pancreatic and kidney transplant, neurological, pre-op and post-op surgical care, and neurosurgical diseases, infectious diseases, non-accidental trauma (NAT) and continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Consistent focus on evidence-based nursing care as well as other nursing standards. I am a licensed registered nurse (RN) with an unrestricted nursing license in 35 states and the District of Columbia. My extensive experience enables me to provide expert witness services to attorneys and other legal professionals. Available for consultation, case evaluation, deposition and testimony.

Ketan Chopra, MD

Anesthesiologist and Pain Medicine Expert Witness

Detroit, Michigan
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine - Anesthesiology, Pain management, Regional anesthesia, chronic pain, interventional pain, epidural injections, nerve blocks, medical malpractice, perioperative medicine, anesthesia complications, spinal stimulation, patient safety, opioid management, multimodal analgesia, acute pain, sedation
Dr. Ketan Chopra is a highly trained anesthesiologist and interventional pain medicine physician, currently practicing at Henry Ford Health in Detroit, Michigan. He completed his chief residency in anesthesiology at Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University and a fellowship in interventional pain medicine at the University of Michigan. With board certifications in both anesthesiology and pain medicine, Dr. Chopra specializes in managing complex pain conditions using state-of-the-art techniques, including regenerative medicine, spinal interventions, and neuromodulation. As a Clinical Assistant Professor at Michigan State University, he is committed to advancing the field through education, research, and mentorship. Dr. Chopra is actively involved in professional organizations, including the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and the American Society of Anesthesiology.  He is a sought-after speaker at national conferences, addressing topics such as cervical spine interventi...

Joshua D Weber, MD

Meritas Health

North Kansas City, Missouri
Anesthesiology - OB Anesthesia, Airway management, Regional anesthesia, Peripheral nerve blockade, Invasive Line placement, General anesthesia, Sedation
After earning my Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Kansas in 2002, I completed my Anesthesiology residency training at the Harvard Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at Massachusetts General Hospital. After residency, I moved to Kansas City, where I have spent the last 17 years in practice as a full-time anesthesiologist in community hospitals. I have expertise in general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, obstetric anesthesia, airway management, invasive line placement, peripheral nerve blocks. I have consulted on several anesthesia-related cases in the past 10 years, and pride myself on timely and thorough record review and clear communication with attorneys.

Ariel Cohen, DO

Leira Physician Services

Henderson, Nevada
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Airway, Appendicitis, Asthma, Child Abuse, Febrile Illness, Fractures, Elder Neglect, Vascular access, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Simulation, Stroke, Wounds, Psychiatric Emergencies, Sedation, Trauma, Ultrasound, Non-accidental trauma, Newborn Care, Video laryngoscopy
I am dual board certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medicine. I have 10 years of clinical experience and have worked in most emergency department settings including Academic/Level 1 trauma centers, community hospitals, rural critical access hospitals and hybrid settings. I also have 4 years of administrative experience. A few highlights from my CV include reviewer for multiple state boards, expert for public defenders in criminal cases for the indigent, interim Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Quality Director, peer reviewer for private company, peer review committee member at academic center, pediatric child abuse liaison at academic center. In addition to chart review, I am an experienced writer and have authored a book chapter, case studies and research articles.

Jonathan Mazer, MD

Montclair, New Jersey
Anesthesiology - General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional Nerve Block, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Airway, Intubation, Interventional Radiology, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology
Harvard-Trained. Board Certified in Anesthesiology. Previous case review experience. Published on neuraxial anesthesia. Presentation at a national conference on ambulatory anesthesia. Multiple poster presentations. Graduated from medical school with a distinction in research. Currently in private practice performing a wide variety of anesthetic cases (General Anesthesia, Sedation, Regional/Nerve Blocks, Spinal, Epidural, Thoracic, Orthopedic, Obstetrics, Vascular, Endoscopy, Urology, Gynecology, Spine, Brain, Neurosurgery, Interventional Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging, Ambulatory, Ophthalmology, ENT/Otolaryngology, Plastics, Adult, Pediatric, Out of OR). Both efficient and thorough with case review.

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

New York
Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Geo Henderson, BC, CLI, AEMT-P

EMS & Paramedic Standard of Care Expert

Voorheesville, New York
Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine - Ambulance Operations, EMS, EMT, Paramedic, Standard of Care, Medical Malpractice, Cardiac Arrest, Airway, Intubation, Chemical Restraint, Refusal of Care, Patient drops, Violent Patient Management, Ambulance Response, Trauma Care, Delay of Care, Sedation, Overdose, Wrongful Death, Negligence
I am an actively practicing paramedic, providing direct patient care. For over 35 years my career path has included public and private sector fire and emergency medical services. Extending into leadership, incident management, design and implementation of immersive educational scenarios, physician training, and emergency planning, I have experience in several widely varying aspects of my profession. In addition to management of countless incidents in a broad array of emergency services, I have also mitigated events ranging in complexity from multiple alarm fires to mass casualty incidents. I am a paramedic supervisor for both a municipal, fire-based EMS system, and a county emergency medical services system. I have participated in the design and implementation of educational, operational, safety, quality improvement, standard of care and EMS policies and procedures for EMTs, paramedics and physicians. As an expert witness specializing in pre-hospital emergency medicine, I hav...

Rebecca R Topham, FNP-BC, ENP-C, CCRN

Poland, New York
Nurse Practitioner, Family Medicine - Emergency Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Solo coverage, Telemedicine, CCRN, APP supervision, Onboarding, Intubation, Sedation, Central lines
Certified family nurse practitioner and emergency nurse practitioner with over 20 years of healthcare experience. 12+ years of experience as a nurse practitioner in emergency medicine, inpatient medicine and primary care. Mrs Topham practices in a wide range of settings including management of chronic diseases in primary care, acutely decompensated illness in the hospital, acute illness in urgent care and the emergency department. Mrs Topham’s emergency department experience includes Level II trauma center, stroke center, and solo-coverage in critical access facilities. She remains certified in advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support, basic life support, advanced trauma life support and additional education pertaining to difficult airway management. She was responsible for onboarding and training all new nurse practitioners and physician assistants for over 3 years. She assisted with the development and implementation of a rural advanced practice provider resi...

Stephen A Vitkun, MD, AM, MBA, PhD

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Stony Brook, New York
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology- Clinical - Clinical Research, Institutional Review Board, IRB, Business, Administration, Anesthesia Technology, Accreditation, ACLS, BLS, Paramedic Education, Dental Anesthesia, Quality Assurance, Airway Management/Intubation, Pre-Operative Evaluation, Difficult Airway, Sedation, Opioids, Hypoxia, General Anes
Clinical Research Institutional Review Board, IRB Business, Administration Anesthesia Technology Accreditation ACLS, BLS Paramedic Education Dental Anesthesia Airway Management/Intubation Pre-Operative Evaluation Quality Assurance Difficult Airway Sedation Opioids Hypoxia General Anesthesia

Zachary Ginsberg, MD, MPP, FACEP

Duke University Hospital

Durham, North Carolina
Emergency Medicine, Critical Care Surgery - ICU, Intensive Care, Central Line, Intubation, Airway, Sedation, Resuscitation, Sepsis, Shock, ICU Delirium, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Attack, Stroke, Appendicitis, Pulmonary Embolism, Pneumonia, Aneurysm
Faculty at Duke University Hospital with dual appointment in Trauma and Critical Care and Emergency Medicine. Actively practicing physician who works shifts in both the intensive care unit (ICU) and the emergency department. Able to provide a review of the Emergency Department and ICU components of a case given combination of training, board certification and clinical practice. One of only a small number of physicians who is Board Certified in both Emergency Medicine and Surgical Critical Care Medicine. This provides a review of both components of care in a single expert for a more efficient review of a case. Educated at Brown and Harvard. Completed top Surgical Critical Care Fellowship (University of Maryland R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center). Winner of several awards during training/education and as faculty. Certified Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor. Regularly publishes.

Daniel J. Lantos, MSN, RN, CNML

Expert in Nursing Practice and Standards of Care

Concord, North Carolina
Nursing Administration, Medical Management - Medication errors, patient falls, restraints, restrictive interventions, central lines, infection prevention, infection control, CLABSI, CAUTI, pressure ulcers, bedsores, informed consent, HIPAA, staffing, delegation, scope of care, sedation, endoscopy, radiology, critical care
I am a Registered Nurse leader with a Master’s Degree and professional certification in Nursing Leadership. With strong bedside and management experience in Critical Care and procedural departments, I have dedicated many years to ensuring quality and compliance in high-performing patient care areas. This includes addressing patient care issues such as patient falls, pressure ulcer prevention, physical restraints, infection prevention, and procedural sedation; regulatory issues such as HIPAA, scope of care, delegation, and informed consent; and evaluating the circumstances around adverse events such as medication errors, patient misidentification, and incorrect execution of orders. I have precepted new hires, developed onboarding programs, and been extensively involved with hiring, performance evaluations, disciplinary steps, and maintaining a Just Culture. I am comfortable and experienced with documentation audits and medical record chart review. I have been a Registered Nurse in B...

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Daniel Abraham, MD

Academic Clinical Anesthesiologist

Anesthesiology, Medical Management - Anesthesiology, General Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC), Sedation, Regional Anesthesia, Peri-operative Management, Airway management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural blocks, Spinal Blocks, Medication Errors, Post Anesthesia Care Unit(PACU) emergencies, Nerve Injury, Ambulatory Surgery
Dr. Daniel Abraham is an actively practicing, board-certified Anesthesiologist who draws his experience from his many years working at nationally renowned major academic centers, like the University of Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Abraham currently holds a faculty position at the University of Southern California with a full-time clinical practice that is focused on evidence-based medicine and up to date clinical knowledge, with a focus on regional anesthesia. Dr. Abraham has extensive experience taking care of high acuity, sick patients in a variety of peri-operative environments, while supervising residents, fellows, and certified nurse anesthetists. He has extensive experience in evaluation, assessment, and management of patient complications in the operative space. His experience has included being a physician leader on a number of hospital committees focused on patient satisfaction, safety, and efficiency. Currently expecting acceptance as an expert witness fo...

Taras Grosh, MD

Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania - Perelman School of Medicine

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Pain Management - Medicine - Regional Anesthesiology, Nerve Injury, Pain Management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Epidural Anesthesia, Spinal Anesthesia, Orthopedic Anesthesia, Ultrasound guided procedures, General Anesthesia, Sedation, Intubation, Extubation, Difficult Airway, Trauma
Dr. Grosh is a board-certified Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia he is fellowship trained in Regional Anesthesiology Acute and Chronic Pain management. Dr. Grosh is the Director of Orthopedic Anesthesiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Penn Presbyterian Medical Center overseeing clinical care of orthopedic surgical patients. Additionally, he is Chair of Procedural Sedation Committee and the co-chair of Penn Presbyterian Medical Center's Clinical Effectiveness Committee in which he oversees quality improvement and safety metrics for patients in the perioperative space. Dr. Grosh is an expert in the field of regional anesthesia, peripheral nerve blocks, nerve injury, anesthesia for total joint arthroplasty including knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist as well as traumatology and airway management. Dr. Grosh also staffs Penn’s acute/chronic pain consult service creating c...

Jesse Raiten, MD, FCCM

Critical Care & Anesthesiology- Full Professor

Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Anesthesia and Critical Care

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anesthesiology, Critical Care Medicine - Critical Care Anesthesiology, Cardiac Critical Care, Surgical Critical Care, Airway Injury, Intubation, Thoracic Anesthesia, Respiratory Failure, Extubation, Medication Errors, Cardiac Arrest, Shock, Heart failure, Delirium, Sedation, ECMO and Impella, Sepsis, DVT, Critical Care Surgery
I have reviewed numerous medical-legal cases from the OR and ICU for approximately a decade, for both the Plaintiff and Defense. I am a Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania. I hold triple board certification (anesthesiology, critical care, echocardiography), I have advanced training in patient safety from Harvard, and I am the Patient Safety and Quality Officer for Anesthesia and Critical Care. I am highly experienced at analyzing patient injuries in the intra-operative and post-operative periods and determining their causes. My clinical work is divided between the OR and Heart Vascular ICU. I have extensive experience with patients undergoing routine outpatient surgery, as well as critically ill patients in the OR and ICU suffering from heart failure, respiratory failure, kidney failure and dialysis, sepsis, and shock. I routinely care for patients on ECMO, impella, and other forms of mechanical circulatory support. I regul...

Stephen M Sandelich, MD

Pediatric Emergency Medicine/General Pediatrics

Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

Hummelstown, Pennsylvania
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics - Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Substance Abuse Disorders, Emergency, Critical Care, General Pediatrics, Sedation, Mental Health Emergencies, Airway Emergencies, Resuscitation, Pain, Respiratory Emergencies, Cardiology, Sepsis, Poisoning, Nutrition, Orthopedics, Dehydration, Asthma, Shock, Allergy
Dr. Stephen M. Sandelich, a distinguished pediatric emergency medicine physician, currently serves as an Attending Physician at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and holds an Assistant Professorship in Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics. With a robust educational background, Dr. Sandelich obtained his Doctor of Medicine degree from Drexel University College of Medicine and completed his residency in Pediatrics at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children, followed by a fellowship in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Nemours/AI duPont Hospital for Children. Dr. Sandelich's clinical and research expertise encompasses a wide range of pediatric emergencies, including but not limited to substance abuse disorders, mental health crises, and the development of emergency department-based interventions. His certifications include BLS, ACLS, PALS, and ATLS, ensuring his comprehensive preparedness for emergency medical situations. Throughout his career, Dr. Sandelich has demonstra...

Chad R Greene, D.O.

Physician Anesthesiologist - Vanderbilt Faculty

Nashville, Tennessee
Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesiology - General Anesthesiology, Pediatric Anesthesia, Ambulatory Surgery, Spine Surgery, Dental Anesthesia, Obstetric Anesthesia, Monitored Anesthesia Care, Sedation, Airway Management, Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Eye Blocks, Epidural & Spinal Anesthesia, Medication Errors, PACU, Nerve Injury, Positioning, OSA
Board-certified, Vanderbilt-trained Anesthesiologist with academic, private practice and military medical experience. Past-President of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Resident Component and Member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Board of Directors. In full-time clinical practice with hands-on patient care and direction/supervision of CRNAs, residents, and medical students. • General anesthesia including: Induction and maintenance of anesthesia, ventilator management, intra-operative monitoring, management of emergence from anesthesia, and transportation to and from the operating room. • Airway management including endotracheal tubes, single-lung ventilation, and non-invasive techniques. • Epidural and spinal anesthesia. • Regional anesthesia. • Invasive Monitoring including central Lines, arterial Lines, and pulmonary arterial catheters. • Pre-operative assessment and post-operative patient management. • Echocardiography and ultrasound assessment...

Abdallah Ajani, MD, FACEP

Expert services for malpractice & criminal cases

Ajani Medical Consulting PLLC

Sugar Land, Texas
Emergency Medicine, Medical Management - Airway management, resuscitation, trauma, myocardial infarct, criminal defense, heart attack, stroke, pediatrics, labor, obstetrics, sepsis, septic shock, pulmonary embolism, PE, psychiatric care, vascular access, sedation, elderly care, medication error, nursing home
Dr. Abdallah Ajani is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician currently practicing in Texas. He has experience working with both plaintiff and defense attorneys in medical malpractice and criminal cases throughout the United States. He can provide services involving affidavit of merit, chart review, written report, deposition, trial testimony, and cross-examination preparation. Dr. Ajani makes an intentional effort to provide my opinion in clear and understandable terms with the goal of educating the judge and jury about the medical basis for the facts of the case, as they relate to negligence, causation and damages. As a clinician, Dr. Ajani attended medical school at Boston University and completed a residency program in Emergency Medicine in 2016. Since then, he has worked as a staff physician and instructor at large academic institutions as well as small community hospitals. He has active state licenses in MA and TX in good standing. Finally, Dr. Ajani has has experienc...

Sohail Aslam, M.D.

Experienced, Practicing Emergency Physician

Austin, Texas
Emergency Medicine - General Emergency Medicine, Pulmonary Embolism, Motor Vehicle Accident, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Sedation, Airway Management, Myocardial Infarction, Stroke, Overdose, Central Line Placement, Appendicitis, Testicular Torsion, Sepsis, Aortic Dissection, Ectopic Pregnancy, Diagnosis Failure, Fractures
I have over 20 years of experience working as an Emergency Physician. I have worked at multiple different St. David's hospitals in the Austin, Texas area over that time. This includes time working at a Level II Trauma Center ER, a busy Community-Hospital ER, and Freestanding Emergency Rooms. I have skills diagnosing and treating a wide range of emergent and non-emergent conditions, including chest pain, headache, abdominal pain, gynecological complaints, lacerations, infections, sepsis, trauma, and more. I am BLS, ACLS, and PALS certified. I've taught the Pediatric Advanced Life Support class to nurses and other medical providers in the past. I have been ATLS certified as well. I served as Quality Assurance (QA) Director of the ER at St. David's Round Rock Medical Center for 3 years. In this role, I reviewed Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner charts for peer review. I also reviewed physician charts for quality assurance and peer review, including case reviews, morbid...

Omeed Khodaparast, MD FASA

Dallas, Texas
Anesthesiology - Regional anesthesia, airway management, difficult intubation, hypotension, positioning, nerve injury, recovery room, nerve blocks, hypoxia, sedation, propofol, postoperative care, code, obstructive sleep apnea, fire
Dr. Omeed Khodaparast is a distinguished, board-certified anesthesiologist in Dallas, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Khodaparast is an expert in multiple facets of general anesthesia. His proficiency extends to advanced techniques such as ultrasound regional anesthesia, including peripheral nerve blocks for acute pain management, as well as propofol sedation and total IV anesthesia. In addition to his clinical devotion, Dr. Khodaparast holds pivotal leadership positions as the medical director and anesthesia chairman at a prestigious community hospital in Dallas. His influence further extends as an esteemed expert panelist for the Texas Medical Board, where he demonstrates his commitment to clinical standards and best practices. Recognized for his integrity and comprehensive knowledge, Dr. Khodaparast offers his services for both plaintiff and defense cases.

Neil Gupta, DDS

Comprehensive Care Dental Expert Witness

SEATTLE, Washington
Dentist - prosthodontics, oral surgery, general dentisty, sedation, dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, dental malpractice, board review claims, bisphosphonate, jaw necrosis, endodontics, local anesthesia, over treatment, trauma, Crown and bridge, Misdiagnosis, Local anesthesia, Inadequate treatment
SLCC dental hygiene program, supervising dentist, adjunct professor and committee member 2008 VA Puget Sound/SLC GPR residency clinician and attending 2006-current ADA/CODA residency program site visitor 2022-current Florida Dental Expert Witness Certificate Previous experience with case review and deposition Available nationally anytime for all case types large or small