23 Trading Strategies Expert Witnesses Found

Results Sorted Below by State

Kevin Herzberg, MBA, BSEE, LSSBB

Serpentine Partners, LLC

Los Angeles, California
Banking, Real Estate - Automated Valuation Models/AVMs, Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities/RMBS, Mortgage Lending/Originations, Lending Practices, Loan Underwriting, Mortgage Servicing, Mortgage Banking, Fraud, Valuation/Appraisal, foreclosures/Loan Modifications, Trade Secrets/Misappropriation, Mortgage Insurance/MI
Executive leader with more than 20 years of experience in business strategy, operations, and fiscal excellence for major banking and lending corporations. I have served as an expert witness in over 40 cases and submitted comprehensive written reports on complex matters that were presented to the courts in layman terms....

Doug Bania

Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants

San Diego, California
Intellectual Property, Appraisal & Valuation - Defamation Damages, IP Valuation, Intellectual Property Damages, IP Damages, Licensing, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity, Publicity Rights, ROP, Website Valuation, Licensing Customs & Practices, Google Analytics, Social media analysis, social media valuation
...Bania specializes in analyses for copyright, trade dress, trade secrets and trademark infringement, publicity rights, social media and Internet infringement, defamation, marketing strategy analyses, royalty rate determinations and other intangible assets. Mr. Bania also provides valuation and monetization strategies for trademarks, trade secrets, publicity rights, domain names, Internet and social media assets, brands, copyrights and other intangible assets for financial reporting, bankruptcy and transactional due diligence.

Peter Crosby

Biomedical Business Resources, LLC

Aliso Viejo, California
Biomedical Engineering, Intellectual Property - Medical devices, commercially reasonable efforts, patent, intellectual property, product liability, corporate governance, licensing, strategy, inter partes review, theft of intellectual property, trade secret misappropriation
...His business function experience includes research and development, clinical trials, regulatory approval, market launch, sales, intellectual property, merger and acquisition negotiations, licensing agreements, strategy and corporate governance. He has extensive experience raising capital, Mr. Crosby has served as a consulting expert and testifying expert in several cases, and has written expert reports, been deposed, and testified in court or arbitration several times. Categories of cases include intellectual property disputes (patent infringement or validity, IPR and ITC cases), theft of intellectual property and trade secrets, interpretation of commercial contract terms (such as "commercially reasonable efforts", and product liability.

Mervyn L. Hecht, JD

Santa Monica, California
Financial - Private Option Trading, Stock Market Strategies, Listed and Public Option Trading
I was S. CA. general council for Charles Schwab and consulted for them on option matters. I consulted to Merrill Lynch on option litigation. I am the author of the book "How to Make Money with Stock Options" available on Amazon Books

John J Hosier

John Hosier Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Marketing, Management - Bio-similar drugs, Biotech & Pharma Marketing, Operations, Branded Promotion, CNS Products, Medicare, Oncology Products, Pharma Commercialization, Pharmaceutical Contracting & Pricing, Pharmaceutical Launch, Pharma Marketing, Pharma Sales, Specialty Pharma, DTC, Commercially Reasonable Efforts, CRE
...Hosier’s firm has architected the launch of rare disease and oncology business units for multiple pharmaceutical clients (large and small); led development of the managed markets, trade, and distribution strategy for the launch of new chemical entities (NCEs) and 505(b)2 assets for various organizations; advised on commercially reasonable effort (CRE); and provided commercial assessment and recommendation of various licensing and co-promote deals between organizations. Mr. Hosier is an active mentor with various biotech/healthtech accelerators in the tri-state area; serves as council member and advisor to numerous market research firms serving the financial industry; is an adjunct professor of pharmaceutical marketing with the Silberman School of Business, FDU; Before launching his own consulting firm, Mr....

Larry Steven Londre, MBA,

Marketing, Business Practices & Advertising Expert

Londre Marketing Consultants, LLC / USC / Pepperdine/ California State University, Northridge

Los Angeles, California
Marketing, Advertising - Marketing, Sales, Advertising, Ads, Promotion, Misleading, Deceptive Ads, Unfair Advertising, Business Practices, Intellectual Property, Patents, Deceptive Promotion, Trade Dress, Unfair Competition, Marketing Intelligence, Partners, Copyrights, Forensic Marketing, Web
...Cases: Marketing; Advertising; Ads; breach of contract; business strategies, practices; business and professions code compliance and violations; unfair competition, contracts, sponsorships; deceptive, false advertising; media; intellectual property; patents; usage of models; advertising agencies; trade secrets; partner business practices; unfair advertising; deceptive advertising; violations of Lanham Act; unjust enrichment; trademarks at issue; comparative advertising/promotion; licensing; packaging; the value of advertising and media campaigns. I have been deposed, testified in court and arbitration: 55 times. Cases have included contracts between partners, directors, advertising agencies, clients, advertisers, suppliers, distributors, production firms and media....

Jessie Stricchiola

Alchemist Media Inc.

San Francisco, California
Internet, Technology - Web Analytics, Search Engines, Prior Art, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), ChatGPT, AI, Algorithms, Mobile Apps, YouTube, Google Ads, Copyright/Trademark, Website Development, Google Analytics, Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Patent, IP
...Cases in which she has provided expert testimony have included class action, trademark, copyright, and trade secret matters, and her patent litigation testimony has included claims construction and validity, infringement, and indefiniteness analyses. With twenty-five years of experience in web analytics, digital marketing, search engine optimization, and related internet technologies, she is a published O’Reilly author and co-author of The Art of SEO (© 2009, 2012, 2015, Q3 2023), a comprehensive reference guide to organic search engine optimization used in various U.S. and international university marketing and computer science degree programs including at Georgetown University, USC, UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis, the University of Wisconsin, Syracuse University, the University of Mumbai, the City University of Hong Kong, and others. She has consulted for the U.S....

Jonathan E Hochman

Hochman Consultants

Cheshire, Connecticut
Internet, Cybersecurity - E-commerce, Ecommerce, SEO, Search Engine Optimization, PPC, Pay Per Click Advertising, Internet Marketing, Web Development, Mobile Apps, Google Analytics, Google Ads, Digital Forensics, Internet Security, Privacy, Wiretapping, Patent, Trademark, Reputation Management, Online Defamation
...Since 2007 he has provided expert witness services to plaintiffs and defendants alike for disputes involving trademarks, patents, trade secrets, copyrights, contracts, defamation and online reputation, unfair competition, conspiracy and fraud. Hochman has testified at eighteen trials and fifty-six depositions. He has served as a consulting expert in many more cases. His clients have been located in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Israel, Ukraine, and Romania. A Yale University graduate with two degrees in computer science, Hochman has worked as a sales, marketing and technology consultant for 34 years. After managing several prior businesses, he founded Hochman Consultants in 2004. Then in 2008 Hochman became chairman of the trade association SEMNE, Search Engine Marketing New England. Next in 2010 he founded a successful Internet security business, CodeGuard, which was acquired by Sectigo in 2018....

Stephen (Steve) Yates, CHST

UpVantage Strategies, LLC

Bolingbrook, Illinois
Safety, OSHA - National, Chicago, Illinois, Michigan, Atlanta, Georgia, Charlotte, North Carolina, Commercial and Residential Construction, Manufacturing, Industrial, Multi-Employer Worksite, Machine Guarding, Metal Coil Processing Welding and Fabrication, Precast Concrete, Food Processing and Manufacturing
...Expert in applying the Occupational Safety & Health Act (OSHA) regulations and policies to worker safety, assisting over 450 companies nationally across most construction trades and heavy manufacturing. Services provided include regulatory compliance gap analysis, program and safety management system development, incident and injury investigation including slips, trips, falls, amputations, and fatality, OSHA inspection management, workplace inspection, and training. Also frequently providing strategy and coaching to top management regarding management systems and leadership. An experienced expert, retained to provide litigation support as expert or fact-based analysis.

Joshua Sharlin, PhD


Pharmaceutical Regulation, Medical Devices - FDA, FDA Compliance, FDA Regulations, FDA MAUDE, FDA Drug Safety, FDA Warnings, FDA Drug Warnings, FDA Medical Device, FDA law, FDA regulatory, Drug Safety/FDA, FDA Medical Devices, Biologics Safety FDA, Implant Safety/FDA, Medical device product liability
...Hands-on experience in the entire lifecycle of product development from initial regulatory strategy, clinical trial planning and execution, to submission preparation and review at FDA. Authority in the collection, statistical analysis, interpretation, and presentation of information to FDA. Expert in understanding FDA reviewer’s actions and reactions. Specialist in analyzing FDA compliance information to answer three questions: 1) What did the company know and when did they know it? 2) What should the company have known and when should they have known it? 3) What should the company have done and when should they have done it? Provide FDA related regulatory support to attorneys in cases involving; (i) death or injury caused by drugs, biologics, or medical devices, (ii) patent infringement, (iii) insurance claims, (iv) wrongful termination, (v) trade secrets, (vi) merger and acquisitions, (vii) stock fraud, (viii) software development, (ix) data integrity.

John J Hosier

John Hosier Healthcare Consulting, LLC

West New York, New Jersey
Marketing, Management - Bio-similar drugs, Biotech & Pharma Marketing, Operations, Branded Promotion, CNS Products, Medicare, Oncology Products, Pharma Commercialization, Pharmaceutical Contracting & Pricing, Pharmaceutical Launch, Pharma Marketing, Pharma Sales, Specialty Pharma, DTC, Commercially Reasonable Efforts, CRE
...Hosier’s firm has architected the launch of rare disease and oncology business units for multiple pharmaceutical clients (large and small); led development of the managed markets, trade, and distribution strategy for the launch of new chemical entities (NCEs) and 505(b)2 assets for various organizations; advised on commercially reasonable effort (CRE); and provided commercial assessment and recommendation of various licensing and co-promote deals between organizations. Mr. Hosier is an active mentor with various biotech/healthtech accelerators in the tri-state area; serves as council member and advisor to numerous market research firms serving the financial industry; is an adjunct professor of pharmaceutical marketing with the Silberman School of Business, FDU; Before launching his own consulting firm, Mr....

Barclay T. Leib, CFE, CAIA

Sand Spring Advisors LLC

Morristown, New Jersey
Financial, Fraud - Hedge Funds, Alternative Investments, Derivatives, Trading Practices, Security Manipulation, Fiduciary Duty, Due Diligence, Forensic Audit, CFE, CAIA, Options, Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals
...He later investigated various derivatives trading issues for various financial publications including Institutional Investor, Plan Sponsor, Global Custodian, and Derivatives Strategy. Mr. Leib recently co-authored 2020 CFA Level III curriculum textbook on hedge funds and factor risk, as well as the CFA Level 1 curriculum textbook on Alternative Investments. He has contributed sections of two other books related to alternative investing, and appeared as a guest on Jim Grant's "Current Yield" podcast which can be found at this link: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-grants-interest-ra-28372830/episode/hedging-and-hedge-funds-30794355

Doug Bania

Nevium Intellectual Property Consultants

New York
Intellectual Property, Appraisal & Valuation - Defamation Damages, IP Valuation, Intellectual Property Damages, IP Damages, Licensing, Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets, Right of Publicity, Publicity Rights, ROP, Website Valuation, Licensing Customs & Practices, Google Analytics, Social media analysis, social media valuation
...Bania specializes in analyses for copyright, trade dress, trade secrets and trademark infringement, publicity rights, social media and Internet infringement, defamation, marketing strategy analyses, royalty rate determinations and other intangible assets. Mr. Bania also provides valuation and monetization strategies for trademarks, trade secrets, publicity rights, domain names, Internet and social media assets, brands, copyrights and other intangible assets for financial reporting, bankruptcy and transactional due diligence.

John J Hosier

John Hosier Healthcare Consulting, LLC

New York
Marketing, Management - Bio-similar drugs, Biotech & Pharma Marketing, Operations, Branded Promotion, CNS Products, Medicare, Oncology Products, Pharma Commercialization, Pharmaceutical Contracting & Pricing, Pharmaceutical Launch, Pharma Marketing, Pharma Sales, Specialty Pharma, DTC, Commercially Reasonable Efforts, CRE
...Hosier’s firm has architected the launch of rare disease and oncology business units for multiple pharmaceutical clients (large and small); led development of the managed markets, trade, and distribution strategy for the launch of new chemical entities (NCEs) and 505(b)2 assets for various organizations; advised on commercially reasonable effort (CRE); and provided commercial assessment and recommendation of various licensing and co-promote deals between organizations. Mr. Hosier is an active mentor with various biotech/healthtech accelerators in the tri-state area; serves as council member and advisor to numerous market research firms serving the financial industry; is an adjunct professor of pharmaceutical marketing with the Silberman School of Business, FDU; Before launching his own consulting firm, Mr....

Barclay T. Leib, CFE, CAIA

Sand Spring Advisors LLC

New York
Financial, Fraud - Hedge Funds, Alternative Investments, Derivatives, Trading Practices, Security Manipulation, Fiduciary Duty, Due Diligence, Forensic Audit, CFE, CAIA, Options, Foreign Exchange, Precious Metals
...He later investigated various derivatives trading issues for various financial publications including Institutional Investor, Plan Sponsor, Global Custodian, and Derivatives Strategy. Mr. Leib recently co-authored 2020 CFA Level III curriculum textbook on hedge funds and factor risk, as well as the CFA Level 1 curriculum textbook on Alternative Investments. He has contributed sections of two other books related to alternative investing, and appeared as a guest on Jim Grant's "Current Yield" podcast which can be found at this link: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-grants-interest-ra-28372830/episode/hedging-and-hedge-funds-30794355

William R Rosenblatt

Expert on Tech for Digital Media and Copyright

GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies

New York, New York
Intellectual Property, Music & Entertainment - Digital Media, Music Industry, Copyright Technology, Streaming Media, Digital Rights Management, Music Data, Music Technology, Digital Publishing, Content Recognition, Content Identification, Digital Watermarking, Digital Fingerprinting
Founder & president of GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies (www.giantstepsmts.com), a boutique consultancy with clients spanning three continents. Over 30 years of experience in technologies, business strategy, and intellectual property for digital media. Internationally recognized independent expert on technology issues related to copyright in the digital age. Unique ability to tie issues together from big-picture insights down to implementation details, for clients ranging from startups to Global 500, traditional media and technology-based businesses, and public policy entities worldwide. Deep background in and knowledge of major content industries including music, publishing, image, and video; in-depth knowledge of copyright law as it relates to digital content and the Internet. Computer science and IT background combined with experience in marketing and strategy, and education in finance....

Jon Washington, BSME, MBA, PMP

Engineering, Design, Manufacturing & Patent Expert

The Innovation Garage, LLC

Clinton, Ohio
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - Automotive, Aerospace, Gaming, Casinos, Financial Self Service, Manufacturing, Design, Systems, Polymers, Plastics, Barriers, Security, Software, Metal Forming Processes, Patent Process, Business Process, Operations, Medical Devices, Supply Chain, Consumer Products
...The Innovation Garage is a consultancy that provides education, tools, technology, and expert consulting in change management for strategy, innovation, and supply chain. The Innovation Garage works with organization leadership teams to help design strategy, build internal capability, and execute systems and solutions by providing education tools, and technology. The client base includes start up, not for profit, and globally recognized publicly traded organizations including several global fortune 500. Since founding the organization in 2012, The Innovation Garage has worked with 75+ global organizations and Mr. Washington has personally trained over 1,500 leaders and their extended internal team members. In addition to his role at The Innovation Garage, Mr. Washington consults with organizations across many industries and sizes including start-ups, mid-market privately held, large publicly traded, non-profit, and DoD support organizations....

John J Hosier

John Hosier Healthcare Consulting, LLC

Marketing, Management - Bio-similar drugs, Biotech & Pharma Marketing, Operations, Branded Promotion, CNS Products, Medicare, Oncology Products, Pharma Commercialization, Pharmaceutical Contracting & Pricing, Pharmaceutical Launch, Pharma Marketing, Pharma Sales, Specialty Pharma, DTC, Commercially Reasonable Efforts, CRE
...Hosier’s firm has architected the launch of rare disease and oncology business units for multiple pharmaceutical clients (large and small); led development of the managed markets, trade, and distribution strategy for the launch of new chemical entities (NCEs) and 505(b)2 assets for various organizations; advised on commercially reasonable effort (CRE); and provided commercial assessment and recommendation of various licensing and co-promote deals between organizations. Mr. Hosier is an active mentor with various biotech/healthtech accelerators in the tri-state area; serves as council member and advisor to numerous market research firms serving the financial industry; is an adjunct professor of pharmaceutical marketing with the Silberman School of Business, FDU; Before launching his own consulting firm, Mr....

Rhonda Harper, MBA

Harper Litigation Consulting and Research

Dallas, Texas
Marketing, Advertising - Trademark Survey, Advertising Survey, Consumer Survey (Lanham Act - Likelihood of Confusion, Secondary Meaning, Genericness, Fame, Dilution, Advertising), Class Action, Intellectual Property, Consumer Behavior, Licensing, Deceptive Trade Practices, Fraudulent Business Practices, Rebuttal
...As a former chief marketing officer for Fortune 500 companies, general manager for a leading global communications agency, serial entrepreneur, and an adjunct marketing professor, she has been engaged by hundreds of law firms in cases regarding intellectual property infringement, misleading advertising, licensing, breach of contract and performance, unfair competition, trade practices, consumer privacy, and standard practices. She has also been a designated expert in more than ten class action lawsuits. As a leading survey expert, Ms. Harper has conducted or rebutted more than 200 Lanham Act trademark, trade dress, and advertising surveys. Since 2005, Ms. Harper has testified more than 100 times in virtually every Federal Circuit Court, along with State Courts, USPTO, TTAB, and in arbitrations through both AAA and JAMS. 2023 CLASS ACTION CASE: $25,000,000 Settlement - Walter Peters v. Apple, Inc. Rhonda served as the marketing, advertising, and promotion expert witness....

Brian Jones

Expert Banking Witness

Dallas, Texas
Financial - Banks & Financial Services, Corporate Governance, Mergers & Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Strategic Planning, Negotiations, Family Offices, Private Equity, Capital Markets, Corporate & Investment Banking, Accounting & Financial Reporting, Charitable Foundations, Hedge Fund, Investment Research
...He is portfolio manager of the Manthano Fund, an investment fund focused on long-term investments in publicly traded banks, financials and fintech.   Archegos Capital Management | New York | Co-President | 2016 - 2021 Archegos was a multibillion-dollar family office investing in publicly traded companies in the US, China, Japan and Korea. Mr. Jones was Global Head of Research, overseeing the 50+ person investment team. He brought strategic partners to Archegos through his powerful network and was integral in supporting Archegos’ strong mission and values-driven culture by mentoring its people and growing them professionally. He also served as a non-voting participant of The Grace & Mercy Foundation board. Carreker Corporation | Dallas | Executive Vice President and Head of Strategy | 2002 - 2003 Mr. Jones served as an Executive Officer and the Head of Strategic Planning and M&A for this financial technology company (now part of Fiserv). Mr....

Nicholas Ladikos, PharmD, FASCP, BCPS, BCGP, BCIDP

Board-Certified Clinical Pharmacist and Professor

MedOp Advisors

Coppell, Texas
Pharmacist, Infectious Diseases - Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal Products, Pharmacotherapeutics, Drugs, Medications, Supplements, Herbals, Geriatrics, Board Certified, Fellow, Pharmacometrics, pharmacoeconomics, Dispensing, Retail, Clinical, Investigational Drugs and Clinical Trials, Antibiotics, Psychoactive Medications, Immunizations
...Present Texas Preceptor Certification February 2022 Texas Pharmacist License and Immunization Certification May 2021 Value-Based Contracting Pharmacy Certification June 2020 Fundamentals of Managed Care Pharmacy Certification May 2020 Board Certified Infectious Diseases Pharmacist (BCIDP) June 2019 Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist (BCGP) November 2018 Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist (BCPS) November 2017 Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists (SIDP) Stewardship Certificate October 2017 LEAN Sigma Certificate for Healthcare Providers March 2016 Maryland Pharmacist License and Immunization Certification December 2013 – Present Advance Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) September 2013 – Present ASHP Conference for Pharmacy Leaders October 2012 Adult and Pediatric CPR/BLS/AED August 2009 – Present PHARMACY AND CONSULTING EXPERIENCE PHARMACY EXPERIENCE Re:Cognition Health, Fort Worth, Dallas, Texas Clinical Trials Pharmacist March 2024 – Present Optum Serve for the World Trade...

Monty G Myers, PE

Eureka Software Solutions, Inc.

Austin, Texas
Software Engineering, Intellectual Property - Software Industry, Source Code, Software Patents, Software Trade Marks, Software Antitrust, Software Trade Secrets, Source Code Review, Source Code Comparison, Source Code Misappropriation, Open Source Licensing, Computer Forensics
...Myers, with the support of his team at Eureka, has served as a testifying and consulting software expert witness in over 135 software trade secret, patent, and other technology related cases in both state and federal court. After over 35 years in business, Eureka is a leading project-oriented, custom software development company based in Austin, Texas. Eureka has built software products and business solutions for an impressive client list which includes members of the Global 1000, Fortune 500, notable private companies, and numerous high-profile start-up organizations. Eureka has a highly successful track record providing state-of-the-art software solutions on a variety of technology platforms. Eureka has enjoyed great business success and has received multiple achievement awards. As the leader of Eureka, Mr. Myers is truly a practicing industry expert....

Chris Silver Smith

Argent Media

Dallas, Texas
Internet, Marketing - Search Engine Optimization, SEO, Defamation, Technology, Online Advertising, Social Media, Reputation Management, Domain Names, Cybersquatting, Internet Analytics, APIs, API Development, Internet Advertising, Google Ads, Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Trademark Infringement
...He has also served as expert witness in cases involving online reviews and ratings, online reputation management, defamation, and unfair trade practices. As a longtime internet marketing agency operator, Smith not only knows practical SEO and Social Media strategies and theories, but he has also provided SEO and Social Media on behalf of numerous individuals and Fortune 500 companies. This deep background in practical internet marketing provides a formidible advantage and a uniquely informed specialist. Prior to founding his agency, Chris Silver Smith worked at Verizon where he was awarded the prestigious individual Verizon Excellence Award for his research and development of Search Engine Optimization projects, from 2003-04, based on his pioneering research in SEO dating back to 1997. Smith was also awarded the team Verizon Excellence Award for the Superpages.com Traffic Growth Team projects for work involving search optimization....