Expert on Tech for Digital Media and Copyright

Contact this Expert Witness

  • Company: GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies
  • Phone: (212) 956-1045
  • Cell: (646) 245-6812
  • Website:

Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Intellectual Property and Music & Entertainment

Keywords/Search Terms:

Digital Media, Music Industry, Copyright Technology, Streaming Media, Digital Rights Management, Music Data, Music Technology, Digital Publishing, Content Recognition, Content Identification, Digital Watermarking, Digital Fingerprinting


B.S.E., Princeton University; M.S., University of Massachusetts

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

Founder & president of GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies (, a boutique consultancy with clients spanning three continents. Over 30 years of experience in technologies, business strategy, and intellectual property for digital media. Internationally recognized independent expert on technology issues related to copyright in the digital age. Unique ability to tie issues together from big-picture insights down to implementation details, for clients ranging from startups to Global 500, traditional media and technology-based businesses, and public policy entities worldwide. Deep background in and knowledge of major content industries including music, publishing, image, and video; in-depth knowledge of copyright law as it relates to digital content and the Internet. Computer science and IT background combined with experience in marketing and strategy, and education in finance. Consulting clients have included Adobe, Associated Press, Brother, British Telecom, Consumers Union, Disney, Google, HP, IBM, LG Electronics, McGraw-Hill, Microsoft, NPR, Pearson, Readers Digest, Sony, Spotify, and Warner Music Group. Expert witness and litigation consultant in intellectual property matters with experience in the U.S., Canada, and the Netherlands. Testimony in U.S. federal courts, the Copyright Royalty Board, and International Trade Commission. Source code examination in over a dozen programming languages; drafting of discovery requests and technical sections of briefs. Advisory work for and/or testimony before public policy organizations and regulatory bodies worldwide. Due diligence for investors evaluating stakes in digital media technology companies. Analysis of IP (patent) portfolios. Program chair & co-producer of annual Copyright and Technology Conference with the Copyright Society. Adjunct faculty in NYU Music Business program. Speaker at events worldwide including the World Economic Forum (Davos). Co-author with Howie Singer of book Key Changes: The Ten Times Technology Transformed the Music Industry (Oxford University Press). Forbes contributor; author of books, white papers, and journal articles on digital media technology and business. Please see for selected client list.