Malingering Expert Witnesses
Malingering expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on malingering. The malingering expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Addiction Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry, Biomedical Engineering, Brain Injury Medicine, Employment, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Geriatric Psychiatry, Independent Medical Examinations, Mental Health, Neurology, Neuropsychology, Nurse, Occupational Medicine, and Psychiatry.
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Benicia, California
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Deanna Foster, Ph.D.
Psychological Resources & Services, Inc.
Psychology, Employment
Employment, Organizational Culture, Psychological Evaluation, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Depression, Defamation, Emotional Distress, Anxiety, Assault, Trauma, IME, Malingering, Title VII, Whistleblower
Certified to perform examinations in 28 states. Awarded dual state licensure in California and Colorado with offices throughout both states.
Graduated APA accredited doctoral program at USC with honors. Post-doctoral APA accredited fellowship in clinical evaluation and treatment at Kaiser-Permanente. Awarded professional membership in the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists. Certified as a Qualified Medical Evaluator to perform psychological med-legal evaluations/ IME's. Advanced trauma training with Certified Clinical Trauma Professional designation.
Expert educator on organizational dynamics and stress, presented to Fortune 500 companies across the United States, Asia and Europe. Retained by employers to investigate management problems, develop interventions and mediate solutions. Extensive public speaking and teaching experience.
Advanced expert witness training with the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, California Society of Industrial Medicine, S...
Kerry A. Hannifin, Psy.D.
Expedient Medicolegal Services
Patton, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Correctional Mental Health, Institutional Adult and Juvenile Inpatient Care, Pediatric Mental Disability, Autism, Developmental Disorders, Standard of Care, Traumatic Injury, Risk Assessment, Malingering, Chronic Pain, Emotional Distress, Cognitive and Functional Capacity
Kerry A. Hannifin, Psy.D. in a licensed forensic and clinical psychologist. Dr. Hannifin is currently a Senior Psychologist Supervisor with the Department of State Hospitals - Patton, where she has been employed for 15 years. In her role at DSH-Patton, Dr. Hannifin oversees the PC 1370, Incompetent to Stand Trial (IST), division of the hospital’s Forensic Evaluation Department, the largest forensic department in the nation. Dr. Hannifin developed and implemented the IST forensic program at DSH-Patton, the first to be fully implemented within the Department of State Hospitals. Dr. Hannifin has extensive forensic experience and has provided expert testimony on various forensic matters. Dr. Hannifin frequently provides forensic trainings, presentations, and consultation.
In addition to her work at DSH-Patton, Dr. Hannifin has a forensic private practice. In her practice, Dr. Hannifin serves as a Qualified Medical Evaluator (QME) and has worked with the Department of Industrial Relatio...
Mason D. Harrell, III, MD, MPH, FACOEM
San Diego, California
Occupational Medicine, Public Health
Chemical Exposures, Heat Injuries, Asbestos, Dust, Mold, Air Quality, Heavy Metals, Radiation, Toxicology, Fitness for Duty, Return to Work, Malingering, Stress, Violence, PTSD, Personal Injury, Disability, Chronic Pain, Telemedicine, Primary Care
Harvard Instructor of Physicians, Harvard-trained (Residency & MPH), double board-certified, full-time practicing physician in Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Public Health, and General Preventive Medicine. Medical expert work with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the World Health Organization (WHO), American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), and MDGuidelines®. Published original research on Long Term and Short Term Disability in ACOEM’s Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and chapter author of Psychological Factors and Workforce Health in ACOEM’s Occupational Health Guide. Published with the World Health Organization in the Journal of Infectious Disease on Ebola infections in health care workers.
His involvement in the coronavirus (COVID-19) response includes instructing medical, health, and safety professionals, creating policies and procedures, directing preventive medicine and public health, mitigating transmiss...
Lars Hungerford, Ph.D., ABPP-CN
Advanced Neuropsychology
San Diego, California
Neuropsychology, Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion, Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Stroke, Personal Injury, Dementia, Depression, Substance Abuse, Neuropsychological Assessment, Malingering, Neuropsychology, Consultation
Dr. Lars Hungerford was board certified in clinical neuropsychology through the American Board of Professional Psychology in 2012 and has over 20 years of experience. He is considered a subject matter expert on traumatic brain injury and has extensive experience evaluating patients with brain injuries ranging in severity from mild to severe. He has given numerous invited lectures to national and international audiences on topics such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, post-concussive syndrome, mild traumatic brain injury, and posttraumatic stress disorder and has been routinely praised for his ability to present complex information in interesting and accessible ways.
Dr. Hungerford has worked in various settings (e.g. inpatient hospitals, outpatient hospitals, psychiatric inpatient hospitals, military treatment facilities, and private practice) and is engaged in research, education, and clinical work related to brain injury and associated conditions. He dedicates part of his prac...
Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC
Psychology Expert
Lifetime Counseling and Consulting
Fair Oaks, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Domestic violence, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, correctional mental health, wrongful death, PTSD, sex abuse, sex offender, criminal offense, malingering, stalking, mental health, murder, mental health, victimization, trauma, shooting, sexual assault, discrimination, psych testing
Experience in criminal and civil proceedings. Private practice since 2014.Retained by both defense and plaintiffs. Experience in evaluations and testimony for adults. 16 years of combined field as a counselor, trainer, interviewer, report writer working with victims of abuse, sexual assault, and with perpetrators of violence, and Dept of Corrections. Licensed as licensed professional clinical counselor in California since 2014. Doctorate in clinical psychology in 2016. Became certified as a National Domestic Violence Counselor in 2010. Published dissertation study in 2016 that evaluated and summarized the effects of being psychologically abused by parents in childhood.
1) Domestic violence / coercive control /emotional abuse
2) Psych / Forensic evaluations
3) Mental health assessment
4) Sexual abuse / sexual assault evaluations
*CV available upon request
Lucas A Klein, Ph.D.
Psychologist Expert Witness
San Diego, California
Psychology, Forensic Psychology
Personality testing, Psychological Testing, Emotional Damages, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Psychological trauma, Depression, Emotional distress , Personal injury , Trauma and abuse , Diagnostic Assessment, Motor Vehicle Accident, Assault, psychoanalyst, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Abuse, Malingering
-Reliable Expert Witness Psychologist, Licensed and Available in California, Oregon, New York, Connecticut
-Expert in psychological testing
-Articulate, straightforward, diligent. I have a unique combination of being a clinical psychologist with an expertise in psychological testing as well as being an Adult Psychoanalyst, which is an extremely rare and extensive post licensure clinical certification. This combination allows me to provide scientifically informed reports utilizing the most valid and reliable psychometric testing available and then to be able to explain my positions with an ease that comes from my training and experience as a psychoanalyst. Whereas many clinicians have only a handful of classes instructing them on treatment, psychoanalysts undergo 5 years of intense post-Ph.D. education, with thousands of hours of guidance. I believe you will notice the difference in my testimony and general presentation.
I am available in order to evaluate evidence to support or c...
Catherine Marreiro, PhD, ABPP-CN & QME
Bay Area Cognitive Health
Burlingame, California
Neuropsychology, Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Concussion, Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Stroke, Personal Injury, Dementia, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Depression, Substance Abuse, Neuropsychological Assessment, Malingering, Neuropsychology, Consultation
Dr. Marreiro (PSY26835) is a board-certified clinical neuropsychologist and Qualified Medical Evaluator for the State of California Division of Workers Compensation.
She is the Director of Neuropsychology at the Ray Dolby Brain Health Center at California Pacific Medical Center/Sutter Pacific Medical Foundation, and the founder and President of Bay Area Cognitive Health. She is also president for the Northern California Neuropsychology Forum, member-at-large for Division VIII-Neuropsychology of California Psychological Association, and board member for the San Francisco Neurological Society.
Her clinical expertise extends across a wide range of lifespan conditions, including but not limited to, Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, movement disorders, stroke, cancer, traumatic brain injury/concussion, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, sleep disorders, ADHD/Learning disorders, and mood problems.
Through her role as Senior Educational Consultant with Pearson Assessments, sh...
Sudhanva Rajagopal, Psy.D.
Highly Experienced Forensic Psychologist
Nexus Psychology, Inc.
Walnut Creek, California
Forensic Psychology
PTSD, Complex Trauma, Neuropsychology, Violence Risk, Correctional Suicide, Correctional Medicine, Standard of Care, Jail Suicide, Prison Suicide, Competency to Proceed, Trial Competency, Emotional Injury, Emotional Distress, Psychopathy, Psychological Disability, IME, Psychosis, TBI, Malingering
I am a California- and Oregon-licensed psychologist specializing in forensic psychological and neuropsychological assessment. I have completed over 200 forensic evaluations (defense, plaintiff, and court appointed) across 11 California counties and in the federal district courts of California and Oregon. As an expert witness, I routinely provide testimony on the brain's fear response, the neuropsychology of PTSD and psychosis, the emotional/behavioral impact of complex trauma, violence and sexual offending risk, and trial competency.
Before entering independent practice, I provided English- and Spanish-language clinical services in a variety of correctional and forensic settings (e.g., jails, prisons, state hospitals), where I gained extensive experience in the evaluation of correctional suicide risk; violence risk; trial competency; malingering; and the complex interaction of co-occurring mental disorders (e.g., traumatic brain injury, psychosis, PTSD, substance use).
I am c...
Matthew J Steiner, M.D., Q.M.E.
Expedient Medicolegal Services
Encino, California
Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry
IME, testamentary capacity, fitness for duty, capacity to refuse treatment, medical malpractice, suicide, negligence, psychiatrist malpractice, PTSD, emotional distress, psychiatric disability, emotional harm, wrongful termination, stalking, malingering, threat assessment, security clearance, trauma
Dr. Steiner is dual-board certified in Adult Psychiatry by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and in Addiction Medicine by the American Board of Addiction Medicine. In addition to his private practice, Dr. Steiner is founder and director of Expedient Medicolegal Services (, where he mentors a group of 40+ physicians in multiple medical specialties in their own medicolegal practices. In his current position, Dr. Steiner has provided critical review on thousands of medicolegal cases and is versed in all aspects of how to be an optimal expert witness. Dr. Steiner is published in the fields of health psychology, immunological function and its effects on mental disorders and addiction. He accepts civil forensic and corporate/university threat assessment cases nationally, with focus on the following areas:
Independent Medical Evaluations (IMEs)
Civil Capacities:
Testamentary Capacity (Ability to Make a Legally-Enforceable Will)
Capacity to Consent to (or R...
Deanna Foster, Ph.D.
Psychological Resources & Services, Inc.
Denver, Colorado
Psychology, Employment
Employment, Organizational Culture, Psychological Evaluation, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Wrongful Termination, Post Traumatic Stress, PTSD, Depression, Defamation, Emotional Distress, Anxiety, Assault, Trauma, IME, Malingering, Title VII, Whistleblower
Certified to perform examinations in 28 states. Awarded dual state licensure in California and Colorado with offices throughout both states.
Graduated APA accredited doctoral program at USC with honors. Post-doctoral APA accredited fellowship in clinical evaluation and treatment at Kaiser-Permanente. Awarded professional membership in the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychologists. Certified as a Qualified Medical Evaluator to perform psychological med-legal evaluations/ IME's. Advanced trauma training with Certified Clinical Trauma Professional designation.
Expert educator on organizational dynamics and stress, presented to Fortune 500 companies across the United States, Asia and Europe. Retained by employers to investigate management problems, develop interventions and mediate solutions. Extensive public speaking and teaching experience.
Advanced expert witness training with the American Academy of Forensic Psychology, California Society of Industrial Medicine, S...
George T Gitchel, Ph.D.
Quantitative, accurate TBI assesments.
TBI litigation support
Wilmington, Delaware
Neurology, Biomedical Engineering
Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, eye movements, concussion, head injury, oculomotor, RIghtEye, Right Eye, movement disorders, eye tracking, quantitative anaylsis, remote IME, objective TBI, malingering, slip and fall, worker's compensation, motor vehicle accident, preclinical diagnosis
We believe that any litigation involving life-altering injuries like TBI requires evidence of the highest caliber in order to provide justice. We offer expert witness testimony along with objective, quantifiable, and repeatable data to TBI cases that have historically relied on evidence that is qualitative, subjective, and often speculative. Through two decades of in-depth human research on the neurophysiological "wiring" of eye movements, we have developed a novel, patented technology capable of supporting or refuting the presence or history of TBI with very high accuracy. Utilizing eye movement data collected from thousands of Veterans at the VA hospitals, we are able to conclusively support or refute a diagnosis of TBI through eye movement analysis. Further, these head injuries can be stratified from normal (i.e. healthy), to concussions, mild TBI, through moderate and severe TBI. Critically, this test cannot be faked in any way, which often provides a recording of crystal clea...
Michael J DiTomasso, PhD
Forensic Psychologist: Criminal and Civil
Michael J. DiTomasso, Ph.D., P.A.
Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Substance Abuse
Forensic Psychological Evaluations, Mitigation, Downward Departure, Substance Abuse, Trauma, PTSD, Psychosexual, MDSO, Competency to Proceed, Competency Waive Miranda, Coerced Confession, Parenting, Parental Alienation, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, False Allegations, Malingering, Diagnosis
I, Dr. Michael J. DiTomasso, am a PhD level Forensic Psychologist. I specialize in Forensic Psychological Evaluations and trial consulting in Criminal and Sexual Offence cases, Juvenile Delinquency, and Child Abuse matters. I do a lot of work in the basic forensic functions such as psychological evaluations for mitigation and downward departure, competency to proceed, competency to waive Miranda, competency to testify relevantly, etc. In regard to these kinds of cases, I supply expert opinion as to mental health diagnoses, treatment needs, appropriate level of care, and prognosis. I have expertise and experience with all the major diagnostic categories such as schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorders, psychopathy and other personality disorders. I am a member of the Association for Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and evaluation of dangerousness and risk is often an integral part of the work I do. I have testified at se...
Robert M. Gordon, PhD
Former Professor Forensic Psychology 100+ articles
Robert M. Gordon, PhD ABPP
Osprey, Florida
PTSD, Emotional distress, competency, neuropsychology, testing, malingering, Criminal responsibility, Testamentary capacity, Malpractice, Risk assessment, mental diagnosis, sexual abuse and harassment
I have been qualified to testify in County and Federal Courts in several states on matters of civil and criminal litigation related to psychological issues since 1980.
I received my B.A. in Psychology from Temple University in 1970 and was accepted into Temple’s Ph.D. Psychology program with a full four-year fellowship, which accepted only 4% of applicants. I was granted my Ph.D. in 1975. My dissertation combined economic and psychological factors to predict quality of life. I completed formal psychoanalytic training in 1979 at the Post-Graduate Center for Mental Health in NYC.
I am licensed to practice psychology in both Pennsylvania and Florida and hold a Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Additionally, I am certified to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT).
I served as President of the Pennsylvania Psychological Association (1990–1991) and was elected to the Governing Council of ...
Jonathan D Gross, Psy.D.
expert in acquired brain injuries including TBI
Behavioral Health of North Florida
Neuropsychology, Brain Injury Medicine
Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, Neuropsychology, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Fitness for Duty, Malingering, Competency to Stand Trial, Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity, Psychology, Military Mental Health, Developmental Disorder, Disability, Intellectual Impairment, Autism
Dr. Jonathan Gross is a fellowship-trained neuropsychologist and licensed psychologist with extensive experience in the fields of neuropsychology, neuropsychological rehabilitation, and psychological assessment. He has trained at various centers of excellence including Emory University, the Mount Sinai Medical Center, and Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital. Dr. Gross holds expertise in the evaluation of traumatic brain injury and other neuromedical conditions including dementia, stroke, and developmental disorders (such as Autism Spectrum Disorder and intellectual impairment). He devoted ten years of practice serving US Veterans through the VA community provider system where he evaluated and treated veterans for traumatic brain injury, dementia, posttraumatic stress disorder, and associated conditions. Dr. Gross employs a comprehensive and in-depth approach to assessment which allows him to identify a diverse range of factors that contribute to symptoms including effects of brain trauma...
Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum, Psy.D., ABPP
Rosenbaum Psychological Group, LLC
Jacksonville, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Behavioral Science, Emotional Trauma, Malingering, Military Mental Health, Psychology, Stress, Suicide
Johns Hopkins trained board certified clinical psychologist (top 4%) and former active duty U.S. Navy psychologist, serving as chief clinical and forensic psychologist for southeast region and head of largest military mental health clinic in the region with 50,000 patients enrolled to the clinic.
He has performed over 1,000 mental health evaluations. Dr. Rosenbaum is an experienced expert witness in both civilian (civil and criminal) and military courts with a specialty in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Malingering. Dr. Rosenbaum routinely conducts Compulsory Medical Evaluations (CME) using objective psychological testing to form his opinions.
He has published two books and conducted research on health, wellness and mental health treatment.
He is currently the head of a thriving mental health evaluation and treatment private practice.
Kenneth E DiNella, MD
Kenneth E. DiNella, MD, LLC
Americus, Georgia
Child custody, emotional injury, competency to stand trial, insanity defense, will contests, psychiatric malpractice, Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), fitness for duty, psychopharmacology, child abuse, sexual harassment, guardianship, conservatorship, undue Influence, malingering, psychiatric
Duke trained, board certified psychiatrist with over 22 years professional experience, including chief of staff and medical director. Experienced expert witness in child custody, civil and criminal matters. Completed SEAK expert witness training courses. Teaching experience at Duke University Medical Center. Former Chief Outpatient Resident at Duke’s Psychiatric Residency program. Magna Cum Laude graduate (psychology major) of Vanderbilt.
Colin A. Brietzke, PsyD
Neuropsychological Evaluations of Competence
Chicagoland Neuropsychology LLC
OAK PARK, Illinois
Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology
Elder Competence, Guardianship, Brain Injury, Somatoform, Decisionmaking Capacity, Competence to stand trial, Fitness to stand trial, Not guilty by reason of insanity, Mitigation, IME, Malingering, Schizophrenia, PTSD, Workmen's Compensation, Intellectual Impairment, Dementia, Stroke, Competency
I specialize in evaluating competence in civil matters such as guardianship proceedings and competence to stand trial. I also perform IMEs and assess mental state at the time of the offense. I am available to evaluate and testify or provide controlled expert services to assist attorneys in strategizing around other clinicians’ reports.
I am experienced with disorders that are commonly the focus of litigation, such as dementia, brain injury, PTSD, psychotic spectrum disorders such as schizophrenia, and intellectual disability or autism. I also do extensive testing for malingering and functional neurological disorders.
In addition to my forensic work, I run a private practice focusing on clinical evaluations, where I train postdoctoral residents. I have taught graduate students and lecture to both attorneys and clinicians. I regularly write for the Illinois Institute for Continued Legal Education and academic journals. My reports are based on objective, reliable information, using min...
Thomas Cothran, PhD
Clinical Neuropsychologist
Cothran Forensic Neuropsychology, LLC
Hinsdale, Illinois
Neuropsychology, Psychology
Traumatic Brain Injury, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Dementia, Concussion, Epilepsy, Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Bipolar Disorder, Malingering, Intracranial Hemorrhage, Stroke, TBI, PTSD, Hypoxia, Neuropsychological Testing, Psychometrics, Alcoholism, Substance abuse, ADHD
I am a fellowship-trained clinical neuropsychologist and a licensed clinical psychologist. I received my PhD in clinical psychology at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, where I also completed a rehabilitation psychology specialization track. My clinical training in neuropsychology included multiple pre-doctoral practicum placements, an American Psychological Association (APA) accredited predoctoral internship, and a two-year postdoctoral fellowship. I have extensive experience in the assessment of adults and older adults with traumatic brain injuries, concussion, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dementia, movement disorders, epilepsy, stroke, autoimmune diseases, alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and psychosis.
After fellowship, I founded an outpatient neuropsychology clinic within a large medical organization. In this capacity, I receive referrals from multiple departments including neur...
Richard S Goldberg, MD
Forest Park, Illinois
Psychiatry, Addiction Medicine
Hospital, liability, dual diagnosis, involuntary, psychosis, suicide, workers comp, fitness for duty, malingering, sexual contact, disability, diagnosis, psychotropic medication, detox, inpatient, guardianship, violence
I am a board-certified psychiatrist with 33 years experience working in psychiatric hospitals, chemical dependency treatment facilities, nursing homes, community mental health centers, and office-based private practice of adolescents and adults with a wide range of psychiatric illnesses and addiction issues. I am currently in active practice.
I have a unique ability to perform completely private evaluations in security-sensitive circumstances. I am routinely contacted directly to arrange and coordinate independent evaluations, meet with clients without involving others, and can perform evaluations in anonymous locations when necessary. Reports are completed offline without involving any third party in the process (without answering services, recording devices, third party testing, EMR, secretarial/support staff or coordinators, transcriptionists, etc.) ensuring complete privacy throughout the IME process.
Board Certified Psychiatrist
Certified in Addiction Medicine
Hospital Clin...
Ray S. Kim, Ph.D.
Forensic Psychology Expert Witness
Patrick J. Kennelly, Ph.D. and Associates
Schaumburg, Illinois
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Pre-Sentencing Evaluations, Sex Offenders, Violence Risk, Fitness for Duty, Competency, Substance Abuse, Independent Medical Examinations, Personal Injury, Workers' Compensation, Disability, Malpractice, Malingering
Dr. Kim has the education, experience, knowledge, and skill to meet your forensic psychological needs. He is an experienced Clinical and Forensic Psychologist who has testified in numerous cases in both criminal and civil court proceedings. Dr. Kim is sensitive to the nature of legal matters, and provides comprehensive, timely, and professional services. His credentials include: Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Disorder Professional , Diplomate of the American Psychotherapy Association, Diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Specialties, Fellow of the American College of Forensic Examiners Institute, and Fellow of the American College of Advanced Practice Psychologists.
corby bubp, Ph.D. HSPP
psych health
indianapolis, Indiana
Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology
Neuropsychologist, Psychologist, Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain injury, PTSD, FFD, Fitness For Duty, Public Safety, Malingering, Personal Injury, Medical Psychology, Disability, Forensic, Trauma, Workers Compensation, Neurology, Concussion, TBI, Pain, Pilot
Dr. Corby Bubp is a fellowship trained Neuropsychologist and Psychologist based out of Indianapolis but licensed in 42 states through Psypact. He has a specialty in neuropsychology, forensic evaluations, medical psychology, public safety evaluations, PTSD, and sports neuropsychology/psychology. Dr. Bubp has worked as an expert in federal, state and local courts and has consulted in several brain-related and trauma cases including death penalty mitigation. He has trained or supervised over 20 doctorate and graduate students in neuropsychology and assessment. He has worked with several hospitals, clinics, schools, and public safety departments across his career. Dr. Bubp is a HIMS Neuropsychologist Consultant to the FAA and performed over a hundred pilot evaluations. He is also a sports neuropsychology consultant to pro and college athletic teams. Case file and 2nd opinion reviews are welcome. CV is available upon request. Dr. Bubp is best reached for case consultation and ne...
Anne Mary K Montero, PhD, MS, HSPP
Psychology Works, Indiana University Health
Westfield, Indiana
Psychology, Neuropsychology
Psychology, pain, somatoform disorders, anxiety, trauma, stress, sexual abuse, PTSD, disability, malingering, cognitive-behavioral therapy, OCD, depression, personality disorders, perinatal mood disorders, GI psychology, cancer, personal injury, workman's compensation, suicide
Dr. Montero is a board-certified, highly experienced professional with training in medical psychology and neuropsychology. She has more than 15,000 hours of experience evaluating and treating patients and currently serves as the Medical Director for Behavioral Health for Indiana University Health North Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at IU School of Medicine. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Notre Dame, Dr. Montero has specialized training from the Herbert Benson Mind-Body Institute at Harvard, with certifications including trauma treatment, perinatal mood disorder assessment and care, and treatment for brain-gut axis disorders. She is widely experienced in psychological evaluation and regularly partners with physicians in 19 different medical specialties. Dr. Montero has received awards from the American Psychological Association with grant support from the US Department of Health and Human Services; she currently participa...
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Kristin Samuelson
Forensic Psychologist - Trauma/PTSD Specialist
New Orleans, Louisiana
Forensic Psychology, Neuropsychology
PTSD, Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, TBI, Traumatic brain injury, Memory, Neuropsychology, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Immigrants, Veterans, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Assessment, Malingering, Personal Injury
Kristin Samuelson, Ph.D. is a clinical and forensic psychologist living in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a former professor who brings over 20 years of experience as an expert witness and forensic evaluator in litigation related to traumatic stress.
Dr. Samuelson received her PhD in clinical psychology in 1998 from the University of Virginia and completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Since 2001, her research and clinical practice have been devoted to understanding and treating trauma. From 2001 to 2015 she was a Research Psychologist and Director of Assessment for the Stress and Health Research Program at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, a research program dedicated to the neurobiology of PTSD and trauma treatment. She served as the neuropsychologist for that research program and was responsible for diagnostic and neuropsychological assessment of trauma survivors with PTSD, traumat...
Scott R Beach
Psychiatrist - Harvard Faculty
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
Psychiatry, Mental Health
Emergency Psychiatry, Schizophrenia, Catatonia, QT Prolongation, Depression, Suicide, Malingering, Factitious Disorder, Munchausen syndrome, COVID, Delirium, Residency Training, Neuropsychiatry, Bipolar disorder, Serotonin syndrome, Personality disorders, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
I am a consultation-liaison and emergency psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, specializing in the care of patients with co-morbid medical and psychiatric illness. I specialize in caring for patients with medical complications of psychiatric illness or psychiatric medications, as well as psychiatric complications of medical illness or medications. As an emergency psychiatrist, I regularly perform risk assessment for suicide and harm to others and make decisions about whether patients need to be hospitalized involuntarily. Each week, I see dozens of patients with the following conditions: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, personality disorders, PTSD, Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and TBI. I teach and supervise medical students, residents and fellows on a daily basis.
I completed a psychiatry residency at University of Virginia and a fellowship in consultation-liaison psychiatry at Massachuse...
Dana R Anderson
Forensic Psychologist-- Killer Psychologist
California Forensic Psychology
Carson City, Nevada
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
threat assessment, malingering, serial killers, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, homicide, PTSD, feigning, kidnapping, stalking, murder, strangulation, child custody, family law, domestic violence, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopathy, risk assessment, Insanity defense, sex offenders
Dr. Anderson is a distinguished forensic psychologist with over a decade of experience delivering expert testimony in criminal, civil, and family law cases. Her extensive expertise in malingering, deception, and severe mental illness offers attorneys and courts the critical insights needed to navigate the most complex psychological evaluations. Widely recognized for her specialization in high-stakes legal cases, Dr. Anderson is frequently retained for high-profile evaluations. Utilizing clinical and forensic psychopathology assessments, she is trusted by both defense and plaintiff teams to provide impartial and impactful evaluations.
As the host of the acclaimed podcast Killer Psychologist, Dr. Anderson examines the psychological forces driving criminal behavior and unpacks the complexities of the justice system. Her expertise has been featured on Fox Nation, Investigation Discovery, and Nancy Grace, solidifying her reputation as a leading authority in forensic psychology. Renowned...
William A Haas, Psy.D.
Wurtsboro , New York
Psychology, Independent Medical Examinations
IME, Independent Medical Examination, Disability, SSI, Social Security, Injury, Psychological Injury, Psychology, Psychologist, Pain, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Accidents, Education Injuries, School Districts, Worker's Comp, Malingering, Symptom Magnification
Dr. Haas has been a psychologist for the past 37 years and is currently licensed in New York State. In his lengthy career, Dr. Haas has conducted thousands of psychological evaluations with children and adults. Although he has worked clinically with child and adult patients for many years, Dr. Haas now specializes in clinical and forensic psychological assessment. Major aspects of his practice include conducting independent medical examinations, court mandated criminal competency evaluations (CPL 730's), child custody evaluations, no-fault evaluations, worker’s compensation evaluations, disability evaluations, as well as record reviews for courts, attorneys, as well as insurance companies. Dr. Haas also provides expert witness testimony and has been admitted as well as testified in several courts in New York State (including Criminal, Supreme, and Family). He is currently certified by the New York State Mental Health Professionals Panel of the Appellate Division of the First and S...
Shawn K. Acheson, Ph.D.
Clinical Neuroscience Services of WNC
Waynesville, North Carolina
Neuropsychology, Psychology
neuropsychological assessment, traumatic brain injury, stroke, dementia, PTSD, malingering, fitness for duty, return to work, return to play, competency, substance abuse, somatoform disorder, conversion disorder, functional neurological disorder
Dr. Acheson is a Forensic Neuropsychologist in private practice in Asheville, NC. He provides neuropsychological evaluations in civil, criminal and administrative courts. He also performs independent medical evaluations, fitness for duty evaluations, and record reviews. Dr. Acheson provides evaluation of and expert testimony on a variety of neuropsychological conditions including concussion, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, brain tumor, neurodevelopmental abnormalities (e.g., fetal alcohol exposure), and neurotoxic exposures (e.g., lead, organic solvents, mold). He also provides evaluation of and expert testimony on mental health conditions including posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)), conversion / functional neurological disorder, as well as malingering and factious disorder. He has worked with clients from early adolescence through late adulthood.
For most of his career, Dr. Acheson was an educator, researcher, and clinician at Western Carolina University, Duke University...
James B. Furrh IV, MD
Clinical Psychiatrist and Expert Witness (NC)
Mobius Psychiatric Consulting
Asheville, North Carolina
Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry
PTSD, bipolar disorder, psychopharmacology, disability, medical malpractice, addiction psychiatry, personality disorders, involuntary commitment, personal injury, liability, malingering, guardianship, litigation, schizophrenia, inpatient psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, worker's compensation
Dr. Furrh is a general psychiatrist licensed in North Carolina and currently practicing both at the VA Medical Center in Asheville, NC and in private practice. He is experienced in treating an extensive range of mental health conditions and populations, as well as in the legal setting testifying as an expert witness.
Dr. Furrh's clinical background includes inpatient and outpatient experience in the diagnosis and management of psychiatric and neuropsychiatric disorders, with a particular focus on severe mental illness diagnoses, geriatric psychiatry (including dementia and associated issues), addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder (veteran and non-veteran populations), and personality disorders. He possesses expertise in psychopharmacology and psychotherapy, and extensive knowledge regarding other "somatic" treatments (ECT, TMS, ketamine, psychedelics, etc). As a result of his unique clinical background, he has additionally developed a strong knowledge base on the intersection o...
Frank A. Fetterolf, M.D.
Sexual Crime Victim & Offender - Psychiatry Expert
Frank A. Fetterolf, M.D. LLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry
Psychological Injury, Post-traumatic Stress (PTSD), Dissociative Identity, Borderline Personality, Factitious, Adult Victims Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sexually Violent Offenders, Paraphilias, Sexual Assault and Harassment, Functional Neuro Symptom (Conversion), Trial Competence, Insanity, Malingering
I am a board-certified psychiatrist and member of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law (APPL). In addition to my clinical practice, I am contracted to provide Pennsylvania’s Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) with criminal forensic evaluations. I have submitted expert opinions related to trial competency and criminal responsibility in over 100 cases, a few of which involved courtroom testimony. Building on my experiences at deposition and trial, I have refined my testifying skills through the completion of specialized training for medical expert witnesses. As an expert witness, I provide evidence-based independent medical-psychiatric examinations (IMEs), opinions, and testimony on a range of civil issues, including disability, violence risk assessment, and psychological injury. My particular expertise is in the evaluation of sexual violence, both in offenders and victims, which includes issues such as rape, molestation, child pornography, incest, adu...
Dale E. Panzer, MD
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry, Brain Injury Medicine
TBI, concussion, mild TBI, infection, hypoxia, brain bleeds, delirium, dementia, testamentary capacity, undue influence, personal injury, PTSD, and malingering
Dr. Panzer is among a select group of experienced forensic physicians dual Board-Certified physicians in Psychiatry and Brain Injury Medicine. He has served as a forensic evaluator and testifying expert witness for the past 13 years simultaneous with clinical practice as a treating psychiatrist at a highly regarded regional rehabilitation hospital. Patients suffer from brain injuries, TBI, dementias, stroke, spinal cord injuries and other catastrophic injuries.
He has extensive treatment and evaluation experience with TBI and concussion patients and co-founded a concussion research collaboration with a local university functional imaging center (PET/SPEC/DTI MRI).
Dr. Panzer's testimony experience includes TBI, concussion, mild TBI, infection, hypoxia, brain bleeds, PTSD, spinal cord injury, malingering, cognitive capacity, testamentary capacity and undue influence. He is Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Drexel University School of Medicine, has taught residents and...