Domestic Violence Expert Witnesses
Domestic violence expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on domestic violence. The domestic violence expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Forensic Psychology, Forensic Science, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Legal Nurse Consulting, Mental Health, Nurse, Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab, Police Practices & Procedures, Psychology, and Social Work.
Amber J. Ban, MSN, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P, AFN-C
Advanced Forensic Nursing Services, PLLC
Bentonville, Arkansas
Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse
Strangulation, Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Forensic Nurse, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, Medical Forensic Exam, Rape Kit, Evidence Collection, Genital Injury, Assault injury
Forensic Nurse Clinician, Instructor and Expert Witness
I am a master's prepared RN of 20 years, with 11 years of specialty practice as a Forensic Nurse Examiner. I am Board Certified as a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Adult/Adolescent, a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner- Pediatric, and an Advanced Forensic Nurse.
I routinely provide, and have provided over 700 comprehensive medical-forensic examinations related to survived strangulation of the neck in domestic/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, child sexual abuse, elder abuse, suspect exams and child abuse injury documentation. I have extensive education and experience in every component of the medical and evidentiary care of the assault/abuse patient.
I am an expert on the background and lethality of non fatal strangulation of the neck, mechanisms of strangulation, signs and symptoms of strangulation injury, & medical protocols and interventions.
I am an expert on sexual abuse and assault, including anogenital finding...
Dan L Field, MD, FACEP
Clinical Forensic Medicine Expert
Sacramento, California
Forensic Science, Emergency Medicine
Clinical Forensic Medicine, medical criminology, great bodily injury, case evaluation, case feasibility, injury, strangulation, domestic violence, child abuse, homicide, urgent care, medical chart, gunshot wounds, firearms, stab wound, cause of death, use of force, bruising
Dr. Field is board certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine, a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and has a master's degree in forensic science. His practice spans more than 30 years with experience and training in medical emergencies, trauma, stab and gunshot wounds, strangulation, motor vehicle accidents, dog bites, broken bones, police use of force, child abuse and injury care. Dr. Field, a Reserve Deputy Sheriff, serves the Sacramento County Sheriff SED (SWAT) team as a medical control officer. He has small arms training, has previously held a federal firearms dealer license, and earned a black belt in Karate. Dr. Field also serves the California Medical Board as an Expert Consultant and Reviewer.
As a Clinical Forensic Medical expert, Dr. Field testified or consulted on cases involving gunshot wounds, assault, domestic violence, fatal and nonfatal strangulation, mechanisms and physiology of strangulation, and evaluating claims of strangulation....
April Gould, Ph.D., M.A., M.P.H
Expert Criminologist - terrorism, hate crimes, DV
Park Dietz & Associates | Threat Assessment Group
Newport Beach, California
Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse
terrorism, hate crimes, political violence, intimate partner violence, cults, forensic interviewing, bullying, radicalization, child sexual abuse, risk assessment, child abduction and murder, threat assessment, grievances, domestic violence, mass shootings, school violence, suicide
Dr. April Gould is an expert on radicalization, extremism, ideological- and hate-motivated violence, and collective violence. This expertise derives from both her academic research and her personal experience interviewing and analyzing hard-to-reach and violent criminal populations. She is qualified to testify as an expert in cases in which individuals have been radicalized online or through group involvement and have acted on behalf of personal or collective grievances. She would effectively investigate, locate, and interview people who prefer to remain off the grid.
Dr. Gould’s experience includes forensic interviewing, qualitative and quantitative research, and academic publishing involving over 9,500 cases involved in criminal and civil litigation. Dr. Gould has interviewed current and former terrorists, AB109 parolees, members of law enforcement, gang members, and victims of child abuse, sexual assault, and domestic violence. She has taught courses on violence risk assessment...
John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW
John Hamel & Associates
San Rafael, California
Forensic Psychology, Mental Health
domestic violence, intimate partner violence, IPV, intimate partner abuse, battered woman syndrome, false arrest, battered woman defense, battered person syndrome, battered person defense, family violence, family abuse, psychological abuse, batterer intervention
John Hamel, Ph.D., LCSW, has a Masters in Social Welfare from U.C.L.A., and a Ph.D. from the University of Central Lancashire, U.K., where he is currently a Research Fellow. He has worked with family violence perpetrators and victims since 1992, and is a court-approved provider of batterer intervention programs in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Dr. Hamel is the author of Gender-Inclusive Treatment of Intimate Partner Abuse, 2nd Edition: Evidence-Based Approaches, (Springer, 2014), and other books on domestic violence. He also has had dozens of his research articles published in various peer-reviewed scholarly journals, and is Editor-in-Chief of Partner Abuse, a journal published quarterly by Springer Publishing.
A frequent speaker at conferences on domestic violence, he has also trained mental health professionals, attorneys, victim advocates social service organizations, law enforcement, attorneys and family court mediators. He is a founding member of the Association of Domesti...
Natalie Jones, PsyD, LPCC
Psychology Expert
Lifetime Counseling and Consulting
Fair Oaks, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Domestic violence, psychological abuse, emotional abuse, correctional mental health, wrongful death, PTSD, sex abuse, sex offender, criminal offense, malingering, stalking, mental health, murder, mental health, victimization, trauma, shooting, sexual assault, discrimination, psych testing
Experience in criminal and civil proceedings. Private practice since 2014.Retained by both defense and plaintiffs. Experience in evaluations and testimony for adults. 16 years of combined field as a counselor, trainer, interviewer, report writer working with victims of abuse, sexual assault, and with perpetrators of violence, and Dept of Corrections. Licensed as licensed professional clinical counselor in California since 2014. Doctorate in clinical psychology in 2016. Became certified as a National Domestic Violence Counselor in 2010. Published dissertation study in 2016 that evaluated and summarized the effects of being psychologically abused by parents in childhood.
1) Domestic violence / coercive control /emotional abuse
2) Psych / Forensic evaluations
3) Mental health assessment
4) Sexual abuse / sexual assault evaluations
*CV available upon request
Nicole E McCarthy, MSW, LCSW, PMH-C
Woodland Hills, California
Social Work, Mental Health
Mental Health, Intensive Outpatient Programs, Forensic Social Work, Adult Depression/Anxiety, Case Management, Standard of Care, Discharge Planning, Postpartum Depression, PTSD, Perinatal Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Work Place Sexual Harassment, Suicide Prevention, Institutional Abuse
Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) expert in mental health, psychiatric issues and women's health. I have a masters degree in social work from the University of Southern California and licensed in the state of California with the Board of Behavioral Sciences. I have experience and expertise with residential treatment centers, psychiatric hospitals, domestic violence shelters and outpatient mental health clinics. I was a leader for the Intensive Outpatient Program in an outpatient clinic. Supervised other therapist’s and coordinated treatment teams for patient care. I have collaborated with psychiatrists, primary care physicians, OBGYN's, medical social workers, RN's and nursing teams. I addition, I am a member of Postpartum Support International and helped create the positive motherhood transition program specializing and treating moms who struggle with postpartum depression/ anxiety. I have expertise with pregnancy loss, infertility and perinatal issues.
I am also a member ...
Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.
Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc
Long Beach, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998.
In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.
Marie Russell, MD
Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician
Hanford, California
Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology
homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review.
29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years.
Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs
CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional
Former full time police officer x 7 yrs.
Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science
> 500 autopsies performed
Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials
Donna L. Peters, Psy.D.
Donna Peters, Psy.D., PC
Denver, Colorado
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Intimate Partner Violence (Domestic Violence), Rape and Sexual Assault, Adult Consequences of Childhood Sexual/Physical/Psychological Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Related Traumatic Sequelae, Complex Trauma and Complex PTSD, Campus Sexual Assault and Title IX
In her forensic psychology practice, Dr. Peters conducts comprehensive forensic psychological evaluations, provides attorney consultations, and serves as an expert witness in the areas of intimate partner violence (domestic violence), adult survivors of childhood sexual/physical/psychological abuse, rape and sexual assault, child abuse, child pornography, alcohol and memory, emotional distress and traumatic stress disorders. Dr. Peters’ findings and opinions are objective as she consults in matters for both criminal defense and prosecution, as well as both plaintiff and defense in civil matters.
Dr. Peters is frequently consulted on criminal, civil, military court martial, and Federal immigration cases involving the multiple and varied psychological and traumatic effects of the various types of interpersonal violence and traumatic experiences.
Dr. Peters has 20 years of clinical/forensic experience with diverse populations in various settings to include:
U.S. Navy/Marine Corps-F...
Kate Amber, MSc
Coercive Control, Workplace & Domestic Violence
ECCUSA (End Coercive Control USA)
Vernon, Connecticut
Psychology, Behavioral and Social Sciences
coercive control, domestic violence, child abuse, workplace bullying, batterers, battered women syndrome, grooming, coercion, psychological manipulation, psychological maltreatment, abuse, alienation, undue influence, consent, cults, workplace violence, hostile workplace, workplace harassment, fraud
Kate Amber MSc is a researcher, speaker, trainer, consultant and turnaround expert in coercive control and domestic abuse/violence in the contexts of family abuse, human trafficking, gangs, extremist groups, religions, workplace abuse, and psychological maltreatment. She holds post graduate certifications in violence and abuse prevention executive leadership, and coercive control, and professional certifications in human rights, ADA advocacy, the Homicide Timeline, and the Danger Assessment. Ms. Amber is trained on the Safe & Together CORE Model at the intersection of domestic violence and child abuse, and assesses cases for different types of abuse and the short and longterm risks involved for adults and children traumatized by it.
Ms. Amber's Quicksand Model™ of Coercive Control (QSM™) is a synthesis of 70 years of research and theory on coercive and controlling abuse of power and the trauma it causes. Ms. Amber speaks, conducts research, and trains mental health, law enforcemen...
Fiaz A Jaleel, MD
Personalized Medicine Consultants
Jacksonville, Florida
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine
IME, Spine, Injury, MVA, Medical Malpractice, Expert Witness, Joint, Personal Injury, Slip & Fall, Maritime Injury, Medical Chart Review, Muscle, No Fault, DUI, Pain Management, Peer Review, Brain, PIP, Domestic Violence, Chronic Pain
37 years of medical experience. Graduate of The University of the West Indies, School of Medicine 1987.
Internship at Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad & Tobago 1987-1989.
House Officer, Radiology 1989-1991. District Medical Officer 1991-1996.
Internship, Internal Medicine, St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL 1996-1997.
Residency, PMR, Barnes Jewish Hospital/Washington University St. Louis, MO 1997-2000.
Avera Sacred Heart Hospital, Medical Director, Rehab Unit 2002-2004.
Orthopedics private practice group, Joliet, IL 2005-2006.
Private practice, personal injury, chronic pain management in FL 2006-present.
Independent Medical Exams 2018-present.
Interested in expert witness work, maritime injuries, DUI defense, domestic violence.
Willing to travel.
Willing to testify.
Willing to participate in depositions.
Ana A Rivas-Vazquez, PhD
Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Child Abuse
Civil Forensic, Workman Comp, Domestic Violence
Licensed in the state of Florida, PhD from University of Miami, Post Doctral Master in Clinical Psychopharmacology from Nova SE University (Ft. Lauderdale), Board Certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology ABPP
Mindy B Mechanic, Ph.D.
Forensic Psychological Consulting Inc
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking, abuse, infanticide, homicide, child sexual abuse disclosures,w orkplace violence, risk assessment, IME, personal injury, trauma, PTSD, worker's compensation, employment discrimination, violence, mental health, forensic evaluation, psychological assessment
I have worked in academia as a professor for almost 30 years. In that capacity, I engaged in research, teaching, mentoring/supervision, and clinical work, focusing on the psychological consequences of trauma, violence and victimization. During graduate school and internship, i received specialized training in forensic psychology. I have been practicing forensic psychology independently since receiving my first license to practice in 1998.
In addition to my academic appointment, I also work regularly as an expert witness, legal consultant, and forensic psychologist in civil, family and criminal (civilian and military) cases. I have numerous peer reviewed publications and presentations and federally funded research grants. I have conducted many professional trainings for attorneys, other legal/court professionals, mental health professional, and medical professionals.
Marie Russell, MD
Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician
Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology
homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review.
29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years.
Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs
CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional
Former full time police officer x 7 yrs.
Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science
> 500 autopsies performed
Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials
Dana R Anderson
Forensic Psychologist-- Killer Psychologist
California Forensic Psychology
Carson City, Nevada
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
threat assessment, malingering, serial killers, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, homicide, PTSD, feigning, kidnapping, stalking, murder, strangulation, child custody, family law, domestic violence, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopathy, risk assessment, Insanity defense, sex offenders
Dr. Anderson is a distinguished forensic psychologist with over a decade of experience delivering expert testimony in criminal, civil, and family law cases. Her extensive expertise in malingering, deception, and severe mental illness offers attorneys and courts the critical insights needed to navigate the most complex psychological evaluations. Widely recognized for her specialization in high-stakes legal cases, Dr. Anderson is frequently retained for high-profile evaluations. Utilizing clinical and forensic psychopathology assessments, she is trusted by both defense and plaintiff teams to provide impartial and impactful evaluations.
As the host of the acclaimed podcast Killer Psychologist, Dr. Anderson examines the psychological forces driving criminal behavior and unpacks the complexities of the justice system. Her expertise has been featured on Fox Nation, Investigation Discovery, and Nancy Grace, solidifying her reputation as a leading authority in forensic psychology. Renowned...
Marie Russell, MD
Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician
New York
Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology
homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review.
29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years.
Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs
CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional
Former full time police officer x 7 yrs.
Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science
> 500 autopsies performed
Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials
Jeffrey Bonner
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice, Police Policies, Domestic Violence, Crowd Control, Use of Force, Excessive Force, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Surveillance, School Safety, Crisis Intervention, Baton, Taser, Firearm, Electronic Control Device
Award-Winning Police Officer. 25+ Years Experience including undercover operations, SWAT Team, and School Resource Officer. Certified Firearms Trainer. Graduate of the FBI National Academy, 272th Session.
Law Enforcement Highlights
• Trained and deployed multiple times in "Mobile Field Force / Civil Disturbances"
• Undercover operations, drug buys, surveillance and preparation of over 400 search warrants
• Specialized training in Barricaded gunman situation resolution
• Member of D.P.D. Pistol Team
• Executive Protection, and advanced driving techniques.
• Served on Multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team
• Patrol Rifle Operator / Designated Marksman Certification
• Certified Firearms Trainer
• Field Training Officer and Supervisor
• Police Honor Guard 2004 through 2015
• Additional command capacities:
• New World Reporting System Build Team / Training of supervisors and Officers, Mobile Field Force Unit Commander
Career Accolades
With Sterling Heights Police Department
• (6) Merit Ci...
Craig D McLaren
Police Practices Expert – Retired 32 Years LAPD
First Response Law Enforcement Consulting Group
Granger, Texas
Police Practices & Procedures, Law Enf & Criminal Justice
Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Crowd Control, Use of Force/Excessive Force Inadequate/Negligent Security, Informants, Evidence Preservation, Chain of Custody, Sexual Assault, Drug Enforcement, Gangs, Surveillance, Vice, Prostitution, Gambling, Vehicle Pursuits, School Shootings, Workplace Violence
Vastly Experienced Police Expert, working for plaintiffs as well as the defense. Over 31 years as a Los Angeles Police Officer. Trained / Taught new officers, in the field, for 24 years in all facets of Police work. Including Use of Force and Use of Deadly Force. Personally involved in over 40 Uses of Force as well as being present at approximately 100 more.
Certified Force Science Analyst, by Force Science Institute, which is a leader in law enforcement study. The Institute has conducted many research projects uncovering the scientific realities surrounding officer performance under stress, action/reaction time, memory, decision-making and more in complex, rapidly unfolding encounters.
Worked celebrity security for the late Dean Martin for approximately two years, providing personal security as well as residential security.
Expert in Vehicle Pursuits, having been involved in and receiving yearly training in pursuits. As well as training new officers in Vehicle Pursuit Tactics. E...
Jeff Temple, PhD
Licensed Psychologist - IPV/DV Expert
Galveston, Texas
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Intimate Partner Violence, Mental Health, Sleep, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence, Violence Prevention, Memory, Risky Sexual Behavior, Sexual Assault, Sexual Coercion, Substance Use, Alcohol, Online Sexual Communication
Dr. Jeff Temple (Ph.D. Counseling Psychology, University of North Texas, Postdoctoral Internship, Brown University) is a Professor, Licensed Psychologist, and Founding Director of the Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Texas Medical Branch. He is a leading expert in intimate partner violence, risky sexual behavior, substance use, and mental health, and his work has been funded through the National Institute of Justice, National Institutes of Health, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition to numerous book chapters, he has co-edited two and authored one book on preventing, treating, and screening for partner violence. Dr. Temple recently co-chaired a Texas Task Force on Domestic Violence, served on the Board of Directors of the Texas Psychological Association, was an advisor to Governor Abbott on mass shootings, and, for seven years, was the Vice President of the Galveston Independent School District Board of Trustees. Dr. Temple’s areas of profes...