Physical Therapy Expert Witnesses in Louisiana

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of physical therapy expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on physical therapy and related issues. Physical therapy expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these physical therapy expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Activities Of Daily Living, Anatomy/Shoulder, Balance & Gait Dysfunction And Rehabilitation, Cardiac Conditioning, Disability, Fall, Fce, Fitness For Duty, Functional Capacity Evaluation, Functional Limitation, Headaches, Impairment, Loss Of Enjoyment Of Life Activities, Medical Malpractice, and Motor Vehicle Accident.

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William R Thompson, PT, DPT, PhD

Physical Therapy, Falls, Fractures, & SNF Expert

Physical Therapy, Nursing Homes - Geriatrics, skilled nursing facility (SNF), Bone, Fractures, Falls, Balance, Slip and Fall, long term care, Fall, Orthopedics, Gabapentin, Lyrica, Neurontin, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Skeletal Health, Acute Care, Trauma, Orthopedic Trauma, fracture
Dr. Thompson has been practicing as a physical therapist since 2007. He has worked in both outpatient orthopedic and inpatient physical therapy settings, including major medical institutions such as University of North Carolina Hospitals and Indiana University Health Hospitals, as well as rural hospital systems. He has worked extensively with geriatric populations and with individuals with neurological, orthopedic, and trauma related conditions. In addition to his clinical expertise as a physical therapist, Dr. Thompson holds a PhD in biomechanics and movement science where his technical expertise is in molecular biology and genetics with an emphasis on bone health and fracture healing. Dr. Thompson has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and several book chapters. Additionally, he has received numerous national and international awards recognizing his contributions to the field of physical therapy, bone biology, and musculoskeletal health. Dr. Thompson’s research examines ...

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

Steve Allison, DPT, CME

Functional Capacity & PT Malpractice Expert -30+yr

Functional Capacity Experts, LLC

Bossier City, Louisiana
Physical Therapy, Disability Evaluation - Functional Capacity Evaluation, FCE, physical therapy, impairment, disability, functional limitation, activities of daily living, loss of enjoyment of life activities, performance validity, pain behavior, motor vehicle accident, work injury, medical malpractice, fitness-for-duty, nursing home, fall
Dr. Allison is CEO and managing partner of Functional Capacity Experts, LLC and Disability Management Group, LLC. He is a doctor of physical therapy and certified DOT medical examiner. Licensed to practice in Louisiana since 1993. He has 24 years of clinical practice experience specializing in functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) for cases involving personal injury, workers' compensation, long term disability, and Social Security disability claims. He has performed more than 5,000 FCEs to more objectively quantify and qualify the severity of an individual's occupational disability, credibility of pain behavior, physical impairments with participation in basic activities of daily living, and loss of enjoyment of life activities. Dr. Allison was the lead author of the Functional Capacity Evaluation Best Practice Guidelines adopted by the American Physical Therapy Association in 2018. He was also an author of the Functional Capacity Evaluation and Disability Determination monogra...

Paul J Roubal, PT, DPT, PhD, MSc, OCS

PhysioMeFit, LLC

Physical Therapy, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical - Rehabilitation, neuroanatomy, anatomy/shoulder, orthopedics/manipulation, neuroscience, therapeutic ultrasound, TM joint dysfunction, pain control, headaches, physical therapy in oncology, cardiac conditioning, balance & gait dysfunction and rehabilitation
EDUCATION CONT: Bachelor of Arts in Biology – SUNY Oswego, EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE PhysioMeFit, LLC- Stuart, FL Owner/Physical Therapist/Consultant 2019- Present Physical Therapy Specialists, P.C. - Troy, MI Owner/Physical Therapist 1977-2019 Physical Therapist/ Administrator 2019- Present Responsibilities include direct patient care and administration. Volunteer at Treasure Coast Hospice, 2022 to present PUBLISHED RESEARCH: CONTINUING EDUCATION I have been involved in thousands of hours of postgraduate education, including courses taught by the most prominent orthopedic/sports physical therapists and orthopedic surgeons in the world. These include courses directed by Cyriax, Kaltenborn, Paris, Rocabado, McKenzie, Grimbsby, Pettman & Fowler/Canadian Manual Therapy and Olaf Evjenth. I have also attended a large variety of course work offered by various orthopedic institutes, as well as the American Physical Therapy Association Or...
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California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin