Physical Therapy Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of physical therapy expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on physical therapy and related issues. Physical therapy expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these physical therapy expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Personal Injury, Rehabilitation, Traumatic Brain Injury, Amputation, Ankle, Ankle Surgery, Burns, Cardiovascular Rehabilitation, Catastrophic Case Management, Certified Fall Prevention Specialist (Cfps), Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Fraud, Chiropractic Malpractice, Chronic Pain Management, and Defense Medical Exam.

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William R Thompson, PT, DPT, PhD

Physical Therapy, Falls, Fractures, & SNF Expert

Physical Therapy, Nursing Homes - Geriatrics, skilled nursing facility (SNF), Bone, Fractures, Falls, Balance, Slip and Fall, long term care, Fall, Orthopedics, Gabapentin, Lyrica, Neurontin, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Skeletal Health, Acute Care, Trauma, Orthopedic Trauma, fracture
Dr. Thompson has been practicing as a physical therapist since 2007. He has worked in both outpatient orthopedic and inpatient physical therapy settings, including major medical institutions such as University of North Carolina Hospitals and Indiana University Health Hospitals, as well as rural hospital systems. He has worked extensively with geriatric populations and with individuals with neurological, orthopedic, and trauma related conditions. In addition to his clinical expertise as a physical therapist, Dr. Thompson holds a PhD in biomechanics and movement science where his technical expertise is in molecular biology and genetics with an emphasis on bone health and fracture healing. Dr. Thompson has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and several book chapters. Additionally, he has received numerous national and international awards recognizing his contributions to the field of physical therapy, bone biology, and musculoskeletal health. Dr. Thompson’s research examines ...

Allison Weiner-Lasher, DPT, OTR/L

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Expert

Allison Weiner-Lasher Therapy and Consulting Services, LLC.

Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy - Nursing homes, rehab hospitals, pediatrics, geriatrics, surgical protocols, falls, sexual assault, training, orthopedics, pressure sores, transfers, restraints, fall risk assessment, supervision, ergonomics, medical necessity, billing, oncology, outpatient, neurological
Licensed physical and occupational therapist. 20+ years of clinical experience including: adults, pediatrics, nursing homes, inpatient and outpatient. Several years teaching experience. 9+ years expert witness experience. Significant supervisory experience of physical therapy and occupational therapy assistants and aides. Pediatric Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes autism spectrum disorders, Angelman’s syndrome, Fragile X syndrome, pediatric orthopedics, pediatric surgery, Cerebral Palsy, muscular dystrophy, falls, falling off equipment. Adult Physical Therapy (PT) experience includes patients with physical therapy deficits after oncology diagnoses and treatments, arthroscopic/arthroplasty surgeries of the shoulder, knee, hip and ankle, rotator cuff repairs, Achilles repairs, rotator cuff repairs, post-operative cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine surgeries, orthopedics, back pain syndromes, hand injuries/tendon repairs, ankle injuries/fractures, carpal tunnel repair, lum...

Kathleen Blechertas, DPT, WCC,CFPS,FACHE,FABC

San Diego, California
Physical Therapy, Wound Care - Physical Therapy Standard of Care, Certified Fall Prevention Specialist (CFPS), Wound Care Certified (WCC), Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury/Prevention, Inpatient & Outpatient wound care best practices
Doctor Physical Therapy (DPT) Simmons College, Boston, MA. Bachelor of Science, (B.S.) Physical Therapy (PT) - Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH. Certified Fall Prevention Specialist (CFPS) Wound Care Certified (WCC) - National Alliance of Wound Care & Ostomy; Fellow of The Advisory Board- (FABC) - Washington, DC; Fellow of American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) - Chicago, IL; Practicing since 1997.

Zeina A Grifoni, MPT, NCPT

Praxis Med Experts

San Rafael, California
Physical Therapy - Physical, Therapy, Psychology, Physical Therapist, Therapist, rehabilitation, cardiovascular rehabilitation, neurological rehabilitation, orthopedic care, chronic pain management, sports rehabilitation, Pilates
Zeina Grifoni, MPT, is a licensed Physical Therapist with over 20 years of experience in all areas of rehabilitation. Her work has ranged from inpatient care including cardiovascular rehabilitation and neurological rehabilitation to outpatient orthopedic care including pre-and post-operative care, chronic pain management, sports rehabilitation, rehabilitation post motor vehicle accident, and special conditions including osteoporosis, scoliosis, joint replacements, osteoarthritis, Elhers-Danlos Syndrome, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, ALS, MS, Parkinson’s disease, and women’s health issues. She is also a specialist in Pilates and Pilates for rehabilitation. In addition to her extensive range of practice, she educates both Physical Therapists and Pilates Instructors in rehabilitation and how to maximize rehabilitative success in patients while working within the scope of practice. She also collaborates with doctors developing rehab protocols for special populations. ...

Dr. Kelly S. Harvey, MS, PT, DPT, TPS, CLCP, CFCE

Forensic Analyst, Damages Expert, Life Care Plans

Harvey Medical Legal Consulting

Los Angeles, California
Life Care Planning, Physical Therapy - Trauma, Rehabilitation, Physical Therapy, Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputation, Burns, Pain Management, Defense Medical Exam, Functional Capacity Eval, Workman's Comp, Product Liability, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Life Care Planner, Catastrophic Case Management
Dr. Harvey is internationally respected as a pediatric, adult, and geriatric rehabilitation expert. She specializes in the treatment of complex orthopedic trauma, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, and burns. She draws from her 30 years of evidenced based practice expertise, utilizing a clinically driven research approach, with the support of a dynamic network of multidisciplinary experts, to serve and deliver on each case. Harvey Medical Legal Consulting provides Life Care Planning, A Day in the Life Video Presentations, Expert Witness Reports and Testimony, Damage Assessment, Medical Record Review, and Life Expectancy Services. Dr. Harvey routinely provides expert opinions addressing the following diagnoses: Orthopedic Trauma, Traumatic Brain Injury, Anoxic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputation, Burn Injury, Birth Injury, Neurologic Injury, Chronic Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Chronic Illness, Dental Injuries, Psychiatric, Psychological Tr...

Paul J. Marsh, DC, QME

Chiro Expert: Standard of Care & Malpractice

Paul J. Marsh Chiropractic Corporation

San Diego, California
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy - Chiropractic Fraud, Standard of Care, Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Malpractice, Medical Record Review, Forensic Chiropractic, Peer Review, Independent Medical Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluator, Regulatory Issues, Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury
WORK EXPERIENCE -  Arrowhead Evaluation Services QME, AME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Fresno Counties  Exam Works- QME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles  Align Networks / One Call Care Management - Lead peer review physician for entire US  President / CFO- S.T.A.R. Centers - Physical Therapy Corporation: 2002 -2005  Private practice - Chiropractic & physical rehabilitation 1997 to present California Chiropractic Association- Workers' Compensation Committee Chairman 2023 -present UTILZATION & PEER REVIEW –  Align Networks  Broadspire  Geico  Medical Claims Evaluators  Medical Consultants Network  Medical Evaluation Specialists  MedView  North American Consultants  USAA  EXAM WORKS PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS & ACHIEVEMENTS -  Rehabilitation Nurse Coordinators Network - Executive Board of Directors  R.I.M.S.(SD Chapter Risk Mgmt Society) –Member / volunteer  San Diego Down Town Breakfast Rotary Club - 2006 to Present  San Die...

Lisa Ravalli, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS

Orthopedic Physical Therapy

San Diego, California
Physical Therapy, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical - Total joint replacement, total knee replacement, total hip replacement, low back pain, neck pain, whiplash, ankle surgery, knee surgery, ankle, knee, hip, spine, elbow, shoulder, rotator cuff repair, total shoulder replacement, fusion, reconstruction, sciatica, traumatic brain injury
Education • Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Montana, August 2021: specialized education in Physical Therapy law and ethics (depositions, standards of proof, expert witness preparation, APTA clinical practice guidelines) Experience Physical Therapist, Inpatient/Outpatient (GS-0633-13) Veterans Affairs Medical Center (La Jolla, CA), 5/2009-Present (40 hours/week) • Advanced knowledge and expert skill in a range of specialized interventions and treatment modalities used in a specialized treatment area of physical therapy to serve as a consultant and subject matter expert for health care providers regarding the delivery of care within Orthopaedic Physical Therapy. • Exceptional customer service as Lead Physical Therapist for Inpatient and Outpatient post-operative population including evaluation, treatment, and direct orthopedic team communication. Inpatient, Subacute, and Outpatient experience including patients with Polytrauma, Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA),...
You can also find Physical Therapy Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin