Fall Expert Witnesses

Fall expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on fall. The fall expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Accident Reconstruction, Automotive, Biomechanics, Disability Evaluation, Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology, Hospice and Palliative Care, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting, Life Care Planning, Nurse, Nursing Homes, Orthopedic Surgery, and Physical Medicine & Rehab.

Richard Arlington, III, CSP, CLP

Rich Arlington & Associates

Slip Trip & Fall, Premises Liability - Snow and Ice Management, Snow Plow Safety, Snow and Ice Operations, Ice Related Slip and Fall, Snow Related Slip and Fall, Snow Science, Ice Control, Snow Response Plan, Certified Snow Professional Snow Risk and Liability, Snow Storage, Snow Clearing for Parking Garages
Rich Arlington is a Certified Snow Professional (CSP) and Landscape Industry Certified Manager (LICM). There are less than 250 CSPs in the United States. Rich possesses over 25 years of experience providing landscape and snow and ice maintenance services; he is still actively involved in snow and landscape operations. For over three decades he has owned and operated a viable Landscape Snow and Ice Management Company. For over two decades he is the National Director and CFO for a National Exterior Services Company with operations in multiple states dealing with snow and ice issues. Examples of snow & ice management cases: Salt usage for ice control Site plan to establish best snow storage areas Data provided to establish possible liability for accidents Contractor safety and training procedures as compared to industry standards Contractor practices and methods as compared to industry standards Was the contract proper for the snow and ice industry Weather patterns to establish corr...

Michael P. Lawler, MS, CSP, ASP, CHST

Safewit, Inc.

OSHA, Construction - Struck by Equipment, back over, Fall Protection, Multi-Emplyer, Fall Prevention, slip trip & fall, aerial lift, crush, Scaffold, Work Zone, MUTCD, Crane, Steel Erection, Excavation, Silica, Lead, Tunnel, Confined Space, MEWP, scissor lift
Over 30 years as a safety executive and OSHA compliance manager, trainer, advisor, and leader on major construction projects throughout the USA. Expert at applying OSH Act of 1970 standards, regulations, policies, and Letter of Interpretation. Experience includes over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation. Extensive experience and expertise in MUTCD Traffic Controls and rules. AREAS OF EXPERTISES INCLUDES: • Liability Assessment & Contractor Duty of Care • Accident Investigation & Root Cause • Aerial Lifts, MEWP • Construction Safety/Accidents • COVID Safety & Pandemic Management • Crane Safety, Critical Pick Planning, & Rigging • Disaster & Emergency Management • Dive/Underwater Operations • EM-385 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • Excavation, Trenching, & Soil Mechanics • Slip, Trip, Falls, Stirs & Floor Safety Certi...

John Bryant, AMS, NWA, EPA Certified

Slip-N-Fall, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Wind Damage

Weather and Climate Consulting, LLC

Slip Trip & Fall, Meteorology - Meteorology, Wrongful Death, Slip and Fall, Wind Damage, Auto Accidents, Flood Damage, Hail Damage, Environmental Law, Lightning, Hurricanes, Building Collapse, Ice Storm, Insurance Claims, Climate, Weather, Agricultural Weather, Aviation Weather, Fire Weather, AI Weather Data
Triple-Certified Forensic Meteorologist | Advanced Weather Data Analysis for Litigation John is one of the only meteorologists in the world to be triple-certified by the AMS (American Meteorological Society), the NWA (National Weather Association), and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). John reconstructs past weather events for high stakes legal disputes and insurance claims with cutting-edge technologies that are communicated and explained to a non-technical audience in an easy to understand manner. Advanced Capabilities - NEXRAD and Dual-Polarization Radar Analysis: Pinpoint storm intensity, hail presence, and localized severe weather that standard reports miss - Satellite Imagery Expertise (GOES-R): Confirm storm evolution, cloud development, and weather patterns for accurate event timelines - Lightning Strike Verification: Validate exact strike locations and timestamps through lightning detection networks - EPA-Certified Environmental Compliance Integration: Combin...

Dick Bridy, PhD

DBI Group Expert Witness

Solana Beach, California
Real Estate - Personal Injury, Slip Trip & Fall, Reconstruction-Photo/Video, Title 24 Part 2 - California Building Code, Title 24, Part 3 NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Permits/ Construction Docs, Realtor Disclosure, Misrepresentation, Negligence, Affirmative Duty
DBI Expert Witness is a commercial real estate Consulting Firm that offers services, including workplace safety and health standards of care and OSHA compliance services. • Litigation consultation services and trial testimony • Expert consultation on public safety, building compliance and personal injury • Building Code violations and property owner negligence • California Building Standards Code (Title 24) • Application, interpretations, compliance and industry consensus standards of the OSH ACT of 1970 • Lease obligations and Landlord/Tenant default Extensive experience in asset and property management issues related to management operations, leasing, Landlord/Tenant disputes, slip & falls, property inspection and maintenance, security, fiduciary and affirmative duties, plus standards of care for commercial facilities. Dr. Dick Bridy as over 45 years of experience as an owner/developer/redeveloper, asset/property manager, Realtor, investment syndicator and lender for commercial ...

Adam Goodworth, PhD, PE, ACTAR

Goodworth Biomechanic & Forensic Consulting

Goleta, California
Biomechanics, Automotive - pregnancy, eye injury, fetus injury, seat belts, slip trip & fall, brain injury, biomechanics, injury, mechanism, airbag, EDR, event data recorder, accident reconstruction, NASS, CDS, CISS, kinesiology, sports
Adam Goodworth, PhD, PE, is a biomechanics specialist providing expert opinions on • Claimed Injuries and injury mechanisms • Vehicle Occupant Kinematics • Event Data Recorder (EDR) • Work and Recreation Accidents (eg, slip, trip, falls) • Seat Belt Function • Fetus injuries Dr. Goodworth is a Professional Engineer in California (# M40242), an ACTAR Accredited Traffic Accident Reconstructionist (# 2225), trained in EDR interpretation (“black box”), and active in research of restraint systems and occupant kinematics. Dr. Goodworth can perform vehicle Inspections and site investigations in California and across the US. Dr. Goodworth has been a Professor for over 13 years. Currently, a full tenured Professor at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, CA, Dr. Goodworth has over 50 peer-reviewed journal and conference publications. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, and Department of Defense. His teaching includes Biomechanic...

Matthew D King, PhD

Accident Reconstruction, Fire, Slip/Trip and Fall

Institute of Forensic Science

Selma, California
Accident Reconstruction, Slip Trip & Fall - Fire, slip, premises, witness, crash, Forensic, trip, liability, Fresno, car, Investigator, fall, safety, California, truck, Engineer, Product, expert, nationwide, pedestrian
I was born and raised in California and grew up as the fifth generation living and farming on our family homestead. I have been blessed with the opportunity to experience the benefits and joys of living in central California with an extensive multi-generational network of family, friends and business contacts. I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from CSU Fresno in 1994. I continued on for a Master’s in Mechanical Engineering from SDSU and completed my PhD in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Sciences at UC San Diego in 1999. Since then, I have gained 13 years of full-time experience in the field of Forensic Engineering. I built my own consulting engineering firm and provided Expert Witness services globally as a Senior Investigator and Researcher while teaching part time at the university level. In an effort to grow personally and professionally, I sought out opportunities internationally. Subsequently, I have gained an additional 12 years of full-time...

Marilyn E McCullum, BSN, RN, CEN, CPEN TCRN

Triple Board-Certified Emergency Nurse

McCullum Legal Nurse Consulting

SANTA ROSA, California
Emergency Medicine, Nurse - ER Nurse, er nursing, critical care, trauma, travel, emergency nurse, triage, ultrasound IV, Spanish, sepsis, pediatrics, stroke, cardiac, geriatric, psychiatric, orthopedic, COVID, fall, mask, catheter
I am a published, double board-certified emergency nurse expert with testifying experience who still works clinically in California. I have published articles on Triage, ESI, documentation bias, and stroke management. I have won an award for my publication on fall prevention. I speak at CEU/CME/CLE conferences on topics such as documentation and failure to report. As an expert, I work for both plaintiff and defense.

Marie Russell, MD

Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician

Hanford, California
Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology - homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review. 29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years. Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional Former full time police officer x 7 yrs. Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science > 500 autopsies performed Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials

Hugh D McPherson, MD FRCSC

Spinal Injury Experts

Englewood, Colorado
Spine Surgery & Spine Care, Orthopedic Surgery - Spine injuries, Spine Surgery, Motor Vehicle accidents, Slip, Fall, Narrative reports, Fusion surgery, Disc replacement, semi, truck accidents, IME, Causation, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, fracture, surgeon
Dr. McPherson has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of spinal injuries and disorders. He has opined on numerous IMEs, narrative reports and in deposition and testimony. He believes in providing reports with meticulous detail and a thorough summary of the records to set the stage for successful testimony in depositions and at trial. Dr. McPherson provides extensive research and cites literature to support his opinions beyond his training and experience alone. Dr. McPherson is an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. He is board certified as both a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, and as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He is originally from Canada and completed his orthopedic surgery residency and medical school at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He completed a fellowship in spine surgery in 2000 at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. He completed a second spine fellowship in Nottingham England and a ...


Experienced Hospitalist/Internal Medicine Expert

Loxahatchee, Florida
Internal Medicine, Hospitalist - internal medicine, hospitalist, cost, evidence, EBM, hospital medicine, rural, suburban, community, academic, chest pain, infection, fall, telemedicine, lifestyle, prevention, diet
Also licensed in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming . Past experience in expert witness work with defense and plaintiff since 2014. Federal and local cases. Experience with deposition, court testimony, affidavits, expert reports. No known Frye/Daubert challenges. Expert review for 2 state boards of medicine as well. Academic/University/Faculty experience (Clinical Associate Professor) and private practice work, including locum tenens experience. 1. Fellow, American College of Physicians 2. Fellow, American Colle...

Hugh D McPherson, MD FRCSC

Spinal Injury Experts

Spine Surgery & Spine Care, Orthopedic Surgery - Spine injuries, Spine Surgery, Motor Vehicle accidents, Slip, Fall, Narrative reports, Fusion surgery, Disc replacement, semi, truck accidents, IME, Causation, back pain, sciatica, neck pain, fracture, surgeon
Dr. McPherson has extensive experience in the evaluation and treatment of spinal injuries and disorders. He has opined on numerous IMEs, narrative reports and in deposition and testimony. He believes in providing reports with meticulous detail and a thorough summary of the records to set the stage for successful testimony in depositions and at trial. Dr. McPherson provides extensive research and cites literature to support his opinions beyond his training and experience alone. Dr. McPherson is an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon. He is board certified as both a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery, and as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. He is originally from Canada and completed his orthopedic surgery residency and medical school at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. He completed a fellowship in spine surgery in 2000 at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada. He completed a second spine fellowship in Nottingham England and a ...

Zaneb Yaseen, MD

Orthopaedic Surgeon Sports Trained based in GA

Kathleen, Georgia
Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Medicine - Orthopaedic Surgery, joint replacement, shoulder, acl, knee, trauma, fall, sports medicine, car accident, workmen's comp, fractures, hip
I am a board-certified orthopedic surgeon with a subspecialty certification in sports medicine. My professional interests include arthroscopy of hip, knee, and shoulder; ligamentous reconstruction; cartilage surgery; joint preservation for knee and shoulder; arthroplasty of shoulder; hip arthroplasty via anterior approach and knee; knee arthroplasty; revision arthroplasty of shoulder; and general fracture care. I earned a medical doctorate from the University of Tennessee in 2008. I then completed an orthopaedic residency program at the University of Rochester Medical Center and concluded my training with a sports medicine fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in 2015. I currently am a team physician for Mercer University’s soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, and football teams. I recently became a Clinical Preceptor with Trinity School of Medicine. I have been involved with case reviews, narratives as well as depositions over the course of my career. I am currently ...

Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD

Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert

Orthopedic Surgery - Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) -Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association -Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS - Licensed in 14 states - Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters - practice experience in a variety of hospital types - Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...

Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD

Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert

Indianapolis, Indiana
Orthopedic Surgery - Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) -Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association -Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS - Licensed in 14 states - Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters - practice experience in a variety of hospital types - Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...

William R Thompson, PT, DPT, PhD

Physical Therapy, Falls, Fractures, & SNF Expert

Zionsville, Indiana
Physical Therapy, Nursing Homes - Geriatrics, skilled nursing facility (SNF), Bone, Fractures, Falls, Balance, Slip and Fall, long term care, Fall, Orthopedics, Gabapentin, Lyrica, Neurontin, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Skeletal Health, Acute Care, Trauma, Orthopedic Trauma, fracture
Dr. Thompson has been practicing as a physical therapist since 2007. He has worked in both outpatient orthopedic and inpatient physical therapy settings, including major medical institutions such as University of North Carolina Hospitals and Indiana University Health Hospitals, as well as rural hospital systems. He has worked extensively with geriatric populations and with individuals with neurological, orthopedic, and trauma related conditions. In addition to his clinical expertise as a physical therapist, Dr. Thompson holds a PhD in biomechanics and movement science where his technical expertise is in molecular biology and genetics with an emphasis on bone health and fracture healing. Dr. Thompson has published over 50 peer-reviewed manuscripts and several book chapters. Additionally, he has received numerous national and international awards recognizing his contributions to the field of physical therapy, bone biology, and musculoskeletal health. Dr. Thompson’s research examines ...

Steve Allison, DPT, CME

Functional Capacity & PT Malpractice Expert -30+yr

Functional Capacity Experts, LLC

Bossier City, Louisiana
Physical Therapy, Disability Evaluation - Functional Capacity Evaluation, FCE, physical therapy, impairment, disability, functional limitation, activities of daily living, loss of enjoyment of life activities, performance validity, pain behavior, motor vehicle accident, work injury, medical malpractice, fitness-for-duty, nursing home, fall
Dr. Allison is CEO and managing partner of Functional Capacity Experts, LLC and Disability Management Group, LLC. He is a doctor of physical therapy and certified DOT medical examiner. Licensed to practice in Louisiana since 1993. He has 24 years of clinical practice experience specializing in functional capacity evaluations (FCEs) for cases involving personal injury, workers' compensation, long term disability, and Social Security disability claims. He has performed more than 5,000 FCEs to more objectively quantify and qualify the severity of an individual's occupational disability, credibility of pain behavior, physical impairments with participation in basic activities of daily living, and loss of enjoyment of life activities. Dr. Allison was the lead author of the Functional Capacity Evaluation Best Practice Guidelines adopted by the American Physical Therapy Association in 2018. He was also an author of the Functional Capacity Evaluation and Disability Determination monogra...

K. David Meit, CPM®, ARM®, GRI®

Property Management Standard of Care Expert

Oculus Realty, AMO®

Gaithersburg, Maryland
Real Estate, Premises Liability - property management, real estate management, subrogation, risk management, maintenance, property operations, facilities, premises liability, insurance, apartments, multifamily, slip, fall, property damage, building management, property loss, lead paint, mold, carbon monoxide, CO
David is an award-winning commercial real estate executive with over thirty-five years of experience managing portfolios of conventional and rent-regulated multifamily, mixed-use, and retail properties in both suburban and urban markets. Experienced manager of all classes of property, from tax credit to ultra-luxury. Skilled at developing best-in-class property management operating teams and preserving and enhancing value through operations. A Certified Property Manager (CPM®) accredited by the Institute of Real Estate Management and Graduate, Realtor Institute (GRI) through the National Association of Realtors®. Licensed real estate broker in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Columbia. Founder and Principal of Oculus Realty, LLC, a multifamily and retail property management company. Oculus is an Accredited Management Organization (AMO®) certified by the Institute of Real Estate Management. Founder and Principal of Oculus Expert Witness, offering unbiased assessments and e...

Marie Russell, MD

Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician

Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology - homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review. 29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years. Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional Former full time police officer x 7 yrs. Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science > 500 autopsies performed Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials

Jeffrey O. Anglen, MD

Experienced Orthopedic Surgery Expert

Orthopedic Surgery - Fractures, orthopedic, Orthopedic Trauma, bone or joint injury, dislocation, bone or joint infection, osteomyelitis, compartment syndrome, thrombosis, DVT, total joint replacement, hip, knee, motor vehicle accident, broken bone, orthopedic complication, nonunion, pulmonary embolism, fall, work comp
-Board Certified with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) -Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and International Orthopaedic Trauma Association -Former Specialty Society President, Academic Department Chair and Director of the ABOS - Licensed in 14 states - Published >100 peer reviewed articles and book chapters - practice experience in a variety of hospital types - Specializing in fractures, dislocations, trauma, joint replacement, infection, complications of orthopedic surgery, compartment syndrome, DVT/PE following surgery, musculoskeletal infection, all aspects of orthopedic or musculoskeletal care I have done medicolegal consulting for over 25 years for both plaintiff and defense, as an adjunct to my surgical practice. I have testified successfully at trial several times, even more depositions and reports. The majority of my career has been in academic medicine, where I not only had a busy surgical practice in orthopaedic trauma, but spent a gre...

David Lancaster, DO, CLCP, CIME

Physical Medicine & Rehab, Life Care Planning, IME

Lancaster Medical Associates, LLC

Columbia, Missouri
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Life Care Planning - TBI, SCI, Spinal Cord Injury, Multi Trauma, Musculoskeletal, Disability, Damages, Auto Accident Injury, Pain, Fall, Personal Injury, Board Certified Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Independent Medical Exam, IME, Tort, Nerve Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Cost Projection, Amputation
Dr. Lancaster is a Board Certified PM&R physician, Certified Life Care Planner, and Certified Independent Medical Examiner with 20 years of experience. He is available for life care planning for larger cases and cost projections for smaller cases. Dr. Lancaster's experience encompasses stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple trauma, debility, amputation, pressure wounds, burns, neurological disorders, musculoskeletal injuries, falls, critical illness myopathy, and electrodiagnostic testing (EMGs). Previously, Dr. Lancaster served for 10 years as the Medical Director of Capital Region Medical Center’s in-patient rehabilitation unit in Jefferson City, MO. During his tenure, he also ran a busy out-patient practice specializing in acute and chronic pain, electrodiagnostic studies, and osteopathic manipulation. Dr. Lancaster is licensed and available in Missouri as well as available nationally. He and his assistant are personable and ready to assist with client need...

Adam Ash, DO, MBA

Emergency Medicine Physician

Centerport, New York
Emergency Medicine - Stroke, Infection, Alcohol intoxication, Assault, Vulnerable Patient, Heart attack, Motor vehicle collision, Poisoning, Suicide, Vulnerable Population, Trauma, Fall, Abdominal pain, Police, Sepsis, Overdose, Fever, Civil Rights
Adam Ash, DO, MBA, FACEP, is a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician with extensive experience in clinical practice, administration, and telemedicine. With a robust educational background, including a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree from the University of New England and an MBA from Western Governors University, Dr. Ash has served in various leadership roles such as Vice Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Long Island Community Hospital. He is also a veteran of the United States Army, having served as an Emergency Physician and attained the rank of Major. Dr. Ash is licensed to practice in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and has been actively involved in physician utilization review. He is a fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians and a member of multiple professional organizations. His extensive knowledge, training, and practical experience make him a valuable asset as an expert witness in legal matters pertaining to emergency medi...

Marie Russell, MD

Emergency Medicine - Forensic Medicine Physician

New York
Emergency Medicine, Forensic Pathology - homicide, strangulation, motor vehicle accident, correctional medicine, overdose, death, gunshot wound, dogbite, jail or prison medicine, urgent care, domestic violence, stab wound, fall, police abuse, trauma, child physical abuse, assault, fracture, deliberate indifference, infection
Emergency Medicine (Board Certified), Forensic Pathology, Correctional Healthcare, autopsy review. 29 yrs. physician experience at a Level 1 trauma center, retired faculty member USC Keck School of Medicine, taught physicians and medical students for over 20 years. Former California Medical Board in-house medical consultant - 7 yrs CDCR Chief Medical Executive - Retired, Certified Correctional Healthcare Professional Former full time police officer x 7 yrs. Fellow – National Assoc of Medical Examiners, Fellow - American Academy of Forensic Science > 500 autopsies performed Testified in multiple state courts, federal district court, numerous trials

Charles Fasano, DO

Ambler, Pennsylvania
Emergency Medicine, Hospice and Palliative Care - chest pain, pulmonary embolism, AAA, appendicitis, gallbladder, headache, meningitis, trauma, subdural hematoma, fall, fracture, compartment syndrome, allergic reaction, pneumonia, hospice, pediatric, sore throat, uti, sepsis
20+ years clinical experience in emergency medicine Former core faculty at Einstein Philadelphia Emergency Medicine Residency Active community emergency medicine physician Published in major emergency medicine journals


Legal Nurse Consulting, Nurse - Medical, Surgical, Med/Surg, Medical/Surgical, Fall, Pressure Ulcer, Bed Sores, Critical Care, ICU, Nursing, Hospital, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU, Trauma ICU, Neuro ICU, Trauma, Neuro, Registered Nurse, RN, Nurse
Experience: Independently Contracted Clinical Nurse Expert, Fort Worth, TX (05/2020-Present) Nursing Instructor, Tarrant County College, Fort Worth, TX (01/2020-Present) PRN Surgical ICU RN, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX (06/2018-02/2021) Float Pool ICU RN, Texas Health Resources, DFW, TX (04/2018-01/2020) House Supervisor/Staffing RN, Baylor Scott & White Grapevine, Grapveine, TX (01/2018-04/2018) Travel ICU RN, Sutter Memorial Medical Center, Modesto, CA (07/2017-12/2017) Surgical/Trauma ICU RN/Relief Charge, Baylor Scott & White Medical Center, Temple, TX (06/2015-07/2017) Legal Nurse Consultant: Conducted comprehensive medical record reviews for legal cases Provided expert opinions on medical and nursing practices Collaborated with attorneys in case preparation Maintained confidentiality and adhered to ethical standards Nursing Clinical Educator: Educates students in Standards of Care across nursing spect...