James M. Miller, PE, PhD Expert Witness

Engineering Safety, Agricultural, Batteries, Nano

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Specialties & Experience of this Expert Witness

General Specialties:

Safety and Agriculture Engineering

Keywords/Search Terms:

Accidents, Auto ADAS, Agriculture, Battery Fires, Cannabis Processing, Chemical Exposure, Child Safety, Construction, Electrocution, Ergonomics, Fitness Equipment, Fires/Explosions, HazCom, Human Factors, HVAC, Mechatronics/Nano, Medical Devices, OSHA, Recalls, RV/ATV


PhD, Engineering, Ohio State University; MBA, Ohio State University; Bachelor, Mechanical Engineering, Ohio State University

Years in Practice:


Number of Times Deposed/Testified in Last 4 Yrs:


Additional Information

There are four PhD and registered Professional Engineers at Miller Engineering who are celebrating 40 years of Professorships at three universities along with providing services to Government, Insurance, and Industry—through research, publications, presentations, and expert testimony. These co-founders and associates are James M. Miller, PE, PhD; Mark R. Lehto, PhD; David R. Clark, PE, PhD; Adam M. Olshove, PE, MSE; and Jeffrey D. Rupp, MSE. Miller Engineering has a dedicated office with a full-time staff of engineers, researchers, and technical writers. The span of our collective academic and experiential expertise includes the Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Agricultural, Industrial, Human Factors, Ergonomic and Safety fields of engineering. Miller Engineering’s principle engineers wrote the original books on warnings and instructions, have published in several other areas, have participated in product designs and patents, and have analyzed, reconstructed and/or animated numerous types of accidents. Miller Engineering also designs and operates hydroelectric and solar energy sources within their agricultural, forestry, marine, and cattle subsidiary operations in Idaho and Oregon, lending to unique hand-on expertise in these areas. We are known for our staff’s thorough, detailed documentation and portrayal of accident sequences and the surrounding environmental circumstances. Dr. James Miller, PE—Founder of Miller Engineering and Emeritus Professor at the University of Michigan – Engineering. He has directly served in Washington originating several Federal OSHA safety regulations, and interacts regularly with Consumer Products Safety Commission regarding safety and product recalls. He serves as a reviewer of ASTM consumer products safety standards, provides upper management guidance on product design, recall and liability issues, and serves as an expert witness when required by consultative involvements. In addition, Dr. Miller works often on projects relating to compliance with occupational safety and consumer safety standards (OSHA, MSDS, CPSC, ANSI, ASTM, UL, ASABE, etc.) along with accidents associated with agriculture, consumer products, machine guarding, fire/explosions, and slip and fall circumstances. Recently, Dr. Miller has been handling cases involving battery fires, particularly with respect to e-cigarettes and vaporizers. Dr. Miller holds a bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering from Ohio State University. At the University of Michigan, he taught courses in human factors/ergonomics, safety engineering, methods engineering and law for engineers. On leave from the University at the U.S. Department of Labor, he was appointed as Special Assistant for Safety to OSHA’s Assistant Secretary of Labor, where he had responsibility, among other things, for revising the OSHA Safety Standards (29 CFR 1910 and 1926). Dr. Miller has authored a chapter titled "Hazard Communication and Right-to-Know: Regulatory Issues" in the Safety Engineering Handbook for ASSE. He has also authored five books on the topics of “warnings and safety instructions” and dozens of journal articles. He is currently a committee member of the ASTM Technical Committee F15 on Consumer Products. Finally, Dr. Miller is a registered professional engineer and consultant with over 35 years of experience including expert witness work. He specializes in warnings, labeling, and instruction manuals, consumer product design, process safety, explosions, fire science, chemical hazards (diacetyl, asbestos, benzene, etc.), machine guarding, vehicle visibility, systems for egress/ingress, slip and fall prevention, recreational vehicles (ATVs, boats, and personal watercraft), and all agricultural operations.