Pharmacist Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of pharmacist expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on pharmacist and related issues. Pharmacist expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these pharmacist expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Medication Errors, Pharmacology, Drug Interactions, Overdose, Pharmacy, Toxicology, Adverse Drug Reactions, Anticoagulation, Critical Care, Medication Safety, Geriatrics, Pharmacist, Pharmacy Law, Pharmacy Standards, and Pharmacy Standards Of Care.

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Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP

Pharmacy - Pharmacology - Drugs of Abuse

The Mackenzie Group, LLC

Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Nursing homes, geriatric pharmacist, alcohol, recreational drugs, drug interactions, opioid pain management, hospital pharmacy, drug levels, medication errors, pharmacy law, toxicology, pharmacy standards of care
Pharmacy Standards of Care (nursing home/long-term care, acute care, hospice, home health); Pain Management; Geriatric Drug Therapy Management (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, psychoactive medications, psychotropic drug reactions, polypharmacy); Clinical Pharmacy Services (drug information services, patient assessment & counseling); Drug Safety/Misadventure (interactions, adverse reactions, medication errors, death/overdose, product liability); Pharmacology (causal relationship between drug exposure and subsequent effects, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacokinetics); Pharmacy Operations (3rd-party payment, managed care, controlled substance/narcotics, drug distribution systems, pharmacoeconomics). Professor, Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Harding University College of Pharmacy (2011- ) President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2024-25) Vice-President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2023-24) Member, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2020- ) Clinical Consulta...

Zlatan Coralic, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

University of California San Francisco

Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - medication safety, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, dispensing, toxicity, anticoagulation, emergency medicine, drug patent, drug labeling, drug administration, clinical pharmacy, pharmacy operations, opioids, adverse drug events, critical care, intensive care unit, resuscitation, clinical trials
Dr. Zlatan Coralic is a full-time practicing Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. He is also a Clinical Professor in the UCSF School of Pharmacy and in the Department of Emergency Medicine where he provides didactic and experiential training to pharmacy and medical students and residents. Dr. Coralic has published numerous peer-reviewed studies and book chapters. His research focuses on medication safety and efficacy and he has been involved in large multicenter clinical trials. Dr. Coralic is a frequently invited speaker at medical and pharmacy conferences. Dr. Coralic’s most recent expert witness work has been at the state and federal levels. He has provided reviews, opinions, depositions, and testimony in areas of standards of pharmacy care, medication safety, adverse drug events, and patent infringement.

Dimi Maffia, PharmD, BCCCP

PharmD Consultation, Inc

Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - Toxicology, Pharmacist Standard of Care (Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics), Adverse Drug Events, Drug-Drug Interactions, Medication Safety and Errors, Pharmacogenomics, Anticoagulation, Antiarrhythmics, Antibiotic Stewardship, Medication-Related Surgical Complications, Opioid Safety
I currently practice as an Acute Care Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at VA San Diego Health Care System, and I have practiced in clinical pharmacy at 6 different healthcare systems. I obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2014 from the University of the Pacific and have been a registered pharmacist in California for 10 years. I completed 2 years of postgraduate pharmacy residency training at VA San Diego Health Care System, with the first year focusing on pharmacy practice in ambulatory care and inpatient hospital settings, including hospice and long-term care, and the second year specializing in critical care pharmacy. I am a Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacist (BCCCP) and have held additional specialty clinical pharmacist positions in emergency medicine and critical care. I have clinical research experience in healthcare institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, having collaborated to conduct phase 2, 3, and 4 clinical trials and retrospective chart review. I currently...

Amina Ghalyoun, PharmD, BCACP

Aletheia Consulting Services

Phoenix, Arizona
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - forensic pharmacist, pharmacy standard of care, pharmacy negligence, medication error, drug misfill, hospital medmal
Broadly experienced, board certified clinical pharmacist. Extensive experience treating patients under scope and collaborative of practice agreements as a mid-level provider for the VA, academic, and urban community institutions. 4 years of high-volume retail experience. Licensed to practice in Illinois and Florida. Vast experience in medical necessity and quality. Substantial formulary review experience. Treating experience includes inpatient, outpatient, and telehealth. Peer Reviewer: The Annals of Pharmacotherapy. Extensive public speaking experience.

Michael T Rupp, PhD, RPh, FAPhA

Midwestern University College of Pharmacy - Glendale

Peoria, Arizona
Pharmacist, Safety - Community Pharmacy, Quality, Safety, Medication Errors, Dispensing Errors, DUR, Patient Counseling, Workflow, Policies and Procedures, Management, Prescription Dispensing, Staffing & Workload, Standards of Practice, Opioid Prescribing & Dispensing
Experienced consultant and expert witness specializing in chain and independent community pharmacy operations and standards of practice with emphasis on medication safety management and dispensing errors. Expertise includes staffing, workflow, policies & procedures and quality assurance. Deep experience in opioid litigation. Credentials include community and hospital pharmacy practice experience, numerous peer-reviewed articles, and excellent interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills.

Rodney G. Richmond, MS, PharmD, BCGP, FASCP

Pharmacy - Pharmacology - Drugs of Abuse

The Mackenzie Group, LLC

Searcy, Arkansas
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Nursing homes, geriatric pharmacist, alcohol, recreational drugs, drug interactions, opioid pain management, hospital pharmacy, drug levels, medication errors, pharmacy law, toxicology, pharmacy standards of care
Pharmacy Standards of Care (nursing home/long-term care, acute care, hospice, home health); Pain Management; Geriatric Drug Therapy Management (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, psychoactive medications, psychotropic drug reactions, polypharmacy); Clinical Pharmacy Services (drug information services, patient assessment & counseling); Drug Safety/Misadventure (interactions, adverse reactions, medication errors, death/overdose, product liability); Pharmacology (causal relationship between drug exposure and subsequent effects, pharmacoepidemiology, pharmacokinetics); Pharmacy Operations (3rd-party payment, managed care, controlled substance/narcotics, drug distribution systems, pharmacoeconomics). Professor, Pharmacy Practice Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice Harding University College of Pharmacy (2011- ) President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2024-25) Vice-President, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2023-24) Member, Arkansas State Board of Pharmacy (2020- ) Clinical Consulta...

Jimmy Skaggs, PharmD, MBA

JG Skaggs & Associates

Benton, Arkansas
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Mail-order pharmacy, prostate cancer, oral cancer drugs, urology drugs, Testosterone/Hormone replacement, vaccines, pharmacy operations, specialty pharmacy, mail-order pharmacy
Dr. Skaggs is a pharmacist expert experienced in community retail, specialty retail, and hospital pharmacy. He oversaw the establishment of, and now manages a specialty retail pharmacy pharmacy in a large urology group practice. He serves on the Tumor Board and the Advanced Prostate Cancer Committee for the clinic. He has provided didactic and experiential education to Doctor of Pharmacy students, case-based learning to Physician Assistant students, and education to practicing physicians and nurses. He has served as an expert and consultant since 2015. Memberships/Certifications: -American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) - Member -American Pharmacists Association (APhA) - Member -Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Lab Director -APhA Pharmacy Based Immunization Delivery Certificate -National Institutes of Health (NIH): Protecting Human Research Participants Certification

Deanna L Allen

Buena Vista Group

San Clemente, California
Pharmacist, HIPAA - Home infusion pharmacy, OSHA, Malpractice, Calculations, Risk assessment, Pharmacy law, Computer order entry, Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), Formulas, Pharmacology, High alert medications, Standard of Care, Medication safety, Warnings and labels, Fraud, Policies and Procedures, Pharmacy workflow
I am a licensed California pharmacist, and a licensed Hawaii pharmacist currently working in hospital pharmacy. My travel pharmacy work throughout facilities in California include the following: ambulatory care clinics, long term care, home care and home infusion pharmacy, retail pharmacy and community pharmacy, and acute care hospitals. I have a combined background in pharmacy with a law degree. I have used the combined expertise to write reports for the California State Board of Pharmacy, conduct risk analyses and assessments, ensure regulatory compliance, identify safety improvement areas, and help prevent errors and near misses, among other activities. My current work is hands-on/front line experience. I am witness to changes happening in real time in many different pharmacy venues: changes in management, pharmacy workflow, policies and procedures, personnel training and competencies, drug protocols, computer documentation, software updates, management of new drugs, and safe...

Zlatan Coralic, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

University of California San Francisco

San Francisco, California
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - medication safety, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, dispensing, toxicity, anticoagulation, emergency medicine, drug patent, drug labeling, drug administration, clinical pharmacy, pharmacy operations, opioids, adverse drug events, critical care, intensive care unit, resuscitation, clinical trials
Dr. Zlatan Coralic is a full-time practicing Emergency Medicine Clinical Pharmacist at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist. He is also a Clinical Professor in the UCSF School of Pharmacy and in the Department of Emergency Medicine where he provides didactic and experiential training to pharmacy and medical students and residents. Dr. Coralic has published numerous peer-reviewed studies and book chapters. His research focuses on medication safety and efficacy and he has been involved in large multicenter clinical trials. Dr. Coralic is a frequently invited speaker at medical and pharmacy conferences. Dr. Coralic’s most recent expert witness work has been at the state and federal levels. He has provided reviews, opinions, depositions, and testimony in areas of standards of pharmacy care, medication safety, adverse drug events, and patent infringement.

Ajit Dhavle, Pharm.D, MBA

Quandary Peak Research

Los Angeles, California
Pharmacist, Health Informatics - Patient Safety, Pharmacy Management, e-medication, e-prescribing, Health IT, health informatics, EHR systems, EHR audits, REMS, Drug Safety, Medication Errors, Root Cause Analysis, False Claims, HIPAA, Medical Records, Health Care Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacovigilance
Dr. Ajit Dhavle is the Vice President of Health IT Audits and Life Science at Quandary Peak Research, where he oversees a team of health informatics experts to provide Strategy, Management, Product Management, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Patient Safety, Compliance, and Engineering Consulting and Audit services to both Government and Commercial entities. Previously, Ajit founded Adviva Health, Inc a SaaS prescription medication history reconciliation and analytics platform designed to streamline the medication experience for EHR users. Ajit joined Surescripts in its early years and helped replace the paper prescription and start the first National E-prescribing network. At Surescripts, he last served as the Vice President of Clinical Quality and was responsible for corporate clinical quality, patient safety, and quality research initiatives. While at Surescripts, he also built and ran the first-of-its kind enterprise-wide clinical quality program – a critical component ...

Stanley W Goldenberg, RPH, FASCP

Los Angeles, California
Pharmacist, Long Term Care - Nursing Homes, Consultant Pharmacist, Board of Pharmacy, Long-Term Care, American Society Consultant Pharmacist, Geriatric, Senior Care Pharmacist, Nursing Home Medication, Emergency Medication, Pain Medicine-Management
Stan served for eight years on the California Board of Pharmacy (BoP), 2001-2008, and was president of that board from 2004-2006. During his BoP service he was deposed and acted as an expert witness on behalf of the Board of Pharmacy for the California Attorney General’s Office. His experience includes ownership of Commerce Pharmacy, a closed-door institutional long-term care pharmacy from 1970-1996, which grew to service 13,000 nursing-home beds and from 1980-1990 he owned and operated 13 nursing homes (1700 beds) in the Los Angeles area. Today, Stan is the president of Downey Plaza Pharmacy Long-Term Care Division and Director of Long Term Care for ModernHealthLTC Pharmacy, and an Expert Witness in Pharmacy. He is currently a board member of the California Council for the Advancement of Pharmacy (CCAP – Long-Term Care Rx Advocacy Group) and is also a Fellow of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. He is a member of the California Pharmacists Association, the America...

Dimi Maffia, PharmD, BCCCP

PharmD Consultation, Inc

San Diego, California
Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - Toxicology, Pharmacist Standard of Care (Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics), Adverse Drug Events, Drug-Drug Interactions, Medication Safety and Errors, Pharmacogenomics, Anticoagulation, Antiarrhythmics, Antibiotic Stewardship, Medication-Related Surgical Complications, Opioid Safety
I currently practice as an Acute Care Clinical Pharmacist Specialist at VA San Diego Health Care System, and I have practiced in clinical pharmacy at 6 different healthcare systems. I obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2014 from the University of the Pacific and have been a registered pharmacist in California for 10 years. I completed 2 years of postgraduate pharmacy residency training at VA San Diego Health Care System, with the first year focusing on pharmacy practice in ambulatory care and inpatient hospital settings, including hospice and long-term care, and the second year specializing in critical care pharmacy. I am a Board Certified Critical Care Pharmacist (BCCCP) and have held additional specialty clinical pharmacist positions in emergency medicine and critical care. I have clinical research experience in healthcare institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, having collaborated to conduct phase 2, 3, and 4 clinical trials and retrospective chart review. I currently...

Jack H Raber, Pharm.D.

Pharmacy Practice Expert Witness

Clinipharm Services

Seal Beach, California
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Pharmacy Law,Community Pharmacy Practice Standards,Prescription Benefits,Prescription Benefit Fraud,Pharmacist Discipline,Pharmacy Malpractice,Adverse Drug Reactions,Hospital Pharmacy Practice,Nursing Home Pharmacy Practice Standards,Over-dispensing of Controlled Substances,Drug Information
I am a pharmacist with nearly 50 years of both practice and management experience in a variety of clinical settings. Since 1993, I have been an expert witness and a non-testifying consultant in hundreds cases throughout the country in matters specifically related to pharmacy malpractice, pharmaceuticals-related hospital and medical malpractice, prescription benefit fraud, over-dispensing of controlled substances, and assistance in disciplinary proceedings against pharmacists and pharmacies. I have also participated in compliance audits of federally-sponsored health plans where it pertains to pharmaceutical services. I am formerly an instructor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, University of Southern California School of Pharmacy. My areas of expertise for teaching purposes include site-specific pharmacy practice guidelines, community pharmacy risk management, hospital pharmacy risk management, prescription drug benefits, pharmacy serv...

Kenneth H Schell, Pharm.D., R.Ph., CIPP

Strom and Associates

Los Angeles, California
Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - fraudulent controlled drug/narcotic prescriptions, prescription drug abuse, California pharmacy practice, prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMP), CURES, corresponding responsibility, wrongful death, drug overdose, standard of care medication use hospitals, retail pharmacy and clinics
Ken served 8 years on the California Board of Pharmacy, 2003-2011. He was President of that board 2009-2010. He was also a member of the California Society of Health System Pharmacists (CSHP) serving on the CSHP Board of Directors from 1993 - 1997nand as a presidential officer from 1997-1999. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors for (DRN) a nonprofit created to address the underrepresentation of people with disabilities in the legal field and co-teaches Pharmacy Law and Ethic at the UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Ken is a member of the America Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL), the California Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the American Society for Health-System Pharmacists, and the International Association of Privacy Professionals

Andrew Perugini, Pharm.D.

Clinical Pharmacist - Hartford Healthcare

Watertown, Connecticut
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Clinical Pharmacist, Toxicology, Infectious Disease, Internal Medicine, Overdose, Opioid Overdose, Adverse Drug Events, Anticoagulation, Medication Error, Pharmacist Medical Malpractice, Drug Interaction, Pharmacokinetics, Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Oncology, Intensive Care Unit, Alcohol
Dr. Perugini is a pharmacist with 12 years of experience. He initially started his career in retail pharmacy and eventually moved to the hospital setting as a clinical pharmacist. He is an adjust assistant professor at several pharmacy schools in his state. He has worked his way up to the position of Pharmacy Supervisor/Clinical Coordinator at his practice site. He is a member of several system-wide committees to help establish new protocols or therapies and to investigate medication error events and ways to reduce future errors. His knowledge is extensive, encompassing a wide range of areas, including infectious disease, emergency medicine, critical care, anticoagulation, neurology, oncology, cardiology, extravasation and more. As mentioned before, he serves as the clinical coordinator at his hospital, ensuring that any new clinical initiatives are properly executed at his practice site. This includes providing education and participating in committees to discuss ways to improve pa...

Alexa J Basilio, PharmD, BCOP

Board Certified Oncology Pharmacist

Tampa, Florida
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Pharmacotherapy, overdose, cancer, chemotherapy, drug interactions, drug safety, treatment side effects, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, supportive care, oncology, dispensing errors, opioid stewardship, allergic reactions, anticoagulation, blood thinners, hospital, infusion center
Alexa J. Basilio, PharmD, BCOP is a board-certified oncology pharmacist at Mckesson, The US Oncology Network. As the clinical pharmacy specialist, Alexa works in collaboration with a multidisciplinary team to optimize supportive care and manage acute and chronic toxicities of treatment for various types of disease states including cancer. Alexa has hands on experience compounding and dosing various drugs (sterile and unsterile preparations). In addition, she has experience with clinical trials and develops drug order sets and protocols. Alexa also educates the clinical staff on safety initiatives and pharmacotherapy considerations. As the pharmacy expert, Alexa provides expertise in the area of appropriate use of therapy (guideline- and evidence-based medicine, drug-disease match), drug safety (interactions, adverse reactions and effects, medication errors, overdose, inappropriate use or place of therapy), pharmacology (drug exposure, subsequent effects, pharmacoepidemiology, phar...

Pat Leung, MD PharmD MPH

Medical Physicians Group PLLC

Jacksonville , Florida
Family Medicine, Preventive Medicine - Accident, death, malpractice, correctional medicine, prison, jail, pharmacy, pharmacist, wrongful death, negligence, occupational medicine, COVID vaccine, medical medication error, patient safety, work related injury
Dr. Leung possesses double doctorates as he has a Medical Doctorate (M.D.) and a Pharmacy Doctorate (Pharm.D.) graduae Summa Cum Laude and ranked #1 in his PharmD class throughout the whole curriculum. Dr. Leung is experienced at finding medical errors as he has been working for over 15 years in finding and preventing medical errors. He is currently working at Medical Physicians Group PLLC where he works at urgent care and outpatient clinics and sees telemedicine patients. He previously worked as a Senior Medical Physician for the Northeast Florida State Hospital, and as a Correctional Medicine Physician at the Baker County Jail which housed inmates from the Georgia and Florida Marshals and ICE patients as well. He also worked in occupational medicine and emergency medicine at the federal facility for two years. As a pharmacist, Dr. Leung was a pharmacist-in-charge for an HIV pharmacy. He has worked in multiple settings as a pharmacist including hospital pharmacy, CVS, Walgree...

Susan M Skolly-Danziger, PharmD, MS, CPh, DABAT

Psychiatric Affiliates, PA

Maitland, Florida
Toxicology, Pharmacist - DUI Alcohol or Drugs, Drugs of Abuse Testing, Effects of Drugs on Behavior, Illicit Drug Synthesis, Drug/Drug Interactions, Poisoning, Medication Errors, Overdose, Opioid Overdose, Hospital-Related Medication Errors, Adverse Effects of Drugs, Forensic Toxicology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology
· Dr. Skolly-Danziger is a Florida Consultant Pharmacist. A consultant pharmacist is a medication therapy management expert, who advises on the use of medications for patients in a variety of settings such as nursing homes, hospitals and outpatient clinics. · Dr. Skolly-Danziger is an expert in the field of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology. She has been qualified by Circuit and Federal Judges in Arkansas, Florida, Illinois, Ohio and Oklahoma to provide opinions to the Court and juries from misdemeanor to death penalty cases in the areas of Pharmacy, Pharmacology, and Toxicology. She has been qualified as an expert in toxicology in both Criminal and Civil matters. · Dr. Skolly-Danziger has been qualified as an expert in Toxicology in both Criminal and Civil cases involving opioid-related deaths. · Dr. Skolly currently provides standard of care reviews concerning matters in both retail and hospital pharmacy practice on behalf of the Florida Department of Health.

Nakia M. Shaw, Pharm.D

McArthur's Apothecary

Atlanta, Georgia
Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - pharmacy regulations, pharmacy standards of care, pharmacist medical malpractice, drug utilization reviews, medication errors, adverse drug reactions, Medicare and Medicaid
Dr. Shaw (Pharm-D) is a Board-Certified Doctor of Pharmacy with a specialization in numerous disease states. He has a specialization certification in Nuclear Medication. Dr. Shaw is also a Reviewing Medical Officer/Independent Practitioner for The Department of Labor/Federal Occupational Health (nationally and state specific). Dr. Shaw has been a Reviewing Adjudication Officer for Healthcare for the State of Georgia for CMS/Medicaid through the Dept of Health and Human Services Dr. Shaw has been in practice as clinical/compound/adjudication pharmacist since 1999 in many diverse settings including hospital, hospital transitional care, community clinic, critical care, compounding, and retail. In addition Dr. Shaw has served in a variety of leadership roles that have contributed to his experience as an expert witness. In particular, Dr. Shaw has extensive experience reviewing cases related to diagnostic errors, pre and post-operative management, hospital in-patient treatment, hospital...

Glenn S. Balas, RPH

Chicago, Illinois
Pharmacist - Retail Pharmacist, Experienced, Overdose, Prescriptions, Drug-Food Interactions, Pharmacy Practice, Medication Misuse/Abuse, Medication, Error, Adverse Drug, Pharmacy
With over 50 years in the retail pharmacy industry, Glenn Balas has honed his craft, excelling in various aspects of the industry, from retail pharmacy operations and compliance issues to inventory management and patient consultations. As a licensed pharmacist and former pharmacist owner, Balas has combined his clinical expertise and entrepreneurial business acumen to increase revenue, streamline operational processes, and improve the quality and level of patient care. His proven expertise has not only helped countless patients, but also pharmaceutical representatives, medical professionals, healthcare organizations, and insurance providers. From his long and distinguished career in the pharmacy industry, education and professional growth has always been at the forefront of Balas’ career. With a Doctorate of Pharmacy and as a member of the American Pharmacist Association and American Diabetic Association, Mr. Balas has stayed at the forefront of medication and pharmaceutical man...

Gourang P. Patel, Pharm.D

Critical Care Education

Chicago, Illinois
Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - Medication, Error, Toxicology, Adverse Drug, Pharmacology, Clinical Trials, Pharmacy, Critical Care, Intensive Care Unit, Prescription, Prevention, Operating Room Medication Safety
Specialization of pharmacology and toxicology of medications utilized both in the hospital and retail pharmacy settings. Detailed analysis of medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and providing strategies for prevention. Particular focus on practice of pharmacy, medication side effects, and medication safety.

Dennis A. Wichern

Retired DEA Special Agent in Charge

Prescription Drug Consulting LLC

Carmel , Indiana
Pain Management - Medicine, Pharmacist - DEA, DEA Expert, DEA Consultant, DEA Compliance Consultant, DEA Compliance Expert, DEA Red Flags Expert, DEA OTP Expert, DEA Pharmacy, DEA Pharmacy Consultant, DEA Pharmacy Compliance, DEA ASC Compliance Consultant, DEA Researcher Compliance, DEA Ketamine Compliance Consultant, DEA Recordkeeping
Dennis Wichern is a partner in Prescription Drug Consulting LLC, where he focuses his efforts on DEA compliance services, risk mitigation initiatives and the development of corrective action plans to protect healthcare organizations, ASC’s, pharmacies and providers nationwide. His experience includes 30 years of public service as a DEA Special Agent retiring in 2018 as the Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Field Division where he directed all criminal enforcement and diversion control operations in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Minnesota and North Dakota with a team of approximately 550 employees. Dennis was the first to develop DEA compliance services and training relating to pain and prescription opioids, SAMHSA MAT and OTP’s regulations, pharmacy and ASC operations, and drug researcher protocols. Dennis is a recognized expert on the dangers of heroin and the prescription drug epidemic and routinely speaks to healthcare organizations, ASC’s, pharmacies and pro...

Daniel Mickool, R.Ph, M.S., Ed.D

Drug Experts

Portland, Maine
Pharmacist, Family Medicine - Medication expert, diabetes, gastrointestinal, psychiatric, antibiotics, narcotics, black box warnings, recalled drugs, imported drugs, herbals, Joint Commission standards, kidney injury, opioids, medication errors, geriatric medications, carcinogenic drugs, falls, pharmacology, weight loss drugs
With over 35 years of experience in pharmacy practice, education, and research, I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to my role as a pharmacist, educator, and researcher. Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of being recognized nationally and internationally, having been invited to speak at prestigious conferences and contributing authorship to the Qatar Declaration commissioned by the World Health Organization (WHO). Currently, I serve on the board of the Maine Pharmacy Association and as a national delegate to the American Pharmacist Association, where I actively contribute to advancing the pharmacy profession. My academic appointments at Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine (Family Medicine) and Husson University allow me to make a meaningful impact in educating future healthcare professionals. I thoroughly enjoy teaching in various settings, including classrooms, hospitals, and medical clinics, where I provide invaluable drug information to physicians, nurses, and...

Janice Kim, Pharm.D, MBA, PMP, CPB, CPHQ

Pharmacist with 19 years experience

Ellicott City, Maryland
Health Informatics, Pharmacist - Compounding Pharmacy, Outpatient pharmacy, Pharmacy Data Analytics
Pharmacist with in-depth experience across diverse practice settings, combining clinical expertise with leadership and innovation. My multi-faceted skill set includes Medication Therapy Management (MTM), Sterile Aseptic Compounding, Pharmacy Informatics, and Antimicrobial Stewardship. With a Pharm.D. and MBA, I am certified in Immunization, Whole Health Coaching, Diabetes management, Six Sigma (Yellow Belt), and more. Throughout my career, I’ve leveraged my certifications in Clinical Development, Drug Classification, and Data Analytics to optimize pharmacy operations, improve patient outcomes, and streamline healthcare processes. Fluent in written and spoken Korean, I excel at connecting with diverse populations and leading collaborative teams to achieve shared goals. My passion lies in using my knowledge to develop innovative solutions that enhance healthcare delivery. Whether it's through program development, drug data mapping, or advancing clinical outcomes, I am dedicated to m...

Paul A. Arpino, PharmD

Newton, Massachusetts
Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Regulation - Hospital, Outpatient Retail Pharmacy Practice, Standards of Pharmacy Practice, Medication Errors, Medication Safety, Adverse Drug Reactions, Drug Interactions, Standard of Care, Anticoagulation, Controlled Substances, Pharmacy Standards, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Pharmacy regulations
Extensive knowledge in pharmacy practice, regulatory compliance, medication management and standards of pharmacy practice across a variety of patient care settings. Board Certification in Pharmacotherapy (BCPS). Available as a consultant for both plaintiff and defense cases.

Karen M. Ryle, MS, RPh

Massachusetts General Hospital

Quincy, Massachusetts
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Retail Pharmacies, Community and Hospital Pharmacies, Medication Errors, Wrongful Death, Prescription Drug Abuse, Drug Overdose, Substance Use Disorder, Pharmacy Standards of Care, Pharmacy Law, Pharmaceutical Standard of Care, Drug Interactions
Extensive knowledge in Board of Pharmacy Regulations, she was a member of the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy for 15 years, serving as president twice. Additionally, she served as an Executive Committee member of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) for over 10 years, including elected as Treasurer, President and Chairperson of the association. She continues to be involved with NABP on committees and task forces. She served as chairperson for the Stakeholders Coalition on Prescribing and Dispensing Controlled Substances. She has assisted the Board of Pharmacy in writing regulations that govern the practice of pharmacy, she is generally familiar with NABP model regulations and regulations adopted in other states. She has a master's degree in Drug Regulatory Affairs and has over 35 years of experience in community pharmacy and hospital practice. She has been practicing as an expert for 20 years, reviewing over 170 cases for both plaintiff and defendant. She has test...

Frank Breve, PharmD, MBA, CCP

Mid Atlantic PharmaTech Consultants, LLC

Ventnor City, New Jersey
Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Regulation - Geriatrics, Addiction, Opioids, Hospitals, Dialysis, Behavioral Health, Drug Distributors, Drug Companies, Long Term Care, Assisted Living, Pharmacies, Professional Practice, Regulatory Compliance, Duty of Care, Duty to Warn, Product Liability, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Abuse, Overdose
Dr. Frank Breve is an independent contractor consultant pharmacist. He is President and CEO of Mid Atlantic PharmaTech Consultants, LLC, a for profit company. Dr. Breve is also President and CEO of Opioid Consulting Educational Solutions, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. He is adjunct faculty at Temple University School of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, and at University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy in Denver. Dr. Breve has authored over sixty scientific publications in peer reviewed journals. Dr. Breve is past president of the New Jersey Pharmacists Association, and a member of various professional societies and committees. He has been the recipient of many awards in his field of practice. Dr. Breve has served as an expert witness for roughly twenty years, and has worked on numerous cases, representing both plaintiffs and defendants.

Luke A. Probst, PharmD, BCPS, CPGx

Pharmacology-Pharmacy Expert

LP Rx Advisors LLC

Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pharmacology- Clinical, Pharmacist - Prescribing Error, Drug Interaction, Drug Toxicity, Overdose, Pharmacy Error, Pediatric Pharmacist, Polypharmacy, Adverse Drug Reaction, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy Standards, Pharmacy Malpractice, Drug Allergy, Pharmacogenomics
Dr. Probst is a consultative expert for medical litigation cases requiring pharmacological expertise. He has extensive pharmacy experience - including pediatrics - in academic medical centers and other practice settings, and he can opine on causation or standard of care issues associated with medications. Following a long hospital based pharmacy career, he now serves as an accreditation surveyor and as a consultant to physicians and patients on complex medication issues. He has co-authored numerous articles involving translational research, reviews manuscripts for several journals, has taught pharmacology topics in nursing and medical courses, and delivered presentations at local, state and national meetings. He has maintained Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist designation since 1998, is an active member of American Society of Health-System Pharmacists and a former member of several other pharmacy organizations.

Joanne M Daprano, RPh, CGP

Baldwinsville, New York
Pharmacist, Pharmacology - Geriatrics, Pain Medication Management, Drug Interactions, Nursing Home Medical Management, Long Term Care, Medication Errors, Medication Monitoring, Adverse Drug Reaction, Nursing Homes-Drugs, Overdose, Quality Assurance, Consultant Pharmacist
Independent Consultant Pharmacist with more than 28 years of experience. Extensive knowledge of long-term care, medication management, standards of practice and medication errors. Specializing in dementia related behaviors, falls and pain management.

Cathy A Vaughan, PharmD

Durham, North Carolina
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Medication safety, Medication errors, Hospital and ambulatory pharmacy practice, Pharmacy standards, Quality assurance, Adverse drug reactions, Drug interactions, Dispensing errors, Prescribing errors, Drug overdose, Drug monitoring, Critical care
Dr. Vaughan has been in practice as a clinical pharmacist since 2002. She has experience in both the ambulatory and hospital setting. Current practice setting is in a large academic medical center. Dr. Vaughan has expertise in a number of pharmacy practice areas including drug information, medication policy, medication safety, quality improvement, pain medicine, and critical care. She has served as an expert consultant since 2012. Dr. Vaughan has experience reviewing cases related to dispensing and prescribing errors, drug monitoring, adverse effects, drug interactions and compatibility, drug overdose, and pharmacy practice standards.

Dominic Saladino, PharmD, MS, CPPS, CPHQ

Pharmacy and Medication Safety and expert

Medication Safety Consulting Solutions LLC

Springfield, Oregon
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Medication Safety, Controlled Substance Diversion, Drugs of Abuse, Pharmacist, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Compounding, Medication Management, Pharmacy Safety, Medication Use Process, DEA, Controlled Substances, Pharmacy Litigation, Pharmacist, Medication Errors
My name is Dominic Saladino, and I am the owner of Medication Safety Consulting Solutions LLC. I have 30 years of cumulative pharmacy experience in various facets of pharmacy practice. I have extensive experience in community, hospital, clinical, chemotherapy, and specialty infusion pharmacy. I have dedicated 10 years exclusively to medication safety practice in hospital pharmacies. I graduated from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy with a Master of Science degree in Pharmacy Outcomes and Policy with specialization in the Medication Safety and Quality Systems track of which I also earned a Graduate Certificate. I will also be earning a Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Regulatory from the University of Florida in the Summer term of 2025. I have additional relevant education with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a Doctor of Pharmacy Practice degree from Midwestern University Chicago College of Pharmacy, a Certified Professional in Patient S...

Angel Brown, PharmD

Board-Certified Pharmacist & Expert Witness

AB RX Consultation Services LLC

Rockwall, Texas
Pharmacist - Pharmacist Standard of Care, Medication Safety Errors, Toxicology, Medication Side Effects, Drug-Drug Interactions, Pharmacology, Pharmacy Law Regulations & Compliance
A highly skilled and results-driven, multi-state licensed Pharmacist with over 20 years of experience in optimizing patient outcomes through comprehensive medication therapy management, navigating regulatory environments, and leading others. I received my Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2005 from Texas Tech Health Science Center. I have been in a supervisory role with a proven track record of strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, enhancing operational efficiencies, driving sales growth and improving patient care across multiple pharmacy locations. As a pharmacist, my skills include the ability to collaborate with patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to improve patient engagement, adherence and overall health. I am skilled in medication management, ensuring safety, efficacy, and adherence and educating patients about their health conditions and medications. I am an active member of the American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) and I have always been committed t...

Airen Edebiri, RPh, PharmD

Praxis Med Experts

Frisco, Texas
Pharmacist - Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Pharm. D, Medication Therapy Management, Drug, Vaccine, Diabetes
Airen Edebiri is a highly experienced Doctor of Pharmacy with 17 years of expertise in community pharmacy settings. Specializing in medication therapy management, regulatory compliance, and patient care, He possesses a deep understanding of pharmaceutical practices, standards of care, & legal regulations. He offers expert testimony and consultation services for legal cases involving pharmacy regulations, medication errors, adverse drug reactions, and standard-of-care issues. - Expertise - ● Community Pharmacy Practice: Extensive experience in all aspects of retail pharmacy operations, including prescription dispensing, medication therapy management, patient counseling, and regulatory compliance. ● Medication Errors: Expertise in identifying, analyzing, and preventing medication errors, including root cause analysis and risk mitigation strategies. ● Adverse Drug Reactions: In-depth knowledge of adverse drug reactions, their causes, and potential legal implications. ● Pharmacy La...

David C Griffin, RPh

Griffin Pharmacy Consultants, LLC

Grandview, Texas
Pharmacist - Pharmacy Standards, Medication Errors, Drug Interactions, Medication Overdose and Underdose, Medication Interaction, Pharmaceuticals Adverse Reactions, Pharmacy Safety and Counseling, Pharmacist Duty to Warn, Adverse Drug Reactions, Drug Interaction, and Controlled Substance Policies
Over 40 years of experience in retail and community pharmacies. Well-versed in practice standards and pharmacy operations, including controlled substance laws & policies as well as financials, inventory, sales & pricing, and staff supervision & training.

Kathleen L Jackson, R.Ph., Ph.D. (H.C.), FIACP

Jackson Audit and Compliance

Alvin, Texas
Pharmacist, Pharmaceutical Regulation - USP <797> <795> <800>, Sterile and non-sterile compounding, FDA 503(a) and (b), State Inspections, Accreditation, Compliance, Critical Point Training, NABP, PCAB, Inspections, FDA Drug Compliance Expert
Kathleen Jackson is a licensed and experienced 40+ year pharmacist with specialized training and experience in compounding and compliance with regulations. She owned and operated a community pharmacy with an emphasis on compounding for 22 years. She has most recently received an NABP Inspector Certification (CISCI) in November 2018, expiring June 2023. Kathleen was also previously accepted by FDA to monitor a pharmacy as a Drug Compliance Expert. She has presented at several PCCA International Seminars as well as local community clubs and organizations. Kathleen was awarded "Pharmacist of the Month" in March 2002 by PCCA (Professional Compounding Centers of America). She has performed inspections and prepared reports to Boards of Pharmacy related to license suspensions/probation orders. Kathleen has co-authored two articles on Root Cause Analysis in the IJPC (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding). She has also authored several articles in the Texas Pharmacy magaz...

Nicholas Ladikos, PharmD, FASCP, BCPS, BCGP, BCIDP

Clinical Professor and Doctor of Pharmacy

Texas Tech University, MedOp Advisors, Optum Serve

Coppell, Texas
Pharmacist, Geriatrics - Medical Chart Review, Pharmacy, Infectious Diseases, Medicare/Medicaid, Drug Effects/Reaction, Geriatrics, Pain Management, Medical & Health, Pharmacology, Respiratory Therapy, Pharmacist, Health Insurance, Pulmonary Medicine, Claims Review, GERD, Mental Health, Antipsychotics, Prescriptions, Asthma
I develop and lead clinical programs that help stakeholders use and advance medication management tools (e.g., formularies, pharmacy, therapeutics committees and medication therapy management), quality metrics, research methodologies, and health information technology. Currently, I am a Medical Director for Optum Serve and a Professor at Texas Tech University and Arizona College of Nursing, having co-authored numerous papers in the areas of infectious diseases and antimicrobial stewardship, pharmacoeconomics, pharmacogenomics, geriatrics, and therapies in the lung transplant population. I started and operationalized system-level programs at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and am also the founder of MedOp Advisors, a concierge medication, nutrition, and wellness advisory company. Numerous hospitals have used my skillset and expertise in medical chart reviews to identify errors in medication preparation and prescribing, drug side effect management, ...

G. Scott Weston, RPh, MBA, PhD

LionSong Enterprises, LLC

El Paso, Texas
Pharmacist, Pharmacology- Clinical - Community Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Research, Recreational Drugs, Medication Errors, Pharmacy Standards of Care, Drug Interactions, Pharmacy Practice
Scott received his initial training in pharmacy and has worked as a registered pharmacist since 1990. He spent several years as a research scientist in the pharmaceutical industry, receiving a number of patents, grants, and publications. His academic experience includes serving as a professor and administrator at several different pharmacy programs. He has served as an item writer and reviewer for both the Pharmacy College Admissions Test (PCAT) and the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX). In addition, he served as a fellow in the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Academic Leaders Fellowship Program in 2011-12. Dr. Weston attended the University of Mississippi where he received a B.S. degree in Pharmacy in 1990. In 1995, he received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Mississippi in Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry and then completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Northwestern University Medical School in the De...
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