Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine Expert Witnesses in Tennessee

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of neonatal - perinatal medicine expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on neonatal - perinatal medicine and related issues. Neonatal - perinatal medicine expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these neonatal - perinatal medicine expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Nec, Nicu, Bilirubin Encephalopathy, Birth Defects, Birth Trauma, Congenital Malformations, Extreme Prematurity, Health Systems, Hie, Hypoglycemia, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Intrauterine Growth Restriction, Low Birth Weight, Neonatal Brain Injury, and Neonatal Sepsis.

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James R. Hocker, MD

Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - NICU, Neonatology, prematurity, low birth weight, intrauterine growth restriction, birth trauma, birth injuries, birth defects, sepsis, hypoglycemia, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, bilirubin encephalopathy, newborn resuscitation
-Board certified neonatologist who has practiced for 29 years in both private and academic practices. -Has worked in all levels of care from normal newborn nurseries to Level IV NICUs -Experience as a Medical Director of a Level IV NICU for 18 years -On faculty at University of Illinois College of Medicine for 28 years -Has worked with Advanced Practice Nurses, Residents and medical students at the bedside and in the classroom -Over 10 years of experience as Medical Expert Witness for both plaintiff and defense -Multiple publications in peer-reviewed journals

Naomi E Lawrence-Reid, MD

Board-certified Pediatrician | Newborn Hospitalist

Doctoring Differently®

Pediatrics, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - Pediatrician, Pediatrics, Child Abuse, Children, Newborn, Neonate, Neonatal, Nursery, Telemedicine, Emergency, Urgent care, Infant, Teen, Hospitalist, Child Injury, Developmental Delay
Dr. Naomi Lawrence-Reid M.D., FAAP Board-Certified Pediatrician | Expert Medical Witness Dr. Lawrence-Reid is a board-certified Pediatrician and Diplomate of the American Board of Pediatrics, licensed to practice in California. With over 13 years of post-graduate experience, Dr. Lawrence-Reid has developed extensive expertise in general pediatrics, pediatric emergency medicine, child abuse evaluation, rural medicine, neonatal newborn medicine, and urgent care. As a recognized authority in the normal growth and development of children from birth to 18 years of age, Dr. Lawrence-Reid provides expert medical opinions in a wide range of pediatric cases. Since 2020, she has actively served as a physician expert witness, offering testimony and case review services across the United States. She has testified in cases involving child abuse and neglect Dr. Naomi Lawrence-Reid received her medical training in Massachusetts, New York, and now practices in California, gaining diverse clinic...

Jack D Owens, MD

Neonatology and NICU Management

Perinatal Consulting Services

Johnson City, Tennessee
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Hospital Administration - Health Systems, NICU, Quality Improvement, Physician Staffing, NEC, HIE, Neonatal Sepsis, Extreme Prematurity, PPHN, System Failure, Neonatal Brain Injury
25 years' experience as a neonatologist, 20 years' experience in NICU Quality Improvement, 12 years' experience as NICU Medical Director, 3 years' experience as a health system Chief Quality Officer, 2 years' experience in expert witness consulting. AAPL Certified Physician Executive. Completed IHI CQO School.

Marcelo Rains, MD


Ooltewah, Tennessee
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - Neonatology, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, perinatal medicine, low birth weight, sepsis, newborn resuscitation, congenital malformations, bilirubin encephalopathy, birth defects, intrauterine growth restriction, prematurity, birth trauma, NEC, NICU
Staff Neonatologist (Level IV NICU) Children's Hospital at Erlanger (5 years) Clinical Affiliated Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee College of Medicine (5 years) Medical Director of Neonatal Resident & Medical Student Education, Children's Hospital at Erlanger (4 years) TN Tiny Baby Bundle for Neuro Protection, State Co-Leader (TIPQC) Erlanger Optimal Cord Clamping Pilot Site, Principal Investigator (TIPQC) Tennessee’s Tiniest Babies (TTB) Advisor (TIPQC) Optimal Cord Clamping Advisor (TIPQC) Fellowship in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center Residency in Pediatrics, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Doctor of Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine Bachelor of Science, Southwestern Adventist University Board Certified in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, Aug 2020-present Board Certified in American Board of Pediatrics, Nov 2015-present Medical license in TN & OH Awards include: Best Poster in Joint Project Category for ...
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Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee