Nec Expert Witnesses

Nec expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on nec. The nec expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Construction Defects, Electrical Engineering, Electricity, Hospital Administration, Legal Nurse Consulting, Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, and Telecommunications.

Jimmy H Beard, MSEE, PE, CFEI

Electrical Engineering Consultant

Beard Forensic Engineering Services, LLC

Daphne, Alabama
Electrical Engineering, Telecommunications - Forensic Engineering, transformers, HVAC, origin and cause, fire, towers, fiber optic, National Electrical Code, NEC, NESC, National Electrical Safety Code, lightning, electrocution, personal injury, RV, industrial, commercial, electrician
I have served as a consultant on damage claims related to a wide variety of electrical systems, including transformers, switchgear, busway and cable systems, diesel generators, electric and gas-fired furnaces, uninterruptible power supplies, HVAC equipment, chillers, vehicle systems, recreational vehicles, smart-home systems and many others. I have extensive experience evaluating damage in commercial and residential settings, and am equipped to perform insulation testing when required. I have consulted on a number of cases involving industrial and commercial machinery, residential electrical systems, and various personal injury cases. I am regularly engaged to consult in the areas of electrical engineering for residential, commercial, and industrial systems, electrical system failures, code compliance review, technical investigation of incidents involving industrial electrical power distribution systems and industrial control systems, scope of damage, and analysis of costs to repa...

Nancy Nielsen, BSN, RN

Nancy Nielsen RN Consulting

Morgan Hill, California
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Legal Nurse Consulting - NICU Nurse Expert, Neonatal Nursing, Premature Baby, Newborn/Infant Nurse, Cerebral Palsy, Birth Injuries, Birth Asphyxia, Medication Errors, High-Risk Deliveries, Ventilators, Inhaled Nitric Oxide, NEC, IV Complications, Sepsis, NRP, Central Lines, Medical Record Review, Standards of Care
Nancy Nielsen has 39+ years of expertise as a neonatal nurse in large, academic Level III and IV Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU), She has decades of experience attending high-risk neonatal deliveries, resuscitation, and post-delivery stabilization. Nancy has thorough knowledge and expertise in caring for various diagnoses including but not limited to abdominal wall defects, prematurity, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE), tracheoesophageal fistulas (TEF), cardiac defects, metabolic abnormalities, meconium aspiration, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH), hydrocephalus, chronic lung disease (CLD), exchange transfusions, genetic abnormalities, hyperbilirubinemia, sepsis, IV complications, electrolyte imbalances, hemolytic abnormalities and periventricular leukomalacia (PVL). Nurse Nielsen provides expert care for critically-ill neonates requiring advanced modes of ventilation, inhaled nitric oxide therapy (iNO), arterial blood pressure monitori...

Curtis E Falany, PE

J.B. Shepherd & Co., Inc.

Plant City, Florida
Electrical Engineering, Construction Defects - Electrical Contact, Shock, Electricity, Electrocution, Construction Defect, Construction Dispute, Fire of Electrical Origin, Explosion, Wildland Fire of Electrical Origin, Failure, Lightning, Electric Utility, Transmission, Distribution, Forensic Engineer, NESC, NEC
Curtis E. Falany has been a forensic electrical engineer and expert witness for more than twenty five years. Previously, he was the CEO of an electrical design-build firm and a principal in a consortium of companies serving the electrical, computer, and communications industries worldwide. He has served as a member of the Florida Electrical Contractors Licensing Board and as the author of the Hillsborough County Florida Electrical Code. Curtis is Board Certified as a Forensic Engineer. He has assisted clients in the investigation and resolution of more than 600 cases in State and Federal Courts both in the US and overseas.

Henry Lee Everson, PE, DBA

NESC & NEC codes compliance site investigation Rpt

EEE Consulting Firm

Valdosta, Georgia
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - Electrical Power Systems, Single /Three Phase Distribution Power Lines (Overhead & Underground), lightning mitigation, protective relays/ reclosers and fault current calculations. NESC, NEC, NFPA 780, IEEE RED and GOLD BOOKS Experienced in electrical shock situations
Fifty-two years of experience in electrical and electronic engineering. Forty years of experience in design, operating and maintaining an electrical power system and components (Pole line distribution and substations). Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer in: Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. Experienced in lightning protection/mitigation, protective relaying, coordination, claims, power quality issues, fault current, voltage drop and motor start studies and analysis.

Amy J Sloane, MD, MHS, FAAP

Nemours Children's Health at Thomas Jefferson University

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - neonatal, sepsis, NICU, newborn, infection, obstetrics, prematurity, premature, HIE, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, NEC, necrotizing enterocolitis
Amy J Sloane, MD, MHS, FAAP is an Attending Neonatologist and an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Nemours Children's Health at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. She also serves as the Associate Program Director for the Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine fellowship training program. Dr. Sloane is double board certified in General Pediatrics and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine. She practices in both academic and community level 3 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), attends high-risk deliveries, provides complex perinatal consultations, and also attends in the well newborn nursery. Dr. Sloane earned her bachelor's degree in Public Health Studies from Johns Hopkins University, followed by a Masters of Health Sciences degree in Public Health (with a focus in Reproductive and Cancer Biology and a certificate in Maternal and Child Health) from the Johns Hopkins University School Bloomberg School of Public Health. She attended medical school at UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, then...

Jack D Owens, MD

Neonatology and NICU Management

Perinatal Consulting Services

Johnson City, Tennessee
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine, Hospital Administration - Health Systems, NICU, Quality Improvement, Physician Staffing, NEC, HIE, Neonatal Sepsis, Extreme Prematurity, PPHN, System Failure, Neonatal Brain Injury
25 years' experience as a neonatologist, 20 years' experience in NICU Quality Improvement, 12 years' experience as NICU Medical Director, 3 years' experience as a health system Chief Quality Officer, 2 years' experience in expert witness consulting. AAPL Certified Physician Executive. Completed IHI CQO School.

Marcelo Rains, MD


Ooltewah, Tennessee
Neonatal - Perinatal Medicine - Neonatology, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, perinatal medicine, low birth weight, sepsis, newborn resuscitation, congenital malformations, bilirubin encephalopathy, birth defects, intrauterine growth restriction, prematurity, birth trauma, NEC, NICU
Staff Neonatologist (Level IV NICU) Children's Hospital at Erlanger (5 years) Clinical Affiliated Assistant Professor, University of Tennessee College of Medicine (5 years) Medical Director of Neonatal Resident & Medical Student Education, Children's Hospital at Erlanger (4 years) TN Tiny Baby Bundle for Neuro Protection, State Co-Leader (TIPQC) Erlanger Optimal Cord Clamping Pilot Site, Principal Investigator (TIPQC) Tennessee’s Tiniest Babies (TTB) Advisor (TIPQC) Optimal Cord Clamping Advisor (TIPQC) Fellowship in Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine, University of Mississippi Medical Center Residency in Pediatrics, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Doctor of Medicine, Loma Linda University School of Medicine Bachelor of Science, Southwestern Adventist University Board Certified in Neonatal Perinatal Medicine, Aug 2020-present Board Certified in American Board of Pediatrics, Nov 2015-present Medical license in TN & OH Awards include: Best Poster in Joint Project Category for ...