Electricity Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of electricity expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on electricity and related issues. Electricity expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these electricity expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Electricity, Electrocution, Construction, Electric Utility, Intellectual Property, Arc Flash, Batteries, Electrical Contact, Products Liability, Solar, Solar Energy, Construction Defect, Electrical Engineering, Electrical Fires, and Electrical Injury.

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Maximo M Fuentes

Fuentes Consulting LLC

Carmichael, California
Electricity - Transmission and distribution electric power industry, Electric Utility, Power linemen, Electrical contact, High Voltage accidents, Pole Climbing, Personal Protective Grounding, Live-line accidents, Electric Line Crew, Power line, underground power lines
Training, education and experience background: (1984) Hired on as a pre-apprentice with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District. (1988) Promoted to Journeyman Lineman. (1988-1996) Technical skills trainer for SMUD pre-apprentices and apprentices. (1990 - 1996) Line Foreman - leading and directing 4-man line crew Skills: trained in pole climbing, wood and steel structures. Rigging, heavy equipment operations, emergency outage restoration, high and low voltage safety procedures, industry accepted work methods, expertise in researching and applications for FED-OSHA, State OSHA approved plans, NESC, California General Orders - 95, 128, 165, and 174. Installed and maintained SMUD's distribution "smart grid". Knowledgable in the majority of Distribution and Transmission line work methods. Experience in overhead Distribution and transmission line construction installations, repairs, maintenance, and inspections. Experience in URD (Underground Residential Distribution) cable pulling, term...

Chris Larson

Specializing in the Electric Utility Industry


Poway, California
Electricity, Safety - Electric Expert, OSHA, Construction, Electrical Contact, Shock, Electrocution, Fatality, Incident Investigation, Lineman Expert Witness, Cranes Tip and Contact, Arc Flash, Occupational Injury, Personal Injury, Burns, Excavation, Electric Vaults, Rigging, Falls, Helicopter, Underground Utility Strike
Summary of Electrical Utility Construction Expertise With over 35 years of extensive experience, I am an expert witness in electrical utility construction. My career spans from being a certified Journeyman Lineman to holding upper-level corporate management positions such as project manager, division manager, district manager, national director of training, and director of safety and training. My expertise enables me to provide informed opinions on legal issues involving personal injury, property damage, electric utility fire ignition, utility system maintenance, construction standards, OSHA and NESC standards, and compliance. I have contributed as a subject matter expert in numerous legal cases, depositions, and expert opinions across various states. I have provided Cal/OSHA expertise, authored amendments to the California Safety Manual and the Code of Safe Work Practices (Accident Prevention Rules, "The Red Book"), and offered subject matter expertise on transmission and distrib...


Electrical Engineering / Contractor Expert Witness

Joseph Perry P.E., LLC

San Jose, California
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - Generators, Electrical Accidents, Electrical Codes, Electrical Defects, Electrical Fire Cause and Origin, Electrocution, Forensic Engineering Electric, High Voltage, Personal Injury Electrical, Remote Control Systems, Solar Energy, Standard of Care Electrical Construction, Underground Utilities
With over 41 years’ experience; Joseph A Perry P.E. is both a licensed Professional Electrical Engineer in California and Hawaii, and an Electrical Contractor in California. His multiple licenses require design, installation experience, and extensive knowledge of the National Electrical Code and construction. This practical foundation of electrical knowledge was primarily gained through working in the Electrical Trade and owning/operating a Design Build Electrical Contracting business. Joseph’s hands on background in electrical design, project management, cost estimating, and field construction work, gives him a unique perspective that few engineers have. Being both an Electrical Engineer and Electrical Contractor brings a unique perspective to the investigation of your cases. As an Electrical Engineer, he is interested in the forensics of the design and details of the plans and specifications as to how the contractor was required to build the system. As an Electrical Contractor,...

Joseph Quinn, M.S., P.E.

Materials FACT

Los Angeles, California
Failure Analysis, Metallurgy - Automobile, Aviation & Aerospace, Motorcycle, Appliance, Engineering, Construction, Construction Defects, Corrosion, Maritime, Equipment & Machinery, Mining, Bicycles, Transportation, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Plumbing, Products Liability, Fire, Electricity, Pipe
Joseph Quinn, MS, PE, is a Forensic Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering consultant. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Metallurgical Engineering and is registered in 7 states (CA, PA, UT, NV, AZ, CO, WA). He has provided over 1,000 Failure Analysis investigations on metallic and non-metallic (glass, plastic, rubber, and composite) materials or products. Mr. Quinn provides metallurgical and materials consultation, expert witness testimony, and forensic failure analysis for civil litigation with retentions by defendants and plaintiffs. He has received awards in the International Metallographic Contest and has conducted several presentations on metallurgical engineering and failure analysis subjects at universities, ASM meetings, and industry events. He is President of the National Society of Professional Engineers in California (NSPE-CA) and is active in several technical societies. He has taught metallurgical engineering course topics in Principals and Applications of ...

Robert A. Tucknott, MCFLC, CPE,C10 272838, ,A, B-1 , HAZ, ASB.

Robert A. Tucknott & Associates, Inc.

Livermore, California
Electricity, Construction Defects - Electrical, Electrical Engineering, Construction Defect, shocks, electrocutions, electrical fires
Electrical expert with over 60 years of experience in the electrical construction and maintenance industry. I have extensive experience in fire and impact damage repairs and have worked cases involving shocks with both claimed permanent damages as well as electrocutions. I have been called in by multiple insurance companies to evaluate claims and elimination of electrical as a fire starting heat source. I have extensive deposition experience as well as trial experience.

Joshua Weiner, NABCEP

Solar Expert: Construction, Technology, & Policy

SepiSolar, Inc

Menlo Park, California
Energy, Construction Engineering - Solar, PV, Photovoltaics, Energy, Batteries, Construction, Electric Utility, Intellectual Property, Patent, Project Development, Electrical Engineering, Asset Management, Contracts, Electricity, Generation, Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Power, Solar Installation
Professional Expertise: As a solar PV expert witness, Weiner brings knowledge of law, policy, technology, contracts, finance, permits and entitlements, project development and construction, data acquisition and analysis that commonly apply to renewable energy and distributed energy projects. Specific areas of expertise, listed below, include energy technologies, markets, policy, finance, project development, planning and execution, project management, and codes and standards. Weiner is adept at unpacking complex topics into simple language that all parties can understand. Since 2007, Weiner is a certified member of the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) in good standing. Weiner has also taught advanced solar system design and project management at UC Berkeley. Areas of Expertise: Energy Technologies Solar Batteries & Energy Storage Microgrids Markets Utility-Scale Commercial & Industrial Agricultural Residential Policy Tariff Rates Net Energy Mete...

Rico Ashley, PE

Complex Power Engineering and Consulting, LLC

Clearwater, Florida
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - Energy, Electric Utility, Batteries, Electrocutions, Power Generation, Solar Energy, Solar Installation, Arc Flash, Relay/Breaker Coordination, Electrical Safety, Electrical Distribution, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), National Electrical Code (NEC), Generator Controls, Code Compliance
I am a professional electrical engineer currently licensed in Florida, Nebraska and Texas, and am qualified to become licensed in all remaining states. I am an expert in power engineering with twenty-three years of experience. My areas of specialization are in National Electrical Code (NEC) compliance, National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) compliance, power generation construction standards, power generation commission/startup processes, power plant gas and generation control systems commission processes, arc flash standards and compliance, fault current analysis, protective relaying standards and coordination.

Curtis E Falany, PE

J.B. Shepherd & Co., Inc.

Plant City, Florida
Electrical Engineering, Construction Defects - Electrical Contact, Shock, Electricity, Electrocution, Construction Defect, Construction Dispute, Fire of Electrical Origin, Explosion, Wildland Fire of Electrical Origin, Failure, Lightning, Electric Utility, Transmission, Distribution, Forensic Engineer, NESC, NEC
Curtis E. Falany has been a forensic electrical engineer and expert witness for more than twenty five years. Previously, he was the CEO of an electrical design-build firm and a principal in a consortium of companies serving the electrical, computer, and communications industries worldwide. He has served as a member of the Florida Electrical Contractors Licensing Board and as the author of the Hillsborough County Florida Electrical Code. Curtis is Board Certified as a Forensic Engineer. He has assisted clients in the investigation and resolution of more than 600 cases in State and Federal Courts both in the US and overseas.

Henry Lee Everson, PE, DBA

NESC & NEC codes compliance site investigation Rpt

EEE Consulting Firm

Valdosta, Georgia
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - Electrical Power Systems, Single /Three Phase Distribution Power Lines (Overhead & Underground), lightning mitigation, protective relays/ reclosers and fault current calculations. NESC, NEC, NFPA 780, IEEE RED and GOLD BOOKS Experienced in electrical shock situations
Fifty-two years of experience in electrical and electronic engineering. Forty years of experience in design, operating and maintaining an electrical power system and components (Pole line distribution and substations). Licensed Professional Electrical Engineer in: Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Tennessee. Experienced in lightning protection/mitigation, protective relaying, coordination, claims, power quality issues, fault current, voltage drop and motor start studies and analysis. https://www.24-7pressrelease.com/press-release/509645/marquis-whos-who-honors-henry-lee-everson-pe-for-success-in-electrical-engineering

John A Williams, PhD, PE, ASA, MBA, CFEI, AIChE Fellow

Engineering, Forensic & IP Valuation Expert

EPS, Inc.

South Bend, Indiana
Energy, Intellectual Property - Intellectual Property, Appraisals & Valuations, Commercial Damages, Renewable Energy, Biogas, Biofuels, Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Biomass, Waste-to-Energy, Oil & Gas, Oil Refining, Fires, Explosions, Chemical Release, Product Contamination, Electricity, Coal Technologies, Chemistry & Chemicals
JOHN A. WILLIAMS, PhD, PE, ASA, MBA, CFEI, AIChE Fellow Dr. Williams is an International Engineering and Energy Technology Expert in the engineering analysis and financial appraisals of energy, power, and manufacturing technologies, related intellectual property (patents, trade secrets, trademarks), licensing, royalty structures, market analysis, infringement, contract breach, fraud, compensatory, taxation, and lost profit damages. Dr. Williams provides engineering analysis, forensics, financial appraisals, and quantification of economic damages for oil & gas production, solar, wind, manufacturing, oil refining, chemicals, power generation, electrical distribution, steam, RNG biogas, biomass, ethanol, biodiesel, bioprocessing, food ingredients, geothermal, coal, nuclear, steelmaking, glassmaking, storage, pipelines, water treatment, and waste-to-energy technologies, equipment, construction, and facilities. With over 40 years of industry experience in operations, R&D, cost estimati...

H. Landis "Lanny" Floyd II, PE, CSP, CESCP, CUSP, CMRP, CRL, Life Fellow IEEE

Electrical Safety Group Inc.

Elkton, Maryland
Electricity, Safety - workplace electrical safety, arc flash, electrical safety management, electrical codes & standards, NFPA70E, National Electrical Code, electrical injury, electrocution, electrical reliability, electrical maintenance, electrical construction, occupational electrical safety, OSHA, NESC, electric shock
I am an expert, author, speaker, and educator in occupational electrical safety. I received my BSEE from VA Tech in 1973. My 45+ year career with DuPont focused on electrical safety in the construction, operation, and maintenance of DuPont facilities worldwide. My responsibilities included improving management systems, competency renewal, work practices, and the application of technologies critical to electrical safety performance in all DuPont operations. I have published more than 90 peer-reviewed papers and magazine articles on occupational electrical safety. I have received awards from leading institutions recognizing my work to advance the practice of electrical safety. I am an adjunct faculty member in the graduate school of Advanced Safety Engineering and Management (ASEM) at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). At UAB, I teach Prevention through Design, Engineering Ethics, and Electrical Systems Safety which I developed for the ASEM curriculum. I am an IEEE Life ...

R. Neal Rich, PE, MAE

Power Systems Electrical Engineer Expert Witness

Whitsun LLC

Madison, Mississippi
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - power, generation, renewables, interconnection, utility, substation, high voltage, medium voltage, low voltage, transformer, circuit breaker, switch, metering, protective relays, protection & control, batteries, BESS, transmission, solar, wind
Mr. Rich is an electrical engineer with 40 years of experience in many aspects of electric power system design, installation, operation, and maintenance. His expertise includes distribution, sub-transmission, and transmission systems upwards to 500 kV and generation and industrial plant distribution systems of 34.5 kV down to 480 VAC. Mr. Rich previously led project teams in the development of electrical substation and other large electrical EPC projects. In addition, he held leadership positions at national engineering and Engineer-Procure-Construct (EPC) firms that specialized in protection and control and acted as a sales/application engineer to support advanced relaying, metering, and communication equipment and systems. Mr. Rich has worked internationally and has been a project manager and lead engineer on many electric air and gas insulated substations and other specialized power projects such as static var compensator, cycloconverter, series compensation, harmonic filters...

John J Nicholas


JN2Electrical Consulting, LLC

Henderson, Nevada
Electricity, Construction Defects - Electrical Fires, Electrical Injury, Wrongful Death-Electrical, Product Failure-Electrical, Power Line Failure
Over 30 years as a court qualified Expert Witness in over 500 cases, 47 trials and 400 depositions. Experienced in mediations and arbitrations to settlement. Work for both Plaintiff and Defense.

Robert A Durham, PhD, PE


Tulsa, Oklahoma
Failure Analysis, Engineering - Fire, Engineering Mechanical, Engineering Electrical, Building Inspection, Construction, Electricity, Electronics, Laboratories & Testing, Investigation, Products Liability, Plumbing, Forensic Science
Dr. Durham has been providing forensic and failure analysis services to clients for over 20 years. He has testified as an expert witness in multiple states, in federal jurisdictions, before FERC and state utility commissions. He is a certified fire and explosion investigator. He has been involved in over 2,500 failure analysis projects including: power systems, lightning, electrocutions, oil & gas, tank batteries, industrial, commercial, residential, lighting appliances, utility systems, utility regulation, fire, equipment damage, switchgear, construction equipment, electronics, overhead lines, underground lines and fire protection equipment. Licensed PE in 11 States; BS EE, ME, PhD

B. Michael Aucoin, D.Engr., P.E., PMP-Retired

Electrical Expert, Inc.

College Station, Texas
Electrical Engineering, Electricity - Electric power, electrical contact injuries, electrocution, fallen power lines, arc flash injuries, fires of electrical origin, wildfires, electric vehicle, EV charger, E-bike fires, patents, intellectual property, equipment and device operation, impact of outages, electric utility taxes
Recipient of awards as individual and member of team. Electrical engineer and highly experienced expert witness. Texas A&M University and Gonzaga University faculty member and former member of University of Maryland faculty. Member of NASA-Johnson Space Center Mishap Investigation Board. Investigator on research projects for NASA, NSF, US Navy, Electric Power Research Institute. Author. Five U.S. patents. Unique experience in improving safety with fallen power lines. Reviewed 200+ cases, many with eight figures at risk, over 30+ years. Testified in dozens of depositions and trials.

Jahan Rasty, PhD, PE, MBA

Real-World Forensic Engineering, LLC

Lubbock, Texas
Engineering, Metallurgy - Failure Analysis, Accident Reconstruction, Slip trip & fall, Trip & Fall, Products Liability, Human Factors, Intellectual Property, Forensic Science, Fire, Equipment & Machinery, Electricity, Biomechanics, Premises Liability
Jahan Rasty, PhD, PE, MBA is a tenured full professor of Mechanical Engineering at Texas Tech University (since 1988) where he also serves as the Director of newly established post-graduate Forensic Engineering Certificate Program, as well as the director of Materials Performance Characterization and Failure Analysis Laboratory. Dr. Rasty is also the founding president of Real-World Forensic Engineering, LLC, which is a boutique-style engineering consulting firm. He is an experienced engineering expert and has successfully testified in more than 250 cases and has conducted over 1,000 engineering investigations in the areas of consumer products and industrial machinery failures involving design, manufacturing and marketing defect issues. Professor Rasty is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Texas, and holds various forensic certifications in the fields of fire and explosion investigation (CFEI, CFII), as well as vehicle Crash Data Retrieval (CDR). He received his BS,...

Lee E Marchessault, CUSA, CUSP

Workplace Safety Solutions, Inc.

Williston, Vermont
Electricity, Safety - Electrical Safety, Electrocution, Electrical Arc Flash Burns, Utility Safety, Power Systems Safety, Utility Fall Protection, Transmission and Distribution Safety
As President of Workplace Safety Solutions, Inc. for over 20 years Lee has provided safety consultation services specializing in electrical safety to over 700 companies. With more than 45 years of experience in the electric field he has cultivated his expertise to build a solid consulting business. There are many electrical standards to sort through. Each case is unique and requires expertise in all of them. Lee has been teaching electrical standards classes for several OSHA Training Institutes for years and keeps current with the NEC changes by maintaining his electrician license. With 20 years field experience in the electric utility, powerline contacts are Lee’s specialty. But he also offers consultation, investigations, opinion reports and testimony for a variety of electrical safety issues from low voltage to ultra-high voltage. Law firms are provided exemplary service, dedication, and the commitment they need to effectively assist with legal cases and challenging schedule...
You can also find Electricity Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, Texas, and Vermont