Investigation Expert Witnesses in California

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of investigation expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on investigation and related issues. Investigation expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these investigation expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Investigation, Retaliation, Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Harassment, Hiring, Hr, Human Resources, Wrongful Termination, Ada, Adjuster Standard Of Care, Bad Faith, Bitcoin, Boating Accidents, and Bullying.

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Capt. David G. Bacon

Santa Barbara, California
Maritime, Slip Trip & Fall - marina safety, boating accidents, collisions/allisions, investigation, ship, yachts, seaworthiness, captain responsibilities, crew, passenger safety, Rules of the Road, equipment failure, sinking, drowning, vessel operation, safety, sport fishing, charter boat, jet ski, kayak
Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues of responsibilities and liabilities aboard vessels and on gangways and docks and piers, drowning and vessel grounding or sinking. I am available to travel for investigations and inspections. Passenger/crew interaction, training and safety orientation are areas where many liabilities are created due to negligent actions, and I have experience opining on those issues based on Rules of the Road and other regulations, standard duty of care and safety protocols. I have served as a vessel charter captain for 30+ years, specializing in; crew training, safety procedures, crew drills and practice, passenger safety orientation. During that lengthy career I have had no accident or injury claims because I am a diligent seafaring professional and I know what dangers to look for and remedy befor...

Maureen A. Clark, M. Ed, SPHR-CA

Three Sixty HR, Inc.

Menlo Park, California
Employment, Management - HR, human resources, employment, investigation, policies, hiring, negligent, termination, wrongful, discrimination, harassment, retaliation
I have been consulting with organizations of all sizes and types for more than three decades. My deep understanding of employment issues and track record of developing practical, workable HR solutions makes me invaluable to our clients and a rich resource for counsel. Each aspect of my work informs and continually improves the others. As a consultant, I create HR infrastructure and provide day-to-day guidance to keep our clients running smoothly. When called to investigate a workplace dispute, I also assess what could have avoided the problem or resolved it at a much lower level. What I learn informs my consulting. Expert case consultation and testimony offer the most in-depth analysis of when and how a situation went wrong, as well as missed opportunities for setting it right. I am active in professional associations and have numerous HR certifications, as well as a CA private investigator's license. I have been retained many times to evaluate the adequacy of a workplace H...

David S. Easton, JD, CPCU

Easton Insurance Consulting

San Diego, California
Insurance - Insurance Claims Handling Best Practices, Insurance Claims Investigation, Construction Defect, Commercial Insurance, Adjuster Standard of Care, Bad Faith, Investigation, Insurance Coverage, Mediation, Duty to Defend, Premises Liability, Certificates of Insurance, Litigation Best Practices
I offer over 30 years of experience in litigated commercial and personal lines claims handling and case management. I am a former Senior Litigation Specialist with thorough knowledge of carrier best practices and their specific application to the duty to investigate, the duty to defend, and the duty to indemnify. For the last 15 years I have specialized in commercial casualty insurance coverage and how appropriate insurance best practices relate to construction defect claims as well as commercial premises liability claims. I have personally attended over 1000 mediations and settlement conferences in litigated matters as a carrier representative. I have experience and training in giving deposition and trial testimony.

Andrea Kelly Smethurst

Workplace Investigations - Attorney Investigator

Andrea Kelly Smethurst Law P.C.

Walnut Creek, California
Employment, Investigation - Workplace Investigation, Independent Investigation, School Investigation, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Bullying, Employment Policies/Practices, EEO, HR, Human Resources, Impartial Investigation
Andrea is an attorney investigator who conducts impartial investigations for public and private employers and educational institutions. She has conducted hundreds of investigations involving complex and varied allegations, employees at all levels, in all kinds of workplaces. Andrea also serves as an expert on investigations, training, and other employment-related matters. Andrea has served as an Equal Employment Opportunity Monitor and Decree Monitor for employers required to implement a monitoring program. As a monitor, Andrea has overseen employer compliance with harassment and discrimination training requirements, developed complaint procedure policies, and overseen employer response and investigation of employee complaints. Prior to forming her own firm, Andrea was an employment attorney with Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton and Dillingham & Murphy. Andrea holds the Association of Workplace Investigator's Certificate, and received a certificate from AtIXa to conduct Title IX ...

Brian H Kleiner, PhD

Brian H. Kleiner, Ph.D.

FULLERTON, California
Employment, Safety - ADA, Compensation, Discrimination, FMLA/CFRA, Harassment, Hiring, Human Resources Management, Investigation, Retaliation, Sexual Harassment, Workplace Violence, Wrongful Termination
Brian H. Kleiner is a Professor (Emeritus) of Human Resource Management at a prestigious California University following his having earned a MBA degree and PhD in Management degree, each from UCLA. He has over 40 years of human resource management experience and has served as a human resource management expert witness in over 1,000 cases, for both plaintiffs and defendants. Dr. Kleiner was a former human resource manager for Ford Motor Company and has provided consulting services to over 100 business and government clients. He has trained thousands of managers and taught three 36-hour courses on KLCS TV. Dr. Kleiner has over 500 publications and has given trial or arbitration testimony over 80 times. He has been favorably featured in Employment Law Verdicts and Bender’s California Labor & Employment Bulletin. Dr. Kleiner has received many honors, awards, and commendations as a result of his numerous achievements. Additional employment-related topics for which Dr. Kleiner has provi...

Kymberly LeGolvan

Workplace Investigator

LeGolvan Law, Inc.

San Diego, California
Investigation, Employment - workplace investigations, employment law, retaliation, sexual harassment, wrongful termination, employment discrimination, employment investigation, human resources investigation, internal investigation, external investigation
My name is Kym LeGolvan, and I’m the founding attorney of LeGolvan Law, where I exclusively focus on conducting independent workplace investigations for California employers. I have been a licensed attorney since 2013 and have always focused my practice on labor and employment law and workplace investigations. Prior to founding LeGolvan Law, I was a litigator in the Labor and Employment practice groups of two top Am Law 100 law firms – Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton and Gordon & Rees. I have represented employers in both state and federal court, as well as before administrative agencies. I’ve also provided advice and counsel to employers to ensure they are in compliance with all applicable labor and employment laws. This has included developing employment policies and procedures, conducting workplace trainings, and coaching management personnel and staff. In recent years, I’ve leveraged my litigation background into working as an independent workplace investigator. I conduct ...


Police Expert - Experienced - Ethical - Successful

The McHard Firm

Police Practices & Procedures, Investigation - Police Misconduct, Use of Force, Interviewing, Interrogation, False Confessions, Police Ethics, Investigative Failure, Human Trafficking, False Arrest, Failure to Train/Supervise, Taser, ECWs, Evidence Handling, Police Oversight, Civil Rights Violations, Police Policy, SOPs, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin
Beth A. Mohr, CFE, FSA, CFCS, CAMS, CCCI, MPA, PI, is a Police Practices expert with over 30 years of sworn and non-sworn investigative experience. Ms. Mohr has testified as an expert in numerous state and federal court proceedings, depositions, and administrative hearings in both federal and state courts, including New Mexico, Ohio, Illinois, Arizona, California, and Washington state. Ms. Mohr has testified on a variety of subjects, including police procedures, police misconduct, white collar crime and fraud examinations. Her expertise has been verified by the courts via a Daubert challenge, in which Ms. Mohr was found to be qualified as an expert in police practices generally, and well as the specific areas of interviewing, interrogation, false and recanted confessions, cognitive bias, investigations and investigative failures, vice, and human trafficking. She is available as a consulting or testifying expert anywhere in North America, as well as other locations worldwide. Ms...
You can also find Investigation Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington