Forensic Psychology Expert Witnesses in Florida

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of forensic psychology expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on forensic psychology and related issues. Forensic psychology expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these forensic psychology expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Parental Alienation, Diagnosis, Malingering, Mitigation, Parenting, PTSD, Trauma, Adam Walsh Act, ADHD, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attorney Consultation, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral Science, Child Behavioral Issues, and Child Custody.

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Leslie Dobson, BS, MS, MA, PsyD

Dr. Leslie Dobson

Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Damage assessment, mental health, trauma, therapy, prognosis, diagnosis, evaluation, personality cognitive testing, first responders, sexual abuse, sexual offenders, severe mental illness, psychosis, schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, suicidal, homicidal, self-harm
The primary focus of my practice is to evaluate individuals who are struggling with negative emotions or cognitions after a traumatic incident (i.e., sexual assault, car accident, physician abuse, neglect). If appropriate, I will complete a report to include diagnosis, prognosis, and a monetary damage amount for future mental health care. I require a retainer prior to beginning documentation review, evaluation, report writing, deposition or trial. Prior Experience: Criminal: Expert Testimony Cases: 4; Mentally Disordered Offenders Consultation with attorneys: Over 65 cases from Department of State Hospitals Violence Risk Assessments: Over 1000 Short Term Risk Assessments, <50 Long Term Violence Risk Assessments, > 20 Sexual Violence Risk Assessments Main Disorders Assessed and/or Treated: Schizophrenia, Psychopathy, Bipolar, Depression, OCD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder Familiarity with Penal Codes: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, Incompe...

Michael J DiTomasso, PhD

Forensic Psychologist: Criminal and Civil

Michael J. DiTomasso, Ph.D., P.A.

Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Substance Abuse - Forensic Psychological Evaluations, Mitigation, Downward Departure, Substance Abuse, Trauma, PTSD, Psychosexual, MDSO, Competency to Proceed, Competency Waive Miranda, Coerced Confession, Parenting, Parental Alienation, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, False Allegations, Malingering, Diagnosis
I, Dr. Michael J. DiTomasso, am a PhD level Forensic Psychologist. I specialize in Forensic Psychological Evaluations and trial consulting in Criminal and Sexual Offence cases, Juvenile Delinquency, and Child Abuse matters. I do a lot of work in the basic forensic functions such as psychological evaluations for mitigation and downward departure, competency to proceed, competency to waive Miranda, competency to testify relevantly, etc. In regard to these kinds of cases, I supply expert opinion as to mental health diagnoses, treatment needs, appropriate level of care, and prognosis. I have expertise and experience with all the major diagnostic categories such as schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorders, psychopathy and other personality disorders. I am a member of the Association for Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and evaluation of dangerousness and risk is often an integral part of the work I do. I have testified at se...

Robert A Evans, Ph.D.

The Center For Human Potential of America, Inc.

Clearwater, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Parental Alienation, Child Custody, Child Custody Evaluations, High Conflict Divorce, Expert Witness, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Attorney Consultation, Trial Consultant
 Over twenty-five years of experience in applied psychology & the behavioral sciences in FL. Licensed School Psychologist by the Florida Dept. of Health, Division of Medical Quality Assurance;  Trained in Comprehensive Child Custody Evaluations since 1996;  Trained in Forensic Examinations, Forensic Evaluations and Juvenile Justice, Guardianship Evaluations, Assessing Violence Risk in Juveniles and Advanced Child Custody Evaluations by the University of South Florida, Dept. of Mental Health Law & Policy;  Trained in Interdisciplinary Collaborative Law.  Consultant to the medical, legal and law enforcement community in Florida on Psychological and Educational matters;  Provided Critical Incident Stress Debriefings to victims of crime in the Central Florida area;  Consulted with Orange County Public Defender with cases involving arrest and incarceration of children, including Competency Assessments and Insanity Determinations as well as expert testimony; provided expert te...

Steven Gaskell, Psy.D.

Psycholegal Assessments

Forensic Psychology - Competency to stand trial, insanity defense, Criminal responsibility, Psychosexual evaluations, Mitigating factors psychological evaluations, Independent Medical Exams (IMEs), Miranda rights issues, Sex offender risk assessment, Sexually Violent Persons, Sexually Dangerous Persons, Adam Walsh Act
Forensic Psychologist, Dr. Steven Gaskell provides objective, credible, comprehensive, and thorough forensic psychological evaluations for state and federal courts. He has over 20 years of extensive expertise as an expert witness in forensic psychology, has completed over 2700 forensic psychological evaluations and given expert witness testimony on over 185 occasions. Dr. Gaskell is credentialed by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology and he is license eligible in all 50 states. Dr. Gaskell is currently a licensed psychologist in Illinois, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, and Kansas. See more at Psycholegal Assessments, Inc. is committed to providing expert psychological evaluations to attorneys, courts, along with expert witness testimony in a variety of forensic psychology specialty areas. Written psychological evaluations and psychosexual evaluations are comprehensive and focus on the psycholegal issues at question. These...

Terry H. Mattingly

Psychologist Consult

Terry Mattingly LLC

Maitland, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Developmental Disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Education and Schools, Giftedness, Child Behavioral Issues, Parenting, High-Conflict Co-Parenting, Child Custody Issues, Parental Alienation, Resist-Refuse Dynamics
I have over twenty years experience as a licensed school psychologist in private practice specialzing in learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder, child behavioral issues, Giftedness, and parenting. I have more than 16 years working in the family law arena doing parenting coordination and co-parenting counseling with high-conflict co-parents, serving as a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) in family law cases, and serving as a Child Custody Evaluator in cases involving substance abuse issues, physical/sexual/psychological abuse, and resist/refuse dynamics (parental alienation). I teach an 8 week Effective Parenting class that I created based on positive, empathetic parenting with a focus on mutual respect, setting boundaries, and building relationships with children. I created a 3 day training program that meets the FLA Statutory requirements to train new Parenting Coordinators and I have been teaching this class since 2015. I also created a 2 day training program to train new Fa...

Ana A Rivas-Vazquez, PhD

Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Child Abuse - Civil Forensic, Workman Comp, Domestic Violence
Licensed in the state of Florida, PhD from University of Miami, Post Doctral Master in Clinical Psychopharmacology from Nova SE University (Ft. Lauderdale), Board Certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology ABPP

Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum, Psy.D., ABPP

Rosenbaum Psychological Group, LLC

Jacksonville, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Psychology - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Behavioral Science, Emotional Trauma, Malingering, Military Mental Health, Psychology, Stress, Suicide
Johns Hopkins trained board certified clinical psychologist (top 4%) and former active duty U.S. Navy psychologist, serving as chief clinical and forensic psychologist for southeast region and head of largest military mental health clinic in the region with 50,000 patients enrolled to the clinic. He has performed over 1,000 mental health evaluations. Dr. Rosenbaum is an experienced expert witness in both civilian (civil and criminal) and military courts with a specialty in Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Malingering. Dr. Rosenbaum routinely conducts Compulsory Medical Evaluations (CME) using objective psychological testing to form his opinions. He has published two books and conducted research on health, wellness and mental health treatment. He is currently the head of a thriving mental health evaluation and treatment private practice.

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP, LLC

Psychology, Forensic Psychology - Forensic, Testing, Consult, Risk, Mitigation, Personal injury, Testify, Sexual, Violent, Criminal, Diagnosis, Civil commitment, Psychological, Trial consulting, Civil, Jury selection, Murder, Treatment, Therapy, Trauma
Dr. Winsmann is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated, licensed psychologist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of New York, the State of Florida, and the state of Iowa. Dr. Winsmann is Board-Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, and he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. For more information about ABPP Board-certification as a forensic psychologist, please visit: Dr. Winsmann completed a fellowship in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Psychoanalytic Studies as a Harvard Medical School Clinical Fellow, where he subsequently served as a Faculty Member. Dr. Winsmann serves as the Moderator of PsyLaw List, which is an international email list comprised of approximately 1000 members involved in forensic psychology. He is also the Director of the Boston Symposium on Psychology...
You can also find Forensic Psychology Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin