Mitigation Expert Witnesses

Mitigation expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on mitigation. The mitigation expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Architecture, Construction, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Insurance, Mental Health, Neuropsychology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Psychology, and Substance Abuse.

Alan Chen, M.D.

Forensic Psychiatrist, USC Faculty

Alan Chen, M.D. P.C.

Pasadena, California
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Trauma, Bipolar Disorder, PTSD, Psychotherapy, Competency, Capacity, State of Mind, Insanity Defense, Mental Health Diversion, Criminal Intent, Mitigation, Undue Influence, Standard of Care, Case Merit Review, Diagnosis, Psychopharmacology, Personality Disorders, Psychoanalysis
Faculty at the University of Southern California training programs for General Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. Lecturer and clinical supervisor at multiple institutions for psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, and psychotherapy. Consultant to the Los Angeles County Superior Court and Mental Health Court (Approved Panel of Psychiatrists). Balanced, detailed, and trusted reports for issues including mental health diversion, insanity defense, mitigation, standard of care, testamentary capacity, undue influence. Clinical practice with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, serving medically and psychiatrically complex patients. General and Forensic Psychiatry, Board Certified (ABPN). Out-of-state consultation available.

Teo Ernst, PsyD, ABPP

Pacific Forensic Group

Alameda, California
Forensic Psychology, Neuropsychology - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Traumatic Brain Injury, Testamentary Capacity, Undue Influence, Personal Injury, Forensic Psychology, Neurology, Neuropsychology, Violence Risk, Mitigation, Resentencing, Sex Offenders, Employment Discrimination & Harassment, False Confession, Juvenile Evals
Dr. Ernst, the forensic director of the Pacific Forensic Group, specializes in PTSD, Mitigation and Resentencing, Testamentary Capacity and Undue Influence, and Employment Evaluation. He is one of a select group fewer than 40 psychologists in California who have undergone the rigorous examination process necessary to obtain Board Certification in Forensic Psychology. Dr. Ernst is an Associate Clinical Professor in the UCSF Department of Psychiatry where he provides teaching and supervision on a voluntary basis. As a trauma expert, Dr. Ernst chose to complete an additional year of fellowship training in PTSD at the San Francisco Veterans Hospital. The Pacific Forensic Group is a California based expert witness firm. Conducting evaluations in English and Spanish, our team includes experts board certified in neurology, forensic psychology, and rehabilitation neuropsychology. We are positioned to address the vast majority of forensic issues related to the brain, behavior, and psychol...

Walter E. B. Sipe, MD

Walter E B Sipe MD

San Francisco, California
Psychiatry, Pediatrics - Traumatic Stress Disorders, PTSD, Neurobiology of Trauma, Memory, Child Development, Somatic Symptom Disorders, Functional Pain, Psychological Impact of Medical Illness, Capacity, Mitigation, Sentencing, Sex Abuse, Medical Complications
Holds a joint appointment as an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Francisco in the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics. Board Certified in general psychiatry and pediatrics, with additional training in pediatric gastroenterology. Teaching physician at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, with specific interests in somatic manifestations of stress and long-term impacts of traumatic events on basic brain processes.

Michael J DiTomasso, PhD

Forensic Psychologist: Criminal and Civil

Michael J. DiTomasso, Ph.D., P.A.

Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Substance Abuse - Forensic Psychological Evaluations, Mitigation, Downward Departure, Substance Abuse, Trauma, PTSD, Psychosexual, MDSO, Competency to Proceed, Competency Waive Miranda, Coerced Confession, Parenting, Parental Alienation, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, False Allegations, Malingering, Diagnosis
I, Dr. Michael J. DiTomasso, am a PhD level Forensic Psychologist. I specialize in Forensic Psychological Evaluations and trial consulting in Criminal and Sexual Offence cases, Juvenile Delinquency, and Child Abuse matters. I do a lot of work in the basic forensic functions such as psychological evaluations for mitigation and downward departure, competency to proceed, competency to waive Miranda, competency to testify relevantly, etc. In regard to these kinds of cases, I supply expert opinion as to mental health diagnoses, treatment needs, appropriate level of care, and prognosis. I have expertise and experience with all the major diagnostic categories such as schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorders, psychopathy and other personality disorders. I am a member of the Association for Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and evaluation of dangerousness and risk is often an integral part of the work I do. I have testified at se...

Joel M Silberberg, MD

Private Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Las Vegas, NV

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Former Professor of Psychiatry, emotional harm, closed head injury, decisional and testamentary capacity, professional competence, negligence, suicide and violence risk assessment, wrongful death, psychopharmacology, addictions, CST, sanity, mitigation, death penalty, PTSD
PAST CAREER MILESTONES: - Director Medical Student Education in Psychiatry; Professor Clinical Psychiatry, Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, Illinois. Medical Director Madden Mental Health Center, Hines, Illinois. Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois. Director Mental Health Services, Cermak Health Services of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Division Director; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, University of TX Health Science Center at San Antonio. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, Northwestern University School of Medicine. Director Division of Psychiatry and the Law, Northwestern University School of Medicine. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Northwestern University School of Law. - Professor Psychiatry at University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, at University Medical Center. - Professor Psychiatry; ...

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP, LLC

Psychology, Forensic Psychology - Forensic, Testing, Consult, Risk, Mitigation, Personal injury, Testify, Sexual, Violent, Criminal, Diagnosis, Civil commitment, Psychological, Trial consulting, Civil, Jury selection, Murder, Treatment, Therapy, Trauma
Dr. Winsmann is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated, licensed psychologist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of New York, the State of Florida, and the state of Iowa. Dr. Winsmann is Board-Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, and he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. For more information about ABPP Board-certification as a forensic psychologist, please visit: Dr. Winsmann completed a fellowship in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Psychoanalytic Studies as a Harvard Medical School Clinical Fellow, where he subsequently served as a Faculty Member. Dr. Winsmann serves as the Moderator of PsyLaw List, which is an international email list comprised of approximately 1000 members involved in forensic psychology. He is also the Director of the Boston Symposium on Psychology...

Colin A. Brietzke, PsyD

Neuropsychological Evaluations of Competence

Chicagoland Neuropsychology LLC

OAK PARK, Illinois
Neuropsychology, Forensic Psychology - Elder Competence, Guardianship, Brain Injury, Somatoform, Decisionmaking Capacity, Competence to stand trial, Fitness to stand trial, Not guilty by reason of insanity, Mitigation, IME, Malingering, Schizophrenia, PTSD, Workmen's Compensation, Intellectual Impairment, Dementia, Stroke, Competency
I specialize in evaluating competence in civil matters such as guardianship proceedings and competence to stand trial. I also perform IMEs and assess mental state at the time of the offense. I am available to evaluate and testify or provide controlled expert services to assist attorneys in strategizing around other clinicians’ reports. I am experienced with disorders that are commonly the focus of litigation, such as dementia, brain injury, PTSD, psychotic spectrum disorders such as schizophrenia, and intellectual disability or autism. I also do extensive testing for malingering and functional neurological disorders. In addition to my forensic work, I run a private practice focusing on clinical evaluations, where I train postdoctoral residents. I have taught graduate students and lecture to both attorneys and clinicians. I regularly write for the Illinois Institute for Continued Legal Education and academic journals. My reports are based on objective, reliable information, using min...

Joel M Silberberg, MD

Private Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Las Vegas, NV

Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Former Professor of Psychiatry, emotional harm, closed head injury, decisional and testamentary capacity, professional competence, negligence, suicide and violence risk assessment, wrongful death, psychopharmacology, addictions, CST, sanity, mitigation, death penalty, PTSD
PAST CAREER MILESTONES: - Director Medical Student Education in Psychiatry; Professor Clinical Psychiatry, Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, Illinois. Medical Director Madden Mental Health Center, Hines, Illinois. Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois. Director Mental Health Services, Cermak Health Services of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Division Director; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, University of TX Health Science Center at San Antonio. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, Northwestern University School of Medicine. Director Division of Psychiatry and the Law, Northwestern University School of Medicine. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Northwestern University School of Law. - Professor Psychiatry at University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, at University Medical Center. - Professor Psychiatry; ...

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP, LLC

Boston, Massachusetts
Psychology, Forensic Psychology - Forensic, Testing, Consult, Risk, Mitigation, Personal injury, Testify, Sexual, Violent, Criminal, Diagnosis, Civil commitment, Psychological, Trial consulting, Civil, Jury selection, Murder, Treatment, Therapy, Trauma
Dr. Winsmann is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated, licensed psychologist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of New York, the State of Florida, and the state of Iowa. Dr. Winsmann is Board-Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, and he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. For more information about ABPP Board-certification as a forensic psychologist, please visit: Dr. Winsmann completed a fellowship in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Psychoanalytic Studies as a Harvard Medical School Clinical Fellow, where he subsequently served as a Faculty Member. Dr. Winsmann serves as the Moderator of PsyLaw List, which is an international email list comprised of approximately 1000 members involved in forensic psychology. He is also the Director of the Boston Symposium on Psychology...

Mark S Eksuzian, R.A., NCARB

Const. Defects, Proj. Controls, Standard of Care

Mark Dean Associates

Victoria, Minnesota
Architecture, Construction - Std of Care, Change Orders, Design Evaluation, Proj. Feasibility, Poj. Filing, Const Defects, Mitigation, Doc Compliance, Scheduling, Protect Review, Contract Admin, Conflict Resolution, Pre-const., Waterproofing, Roof Systems, Cost Mgmnt, Proj. Mgmt, Proj. Design, Hist. Preserv., Spec. devel.
Mark Eksuzian is a multi-state licensed architect with extensive experience in high-rise and out-of-ground projects across the multi-family, hospitality, and commercial building sectors. He has the experience required in resolving project conflicts in design, cost, procurement, and collaboration with contractors, making him a trusted team member in the field. Mark Eksuzian is continuously advancing his education in the fields of architecture, expert witness work, and real estate. This ongoing commitment to learning ensures he stays at the forefront of industry trends and best practices. Let's have that conversation and establish a relationship to assist you in your varied design and construction cases.

Joel M Silberberg, MD

Private Practice of Forensic Psychiatry, Las Vegas, NV

Las Vegas, Nevada
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry - Former Professor of Psychiatry, emotional harm, closed head injury, decisional and testamentary capacity, professional competence, negligence, suicide and violence risk assessment, wrongful death, psychopharmacology, addictions, CST, sanity, mitigation, death penalty, PTSD
PAST CAREER MILESTONES: - Director Medical Student Education in Psychiatry; Professor Clinical Psychiatry, Loyola University of Chicago, Maywood, Illinois. Medical Director Madden Mental Health Center, Hines, Illinois. Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois. Director Mental Health Services, Cermak Health Services of Cook County, Chicago, Illinois. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Division Director; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, University of TX Health Science Center at San Antonio. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry; Program Director, Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Training Program, Northwestern University School of Medicine. Director Division of Psychiatry and the Law, Northwestern University School of Medicine. - Assoc. Professor Psychiatry, Northwestern University School of Law. - Professor Psychiatry at University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, at University Medical Center. - Professor Psychiatry; ...

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP

Frederick Winsmann, Ph.D., ABPP, LLC

New York
Psychology, Forensic Psychology - Forensic, Testing, Consult, Risk, Mitigation, Personal injury, Testify, Sexual, Violent, Criminal, Diagnosis, Civil commitment, Psychological, Trial consulting, Civil, Jury selection, Murder, Treatment, Therapy, Trauma
Dr. Winsmann is a Harvard Medical School-affiliated, licensed psychologist in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the State of New York, the State of Florida, and the state of Iowa. Dr. Winsmann is Board-Certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, and he is a Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Psychology. For more information about ABPP Board-certification as a forensic psychologist, please visit: Dr. Winsmann completed a fellowship in psychoanalytic psychotherapy at the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Psychoanalytic Studies as a Harvard Medical School Clinical Fellow, where he subsequently served as a Faculty Member. Dr. Winsmann serves as the Moderator of PsyLaw List, which is an international email list comprised of approximately 1000 members involved in forensic psychology. He is also the Director of the Boston Symposium on Psychology...

Brittany J Todd, LCMHC

B Balanced Counseling and Wellness

Winston Salem, North Carolina
Mental Health - Certified Child Custody Evaluator, Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator, Nationally Certified Intervention Professional, Certified Life Coach, Qualified Clinical Supervisor, Nationally Certified Counselor, Mitigation Specialist, Certified Parent Instructor
MS. Ed. Clinical Psychology, Clinical Counseling 
Nationally Certified Counselor 
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor 
Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator 
Certified Child Custody Evaluator
 Certified Parent Instructor
 Nationally Certified Intervention Professional 
Therapeutic Consultant 
Registered Yoga Instructor
 Certified Life Coach Qualified Clinical Supervisor Brittany is certified by the National Board of Forensic Evaluators as a Certified Child Custody Evaluator and Certified Forensic Mental Health Evaluator. Brittany is also contracted by the North Carolina Capitol Defender’s Office as a Mitigation Specialist in criminal cases, accepting private mitigation work as requested. She has provided Expert Testimony in multiple criminal cases and child custody arrangements and is consistently motivated to support clients in legal challenges they may be facing.

Michael J Ogden, CGC, HCI

Construction Defects/Insurance Disputes/Appraisals

All Disaster Claims, Inc

San Antonio, Texas
Construction, Insurance - Appraisal, Appraiser, Umpire, Property Loss Cost, Property Loss Causation, Estimator, Fire, Mitigation, Windstorm, Water Damage, Hail, Building Envelope, Tornado, Multifamily, Roofing, Windstorm, Restoration, Mold, Remediation, General Contractor
An OSHA and Haag Certified, State of Texas and Florida Licensed Public Adjuster and State of Florida Certified General Contractor with more than 22 years of experience directly related to the renovation and consulting of losses from disaster afflicted homes and businesses. Haag Certified Roof Inspector, IICRC and BESI Certified General Contractor, Appraiser, Umpire, Estimator, Renovator, Remediator and Expert Witness / Consultant. State of Florida Certified (Licensed) General Contractor CGC1509420 BESI Certified Defective Drywall Remediator (CDDR) BESI Certified Defective Drywall Consultant (CDDC) NuAire Windows and Doors Certified Installer Dryvit E.I.F.S. Certified Installer IICRC Certified Water Restoration Technician (WRT) IICRC Certified Advanced Structural Drying (ASD) State of Texas Licensed Public Adjuster TDI#1840149 State of Florida Licensed Public Adjuster Haag Certified Roof Inspector OSHA 10 Certified Has completed 1,000's of property and roof damage inspections and ...