Education & Schools Expert Witnesses in Texas

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of education & schools expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on education & schools and related issues. Education & schools expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these education & schools expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Athletics Equity, Bullying, Conflict Resolution, De Escalation, General Civil Rights Compliance, Ncaa Compliance, Physical Intervention, Restraint, Safety And Security, Section 504/Title Ii Of The Ada, Sex And Racial Discrimination And Harassment, Special Education, Special Education And Disability Law, Student Athletics, and Student Data Privacy.

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Jon D. Sand, Ed.D., M.S.

Pre-K-12 Education Standard & Duty of Care Expert

Education & Schools, School Safety - Education, Discrimination, Employment, Unfair Labor & Wrongful Termination, Governance, Special Education, IDEA/IEP, ADA, 504s, Accommodations, School Safety & Security, Student Safety, Standard & Duty of Care, Supervision, Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Mandated Reporting, School Reviews and Evaluations
Dr. Jon D. Sand is an expert in pre-K-12 Education and Student Support Services in Higher Education. With over 35 years of direct experience, he holds multiple requisite education teaching and administrative credentials, having completed a Doctor of Education degree in K-12 Educational Leadership with a Master of Science degree in Special Education. His expertise covers best practices in general and special education teaching, learning, interventions, due process, special needs eligibility and case management. Further, Dr. Sand has significant direct experience with Human Resources and school site safety, including student supervision, teacher, classified employee evaluations, management performance reviews, and overall district governance and operations. Dr. Sand is qualified to provide evaluative consultations and reviews of public and private schools. This stems from his tenure in K-12 education in completing accurate assessments of a students' educational needs, evaluating K-12...

Jacqueline Gharapour Wernz

ECR Solutions LLC

Dallas, Texas
Education & Schools - Title IX, Title VI, Section 504/Title II of the ADA, Special Education and Disability Law, student athletics, athletics equity, NCAA compliance, sex and racial discrimination and harassment, general civil rights compliance, student data privacy, safety and security
Jackie Gharapour Wernz is an expert in the fields of school administration and school compliance with the requirements of Federal civil rights laws. She has over 15 years of experience working with elementary and secondary K-12 public and private/independent schools, including charter schools, and colleges, community colleges, and universities and can serve as an expert in the areas of: peer harassment, including harassment under Title VII (discrimination in employment); Title IX (discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity), Title VI (discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on race, color, and national origin), and Section 504/Title II of the ADA (discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on disability); hazing; bullying; educator sexual misconduct; educator sexual abuse; transgender issues; Greek organizations; steps a school should take to create a safe environment free from discrimination, harassment, an...

Adam Bruno, PsyD, LMFT, LEP

Psychology and Education Expert - Dual Licensed

Psychology, Education & Schools - Autism, PTSD, ADHD, Assistive Technology, IEP, Individualized Education Plan, Due Process, Special Education, Psychoeducational Assessment, Neurodivergence, Abuse, Trauma, Custody, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQ, Parental Alienation
Dr. Adam Bruno is a licensed educational psychologist and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He has been working in the mental health field since 2006. Dr. Bruno specializes in the evaluation and treatment of both children and adults with autism, ADHD, trauma, intellectual disability, parental alienation, and other psychological disorders. Dr. Bruno currently has a private practice in Los Angeles where he provides services to children and adults online and in his office. He also provides services to children in schools. Dr. Bruno has given multiple trainings on disabilities, the IEP process, and provision of services to both providers and parents of children with disabilities. He is currently on the advisory board at Special Needs Network. As an expert witness, Dr. Bruno has multiple areas of expertise and has taken cases in multiple states. He is able to work both virtually and in person, and can conduct both psychological and educational reviews and evaluations.

Brian M Wolf, M.Ed.

San Antonio, Texas
Education & Schools, School Safety - De-escalation, Physical Intervention, Bullying, Special Education, Restraint, Conflict Resolution
A native Oregonian, I served in schools there for 37 years as a teacher, coach, HS Principal, Special Education Director and Superintendent prior to retiring from educational leadership in 2015. Subsequently, I worked for another 7 years as a Risk Management Specialist in the insurance industry. My principal duty during that time was conducting 25-30 Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) de-escalation/physical intervention trainings annually, for Oregon school districts statewide. The primary focus of these trainings was nonviolent crisis intervention with severely emotionally disabled students. Most of the sessions ran for one or two full days in length. I am currently serving as an Expert Witness in a legal case involving the physical restraint of a student, or lack thereof, engaged in self-injurious behaviors.
You can also find Education & Schools Expert Witnesses in:
California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, and Texas