Special Education Expert Witnesses

Special education expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on special education. The special education expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Developmental Disabilities, Education & Schools, Law Enf & Criminal Justice, Mental Health, Pediatrics, Psychology, and School Safety.

Jon D. Sand, Ed.D., M.S.

Pre-K-12 Education Standard & Duty of Care Expert

Education & Schools, School Safety - Education, Discrimination, Employment, Unfair Labor & Wrongful Termination, Governance, Special Education, IDEA/IEP, ADA, 504s, Accommodations, School Safety & Security, Student Safety, Standard & Duty of Care, Supervision, Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Mandated Reporting, School Reviews and Evaluations
Dr. Jon D. Sand is an expert in pre-K-12 Education and Student Support Services in Higher Education. With over 35 years of direct experience, he holds multiple requisite education teaching and administrative credentials, having completed a Doctor of Education degree in K-12 Educational Leadership with a Master of Science degree in Special Education. His expertise covers best practices in general and special education teaching, learning, interventions, due process, special needs eligibility and case management. Further, Dr. Sand has significant direct experience with Human Resources and school site safety, including student supervision, teacher, classified employee evaluations, management performance reviews, and overall district governance and operations. Dr. Sand is qualified to provide evaluative consultations and reviews of public and private schools. This stems from his tenure in K-12 education in completing accurate assessments of a students' educational needs, evaluating K-12...

Adam Bruno, PsyD, LMFT, LEP

Psychology and Education Expert - Dual Licensed

SHERMAN OAKS, California
Psychology, Education & Schools - Autism, PTSD, ADHD, Assistive Technology, IEP, Individualized Education Plan, Due Process, Special Education, Psychoeducational Assessment, Neurodivergence, Abuse, Trauma, Custody, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQ, Parental Alienation
Dr. Adam Bruno is a licensed educational psychologist and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He has been working in the mental health field since 2006. Dr. Bruno specializes in the evaluation and treatment of both children and adults with autism, ADHD, trauma, intellectual disability, parental alienation, and other psychological disorders. Dr. Bruno currently has a private practice in Los Angeles where he provides services to children and adults online and in his office. He also provides services to children in schools. Dr. Bruno has given multiple trainings on disabilities, the IEP process, and provision of services to both providers and parents of children with disabilities. He is currently on the advisory board at Special Needs Network. As an expert witness, Dr. Bruno has multiple areas of expertise and has taken cases in multiple states. He is able to work both virtually and in person, and can conduct both psychological and educational reviews and evaluations.

Adam Bruno, PsyD, LMFT, LEP

Psychology and Education Expert - Dual Licensed

Psychology, Education & Schools - Autism, PTSD, ADHD, Assistive Technology, IEP, Individualized Education Plan, Due Process, Special Education, Psychoeducational Assessment, Neurodivergence, Abuse, Trauma, Custody, LGBTQIA+, LGBTQ, Parental Alienation
Dr. Adam Bruno is a licensed educational psychologist and a licensed marriage and family therapist. He has been working in the mental health field since 2006. Dr. Bruno specializes in the evaluation and treatment of both children and adults with autism, ADHD, trauma, intellectual disability, parental alienation, and other psychological disorders. Dr. Bruno currently has a private practice in Los Angeles where he provides services to children and adults online and in his office. He also provides services to children in schools. Dr. Bruno has given multiple trainings on disabilities, the IEP process, and provision of services to both providers and parents of children with disabilities. He is currently on the advisory board at Special Needs Network. As an expert witness, Dr. Bruno has multiple areas of expertise and has taken cases in multiple states. He is able to work both virtually and in person, and can conduct both psychological and educational reviews and evaluations.



WEST HILLS, California

Jon D. Sand, Ed.D., M.S.

Pre-K-12 Education Standard & Duty of Care Expert

Thousand Oaks, California
Education & Schools, School Safety - Education, Discrimination, Employment, Unfair Labor & Wrongful Termination, Governance, Special Education, IDEA/IEP, ADA, 504s, Accommodations, School Safety & Security, Student Safety, Standard & Duty of Care, Supervision, Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Mandated Reporting, School Reviews and Evaluations
Dr. Jon D. Sand is an expert in pre-K-12 Education and Student Support Services in Higher Education. With over 35 years of direct experience, he holds multiple requisite education teaching and administrative credentials, having completed a Doctor of Education degree in K-12 Educational Leadership with a Master of Science degree in Special Education. His expertise covers best practices in general and special education teaching, learning, interventions, due process, special needs eligibility and case management. Further, Dr. Sand has significant direct experience with Human Resources and school site safety, including student supervision, teacher, classified employee evaluations, management performance reviews, and overall district governance and operations. Dr. Sand is qualified to provide evaluative consultations and reviews of public and private schools. This stems from his tenure in K-12 education in completing accurate assessments of a students' educational needs, evaluating K-12...

Joseph S Schwartzberg, Ed.D.

Special Education Expert Witness

Vista, California
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education, standards of care for children with disabilities, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Fully credentialed/certified in special education. Administrative credentials in both NY and California. Served as a classroom teacher and Principal in schools designed to serve special populations as well as general education/mainstream environments. Served as Senior SELPA Director. Taught university classes designed to prepare prospective special education teachers. Developed and implemented agreements with other agencies with responsibilities to persons with disabilities. Development , implementation and evaluation of special education programs. Establish protocols for standards of care for students with disabilities. Expertise and trial testimony experience in matters concerning school safety and child abuse. Special Education Expert witness . Particular expertise in issues related to the standards of care for children with disabilities. Extensive experience testifying in state and federal court on matters concerning the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Secti...

Howie Knoff, Ph.D.

Past-President/Nat'l Ass'n of School Psychologists

Project ACHIEVE Educational Solutions

Fort Myers, Florida
Education & Schools, Psychology - Special Education, LRE, FAPE, Title IX/Sexual Assault, Accidents & Educational Need, ADA/504 Accommodations, Disability Rights, Disproportionality, Racial Discrimination, Emotionally Disturbed/Autistic Students, Seclusion/Restraints, School Safety/Violence, Bullying/Harassment, Discipline/Suspension
A Licensed Psychologist (FL), Nationally Certified School Psychologist, Past-President of the National Association of School Psychologists, and Senior Fellow (The Center for Model Schools), Dr. Howie Knoff has been an Expert Witness in innumerable Federal and State Court cases, as well as Due Process Hearings and mediations nationwide since 1993. These cases have focused on IDEA and Special Education Procedures, School Psychology Assessment/Intervention Disputes, Psychological Misdiagnoses and Mental Health Services, 504 Accommodations and Disability Rights, Title IX Sexual Harassment Violations, Disproportionality and Racial Discrimination/Equity, Emotionally Disturbed and Autistic Students, Seclusion and Restraints, Educational Malpractice, School Safety and Violence, Social-Emotional Learning and Positive Behavioral Supports, Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Bullying and Physical Aggression, Discipline and Corporal Punishment, IEP Disputes and Due Process Hearings, FAPE and LR...


Police & Autism Clinical Practices Expert

Triad Psych, pc

Atlanta, Georgia
Mental Health, Law Enf & Criminal Justice - Autism, Disability, Police, Workplace Violence, Child Abuse, Child Custody, Special Education, Police Practices Expert-Former DEA Clinician, Police Practices Expert-Former Faculty Police Academy, Police Practices Expert-Current On Call Clinician FBI, Disability Services & Evaluation
Triad Psych is an independent group clinical, counseling and consulting practice since 2003. Feedback about our work emphasizes the ability to take complex abstractions and break it down into simpler, concrete, jargon free and understandable terms enabling juries and judges to fully grasp the concept at hand and make a clear decision. Triad's unique approach to complexity enables it's clients to be able to impose a context on and over almost any situation, provide guidance and be able to make tangible progress; the Triad system makes the invisible visible, clearing a viable and concrete path forward to achieve goals. Dave Glick and Elizabeth Snelgrove-Arauz, have been providing litigation and expert support since 1999. Dave has specializations in mental health, police psychology, special education, disability services(ADA & Section 504). Both have expertise in Autism Spectrum Disorders and all areas of neurodiversity. Elizabeth has specialization in the intersectionality of Neurodi...

Neelkamal Soares, MD

Thought Leader Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics

Portage, Michigan
Developmental Disabilities, Pediatrics - Autism/autism spectrum disorder, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Developmental delay, Intellectual disability, Learning disabilities, Child behavior issues, Special education
I am a thought leader in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP); with over 23 years experience in academic and community healthcare settings, I have special expertise in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with consultations to primary care providers and specialists on medication management, diagnostics, educational advocacy and behavioral interventions. I completed Pediatric residency training at University of Illinois Chicago followed by a Maternal Child Health Bureau fellowship in DBP at University of Maryland Baltimore. I am board-certified in my field, licensed in multiple states, and have additional training in assessments for autism and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. I am currently Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at the prestigious University of Michigan Medical School, and am leadership faculty for the Michigan Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (Mi-LEND). I have served in leade...

John F. Doherty, Ed.D.

Renowned School Liability Expert Witness

School Liability Expert Group

Lambertville, New Jersey
Education & Schools, School Safety - Title IX, 1983, wrongful death, school and youth-serving agency liability, negligent hiring, personal injury, sexual abuse, harassment and bullying, physical abuse, student/child supervision, special education, child custody & school review, school security, daycare, camps, colleges & universities
At School Liability Expert Group, we provide services from case inception through resolution across the United States and Canada. Determining the merit of a case, assisting with the development of pleadings, deposition focus and questions, conducting file and deposition review and analysis, developing expert reports, and offering testimony at deposition and trial are some of the services provided. Through the experience of its founder, Dr. Edward Dragan, and expert witness, Dr. John Doherty, along with a highly trained staff, School Liability Expert Group provides quality comprehensive services for plaintiff and defendant attorneys in high-profile and complicated cases. John F. Doherty Ed.D. is an experienced public and private school educator who has focused his work on improving schools through effective hiring practices, supervision and training of staff, and building a school culture of sustainability. He has over 35 years of experience as a Superintendent, Assistant Superinte...

Anthony B. Mann, D.Ed.

Recognized K-12 Education Expert

Principled Education Services, LLC

West Linn, Oregon
Education & Schools, School Safety - Educator Misconduct, School Bullying, Mandatory Reporting, Grooming, Sexual Abuse, Abuse & Neglect, Bus Safety, Student Conduct, Special Education, Playground Supervision, Campus Safety, Inter-Agency Engagement, School Harassment, School Violence Prevention, School-Based Mental Health Services
Superintendent | School Safety & Policy Expert | Expert Witness Providing expert witness services from case inception through resolution across the United States and Canada. Determining the merit of a case, assisting with deposition focus and questioning, conducting file and deposition review and analysis, providing expert reports, and offering testimony at deposition and trial are some of the services provided. Providing quality comprehensive services for plaintiff and defendant attorneys in high-profile and complicated cases. With 33+ years leading in K-12 education, Dr. Mann has overseen district operations in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Since 2012, he has served as Superintendent of Schools. With expertise in strategic planning, governance, and the development of safe and effective learning environments. Dr. Mann holds a Doctorate in Education (D.Ed.) from the University of Oregon, and has backg...

Candace D Perez, Ed.D


Dallas, Oregon
Education & Schools, School Safety - Special Education, school personnel, education policy
Summary of Expertise: Experienced School District Administrator serving public education since 2002. Professional practice includes: Superintendent of a K-12 school system, State Special Education Director for Oregon, School District Special Education Director, public school Administrator, and classroom teacher. My experience and background include: Responsible for Special Education implementation in public schools including Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Implementation of State and Federal guidelines for instructional practices and placement options for students who experience disabilities. Implementing Policies and procedures for students who experience disabilities in public and private schools. Training and implementation of regulations and requirements to school administrators, licensed educators, paraprofessionals, and parents. Leading systems improvement initiatives. Managing Human Resou...

Michael Salitore, Ed.D.

Gresham, Oregon
Education & Schools, School Safety - School Standards of Practice, Special Education, School Safety, Child Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, Behavior and Discipline, School Mental Health, Title IX and Staff Sexual Misconduct, District and School Administration, Restraint and Seclusion, Evaluation, Assessment, Disability, and Risk Management
Dr. Michael Salitore is an experienced educator serving in public education since 2003. I currently work at the Oregon Department of Education as a coordinator of an investigation unit responding to complaints of sexual misconduct of school staff. I have worked as a school psychologist, assistant principal, special education administrator, director of student services for rural and urban school districts, and adjunct faculty at Clackamas Community College and Portland State University. My background and expertise allow evaluation of and opinions regarding school and district: -Policies, procedures, guidelines, and implementation of standards and practices; -Recruitment, qualifications, hiring, and retention of teachers, specialists, and staff; -Training programs and requirements of teachers, specialists, and staff; -Duty for schools and school districts to provide a safe learning environment; -School administration, including governance, curriculum, interventions and instructiona...

Robert A Naseef, PhD

Nationally Known Autism Expert and Advocate

Alternative Choices

Jenkintown, Pennsylvania
Psychology, Developmental Disabilities - Autism, Asperger's, ADHD, Trauma, Family Stressors, Developmental Disabilities, PTSD, Behavior, Intellectual Disabilities, Neurodiversity, Employment, Special Education
Robert Naseef, Ph.D. has a distinct voice as a psychologist and father of an adult son with autism. He has spoken around the country and trained professionals internationally in treating autism and other developmental disorders and supporting families. He has a special interest in the psychology of men and fatherhood. Dr. Naseef is also a member of the Panel of Professional Advisors of the Autism Society of America. He also serves on the Leadership Council of the AJ Drexel Autism Institute. Along with Dr. Stephen Shore, Dr. Naseef served as a lead consultant to the Arc of Philadelphia and SAP’s “Autism at Work” program and developed the “Preparing Neurodiverse Youth for the Workplace.” Robert and Stephen are also consultants in the current development of an inclusive employment program with the Qatar Career Development Center in Qatar. Dr. Naseef’s 2013 book, Autism in the Family: Caring and Coping Together (Brookes Publishing) integrates advances in research and treatment with c...

Brian M Wolf, M.Ed.

San Antonio, Texas
Education & Schools, School Safety - De-escalation, Physical Intervention, Bullying, Special Education, Restraint, Conflict Resolution
A native Oregonian, I served in schools there for 37 years as a teacher, coach, HS Principal, Special Education Director and Superintendent prior to retiring from educational leadership in 2015. Subsequently, I worked for another 7 years as a Risk Management Specialist in the insurance industry. My principal duty during that time was conducting 25-30 Crisis Prevention Institute (CPI) de-escalation/physical intervention trainings annually, for Oregon school districts statewide. The primary focus of these trainings was nonviolent crisis intervention with severely emotionally disabled students. Most of the sessions ran for one or two full days in length. I am currently serving as an Expert Witness in a legal case involving the physical restraint of a student, or lack thereof, engaged in self-injurious behaviors.