Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses in Washington

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of civil engineering expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on civil engineering and related issues. Civil engineering expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these civil engineering expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Adverse Possession, Auger, Boring, Boundary, Concrete Segmental Bridge Design, Construction, Construction Survey, Design Build, Differing, Drilling, Dsc, Easement, Encroachment, Forensic Surveys, and Geology.

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Michelle L Macauley

Geotechnical Engineer and Trenchless Expert

Macauley Expert Services

Tacoma, Washington
Geotechnical Engineering, Civil Engineering - trenchless, drilling, tunnel, tunneling, pipeline, HDD, microtunnel, auger, boring, pipe, ramming, sinkhole, geology, construction, DSC, differing, horizontal, directional
I am a nationally recognized Geotechnical Engineer and Trenchless Expert. I have been involved with litigation matters involving construction issues related to pipeline installations using trenchless technologies. Qualifications and Accreditation M.S., Geological Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1996 B.S., Geological Sciences, University of Washington, 1994 California: Professional Engineer (Civil), Cert. No. C74224 Washington: Professional Engineer (Civil), Lic. No. 37412 Alaska: Professional Engineer (Civil), Lic. No. AELC11636 Memberships and Professional Organizations American Society of Civil Engineer (ASCE) • Executive Committee, Pipeline Division, Board member, 10/2024 to present • Manual of Practice (MOP) for Introduction to Trenchless Technologies (new MOP), Committee chair, 9/2024 to present • MOP for Horizontal Directional Drilling (MOP 108) committee member, 2021 to present • MOP for the Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting (MOP 155), committee member, 2017 t...

Randy P Wall, PE, MPA

Wood Structural Engineering & Land Planning Expert

Professional Engineering Services

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Right-of-Way, Grading & Drainage, Hillside Homes, Due Diligence, Inverse Condemnation, Construction Defects, Wood Engineering, High-end Homes, Eminent Domain, Residential Structural, Land Use & Zoning, Permitting & Entitlements, Road & Highway Design, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Forensics
Engineering thought leader and expert in Civil Engineering, Residential Structural Engineering, and Land Development. Over 40-years of experience with subdivision and commercial project land development permits, design, and construction, and structural and site design of high-end residences in snow country and on hillsides. Master of Public Administration, local government, and regulatory agency entitlement processing specialist. Professional Development Instructor in the Engineering Industry, teaching contracts, risk management, project management, professional liability, writing, and communication skills. Holds Professional Engineering licenses in 10-states. Over 42-years of experience as a Certified Ski Instructor with an active snowsports expert witness practice.

Evan A. Page, PLS

Land Surveying Expert

Selkirk-Cabinet Land Surveying, PLLC

Land Surveying, Civil Engineering - Boundary, Riparian, Littoral, Easement, Land Title, Standard of Care, Surveyor Negligence, Property Dispute, Adverse Possession, Prescriptive Easement, Encroachment, Mapping, Topographic Survey, Construction Survey, Water Boundary, Public Land Survey System, Forensic Surveys, Land Descriptions
Evan Page has over 40 years of broad land surveying experience and is licensed in California, Idaho and Washington. He is a regionally recognized speaker on boundary and other survey topics. He developed particular expertise in water boundaries (river, lake and coastal) during his thirteen years with the California State Lands Commission, from which he retired as a Senior Boundary Determination Officer in 2021. Mr. Page served as a Technical Expert on many enforcement matters for the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors and Geologists (BPELSG). He also served on the state-specific Professional Land Surveyors licensing exam development and grading teams for several years and on several ad hoc advisory teams for BPLESG. Mr. Page has served as expert witness and/or expert consultant for several private parties on land survey matters involving land and water boundaries, title matters, survey practice, standard of care and surveyor negligence. He has testifie...

Scott Phelan, Ph.D, P.E., P.Eng., S.E.

Caprock Engineering, PLLC

Greater Seattle Area, Washington
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - Highway Bridge Design, Transit Guideway Design, Structural Bridge Design, Concrete Segmental Bridge Design, Design-Build, Value Engineering
I serve as President and Chief Technical Specialist for Caprock Engineering, PLLC, and as a Principal Engineer with Systra-IBT. I have over thirty years of experience in structural bridge design. My LinkedIn profile is at I serve on the international American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Economics & Finance Committee, the national Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) Bridges Committee, and the regional American Council of Engineering Companies/ Washington Department of Transportation (ACEC/WSDOT) Structures & Geotech Subcommittee. I recently was inducted as an ASCE Fellow. I have participated in the design and construction of numerous concrete segmental bridge projects, including the final design of two world-record bridges and the construction of the first precast concrete segmental bridges in the State of Washington. I recently served as Co-Chair of the Seattle DOT Technica...
You can also find Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii , Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington