Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses in Kentucky

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of civil engineering expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on civil engineering and related issues. Civil engineering expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these civil engineering expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Accident, Building Codes, Chemical, Civil, Concrete Pump Trucks, Construction, Corrosion, Cranes, Culverts, Drainage, Failures, Foundations, Hydrology, Industrial, and Inspections.

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John Hlinka, PE, M. ASCE

Benton, Kentucky
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering - civil, railroad, accident, cranes, failures, foundations, structures, drainage, culverts, washouts, hydrology, concrete pump trucks, corrosion, chemical, industrial, building codes, inspections, construction, OSHA Compliance, swimming pools
Mr. Hlinka has worked over 40 years in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management market with experience in numerous industries: Chemical, Oil Refinery, Pulp & Paper, Adhesives, Nuclear Power Generation, Nuclear Feed Stock, and Steel. His work has overlapped with residential and commercial industries. Throughout his career he has engineered and managed a myriad of projects in these industries and has provided leadership to the various companies in the capacities of: Site Manager, Design Manager, Project Manager, Construction Supervisor, and currently as President. Design engineering, analysis, and inspection experience includes structural steel, reinforced concrete, stone, masonry, wood, and stormwater drainage.

Randy P Wall, PE, MPA

Wood Structural Engineering & Land Planning Expert

Professional Engineering Services

Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering - Right-of-Way, Grading & Drainage, Hillside Homes, Due Diligence, Inverse Condemnation, Construction Defects, Wood Engineering, High-end Homes, Eminent Domain, Residential Structural, Land Use & Zoning, Permitting & Entitlements, Road & Highway Design, Land Use Planning, Local Government, Forensics
Engineering thought leader and expert in Civil Engineering, Residential Structural Engineering, and Land Development. Over 40-years of experience with subdivision and commercial project land development permits, design, and construction, and structural and site design of high-end residences in snow country and on hillsides. Master of Public Administration, local government, and regulatory agency entitlement processing specialist. Professional Development Instructor in the Engineering Industry, teaching contracts, risk management, project management, professional liability, writing, and communication skills. Holds Professional Engineering licenses in 10-states. Over 42-years of experience as a Certified Ski Instructor with an active snowsports expert witness practice.
You can also find Civil Engineering Expert Witnesses in:
Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Hawaii , Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and Washington