Sexual Abuse Expert Witnesses
Sexual abuse expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on sexual abuse. The sexual abuse expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Child Abuse, Education & Schools, Forensic Psychiatry, Forensic Psychology, Mental Health, Neuropsychology, Nurse, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Pediatric Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, Psychology, School Safety, and Social Work.
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Benicia, California
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Leslie Dobson, BS, MS, MA, PsyD
Dr. Leslie Dobson
Huntington Beach, California
Forensic Psychology, Psychology
Damage assessment, mental health, trauma, therapy, prognosis, diagnosis, evaluation, personality cognitive testing, first responders, sexual abuse, sexual offenders, severe mental illness, psychosis, schizophrenia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, depression, suicidal, homicidal, self-harm
The primary focus of my practice is to evaluate individuals who are struggling with negative emotions or cognitions after a traumatic incident (i.e., sexual assault, car accident, physician abuse, neglect). If appropriate, I will complete a report to include diagnosis, prognosis, and a monetary damage amount for future mental health care. I require a retainer prior to beginning documentation review, evaluation, report writing, deposition or trial.
Prior Experience:
Expert Testimony Cases: 4; Mentally Disordered Offenders
Consultation with attorneys: Over 65 cases from Department of State Hospitals
Violence Risk Assessments: Over 1000 Short Term Risk Assessments, <50 Long Term Violence Risk Assessments, > 20 Sexual Violence Risk Assessments
Main Disorders Assessed and/or Treated: Schizophrenia, Psychopathy, Bipolar, Depression, OCD, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder
Familiarity with Penal Codes: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, Incompe...
Suzanne M Dupee, MD
Manhattan Beach, California
Forensic Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Emotional Damages, IME. Independent Medical Examination, Child Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry, Adolescent Psychiatry, Sexual Harassment, Employment Discrimination, Abuse, Sexual Assault, Sexual Abuse, Child Abuse, Female, Psychiatrist
Dr. Dupee is a triple board certified adult, child & adolescent, forensic psychiatrist. She has been retained in thousands of legal cases for civil (personal injury & employment), family (child custody evaluations, psychiatric evaluations of family law litigants, consultation), criminal, dependency (child abuse), courts as well as conducting insurance disability independent medical examinations & evaluations for the Medical, Dental & Veterinary Boards of California. Dr. Dupee has testified in hundreds of legal cases. She has been retained by plaintiffs and defense. She has extensive experience with evaluating PTSD.
Jennifer Harrison, PsyD, ABPP ATR-BC
Board Certified Psychologist Trauma Specialist
Therapy Partners of the Peninsula
Burlingame, California
Psychology, Mental Health
Trauma, Child Abuse, Psychopathology, Psychological Testing, Competency, Family Dynamics, Attachment, Child Developement, Human Development, Mental Health Issues, IME, Sexual Abuse
Dr. Jennifer Harrison, PsyD, ABPP, ATR-BC, is a board-certified licensed clinical psychologist with over 20 years of experience specializing in trauma in children and adults. As a highly sought-after expert witness and forensic consultant, she provides independent medical examinations, forensic evaluations, and expert witness services for legal professionals handling complex cases involving trauma, family dynamics, and mental health concerns. Her deep understanding of the psychological impact of trauma, combined with her meticulous analysis of medical records and evidence, allows her to offer well-researched, articulate assessments that contribute to achieving just outcomes. She frequently collaborates with private attorneys and county courts, offering expertise in areas such as personal injury, Murphy evaluations, dangerousness and risk assessment, competency to stand trial, insanity defense, malingering, and federal social security appeals.
Dr. Harrison has worked across diverse ...
Lucas A Klein, Ph.D.
Psychologist Expert Witness
San Diego, California
Psychology, Forensic Psychology
Personality testing, Psychological Testing, Emotional Damages, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Psychological trauma, Depression, Emotional distress , Personal injury , Trauma and abuse , Diagnostic Assessment, Motor Vehicle Accident, Assault, psychoanalyst, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Abuse, Malingering
-Reliable Expert Witness Psychologist, Licensed and Available in California, Oregon, New York, Connecticut
-Expert in psychological testing
-Articulate, straightforward, diligent. I have a unique combination of being a clinical psychologist with an expertise in psychological testing as well as being an Adult Psychoanalyst, which is an extremely rare and extensive post licensure clinical certification. This combination allows me to provide scientifically informed reports utilizing the most valid and reliable psychometric testing available and then to be able to explain my positions with an ease that comes from my training and experience as a psychoanalyst. Whereas many clinicians have only a handful of classes instructing them on treatment, psychoanalysts undergo 5 years of intense post-Ph.D. education, with thousands of hours of guidance. I believe you will notice the difference in my testimony and general presentation.
I am available in order to evaluate evidence to support or c...
Jon D. Sand, Ed.D., M.S.
Pre-K-12 Education Standard & Duty of Care Expert
Thousand Oaks, California
Education & Schools, School Safety
Education, Discrimination, Employment, Unfair Labor & Wrongful Termination, Governance, Special Education, IDEA/IEP, ADA, 504s, Accommodations, School Safety & Security, Student Safety, Standard & Duty of Care, Supervision, Sexual Abuse, Bullying, Mandated Reporting, School Reviews and Evaluations
Dr. Jon D. Sand is an expert in pre-K-12 Education and Student Support Services in Higher Education. With over 35 years of direct experience, he holds multiple requisite education teaching and administrative credentials, having completed a Doctor of Education degree in K-12 Educational Leadership with a Master of Science degree in Special Education. His expertise covers best practices in general and special education teaching, learning, interventions, due process, special needs eligibility and case management. Further, Dr. Sand has significant direct experience with Human Resources and school site safety, including student supervision, teacher, classified employee evaluations, management performance reviews, and overall district governance and operations.
Dr. Sand is qualified to provide evaluative consultations and reviews of public and private schools. This stems from his tenure in K-12 education in completing accurate assessments of a students' educational needs, evaluating K-12...
Nicol Stolar-Peterson, PsyD, LCSW, BCD
Murrieta, California
Social Work, Child Abuse
Child Protective Services, Department of Children and Family Services, Investigations, Standard of Care, Removal, Exigency, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Neglect, Child Death, Child Fatality, Child Welfare
Child Abuse/Child Welfare Expert national practice. Completed over 1000 child abuse investigations and interviews, 100’s of removals, 100’s of foster care and adoptive placements. 11 years of field experience working in child protective services as a child abuse investigator, interviewer, trainer, foster care/adoption social worker (2003-2015). Licensed clinical social worker in California since 2009. Trained over 1000 social workers in child abuse investigation and current standards and duties. National trainer on mandated reporting.
Focus Areas Include;
Child Welfare Expert
Child Abuse Investigations
Clinical Social Worker
Expert Witness
Child Fatality Investigations
CPS /DCFS Expertise
Crisis Counseling
Forensic Interviewer
Case Management
Community Outreach
Group Therapy
Record/Case Review
Structured Decision-Making Tools
Jennifer French Tomasic, MSc
Jennifer French
Manhattan Beach, California
Psychology, Psychology
coercive control, undue influence, sexual abuse, sexual consent, family abuse, psychological manipulation, grooming, sexual violence, battered women syndrome, financial abuse, coercion, intimate partner violence, parental alienation, stalking, troubled teen industry, false / coerced confession, cult
Jennifer works on cases of coercive control and identifies patterns of behavior designed to exploit, control, create dependency and dominate another person. This process may initially include tactics of psychological manipulation such as gaslighting and love bombing which are part of a grooming process. These patterns may include coercive control as it relates to child custody, undue influence, sexual abuse, child abuse, domestic abuse, domestic violence, financial abuse, physical abuse, human trafficking, the troubled teen industry, and deprivation of liberties.
She is an expert in cults, cultic abuse, and religious and spiritual abuse from the perspective of identifying behavioral patterns and not as a means to diagnose individuals psychologically. Please note: she is not a psychotherapist. She also specializes in sexual consent, date rape, stalking, strangulation, grooming, molestation, reproductive coercion, and the capacity to consent as they relate to tactics and patterns of ...
Helena Huckabee, Ph.D., BCBA-D
Centennial, Colorado
Neuropsychology, Psychology
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Trauma, Developmental Disability, Intellectual Disability, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse, PTSD, Posttraumatic Stress, ADHD, anxiety, mood disorder, neurodevelopmental disorders, Colorado, California, Nevada, Florida, Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC)
I am a Clinical Neuropsychologist and Board-Certified Behavior Analyst, Doctoral (BCBA-D). I have trained and worked in the field for over 30 years. I am founder and president of Emerge, which is a private practice clinic focused on the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions with a specialty in serving those with autism, neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD, anxiety, and mood disorders.
I am board certified in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) and a licensed psychologist in Colorado, Nevada and Florida. I also have an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC), authorizing me to practice in 33 States (see for details). In addition to my credentials outlined above, I received additional post-graduate training in Pivotal Response Treatment at University of California Santa Barbara and in ABA at University of North Texas.
I held administrative positions at and/or helped commence five treatment programs for young children with autism...
Stuart C Silverstein, MD, FAAP
Board Certified Pediatrician/ Author
Stamford , Connecticut
Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
General Pediatrics, Child Abuse & neglect, Newborn Care, Foster Care, Pediatric Standard of Care, Pediatrics, Pediatric Urgent / Emergency Care, Sexual Abuse, Child Neglect, Custody Evaluation, Lead exposure, Lead toxicity, Lead Poisoning, Age assessment, Florida Expert Witness Certificate
Dr. Silverstein is an award-winning, Board-Certified pediatrician with over 30 years experience as a clinician and medical educator. His current practice includes providing pediatric emergency and urgent care in a highly populated urban setting. Dr. Silverstein has also supervised medical students, residents, and physician assistants in the pediatric emergency room. Served as a Preceptor for the Sacred Heart University Clinical APRN program and Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at the New York Medical College.
Dr. Silverstein is the author of several books including a Board Review Study Guide used by Pediatric Residents preparing for their specialty certification.
Dr. Silverstein has experience providing medical consultation for plaintiffs, prosecutors, and defendants in civil, military and criminal cases. He is experienced in distinguishing between accidental and non – accidental injury, evaluating potential evidence of child neglect, and opining on the pediat...
William L. Bainbridge, PhD, FACFE
William L. Bainbridge, PhD, FACFE & Associates, LLC
Jacksonville, Florida
Education & Schools, School Safety
school evaluation, sexual abuse, child custody school evaluation, school standards of care, school safety, education standards of care, school related accidents, education, higher education, secondary education, elementary education, playground accidents, athletics and recreation
William L. Bainbridge, Ph.D., FACFE, is a forensic education expert with extensive experience in school, college and preschool related accidents, incidents & sexual abuse/sexual assault and educational evaluation for child custody. He has been court qualified as a schooling and education standards/policy expert in over 30 states. President and CEO of the SchoolMatch® Institute and Distinguished Research Professor at The University of Dayton, he is the former superintendent of three school districts in Ohio and Virginia and served on the executive staff of the Ohio Department of Education.
Michael J DiTomasso, PhD
Forensic Psychologist: Criminal and Civil
Michael J. DiTomasso, Ph.D., P.A.
Miami, Florida
Forensic Psychology, Substance Abuse
Forensic Psychological Evaluations, Mitigation, Downward Departure, Substance Abuse, Trauma, PTSD, Psychosexual, MDSO, Competency to Proceed, Competency Waive Miranda, Coerced Confession, Parenting, Parental Alienation, Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, False Allegations, Malingering, Diagnosis
I, Dr. Michael J. DiTomasso, am a PhD level Forensic Psychologist. I specialize in Forensic Psychological Evaluations and trial consulting in Criminal and Sexual Offence cases, Juvenile Delinquency, and Child Abuse matters. I do a lot of work in the basic forensic functions such as psychological evaluations for mitigation and downward departure, competency to proceed, competency to waive Miranda, competency to testify relevantly, etc. In regard to these kinds of cases, I supply expert opinion as to mental health diagnoses, treatment needs, appropriate level of care, and prognosis. I have expertise and experience with all the major diagnostic categories such as schizophrenia spectrum disorders, bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD, substance abuse disorders, psychopathy and other personality disorders. I am a member of the Association for Threat Assessment Professionals (ATAP) and evaluation of dangerousness and risk is often an integral part of the work I do. I have testified at se...
Anne Mary K Montero, PhD, MS, HSPP
Psychology Works, Indiana University Health
Westfield, Indiana
Psychology, Neuropsychology
Psychology, pain, somatoform disorders, anxiety, trauma, stress, sexual abuse, PTSD, disability, malingering, cognitive-behavioral therapy, OCD, depression, personality disorders, perinatal mood disorders, GI psychology, cancer, personal injury, workman's compensation, suicide
Dr. Montero is a board-certified, highly experienced professional with training in medical psychology and neuropsychology. She has more than 15,000 hours of experience evaluating and treating patients and currently serves as the Medical Director for Behavioral Health for Indiana University Health North Hospital. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at IU School of Medicine. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Notre Dame, Dr. Montero has specialized training from the Herbert Benson Mind-Body Institute at Harvard, with certifications including trauma treatment, perinatal mood disorder assessment and care, and treatment for brain-gut axis disorders. She is widely experienced in psychological evaluation and regularly partners with physicians in 19 different medical specialties. Dr. Montero has received awards from the American Psychological Association with grant support from the US Department of Health and Human Services; she currently participa...
Julie A. Armstrong, PsyD, RNCS
Psychology, Nurse
Psychology Trauma, PTSD, Personal Injury, Malingering, Nursing Standards of Practice, Psychiatric Hospital, Independent Psychological Assessment, Sexual Abuse, Wrongful Death, Medical Malpractice
Dr. Armstrong is a seasoned professional has experience with successful court testimony and deposition across the nation. Highly proficient at integrating information from records review and identification of other issues that may be relevant. Experience with evaluation and testimony for adults and children. Medical records reviews for nursing standards of practice, or evaluation of cases for merit available.
Dr. Armstrong is a frequent evaluator for the Board of Nursing for the state of California.
Please give me a call for a complimentary telephone consultation about your case. Also available to take on multiple or series of cases, or organize and lead a team for evaluations of individuals involved in class action litigation.
Kristin Samuelson
Forensic Psychologist - Trauma/PTSD Specialist
New Orleans, Louisiana
Forensic Psychology, Neuropsychology
PTSD, Trauma, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, TBI, Traumatic brain injury, Memory, Neuropsychology, Sexual abuse, Sexual assault, Immigrants, Veterans, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Assessment, Malingering, Personal Injury
Kristin Samuelson, Ph.D. is a clinical and forensic psychologist living in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is a former professor who brings over 20 years of experience as an expert witness and forensic evaluator in litigation related to traumatic stress.
Dr. Samuelson received her PhD in clinical psychology in 1998 from the University of Virginia and completed her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Since 2001, her research and clinical practice have been devoted to understanding and treating trauma. From 2001 to 2015 she was a Research Psychologist and Director of Assessment for the Stress and Health Research Program at the San Francisco VA Medical Center, a research program dedicated to the neurobiology of PTSD and trauma treatment. She served as the neuropsychologist for that research program and was responsible for diagnostic and neuropsychological assessment of trauma survivors with PTSD, traumat...
Donald L Sherak, MD
Brookline, Massachusetts
Psychiatry, Pediatric Psychiatry
Forensic Psychiatry, Emotional Damages, PTSD, Effects of Trauma, Sexual Abuse, Child Testimony, Standard of Care, Psychopharmacology, Psychiatric Diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, Developmental Delay, Brain Injury, Criminal Responsibility, Fitness for Duty, Record Review
Dr. Sherak is Board Certified in Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. Over the past 30 years Dr. Sherak has been an invited trainer at professional organizations of physicians, nurses, social workers, attorneys, EMTs, and physicians in training. Dr. Sherak served as Medical Director of the Whitney Academy, a residential school treating Intellectually Disabled and Developmentally Delayed adolescent male sexual offenders, for 17 years and he continues to work with and consult on this population ans well as on individuals with Intellectual Disability, Developmental Delay and Brain Injury. Dr. Sherak has provided over 200 Fitness for Duty assessments for the United States Postal Service, local Police and Fire Departments and biohazard labs.
John F. Doherty, Ed.D.
Renowned School Liability Expert Witness
School Liability Expert Group
Lambertville, New Jersey
Education & Schools, School Safety
Title IX, 1983, wrongful death, school and youth-serving agency liability, negligent hiring, personal injury, sexual abuse, harassment and bullying, physical abuse, student/child supervision, special education, child custody & school review, school security, daycare, camps, colleges & universities
At School Liability Expert Group, we provide services from case inception through resolution across the United States and Canada. Determining the merit of a case, assisting with the development of pleadings, deposition focus and questions, conducting file and deposition review and analysis, developing expert reports, and offering testimony at deposition and trial are some of the services provided. Through the experience of its founder, Dr. Edward Dragan, and expert witness, Dr. John Doherty, along with a highly trained staff, School Liability Expert Group provides quality comprehensive services for plaintiff and defendant attorneys in high-profile and complicated cases.
John F. Doherty Ed.D. is an experienced public and private school educator who has focused his work on improving schools through effective hiring practices, supervision and training of staff, and building a school culture of sustainability. He has over 35 years of experience as a Superintendent, Assistant Superinte...
Stuart C Silverstein, MD, FAAP
Board Certified Pediatrician/ Author
New York
Pediatrics, Pediatric Emergency Medicine
General Pediatrics, Child Abuse & neglect, Newborn Care, Foster Care, Pediatric Standard of Care, Pediatrics, Pediatric Urgent / Emergency Care, Sexual Abuse, Child Neglect, Custody Evaluation, Lead exposure, Lead toxicity, Lead Poisoning, Age assessment, Florida Expert Witness Certificate
Dr. Silverstein is an award-winning, Board-Certified pediatrician with over 30 years experience as a clinician and medical educator. His current practice includes providing pediatric emergency and urgent care in a highly populated urban setting. Dr. Silverstein has also supervised medical students, residents, and physician assistants in the pediatric emergency room. Served as a Preceptor for the Sacred Heart University Clinical APRN program and Assistant Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine at the New York Medical College.
Dr. Silverstein is the author of several books including a Board Review Study Guide used by Pediatric Residents preparing for their specialty certification.
Dr. Silverstein has experience providing medical consultation for plaintiffs, prosecutors, and defendants in civil, military and criminal cases. He is experienced in distinguishing between accidental and non – accidental injury, evaluating potential evidence of child neglect, and opining on the pediat...
Natalie Atwell, Ed.D
Ethics specialist for Mental Health
Natalie Atwell Counseling
Concord, North Carolina
Mental Health, Behavioral and Social Sciences
Ethics, sexual abuse, dissociative disorders, relationships, anxiety, sex trafficking , divorce, counselor ethical behaviors
Qualifications Summary
Doctorate of Education in Family Care and Counseling with experience as a
Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor and Professional School Counselor. Research includes school counseling and community mental health counseling. Highly organized, motivated, excellent communication skills, enjoys encouraging others to reach their potential.
Ed.D Family Care and Counseling, Liberty University, February, 2019
Master of Education, School Counseling, Liberty University, September 2005
Bachelor of Arts, Communication, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, December 2002.
Liberty University
Adjunct Faculty
Teach and facilitate graduate level courses in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling programs. Courses taught include: Professional Ethics, Human Growth and Development, Counseling Theories, and Supervision/Internship.
Concord/Natalie Atwell Counseling Associates and Mental Warrior Consulting
Kenneth J. Manges, Ph.D.
Dr. Kenneth Manges & Associates, Inc.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vocational Rehabilitation, Forensic Psychology
Wage Loss, Earning Capacity, TBI, Sexual trauma, sexual abuse, rape trauma, gender/sexual harassment, PTSD, Competency to stand trial, wrongful termination, will contests, Psychology, Dogs
Former President of the American Board of Vocational Experts. 30+ years’ experience as a retained expert witness. Testified as an expert witness more than 120 times including Hearings and Depositions in State, Federal and Military Matters.
American Board of Vocational Experts/Diplomate 1999. American Board of Professional Disability Consultants/ Diplomate 1995. Ohio Disability Evaluators Panel/ Certification 1990. Licensed Psychologist, Ohio, 1985 to present. Licensed Psychologist, West Virginia, 1978 to present. Experienced Public Speaker
Current practice includes:
•Vocational-wage loss consultation and psychological testimony for defense and plaintiff as well as testimony in spousal support exams.
•Evaluations to determine the vocational and emotional impact of intellectual, academic, cognitive (TBI) and emotional functioning post injury.
•Forensic exams to determine the effect of trauma (birth injury, physical trauma as well as cognitive difficulties due to a closed head i...
Pamela J. Miller, JD, MSW, LISW-S, LCSW
Child Abuse, PTSD, Award-Winning Expert
Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center (APSAC Policy Center)
Columbus, Ohio
Child Abuse, Mental Health
child torture, child mental health, child maltreatment, Child Protective Services, child custody, child fatality, Intrafamilial Child Torture, sexual abuse, foster care, psychological trauma, Complex-PTSD, mandated reporting, social work & social services standards of care, professional ethics
*Physically located in Cincinnati, Ohio; have worked throughout the U.S. and internationally.
*Miller's work was highlighted in People Magazine, Fox News, and Daily Mail- UK (links at
*Body of work on Intrafamilial Child Torture at
Pamela J. Miller is a forensic and clinical social worker and an attorney. Miller has been with the APSAC Center for Child Policy (recently rebranded as the Child Maltreatment Policy Resource Center) since 2019. She is a highly trained trauma specialist and has led the Center’s multi-year Intrafamilial Child Torture (ICT) initiative since its inception. This includes authoring the Center’s policy white papers and case studies on ICT, writing and publishing articles, conducting trainings for professionals in multiple disciplines, speaking at conferences and events, preparing amicus briefs, and serving as counsel for the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) in state ...
Virginia L. Rhodes, Ed.D.
School cases need a witness with eyes wide open.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Education & Schools, School Safety
schools, education, K-12, high school, middle school, school negligence, duty & standard of care, sexual abuse , supervision, principal, student injury, wrongful termination, standard of care, discipline, school culture, school injury, administration, teacher training, school safety, discrimination
35+ years in public education administration, teaching & policy: testifies on training & supervision of school personnel, abuse, discipline, discrimination, school accidents
Dr. Rhodes offers extensive experience on multiple aspects of school-related liability, both elementary and secondary for both plaintiffs and defense.
Dr. Rhodes is an exceptional analytical thinker and writer with keen insight, timely reports and compelling testimony.
Founding Principal of the largest public U.S. urban STEM high school (2008).
Founding Principal of the 1st environmental public high school in Ohio.
Policy--former elected School Board member in large urban district.
Skilled in school transformation, collaborative school design, leadership, experiential education, program design, school culture, discipline & multicultural education
Developer of a unique innovative "T2" teacher hiring process.
Articulate and engaging speaker on school policy, practice, and transformation.
Rhodes has tr...
Anthony B. Mann, D.Ed.
Recognized K-12 Education Expert
Principled Education Services, LLC
West Linn, Oregon
Education & Schools, School Safety
Educator Misconduct, School Bullying, Mandatory Reporting, Grooming, Sexual Abuse, Abuse & Neglect, Bus Safety, Student Conduct, Special Education, Playground Supervision, Campus Safety, Inter-Agency Engagement, School Harassment, School Violence Prevention, School-Based Mental Health Services
Superintendent | School Safety & Policy Expert | Expert Witness
Providing expert witness services from case inception through resolution across the United States and Canada. Determining the merit of a case, assisting with deposition focus and questioning, conducting file and deposition review and analysis, providing expert reports, and offering testimony at deposition and trial are some of the services provided. Providing quality comprehensive services for plaintiff and defendant attorneys in high-profile and complicated cases.
With 33+ years leading in K-12 education, Dr. Mann has overseen district operations in urban, suburban, and rural communities. Since 2012, he has served as Superintendent of Schools. With expertise in strategic planning, governance, and the development of safe and effective learning environments. Dr. Mann holds a Doctorate in Education (D.Ed.) from the University of Oregon, and has backg...
David T Springer, MD
Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Disability Evaluations, Peer Review, Independent Medical Examinations, Employment, Medical Record Review, Fitness for Duty, Medical Malpractice
I am a Board-Certified psychiatrist and have had extensive clinical and forensic psychiatric experience throughout my career. I have performed hundreds of forensic evaluations, including IMEs, disability determination, return to work and worker’s compensation evaluations. I have been an expert witness in dozens of cases involving civil litigation, including victims of sexual abuse and employment issues, as well as medical malpractice defense regarding plaintiff's claims of psychiatric injury. In the course of my career, I have been deposed multiple times and have also testified in court on a number of occasions.
I have been in private practice for over 30 years treating a wide variety of patients. In addition, I was a Residency Training Director for seven years, Medical Director of a psychiatric hospital for seven years, worked in two correctional facilities for three years and currently work in a Department of Veterans Affairs’ outpatient clinic. I have also taught Drexel U...
Anne Speckhard, Ph.D.
PTSD Trauma, Loss & Dissociation Expert
International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism
McLean, Virginia
Psychology, Forensic Psychology
Trauma, injury, sexual abuse, violent extremism, PTSD, terrorism, informed consent, abortion, pregnancy loss, family, child development, post traumatic stress, white supremacism, violence, work place violence, sexual harassment, dissociative disorder, loss, wrongful death, grief
Anne Speckhard, Ph.D., is Director of the International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism (ICSVE) and serves as an Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University School of Medicine. She is a seasoned expert witness and has testified internationally and nationally in Congress, federal courts, immigration and civil courts. As a researcher she has interviewed over 700 terrorists, violent extremists, their family members and supporters in various parts of the world including in Western Europe, the Balkans, Central Asia, the Former Soviet Union and the Middle East. In the past five years, she has in-depth psychologically interviewed over 270 ISIS defectors, returnees and prisoners as well as 16 al Shabaab cadres (and also interviewed their family members as well as ideologues) studying their trajectories into and out of terrorism, their experiences inside ISIS (and al Shabaab). She, with ICSVE, has also developed the Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter Narrative ...