Peer Review Expert Witnesses

Peer review expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on peer review. The peer review expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Architecture, Chiropractic, Chiropractic Neurology, Construction Defects, Cosmetic Surgery, Diagnostic Radiology, Emergency Medical Services, Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Foot & Ankle Surgery, Hand Surgery, Hospital Administration, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, and Medical Management.

Jason D. Toranto, MD FACS

Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery - Craniofacial Surgery, Facial Trauma, Facial Fractures, Cheek fracture, Cranioplasty, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Dog Bite, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Facial Injury, Jaw Fracture, Rhinoplasty, Wound care, Scar Revision, Scarring, Medical Staff, Peer Review
Dual Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Active Clinical Practice in San Diego, California taking trauma call at numerous hospitals. Educated at Stanford and University of Michigan and trained at University of Alabama at Birmingham, Duke University, and Children's Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California. Former Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine now in Private Practice. Named Top Doctor in San Diego Multiple Times. Continues to teach residents as a member of the North American AO Craniomaxillofacial Faculty. Actively engaged on Medical Staff Committees since 2015. Published on a wide variety of plastic surgery topics, including fat grafting, Craniofacial surgery and Reconstructive surgery. Experienced in plaintiff and defense expert cases in both State and Federal Court.

Phillip Beron, MD

Phoenix, Arizona
Radiation Oncology, Oncology - Radiation injury, quality assurance, radiation safety, delayed diagnosis, breast cancer, lung cancer, product liability, brain tumor, stereotactic radiosurgery, mesothelioma, prostate cancer, peer review, implant therapy, hospital safety, radiation side effect, cervix cancer, head and neck cancer
Phone: 310-709-4604 Email: Active Board Certified Radiation Oncologist with extensive teaching experience. Chair of a National Radiation Oncology Quality Assurance Committee (ASTRO). Former Chief Quality Officer Dept of Radiation Oncology UCLA. Former Quality Officer David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Former Chief Quality Officer CTCA Radiation Oncology. Current APEX accreditation site surveyor Extensive experience in evaluating or developing programs for hospital safety, patient safety, and peer review in Radiation Oncology. Elected by my peers for the Top Doctor Award multiple years. Expert witness experience for both plaintiff and defense. Able to explain complex cases to juries and attorneys in easily understood terms. Easily reachable. 310-709-4604 (cell)

Charlie Abraham

Abraham & Associates, LLC

LA VERNE, California
Sleep Medicine, Hospital Administration - Sleep Specialist, Sleep Apnea, Insomnia, Sleep Disordered-Breathing, Hospitalist, Internal Medicine, Healthcare Quality, Risk Management, High Reliability Organizations (HRO) Training, Diabetes, Preventive Care, Peer Review, Morbidity and Mortality, Medical Education, Medical Training, Utilization
I am an executive physician, double-Board certified in Internal Medicine and Sleep Medicine. I possess extensive leadership and educational experiences spanning over a decade of patient care and change management. I have supervised and trained Medical Students, Residents, and Fellows throughout my career as an academic and private Hospitalist and Sleep Medicine Expert.

Benjamin Cullen, DPM

Foot and Ankle Surgery, Podiatry

San Diego, California
Foot & Ankle Surgery, Podiatry - Standard of Care, Malpractice, Disability, Peer Review, Lower Extremity, Arthroscopy. Foot Pain, Foot Surgery, Foot and Ankle Fractures, Ankle Pain, Ankle Surgery, Tendon Tears, Arthritis, Bunions, Reconstructive surgery, trauma, sports medicine, arthritis, hammertoes
Dr. Cullen is a Foot and Ankle Specialist in private practice in San Diego, CA. He is board certified by the American Board of Foot and Ankle Surgery in both Foot and Reconstructive Rearfoot/Ankle Surgery. After completing his medical training at CSPM in 2010, Dr. Cullen was then accepted to a top residency program at Kaiser Hayward where he served as Chief Resident. He received comprehensive medical and surgical training by leaders in the field covering all variety of pathology in the foot and ankle. Thereafter, Dr. Cullen went into private practice in San Diego, and served as the Chief of Podiatric Medicine & Surgery at Scripps Mercy Hospital for 4 years. He has been the Program Director of the Scripps Mercy Podiatric Surgery Residency since 2020. Dr. Cullen is a Past President of the San Diego Podiatric Medical Society. He is a national lecturer with the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Corinne Deurdulian, MD

USC Dept. of Radiology

Los Angeles, California
Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology - Radiology, Diagnostic Radiology, Body Imaging, CT scan, CAT scan, MRI, Ultrasound, Xray, Biopsy, Drainage, Aspiration and Biopsy, Abdominal Imaging, PET-CT scan, Peer Review
Board-certified, fellowship-trained radiologist with 15+ years of experience. Former Chief of Imaging at large VA medical center. Recently Associate Professor at USC Keck School of Medicine practicing at large university hospital, cancer center, and LA County Medical Center. Now Associate Professor at UCLA Geffen School of Medicine. Experienced with procedures such as biopsies and drainages in addition to diagnostic radiology. Experienced lecturer at large national radiology meetings on various topics. Licensed in CA, TX, and NC.

Ian Ross Donald, MD

Obstetrics & Gynecology - breech delivery, cesarean, ectopic, abortion complications, fetal monitoring, gestational diabetes, vehicle accidents in pregnancy, OB Hospitalist practice, Peer Review, PostPartum Hemorrhage, Preeclampsia, TOLAC, Shoulder Dystoia, vacuum and Forceps Delivery, Preterm Labor
Board Certified by ABOG, Diplomate of American Board of OBGYN, Certified Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology by Quebec College of Physicians and Surgeons, Board Certified by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, FRCS(C) I have practiced obstetrics and gynecology for the past 49 years. The first 19 years included the teaching faculty at UCLA and Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I have worked in both city and rural facilities. In the last ten years I have specialized in hospital based obstetrics and gynecology. This includes care of women with high risk pregnancies requiring hospital care, labor and delivery of both low and high risk women, obstetrical emergencies, postpartum care and emergency department consultations and emergency gynecologic surgery. I have served as an expert witness for both defense and plaintiff for almost 40 years, including peer review, records review, expert witness reports, depositions, testimony at arbitration and in court. Areas of testim...

Bradley C. Hammerstrom, AIA, NCARB

The Diehl Group Architects, Inc.

Encinitas, California
Construction Defects, Architecture - Forensic Architecture, Destructive Testing, Site Inspections, Construction Defects, Building Envelope, Roofing, Fenestration, Waterproofing, Exterior Claddings, Construction Drawings, Contract Administration, Slip and Fall, Building Code, Peer Review, Quality Assurance, Testimony
25+ years experience in construction defect litigation support and expert witness services for plaintiff and defense attorneys. Experience includes field investigations, water intrusion analysis, construction installation sequencing, code analysis, development of repair solutions, trial preparation and expert witness testimony. Projects include residential, commercial, and high rise in California, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado and Texas (licensed in 5 states). Experience also includes traditional architectural services for projects involving repair or reconstruction: architectural design, production of construction documents and contract administration. Experience includes consulting for architects and developers to provide peer-review of drawings, quality assurance site observations, evaluation of in-progress construction for conformance to the construction drawings and specifications and workmanship standards. AIA - American Institute of Architects NCARB - National council of Archit...

Paul J. Marsh, DC, QME

Chiro Expert: Standard of Care & Malpractice

Paul J. Marsh Chiropractic Corporation

San Diego, California
Chiropractic, Physical Therapy - Chiropractic Fraud, Standard of Care, Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Malpractice, Medical Record Review, Forensic Chiropractic, Peer Review, Independent Medical Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluator, Regulatory Issues, Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury
WORK EXPERIENCE -  Arrowhead Evaluation Services QME, AME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Fresno Counties  Exam Works- QME, IME- San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles  Align Networks / One Call Care Management - Lead peer review physician for entire US  President / CFO- S.T.A.R. Centers - Physical Therapy Corporation: 2002 -2005  Private practice - Chiropractic & physical rehabilitation 1997 to present California Chiropractic Association- Workers' Compensation Committee Chairman 2023 -present UTILZATION & PEER REVIEW –  Align Networks  Broadspire  Geico  Medical Claims Evaluators  Medical Consultants Network  Medical Evaluation Specialists  MedView  North American Consultants  USAA  EXAM WORKS PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS & ACHIEVEMENTS -  Rehabilitation Nurse Coordinators Network - Executive Board of Directors  R.I.M.S.(SD Chapter Risk Mgmt Society) –Member / volunteer  San Diego Down Town Breakfast Rotary Club - 2006 to Present  San Die...

Anne Schmitt, MD

Venice, California
Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medical Services - Emergency Medical Malpractice, EMS, personal injury, medical chart record review, written report, pediatric emergency, head trauma, domestic violence/abuse, Ethics, Peer review, Urgent care, workman's comp, occupational medicine
I am a board certified Emergency Medicine physician with 11 years experience in clinical practice at many different types of hospitals in california, mainly in the Los Angeles area. I have worked at Government hospitals, HMOs (kaiser) as well as community hospitals, and have experience with adults, geriatrics and pediatrics. I was an EMT, ED technician and emergency medicine scribe prior to medical school. I also supervise training resident physicians at the Veterans Hospital as well as nurse practicioners and physician assistants in the community. I have been on the LA Superior Court's panel of Expert Witnesses since 2018, I have been retained in over 25 cases and testified at trial on three occasions, most recently in June 2022. I have worked on cases for Defense as well as civil cases and am comfortable working with plaintiff and defense.

Robert J. Spencer, DPM, FACFAS

Expedient Medicolegal Services

Gardena, California
Foot & Ankle Surgery, Podiatry - IME, Fitness for Duty, Trauma, Accident, Personal Injury, Chronic Pain, Standard of Care, Malpractice, Disability, Peer Review, Lower Extremity, Arthroscopy
Robert J. Spencer, DPM, FACFAS, QME is a board certified second-generation adult and pediatric foot & ankle specialist born and raised in Orange County, CA. He spent many years shadowing his father in his private practice in Southern California. Early in his career, he developed his leadership skills serving as class president for his entire 4 years at Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine in Philadelphia. Dr. Spencer was then accepted to a top residency program at Kaiser Permanente Northbay Consortium in northern California where he received extensive medical and surgical training for infants, children, and adults. After completing his residency, Dr. Spencer joined White Memorial Medical Group, Inc. (a multi-specialty group), where he took call for the emergency department for all foot and ankle problems, including trauma. During his time at White Memorial he served as the assistant residency director and clerkship director of the Foot & Ankle Surgery Residency program as ...

Joseph W. Stengel, DO

Diagnostic Radiology, Ultrasound - Abdominal imaging, general radiology, breat imaging, mammography, body imaging, ultrasound, obstetric ultrasound, CT, MRI, gastrointestinal imaging, biopsy and drainage, case review, peer review, file review, case merit evaluation
ABR board-certified, fellowship-trained Diagnostic Radiologist licensed in Washington and California. 11 years of experience as expert witness. Former Department Chair and Chief of Staff at a high-volume community teaching hospital practicing all aspects of general radiology including CT, US, MRI, nuclear medicine, radiography, mammography and nonvascular interventional procedures. Extensive experience with spine imaging and image-guided pain management. Subspecialty interest, academic appointment, and publications in abdominal imaging and ultrasound. Former Assistant Clinical Professor in Section of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology at UCSF. Recognition for teaching excellence. Actively involved in hospital quality, utilization review and peer review activities.

Charles E Stoopack, MD

Carlsbad, California
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Birth injuries, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Cerebral Palsy, Fetal Monitoring, Labor Management, Shoulder Dystocia, Obstetrical Complications, Vacuum and Forceps Deliveries, VBAC, GYN Surgery Injuries, Operative Laparoscopy, Peer Review, General OB/GYN, Motor Vehicle Accidents during Pregnancy
Assistant Professor/Health Sciences Clinical Instructor UCSD Medical School. Recipient of The Excellence in Teaching Award in 2018. Named as a "Top Doctor" in 2004 San Diego Magazine and 1999 "Guide to Top Doctors," both as selected by physician peers. Board Certified, Fellow ACOG. Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society at New York Medical College. Jury friendly, articulate, credible and honest.

Jason D. Toranto, MD FACS

San Diego, California
Plastic Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery - Craniofacial Surgery, Facial Trauma, Facial Fractures, Cheek fracture, Cranioplasty, Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Dog Bite, Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Facial Injury, Jaw Fracture, Rhinoplasty, Wound care, Scar Revision, Scarring, Medical Staff, Peer Review
Dual Board Certified Plastic Surgeon in Active Clinical Practice in San Diego, California taking trauma call at numerous hospitals. Educated at Stanford and University of Michigan and trained at University of Alabama at Birmingham, Duke University, and Children's Hospital Los Angeles/University of Southern California. Former Assistant Professor at University of California, Irvine now in Private Practice. Named Top Doctor in San Diego Multiple Times. Continues to teach residents as a member of the North American AO Craniomaxillofacial Faculty. Actively engaged on Medical Staff Committees since 2015. Published on a wide variety of plastic surgery topics, including fat grafting, Craniofacial surgery and Reconstructive surgery. Experienced in plaintiff and defense expert cases in both State and Federal Court.

Wayne M Whalen, DC, QME

Santee, California
Chiropractic, Chiropractic Neurology - Chiropractic Fraud, Standard of Care, Chiropractic Case Review, Chiropractic Malpractice, Medical Record Review, Forensic Chiropractic, Peer Review, Independent Medical Evaluation, Qualified Medical Evaluator, Regulatory Issues, Criminal Case Chiropractic, Personal Injury
Past President, California Chiropractic Association Past Chair, Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters Fellow, International Academy of Chiropractic Neurology Fellow, International College of Chiropractors Qualified Medical Evaluator Reviewed hundreds of files though peer review in PI cases, continuing education provider for the California Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the Division of Workers Compensation, on topics including documentation, disability evaluation and treatment guidelines. Co-author of peer reviewed published treatment guidelines for chiropractic care of low back injuries; Expert Consultant for the Board of Examiners since 2008.

Holly H Shen, MD FACOG

Detailed OBGYN Reviews and Testimony FAST!

MedIT Consulting LLC

Lafayette, Colorado
Obstetrics & Gynecology - Obstetrics, Quality, Safety, Inpatient Obstetrics, High Reliability, Peer Review, Standard of care, Best Practice, Ablation, Childbirth, Delivery, Fetal, Maternal, Heart Tracing, Cesarean, C-section, RCA, Liability, Midwife, Birth
Unique qualification in Obstetric Quality, Safety, High Reliability, Physician quality and safety metrics, Peer Review, RCA support, standard of care, best practice. Also experienced in Physician Engagement, Department Chair education and Medical Directorship. Electronic Health Record clinical support.

Fiaz A Jaleel, MD

Personalized Medicine Consultants

Jacksonville, Florida
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine - IME, Spine, Injury, MVA, Medical Malpractice, Expert Witness, Joint, Personal Injury, Slip & Fall, Maritime Injury, Medical Chart Review, Muscle, No Fault, DUI, Pain Management, Peer Review, Brain, PIP, Domestic Violence, Chronic Pain
37 years of medical experience. Graduate of The University of the West Indies, School of Medicine 1987. Internship at Port of Spain General Hospital, Trinidad & Tobago 1987-1989. House Officer, Radiology 1989-1991. District Medical Officer 1991-1996. Internship, Internal Medicine, St. Francis Hospital, Evanston, IL 1996-1997. Residency, PMR, Barnes Jewish Hospital/Washington University St. Louis, MO 1997-2000. Avera Sacred Heart Hospital, Medical Director, Rehab Unit 2002-2004. Orthopedics private practice group, Joliet, IL 2005-2006. Private practice, personal injury, chronic pain management in FL 2006-present. Independent Medical Exams 2018-present. Interested in expert witness work, maritime injuries, DUI defense, domestic violence. Willing to travel. Willing to testify. Willing to participate in depositions.

Peter A Marzek, MD, FACS

Tavares, Florida
Plastic Surgery, Cosmetic Surgery - Breast Augmentation, Breastlift (Mastopexy), Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty), Facelift, Browlift, Blepharoplasty, Liposuction and Laser Liposuction, Abdominoplasty, Brachioplasty, Fillers and Botox, Trauma, Scars, Skin Cancer, Melanoma, Medical Staff issues, Bylaws issues, Peer Review
I have served as an expert witness/consultant in plastic surgery for the Department of Health/Florida Board of Medicine since 2008, reviewing both reconstructive and cosmetic cases. I have extensive experience with Medical Staff issues, and have been on Medical Executive Committees for most of my 29 years of practice. I have served as Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, and Secretary/treasurer of the Medical Staff, as well as Behavioral Committee Chair and Medical Review Committee chair. I have extensive Medical Staff Bylaws experience, serving as Bylaws Chair at two separate hospitals for many years. I performed a fellowship in Aesthetic Surgery at Washington University in St Louis, after completing both general surgery and plastic surgery residencies. I am Board Certified in Plastic Surgery and actively participate in MOC for Plastics, and was Board Certified in General Surgery (though no longer keep the General Surgery Boards active).

Arnold J. Weil, MD

Non-Surgical Orthopaedics

Coral Gables, Florida
Pain Management - Medicine, Orthopedics - Non-Surgical - Non-Surgical oOrthopedics, Pain Management, Back Pain, Spinal Injections, Musculoskeletal, Disability, Peer Review, PM&R, Spine Care, Neck Pain, Case Reviews, Depositions, Trial Testimony, Impairment, Plaintiff & Defense, Research
Arnold J. Weil, M.D. founded the medical practice of Non-Surgical Orthopaedics P.C. in 1993, and has served as CEO for 30 years , including healthcare consulting and as a medical expert witness. A diplomat of the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Non-Surgical Orthopaedics is one of the premier orthopaedic practices in the metro Atlanta area. An active lecturer, Dr. Weil speaks nationally and internationally on the nonsurgical management of back and neck pain as well as new advances in pain management. As an clinical practitioner in Atlanta, Georgia, , Dr. Weil developed an extensive medical center complete with patient care, a clinical research facility, diagnostic imaging and MRI, and an outpatient surgical center for interventional spine injections. The practice has grown to include multiple physicians and healthcare providers, additional satellite offices surrounding Atlanta, and a variety of ancillary services including an in-house pharmacy, regenerat...

Ian Ross Donald, MD

Boise, Idaho
Obstetrics & Gynecology - breech delivery, cesarean, ectopic, abortion complications, fetal monitoring, gestational diabetes, vehicle accidents in pregnancy, OB Hospitalist practice, Peer Review, PostPartum Hemorrhage, Preeclampsia, TOLAC, Shoulder Dystoia, vacuum and Forceps Delivery, Preterm Labor
Board Certified by ABOG, Diplomate of American Board of OBGYN, Certified Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology by Quebec College of Physicians and Surgeons, Board Certified by Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, FRCS(C) I have practiced obstetrics and gynecology for the past 49 years. The first 19 years included the teaching faculty at UCLA and Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I have worked in both city and rural facilities. In the last ten years I have specialized in hospital based obstetrics and gynecology. This includes care of women with high risk pregnancies requiring hospital care, labor and delivery of both low and high risk women, obstetrical emergencies, postpartum care and emergency department consultations and emergency gynecologic surgery. I have served as an expert witness for both defense and plaintiff for almost 40 years, including peer review, records review, expert witness reports, depositions, testimony at arbitration and in court. Areas of testim...

Mark S Balderston, DC, FPSC, CCIC, FICC

Balderston Chiropractic

Shawnee, Kansas
Chiropractic - Expert Witness, Malpractice, Informed Consent, Standards of Care, Chiropractic, Medical Records Review, Stroke, Carotid Artery Dissection, Vertebral Artery Dissection, Peer Review, Manipulation, Chiropractic Adjustment, Scope of Practice, Improper Documentation, Insurance Fraud, Ethics
Board Member, Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. Certified Chiropractic Insurance Consultant. Fellow, Primary Spine Care in a joint partnership with The State University of New York at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Office of Continuing Education and Cleveland University-Kansas City, College of Chiropractic. Mini-Fellowship in Neuroradiology MRI Spine Interpretation, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Office of Continuing Education and Cleveland University-Kansas City, College of Chiropractic. Mini-Fellowship in MSK Extremity Imagaging, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Office of Continuing Education and Cleveland University-Kansas City, College of Chiropractic. Mini-Fellowship in Advanced MRI Spine Pathology, The State University of New York at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Office of Continuing Educat...

Susan A Abookire, BSEE, MD, MPH

Boston, Massachusetts
Medical Management, Internal Medicine - Hospital Liability, Hospital Negligence, Hospital Administration, Peer Review, Delayed Diagnosis, Missed Diagnosis, EMTALA, Sepsis, Falls, Sexual Assault, Infection Prevention, Credentialing, Privileging, Anticoagulation, Wrong Site Surgery, Medication Error, Safe Discharge
Award winning and highly experienced patient safety physician executive. 20+ years of Hospital and Health System Administration Experience including Chief Quality Officer for 1,900 bed and 4,000 physician healthcare system. Founder and Former President of Society of Physician Quality Officers. Co-Founder and Senior Advisor: Harvard Medical School Quality and Patient Safety Fellowship. 20+ Years’ experience overseeing quality, patient safety, and developing procedures, policies, clinical guidelines and protocols. National and international teaching experience. Harvard educate and trained. Harvard Faculty. Past Vice-President, Board of Directors, Massachusetts Coalition for the Prevention of Medical Error. Extensive experience in developing programs for hospital quality, patient safety, and peer review and addressing issues such as Joint Commission Standards, Regulatory Quality Requirements, DNV Standards, Credentialing and Privileging, Medical Ethics, Infection Prevent...

Tushar R Shah, MD, MHA

Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute

Flint, Michigan
Radiation Oncology, Oncology - Radiation Oncology, Oncology, Breast cancer, lung cancer, brain tumor, stereotactic radiosurgery, prostate cancer, gynecological cancer, head and neck cancer, lymphoma, gastrointestinal cancer, Radiation injury, peer review, implant therapy, radiation side effects
I am Board Certified (American Board of Radiology) in Radiation Oncology and in active clinical practice since 2003. I utilize Standards of Care and National Published Guidelines in my clinical practice in oncology. I am available to provide medical chart review, narrative reports, consultation/testimony for plaintiffs and defense.

Raymond G. Decker, Jr., MD

Central Jersey Hand Surgery

Eatontown, New Jersey
Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery - Hand Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Hand Trauma, Hand Arthritis, Medical File Reviews, Disability Reviews, Certified Independent Medical Exams, Peer Review, Independent Medical Examinations
Board Certified in orthopedic surgery with certification of added qualification in hand surgery. Fellow of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and American College of Surgeons. American Board of Independent Medical Examiners with Certified Independent Medical Examiner. Thirty years of active clinical practice of problems related to the upper extremity. Licensed in New Jersey, Florida, and Pennsylvania.

Bryan E Kurtz, MD

Ellis Hospital - Emergency Med.

Saratoga Springs, New York
Emergency Medicine - Medical and Trauma Emergencies, EMTALA, Peer Review, Chest Pain, Airway Emergencies, Quality Assurance, Critical Care Medicine, Moderate Sedation, Child Abuse, Emergency Medicine Standards of Care, Patient Transfers
Bryan Kurtz MD is actively board certified in Emergency Medicine, having been so since 1998. He is as well residency trained in Internal Medicine. His current practice is entirely in the area of clinical Emergency Medicine at the present time. He as well practiced as a hospitalist 1998-2005. His administrative experience includes having served as the director for a nursing home facility as well as the interim director for a busy emergency department with a 27,000 annual volume. Dr. Kurtz as well has had extensive Quality Assurance and Peer Review experience having served on these hospital committees for over 10 years. He continues in an ongoing teaching capacity, instructing Family Practice residents clinically in the Emergency Department.

Amber Bowman, MD, PhD

Hillsborough, North Carolina
Hospitalist, Internal Medicine - Board Certified Internal Medicine, Hospital Medicine, Hospitalist, Internist, Inpatient Medicine, Documentation, POCUS, Peer Review, Teaching Hospital, Residents, Supervising Physician
Board-certified Internal Medicine, Hospitalist > 10 years, Teaching hospitalist, Supervising physician, Assistant Professor of Medicine, COVID-19 experience, test interpretation, risk assessment. Expertise in point-of-care ultrasound Protected peer review committee representative for hospital medicine; Evaluate and provide feedback to physicians on medical decisions. Independent cases reviewer at IMEDECS and Kepro since 2016. Medical Utilization Review.

Kevin Joseph, MD, MBA, CPE, FACHE

Healthcare Executive: Hospital CEO, CMO, CCO

Tulsa, Oklahoma
Hospital Administration, Medical Management - Healthcare Administration, Safety, Quality, Reliability, Executive Leadership, Credentialing, Medical Staff, EMS, Performance Improvement, Emergency Medicine, Management, EMTALA, Peer Review
Dr. Kevin Joseph is a physician executive with experience in academic and community hospital settings as both a physician and a healthcare executive. His unique and diverse background combines operational and clinical experience with degrees in business and engineering to solve problems, develop efficient operations, and lead complex organizations. Dr. Joseph currently serves as a Market Chief Clinical Officer of one of the largest healthcare systems in the country and has served as a system Chief Medical Officer where he created the Insitute for Safety, Reliability, and Performance Improvement. For more than 15 years, he has been intimately involved in safety, quality, physician credentialing, and hospital accreditation. Previously, he served as a senior vice-president of a system responsible for the operations and clinical outcomes of its three hospitals. This was preceded by a tenure as a hospital President & CEO, where he led the executive team in driving the hospital to top...

James R Kopp, MD

James R. Kopp, MD, PC

Cove, Oregon
Orthopedic Surgery - Spine and spine surgery, Malpractice, Case reviews, Sports medicine, Disability, Peer review, General orthopedic surgery, Orthopedics non-surgical, Joint replacement, IMEs, Disability evaluation
I am a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon in private practice with 31 years of civilian and 8 years of military (4 Residency and 4 Staff) experience in Orthopedic Surgery. I have developed an interest in IME and Legal Expert examinations due to my interest in teaching, which is what I view the role of an expert. I have attended the SEAK conference on expert testimony, the AMA course on IMEs and currently spend about 80% of my practice time "Forensic Orthopedics," i.e. IMEs and legal expert testimony. I am licensed in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Arizona, and Alaska. I am an experienced expert witness.

W. Anthony Gerard, MD, FACEP, FAAFP

Highly Experienced Expert in EM, Urgent Care, FM

Palmyra, Pennsylvania
Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine - Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, Urgent Care, Family Physicians in Emergency Medicine, Rural Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine Workforce, Physician Credentialing, Criminal Defense Cases, Emergency Medicine Malpractice, Insurance Reviews, Peer Review
URGENT CARE, FAMILY MEDICINE, EMERGENCY MEDICINE Full time clinician and assistant clinical professor. Prompt and professional expert on the standard of care for family medicine, urgent care and emergency medicine. Reasonable rates, and expedited reviews when necessary: I'm always willing to discuss a case without obligation. Published author on family physicians in emergency medicine; workforce and credentialing issues in EM. Full-time practice of EM, part time urgent care, Family practice trained emergency physician; broad scope of practice that includes the initial management of most clinical conditions. Some Key terms for searching : sore throat, peritonsilar abscess, mastoiditis, allergic reaction, glacoma, eye injury, loss of vision, double vision, vertigo, cerebellar, anaphylaxis, airway management, failure to intubate, arrythmias, chest injury, trauma, pneumonia, pneumothorax, chest pain, heart disease, other myocardial diseases, pericardial tamponade, pulmonary ...

David T Springer, MD

Newtown Square, Pennsylvania
Psychiatry - Psychiatry, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Disability Evaluations, Peer Review, Independent Medical Examinations, Employment, Medical Record Review, Fitness for Duty, Medical Malpractice
I am a Board-Certified psychiatrist and have had extensive clinical and forensic psychiatric experience throughout my career. I have performed hundreds of forensic evaluations, including IMEs, disability determination, return to work and worker’s compensation evaluations. I have been an expert witness in dozens of cases involving civil litigation, including victims of sexual abuse and employment issues, as well as medical malpractice defense regarding plaintiff's claims of psychiatric injury. In the course of my career, I have been deposed multiple times and have also testified in court on a number of occasions. I have been in private practice for over 30 years treating a wide variety of patients. In addition, I was a Residency Training Director for seven years, Medical Director of a psychiatric hospital for seven years, worked in two correctional facilities for three years and currently work in a Department of Veterans Affairs’ outpatient clinic. I have also taught Drexel U...

Joseph W. Stengel, DO

Aberdeen, Washington
Diagnostic Radiology, Ultrasound - Abdominal imaging, general radiology, breat imaging, mammography, body imaging, ultrasound, obstetric ultrasound, CT, MRI, gastrointestinal imaging, biopsy and drainage, case review, peer review, file review, case merit evaluation
ABR board-certified, fellowship-trained Diagnostic Radiologist licensed in Washington and California. 11 years of experience as expert witness. Former Department Chair and Chief of Staff at a high-volume community teaching hospital practicing all aspects of general radiology including CT, US, MRI, nuclear medicine, radiography, mammography and nonvascular interventional procedures. Extensive experience with spine imaging and image-guided pain management. Subspecialty interest, academic appointment, and publications in abdominal imaging and ultrasound. Former Assistant Clinical Professor in Section of Abdominal Imaging, Department of Radiology at UCSF. Recognition for teaching excellence. Actively involved in hospital quality, utilization review and peer review activities.