Fall Protection Expert Witnesses
Fall protection expert witnesses and consultants listed here may be able to form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, provide expert witness testimony at deposition and/or trial as or serve as consulting (non-testifying) experts on fall protection. The fall protection expert witness listings on this page are typically from fields/areas of expertise such as: Civil Engineering, Construction, Engineering, Industrial Hygiene, OSHA, Premises Liability, Risk Management, Safety, Slip Trip & Fall, and Structural Engineering.
Lamar T. Hawkins, PE, JD
PEG, Inc.
Birmingham, Alabama
Engineering, Premises Liability
Civil Engineering, Fall Protection, Construction, Analysis, Industrial Safety including OSHA and NFPA. See www.peginc.biz for Structural Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geo technical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
PEG, Inc. offers consultation and expert testimony in many specialized areas, such as the following:
Accident Reconstruction & Investigations
Building Codes
Concrete Failures
Construction & Environmental
Construction Equipment Accidents
Construction Safety & Related Codes
Cooling Towers & Hydraulics
Electrical Engineering
Excavation, Blasting & Trenching
Exhibit Reconstruction & Investigations
Fall Protection
Highway & Transportation Problems
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgy & Welding / Failure Studies
OSHA Issues
Paints, Coatings & Lead Abatement
Premise Liability
Product Failure & Liability Issues
Safety Issues (Construction, Industrial & Product)
Slips, Trips & Falls
Software Engineering Studies
Structural Steel & Building Failure Studies
Mark Clinton, MBA, ARM
Insurance Safety - 40 years in practice - 80P/20D
Decisive MGMT
Premises Liability, Risk Management
Slips trips & falls, Fairs & theme parks, Roofing, Electrical, OSHA, Risk Management, Amusement / zip lines, Premises Liability, Life Safety, NFPA, ASSP, Worker's Compensation, Construction, Scaffolding, Lockout tagout, Arc flash, Retail, Excavation, Fall protection, Environmental
Mark Clinton, MBA, ARM. Workplace accidents, Premises, General Liability. Qualitative Risk Management (1985-date), P & C Insurance loss control (1989-date), Arkansas Insurance Department, Risk Management Division, 1985-1989.
In active expert practice since January 2017 with 32 retentions & 10 depositions (FEB 2025), work ratio is roughly 80/20, plaintiff to defendant. All reports are written to Federal guidelines using conclusion, basis and reason and are painstakingly researched, when needed. No work is done by others.
Zipline Safety - Association of Challenge Course Technology (member) & Professional Ropes Course Association (member), familiar with ANSI & ASTM application and changes on waiver language using Kuchta v. Opco.
OSHA authorized outreach trainer for construction & general industry since 2000. General contractor safety director, 2014-2016 & OSHA compliance for boat manufacturer; experience in construction from general contractors to all subs. ASSE 25-year mem...
Stanford R Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC
Raising the Standard Consulting (USA) Inc.
Safety, OSHA
Construction, Mining, Workplace Inspections, Crane, Rigging, EM 385-1-1, First Aid/CPR/AED, General Industry, Accident Investigation, Safety Training, Compliance, Workplace Conditions, Fall Protection, Powered Industrial Trucks, Machine Guarding, Excavation, Trenching, Scaffolds, Multi-Employer
Stanford R. Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC, has over 30 years of experience managing safety and health for various projects.
He has been involved with multiple construction safety/OSHA cases as an expert witness.
A sampling of the expert witness cases he has been involved with include:
• Workplace injury at refinery construction project.
• Worker fatally electrocuted during a paving incident.
• Construction training and safety standards for power tool injury.
Safety and Slip Trip & Fall, EM 385-1-1, OSHA, (SSHO), Competent Person, First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Trainer, Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) designation with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Safety and Health Professional (CSHP) in the State of Hawaii.
Construction and General Industry, Accident Investigation, Fall Protection, Forklift, Aerial Lift, Boom Lift, Scissor Lift, Machine Guarding, Amputation, Struck By, Caught Between, Scaffold, Ladder, Roofing Safety, Amputation, Excavation/T...
Gary L. Buffington, MS, AA, BS, CSP, CRSP
American Safety Consulting
Santa Clarita, California
OSHA, Construction
Accident Reconstruction, Personal Injury/Wrongful Death, Crane/Hoist & Rigging, Safety Training Plans, JHA/JSA, Confined Space, Fall Protection, Machinery Guarding, Ladders/Scaffolds, Forklifts/Scissor Lifts, Safety Codes/Regulatory Compliance, Audits, Mining, MSHA, HAZCOM, EM 385-1-1, ANSI
Mr. Buffington offers a unique combination of formal education, special training and project based technical experience in completing mega-projects valued at 20 billion dollars with over 12 million worker hours and safety statistics below half of the respective national averages and no fatalities. He is a CSP (US) & CRSP (Canada) by exam, licensed Private Investigator, former Federal Supervisory Special Investigator and MSHA federal Mine Inspector, Deputy Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff Criminal Investigator, approved OSHA 29 CFR Trainer Parts 1910 & 1926, approved MSHA 30 CFR trainer for surface & Underground coal and metal/non-metal mines. ASSE 2001 Safety Profession of the Year for Construction Practice Specialty & ASSE 2003 -2004 Safety Professional of the Year for Mining Practice Specialty.
Kimberly Fulford, SMP, CHST
Port St Lucie, Florida
OSHA, Safety
slip trip & fall, boom lift, aerial lift, ladder, occupational safety & health, MEWP, fall protection, scissor lift, work zone, traffic, OSHA, excavation, scaffold, lockout/tagout, electrical shock, confined space
Experienced Safety Professional (19 years) in multiple industries. Construction experience (12 years) - laborer, carpenter, and ironworker. Experience in safety/OSHA compliance and training in 1910 General Industry and 1926 Construction standards. Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) and Safety Management Professional (SMP). American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Professional Member. Actively working as a safety professional.
Safety responsibilities and training include fall protection to lockout/tagout, OSHA accident investigations, aerial/scissor lift training, and safety oversight. Trained as an expert witness with SEAK.
American Society of Safety Professionals
Board of Certified Safety Professionals
National Safety Council
Laurel A Wimmerstedt
Construction Safety
LAW Construction Safety Consultants
Safety, Construction
OSHA, Accident, Workers Compensation, Risk Managment, Safety Training, Safety, Fall Protection, Catastrophic Injury, Struck By, Amputation, Scaffolding, Personal Protective Equipment, Fall Prevention, Multi-Employer, Citations, Work Zone Safety, Cranes, Slip Trips Falls, Personal Lifts
Over 30 years experience in construction safety, OSHA Outreach trainer since 1999, and consultant on major construction projects throughout the United States. Currently working with large General Contractors, subcontracting companies and water treatment facilities. Have been a part of over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations for multiple clients. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation.
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Slip, Trip, Falls
• Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)
• Hand Tool Safety
• Heavy Construction Equipment back over, run over, and struck by
• High Visibility Safety Apparel
• OSHA Whistle Blower protections for safety related matters
• Respirator ...
David Wright, CSP, CSHO
OSHA & Workplace Safety Expert
Titusville, Florida
Safety, OSHA
Occupational Health & Safety, Confined Space, Excavation, Water Treatment Plants, Wastewater Treatment Plants, Lockout/Tagout, Hazard Communication, Machine Guarding, Fall Protection, Amputation, Electrical Safety, NFPA 70e, Water, Wastewater, Tilt Wall
As a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), a certified safety and health official (CSHO), and over 30 years of experience, I have managed and led the implementation of the safety and risk management programs of some of the largest companies in the United States.
I am also an authorized OSHA outreach trainer for both the construction and general industry. I am recognized for contributing to developing and maintaining "world-class" safety cultures in diverse sectors such as construction, landscaping, water, wastewater, transportation, and municipal solid waste services.
Instructor for Region 1 OSHA Training Institute for over 9 years, teaching the OSHA standards and technical topics for general industry and construction. I have been a lead instructor for Confined Space, Excavation, and OSHA Train the Trainer courses (500, 501, 502, & 503).
Experienced in:
Safety training requirements, failure to train, and inadequate training matters;
Occupational safety & health regulations, poli...
Kimberly Fulford, SMP, CHST
OSHA, Safety
slip trip & fall, boom lift, aerial lift, ladder, occupational safety & health, MEWP, fall protection, scissor lift, work zone, traffic, OSHA, excavation, scaffold, lockout/tagout, electrical shock, confined space
Experienced Safety Professional (19 years) in multiple industries. Construction experience (12 years) - laborer, carpenter, and ironworker. Experience in safety/OSHA compliance and training in 1910 General Industry and 1926 Construction standards. Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) and Safety Management Professional (SMP). American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) Professional Member. Actively working as a safety professional.
Safety responsibilities and training include fall protection to lockout/tagout, OSHA accident investigations, aerial/scissor lift training, and safety oversight. Trained as an expert witness with SEAK.
American Society of Safety Professionals
Board of Certified Safety Professionals
National Safety Council
Laurel A Wimmerstedt
Construction Safety
LAW Construction Safety Consultants
Acworth, Georgia
Safety, Construction
OSHA, Accident, Workers Compensation, Risk Managment, Safety Training, Safety, Fall Protection, Catastrophic Injury, Struck By, Amputation, Scaffolding, Personal Protective Equipment, Fall Prevention, Multi-Employer, Citations, Work Zone Safety, Cranes, Slip Trips Falls, Personal Lifts
Over 30 years experience in construction safety, OSHA Outreach trainer since 1999, and consultant on major construction projects throughout the United States. Currently working with large General Contractors, subcontracting companies and water treatment facilities. Have been a part of over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations for multiple clients. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation.
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Slip, Trip, Falls
• Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)
• Hand Tool Safety
• Heavy Construction Equipment back over, run over, and struck by
• High Visibility Safety Apparel
• OSHA Whistle Blower protections for safety related matters
• Respirator ...
Stanford R Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC
Raising the Standard Consulting (USA) Inc.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Safety, OSHA
Construction, Mining, Workplace Inspections, Crane, Rigging, EM 385-1-1, First Aid/CPR/AED, General Industry, Accident Investigation, Safety Training, Compliance, Workplace Conditions, Fall Protection, Powered Industrial Trucks, Machine Guarding, Excavation, Trenching, Scaffolds, Multi-Employer
Stanford R. Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC, has over 30 years of experience managing safety and health for various projects.
He has been involved with multiple construction safety/OSHA cases as an expert witness.
A sampling of the expert witness cases he has been involved with include:
• Workplace injury at refinery construction project.
• Worker fatally electrocuted during a paving incident.
• Construction training and safety standards for power tool injury.
Safety and Slip Trip & Fall, EM 385-1-1, OSHA, (SSHO), Competent Person, First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Trainer, Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) designation with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Safety and Health Professional (CSHP) in the State of Hawaii.
Construction and General Industry, Accident Investigation, Fall Protection, Forklift, Aerial Lift, Boom Lift, Scissor Lift, Machine Guarding, Amputation, Struck By, Caught Between, Scaffold, Ladder, Roofing Safety, Amputation, Excavation/T...
Michael P. Lawler, MS, CSP, ASP, CHST
Safewit, Inc.
Orland Park, Illinois
OSHA, Construction
Struck by Equipment, back over, Fall Protection, Multi-Emplyer, Fall Prevention, slip trip & fall, aerial lift, crush, Scaffold, Work Zone, MUTCD, Crane, Steel Erection, Excavation, Silica, Lead, Tunnel, Confined Space, MEWP, scissor lift
Over 30 years as a safety executive and OSHA compliance manager, trainer, advisor, and leader on major construction projects throughout the USA. Expert at applying OSH Act of 1970 standards, regulations, policies, and Letter of Interpretation. Experience includes over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation. Extensive experience and expertise in MUTCD Traffic Controls and rules.
• Liability Assessment & Contractor Duty of Care
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Crane Safety, Critical Pick Planning, & Rigging
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Dive/Underwater Operations
• EM-385 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
• Excavation, Trenching, & Soil Mechanics
• Slip, Trip, Falls, Stirs & Floor Safety Certi...
Andy Nieto, CSP, CHST
Safety Litigation Services LLC
Saint Charles, Illinois
Safety, OSHA
Safety Liability Expert, Construction Safety, Industrial Safety, Multi-Employer work site, OSHA regulations, Accident investigation, Cranes and Rigging, Electrical, Lock out/Tag out, Trenching and Excavation, Ladders/Stairs, Slips, Trips, Falls, Confined Space, Fall Protection, Welding, Demolition
Mr. Nieto is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST). His work is performed in support of safety liability matters pertaining to both the construction and industrial sectors. He has investigated, analyzed, and prepared professional opinions in over 350 safety matters, and has offered testimony on over 70 occasions in jurisdictions nationwide.
Adam Birchfield, CSP, CHST
A & A Safety Consulting
Hanover, Indiana
Fall Protection, EM385-1.1, OSHA and ANSI Standards, Scaffolds, Accident Investigation, General Contractor requirements, Crane Accidents, Steel Erection, Multi-employer Worksites, Excavations & Trenching, Slips, trips, and Falls, Effective Safety training, failure to train, and Inadequate training
Seasoned Safety and Health Professional with experience in managing complex safety operations across diverse industries, including construction, general industry, chemical plants, military, and federal projects. My career spans roles as a Safety Specialist with the US Army Corps of Engineers, where I managed safety program elements, conducted hazard assessments, and provided critical training to personnel at all levels. Contributions also extend to the EM385.1.1 update for the Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters, highlighting my technical decision-making abilities and leadership skills.
• In-Depth Expertise: I have comprehensive knowledge of OSHA regulations, standards, and policies, honed through years of practical experience and continuous professional development.
• Versatility: My background encompasses diverse safety areas, including fall protection, scaffolding, crane safety, excavation, accident investigation, and more.
• Proven Record: I have been retained a...
Bart J Leist, CSP
Triad Safety
Louisville, Kentucky
Safety, OSHA
Accident Investigation, Safety Programs, Lockout, tagout, Machine Guarding, Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Respiratory Protection, Personal Protective Equipment, Powered Industrial Trucks, Forklifts, Aerial Lifts, Scissor Lifts, General Industry, Construction, and Manufacturing
SEAK Certificate of Completion for Running an Expert Witness Practice.
Certified Safety Professional.
35 years in safety & health management.
24 years in safety consulting.
Authorized OSHA Construction Outreach Trainer.
United States Marine Corps Reserve, Retired, Rank of Major.
Marine Corps Infantry Officer.
Safety Director at Colgate-Palmolive.
Safety Specialist at Phillip Morris.
Year 2000, started Compass Safety. Providing safety consulting services to General Industry and Construction companies.
Duties included evaluating, improving, and implementing safety & health programs.
Experienced in conducting OSHA compliance audits, hazard assessments, accident investigations, safety inspections, employee safety training, lockout / tagout procedures, and Safety Director duties and responsibilities.
Mark Franklin
OSHA Occupational Safety Expert Witness
Cove Acre Corp
Somerset, Massachusetts
Safety, OSHA
Construction Safety, General Industry Safety, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, Confined Space Entry, Fall Protection, Slips, Trips, and Falls, Hazard Communication (Chemical), Fork Lift, Respiratory Protection, Machine Guarding, Aerial Lift Safety, Roofing Safety
Highly experienced workplace safety professional and trainer. Over 6,000 hours of teaching experience - covering more than 40 topics related to job safety. Investigated over 150 incidents including serious injuries, chemical spills, and equipment and facility damage.
Twenty-five years of experience as an Environmental, Health, and Safety Manager in manufacturing, chemical, and construction industries.
OSHA Training Institute (OTI) authorized trainer since 2005.
Training topics include OSHA safety topics, chemical emergency response, shipping hazardous materials, powered industrial trucks, and aerial lifts. Experienced in industrial and construction incident investigation conducting initial investigation and root cause analyses for over 150 incidents including worker injuries, chemical spills, and equipment and facility damage.
Ralph V Collipi Jr, CIH CHMM CPEA
Oracle Safety Consulting LLC
Londonderry, New Hampshire
Industrial Hygiene, Safety
Occupational health, emergency planning and response, job hazard assessment, personal protective equipment, fall protection, respiratory protection, chemical safety, air sampling, workplace surveys, disaster recovery, pandemic planning, hazard communication, confined space
OSHA safety and Industrial hygiene expert witness for more than twelve years. Director of Environment, Health, and Safety for Western Electric Company and AT&T with over 300,000 employees worldwide. Extensive experience in compliance management, training, and assessment in manufacturing, utility, and retail services. Co-ordinated joint hazmat training exercises with the Department of Homeland Security, EPA, and state and local emergency organizations. Mr. Collipi has more than 40 years of experience in industrial hygiene field, specializing in occupational health & safety, hazardous materials management, indoor air quality, chemical hygiene and hazardous waste management. He served as the designated company witness for AT&T in asbestos litigation since 2009 and designated by the company as a witness in investigations by regulatory agencies in a variety of matters related to environment, health and safety compliance. He is experienced serving as an expert witness, developing proc...
Cheryl Scanlon-Zinner, CSP
Occupational Safety, Worker Injury Prevention
Safety Research, Inc.
Audubon, New Jersey
OSHA, Safety
Fall Protection, Construction, Construction Safety, Industrial Safety, Slip/Trip/Fall, Construction Accidents, Scaffold safety, Ladders, Ladder Safety, Trenching & Excavation, Excavation Safety, Trench Safety, Power Tools, Forklifts, Powered Industrial Trucks, Standard of Care, Machine Guarding
Cheryl Scanlon-Zinner is a board-certified safety professional with over twenty-five years of experience developing and implementing occupational safety programs in construction and general industry for employers, corporations and government agencies. She has trained thousands of management representatives, supervisors, and competent persons on the principles and practices of safety management, hazard identification, hazard evaluation and the implementation of the hierarchy of controls.
She specializes in hazards that are likely to cause serious injuries and fatalities (SIFs), including falls from elevation, and other construction hazards, machinery hazards, forklifts, and ladders.
She was the technical editor of Nigel's Ellis's textbook Introduction to Fall Protection.
Cheryl is a member of several professional safety organizations. She was the president of the Philadelphia chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals and is active in that organization. She was award...
Laurel A Wimmerstedt
Construction Safety
LAW Construction Safety Consultants
North Carolina
Safety, Construction
OSHA, Accident, Workers Compensation, Risk Managment, Safety Training, Safety, Fall Protection, Catastrophic Injury, Struck By, Amputation, Scaffolding, Personal Protective Equipment, Fall Prevention, Multi-Employer, Citations, Work Zone Safety, Cranes, Slip Trips Falls, Personal Lifts
Over 30 years experience in construction safety, OSHA Outreach trainer since 1999, and consultant on major construction projects throughout the United States. Currently working with large General Contractors, subcontracting companies and water treatment facilities. Have been a part of over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations for multiple clients. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation.
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Slip, Trip, Falls
• Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)
• Hand Tool Safety
• Heavy Construction Equipment back over, run over, and struck by
• High Visibility Safety Apparel
• OSHA Whistle Blower protections for safety related matters
• Respirator ...
Laurel A Wimmerstedt
Construction Safety
LAW Construction Safety Consultants
South Carolina
Safety, Construction
OSHA, Accident, Workers Compensation, Risk Managment, Safety Training, Safety, Fall Protection, Catastrophic Injury, Struck By, Amputation, Scaffolding, Personal Protective Equipment, Fall Prevention, Multi-Employer, Citations, Work Zone Safety, Cranes, Slip Trips Falls, Personal Lifts
Over 30 years experience in construction safety, OSHA Outreach trainer since 1999, and consultant on major construction projects throughout the United States. Currently working with large General Contractors, subcontracting companies and water treatment facilities. Have been a part of over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations for multiple clients. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation.
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Slip, Trip, Falls
• Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)
• Hand Tool Safety
• Heavy Construction Equipment back over, run over, and struck by
• High Visibility Safety Apparel
• OSHA Whistle Blower protections for safety related matters
• Respirator ...
Laurel A Wimmerstedt
Construction Safety
LAW Construction Safety Consultants
Safety, Construction
OSHA, Accident, Workers Compensation, Risk Managment, Safety Training, Safety, Fall Protection, Catastrophic Injury, Struck By, Amputation, Scaffolding, Personal Protective Equipment, Fall Prevention, Multi-Employer, Citations, Work Zone Safety, Cranes, Slip Trips Falls, Personal Lifts
Over 30 years experience in construction safety, OSHA Outreach trainer since 1999, and consultant on major construction projects throughout the United States. Currently working with large General Contractors, subcontracting companies and water treatment facilities. Have been a part of over 50 OSHA inspections and associated negotiation and defense preparation related to OSHA citations for multiple clients. Expert at incident investigation, accident reconstruction, and injury management and investigation.
• Accident Investigation & Root Cause
• Aerial Lifts, MEWP
• Construction Safety/Accidents
• COVID Safety & Pandemic Management
• Disaster & Emergency Management
• Slip, Trip, Falls
• Fall Protection, Fall Prevention, Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS)
• Hand Tool Safety
• Heavy Construction Equipment back over, run over, and struck by
• High Visibility Safety Apparel
• OSHA Whistle Blower protections for safety related matters
• Respirator ...
Stanford R Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC
Raising the Standard Consulting (USA) Inc.
Safety, OSHA
Construction, Mining, Workplace Inspections, Crane, Rigging, EM 385-1-1, First Aid/CPR/AED, General Industry, Accident Investigation, Safety Training, Compliance, Workplace Conditions, Fall Protection, Powered Industrial Trucks, Machine Guarding, Excavation, Trenching, Scaffolds, Multi-Employer
Stanford R. Brown, B.Sc., CSP, CSHP, CRSP, CHSC, has over 30 years of experience managing safety and health for various projects.
He has been involved with multiple construction safety/OSHA cases as an expert witness.
A sampling of the expert witness cases he has been involved with include:
• Workplace injury at refinery construction project.
• Worker fatally electrocuted during a paving incident.
• Construction training and safety standards for power tool injury.
Safety and Slip Trip & Fall, EM 385-1-1, OSHA, (SSHO), Competent Person, First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Trainer, Certified Safety Professionals (CSP) designation with the Board of Certified Safety Professionals, Certified Safety and Health Professional (CSHP) in the State of Hawaii.
Construction and General Industry, Accident Investigation, Fall Protection, Forklift, Aerial Lift, Boom Lift, Scissor Lift, Machine Guarding, Amputation, Struck By, Caught Between, Scaffold, Ladder, Roofing Safety, Amputation, Excavation/T...
Andrew McKewen, CSHO
Service Safety
La Porte, Texas
OSHA, Safety
construction safety, accident investigation, safety training, OSHA disputes, job-site audits, fall protection, stairways and ladders, OSHA authorized trainer, employee rights, employer requirements, documentation, safety policies, OSHA inspections, scaffolds, boom lift, scissor lift, forklift, PPE
Mr. McKewen has over 14 years of occupational safety and health experience within the construction industry. Over the past 12 years he has been in a senior management position within several construction builders and safety consulting companies.
The following detail the and services provided to clients and employers;
Accident Investigation
Thorough, detailed and efficient investigations of accidents, ranging from property damage to construction fatalities. Breaking down everything from company policy to human behavior to find the root cause of the accident.
OSHA citation disputes
Research the standards which were cited as being in violation, find OSHA Letters of Interpretation, take into account job-site conditions, company policy, training and human behaviors; then meet with OSHA in an informal conference to eliminate the citation.
Job-site audits
Inspect job-sites, observe employees’ activities. Inspect tool and equipment for safe and proper use and condition, engage with empl...
Homer R. Peterson, II, P.E., CSP, CFLC
Peterson Construction Consulting, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Construction, Safety
Construction, falls from elevation, fall protection, fatalities, occupational health & safety management systems, OSHA matters, personal injury, precast erection, safety, standards of care, steel erection, termination for cause or for convenience, wrongful death
Homer R. Peterson II, P.E., CSP, CFLC provides consulting services to attorneys, insurance carriers, construction companies, and companies engaged in general industry. Services are offered as a subject matter expert, expert witness, and safety consultant.
He has over 40 years of construction and safety experience (17 years union, 23 years non-union), including airports, bridges, casinos, convention centers, convocation centers, distribution centers, hospitals, hotels, manufacturing facilities, office buildings, paper mills, pharmaceutical plants, power plants, prisons, refineries, schools, shopping malls, sports arenas, steel mills, stores, and warehouses. See www.homerpeterson.com for photographs of representative projects.
His experience includes 40 years in construction in various positions such as president, senior vice president, vice president, project manager, and timekeeper. His responsibilities have included estimating, sales, project management, scheduling, troublesho...
Michael R. Roop, CSP
MRE Training & Consulting
Richmond, Texas
Safety, OSHA
Fall Protection, Confined Space Entry, Confined Space Retrieval, Confined Space Rescue, OSHA and Standards Compliance, Industry Best Practices, Telecommunication Tower Climbing, Safety Training Accidents, Highway Roadwork Safety, Rail Tank Car Entry and Rescue, Ladder Safety, Trench Collapse
Certified Safety Professional (Safety training, incident investigations, and safety procedures and programs). Roop has many years of experience as both a company as well as a contracted Safety Director.
Court certified expert in fall protection, confined spaces, safety, rescue, law enforcement, trench collapse, OSHA regulations, rail tank car incidents, and safety equipment.
Captain, Louisiana State Police (Retired)
Roop has worked as a specialized safety expert in dozens of cases and has given deposition and courtroom testimony in numerous of those work engagements. Roop’s experience includes performing site investigations and authoring subsequent reports detailing how events proceeded and what individuals/circumstances lead to a specific outcome. Additionally, as a retired uniformed and plain clothes state police officer and commander, Roop has provided evidence and testified in hundreds of felony and misdemeanor trials.
Michael is a highly qualified incident investigator e...
Michael Claverie
Claverie Safety Consultation L.L.C.
Safety, OSHA
1910 General Industry, Accident Investigation, Fall Protection, Haz-Com, Hazard Recognition, Logistics Safety, OSHA Record Keeping, OSHA Standards, Powered Industrial Truck Operations, PPE, Risk Management, Root Cause Analysis, Safety Training, Warehouse Safety, Workplace Injuries
Mr. Claverie has been doing occupational health and safety work since 2010 and has experience applying safe work practices within a broad range of industries including fire prevention, training, construction, power generation, manufacturing, DOT, and warehouse logistics. He can speak to a wide range of health and safety topics and the applicable regulatory requirements.
He has a Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health and Safety and is certified through the BCSP and holds a current Certified Safety Professional certificate (CSP). He has in the past been a certified First Aid class trainer, respirator fit tester, and done industrial hygiene sampling work. He is very familiar with the OSHA 29 CFR 1910 General Industry Regulations, and also has experience with the OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Construction regulations as well.
He is proficient in accident investigation, root cause analysis, OSHA standards, OSHA recordkeeping, powered industrial truck operations, warehouse safety, logistics s...
Marcor G. Platt, SE, PE, CBO, PMP, PMI-ACP
Engineer, Building Code, Project Management Expert
MarcorSEN Engineering
South Jordan, Utah
Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering
Forensic engineering, construction defects, structural failure and retrofit, bridge engineering, fall protection, building codes, project management, fire, water, wind, snow, flood, hurricane, tornado, impact, damage analysis, hydrologic and hydraulic river studies, electrical power line structures
Mr. Marcor Platt is a licensed civil and/or structural engineer (PE/SE) in 22 US states, districts, and territories - namely Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, the US Virgin Islands, Washington, and Washington D.C. He is a Building Code Specialist, credentialed by the International Code Council as a Certified Building Official (CBO). He is also Project Management Expert, certified by the Project Management Institute as a Project Management Professional (PMP) and Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP). He provides expert opinion reports and testimony for structural and civil projects involving both forensic engineering, design engineering, building codes, and project management. He has conducted over 700 forensic investigations involving roof failures, wall failures, foundation issues, corrosion, or other forms of damage result...
John T Whitty, P.E.
Safety & Litigation Support Services LLC
Slip Trip & Fall
Falls, Fall Protection, Fall Protection Product Liability, Falling Objects, New York Labor Law 200, 240(1), 241(6)
Timothy Kobernat, CSP RET
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
OSHA, Safety
OSHA, Fall Protection, Confined Space, Trenches, OSHA Standards, Paper Mill, Excavating, Lockout/Tagout, Cranes & Forklifts, Grain Elevators, Multi-Employer Worksites, Material Handling
With 32 years experience as an OSHA Area Director and Safety Compliance Officer, as well as an additional 17 years in various related safety and heath related work, I have a broad range of experience in OSHA & safety related matters.
In the approximately 14 years I spent as a compliance safety and health officer, I conducted approximately 1500 site inspections, roughly half of which were related to construction standards enforcement. During these inspections, I evaluated safety and health conditions and hazards, recommended abatement methods, and determined exposure and standard application. While serving approximately 16 years as district supervisor and area director for OSHA, a major part of my duties was to review virtually all files that came through our office, certifying their legal sufficiency for citations. In addition to my enforcement efforts with OSHA, I also conducted numerous construction safety seminars, helping companies to come into full compliance wit...