Urgent Care Medicine Expert Witnesses in South Carolina

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of urgent care medicine expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on urgent care medicine and related issues. Urgent care medicine expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these urgent care medicine expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Abuse, Accidents, Adult And Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Aeromedical Transport, Airway, Appendicitis, Consent Issues, Cruise Ship, Emergency Medical Systems, Fever, Fracture, Mi, Policy And Procedure, Procedures, and Resuscitation.

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Andy S Barnett, MD

Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care Medicine - Trauma, Stroke, Heart Attack, Sepsis, Appendicitis, Aeromedical transfer, EMS, Airway management, Torsion (ovarian/testicular), Ectopic Pregnancy, Rural Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Colon Perforation, Wrongful Death, Delayed Diagnosis, Litigation Defense, Insurance Claims Denial
-Experienced Third Party Claims and Independent Quality Assurance reviewer. -Faculty Member at a major medical school. -Medical Director, Quality Assurance Director, National Clinical Steering Chair for a large national Urgent Care operations company. Chair of Health System Peer Review Committee. -Published author and lecturer on prehospital care and triage, emergent air medical transport, colorectal cancer emergencies, and a wide range of trauma and medical conditions which present to the emergency department and urgent care clinic--please refer to CV for a complete list. -I have the unusual combination of Board Certification in BOTH Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine, having completed independent residencies in each specialty; this allows me to participate as an expert witness "of same specialty" in those states which require it. Particularly relevant when addressing standard of care for a Family Physician working in the Emergency Department. -I have worked in every siz...



Urgent Care Medicine, Family Medicine - Urgent Care Standard of Care, Urgent Care Malpractice, Nurse Practitioner Supervision, Physician Assistant Supervision, Wrongful Death, Chest Pain, Abdominal Pain, Headaches, Fractures, Orthopedic injuries, Foreign Bodies, Infections, Pediatrics, urgent care medicine, sepsis, appendicitis, torsion
Dr. Pick received his medical degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dr.Pick is board certified in Family Medicine and is a fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians.In addition he is board certified in Urgent Care Medicine and is a fellow of the American Board of Medical Specialties. Dr. Pick completed his residency at the University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital where he was Chief Resident.He has over 10 years experience as an expert in Urgent Care and Ambulatory Care. He conducts peer review for the Journal of Urgent Care Medicine- JUCM. Dr. Pick has practiced urgent care medicine for over 30 years as both an attending physician and Medical Director. He is a founding member of the Board of Certification in Urgent Care Medicine and a founding board member of the Urgent Care College of Physicians. Dr.Pick is in full time active Urgent Care practice where he supervises and mentors Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. D...

Randolph J. Cordle, MD

Randolph Cordle Consulting

Fort Mill, South Carolina
Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Adult and Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Failure Diagnose, Appendicitis, Abuse, Sepsis, Resuscitation, Airway, Fever, Procedures, MI, Stroke, Fracture, Wounds, Urgent Care Medicine, Cruise Ship, Policy and Procedure, Trauma, Aeromedical Transport, Emergency Medical Systems, Consent Issues, Accidents
Currently, I practice Emergency Medicine and Pediatric Emergency Medicine. I am triple board certified in Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and General Pediatrics and have over 26 years of clinical and administrative experience. I love to teach and have served as a Professor in both Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine for many years. I also have recent Urgent Care and past Cruise Ship (Senior Physician) experience and can speak to standards of care in these areas. A few highlights from my CV include experience as a US ARMY Flight Surgeon, Division Director of Pediatric Emergency Medicine, Medical Director of three emergency departments, Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Creator and Director, QA Director of Pediatric Division, QI Director Level One Adult and Pediatric Emergency Departments, Pediatric Trauma Liaison, and International Educator with many publications. I have also authored dozens of policies and procedures for emergency departments, hospitals,...
You can also find Urgent Care Medicine Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon , South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin