Physical Medicine & Rehab Expert Witnesses in Maryland

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of physical medicine & rehab expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on physical medicine & rehab and related issues. Physical medicine & rehab expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these physical medicine & rehab expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Headache, Abuse, Acute Care, Addiction, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Back, Buprenorphine, Causation, Chronic Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome , Crps, Dermatology, Drg, Epidural, and Fibromyalgia.

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Santo Steve BiFulco, MD, CLCP

BiFulco Medical Group

Life Care Planning, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Damages, permanency, causation, life expectancy, Amputations, Burns, Multi-Trauma, Orthopedic Injuries, Chronic Pain, Certified Life Care Planner, future care, Brain Injuries from mTBI to severe
Dr. BiFulco is a licensed physician in the State of Florida & New York; Dr. BiFulco holds specialty training & certifications in Interventional Pain Management, Radio-Frequency, & Intra-Discal Therapies. Dr. BiFulco is licensed by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency to prescribe. Dr. BiFulco is a Board-Certified Physician Life Care Planner. Dr. BiFulco’s professional career includes decades of clinical practice, treating over 100 thousand patients with all manners of acute, chronic, & catastrophic injuries and illnesses. Dr. BiFulco has occupied numerous medical directorships and medically-oriented advisorship positions. As a medical doctor/entrepreneur, Dr. BiFulco founded and managed successful clinical practices and medical centers. Dr. BiFulco’s professional associations include the American Academy of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, the American Medical Association, the National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals, the International Association for...

Mike M. Pappas, DO

Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine - Nursing Homes, Life care planning, Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Pain management, Traumatic brain injury, TBI, Spinal cord injury, amputations, complex regional pain syndrome, CRPS, IME, Pharmaceutical review, Herniated discs
Life care planning, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pain Management Testifying and treating physician for catastrophic injuries involving Future Care, Permanency, Causation, and Life expectancy for both defense and plaintiff firms. Mild/severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Amputations, Burns, Multi-trauma, Orthopedic injuries, Chronic pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Pressure ulcers, Joint replacement complications, Peripheral nerve injuries, Cervical and Lumbar Spine Injuries. Licensed physician in NY in practice and board certified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Experienced Medical Expert. Clinical instructor at Mount Sinai Medical Center with over 15 years experience. 15 plus years of experience in sub acute facilities/skilled nursing facilities overseeing the rehabilitation of Spinal Cord injuries, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Amputations, Joint Replacements. Medical malpractice, Utilization Reviews, Health Insurance Claims, Workers Compensation, Independent Me...

Aarti Singla, MD, MBA, CIME, CLCP

Award-Winning Physiatrist and Pain Physician

Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine - Life Care Planning, Medical Cost projections, Amputations, Paraplegia, Rehabilitation, Spinal injury, Back Pain, Sciatica, Nerve blocks, Radiculopathy, Spondylosis, Spinal Stenosis, Chronic Pain, Neuropathy, Independent Medical Exams, Complex regional pain syndrome, Quadriplegia
Johns-Hopkins Trained, Dual-Board Certified Physiatrist and Pain Management Voted Top Doctor for 5 years Expert Physiatrist, Pain Management Physician, and Life Care Planner I specialize in physiatry and pain management and perform non-surgical orthopedic care, and chronic pain management. I perform independent medical exams, life care plans, and medical cost projections. I have over 15 years of experience in various settings, including outpatient private practice and inpatient hospital care. I have active licenses in Ohio, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania. My areas of expertise include life care planning, medical cost projections, spinal injuries, spinal cord injuries, paraplegia, amputations, independent medical exams, falls, trauma, motor vehicle accidents, brain injuries, complex regional pain syndrome, back pain, sciatica, nerve blocks, spondylosis, spinal stenosis, chronic pain, and neuropathy. I am able to travel for medical evaluations.

Michael B. Jacobs, MD, MPH

Pain Management Expert - Former Navy Physician

Potomac, Maryland
Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Interventional, Chronic Pain, Spinal Cord Stimulator, SCS, DRG, PNS, Pain Pump, Epidural, Radiofrequency, Interspinous Spacers, PRP, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, CRPS, Nerve Injury, Post-Operative Pain, Work Injury, Opioids, Procedure Complications, Medical Marijuana, Causation
Dr. Jacobs is board certified in Pain Medicine, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Occupational Medicine. He served over 20 years as a Navy physician, including roles as director of Pain Medicine at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and specialty consultant to the Navy Surgeon General and White House. He now practices as an Interventional Pain Management physician and is an associate professor of anesthesiology at Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. Jacobs has served on the guidelines committee of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, published numerous articles, and lectured at national conferences. Dr. Jacobs has an active clinical practice, including the management of complex chronic pain conditions, such as failed back surgery syndrome (post-laminectomy syndrome), complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), post-surgical pain (e.g hernia, joint replacement, nerve injury), and chronic joint, neck, and back pain. He performs advance...

Charlotte L. Kohler, [RN], CPA, CVA, CRCE-l, CPC, CHBC, CPCO

Kohler Healthcare Consulting, Inc.

Woodstock, Maryland
Investigation, Medical Management - Acute Care, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Medical Devices, Medical Management, Orthopedic Surgery, Pain Medicine Management, Physical Medicine & Rehab, Radiation Oncology, Radiology, Healthcare Compliance
Healthcare Consultant, Litigation Support, Certified Valuator, CPA [RN] Retired RN. ACS Advanced Coding Specialist -Board of Medical Specialty (BMSC) CPA Certified Public Accountant -State of Maryland CVA Certified Valuation Analyst - National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts CRCE Certified Revenue Cycle Executive -American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) CPC Certified Professional Coder -American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) CHBC Certified Healthcare Business Consultant -National Society of Certified Healthcare Business Consultants CPCO Certified Professional Compliance Officer

Justin Wasserman, MD

The Pain Treatment Center of Greater Washington

Bethesda, Maryland
Pain Management - Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehab - Addiction, narcotic, opioid, abuse, pain, back, spine, musculoskeletal, low back, neck, radiculopathy, headache, oxycodone, suboxone, pain management, RSD, buprenorphine, opioid addiction, fibromyalgia, migraine
I'm a physician in the Washington, DC area specializing in Pain Management and addiction medicine, with a parent specialty in Physical Medicine and Rhabilitation. I'm board certified in both Physical Medicine and Rhabilitation and Pain Medicine, and have over 22 years of experience in both specialties. I am known in the entire Washington, DC area as the "go to guy" for intractable chronic pain cases. In fact, most of my referrals come from other pain management doctors who send me their most challenging and complex patients. I have been listed as a Top Doctor in Washingtonian Magazine 7 times, including the most recent 2018 edition. Besides being an expert in the medical management of pain, I am also an expert in the treatment of opioid addiction. I'm certified by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency in the management of opioid addiction using buprenorphine. I have provided independent medical evaluations for many agencies over the years, and I have a long history of prov...

Mark A. Young, MD, MBA, FACP

Mark A. Young MD, FACP

White Marsh, Maryland
Physical Medicine & Rehab, Pain Management - Medicine
For 28 years, Dr. Young has dedicated his practice to complex neurol & musculoskeletal disorders. Highly experienced in: Disability Evaluations, IME's, Vocational Rehabilitation, Life Care Planning, Personal Injury, Chart Reviews , Expert Witness activity, Report Writing. Expertise: PM&R, Neurological Rehab, MSK, Pain, Addictions & Integrative Medicine As a published author with formidable academic background, Dr. Young combines quality expertise with professionalism & customer service. Dr. Young combines quality expertise with professionalism & a high commitment to customer service. An experienced academic & writer & international lecturer, Dr Young has published multiple scientific articles in a diverse and prestigious array of medical journals. Dr. Young has published several medical books. Superb writing and oratorical skill with a commitment to quality, timely and user-friendly service. Extensive career background in Vocational rehabilitation, Disability Evaluation, Chart re...
You can also find Physical Medicine & Rehab Expert Witnesses in:
Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas , Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington