Maritime Expert Witnesses

The SEAK Expert Witness Directory contains a comprehensive list of maritime expert witnesses who testify, consult and provide litigation support on maritime and related issues. Maritime expert witnesses and consultants on this page may form expert opinions, draft expert witness reports, and provide expert witness testimony at deposition and trial. The issues and subjects these maritime expert witnesses testify regarding may include: Allisions, Navigation, Ship, Collision, Collisions, Maritime, Personal Injury, Seamanship, Sinking, Allision, Boat, Boating Accidents, Bridge Resource Management, Captain, and Container Ship.

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Capt. David G. Bacon

Maritime, Slip Trip & Fall - marina safety, boating accidents, collisions/allisions, investigation, ship, yachts, seaworthiness, captain responsibilities, crew, passenger safety, Rules of the Road, equipment failure, sinking, drowning, vessel operation, safety, sport fishing, charter boat, jet ski, kayak
Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues of responsibilities and liabilities aboard vessels and on gangways and docks and piers, drowning and vessel grounding or sinking. I am available to travel for investigations and inspections. Passenger/crew interaction, training and safety orientation are areas where many liabilities are created due to negligent actions, and I have experience opining on those issues based on Rules of the Road and other regulations, standard duty of care and safety protocols. I have served as a vessel charter captain for 30+ years, specializing in; crew training, safety procedures, crew drills and practice, passenger safety orientation. During that lengthy career I have had no accident or injury claims because I am a diligent seafaring professional and I know what dangers to look for and remedy befor...

Capt. David G. Bacon

Santa Barbara, California
Maritime, Slip Trip & Fall - marina safety, boating accidents, collisions/allisions, investigation, ship, yachts, seaworthiness, captain responsibilities, crew, passenger safety, Rules of the Road, equipment failure, sinking, drowning, vessel operation, safety, sport fishing, charter boat, jet ski, kayak
Captain David G. Bacon, a U.S. Coast Guard licensed vessel captain available as an expert witness on cases involving; boating accidents, slip & falls, personal injuries, collisions and allisions, issues of responsibilities and liabilities aboard vessels and on gangways and docks and piers, drowning and vessel grounding or sinking. I am available to travel for investigations and inspections. Passenger/crew interaction, training and safety orientation are areas where many liabilities are created due to negligent actions, and I have experience opining on those issues based on Rules of the Road and other regulations, standard duty of care and safety protocols. I have served as a vessel charter captain for 30+ years, specializing in; crew training, safety procedures, crew drills and practice, passenger safety orientation. During that lengthy career I have had no accident or injury claims because I am a diligent seafaring professional and I know what dangers to look for and remedy befor...

Alan R. Hugenot

Alan Ross Hugenot Inc.

San Francisco, California
Maritime - Maritime Casualties, Personal Injury, Root Cause Analysis, Ship-handling, Sailing yachts, Motor yachts, Charter contracts & disputes, Sail Racing Rules, Jones Act, Dis-masting, Capsizing, Sinking, Collisions, Yacht Design & Engineering, Boatyard repairs, Insurance disputes, Cruise ships
Merchant Marine Officer, Master Mariner, Near Coastal Inspected Passenger Vessels, Steam Motor & Sail for 34 years. STCW 95 and Radar Observer Unlimited, Navigation, Safety Regulations, Shipboard Safety/Security, Deck Seamanship, Rules of the Road, Experienced Towing & Rescue of Yachts and Small Craft. Maritime Smuggling. Naval Architect-Marine Engineer, Full Member SNAME 40 years, Expert on Diesel failure analysis, Experienced Engine Rebuilder, Engine replacements, Electrical Propulsion Controllers, Solar Panels & controllers, High voltage storage batteries, Diesel generators & Inverters, 12VDC, through 96VDC. 125VAC & 240 VAC. Expert on all shipboard mechanical systems, fuel oil, lube oil, fire protection, all piping and pumping, HVAC, • Chairman, SNAME Motor Craft & Service Craft Panel (SC-4) Small Craft Technical & Research Committee (Since 2006). • Principal National Fire Protection Association-NFPA Motor Craft Committee (2011), • Member of five American Boat and Yacht Coun...

Andrew E Madden, LL.M (US Law), LL.M, MSc, LL.B (Hons), CEng, CMarEng, FIMarEST, FRINA

Marine Surveyor, Engineer and Maritime Expert

A.M. Marine Surveys LLC

Long Beach, California
Maritime, Engineering - Machinery damages, Ship Explosions, Professional Indemnity, Oil Pollution, Marine Engineer, Personal injuries, Super Yachts, Lithium ion fires, Oily Water Separator, Audits, Hull damage, Emissions, Maritime Fires, Drydocking, Marine Casualty, Cruise Ships, Marine Surveyor, Class, Cargo, Propulsion
Andy Madden is President, Marine Surveyor, and Maritime Auditor at A.M. Marine Surveys LLC, a company that provides independent maritime consultancy services to clients in the marine industry. Andy has over 40 years of experience in the maritime field, ranging from sailing as a UK licensed Chief Engineer on various commercial vessels, including large passenger cruise ships, to working as a Senior Surveyor and Lead Maritime Auditor for Lloyd's Register, one of the world's leading classification societies. He is an expert in marine casualties, technical operations, technical investigations, compliance and audit risk management systems, marine surveys, expert witness testimony (*depositions more than 4 years ago), and project management. Andy holds multiple degrees and certifications in engineering, law, and marine insurance and is a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Marine Engineer. Andy holds a UK Chief Engineers license (unlimited tonnage), a Master of Science degree (MSc) in Eng...

Richard Marzano

Independent Consultant

San Francisco, California
Maritime - Longshore Industry, Maritime Labor Consulting, Stevedore, Longshoremen, Collective Bargaining Agreements, Longshore Workers, Longshore Jobs, Labor Relations
Richard Marzano has spent over 25 years in the longshore/maritime industry, working in both marine terminal operations and labor management, becoming a West Coast longshore expert. With nearly 15 years in labor relations, bargaining with the ILWU and administering the ILWU-PMA Agreement(s), Mr. Marzano has in-depth knowledge of ILWU/West Coast longshore hiring and employment practices and processes, working and dispatch rules, benefits administration, the ILWU-PMA grievance procedure, the ILWU-PMA reasonable accommodation process (re. the Americans with Disabilities Act) and its application on US West Coast ports.

Michael C. Monastra, Captain

Offshore Nautical LLC. Seamanship/Maritime Consultation

San Diego , California
Maritime, Maritime - Seamanship, Sailing Yachts, Motor Yachts, USCG Navigation Rules, Bareboat Charter contracts and disputes, Racing Rules of Sailing, Jones Act, Injuries, Accidents, Dismastings, Sinkings, Collisions, Allisions, Navigation, Engineering, Boatyard and Insurance Company repairs and disputes
Professional Sailor since 1989. USCG Licensed Captain since 1990. World Sailing Group 3 (professional) Competitor since 2004. (retired) US Sailing Offshore Safety at Sea certification 2004-Present ASA certified Advanced Sailing Instructor 1992-Present ASA certified Coastal Navigation Instructor 1991-Present ASA certified Bareboat Chartering Instructor 1991-Present US Powerboating certified Advanced Powerboating Instructor since 2010. (retired) RBPA certified Twin Inboard Powerboating Instructor 2009-Present RPBA certified Single Inboard Powerboating Instructor 2009-Present RPBA certified Directed Thrust Powerboating Instructor 2009-Present Owner Offshore Nautical LLC. Seamanship/Maritime Consultation. Established 2008 Owner Privateer Maritime Inc, San Diego Sailing Academy and San Diego Powerboating Academy established 1989. I retired from on the water instruction in December 2021. I am an expert in seamanship, navigation, boathandling, docking, anchoring, mooring, and man overb...

Michael H Poulson

Expert Witness in Asbestos and Marine Insulation

Escondido, California
Maritime, Mold - Asbestos Exposure, Marine Insulation, Ship Repairs, Mesothelioma, Expert Testimony on Asbestos, US Navy, Buffalo Pumps, Maritime Asbestos Exposure, U.S. Navy Ship Insulation, Asbestos Risk Assessment, Foster Wheeler, Marine Engineering, Insulation Safety Standards, Fire Room Asbestos Exposure
I have extensive experience in asbestos and marine insulation, beginning with my service in the U.S. Navy from 1975 to 1978. During my tenure, I worked in fire rooms aboard the USS Little Rock and USS Guadalcanal, maintaining boilers, auxiliary equipment, and performing insulation removal and replacement. I attended Insulation and Machinery Repair Schools, earning the rank of E-4 BT3 before being honorably discharged. After my military service, I worked as a marine insulator with M. Slayen and Associates (1978–1980), where I removed asbestos-containing materials and installed non-asbestos insulation on numerous naval vessels. I progressed to leadman and foreman, managing large-scale asbestos removal projects following NavSea standards. From 1980 to 1989, I was superintendent of insulation and asbestos removal at Southwest Marine, overseeing ship repair and maintenance for both naval and commercial vessels. I earned a certification in Asbestos Management Planning from UC Berkeley E...

Joseph Quinn, M.S., P.E.

Materials FACT

Los Angeles, California
Failure Analysis, Metallurgy - Automobile, Aviation & Aerospace, Motorcycle, Appliance, Engineering, Construction, Construction Defects, Corrosion, Maritime, Equipment & Machinery, Mining, Bicycles, Transportation, Medical Devices, Manufacturing, Plumbing, Products Liability, Fire, Electricity, Pipe
Joseph Quinn, MS, PE, is a Forensic Metallurgy and Metallurgical Engineering consultant. He is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Metallurgical Engineering and is registered in 7 states (CA, PA, UT, NV, AZ, CO, WA). He has provided over 1,000 Failure Analysis investigations on metallic and non-metallic (glass, plastic, rubber, and composite) materials or products. Mr. Quinn provides metallurgical and materials consultation, expert witness testimony, and forensic failure analysis for civil litigation with retentions by defendants and plaintiffs. He has received awards in the International Metallographic Contest and has conducted several presentations on metallurgical engineering and failure analysis subjects at universities, ASM meetings, and industry events. He is President of the National Society of Professional Engineers in California (NSPE-CA) and is active in several technical societies. He has taught metallurgical engineering course topics in Principals and Applications of ...


Teicheira Maritime Surveyors, Inc.

Petaluma, California
Maritime, Appraisal & Valuation - Marine Surveyor, Tug and Barge, Pilot Boats, Ferryboat, Commercial Marine Damage, Yacht Damage, Marine Machinery and Systems, Hull and Machinery Damage, Marine Accident Reconstruction, Yacht Appraisal, Commercial Marine Appraisal, Appraisal Review, Dredge Operations
Dana R. Teicheira has conducted Casualty Investigations including collision, machinery failure, fire, and crew/passenger injuries for Marine Underwriters and attorneys, and Risk Evaluations for Marine Underwriters. He has appraised multiple commercial vessels, pleasure vessels, and docks / marinas over the years. Dana R. Teicheira is a 1980 graduate of California Maritime Academy and holds an unlimited tonnage Third Mate Oceans license, a 1600 ton Master of Oceans license and a Master of Towing Vessel's license. He has sea going experience on cargo ships, survey/research vessels, tugs and barges (sea going and inland) and king crab fishing vessels. He has worked as a dredge master on aggregate dredges. Mr. Teicheira has worked as a marine surveyor since 1991 and is a Certified Marine Surveyor through the National Association of Marine Surveyors, and an Accredited Senior Appraiser through the American Society of Appraisers. Over the years Mr. Teicheira has handled a total of 46 ca...

Paul S Foran

Consolidated Maritime Resources LLC

Saint Johns, Florida
Maritime, Safety - Oil tanker, Chemical tanker, Container ship, Bulk Carrier, General Cargo vessel, Loss Control, Accident investigation, Incident investigation, Regulatory violation, Regulatory issue, Cargo contamination, Safety issues, Stability issues, First Responder, Training, Vessel management, Personal injury
Master Mariner Unlimited Tonnage, Liaison to USCG for Emergency Response to Key Bridge Collapse, Baltimore MD March - July 2024, Liaison to USCG for Emergency Response to GRANDE COSTA D’AVORIO fire and salvage July - Aug 2023, Liaison to USCG for Emergency Response to SPIRIT OF NORFOLK fire and salvage June 2022, Liaison to USCG for emergency response to capsized liftboat SEACOR POWER Apr - Aug 2021, Safety Officer for salvage of car carrier MV GOLDEN RAY 2019, OCIMF SIRE Inspector Category 1, Tanker Management Self Assessment 3 (TMSA3) Solutions, Marine Safety Advisor for Petroleum Load and Discharge Operations, Expert witness for maritime litigation, Safety Assessments / ISM Audits for Commercial and U.S. Military Sealift Command vessels, 20+ year’s in command of 15 ships, including tankers, Ro-Ro / Container, and break bulk. Vessel superintendent for Oil / Chemical Tank vessels, STCW certified instructor / assessor, Simulator Training Instructor, USCG Chemical Transportation Advi...

Captain John G. Jacobsen

Miami, Florida
Maritime, Accident Reconstruction - Admiralty Law, Marine & Maritime Incident Analysis & Accident Reconstruction, AZIPOD Ships, Podded Ships, Commercial Vessel, Passenger, Cruise Ship, Tug, Barge, Towing, Pilot, Piloting, Navigation, Seamanship, Rules of the Road, Boating Safety, Boating Accident, Yacht, Pleasure Craft, Container Ship
After attending the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Captain Jacobsen served as an officer in the U.S. Merchant Marine for nine years. He sailed in many positions, attained his master’s license, and has been a Port of Miami harbor pilot since 1994, including serving as Chairman. He has piloted yachts, tugs & barges, and ships of all types and sizes including Azipod ships, podded ships, freighters, tankers, container ships, ferries, cruise ships, passenger vessels, naval vessels, research vessels, and tall ships. Active in boating and yachting all of his life, Captain Jacobsen is a member of a yacht club in Miami where he serves on various committees. Captain Jacobsen remains an active pilot and avid boater to this day. Harbor Pilot: actively providing State & Federal licensed pilotage services to all types of ships, including Azipod ships, cruise ships, NeoPanamax container ships, tugs & barges, yachts, and other vessels of unlimited size and tonnage in Port of Miami. Have co...

Arlen Leiner


Land O Lakes, Florida
Maritime, Accident Reconstruction - Boat Diminished Valuation, Boating Accident Reconstruction, Vessel collisions, Sinking, Boat Fire Reconstruction, Maritime Injury and Death, Cruise ships Accidents, Jones Act investigations, Boat Construction and repair, Marine Engines, US Coast Guard (USCG) (DOT) (DEA), Navigation Rules
(1) Numerous experiences as a certified expert witness in the Marine Field in the past 38 years, including Diminished Valuation, Accident Reconstruction, Vessel collisions, Sinking’s, Fire Reconstruction, Injury and Death, Cruise ships Accidents, Jones Act investigations, and noncompliance, Boat Construction, and repair and Quality Control, Marine Engines, and Installations, Testifying in the United States, Great Britain, BVIs, Mexico, Spain, Puerto Rico, France, Poland, and Greece. (2) Experience with Docks (loading and unloading), Boatyards, and Marinas and Marina Dockage, Boat Construction, Repair, Quality Control, Boat, and Ship Construction, as well as Management of New Construction and Repair. (3) Experienced boat builder Ocean Horse Label (before HIN’s) 178FRP Commercial boats, 3 Steel, 3 Aluminum, 7 Wood, 8 sail 5 FRP and 3 Steel, and from 2007 on under the AMS HIN Experienced and licensed operator (Master since 1963). (4) Experienced Marine Engineer License 4000 Horsepower ...

John P Daly

Daly Marine Services LLC

Idaho Falls, Idaho
Maritime, Engineering - Marine Engineering, Loss of propulsion, Engine Failure, Bunker Fuels, Allisions, Fire Investigations, Equipment Failures, OWS
Mr. Daly is an accomplished marine engineer with nearly 40 years of experience in the maritime industry. Mr. Daly has been contracted as an expert witness on behalf of vessel owners and other interested parties and as a consulting expert on behalf underwriters and on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Mr. Daly is a marine surveyor and the owner of, and principal surveyor for, Daly Marine Services LLC. Daly Marine Services LLC specializes in Hull & Machinery surveys. He has conducted investigations and reported on issues including loss of propulsion, engine failures, fuel quality disputes and fuel related casualties, equipment failures, machinery space fires, structural damage, vessel sinkings, emission cases, personal injuries and other casualties on behalf of ship owners and underwriters. His background includes experience as an operating engineer responsible for a variety of steam and motor propulsion plants and electrical and auxiliary systems on board various types of me...

Capt. Gregory C Daley

International Maritime Consultancy

Lafayette, Louisiana
Maritime, Safety - boat, ship, personnel basket, collision, dredging, personal injury, crewboat, offshore supply vessel, Platform supply vessel, crew management, navigation, Navigation Rules, CFR's, fishing boats, recreational boats, hurricane, ports, shipping, dynamic positioning, swing rope
Assisted both plaintiff and defense attorneys in understanding the industry standards and regulations of maritime operations, maritime safety, and maritime navigation. My export reports combine my years of hands-on captain experience with my MIT education producing meaningful reports that have expedited settlements. My trial testimony focusses on instructing judge and jury on the nature of the sea and how the involved parties were affected by it. My testimony has included demonstratives of my drone photography of the accident site and accident recreation. Additionally, qualified to opine on maritime forecasts and observations regarding significant wave height, maximum wave and rogue waves. Axcess to archived maritime forecasts and archived wind/wave analyses by the National Weather Service. - USCG Master Unlimited, Oceans - AFNI, Associate Fellow of Nautical Institute, U.K. - Dynamic Position Operator - Member, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary - Certified Safety Professional with AS...

Captain O. Franklin Morton

Maritime Expert/USCG Master of Towing Vessels

New Orleans, Louisiana
Maritime, Transportation - Maritime Navigation, Barge Fleeting, Maritime Vessel Safety, Subchapter M, Maritime Vessel Operations, Maritime Casualties, Maritime Collision, Maritime Allision, Maritime Grounding, Maritime Towing, Barge Fleet Operations, Barge Fleet Safety, Maritime Compliance
Captain Frank Morton is a maritime professional with over 30 years of experience in a variety of vessel-based and shoreside operations. As a United States Coast Guard-licensed Master of Towing Vessels; Near Coastal and Western Rivers and Designated Examiner, Captain Morton has been a deckhand, engineman, able-bodied seaman, pilot, chief mate, relief master, and master on a variety of towing vessels. As a Designated Examiner, Captain Morton has trained and educated mariners in vessel operations and navigation. In addition to his vessel experience, Captain Morton has been a fleet mate, dispatcher, assistant fleet manager, marine surveyor/auditor, and port captain. As a marine surveyor/auditor, Captain Morton performed daft, cargo, condition, and subchapter M surveys and subchapter M and internal audits. As a port captain, Captain Morton was responsible for crewing and compliance with United States Coast Guard regulations and SIRE requirements.

Captain Gregory M Tylawsky, MBA, CMMar, FNI

Maritime Expert Group, Inc.

Carson City, Nevada
Maritime, Accident Reconstruction - Piloting, Ship handling, Ship routing, Weather, anchoring, heavy weather, anchor, allision, collision, ship, Captain, tug, STCW, USCG, IMO, Standard of care, COLREGS, VTS, Harbor, Pilot ladder
Chartered Master Mariner Master Of Self-Propelled Vessels Not Including Auxiliary Sail of Unlimited Tonnage Upon Oceans. First Class Pilot of Vessels of Unlimited Tonnage Upon the Waters Of San Francisco Bay From Sea to and Between the Dumbarton Bridge, Stockton, And Sacramento. Radar Observer -Unlimited Able Seaman - Unlimited Lifeboatman Wiper Steward’s Department (F.H.) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING CERTIFICATION ON WATCHKEEPING for Seafarers 1978 as amended. The lawful holder of this Credential as endorsed below, is entitled under Title 46 (Shipping) U. S. Code to serve in the capacity or capacities specified, subject to any limitations indicated. The Government of the United States of America certifies: GREGORY MICHAEL TYLAWSKY has been duly qualified in accordance with the provisions of regulation(s) III/1; II/2; II/3; II/4; II/5; IV/2; VI/1; VI/2; VI/3; VI/4; VI/5; VI/6 Of the above Convention, as amended, and has been found competent to perform the ...

CAPT Sean P. Tortora, MS, USMS

Long Island Maritime, LLC

Long Island, New York
Maritime, Fire - Maritime / Marine Casualties, Admiralty, Maritime / Marine Collisions, Allisions, and/or Groundings, Marine fire / Marine fires / Marine Firefighting, Towing, Navigation Law, Underway Replenishment, Maritime Accident Investigations / Analysis / Consultation, Cargo Claims, Seaman Claims
CAPT Sean P. Tortora, M.S., U.S.M.S., is a Master Mariner with twenty-five years at sea. He is also an unlimited Master of towing vessels and Master and Commander of U.S Naval underway replenishment vessels. During his career at sea, CAPT Tortora had command of many different classes of vessels, including tankers, dry cargo, break bulk, ammunition, ocean towing, and salvage, special mission, as well as underway replenishment vessels. CAPT Tortora is a native of Long Island, New York. He is a graduate of Chaminade High School and holds a BS in Marine Transportation and MS, with honors, in International Transportation Management, both from the State University of New York Maritime College at Ft. Schuyler. He has served in the first Gulf War 1991-1992, Operation Noble Eagle—the response to the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, and Operation Iraqi Freedom—the second Gulf War from 2002-2010. CAPT Tortora’s decorations include U.S. Navy MSC-Command-at-Sea Designato...

Kevin A Rider, PhD, PE, CPE

Forensic Human Factors, LLC

Columbus, Ohio
Human Factors, Engineering - Distracted driving, Driving behavior, Reconstruction, Biomechanics, Maritime, Manufacturing, Mining, OSHA, Premises Liability, Products Liability, Safety, Slips, Trips, Falls, Transportation, Warnings, Conspicuity, Cell phones, Texting, Lighting
Dr. Kevin Rider is a human factors expert and owner of Forensic Human Factors, LLC, providing investigations, reports and expert testimony for personal injury cases – plaintiff and defense. His expertise involves investigating how people interact with other people, products and environments in predictable ways, and applying this understanding to effective, efficient and safe products, services and systems. He has been retained as an expert in more than 40 states (+ Puerto Rico). Dr. Rider’s expertise includes: • MVAs and pedestrian collisions, incl. trucks, trains, buses, motor/bicycles • Illumination, nighttime visibility, and conspicuity • DUI/DWIs, where intoxication was not a proximate cause of crash • Adequacy of product designs and warnings • The design and maintenance of safe civil and occupational environments • Premises liability, and slips, trips and falls • Workplace and construction safety Dr. Rider is a Professional Engineer (PE), a Certified Professional Ergonomi...

Richard A Shema, CCM, LLP

Lakeville, Pennsylvania
Meteorology, Maritime - Weather reconstruction, forensic meteorology, weather, marine meteorology, maritime, admirality law, weather routing, ship accidents, boating accidents, consulting meteorologists, tropical cyclones, hurricanes, tropical meteorology, extreme waves, oceanography, waves, marine insurance, insurance
• Certified Consulting Meteorologist (CCM) by the American Meteorological Society • Over 30 years experience in meteorology and physical oceanography • I am a U.S. Navy veteran with sea duty and therefore have firsthand experience in the effects of weather on operations • Past AMS board member that certifies CCM’s for technical knowledge, communication skills, and ethics • I provide quality testimony using the scientific method • My testimony is clear, concise, and technically complicated subjects are plainly described • Sound communication skills describing complex atmospheric processes are put into easily understandable words and presentations • My written testimony is quality controlled and peer reviewed to produce an error free report that stands up to scrutiny of cross examination • I keep abreast of the latest scientific developments in meteorology and physical oceanography by attending conferences, re...

Captain Kurt M. Hallier

Maritime Perspective Inc.

Montgomery, Texas
Maritime, Safety - Vessel Management, Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers, Gas Carriers, Bulk Carriers, Ferries, Marine Terminals, Incident Response, Accident Investigations, Personal Injury, Fires, Collisions, Allisions, Groundings, Loss Control, Vessel Salvage, Offshore Operations, Marine Pilots, Navigation and Waterways
Master Mariner and Marine Manager with more than 40 years of proven global experience in managing shoreside, shipboard, offshore facility, and terminal operations within the petroleum industry. Successfully resolved complex issues by collaborating with international, federal, state, and local agencies. Recognized as an industry expert in terminal operations, incident management, safety, quality, and environmental affairs. Demonstrated proficiency in conducting port, terminal, and offshore assessments to optimize operations and improve safety. Known for utilizing a robust network of global marine experts to effectively manage risk and enhance the performance of marine assets. Responded to the Exxon Valdez oil spill and Deputy Incident Commander for the salvage of the OMI Charger in Galveston Bay. 30+ years as a member of a major oil company Tier One Incident Response Team responding to actual oil spills, salvage operations, fires, vessel collisions, groundings and allisions. Partic...

Reginald E. McKamie, MBA, CPA, JD

Houston, Texas
Maritime - Captain, Seaman, Gangway, Master Mariner, Seamanship, Boat, Ship, Collision, Deck, Shipboard Safety, Allision, Cruise
Captain McKamie has 48 years of experience in the maritime industry both at sea and ashore. Captain McKamie is a licensed Unlimited Master Mariner for over 33 years and is a retired U. S. Navy Captain. At sea Captain McKamie was Captain of a very large crude carrier that traded on U. S. domestic and international voyages. While in the Navy Captain McKamie taught shiphandling to Prospective Commanding Officers and Prospective Executive Officers at the Navy School for Shiphandling. Ashore Captain McKamie has management experience in vessel manning, crew training and marine insurance. McKamie, a graduate of the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York might assist you in matters involving marine cargo, marine insurance, marine casualties, marine collisions, marine navigation, marine seamanship, deck seamanship, marine allisions, marine rules of the road, seamanship, seaman claims, marine radar, International Safety Management Code (ISM) application, SOLAS, marine safet...

Captain Peter McGuiness

American Maritime Information Service LLC

Vancouver, Washington
Maritime, Management - newbuilding sea trials, bridge resource management, watchkeeping, watchstanding, navigation, shiphandling, tanker operations, cruise ship operations, quality and safety management systems, ISM Code, ISPS Code, regulations for preventing collisions at sea (“Rules of the Road”), teaching and training
Highly accomplished shipmaster and manager of over thirty years’ commercial maritime industry experience. EXPERIENCE -- Newbuilding sea trials shipmaster (over 100 sea trials in over 50 new ships) -- Operations, health, environment and safety superintendent -- Quality and safety management system lead auditor -- Shipmaster and officer in commercial merchant ships on international and US coastwise voyages -- Appointed shipmaster of a new refined products tanker in US coastwise service, at age thirty -- Served as second mate and chief mate on four maiden voyages, two on new trade routes for the respective shipowners EXPERTISE -- Command in newbuilding sea trials -- Bridge resource management, watchstanding, watchkeeping, navigation, shiphandling -- Petroleum tankship operations -- Tanker Management Self-Assessment 3 (TMSA3) -- Cruise ship operations including operation of their tender boats and rescue boats -- Design, administration and audit of quality management syste...

Captain Ronald J Short

Licensed Maritime Master of Oceans (retired)

Short Maritime Consultants, LLC.

Yakima, Washington
Maritime - Safety Training, Risk Management, Master 1600 ton Oceans, STCW, Maintenance Management, Research Operations, Root Cause Analysis, SOLAS, ISM, Small Passenger Ship Operations <1600 Gross Tons Domestic, Vessel Risk Assessment, SMS, Sport Boat, Bridge Resource Management
Professional Summary Ronald J. Short is a highly proficient, motivated, and dynamic licensed Master with extensive experience in vessel management, both internationally and along coastal regions. He has worked with various types of vessels, including passenger, supply, oceanographic, break bulk, and special purpose explosive carriers. Ronald excels in maintaining effective working relationships and employs a high-energy, hands-on approach to management, demonstrating excellent communication skills and critical thinking during vessel operations. He is committed to continuous learning and applying new technologies and industry trends. Key Skills: • Ship Piloting and Navigation • Operations Management • Productivity Enhancement • Crew Training and Management • Marine Research Operations • Critical Problem Solving • Safety and Emergency Procedures • Team Building & Leadership • Process Improvement • Maritime Safety Training • Client Relationship Management • Cost Containment • Mainten...
You can also find Maritime Expert Witnesses in:
California, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington